예제 #1
파일: library.py 프로젝트: sajedel/testsage
    def _make_ToricVariety(self, name, coordinate_names):
        Construct a toric variety and cache the result.


        - ``name`` -- string. One of the pre-defined names in the
          ``toric_varieties_rays_cones`` data structure.

        - ``coordinate_names`` -- A string describing the names of the
          homogeneous coordinates of the toric variety.


        A :class:`toric variety


            sage: toric_varieties.A1()           # indirect doctest
            1-d affine toric variety
        rays, cones = toric_varieties_rays_cones[name]
        if coordinate_names is None:
            dict_key = '_cached_'+name
            coordinate_names = normalize_names(coordinate_names, len(rays),
            dict_key = '_cached_'+name+'_'+'_'.join(coordinate_names)
        if dict_key not in self.__dict__:
            fan = Fan(cones, rays, check=self._check)
            self.__dict__[dict_key] = \
        return self.__dict__[dict_key]
예제 #2
    def Cube_deformation(self,k, names=None):
        Construct, for each `k\in\ZZ_{\geq 0}`, a toric variety with
        `\ZZ_k`-torsion in the Chow group.

        The fans of this sequence of toric varieties all equal the
        face fan of a unit cube topologically, but the
        ``(1,1,1)``-vertex is moved to ``(1,1,2k+1)``. This example
        was studied in [FS]_.


        - ``k`` -- integer. The case ``k=0`` is the same as
        - ``names`` -- string. Names for the homogeneous
          coordinates. See
          for acceptable formats.


        A :class:`toric variety
        `X_k`. Its Chow group is `A_1(X_k)=\ZZ_k`.


            sage: X_2 = toric_varieties.Cube_deformation(2)
            sage: X_2
            3-d toric variety covered by 6 affine patches
            sage: X_2.fan().ray_matrix()
            [ 1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1  1]
            [ 1 -1  1 -1 -1  1 -1  1]
            [ 5  1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1]
            sage: X_2.gens()
            (z0, z1, z2, z3, z4, z5, z6, z7)


        ..  [FS]
            William Fulton, Bernd Sturmfels, "Intersection Theory on
            Toric Varieties", http://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9403002
        # We are going to eventually switch off consistency checks, so we need
        # to be sure that the input is acceptable.
            k = ZZ(k)   # make sure that we got a "mathematical" integer
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("cube deformations X_k are defined only for "
                            "non-negative integer k!\nGot: %s" % k)
        if k < 0:
            raise ValueError("cube deformations X_k are defined only for "
                             "non-negative k!\nGot: %s" % k)
        rays = lambda kappa: matrix([[ 1, 1, 2*kappa+1],[ 1,-1, 1],[-1, 1, 1],[-1,-1, 1],
                                       [-1,-1,-1],[-1, 1,-1],[ 1,-1,-1],[ 1, 1,-1]])
        cones = [[0,1,2,3],[4,5,6,7],[0,1,7,6],[4,5,3,2],[0,2,5,7],[4,6,1,3]]
        fan = Fan(cones, rays(k))
        return ToricVariety(fan, coordinate_names=names)
예제 #3
파일: library.py 프로젝트: yjjcc/sage
    def A(self, n, names='z+', base_ring=QQ):
        Construct the ``n``-dimensional affine space.


        - ``n`` -- positive integer. The dimension of the affine space.

        - ``names`` -- string. Names for the homogeneous
          coordinates. See
          for acceptable formats.

        - ``base_ring`` -- a ring (default: `\QQ`). The base ring for
          the toric variety.


        A :class:`toric variety


            sage: A3 = toric_varieties.A(3)
            sage: A3
            3-d affine toric variety
            sage: A3.fan().rays()
            N(1, 0, 0),
            N(0, 1, 0),
            N(0, 0, 1)
            in 3-d lattice N
            sage: A3.gens()
            (z0, z1, z2)
        # We are going to eventually switch off consistency checks, so we need
        # to be sure that the input is acceptable.
            n = ZZ(n)  # make sure that we got a "mathematical" integer
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("dimension of the affine space must be a "
                            "positive integer!\nGot: %s" % n)
        if n <= 0:
            raise ValueError("only affine spaces of positive dimension can "
                             "be constructed!\nGot: %s" % n)
        rays = identity_matrix(n).columns()
        cones = [list(range(n))]
        fan = Fan(cones, rays, check=self._check)
        return ToricVariety(fan, coordinate_names=names)
예제 #4
파일: library.py 프로젝트: yjjcc/sage
    def torus(self, n, names='z+', base_ring=QQ):
        Construct the ``n``-dimensional algebraic torus `(\mathbb{F}^\times)^n`.


        - ``n`` -- non-negative integer. The dimension of the algebraic torus.

        - ``names`` -- string. Names for the homogeneous
          coordinates. See
          for acceptable formats.

        - ``base_ring`` -- a ring (default: `\QQ`). The base ring for
          the toric variety.


        A :class:`toric variety


            sage: T3 = toric_varieties.torus(3);  T3
            3-d affine toric variety
            sage: T3.fan().rays()
            Empty collection
            in 3-d lattice N
            sage: T3.fan().virtual_rays()
            N(1, 0, 0),
            N(0, 1, 0),
            N(0, 0, 1)
            in 3-d lattice N
            sage: T3.gens()
            (z0, z1, z2)
            sage: sorted(T3.change_ring(GF(3)).point_set().list())
            [[1 : 1 : 1], [1 : 1 : 2], [1 : 2 : 1], [1 : 2 : 2], 
             [2 : 1 : 1], [2 : 1 : 2], [2 : 2 : 1], [2 : 2 : 2]]
            n = ZZ(n)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('dimension of the torus must be an integer')
        if n < 0:
            raise ValueError('dimension must be non-negative')
        N = ToricLattice(n)
        fan = Fan([], lattice=N)
        return ToricVariety(fan, coordinate_names=names, base_field=base_ring)
예제 #5
파일: library.py 프로젝트: sajedel/testsage
    def WP(self, *q, **kw):
        # Specific keyword arguments instead of **kw would be preferable,
        # later versions of Python might support specific (optional) keyword
        # arguments after *q.
        Construct weighted projective `n`-space over a field.


        - ``q`` -- a sequence of positive integers relatively prime to
          one another. The weights ``q`` can be given either as a list
          or tuple, or as positional arguments.

        Two keyword arguments:

        - ``K`` -- a field (default: `\QQ`).
        - ``names`` -- string or list (tuple) of strings (default 'z+'). See
          :func:`~sage.schemes.toric.variety.normalize_names` for
          acceptable formats.


        - A :class:`toric variety
          If `q=(q_0,\dots,q_n)`, then the output is the weighted projective
          space `\mathbb{P}(q_0,\dots,q_n)` over `K`. ``names`` are the names
          of the generators of the homogeneous coordinate ring.


        A hyperelliptic curve `C` of genus 2 as a subscheme of the weighted
        projective plane `\mathbb{P}(1,3,1)`::

            sage: X = toric_varieties.WP([1,3,1], names='x y z')
            sage: X.inject_variables()
            Defining x, y, z
            sage: g = y^2-(x^6-z^6)
            sage: C = X.subscheme([g]); C
            Closed subscheme of 2-d toric variety covered by 3 affine patches defined by:
              -x^6 + z^6 + y^2
        if len(q)==1:
            # tuples and lists of weights are acceptable input
            if isinstance(q[0], (list, tuple)):
                q = q[0]
        q = list(q)
        m = len(q)
        # allow case q=[1]? (not allowed presently)
        if m < 2:
            raise ValueError("more than one weight must be provided (got %s)" % q)
        for i in range(m):
                q[i] = ZZ(q[i])
                raise TypeError("the weights (=%s) must be integers" % q)
            if q[i] <= 0:
                raise ValueError("the weights (=%s) must be positive integers" % q)
        if not gcd(q) == 1:
            raise ValueError("the weights (=%s) must be relatively prime" % q)

        # set default values for K and names
        K = QQ
        names = 'z+'
        for key in kw:
            if key == 'K':
                K = kw['K']
                if K not in _Fields:
                    raise TypeError("K (=%r) must be a field" % K)
            elif key == 'names':
                names = kw['names']
                names = normalize_names(names, m, DEFAULT_PREFIX)
                raise TypeError("got an unexpected keyword argument %r" % key)

        L = ToricLattice(m)
        L_sub = L.submodule([L(q)])
        Q = L/L_sub
        rays = []
        cones = []
        w = range(m)
        L_basis = L.basis()
        for i in w:
            b = L_basis[i]
            v = Q.coordinate_vector(Q(b))
            rays = rays + [v]
            w_c = w[:i] + w[i+1:]
            cones = cones + [tuple(w_c)]
        fan = Fan(cones,rays)
        return ToricVariety(fan, coordinate_names=names, base_field=K)