예제 #1
def zeta__exact(n):
    Returns the exact value of the Riemann Zeta function

    The argument must be a critical value, namely either positive even
    or negative odd.

    See for example [Iwa1972]_, p13, Special value of `\zeta(2k)`


    Let us test the accuracy for negative special values::

        sage: RR = RealField(100)
        sage: for i in range(1,10):
        ....:     print("zeta({}): {}".format(1-2*i, RR(zeta__exact(1-2*i)) - zeta(RR(1-2*i))))
        zeta(-1): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-3): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-5): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-7): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-9): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-11): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-13): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-15): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-17): 0.00000000000000000000000000000

    Let us test the accuracy for positive special values::

        sage: all(abs(RR(zeta__exact(2*i))-zeta(RR(2*i))) < 10**(-28) for i in range(1,10))


        sage: zeta__exact(4)
        sage: zeta__exact(-3)
        sage: zeta__exact(0)
        sage: zeta__exact(5)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: n must be a critical value (i.e. even > 0 or odd < 0)


    - [Iwa1972]_
    - [IR1990]_
    - [Was1997]_
    if n < 0:
        return bernoulli(1 - n) / (n - 1)
    elif n > 1:
        if (n % 2 == 0):
            return ZZ(-1)**(n // 2 + 1) * ZZ(2)**(
                n - 1) * pi**n * bernoulli(n) / factorial(n)
            raise TypeError(
                "n must be a critical value (i.e. even > 0 or odd < 0)")
    elif n == 1:
        return infinity
    elif n == 0:
        return QQ((-1, 2))
def local_badI_density_congruence(self, p, m, Zvec=None, NZvec=None):
    Finds the Bad-type I local density of Q representing `m` at `p`.
    (Assuming that p > 2 and Q is given in local diagonal form.)

        Q -- quadratic form assumed to be block diagonal and `p`-integral

        `p` -- a prime number

        `m` -- an integer

        Zvec, NZvec -- non-repeating lists of integers in range(self.dim()) or None

        a rational number


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,2,3])
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(2, 1, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(2, 2, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(2, 4, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 1, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 6, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 9, None, None)


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,1,1,1])
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(2, 1, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(2, 2, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(2, 4, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 2, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 6, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 9, None, None)


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,3,3,9])
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 1, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 3, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 6, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 9, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 18, None, None)

    verbose(" In local_badI_density_congruence with ")
    verbose(" Q is: \n" + str(self))
    verbose(" p = " + str(p))
    verbose(" m = " + str(m))
    verbose(" Zvec = " + str(Zvec))
    verbose(" NZvec = " + str(NZvec))

    ## Put the Zvec congruence condition in a standard form
    if Zvec == None:
        Zvec = []

    n = self.dim()

    ## Sanity Check on Zvec and NZvec:
    ## -------------------------------
    Sn = Set(range(n))
    if (Zvec != None) and (len(Set(Zvec) + Sn) > n):
        raise RuntimeError("Zvec must be a subset of {0, ..., n-1}.")
    if (NZvec != None) and (len(Set(NZvec) + Sn) > n):
        raise RuntimeError("NZvec must be a subset of {0, ..., n-1}.")

    ## Define the indexing set S_0, and determine if S_1 is empty:
    ## -----------------------------------------------------------
    S0 = []
    S1_empty_flag = True    ## This is used to check if we should be computing BI solutions at all!
                            ## (We should really to this earlier, but S1 must be non-zero to proceed.)

    ## Find the valuation of each variable (which will be the same over 2x2 blocks),
    ## remembering those of valuation 0 and if an entry of valuation 1 exists.
    for i in range(n):

        ## Compute the valuation of each index, allowing for off-diagonal terms
        if (self[i,i] == 0):
            if (i == 0):
                val = valuation(self[i,i+1], p)    ## Look at the term to the right
                if (i == n-1):
                    val = valuation(self[i-1,i], p)    ## Look at the term above
                    val = valuation(self[i,i+1] + self[i-1,i], p)    ## Finds the valuation of the off-diagonal term since only one isn't zero
            val = valuation(self[i,i], p)

        if (val == 0):
            S0 += [i]
        elif (val == 1):
            S1_empty_flag = False    ## Need to have a non-empty S1 set to proceed with Bad-type I reduction...

    ## Check that S1 is non-empty and p|m to proceed, otherwise return no solutions.
    if (S1_empty_flag == True) or (m % p != 0):
        return 0

    ## Check some conditions for no bad-type I solutions to exist
    if (NZvec != None) and (len(Set(S0).intersection(Set(NZvec))) != 0):
        return 0

    ## Check that the form is primitive...                     WHY DO WE NEED TO DO THIS?!?
    if (S0 == []):
        print " Using Q = " + str(self)
        print " and p = " + str(p)
        raise RuntimeError("Oops! The form is not primitive!")

    verbose(" m = " + str(m) + "   p = " + str(p))
    verbose(" S0 = " + str(S0))
    verbose(" len(S0) = " + str(len(S0)))

    ## Make the form Qnew for the reduction procedure:
    ## -----------------------------------------------
    Qnew = deepcopy(self)                                          ## TO DO:  DO THIS WITHOUT A copy(). =)
    for i in range(n):
        if i in S0:
            Qnew[i,i] = p * Qnew[i,i]
            if ((p == 2) and (i < n-1)):
                Qnew[i,i+1] = p * Qnew[i,i+1]
            Qnew[i,i] = Qnew[i,i] / p
            if ((p == 2) and (i < n-1)):
                Qnew[i,i+1] = Qnew[i,i+1] / p

    verbose("\n\n Check of Bad-type I reduction: \n")
    verbose(" Q is " + str(self))
    verbose(" Qnew is " + str(Qnew))
    verbose(" p = " + str(p))
    verbose(" m / p = " + str(m/p))
    verbose(" NZvec " + str(NZvec))

    ## Do the reduction
    Zvec_geq_1 = list(Set([i  for i in Zvec  if i not in S0]))
    if NZvec == None:
        NZvec_geq_1 = NZvec
        NZvec_geq_1 = list(Set([i  for i in NZvec  if i not in S0]))

    return QQ(p**(1 - len(S0))) * Qnew.local_good_density_congruence(p, m / p, Zvec_geq_1, NZvec_geq_1)
def local_badII_density_congruence(self, p, m, Zvec=None, NZvec=None):
    Finds the Bad-type II local density of Q representing `m` at `p`.
    (Assuming that `p` > 2 and Q is given in local diagonal form.)

        Q -- quadratic form assumed to be block diagonal and p-integral

        `p` -- a prime number

        `m` -- an integer

        Zvec, NZvec -- non-repeating lists of integers in range(self.dim()) or None

        a rational number


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,2,3])
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(2, 1, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(2, 2, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(2, 4, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(3, 1, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(3, 6, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(3, 9, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(3, 27, None, None)


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,3,3,9,9])
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(3, 1, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(3, 3, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(3, 6, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(3, 9, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(3, 18, None, None)

    verbose(" In local_badII_density_congruence with ")
    verbose(" Q is: \n" + str(self))
    verbose(" p = " + str(p))
    verbose(" m = " + str(m))
    verbose(" Zvec = " + str(Zvec))
    verbose(" NZvec = " + str(NZvec))

    ## Put the Zvec congruence condition in a standard form
    if Zvec == None:
        Zvec = []

    n = self.dim()

    ## Sanity Check on Zvec and NZvec:
    ## -------------------------------
    Sn = Set(range(n))
    if (Zvec != None) and (len(Set(Zvec) + Sn) > n):
        raise RuntimeError("Zvec must be a subset of {0, ..., n-1}.")
    if (NZvec != None) and (len(Set(NZvec) + Sn) > n):
        raise RuntimeError("NZvec must be a subset of {0, ..., n-1}.")

    ## Define the indexing sets S_i:
    ## -----------------------------
    S0 = []
    S1 = []
    S2plus = []

    for i in range(n):

        ## Compute the valuation of each index, allowing for off-diagonal terms
        if (self[i,i] == 0):
            if (i == 0):
                val = valuation(self[i,i+1], p)    ## Look at the term to the right
            elif (i == n-1):
                val = valuation(self[i-1,i], p)    ## Look at the term above
                val = valuation(self[i,i+1] + self[i-1,i], p)    ## Finds the valuation of the off-diagonal term since only one isn't zero
            val = valuation(self[i,i], p)

        ## Sort the indices into disjoint sets by their valuation
        if (val == 0):
            S0 += [i]
        elif (val == 1):
            S1 += [i]
        elif (val >= 2):
            S2plus += [i]

    ## Check that S2 is non-empty and p^2 divides m to proceed, otherwise return no solutions.
    p2 = p * p
    if (S2plus == []) or (m % p2 != 0):
        return 0

    ## Check some conditions for no bad-type II solutions to exist
    if (NZvec != None) and (len(Set(S2plus).intersection(Set(NZvec))) == 0):
        return 0

    ## Check that the form is primitive...                     WHY IS THIS NECESSARY?
    if (S0 == []):
        print " Using Q = " + str(self)
        print " and p = " + str(p)
        raise RuntimeError("Oops! The form is not primitive!")

    verbose("\n Entering BII routine ")
    verbose(" S0 is " + str(S0))
    verbose(" S1 is " + str(S1))
    verbose(" S2plus is " + str(S2plus))
    verbose(" m = " + str(m) + "   p = " + str(p))

    ## Make the form Qnew for the reduction procedure:
    ## -----------------------------------------------
    Qnew = deepcopy(self)                                          ## TO DO:  DO THIS WITHOUT A copy(). =)
    for i in range(n):
        if i in S2plus:
            Qnew[i,i] = Qnew[i,i] / p2
            if (p == 2) and (i < n-1):
                Qnew[i,i+1] = Qnew[i,i+1] / p2

    verbose("\n\n Check of Bad-type II reduction: \n")
    verbose(" Q is " + str(self))
    verbose(" Qnew is " + str(Qnew))

    ## Perform the reduction formula
    Zvec_geq_2 = list(Set([i  for i in Zvec  if i in S2plus]))
    if NZvec == None:
        NZvec_geq_2 = NZvec
        NZvec_geq_2 = list(Set([i  for i in NZvec  if i in S2plus]))

    return QQ(p**(len(S2plus) + 2 - n)) \
        * (Qnew.local_density_congruence(p, m / p2, Zvec_geq_2, NZvec_geq_2) \
        - Qnew.local_density_congruence(p, m / p2, S2plus , NZvec_geq_2))
예제 #4
from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
from ore_algebra import DifferentialOperators

IVP = collections.namedtuple("IVP", ["dop", "ini"])

DiffOps_a, a, Da = DifferentialOperators(QQ, 'a')
koutschan1 = IVP(
    dop=(1315013644371957611900 * a**2 + 263002728874391522380 * a +
         13150136443719576119) * Da**3 +
    (2630027288743915223800 * a**2 + 16306169190212274387560 * a +
     1604316646133788286518) * Da**2 +
    (1315013644371957611900 * a**2 - 39881765316802329075320 * a +
     35449082663034775873349) * Da +
    (-278967152068515080896550 + 6575068221859788059500 * a),
        QQ(5494216492395559) / 3051757812500000000000000000000,
        QQ(6932746783438351) / 610351562500000000000000000000,
        1 / QQ(2) * QQ(1142339612827789) / 19073486328125000000000000000

y, z = PolynomialRing(QQ, ['y', 'z']).gens()
salvy1_pol = (16 * y**6 * z**2 + 8 * y**5 * z**3 + y**4 * z**4 +
              128 * y**5 * z**2 + 48 * y**4 * z**3 + 4 * y**3 * z**4 +
              32 * y**5 * z + 372 * y**4 * z**2 + 107 * y**3 * z**3 +
              6 * y**2 * z**4 + 88 * y**4 * z + 498 * y**3 * z**2 +
              113 * y**2 * z**3 + 4 * y * z**4 + 16 * y**4 + 43 * y**3 * z +
              311 * y**2 * z**2 + 57 * y * z**3 + z**4 + 24 * y**3 -
              43 * y**2 * z + 72 * y * z**2 + 11 * z**3 + 12 * y**2 -
              30 * y * z - z**2 + 2 * y)
DiffOps_z, z, Dz = DifferentialOperators(QQ, 'z')
salvy1_dop = (
def Kitaoka_mass_at_2(self):
    Returns the local mass of the quadratic form when `p=2`, according
    to Theorem 5.6.3 on pp108--9 of Kitaoka's Book "The Arithmetic of
    Quadratic Forms".


        a rational number > 0


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,1,1])
        sage: Q.Kitaoka_mass_at_2()   ## WARNING:  WE NEED TO CHECK THIS CAREFULLY!

    ## Make a 0-dim'l quadratic form (for initialization purposes)
    Null_Form = copy.deepcopy(self)
    Null_Form.__init__(ZZ, 0)

    ## Step 0: Compute Jordan blocks and bounds of the scales to keep track of
    Jordan_Blocks = self.jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular(2)
    scale_list = [B[0] for B in Jordan_Blocks]
    s_min = min(scale_list)
    s_max = max(scale_list)

    ## Step 1: Compute dictionaries of the diagonal block and 2x2 block for each scale
    diag_dict = dict(
        (i, Null_Form)
        for i in range(s_min - 2, s_max + 4))  ## Initialize with the zero form
    dim2_dict = dict(
        (i, Null_Form)
        for i in range(s_min, s_max + 4))  ## Initialize with the zero form
    for (s, L) in Jordan_Blocks:
        i = 0
        while (i < L.dim() - 1) and (L[i, i + 1]
                                     == 0):  ## Find where the 2x2 blocks start
            i = i + 1
        if i < (L.dim() - 1):
            diag_dict[s] = L.extract_variables(range(i))  ## Diagonal Form
            dim2_dict[s + 1] = L.extract_variables(range(
                i, L.dim()))  ## Non-diagonal Form
            diag_dict[s] = L

    #print "diag_dict = ", diag_dict
    #print "dim2_dict = ", dim2_dict
    #print "Jordan_Blocks = ", Jordan_Blocks

    ##################  START EDITING HERE  ##################

    ## Compute q := sum of the q_j
    q = 0
    for j in range(s_min, s_max + 1):
        if diag_dict[j].dim(
        ) > 0:  ## Check that N_j is odd (i.e. rep'ns an odd #)
            if diag_dict[j + 1].dim() == 0:
                q += Jordan_Blocks[j][1].dim(
                )  ## When N_{j+1} is "even", add n_j
                q += Jordan_Blocks[j][1].dim(
                ) + 1  ## When N_{j+1} is "odd", add n_j + 1

    ## Compute P = product of the P_j
    P = QQ(1)
    for j in range(s_min, s_max + 1):
        tmp_m = dim2_dict[j].dim() / 2
        P *= prod([QQ(1) - QQ(4**(-k)) for j in range(1, tmp_m + 1)])

    ## Compute the product E := prod_j (1 / E_j)
    E = QQ(1)
    for j in range(s_min - 1, s_max + 2):
        if (diag_dict[j-1].dim() == 0) and (diag_dict[j+1].dim() == 0) and \
           ((diag_dict[j].dim() != 2) or (((diag_dict[j][0,0] - diag_dict[j][1,1]) % 4) != 0)):

            ## Deal with the complicated case:
            tmp_m = dim2_dict[j].dim() / 2
            if dim2_dict[j].is_hyperbolic(2):
                E *= 2 / (1 + 2**(-tmp_m))
                E *= 2 / (1 - 2**(-tmp_m))

            E *= 2

    #print "\nFinal Summary:"
    #print "nu =", nu
    #print "q = ", q
    #print "P = ", P
    #print "E = ", E

    ## Compute the exponent w
    w = QQ(0)
    for j in range(s_min, s_max + 1):
        n_j = Jordan_Blocks[j][1].dim()
        for k in range(j + 1, s_max + 1):
            n_k = Jordan_Blocks[k][1].dim()
            w += j * n_j * (n_k + QQ(n_j + 1) / 2)

    ## Step 5: Compute the local mass for the prime 2.
    mass_at_2 = (QQ(2)**(w - q)) * P * E
    return mass_at_2
예제 #6
def braid_monodromy(f):
    Compute the braid monodromy of a projection of the curve defined by a polynomial


    - ``f`` -- a polynomial with two variables, over a number field with an embedding
      in the complex numbers.


    A list of braids. The braids correspond to paths based in the same point;
    each of this paths is the conjugated of a loop around one of the points
    in the discriminant of the projection of ``f``.

    .. NOTE::

        The projection over the `x` axis is used if there are no vertical asymptotes.
        Otherwise, a linear change of variables is done to fall into the previous case.


        sage: from sage.schemes.curves.zariski_vankampen import braid_monodromy
        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: f = (x^2-y^3)*(x+3*y-5)
        sage: braid_monodromy(f)  # optional - sirocco

    global roots_interval_cache
    (x, y) = f.parent().gens()
    F = f.base_ring()
    g = f.radical()
    d = g.degree(y)
    while not g.coefficient(y**d) in F:
        g = g.subs({x: x + y})
        d = g.degree(y)
    disc = discrim(g)
    V = corrected_voronoi_diagram(tuple(disc))
    G = Graph()
    for reg in V.regions().values():
        G = G.union(reg.vertex_graph())
    E = Graph()
    for reg in V.regions().values():
        if reg.rays() or reg.lines():
            E = E.union(reg.vertex_graph())
    p = next(E.vertex_iterator())
    geombasis = geometric_basis(G, E, p)
    segs = set([])
    for p in geombasis:
        for s in zip(p[:-1], p[1:]):
            if (s[1], s[0]) not in segs:
                segs.add((s[0], s[1]))
    I = QQbar.gen()
    segs = [(a[0] + I * a[1], b[0] + I * b[1]) for (a, b) in segs]
    vertices = list(set(flatten(segs)))
    tocacheverts = [(g, v) for v in vertices]
    gfac = g.factor()
        braidscomputed = list(
            braid_in_segment([(gfac, seg[0], seg[1]) for seg in segs]))
    except ChildProcessError:  # hack to deal with random fails first time
        braidscomputed = list(
            braid_in_segment([(gfac, seg[0], seg[1]) for seg in segs]))
    segsbraids = dict()
    for braidcomputed in braidscomputed:
        seg = (braidcomputed[0][0][1], braidcomputed[0][0][2])
        beginseg = (QQ(seg[0].real()), QQ(seg[0].imag()))
        endseg = (QQ(seg[1].real()), QQ(seg[1].imag()))
        b = braidcomputed[1]
        segsbraids[(beginseg, endseg)] = b
        segsbraids[(endseg, beginseg)] = b.inverse()
    B = b.parent()
    result = []
    for path in geombasis:
        braidpath = B.one()
        for i in range(len(path) - 1):
            x0 = tuple(path[i].vector())
            x1 = tuple(path[i + 1].vector())
            braidpath = braidpath * segsbraids[(x0, x1)]
    return result
예제 #7
    def _closed_form(hyp):
        a, b, z = hyp.operands()
        a, b = a.operands(), b.operands()
        p, q = len(a), len(b)

        if z == 0:
            return Integer(1)
        if p == q == 0:
            return exp(z)
        if p == 1 and q == 0:
            return (1 - z) ** (-a[0])

        if p == 0 and q == 1:
            # TODO: make this require only linear time
            def _0f1(b, z):
                F12 = cosh(2 * sqrt(z))
                F32 = sinh(2 * sqrt(z)) / (2 * sqrt(z))
                if 2 * b == 1:
                    return F12
                if 2 * b == 3:
                    return F32
                if 2 * b > 3:
                    return ((b - 2) * (b - 1) / z * (_0f1(b - 2, z) -
                            _0f1(b - 1, z)))
                if 2 * b < 1:
                    return (_0f1(b + 1, z) + z / (b * (b + 1)) *
                            _0f1(b + 2, z))
                raise ValueError
            # Can evaluate 0F1 in terms of elementary functions when
            # the parameter is a half-integer
            if 2 * b[0] in ZZ and b[0] not in ZZ:
                return _0f1(b[0], z)

        # Confluent hypergeometric function
        if p == 1 and q == 1:
            aa, bb = a[0], b[0]
            if aa * 2 == 1 and bb * 2 == 3:
                t = sqrt(-z)
                return sqrt(pi) / 2 * erf(t) / t
            if a == 1 and b == 2:
                return (exp(z) - 1) / z
            n, m = aa, bb
            if n in ZZ and m in ZZ and m > 0 and n > 0:
                rf = rising_factorial
                if m <= n:
                    return (exp(z) * sum(rf(m - n, k) * (-z) ** k /
                            factorial(k) / rf(m, k) for k in
                            range(n - m + 1)))
                    T = sum(rf(n - m + 1, k) * z ** k /
                            (factorial(k) * rf(2 - m, k)) for k in
                            range(m - n))
                    U = sum(rf(1 - n, k) * (-z) ** k /
                            (factorial(k) * rf(2 - m, k)) for k in
                    return (factorial(m - 2) * rf(1 - m, n) *
                            z ** (1 - m) / factorial(n - 1) *
                            (T - exp(z) * U))

        if p == 2 and q == 1:
            R12 = QQ('1/2')
            R32 = QQ('3/2')

            def _2f1(a, b, c, z):
                Evaluation of 2F1(a, b; c; z), assuming a, b, c positive
                integers or half-integers
                if b == c:
                    return (1 - z) ** (-a)
                if a == c:
                    return (1 - z) ** (-b)
                if a == 0 or b == 0:
                    return Integer(1)
                if a > b:
                    a, b = b, a
                if b >= 2:
                    F1 = _2f1(a, b - 1, c, z)
                    F2 = _2f1(a, b - 2, c, z)
                    q = (b - 1) * (z - 1)
                    return (((c - 2 * b + 2 + (b - a - 1) * z) * F1 +
                            (b - c - 1) * F2) / q)
                if c > 2:
                    # how to handle this case?
                    if a - c + 1 == 0 or b - c + 1 == 0:
                        raise NotImplementedError
                    F1 = _2f1(a, b, c - 1, z)
                    F2 = _2f1(a, b, c - 2, z)
                    r1 = (c - 1) * (2 - c - (a + b - 2 * c + 3) * z)
                    r2 = (c - 1) * (c - 2) * (1 - z)
                    q = (a - c + 1) * (b - c + 1) * z
                    return (r1 * F1 + r2 * F2) / q

                if (a, b, c) == (R12, 1, 2):
                    return (2 - 2 * sqrt(1 - z)) / z
                if (a, b, c) == (1, 1, 2):
                    return -log(1 - z) / z
                if (a, b, c) == (1, R32, R12):
                    return (1 + z) / (1 - z) ** 2
                if (a, b, c) == (1, R32, 2):
                    return 2 * (1 / sqrt(1 - z) - 1) / z
                if (a, b, c) == (R32, 2, R12):
                    return (1 + 3 * z) / (1 - z) ** 3
                if (a, b, c) == (R32, 2, 1):
                    return (2 + z) / (2 * (sqrt(1 - z) * (1 - z) ** 2))
                if (a, b, c) == (2, 2, 1):
                    return (1 + z) / (1 - z) ** 3
                raise NotImplementedError
            aa, bb = a
            cc, = b
            if z == 1:
                return (gamma(cc) * gamma(cc - aa - bb) / gamma(cc - aa) /
                        gamma(cc - bb))
            if ((aa * 2) in ZZ and (bb * 2) in ZZ and (cc * 2) in ZZ and
                aa > 0 and bb > 0 and cc > 0):
                    return _2f1(aa, bb, cc, z)
                except NotImplementedError:
        return hyp
예제 #8
    def H_value(self, p, f, t, ring=None):
        Return the trace of the Frobenius, computed in terms of Gauss sums
        using the hypergeometric trace formula.


        - `p` -- a prime number

        - `f` -- an integer such that `q = p^f`

        - `t` -- a rational parameter

        - ``ring`` -- optional (default ``UniversalCyclotomicfield``)

        The ring could be also ``ComplexField(n)`` or ``QQbar``.


        an integer

        .. WARNING::

            This is apparently working correctly as can be tested
            using ComplexField(70) as value ring.

            Using instead UniversalCyclotomicfield, this is much
            slower than the `p`-adic version :meth:`padic_H_value`.


        With values in the UniversalCyclotomicField (slow)::

            sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
            sage: H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/2]*4,[0]*4))
            sage: [H.H_value(3,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
            [0, -12]
            sage: [H.H_value(5,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
            [-4, 276]
            sage: [H.H_value(7,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]  # not tested
            [0, -476]
            sage: [H.H_value(11,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]  # not tested
            [0, -4972]
            sage: [H.H_value(13,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]  # not tested
            [-84, -1420]

        With values in ComplexField::

            sage: [H.H_value(5,i,-1, ComplexField(60)) for i in range(1,3)]
            [-4, 276]


        - [BeCoMe]_ (Theorem 1.3)
        - [Benasque2009]_
        alpha = self._alpha
        beta = self._beta
        if 0 in alpha:
            H = self.swap_alpha_beta()
            return (H.H_value(p, f, ~t, ring))
        if ring is None:
            ring = UniversalCyclotomicField()
        t = QQ(t)
        gamma = self.gamma_array()
        q = p**f

        m = {r: beta.count(QQ((r, q - 1))) for r in range(q - 1)}
        D = -min(self.zigzag(x, flip_beta=True) for x in alpha + beta)
        # also: D = (self.weight() + 1 - m[0]) // 2
        M = self.M_value()

        Fq = GF(q)
        gen = Fq.multiplicative_generator()
        zeta_q = ring.zeta(q - 1)

        tM = Fq(M / t)
        for k in range(q - 1):
            if gen**k == tM:
                teich = zeta_q**k

        gauss_table = [gauss_sum(zeta_q**r, Fq) for r in range(q - 1)]

        sigma = sum(q**(D + m[0] - m[r]) *
                    prod(gauss_table[(-v * r) % (q - 1)]**gv
                         for v, gv in gamma.items()) * teich**r
                    for r in range(q - 1))
        resu = ZZ(-1)**m[0] / (1 - q) * sigma
        if not ring.is_exact():
            resu = resu.real_part().round()
        return resu
예제 #9
    def padic_H_value(self, p, f, t, prec=20):
        Return the `p`-adic trace of Frobenius, computed using the
        Gross-Koblitz formula.


        - `p` -- a prime number

        - `f` -- an integer such that `q = p^f`

        - `t` -- a rational parameter

        - ``prec`` -- precision (optional, default 20)


        an integer


        From Benasque report [Benasque2009]_, page 8::

            sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
            sage: H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/2]*4,[0]*4))
            sage: [H.padic_H_value(3,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
            [0, -12]
            sage: [H.padic_H_value(5,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
            [-4, 276]
            sage: [H.padic_H_value(7,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
            [0, -476]
            sage: [H.padic_H_value(11,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
            [0, -4972]

        From [Roberts2015]_ (but note conventions regarding `t`)::

            sage: H = Hyp(gamma_list=[-6,-1,4,3])
            sage: t = 189/125
            sage: H.padic_H_value(13,1,1/t)


        - [MagmaHGM]_
        alpha = self._alpha
        beta = self._beta
        if 0 in alpha:
            H = self.swap_alpha_beta()
            return (H.padic_H_value(p, f, ~t, prec))
        t = QQ(t)
        gamma = self.gamma_array()
        q = p**f

        m = {r: beta.count(QQ((r, q - 1))) for r in range(q - 1)}
        M = self.M_value()
        D = -min(self.zigzag(x, flip_beta=True) for x in alpha + beta)
        # also: D = (self.weight() + 1 - m[0]) // 2

        gauss_table = [
            padic_gauss_sum(r, p, f, prec, factored=True) for r in range(q - 1)

        p_ring = Zp(p, prec=prec)
        teich = p_ring.teichmuller(M / t)
        sigma = sum(q**(D + m[0] - m[r]) *
                    (-p)**(sum(gauss_table[(v * r) % (q - 1)][0] * gv
                               for v, gv in gamma.items()) // (p - 1)) *
                    prod(gauss_table[(v * r) % (q - 1)][1]**gv
                         for v, gv in gamma.items()) * teich**r
                    for r in range(q - 1))
        resu = ZZ(-1)**m[0] / (1 - q) * sigma
        return IntegerModRing(p**prec)(resu).lift_centered()
예제 #10
def braid_in_segment(f, x0, x1):
    Return the braid formed by the `y` roots of ``f`` when `x` moves
    from ``x0`` to ``x1``.


    - ``f`` -- a polynomial in two variables
    - ``x0`` -- a complex number
    - ``x1`` -- a complex number


    A braid.


        sage: from sage.schemes.curves.zariski_vankampen import braid_in_segment # optional - sirocco
        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: f = x^2 + y^3
        sage: x0 = CC(1,0)
        sage: x1 = CC(1, 0.5)
        sage: braid_in_segment(f, x0, x1) # optional - sirocco


    Check that :trac:`26503` is fixed::

        sage: wp = QQ['t']([1, 1, 1]).roots(QQbar)[0][0]
        sage: Kw.<wp> = NumberField(wp.minpoly(), embedding=wp)
        sage: R.<x, y> = Kw[]
        sage: z = -wp - 1
        sage: f = y*(y + z)*x*(x - 1)*(x - y)*(x + z*y - 1)*(x + z*y + wp)
        sage: from sage.schemes.curves import zariski_vankampen as zvk
        sage: g = f.subs({x: x + 2*y})
        sage: p1 = QQbar(sqrt(-1/3))
        sage: p2 = QQbar(1/2+sqrt(-1/3)/2)
        sage: B = zvk.braid_in_segment(g,CC(p1),CC(p2)) # optional - sirocco
        sage: B.left_normal_form()  # optional - sirocco
        (1, s5)
    CC = ComplexField(64)
    (x, y) = f.variables()
    I = QQbar.gen()
    X0 = QQ(x0.real()) + I * QQ(x0.imag())
    X1 = QQ(x1.real()) + I * QQ(x1.imag())
    F0 = QQbar[y](f(X0, y))
    y0s = F0.roots(multiplicities=False)
    strands = [followstrand(f, x0, x1, CC(a)) for a in y0s]
    complexstrands = [[(a[0], CC(a[1], a[2])) for a in b] for b in strands]
    centralbraid = braid_from_piecewise(complexstrands)
    initialstrands = []
    y0aps = [c[0][1] for c in complexstrands]
    used = []
    for y0ap in y0aps:
        distances = [((y0ap - y0).norm(), y0) for y0 in y0s]
        y0 = sorted(distances)[0][1]
        if y0 in used:
            raise ValueError("different roots are too close")
        initialstrands.append([(0, y0), (1, y0ap)])
    initialbraid = braid_from_piecewise(initialstrands)
    F1 = QQbar[y](f(X1, y))
    y1s = F1.roots(multiplicities=False)
    finalstrands = []
    y1aps = [c[-1][1] for c in complexstrands]
    used = []
    for y1ap in y1aps:
        distances = [((y1ap - y1).norm(), y1) for y1 in y1s]
        y1 = sorted(distances)[0][1]
        if y1 in used:
            raise ValueError("different roots are too close")
        finalstrands.append([(0, y1ap), (1, y1)])
    finallbraid = braid_from_piecewise(finalstrands)
    return initialbraid * centralbraid * finallbraid
    def _adjust_bounds(self):

            sage: from surface_dynamics import FatGraphs
            sage: FatGraphs(g=0, nv_max=4, vertex_min_degree=3)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: infinitely many fat graphs
            sage: FatGraphs(g=0, nf_max=4, vertex_min_degree=3)
            FatGraphs(g=0, nf_min=2, nf_max=4, ne_min=1, ne_max=4, nv_min=1, nv_max=3, vertex_min_degree=3)

            sage: F = FatGraphs(g=0, nv=2, ne=1, nf=2)
            sage: F
            sage: F.cardinality_and_weighted_cardinality()
            (0, 0)

            sage: FatGraphs(ne=0).list()
            [FatGraph('()', '()', '()')]
            sage: FatGraphs(ne=1).list()
            [FatGraph('(0,1)', '(0,1)', '(0)(1)'),
             FatGraph('(0)(1)', '(0,1)', '(0,1)')]
            sage: FatGraphs(ne=2).list()
            [FatGraph('(0,1,2,3)', '(0,2)(1,3)', '(0,1,2,3)'),
             FatGraph('(0,2,1)(3)', '(0,1)(2,3)', '(0,2,3)(1)'),
             FatGraph('(0,2)(1,3)', '(0,1)(2,3)', '(0,3)(1,2)'),
             FatGraph('(0,3,2,1)', '(0,1)(2,3)', '(0,2)(1)(3)'),
             FatGraph('(0,2)(1)(3)', '(0,1)(2,3)', '(0,1,2,3)')]
        # variable order: v, e, f, g
        from sage.geometry.polyhedron.constructor import Polyhedron
        eqns = [(-2, 1, -1, 1, 2)]  # -2 + v - e + f + 2g = 0
        ieqs = [
            (-self._vmin, 1, 0, 0, 0),  # -vim + v >= 0
            (-self._emin, 0, 1, 0, 0),  # -emin + e >= 0
            (-self._fmin, 0, 0, 1, 0),  # -fmin + f >= 0
            (-self._gmin, 0, 0, 0, 1),  # -gmin + g >= 0
            (0, -self._vertex_min_degree, 2, 0, 0)
        ]  # -v_min_degree*v + 2e >= 0
        if self._vmax is not None:
            ieqs.append((self._vmax - 1, -1, 0, 0, 0))  # v < vmax
        if self._emax is not None:
            ieqs.append((self._emax - 1, 0, -1, 0, 0))  # e < emax
        if self._fmax is not None:
            ieqs.append((self._fmax - 1, 0, 0, -1, 0))  # f < fmax
        if self._gmax is not None:
            ieqs.append((self._gmax - 1, 0, 0, 0, -1))  # g < gmax
        P = Polyhedron(ieqs=ieqs, eqns=eqns, ambient_dim=4, base_ring=QQ)
        if P.is_empty():
            self._vmin = self._vmax = 1
            self._emin = self._emax = 0
            self._fmin = self._fmax = 1
            self._gmin = self._gmax = 0
            self._vertex_min_degree = 0
        if not P.is_compact():
            raise ValueError('infinitely many fat graphs')

        half = QQ((1, 2))
        self._vmin, self._vmax = minmax([v[0] for v in P.vertices_list()])
        self._vmin = self._vmin.floor()
        self._vmax = (self._vmax + half).ceil()
        self._emin, self._emax = minmax([v[1] for v in P.vertices_list()])
        self._emin = self._emin.floor()
        self._emax = (self._emax + half).ceil()
        self._fmin, self._fmax = minmax([v[2] for v in P.vertices_list()])
        self._fmin = self._fmin.floor()
        self._fmax = (self._fmax + half).ceil()
        self._gmin, self._gmax = minmax([v[3] for v in P.vertices_list()])
        self._gmin = self._gmin.floor()
        self._gmax = (self._gmax + half).ceil()
예제 #12
    def padic_H_value(self, p, f, t, prec=None):
        Return the `p`-adic trace of Frobenius, computed using the
        Gross-Koblitz formula.


        - `p` -- a prime number

        - `f` -- an integer such that `q = p^f`

        - `t` -- a rational parameter

        - ``prec`` -- precision (optional, default 20)


        an integer


        From Benasque report [Benasque2009]_, page 8::

            sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
            sage: H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/2]*4,[0]*4))
            sage: [H.padic_H_value(3,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
            [0, -12]
            sage: [H.padic_H_value(5,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
            [-4, 276]
            sage: [H.padic_H_value(7,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
            [0, -476]
            sage: [H.padic_H_value(11,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
            [0, -4972]

        From [Roberts2015]_ (but note conventions regarding `t`)::

            sage: H = Hyp(gamma_list=[-6,-1,4,3])
            sage: t = 189/125
            sage: H.padic_H_value(13,1,1/t)


        - [MagmaHGM]_
        alpha = self._alpha
        beta = self._beta
        if 0 in alpha:
            H = self.swap_alpha_beta()
            return H.padic_H_value(p, f, ~t, prec)
        t = QQ(t)
        gamma = self.gamma_array()
        q = p**f

        #        m = {r: beta.count(QQ((r, q - 1))) for r in range(q - 1)}
        m = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
        for r in range(q - 1):
            u = QQ((r, q - 1))
            if u in beta:
                m[r] = beta.count(u)
        M = self.M_value()
        D = -min(self.zigzag(x, flip_beta=True) for x in alpha + beta)
        # also: D = (self.weight() + 1 - m[0]) // 2

        if prec is None:
            prec = (self.weight() * f) // 2 + ceil(log(self.degree(), p)) + 1
        # For some reason, working in Qp instead of Zp is much faster;
        # it appears to avoid some costly conversions.
        p_ring = Qp(p, prec=prec)
        teich = p_ring.teichmuller(M / t)

        gauss_table = [
                            parent=p_ring) for r in range(q - 1)

        sigma = sum(
            ((-p)**(sum(gauss_table[(v * r) % (q - 1)][0] * gv
                        for v, gv in gamma.items()) //
                    (p - 1)) * prod(gauss_table[(v * r) % (q - 1)][1]**gv
                                    for v, gv in gamma.items()) *
             teich**r) << (f * (D + m[0] - m[r])) for r in range(q - 1))
        resu = ZZ(-1)**m[0] / (1 - q) * sigma
        return IntegerModRing(p**prec)(resu).lift_centered()
예제 #13
def Min(Fun, p, ubRes, conj, all_orbits=False):
    Local loop for Affine_minimal, where we check minimality at the prime p.

    First we bound the possible k in our transformations A = zp^k + b.
    See Theorems 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 in [Molnar]_.


    - ``Fun`` -- a dynamical system on projective space

    - ``p`` - a prime

    - ``ubRes`` -- integer, the upper bound needed for Th. 3.3.3 in [Molnar]_

    - ``conj`` -- a 2x2 matrix keeping track of the conjugation

    - ``all_orbits`` -- boolean; whether or not to use ``==`` in the
      inequalities to find all orbits


    - boolean -- ``True`` if ``Fun`` is minimal at ``p``, ``False`` otherwise

    - a dynamical system on projective space minimal at ``p``


        sage: P.<x,y> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ, 1)
        sage: f = DynamicalSystem_projective([149*x^2 + 39*x*y + y^2, -8*x^2 + 137*x*y + 33*y^2])
        sage: from sage.dynamics.arithmetic_dynamics.endPN_minimal_model import Min
        sage: Min(f, 3, -27000000, matrix(QQ,[[1, 0],[0, 1]]))
        Dynamical System of Projective Space of dimension 1 over Rational Field
          Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y) to
                (157*x^2 + 72*x*y + 3*y^2 : -24*x^2 + 121*x*y + 54*y^2)        ,
        [3 1]
        [0 1]
    d = Fun.degree()
    AffFun = Fun.dehomogenize(1)
    R = AffFun.coordinate_ring()
    if R.is_field():
        #want the polynomial ring not the fraction field
        R = R.ring()
    F = R(AffFun[0].numerator())
    G = R(AffFun[0].denominator())
    dG = G.degree()
    # all_orbits scales bounds for >= and <= if searching for orbits instead of min model
    if dG > (d+1)/2:
        lowerBound = (-2*(G[dG]).valuation(p)/(2*dG - d + 1) + 1).floor() - int(all_orbits)
        lowerBound = (-2*(F[d]).valuation(p)/(d-1) + 1).floor() - int(all_orbits)
    upperBound = 2*(ubRes.valuation(p)) + int(all_orbits)

    if upperBound < lowerBound:
        # There are no possible transformations to reduce the resultant.
        if not all_orbits:
            return [Fun, conj]
        return []
    # Looping over each possible k, we search for transformations to reduce
    # the resultant of F/G
    all_found = []
    k = lowerBound
    Qb = PolynomialRing(QQ,'b')
    b = Qb.gen(0)
    Q = PolynomialRing(Qb,'z')
    z = Q.gen(0)
    while k <= upperBound:
        A = (p**k)*z + b
        Ft = Q(F(A) - b*G(A))
        Gt = Q((p**k)*G(A))
        Fcoeffs = Ft.coefficients(sparse=False)
        Gcoeffs = Gt.coefficients(sparse=False)
        coeffs = Fcoeffs + Gcoeffs
        RHS = (d + 1) * k / 2
        # If there is some b such that Res(phi^A) < Res(phi), we must have
        # ord_p(c) > RHS for each c in coeffs.
        # Make sure constant coefficients in coeffs satisfy the inequality.
        if all(QQ(c).valuation(p) > RHS - int(all_orbits)
               for c in coeffs if c.degree() == 0):
            # Constant coefficients in coeffs have large enough valuation, so
            # check the rest. We start by checking if simply picking b=0 works.
            if all(c(0).valuation(p) > RHS - int(all_orbits) for c in coeffs):
                # A = z*p^k satisfies the inequalities, and F/G is not minimal
                # "Conjugating by", p,"^", k, "*z +", 0
                newconj = matrix(QQ, 2, 2, [p**k, 0, 0, 1])
                minFun = Fun.conjugate(newconj)
                if not all_orbits:
                    return [minFun, conj*newconj]
                all_found.append([p, k, 0])

            # Otherwise we search if any value of b will work. We start by
            # finding a minimum bound on the valuation of b that is necessary.
            # See Theorem 3.3.5 in [Molnar, M.Sc. thesis].
            bval = max(bCheck(coeff, RHS, p, b) for coeff in coeffs if coeff.degree() > 0)

            # We scale the coefficients in coeffs, so that we may assume
            # ord_p(b) is at least 0
            scaledCoeffs = [coeff(b*(p**bval)) for coeff in coeffs]

            # We now scale the inequalities, ord_p(coeff) > RHS, so that
            # coeff is in ZZ[b]
            scale = QQ(max(coeff.denominator() for coeff in scaledCoeffs))
            normalizedCoeffs = [coeff * scale for coeff in scaledCoeffs]
            scaleRHS = RHS + scale.valuation(p)

            # We now search for integers that satisfy the inequality
            # ord_p(coeff) > RHS. See Lemma 3.3.6 in [Molnar, M.Sc. thesis].
            bound = (scaleRHS + 1 - int(all_orbits)).floor()
            all_blift = blift(normalizedCoeffs, bound, p, k, all_orbits=all_orbits)

            # If bool is true after lifting, we have a solution b, and F/G
            # is not minimal.
            for boolval, sol in all_blift:
                if boolval:
                    #Rescale, conjugate and return new map
                    bsol = QQ(sol * (p**bval))
                    #only add 'minimal orbit element'
                    while bsol.abs() >= p**k:
                        if bsol < 0:
                            bsol += p**k
                            bsol -= p**k
                    #"Conjugating by ", p,"^", k, "*z +", bsol
                    newconj = matrix(QQ, 2, 2, [p**k, bsol, 0, 1])
                    minFun = Fun.conjugate(newconj)

                    if not all_orbits:
                        return [minFun, conj*newconj]
                    if [p,k,bsol] not in all_found:
                        all_found.append([p, k, bsol])
        k = k + 1
    if not all_orbits:
        return [Fun, conj]
    return all_found
예제 #14
def blift(LF, Li, p, k, S=None, all_orbits=False):
    Search for a solution to the given list of inequalities.

    If found, lift the solution to
    an appropriate valuation. See Lemma 3.3.6 in [Molnar]_


    - ``LF`` -- a list of integer polynomials in one variable (the normalized coefficients)

    - ``Li`` -- an integer, the bound on coefficients

    - ``p`` -- a prime

    - ``k`` -- the scaling factor that makes the solution a ``p``-adic integer

    - ``S`` -- polynomial ring to use

    - ``all_orbits`` -- boolean; whether or not to use ``==`` in the
      inequalities to find all orbits


    - boolean -- whether or not the lift is successful

    - integer -- the lift


        sage: R.<b> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
        sage: from sage.dynamics.arithmetic_dynamics.endPN_minimal_model import blift
        sage: blift([8*b^3 + 12*b^2 + 6*b + 1, 48*b^2 + 483*b + 117, 72*b + 1341,\
        ....: -24*b^2 + 411*b + 99, -144*b + 1233, -216*b], 2, 3, 2)
        [[True, 4]]

    P = LF[0].parent()
    #Determine which inequalities are trivial, and scale the rest, so that we only lift
    #as many times as needed.
    keepScaledIneqs = [scale(P(coeff),Li,p) for coeff in LF if coeff != 0]
    keptVals = [i[2] for i in keepScaledIneqs if i[0]]
    if keptVals:
        # Determine the valuation to lift until.
        # liftval = max(keptVals)
        #All inequalities are satisfied.
        if all_orbits:
            return [[True, t] for t in range(p)]
        return [[True, 1]]
    if S is None:
        S = PolynomialRing(Zmod(p), 'b')
    keptScaledIneqs = [S(i[1]) for i in keepScaledIneqs if i[0]]
    #We need a solution for each polynomial on the left hand side of the inequalities,
    #so we need only find a solution for their gcd.
    g = gcd(keptScaledIneqs)
    rts = g.roots(multiplicities=False)
    good = []
    for r in rts:
        #Recursively try to lift each root
        r_initial = QQ(r)
        newInput = P([r_initial, p])
        LG = [F(newInput) for F in LF]
        new_good = blift(LG, Li, p, k, S=S)
        for lift,lifted in new_good:
            if lift:
                #Lift successful.
                if not all_orbits:
                    return [[True, r_initial + p*lifted]]

                #only need up to SL(2,ZZ) equivalence
                #this helps control the size of the resulting coefficients
                if r_initial + p*lifted < p**k:
                    good.append([True, r_initial + p*lifted])
                    new_r = r_initial + p*lifted - p**k
                    while new_r > p**k:
                        new_r -= p**k
                    if [True, new_r] not in good:
                        good.append([True, new_r])
    if good:
        return good
    #Lift non successful.
    return [[False,0]]
예제 #15
def roots_interval(f, x0):
    Find disjoint intervals that isolate the roots of a polynomial for a fixed
    value of the first variable.


    - ``f`` -- a bivariate squarefree polynomial
    - ``x0`` -- a value where the first coordinate will be fixed

    The intervals are taken as big as possible to be able to detect when two
    approximate roots of `f(x_0, y)` correspond to the same exact root.

    The result is given as a dictionary, where the keys are approximations to the roots
    with rational real and imaginary parts, and the values are intervals containing them.


        sage: from sage.schemes.curves.zariski_vankampen import roots_interval
        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: f = y^3 - x^2
        sage: ri = roots_interval(f, 1)
        sage: ri
        {-138907099/160396102*I - 1/2: -1.? - 1.?*I,
         138907099/160396102*I - 1/2: -1.? + 1.?*I,
         1: 1.? + 0.?*I}
        sage: [r.endpoints() for r in ri.values()]
        [(0.566987298107781 - 0.433012701892219*I,
          1.43301270189222 + 0.433012701892219*I,
          0.566987298107781 + 0.433012701892219*I,
          1.43301270189222 - 0.433012701892219*I),
         (-0.933012701892219 - 1.29903810567666*I,
          -0.0669872981077806 - 0.433012701892219*I,
          -0.933012701892219 - 0.433012701892219*I,
          -0.0669872981077806 - 1.29903810567666*I),
         (-0.933012701892219 + 0.433012701892219*I,
          -0.0669872981077806 + 1.29903810567666*I,
          -0.933012701892219 + 1.29903810567666*I,
          -0.0669872981077806 + 0.433012701892219*I)]

    x, y = f.parent().gens()
    I = QQbar.gen()
    fx = QQbar[y](f.subs({x: QQ(x0.real()) + I * QQ(x0.imag())}))
    roots = fx.roots(QQbar, multiplicities=False)
    result = {}
    for i in range(len(roots)):
        r = roots[i]
        prec = 53
        IF = ComplexIntervalField(prec)
        CF = ComplexField(prec)
        divisor = 4
        diam = min((CF(r) - CF(r0)).abs()
                   for r0 in roots[:i] + roots[i + 1:]) / divisor
        envelop = IF(diam) * IF((-1, 1), (-1, 1))
        while not newton(fx, r, r + envelop) in r + envelop:
            prec += 53
            IF = ComplexIntervalField(prec)
            CF = ComplexField(prec)
            divisor *= 2
            diam = min([(CF(r) - CF(r0)).abs()
                        for r0 in roots[:i] + roots[i + 1:]]) / divisor
            envelop = IF(diam) * IF((-1, 1), (-1, 1))
        qapr = QQ(CF(r).real()) + QQbar.gen() * QQ(CF(r).imag())
        if qapr not in r + envelop:
            raise ValueError("Could not approximate roots with exact values")
        result[qapr] = r + envelop
    return result
예제 #16
 def __init__(self):
     self.count = ZZ(0)
     self.weighted_count = QQ(0)
예제 #17
def braid_in_segment(g, x0, x1):
    Return the braid formed by the `y` roots of ``f`` when `x` moves
    from ``x0`` to ``x1``.


    - ``g`` -- a polynomial factorization in two variables
    - ``x0`` -- a complex number
    - ``x1`` -- a complex number


    A braid.


        sage: from sage.schemes.curves.zariski_vankampen import braid_in_segment # optional - sirocco
        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: f = x^2 + y^3
        sage: x0 = CC(1,0)
        sage: x1 = CC(1, 0.5)
        sage: braid_in_segment(f.factor(), x0, x1) # optional - sirocco


    Check that :trac:`26503` is fixed::

        sage: wp = QQ['t']([1, 1, 1]).roots(QQbar)[0][0]
        sage: Kw.<wp> = NumberField(wp.minpoly(), embedding=wp)
        sage: R.<x, y> = Kw[]
        sage: z = -wp - 1
        sage: f = y*(y + z)*x*(x - 1)*(x - y)*(x + z*y - 1)*(x + z*y + wp)
        sage: from sage.schemes.curves import zariski_vankampen as zvk
        sage: g = f.subs({x: x + 2*y})
        sage: p1 = QQbar(sqrt(-1/3))
        sage: p2 = QQbar(1/2+sqrt(-1/3)/2)
        sage: B = zvk.braid_in_segment(g.factor(),CC(p1),CC(p2)) # optional - sirocco
        sage: B  # optional - sirocco

    (x, y) = g.value().parent().gens()
    I = QQbar.gen()
    X0 = QQ(x0.real()) + I * QQ(x0.imag())
    X1 = QQ(x1.real()) + I * QQ(x1.imag())
    intervals = {}
    precision = {}
    y0s = []
    for (f, naux) in g:
        if f.variables() == (y, ):
            F0 = QQbar[y](f.base_ring()[y](f))
            F0 = QQbar[y](f(X0, y))
        y0sf = F0.roots(multiplicities=False)
        y0s += list(y0sf)
        precision[f] = 53
        while True:
            CIFp = ComplexIntervalField(precision[f])
            intervals[f] = [r.interval(CIFp) for r in y0sf]
            if not any(
                    for a, b in itertools.combinations(intervals[f], 2)):
            precision[f] *= 2
    strands = [
        followstrand(f[0], [p[0] for p in g if p[0] != f[0]], x0, x1,
                     i.center(), precision[f[0]]) for f in g
        for i in intervals[f[0]]
    complexstrands = [[(QQ(a[0]), QQ(a[1]), QQ(a[2])) for a in b]
                      for b in strands]
    centralbraid = braid_from_piecewise(complexstrands)
    initialstrands = []
    finalstrands = []
    initialintervals = roots_interval_cached(g.value(), X0)
    finalintervals = roots_interval_cached(g.value(), X1)
    for cs in complexstrands:
        ip = cs[0][1] + I * cs[0][2]
        fp = cs[-1][1] + I * cs[-1][2]
        matched = 0
        for center, interval in initialintervals.items():
            if ip in interval:
                initialstrands.append([(0, center.real(), center.imag()),
                                       (1, cs[0][1], cs[0][2])])
                matched += 1
        if matched == 0:
            raise ValueError("unable to match braid endpoint with root")
        if matched > 1:
            raise ValueError("braid endpoint mathes more than one root")
        matched = 0
        for center, interval in finalintervals.items():
            if fp in interval:
                finalstrands.append([(0, cs[-1][1], cs[-1][2]),
                                     (1, center.real(), center.imag())])
                matched += 1
        if matched == 0:
            raise ValueError("unable to match braid endpoint with root")
        if matched > 1:
            raise ValueError("braid endpoint mathes more than one root")
    initialbraid = braid_from_piecewise(initialstrands)
    finalbraid = braid_from_piecewise(finalstrands)

    return initialbraid * centralbraid * finalbraid
예제 #18
 def __call__(self, cm, aut):
     self.count += ZZ(1)
     self.weighted_count += QQ(
         (1, (1 if aut is None else aut.group_cardinality())))
예제 #19
def is_anisotropic(self, p):
    Checks if the quadratic form is anisotropic over the p-adic numbers `Q_p`.


        `p` -- a prime number > 0




        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,1])
        sage: Q.is_anisotropic(2)
        sage: Q.is_anisotropic(3)
        sage: Q.is_anisotropic(5)


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,-1])
        sage: Q.is_anisotropic(2)
        sage: Q.is_anisotropic(3)
        sage: Q.is_anisotropic(5)


        sage: [DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1, -least_quadratic_nonresidue(p)]).is_anisotropic(p)  for p in prime_range(3, 30)]
        [True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True]


        sage: [DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1, -least_quadratic_nonresidue(p), p, -p*least_quadratic_nonresidue(p)]).is_anisotropic(p)  for p in prime_range(3, 30)]
        [True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True]

    n = self.dim()
    D = self.det()

    ## TO DO: Should check that p is prime

    if (n >= 5):
        return False

    if (n == 4):
        return (QQ(D).is_padic_square(p)
                and (self.hasse_invariant(p) == -hilbert_symbol(-1, -1, p)))

    if (n == 3):
        return (self.hasse_invariant(p) != hilbert_symbol(-1, -D, p))

    if (n == 2):
        return (not QQ(-D).is_padic_square(p))

    if (n == 1):
        return (self[0, 0] != 0)

    raise NotImplementedError(
        "Oops!  We haven't established a convention for 0-dim'l quadratic forms... =("
예제 #20
def bch_iterator(X=None, Y=None):
    A generator function which returns successive terms of the
    Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula.


    - ``X`` -- (optional) an element of a Lie algebra
    - ``Y`` -- (optional) an element of a Lie algebra

    The BCH formula is an expression for `\log(\exp(X)\exp(Y))` as a sum of Lie
    brackets of ``X`` and ``Y`` with rational coefficients. In arbitrary Lie
    algebras, the infinite sum is only guaranteed to converge for ``X`` and
    ``Y`` close to zero.

    If the elements ``X`` and ``Y`` are not given, then the iterator will
    return successive terms of the abstract BCH formula, i.e., the BCH formula
    for the generators of the free Lie algebra on 2 generators.

    If the Lie algebra containing ``X`` and ``Y`` is not nilpotent, the
    iterator will output infinitely many elements. If the Lie algebra is
    nilpotent, the number of elements outputted is equal to the nilpotency step.


    The terms of the abstract BCH formula up to fifth order brackets::

        sage: from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.bch import bch_iterator
        sage: bch = bch_iterator()
        sage: next(bch)
        X + Y
        sage: next(bch)
        1/2*[X, Y]
        sage: next(bch)
        1/12*[X, [X, Y]] + 1/12*[[X, Y], Y]
        sage: next(bch)
        1/24*[X, [[X, Y], Y]]
        sage: next(bch)
        -1/720*[X, [X, [X, [X, Y]]]] + 1/180*[X, [X, [[X, Y], Y]]]
        + 1/360*[[X, [X, Y]], [X, Y]] + 1/180*[X, [[[X, Y], Y], Y]]
        + 1/120*[[X, Y], [[X, Y], Y]] - 1/720*[[[[X, Y], Y], Y], Y]

    For nilpotent Lie algebras the BCH formula only has finitely many terms::

        sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 2, step=3)
        sage: L.inject_variables()
        Defining X_1, X_2, X_12, X_112, X_122
        sage: [Z for Z in bch_iterator(X_1, X_2)]
        [X_1 + X_2, 1/2*X_12, 1/12*X_112 + 1/12*X_122]
        sage: [Z for Z in bch_iterator(X_1 + X_2, X_12)]
        [X_1 + X_2 + X_12, 1/2*X_112 - 1/2*X_122, 0]

    The elements ``X`` and ``Y`` don't need to be elements of the same Lie
    algebra if there is a coercion from one to the other::

        sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 3, step=2)
        sage: L.inject_variables()
        Defining X_1, X_2, X_3, X_12, X_13, X_23
        sage: S = L.subalgebra(X_1, X_2)
        sage: bch1 = [Z for Z in bch_iterator(S(X_1), S(X_2))]; bch1
        [X_1 + X_2, 1/2*X_12]
        sage: bch1[0].parent() == S
        sage: bch2 = [Z for Z in bch_iterator(S(X_1), X_3)]; bch2
        [X_1 + X_3, 1/2*X_13]
        sage: bch2[0].parent() == L

    The BCH formula requires a coercion from the rationals::

        sage: L.<X,Y,Z> = LieAlgebra(ZZ, 2, step=2)
        sage: bch = bch_iterator(X, Y); next(bch)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: the BCH formula is not well defined since Integer Ring has no coercion from Rational Field


    Compare to the BCH formula up to degree 5 given by wikipedia::

        sage: from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.bch import bch_iterator
        sage: bch = bch_iterator()
        sage: L.<X,Y> = LieAlgebra(QQ)
        sage: L = L.Lyndon()
        sage: computed_BCH = L.sum(next(bch) for k in range(5))
        sage: wikiBCH = X + Y + 1/2*L[X,Y] + 1/12*(L[X,[X,Y]] + L[Y,[Y,X]])
        sage: wikiBCH += -1/24*L[Y,[X,[X,Y]]]
        sage: wikiBCH += -1/720*(L[Y,[Y,[Y,[Y,X]]]] + L[X,[X,[X,[X,Y]]]])
        sage: wikiBCH += 1/360*(L[X,[Y,[Y,[Y,X]]]] + L[Y,[X,[X,[X,Y]]]])
        sage: wikiBCH += 1/120*(L[Y,[X,[Y,[X,Y]]]] + L[X,[Y,[X,[Y,X]]]])
        sage: computed_BCH == wikiBCH


    The BCH formula `\log(\exp(X)\exp(Y)) = \sum_k Z_k` is computed starting
    from `Z_1 = X + Y`, by the recursion

    .. MATH::

        (m+1)Z_{m+1} =  \frac{1}{2}[X - Y, Z_m]
        + \sum_{2\leq 2p \leq m}\frac{B_{2p}}{(2p)!}\sum_{k_1+\cdots+k_{2p}=m}
        [Z_{k_1}, [\cdots [Z_{k_{2p}}, X + Y]\cdots],

    where `B_{2p}` are the Bernoulli numbers, see Lemma 2.15.3. in [Var1984]_.

    .. WARNING::

        The time needed to compute each successive term increases exponentially.
        For example on one machine iterating through `Z_{11},...,Z_{18}` for a
        free Lie algebra, computing each successive term took 4-5 times longer,
        going from 0.1s for `Z_{11}` to 21 minutes for `Z_{18}`.
    if X is None or Y is None:
        L = LieAlgebra(QQ, ['X', 'Y']).Lyndon()
        X, Y = L.lie_algebra_generators()
        X, Y = canonical_coercion(X, Y)
        L = X.parent()

    R = L.base_ring()
    if not R.has_coerce_map_from(QQ):
        raise TypeError("the BCH formula is not well defined since %s "
                        "has no coercion from %s" % (R, QQ))

    xdif = X - Y
    Z = [0, X + Y]  # 1-based indexing for convenience
    m = 1
    yield Z[1]

    while True:
        m += 1
        if L in LieAlgebras.Nilpotent and m > L.step():

        # apply the recursion formula of [Var1984]
        Zm = ~QQ(2 * m) * xdif.bracket(Z[-1])
        for p in range(1, (m - 1) // 2 + 1):
            partitions = IntegerListsLex(m - 1, length=2 * p, min_part=1)
            coeff = bernoulli(2 * p) / QQ(m * factorial(2 * p))
            for kvec in partitions:
                W = Z[1]
                for k in kvec:
                    W = Z[k].bracket(W)
                Zm += coeff * W

        yield Zm
def jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular(self, p, safe_flag=True):
    Return a list of pairs `(s_i, L_i)` where `L_i` is a maximal
    `p^{s_i}`-unimodular Jordan component which is further decomposed into
    block diagonals of block size `\le 2`.

    For each `L_i` the 2x2 blocks are listed after the 1x1 blocks
    (which follows from the convention of the
    :meth:`local_normal_form` method).

    .. NOTE::

        The decomposition of each `L_i` into smaller blocks is not unique!

    The ``safe_flag`` argument allows us to select whether we want a copy of
    the output, or the original output.  By default ``safe_flag = True``, so we
    return a copy of the cached information.  If this is set to ``False``, then
    the routine is much faster but the return values are vulnerable to being
    corrupted by the user.


    - `p` -- a prime number > 0.


    A list of pairs `(s_i, L_i)` where:

    - `s_i` is an integer,
    - `L_i` is a block-diagonal unimodular quadratic form over `\ZZ_p`.

    .. note::

        These forms `L_i` are defined over the `p`-adic integers, but by a
        matrix over `\ZZ` (or `\QQ`?).


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,9,5,7])
        sage: Q.jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular(3)
        [(0, Quadratic form in 3 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
        [ 1 0 0 ]
        [ * 5 0 ]
        [ * * 7 ]), (2, Quadratic form in 1 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
        [ 1 ])]


        sage: Q2 = QuadraticForm(ZZ, 2, [1,1,1])
        sage: Q2.jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular(2)
        [(-1, Quadratic form in 2 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
        [ 2 2 ]
        [ * 2 ])]
        sage: Q = Q2 + Q2.scale_by_factor(2)
        sage: Q.jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular(2)
        [(-1, Quadratic form in 2 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
        [ 2 2 ]
        [ * 2 ]), (0, Quadratic form in 2 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
        [ 2 2 ]
        [ * 2 ])]
    ## Try to use the cached result
        if safe_flag:
            return copy.deepcopy(self.__jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular_dict[p])
            return self.__jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular_dict[p]
    except Exception:
        ## Initialize the global dictionary if it doesn't exist
        if not hasattr(self, '__jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular_dict'):
            self.__jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular_dict = {}

    ## Deal with zero dim'l forms
    if self.dim() == 0:
        return []

    ## Find the Local Normal form of Q at p
    Q1 = self.local_normal_form(p)

    ## Parse this into Jordan Blocks
    n = Q1.dim()
    tmp_Jordan_list = []
    i = 0
    start_ind = 0
    if (n >= 2) and (Q1[0,1] != 0):
        start_scale = valuation(Q1[0,1], p) - 1
        start_scale = valuation(Q1[0,0], p)

    while (i < n):

        ## Determine the size of the current block
        if (i == n-1) or (Q1[i,i+1] == 0):
            block_size = 1
            block_size = 2

        ## Determine the valuation of the current block
        if block_size == 1:
            block_scale = valuation(Q1[i,i], p)
            block_scale = valuation(Q1[i,i+1], p) - 1

        ## Process the previous block if the valuation increased
        if block_scale > start_scale:
            tmp_Jordan_list += [(start_scale, Q1.extract_variables(range(start_ind, i)).scale_by_factor(ZZ(1) / (QQ(p)**(start_scale))))]
            start_ind = i
            start_scale = block_scale

        ## Increment the index
        i += block_size

    ## Add the last block
    tmp_Jordan_list += [(start_scale, Q1.extract_variables(range(start_ind, n)).scale_by_factor(ZZ(1) / QQ(p)**(start_scale)))]

    ## Cache the result
    self.__jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular_dict[p] = tmp_Jordan_list

    ## Return the result
    return tmp_Jordan_list
예제 #22
def Min(Fun, p, ubRes, conj):
    Local loop for Affine_minimal, where we check minimality at the prime p.

    First we bound the possible k in our transformations A = zp^k + b.
    See Theorems 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 in [Molnar]_.


    - ``Fun`` -- a projective space morphisms.

    - ``p`` - a prime.

    - ``ubRes`` -- integer, the upper bound needed for Th. 3.3.3 in [Molnar]_.

    - ``conj`` -- a 2x2 matrix keeping track of the conjugation.


    - Boolean -- ``True`` if ``Fun`` is minimal at ``p``, ``False`` otherwise.

    - a projective morphism minimal at ``p``.


        sage: P.<x,y> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ, 1)
        sage: H = End(P)
        sage: f = H([149*x^2 + 39*x*y + y^2, -8*x^2 + 137*x*y + 33*y^2])
        sage: from sage.schemes.projective.endPN_minimal_model import Min
        sage: Min(f, 3, -27000000, matrix(QQ,[[1, 0],[0, 1]]))
        Scheme endomorphism of Projective Space of dimension 1 over Rational
          Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y) to
                (181*x^2 + 313*x*y + 81*y^2 : -24*x^2 + 73*x*y + 151*y^2)
        [3 4]
        [0 1]
    d = Fun.degree()
    AffFun = Fun.dehomogenize(1)
    R = AffFun.coordinate_ring()
    if R.is_field():
        #want the polynomial ring not the fraction field
        R = R.ring()
    F = R(AffFun[0].numerator())
    G = R(AffFun[0].denominator())
    dG = G.degree()
    if dG > (d + 1) / 2:
        lowerBound = (-2 * (G[dG]).valuation(p) / (2 * dG - d + 1) + 1).floor()
        lowerBound = (-2 * (F[d]).valuation(p) / (d - 1) + 1).floor()
    upperBound = 2 * (ubRes.valuation(p))

    if upperBound < lowerBound:
        #There are no possible transformations to reduce the resultant.
        return Fun, conj
        #Looping over each possible k, we search for transformations to reduce the
        #resultant of F/G
        k = lowerBound
        Qb = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'b')
        b = Qb.gen(0)
        Q = PolynomialRing(Qb, 'z')
        z = Q.gen(0)
        while k <= upperBound:
            A = (p**k) * z + b
            Ft = Q(F(A) - b * G(A))
            Gt = Q((p**k) * G(A))
            Fcoeffs = Ft.coefficients(sparse=False)
            Gcoeffs = Gt.coefficients(sparse=False)
            coeffs = Fcoeffs + Gcoeffs
            RHS = (d + 1) * k / 2
            #If there is some b such that Res(phi^A) < Res(phi), we must have ord_p(c) >
            #RHS for each c in coeffs.
            #Make sure constant coefficients in coeffs satisfy the inequality.
            if all(
                    QQ(c).valuation(p) > RHS for c in coeffs
                    if c.degree() == 0):
                #Constant coefficients in coeffs have large enough valuation, so check
                #the rest. We start by checking if simply picking b=0 works
                if all(c(0).valuation(p) > RHS for c in coeffs):
                    #A = z*p^k satisfies the inequalities, and F/G is not minimal
                    #"Conjugating by", p,"^", k, "*z +", 0
                    newconj = matrix(QQ, 2, 2, [p**k, 0, 0, 1])
                    minFun = Fun.conjugate(newconj)
                    conj = conj * newconj
                    return minFun, conj

                #Otherwise we search if any value of b will work. We start by finding a
                #minimum bound on the valuation of b that is necessary. See Theorem 3.3.5
                #in [Molnar, M.Sc. thesis].
                bval = max([
                    bCheck(coeff, RHS, p, b) for coeff in coeffs
                    if coeff.degree() > 0

                #We scale the coefficients in coeffs, so that we may assume ord_p(b) is
                #at least 0
                scaledCoeffs = [coeff(b * (p**bval)) for coeff in coeffs]

                #We now scale the inequalities, ord_p(coeff) > RHS, so that coeff is in
                scale = QQ(max([coeff.denominator()
                                for coeff in scaledCoeffs]))
                normalizedCoeffs = [coeff * scale for coeff in scaledCoeffs]
                scaleRHS = RHS + scale.valuation(p)

                #We now search for integers that satisfy the inequality ord_p(coeff) >
                #RHS. See Lemma 3.3.6 in [Molnar, M.Sc. thesis].
                bound = (scaleRHS + 1).floor()
                bool, sol = blift(normalizedCoeffs, bound, p)

                #If bool is true after lifting, we have a solution b, and F/G is not
                if bool:
                    #Rescale, conjugate and return new map
                    bsol = QQ(sol * (p**bval))
                    #"Conjugating by ", p,"^", k, "*z +", bsol
                    newconj = matrix(QQ, 2, 2, [p**k, bsol, 0, 1])
                    minFun = Fun.conjugate(newconj)
                    conj = conj * newconj

                    return minFun, conj
            k = k + 1
        return Fun, conj
def Watson_mass_at_2(self):
    Returns the local mass of the quadratic form when `p=2`, according
    to Watson's Theorem 1 of "The 2-adic density of a quadratic form"
    in Mathematika 23 (1976), pp 94--106.


        a rational number


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,1,1])
        sage: Q.Watson_mass_at_2()               ## WARNING:  WE NEED TO CHECK THIS CAREFULLY!

    ## Make a 0-dim'l quadratic form (for initialization purposes)
    Null_Form = copy.deepcopy(self)
    Null_Form.__init__(ZZ, 0)

    ## Step 0: Compute Jordan blocks and bounds of the scales to keep track of
    Jordan_Blocks = self.jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular(2)
    scale_list = [B[0] for B in Jordan_Blocks]
    s_min = min(scale_list)
    s_max = max(scale_list)

    ## Step 1: Compute dictionaries of the diagonal block and 2x2 block for each scale
    diag_dict = dict(
        (i, Null_Form)
        for i in range(s_min - 2, s_max + 4))  ## Initialize with the zero form
    dim2_dict = dict(
        (i, Null_Form)
        for i in range(s_min, s_max + 4))  ## Initialize with the zero form
    for (s, L) in Jordan_Blocks:
        i = 0
        while (i < L.dim() - 1) and (L[i, i + 1]
                                     == 0):  ## Find where the 2x2 blocks start
            i = i + 1
        if i < (L.dim() - 1):
            diag_dict[s] = L.extract_variables(range(i))  ## Diagonal Form
            dim2_dict[s + 1] = L.extract_variables(range(
                i, L.dim()))  ## Non-diagonal Form
            diag_dict[s] = L

    #print "diag_dict = ", diag_dict
    #print "dim2_dict = ", dim2_dict
    #print "Jordan_Blocks = ", Jordan_Blocks

    ## Step 2: Compute three dictionaries of invariants (for n_j, m_j, nu_j)
    n_dict = dict((j, 0) for j in range(s_min + 1, s_max + 2))
    m_dict = dict((j, 0) for j in range(s_min, s_max + 4))
    for (s, L) in Jordan_Blocks:
        n_dict[s + 1] = L.dim()
        if diag_dict[s].dim() == 0:
            m_dict[s + 1] = ZZ(1) / ZZ(2) * L.dim()
            m_dict[s + 1] = floor(ZZ(L.dim() - 1) / ZZ(2))
            #print " ==>", ZZ(L.dim() - 1) / ZZ(2), floor(ZZ(L.dim() - 1) / ZZ(2))

    nu_dict = dict((j, n_dict[j + 1] - 2 * m_dict[j + 1])
                   for j in range(s_min, s_max + 1))
    nu_dict[s_max + 1] = 0

    #print "n_dict = ", n_dict
    #print "m_dict = ", m_dict
    #print "nu_dict = ", nu_dict

    ## Step 3: Compute the e_j dictionary
    eps_dict = {}
    for j in range(s_min, s_max + 3):
        two_form = (diag_dict[j - 2] + diag_dict[j] +
        j_form = (two_form + diag_dict[j - 1]).base_change_to(

        if j_form.dim() == 0:
            eps_dict[j] = 1
            iter_vec = [4] * j_form.dim()
            alpha = sum([True for x in mrange(iter_vec) if j_form(x) == 0])
            beta = sum([True for x in mrange(iter_vec) if j_form(x) == 2])
            if alpha > beta:
                eps_dict[j] = 1
            elif alpha == beta:
                eps_dict[j] = 0
                eps_dict[j] = -1

    #print "eps_dict = ", eps_dict

    ## Step 4: Compute the quantities nu, q, P, E for the local mass at 2
    nu = sum([j * n_dict[j] * (ZZ(n_dict[j] + 1) / ZZ(2) + \
              sum([n_dict[r]  for r in range(j+1, s_max+2)]))  for j in range(s_min+1, s_max+2)])
    q = sum([
        sgn(nu_dict[j - 1] * (n_dict[j] + sgn(nu_dict[j])))
        for j in range(s_min + 1, s_max + 2)
    P = prod([
        prod([1 - QQ(4)**(-i) for i in range(1, m_dict[j] + 1)])
        for j in range(s_min + 1, s_max + 2)
    E = prod([
        ZZ(1) / ZZ(2) * (1 + eps_dict[j] * QQ(2)**(-m_dict[j]))
        for j in range(s_min, s_max + 3)

    #print "\nFinal Summary:"
    #print "nu =", nu
    #print "q = ", q
    #print "P = ", P
    #print "E = ", E

    ## Step 5: Compute the local mass for the prime 2.
    mass_at_2 = QQ(2)**(nu - q) * P / E
    return mass_at_2
예제 #24
 def screen_to_math_coordinates(self, x, y):
     x = QQ(x)
     y = QQ(y)
     return self.vector_space()(((self._field(x) - self._tx) / self._s,
                                 (-self._field(y) + self._ty) / self._s))
def local_good_density_congruence_even(self, m, Zvec, NZvec):
    Finds the Good-type local density of Q representing `m` at `p=2`.
    (Assuming Q is given in local diagonal form.)

    The additional congruence condition arguments Zvec and NZvec can
    be either a list of indices or None.  Zvec = [] is equivalent to
    Zvec = None which both impose no additional conditions, but NZvec
    = [] returns no solutions always while NZvec = None imposes no
    additional condition.

    WARNING: Here the indices passed in Zvec and NZvec represent
    indices of the solution vector `x` of Q(`x`) = `m (mod p^k)`, and *not*
    the Jordan components of Q.  They therefore are required (and
    assumed) to include either all or none of the indices of a given
    Jordan component of Q.  This is only important when `p=2` since
    otherwise all Jordan blocks are 1x1, and so there the indices and
    Jordan blocks coincide.

    TO DO: Add type checking for Zvec, NZvec, and that Q is in local
    normal form.

        Q -- quadratic form assumed to be block diagonal and 2-integral

        `p` -- a prime number

        `m` -- an integer

        Zvec, NZvec -- non-repeating lists of integers in range(self.dim()) or None

        a rational number


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,2,3])
        sage: Q.local_good_density_congruence_even(1, None, None)


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,1,1,1])
        sage: Q.local_good_density_congruence_even(1, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_good_density_congruence_even(2, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_good_density_congruence_even(3, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_good_density_congruence_even(4, None, None)


        sage: Q = QuadraticForm(ZZ, 4, range(10))
        sage: Q[0,0] = 5
        sage: Q[1,1] = 10
        sage: Q[2,2] = 15
        sage: Q[3,3] = 20
        sage: Q
        Quadratic form in 4 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
        [ 5 1 2 3 ]
        [ * 10 5 6 ]
        [ * * 15 8 ]
        [ * * * 20 ]
        sage: Q.theta_series(20)
        1 + 2*q^5 + 2*q^10 + 2*q^14 + 2*q^15 + 2*q^16 + 2*q^18 + O(q^20)
        sage: Q.local_normal_form(2)
        Quadratic form in 4 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
        [ 0 1 0 0 ]
        [ * 0 0 0 ]
        [ * * 0 1 ]
        [ * * * 0 ]
        sage: Q.local_good_density_congruence_even(1, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_good_density_congruence_even(2, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_good_density_congruence_even(5, None, None)

    n = self.dim()

    ## Put the Zvec congruence condition in a standard form
    if Zvec == None:
        Zvec = []

    ## Sanity Check on Zvec and NZvec:
    ## -------------------------------
    Sn = Set(range(n))
    if (Zvec != None) and (len(Set(Zvec) + Sn) > n):
        raise RuntimeError("Zvec must be a subset of {0, ..., n-1}.")
    if (NZvec != None) and (len(Set(NZvec) + Sn) > n):
        raise RuntimeError("NZvec must be a subset of {0, ..., n-1}.")

    ## Find the indices of x for which the associated Jordan blocks are non-zero mod 8    TO DO: Move this to special Jordan block code separately!
    ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Not8vec = []
    for i in range(n):

        ## DIAGNOSTIC
        verbose(" i = " + str(i))
        verbose(" n = " + str(n))
        verbose(" Not8vec = " + str(Not8vec))

        nz_flag = False

        ## Check if the diagonal entry isn't divisible 8
        if  ((self[i,i] % 8) != 0):
            nz_flag = True

        ## Check appropriate off-diagonal entries aren't divisible by 8

            ## Special check for first off-diagonal entry
            if ((i == 0) and ((self[i,i+1] % 8) != 0)):
                nz_flag = True

            ## Special check for last off-diagonal entry
            elif ((i == n-1) and ((self[i-1,i] % 8) != 0)):
                nz_flag = True

            ## Check for the middle off-diagonal entries
                if ( (i > 0)  and  (i < n-1)  and  (((self[i,i+1] % 8) != 0) or ((self[i-1,i] % 8) != 0)) ):
                    nz_flag = True

        ## Remember the (vector) index if it's not part of a Jordan block of norm divisible by 8
        if (nz_flag == True):
            Not8vec += [i]

    ## Compute the number of Good-type solutions mod 8:
    ## ------------------------------------------------

    ## Setup the indexing sets for additional zero congruence solutions
    Q_Not8 = self.extract_variables(Not8vec)
    Not8 = Set(Not8vec)
    Is8 = Set(range(n)) - Not8

    Z = Set(Zvec)
    Z_Not8 = Not8.intersection(Z)
    Z_Is8 = Is8.intersection(Z)
    Is8_minus_Z = Is8 - Z_Is8

    verbose("Z = " + str(Z))
    verbose("Z_Not8 = " + str(Z_Not8))
    verbose("Z_Is8 = " + str(Z_Is8))
    verbose("Is8_minus_Z = " + str(Is8_minus_Z))

    ## Take cases on the existence of additional non-zero congruence conditions (mod 2)
    if NZvec == None:
        total = (4 ** len(Z_Is8)) * (8 ** len(Is8_minus_Z)) \
            * Q_Not8.count_congruence_solutions__good_type(2, 3, m, list(Z_Not8), None)
        ZNZ = Z + Set(NZvec)
        ZNZ_Not8 = Not8.intersection(ZNZ)
        ZNZ_Is8 = Is8.intersection(ZNZ)
        Is8_minus_ZNZ = Is8 - ZNZ_Is8

        ## DIAGNOSTIC
        verbose("ZNZ = " + str(ZNZ))
        verbose("ZNZ_Not8 = " + str(ZNZ_Not8))
        verbose("ZNZ_Is8 = " + str(ZNZ_Is8))
        verbose("Is8_minus_ZNZ = " + str(Is8_minus_ZNZ))

        total = (4 ** len(Z_Is8)) * (8 ** len(Is8_minus_Z)) \
            * Q_Not8.count_congruence_solutions__good_type(2, 3, m, list(Z_Not8), None) \
            - (4 ** len(ZNZ_Is8)) * (8 ** len(Is8_minus_ZNZ)) \
            * Q_Not8.count_congruence_solutions__good_type(2, 3, m, list(ZNZ_Not8), None)

    verbose("total = " + str(total))

    ## Return the associated Good-type representation density
    good_density = QQ(total) / 8**(n-1)
    return good_density
예제 #26
def epsinv(F, target, prec=53, target_tol=0.001, z=None, emb=None):
    Compute a bound on the hyperbolic distance.

    The true minimum will be within the computed bound.
    It is computed as the inverse of epsilon_F from [HS2018]_.

    - ``F`` -- binary form of degree at least 3 with no multiple roots

    - ``target`` --  positive real number. The value we want to attain, i.e.,
      the value we are taking the inverse of

    - ``prec``-- positive integer. precision to use in CC

    - ``target_tol`` -- positive real number. The tolerance with which we
      attain the target value.

    - ``z`` -- complex number. ``z_0`` covariant for F.

    - ``emb`` -- embedding into CC

    OUTPUT: a real number delta satisfying  target + target_tol > eps_F(delta) > target.


        sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.binary_form_reduce import epsinv
        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: epsinv(-2*x^3 + 2*x^2*y + 3*x*y^2 + 127*y^3, 31.5022020249597)
    def coshdelta(z):
        #The cosh of the hyperbolic distance from z = t+uj to j
        return (z.norm() + 1) / (2 * z.imag())

    def RQ(delta):
        # this is the quotient R(F_0,z)/R(F_0,z(F)) for a generic z
        # at distance delta from j. See Lemma 4.2 in [HS2018].
        cd = cosh(delta).n(prec=prec)
        sd = sinh(delta).n(prec=prec)
        return prod(
            [cd + (cost * phi[0] + sint * phi[1]) * sd for phi in phis])

    def epsF(delta):
        pol = RQ(delta)  #get R quotient in terms of z
        S = PolynomialRing(C, 'v')
        g = S([(i - d) * pol[i - d]
               for i in range(2 * d + 1)])  # take derivative
        drts = [
            e for e in g.roots(ring=C, multiplicities=False)
            if (e.norm() - 1).abs() < 0.1
        # find min
        return min([pol(r / r.abs()).real() for r in drts])

    C = ComplexField(prec=prec)
    if F.base_ring() != C:
        if emb is None:
            compF = F.change_ring(C)
            compF = F.change_ring(emb)
        compF = F

    R = F.parent()
    d = F.degree()
    if z is None:
        z, th = covariant_z0(F, prec=prec, emb=emb)
    else:  #need to do our own input checking
        if R.ngens() != 2 or any([sum(t) != d for t in F.exponents()]):
            raise TypeError('must be a binary form')
        if d < 3:
            raise ValueError('must be at least degree 3')

    f = F.subs({R.gen(1): 1}).univariate_polynomial()
    #now we have a single variable polynomial
    x = f.parent().gen()
    if (max([ex for p,ex in f.roots(ring=C)]) >= QQ(d)/2)\
      or (f.degree() < QQ(d)/2):
        raise ValueError('cannot have root with multiplicity >= deg(F)/2')

    R = RealField(prec=prec)
    PR = PolynomialRing(R, 't')
    t = PR.gen(0)
    # compute phi_1, ..., phi_k
    # first find F_0 and its roots
    # this change of variables on f moves z(f) to j, i.e. produces F_0
    rts = f(z.imag() * t + z.real()).roots(ring=C)
    phis = []  # stereographic projection of roots
    for r, e in rts:
            [[2 * r.real() / (r.norm() + 1), (r.norm() - 1) / (r.norm() + 1)]])
    if d != f.degree():  # include roots at infinity
        phis.extend([(d - f.degree()) * [0, 1]])

    # for writing RQ in terms of generic z to minimize
    LC = LaurentSeriesRing(C, 'u', default_prec=2 * d + 2)
    u = LC.gen(0)
    cost = (u + u**(-1)) / 2
    sint = (u - u**(-1)) / (2 * C.gen(0))

    # first find an interval containing the desired value
    # then use regula falsi on log eps_F
    # d -> delta value in interval [0,1]
    # v in value in interval [1,epsF(1)]
    dl = R(0.0)
    vl = R(1.0)
    du = R(1.0)
    vu = epsF(du)
    while vu < target:
        # compute the next value of epsF for delta = 2*delta
        dl = du
        vl = vu
        du *= 2
        vu = epsF(du)
    # now dl < delta <= du
    logt = target.log()
    l2 = (vu.log() - logt).n(prec=prec)
    l1 = (vl.log() - logt).n(prec=prec)
    dn = (dl * l2 - du * l1) / (l2 - l1)
    vn = epsF(dn)
    dl = du
    vl = vu
    du = dn
    vu = vn
    while (du - dl).abs() >= target_tol or max(vl, vu) < target:
        l2 = (vu.log() - logt).n(prec=prec)
        l1 = (vl.log() - logt).n(prec=prec)
        dn = (dl * l2 - du * l1) / (l2 - l1)
        vn = epsF(dn)
        dl = du
        vl = vu
        du = dn
        vu = vn
    return max(dl, du)
def local_good_density_congruence_odd(self, p, m, Zvec, NZvec):
    Finds the Good-type local density of Q representing `m` at `p`.
    (Assuming that `p` > 2 and Q is given in local diagonal form.)

    The additional congruence condition arguments Zvec and NZvec can
    be either a list of indices or None.  Zvec = [] is equivalent to
    Zvec = None which both impose no additional conditions, but NZvec
    = [] returns no solutions always while NZvec = None imposes no
    additional condition.

    TO DO: Add type checking for Zvec, NZvec, and that Q is in local
    normal form.

        Q -- quadratic form assumed to be diagonal and p-integral

        `p` -- a prime number

        `m` -- an integer

        Zvec, NZvec -- non-repeating lists of integers in range(self.dim()) or None

        a rational number


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,2,3])
        sage: Q.local_good_density_congruence_odd(3, 1, None, None)


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,1,1,1])
        sage: Q.local_good_density_congruence_odd(3, 1, None, None)

    n = self.dim()

    ## Put the Zvec congruence condition in a standard form
    if Zvec == None:
        Zvec = []

    ## Sanity Check on Zvec and NZvec:
    ## -------------------------------
    Sn = Set(range(n))
    if (Zvec != None) and (len(Set(Zvec) + Sn) > n):
        raise RuntimeError("Zvec must be a subset of {0, ..., n-1}.")
    if (NZvec != None) and (len(Set(NZvec) + Sn) > n):
        raise RuntimeError("NZvec must be a subset of {0, ..., n-1}.")

    ## Assuming Q is diagonal, find the indices of the p-unit (diagonal) entries
    UnitVec = [i  for i in range(n)  if (self[i,i] % p) != 0]
    NonUnitVec = list(Set(range(n)) - Set(UnitVec))

    ## Take cases on the existence of additional non-zero congruence conditions (mod p)
    UnitVec_minus_Zvec = list(Set(UnitVec) - Set(Zvec))
    NonUnitVec_minus_Zvec = list(Set(NonUnitVec) - Set(Zvec))
    Q_Unit_minus_Zvec = self.extract_variables(UnitVec_minus_Zvec)

    if (NZvec == None):
        if m % p != 0:
            total = Q_Unit_minus_Zvec.count_modp_solutions__by_Gauss_sum(p, m) * p**len(NonUnitVec_minus_Zvec)          ## m != 0 (mod p)
            total = (Q_Unit_minus_Zvec.count_modp_solutions__by_Gauss_sum(p, m) - 1) * p**len(NonUnitVec_minus_Zvec)    ## m == 0 (mod p)

        UnitVec_minus_ZNZvec = list(Set(UnitVec) - (Set(Zvec) + Set(NZvec)))
        NonUnitVec_minus_ZNZvec = list(Set(NonUnitVec) - (Set(Zvec) + Set(NZvec)))
        Q_Unit_minus_ZNZvec = self.extract_variables(UnitVec_minus_ZNZvec)

        if m % p != 0:         ## m != 0 (mod p)
            total = Q_Unit_minus_Zvec.count_modp_solutions__by_Gauss_sum(p, m) * p**len(NonUnitVec_minus_Zvec) \
                    - Q_Unit_minus_ZNZvec.count_modp_solutions__by_Gauss_sum(p, m) * p**len(NonUnitVec_minus_ZNZvec)
        else:                  ## m == 0 (mod p)
            total = (Q_Unit_minus_Zvec.count_modp_solutions__by_Gauss_sum(p, m) - 1) * p**len(NonUnitVec_minus_Zvec) \
                    - (Q_Unit_minus_ZNZvec.count_modp_solutions__by_Gauss_sum(p, m) - 1) * p**len(NonUnitVec_minus_ZNZvec)

    ## Return the Good-type representation density
    good_density = QQ(total) / p**(n-1)
    return good_density
예제 #28
def gamma__exact(n):
    Evaluates the exact value of the `\Gamma` function at an integer or
    half-integer argument.


        sage: gamma__exact(4)
        sage: gamma__exact(3)
        sage: gamma__exact(2)
        sage: gamma__exact(1)

        sage: gamma__exact(1/2)
        sage: gamma__exact(3/2)
        sage: gamma__exact(5/2)
        sage: gamma__exact(7/2)

        sage: gamma__exact(-1/2)
        sage: gamma__exact(-3/2)
        sage: gamma__exact(-5/2)
        sage: gamma__exact(-7/2)


        sage: gamma__exact(1/3)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: you must give an integer or half-integer argument
    from sage.all import sqrt
    if (not n in QQ) or (denominator(n) > 2):
        raise TypeError("you must give an integer or half-integer argument")

    if denominator(n) == 1:
        if n <= 0:
            return infinity
        if n > 0:
            return factorial(n - 1)
        ans = QQ(1)
        while (n != QQ(1) / 2):
            if n < 0:
                ans *= QQ(1) / n
                n += 1
            elif n > 0:
                n += -1
                ans *= n

        ans *= sqrt(pi)
        return ans
예제 #29
    def _find_scaling_period(self):
        Uses the integral period map of the modular symbol implementation in sage
        in order to determine the scaling. The resulting modular symbol is correct
        only for the `X_0`-optimal curve, at least up to a possible factor +- a
        power of 2.


            sage: E = EllipticCurve('11a1')
            sage: m = sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.ell_modular_symbols.ModularSymbolSage(E,+1,normalize='period')
            sage: m._e
            (1/5, 1)
            sage: E = EllipticCurve('11a2')
            sage: m = sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.ell_modular_symbols.ModularSymbolSage(E,+1,normalize='period')
            sage: m._e
            (1, 5)
            sage: E = EllipticCurve('121b2')
            sage: m = sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.ell_modular_symbols.ModularSymbolSage(E,+1,normalize='period')
            sage: m._e
            (0, 11/2, 0, 11/2, 11/2, 0, 0, -3, 2, 1/2, -1, 3/2)


            sage: E = EllipticCurve('19a1')
            sage: m = E.modular_symbol(sign=+1, implementation='sage', normalize='none')
            sage: m._find_scaling_period()
            sage: m._scaling

            sage: E = EllipticCurve('19a2')
            sage: m = E.modular_symbol(sign=+1, implementation='sage', normalize='none')
            sage: m._scaling
            sage: m._find_scaling_period()
            sage: m._scaling
        P = self._modsym.integral_period_mapping()
        self._e = P.matrix().transpose().row(0)
        self._e /= 2
        E = self._E
            crla = parse_cremona_label(E.label())
        except RuntimeError:  # raised when curve is outside of the table
                "Warning : Could not normalize the modular symbols, maybe all further results will be multiplied by a rational number."
            self._scaling = 1
            cr0 = Integer(crla[0]).str() + crla[1] + '1'
            E0 = EllipticCurve(cr0)
            if self._sign == 1:
                q = E0.period_lattice().basis()[0] / E.period_lattice().basis(
                q = E0.period_lattice().basis()[1].imag() / E.period_lattice(
                if E0.real_components() == 1:
                    q *= 2
                if E.real_components() == 1:
                    q /= 2
            q = QQ(int(round(q * 200))) / 200
            verbose('scale modular symbols by %s' % q)
            self._scaling = q
        c = self(0)  #  required, to change base point from oo to 0
        if c < 0:
            c *= -1
            self._scaling *= -1
        self._at_zero = c
        self._e *= self._scaling
예제 #30
파일: encoding.py 프로젝트: ngonhi/lmfdb-1
 def extract(cls, obj):
     Takes an object extracted by the json parser and decodes the
     special-formating dictionaries used to store special types.
     if isinstance(obj, dict) and 'data' in obj:
         if len(obj) == 2 and '__ComplexList__' in obj:
             return [complex(*v) for v in obj['data']]
         elif len(obj) == 2 and '__QQList__' in obj:
             return [QQ(tuple(v)) for v in obj['data']]
         elif len(obj) == 3 and '__NFList__' in obj and 'base' in obj:
             base = cls.extract(obj['base'])
             return [cls._extract(base, c) for c in obj['data']]
         elif len(obj) == 2 and '__IntDict__' in obj:
             return {Integer(k): cls.extract(v) for k, v in obj['data']}
         elif len(obj) == 3 and '__Vector__' in obj and 'base' in obj:
             base = cls.extract(obj['base'])
             return vector([cls._extract(base, v) for v in obj['data']])
         elif len(obj) == 2 and '__Rational__' in obj:
             return Rational(*obj['data'])
         elif len(obj) == 3 and '__RealLiteral__' in obj and 'prec' in obj:
             return LmfdbRealLiteral(RealField(obj['prec']), obj['data'])
         elif len(obj) == 2 and '__complex__' in obj:
             return complex(*obj['data'])
         elif len(obj) == 3 and '__Complex__' in obj and 'prec' in obj:
             return ComplexNumber(ComplexField(obj['prec']), *obj['data'])
         elif len(obj) == 3 and '__NFElt__' in obj and 'parent' in obj:
             return cls._extract(cls.extract(obj['parent']), obj['data'])
         elif len(obj) == 3 and ('__NFRelative__' in obj or '__NFAbsolute__'
                                 in obj) and 'vname' in obj:
             poly = cls.extract(obj['data'])
             return NumberField(poly, name=obj['vname'])
         elif len(obj) == 2 and '__NFCyclotomic__' in obj:
             return CyclotomicField(obj['data'])
         elif len(obj) == 2 and '__IntegerRing__' in obj:
             return ZZ
         elif len(obj) == 2 and '__RationalField__' in obj:
             return QQ
         elif len(
                 obj) == 3 and '__RationalPoly__' in obj and 'vname' in obj:
             return QQ[obj['vname']]([QQ(tuple(v)) for v in obj['data']])
         elif len(
         ) == 4 and '__Poly__' in obj and 'vname' in obj and 'base' in obj:
             base = cls.extract(obj['base'])
             return base[obj['vname']](
                 [cls._extract(base, c) for c in obj['data']])
         elif len(
         ) == 5 and '__PowerSeries__' in obj and 'vname' in obj and 'base' in obj and 'prec' in obj:
             base = cls.extract(obj['base'])
             prec = infinity if obj['prec'] == 'inf' else int(obj['prec'])
             return base[[obj['vname']
                          ]]([cls._extract(base, c) for c in obj['data']],
         elif len(obj) == 2 and '__date__' in obj:
             return datetime.datetime.strptime(obj['data'],
         elif len(obj) == 2 and '__time__' in obj:
             return datetime.datetime.strptime(obj['data'],
         elif len(obj) == 2 and '__datetime__' in obj:
             return datetime.datetime.strptime(obj['data'],
                                               "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
     return obj