class LibOrderFormGetCheckoutData(object): def __init__(self): self.init = LibBase() # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def order_form_get_checkout_data(self, bag, email, token=None, hash_id=None): """ Add scooter into shopping cart Args: email (str): buyer email Return: resp: Return json object Examples: | Order Form Get Checkout Data | PAYLOAD | """ self.init.auth(token, hash_id) data = { "Email": email, } resp = self.init.request( 'get', '/order-form/get-checkout-data/{bag}'.format(bag=bag), json=data) return resp
class LibAttachUpdateScooterPairingFlag(object): def __init__(self): self.init = LibBase() # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_scooter_pairing_flag_post(self, order_no, scooter_allocation_flag, token=None): """ Add scooter into shopping cart Args: order_no (str): dms_order_no scooter_allocation_flag (int): 1 as 自動配車, 2 as 暫不配車 Return: resp: Return json object Examples: | Update Scooter Pairing Flag Post | PAYLOAD | """ self.init.auth(token) data = { "OrderNo": order_no, "ScooterAllocationFlag": scooter_allocation_flag, } resp = self.init.request('post', '/attach/update-scooter-pairing-flag', json=data) return resp
def __init__(self): self.init = LibBase() self.variable = LibVar() self._env = self.variable.get_var('ENV') if self._env != 'prod': self.init.sales_portal_cipher_get()
class LibDiscountImportDiscountCoupons(object): def __init__(self): self.init = LibBase() # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def import_discount_coupons_post(self, discount_plan_option_id=None, token=None, hash_id=None, coupon_code=None): """ Import discount coupons code by admin Args: Return: resp: Return json object Examples: | Import Discount Coupons Post | PAYLOAD | """ self.init.auth(token, hash_id) data = { "DiscountPlanOptionsId": discount_plan_option_id, "CouponCode": [coupon_code] } resp = self.init.request('post', '/discount/import-discount-coupons', json=data) return resp
class LibDiscountGetDiscountList(object): def __init__(self): self.init = LibBase() # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_discount_list_post(self, discount_plan_main_id=None, discount_plan_option_id=None, name=None, code=None, offset=None, limit=None, token=None, hash_id=None): """ Get info about telecom discount coupons Args: Return: resp: Return json object Examples: | Get Discount List Post | PAYLOAD | """ self.init.auth(token, hash_id) data = { "DiscountPlanMainId": discount_plan_main_id, "DiscountPlanOptionsId": discount_plan_option_id, "Name": name, "Code": code, "PaginationCriteria": { "Offset": offset, "Limit": limit } } resp = self.init.request('post', '/discount/get-discount-list', json=data) return resp
class LibUtilityGetDpUserData(object): def __init__(self): self.init = LibBase() # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def utility_get_dp_user_data_post(self, email, phone, password=None, token=None): """ Add scooter into shopping cart Args: email (str): buyer email phone (str): buyer phone last 4 number Return: resp: Return json object Examples: | Utility Get Dp User Data Post | PAYLOAD | """ self.init.auth(token) data = { "Email": email, "Password": password, "Phone": phone } resp = self.init.request('post', '/utility/get-dp-user-data', json=data) return resp
class LibAccountLogin(object): def __init__(self): self.init = LibBase() self.variable = LibVar() self._env = self.variable.get_var('ENV') if self._env != 'prod': self.init.sales_portal_cipher_get() # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def account_login_post(self, user_id, password, session_id=None, recaptcha_response=None, two_factor_source=0, otp_code=None, remember_device=True, browser_info=None, token=None): """login sales portal Args: user_id (str): sales account password (str): sales password two_factor_source (int): flag to check use 2FA login or not, default as 0 otp_code (str): code for 2FA login remember_device (bool): flag to check next time login should use 2FA confirmation or not browser_info (str): record browser type Return: resp: Return json object Examples: | Account Login Post | PAYLOAD | """ data = { "UserID": user_id, "Password": password, "SessionId": session_id, "RecaptchaResponse": recaptcha_response, "TwoFactorSource": two_factor_source, "OtpCode": otp_code, "RememberDevice": remember_device, "BrowserInfo": browser_info } resp = self.init.request('post', '/account/login', json=data) return resp
class LibScooterList(object): def __init__(self): self.init = LibBase() # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def scooter_list_get(self, token=None, hash_id=None): """ Get scooter list with detail information Return: resp: Return json object Examples: | Scooter List Get | """ self.init.auth(token, hash_id) resp = self.init.request('get', '/scooter/list') return resp
class LibUtilityTestOrderOpeningInvoice(object): def __init__(self): self.init = LibBase() # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def utility_test_order_opening_invoice_get(self, order_no, token=None): """ Add scooter into shopping cart Args: OrderNo (str): dms_order_no Return: resp: Return json object Examples: | Utility Test Order Opening Invoice Get | PAYLOAD | """ self.init.auth(token) resp = self.init.request('get', '/utility/test-order-opening-invoice?OrderNo={}'.format(order_no)) return resp
class LibUtilityTestOrderInfo(object): def __init__(self): self.init = LibBase() # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def utility_test_order_info_get(self, order_no, token=None): """ Get scooter order invoice detail Args: OrderNo (str): dms_order_no Return: resp: Return json object Examples: | Utility Test Order Info Get | PAYLOAD | """ self.init.auth(token) resp = self.init.request( 'get', '/utility/test-order-info?OrderNo={}'.format(order_no)) return resp
class LibGetOrderData(object): def __init__(self): self.init = LibBase() # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def order_data_get(self, order_no, token=None): """ Get order detail Args: OrderNo (str): dms_order_no Return: resp: Return json object Examples: | Order Data Get | PAYLOAD | """ self.init.auth(token) resp = self.init.request( 'get', '/order-form/get-order-data/{}'.format(order_no)) return resp
class LibUtilityTestOrderUpdateInvoiceOpened(object): def __init__(self): self.init = LibBase() # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def utility_test_order_update_invoice_opened_post(self, order_store_id, invoice_name, order_no, total_amt, tc_order_no, invoice_no, token=None): """ Make invoice status from 待開立 to 已開立 Args: OrderNo (str): dms_order_no Return: resp: Return json object Examples: | Utility Test Order Update Invoice Opened Post | PAYLOAD | """ self.init.auth(token) today = today_str = today.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") time_str = today.strftime("%H:%M:%S") data = { "result": { "details": [{ "data": { "dealer_id": "1500", "order_store_id": order_store_id, "plan_order_store_id": "", "order_type": "01", "order_name": invoice_name, "order_no": order_no, "order_line": "002", "order_date": today_str, "order_time": "00:00", "total_amt": total_amt, "trans_type": "W1", "receipt_type": "P1", "sell_invoice": invoice_no, "sell_invoice_tax_amt": 5951, "inv_day": today_str, "inv_time": time_str, "comp_id": "00000064", "eui_vehicle_no": "", "eui_random_code": "4560", "eui_print": "1", "eui_print_trans": "0", "eui_donate_no": "", "eui_donate_status": "0", "eui_vehicle_type_no": "", "tc_order_no": tc_order_no, #SP20200302D00000025 "order_products": [{ "product_id": "GSACK-000-VG", "product_name": "GA7CK", "tax_flag": "1", "qty": 1, "ori_price": 131980, "ori_amt": 131980, "price": 131980, "amt": 131980, "tax_amt": 6285 }, { "product_id": "TES000001", "product_name": "GA7CK-餘額", "tax_flag": "1", "qty": 1, "ori_price": -7000, "ori_amt": -7000, "price": -7000, "amt": -7000, "tax_amt": -333 }], "tender_detail": [{ "tender_no": "10", "tender_price": total_amt, "extra_price": 0, "sec_no": "", "credit_card_detail": { "tx_amount": total_amt, "card_no": "", "periods": 0, "bonus_use_point": 0, "bonus_point": 0, "bonus_dis_amt": 0 } }] } }] } } resp = self.init.request('post', '/utility/test-order-update-invoice-opened', json=data) return resp
class LibShoppingCartScooterAddToCart(object): def __init__(self): self.init = LibBase() # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_product_information_payload(self, product_name): """ Get scooter detail information payload Args: product_name (str): default product_list Returns: dict: The return value """ products = { "Gogoro VIVA": [ shopping_cart_gogoroviva ], "Gogoro S2 Café Racer": [ shopping_cart_gogoros2caferacer ], "Gogoro S2 Café Racer+Anti slip mat": [ shopping_cart_gogoros2caferacer, shopping_cart_anti_slip_mat ], "Gogoro S2 Café Racer+Light sensor": [ shopping_cart_gogoros2caferacer, shopping_cart_light_sensor ], "Gogoro 2 Delight": [ shopping_cart_gogoro2delight ], "Gogoro 2 Delight+Anti slip mat": [ shopping_cart_gogoro2delight, shopping_cart_anti_slip_mat ], "Gogoro 2 Delight+Light sensor": [ shopping_cart_gogoro2delight, shopping_cart_light_sensor ], "Gogoro 2 Rumbler": [ shopping_cart_gogoro2rumbler ], "Gogoro 2 Rumbler+Anti slip mat": [ shopping_cart_gogoro2rumbler, shopping_cart_anti_slip_mat ], "Gogoro 2 Rumbler+Light sensor": [ shopping_cart_gogoro2rumbler, shopping_cart_light_sensor ] } return products[product_name] def shopping_cart_scooter_add_to_cart_post(self, product_name='Gogoro S2 Café Racer', t_shirt=None, badge=None, badge_type='A', student_plan='N', payment_method=1, token=None): """ Add scooter into shopping cart Args: product_no (str): scooter type code product_main_id (str): scooter model id product_color_id (str): scooter color id order_type (int): 1 is scooter (default) payment_method (int): 1 is cash, 2 is loan Returns: resp: Return json object hash_id: Return cart information in cookies Examples: | Shopping Cart Scooter Add To Cart Post | PAYLOAD | """ self.init.auth(token) product = self._get_product_information_payload(product_name) data = { "Product": product, "TShirt": t_shirt, "Badge": badge, "BadgeType": badge_type, "StudentPlan": student_plan, "PaymentMethod": payment_method } data = self.init.dict_to_json_string(data) data = { "jsonData": data } print(data) resp = self.init.request('post', '/shopping-cart/scooter-add-to-cart', json=data) print(resp.headers['Set-Cookie']) hash_id = re.findall("HashId=[\w\S]+", resp.headers['Set-Cookie'])[0] return resp, hash_id
class LibScooterAutoPairing(object): def __init__(self): self.init = LibBase() # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_scooter_pair_result_detail_post(self, order_no, start_date, end_date, company_id=None, department_id=None, allocation_failure_reason=0, offset=0, limit=200, token=None, hash_id=None): """ Get assign scooter order scooter pairing result from group admin Args: order_no (str): dms_order_no start_date (str): Example Format - 2020-03-16T07:57:02.197Z - 2020-03-18 end_date (str): Same format with start_date, to describe the interval of pairing result Return: resp: Return json object Examples: | Get Scooter Pair Result Detail Post | PAYLOAD | """ self.init.auth(token, hash_id) data = { "OrderNo": order_no, "CompanyId": company_id, "DepartmentId": department_id, "IsDraft": True, "AllocationFailureReason": allocation_failure_reason, "StartDate": start_date, "EndDate": end_date, "PaginationCriteria": { "Offset": offset, "Limit": limit } } resp = self.init.request( 'post', '/scooter-auto-pairing/get-scooter-pair-result-detail', json=data) return resp def get_scooter_pair_result_master_post(self, start_date, end_date, company_id=None, pairing_id=None, offset=0, limit=200, token=None, hash_id=None): """ Get whole scooter pairing result from group admin Args: start_date (str): Example Format - 2020-03-16T07:57:02.197Z - 2020-03-18 end_date (str): Same format with start_date, to describe the interval of pairing result Return: resp: Return json object Examples: | Get Scooter Pair Result Master Post | PAYLOAD | """ self.init.auth(token, hash_id) data = { "StartDate": start_date, "EndDate": end_date, "CompanyId": company_id, "Id": pairing_id, "IsDraft": True, "PaginationCriteria": { "Offset": offset, "Limit": limit } } resp = self.init.request( 'post', '/scooter-auto-pairing/get-scooter-pair-result-master', json=data) return resp
class LibShoppingCartModifyOrder(object): def __init__(self): self.init = LibBase() # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_loan_payment(self, payment_type='2'): """ Get scooter payment detail information payload Args: payment_type (str): 2 is cash, 3 is loan Returns: dict: The return value """ loan_payments = {"2": {}, "3": loan} return loan_payments[payment_type] def _get_scooter_information_payload(self, scooter_model='Gogoro VIVA'): """ Get scooter detail information payload Args: scooter_model (str): default with Gogoro VIVA Returns: dict: The return value """ products = { "Accessories": [ accessory_keychain, accessory_mat, agency_serivce_fee, gogoros2caferacer ], "Gogoro VIVA": [agency_serivce_fee, gogoroviva], "Gogoro S2 Cafe Racer": [agency_serivce_fee, gogoros2caferacer], "Legal Entity": [gogoros2caferacer_discount], "Legal_Entity+Gogoro 2 Delight+Anti slip mat": [accessory_mat_discount, gogoro2delight_discount], "Legal_Entity+Gogoro 2 Delight+Light sensor": [light_sensor_discount, gogoro2delight_discount], "Legal_Entity+Gogoro 2 Rumbler+Light sensor": [light_sensor_discount, gogoro2rumbler_discount], "Legal_Entity+GogoroS2CaféRacer+Anti slip mat": [accessory_mat_discount, gogoros2caferacer_discount] } return products[scooter_model] def shopping_cart_modify_order_post(self, order_no, order_type, sales_channel_no, owner_email, owner_name, owner_gender, owner_profile_id, owner_mobile, owner_birthday, owner_city, owner_district, owner_zipcode, owner_address, licensing_location, licensing_location_id, license_type, payment_type, is_payment_change, document_fee_payer, scooter_model, agency_fees=-1, is_receive_award=-1, token=None, hash_id=None): """ Update scooter order information in shopping cart Args: Returns: resp: Return json object Examples: | Shopping Cart Modify Order Post | PAYLOAD | """ self.init.auth(token, hash_id) products = [documentation_fee] products += self._get_scooter_information_payload(scooter_model) payments = self._get_loan_payment(payment_type) data = { "Bag": 1, "UserId": None, "OrderNo": order_no, "OrderType": order_type, "SalesChannelNo": sales_channel_no, "SalesChannelName": None, "SalesStoreNo": None, "SalesStoreName": None, "DiscountPlanId": None, "EmployeeNo": None, "CheckEmployeeNo": None, "Recommended": None, "Remark": None, "Invoice": { "Numbers": None, "GUINumbers": None, "Donation": None, "DonationNumbers": None, "Date": None }, "Discount": [], "ProjectActivity": [{ "ProjectCode": "EVT217", "ProjectName": "購買 Gogoro 全車系贈送 Gogoro 極輕都會風雨衣", "ProjectDescription": "購買 Gogoro 全車系贈送 Gogoro 極輕都會風雨衣", "Remark": None, "Product": [], "Delivery": {} }], "Buyer": { "Email": None, "Name": None, "Gender": -1, "Mobile": None, "City": None, "CityId": None, "District": None, "DistrictId": None, "ZipCode": None, "Address": None }, "Owner": { "Email": owner_email, "Name": owner_name, "Gender": owner_gender, "IDCard": owner_profile_id, "Mobile": owner_mobile, "Birthday": owner_birthday, "City": owner_city, "CityId": None, "District": owner_district, "DistrictId": None, "ZipCode": owner_zipcode, "Address": owner_address, "CivilServants": 0, "PurchaseMethod": 0 }, "Driver": { "Name": owner_name, "Email": owner_email }, "Deliveries": {}, "DeliveryConditions": { "Type": -1, "StoreId": None }, "Scooter": { "PDIStoreId": None, "PairingAccount": None, "PairingUserId": None, "SingingDay": None, "SubsidyType": -1, "SubsidyApplication": -1, "SubsidyCounty": None, "BeDeprecatedSamePerson": -1, "Subsidy": { "TesSubsidyTypeId": 1, "LocalSubsidyTypeId": 2003, "IsTES": True, "IsEPA": True, "IsEPB": True }, "Licensing": { "LicensingStatus": 1, "LicensingLocation": licensing_location, "LicensingLocationId": licensing_location_id, "InsuredYears": 2, "Stamp": 1, "ChooseLicensing": 0, "ChooseRemark": None, "AgencyFees": agency_fees }, "LicenseType": license_type }, "Payment": { "Type": payment_type, "IsPaymentChange": is_payment_change, "cash": {}, "loan": payments }, "Contract": { "InvoicesGUINumbers": None, "InvoicesTitle": None }, "Recommend": {}, "IsReceiveAward": is_receive_award, "DocumentFeePayer": document_fee_payer, "ProductList": [{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Name": "", "Type": 0, "Descriptions": None, "Product": products }] } print(data) resp = self.init.request('post', '/shopping-cart/modify-order', json=data) return resp
def __init__(self): self.init = LibBase()
class LibShoppingCartCheckout(object): def __init__(self): self.init = LibBase() # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_licensing_payload(self, licensing_location, licensing_location_id, agency_fee, plate_type='gogoro_plate'): """ Get sales portal's licensing payload Args: plate_type (str): gogoro_plate is 代領牌, self_plate is 自領牌 Returns: dict: The return value """ licensing = { "gogoro_plate": { "LicensingStatus": 1, "LicensingLocation": licensing_location, "LicensingLocationId": licensing_location_id, "InsuredYears": 2, "Stamp": 1, "ChooseLicensing": 0, "ChooseRemark": None, "AgencyFees": agency_fee }, "self_plate": { "LicensingStatus": 2, "LicensingLocation": licensing_location, "LicensingLocationId": licensing_location_id, "InsuredYears": 0, "Stamp": 0, "ChooseLicensing": 0, "ChooseRemark": None, "AgencyFees": 0 } } return licensing[plate_type] def _get_payment_type(self, payment_type='cash'): """ Get sales portal's payment type and information Args: payment_type (str): cash is 現金, loan is 貸款, credit_card is 信用卡刷卡 Return: dict: The return value """ payment = { "cash": { "Type": 2, "CreditCard": {}, "Cash": {}, "Loan": {}, "Receivables": {}, "IsPaymentChange": 0 }, "loan": { "Type": 3, "IsPaymentChange": 0, "Loan": { "Amount": 52380, "DownPayment": 1000, "LoanId": "80607612", "LoanCompany": "遠信國際租賃股份有限公司", "Interest": 1, "CoSigner": 0, "IsBorrowerSameOwner": True, "Period": 6, "InterestRate": 2.5, "PeriodAmount": 8954, "PeriodIndex": 0 } }, "card": { "Type": 1, "CreditCard": { "Type": 3, "Amount": 109200, "Period": 0, "Month": "12", "Year": "2028", "SecurityCode": "541", "CardNo": 4938170188888994 } } } return payment[payment_type] def _get_scooter_payload(self, pdi_store_id, pairing_account, pairing_user_guid, sing_date, subsidy_city, tes_subsidy_type_id, local_subsidy_type_id, license_type, licensing, subsidy_type, is_tes, is_epa, is_epb, scooter_type='normal'): """ Get sales portal's scooter payload Args: scooter_type (str): normal is 一般購車, legal_entity is 法人贈車 Returns: dict: The return value """ if local_subsidy_type_id: local_subsidy_type_id = int(local_subsidy_type_id) scooter = { "normal": { "PDIStoreId": pdi_store_id, "PairingAccount": pairing_account, "PairingUserId": pairing_user_guid, "SingingDay": sing_date, "SubsidyType": subsidy_type, "SubsidyApplication": 2, "SubsidyCounty": subsidy_city, "BeDeprecatedSamePerson": 1, "Subsidy": { "TesSubsidyTypeId": int(tes_subsidy_type_id), "LocalSubsidyTypeId": local_subsidy_type_id, "IsTES": is_tes, "IsEPA": is_epa, "IsEPB": is_epb }, "Licensing": licensing, "LicenseType": license_type }, "legal_entity": { "PDIStoreId": pdi_store_id, "PairingAccount": pairing_account, "PairingUserId": pairing_user_guid, "SingingDay": sing_date, "SubsidyType": 1, "SubsidyApplication": 1, "SubsidyCounty": "", "BeDeprecatedSamePerson": 1, "Subsidy": { "TesSubsidyTypeId": 2, "LocalSubsidyTypeId": None, "IsTES": is_tes, "IsEPA": is_epa, "IsEPB": is_epb }, "Licensing": licensing, "LicenseType": license_type } } return scooter[scooter_type] def shopping_cart_checkout_post(self, user_id, employee_no, buyer_email, buyer_name, buyer_gender, buyer_phone, buyer_city, buyer_district, buyer_zipcode, buyer_address, owner_email, owner_name, owner_gender, owner_profile_id, owner_phone, owner_birthday, owner_city, owner_district, owner_zipcode, owner_address, driver_name, driver_email, sales_channel_no, sales_channel_name, invoice_number, invoice_date, store_id, pdi_store_id, pairing_user_guid, sing_date, subsidy_city, tes_subsidy_type_id, local_subsidy_type_id, licensing_location, licensing_location_id, agency_fee, license_type, order_type, scooter_type='normal', plate_type='1', document_payer=1, payment_type='cash', subsidy_type=2, is_tes=True, is_epa=True, is_epb=True, token=None, hash_id=None): """ Add scooter into shopping cart Args: user_id (str): buyer guid employee_no (str): sales portal account store_id (str): department code pdi_store_id (str): department code pairing_user_guid (str): driver guid sing_date (str): driver birthday, format is YYYY-MM-dd tes_subsidy_type_id (int): reference mapping table local_subsidy_type_id (int): reference mapping table order_type (int): 1 = scooter order , 2 = legal entity order Returns: resp: Return json object Examples: | Shopping Cart Checkout Post | PAYLOAD | """ self.init.auth(token, hash_id) licensing = self._get_licensing_payload(licensing_location, licensing_location_id, agency_fee, plate_type) payment = self._get_payment_type(payment_type) scooter = self._get_scooter_payload(pdi_store_id, driver_email, pairing_user_guid, sing_date, subsidy_city, tes_subsidy_type_id, local_subsidy_type_id, license_type, licensing, subsidy_type, is_tes, is_epa, is_epb, scooter_type) data = { "Bag": 1, "UserId": user_id, "OrderNo": None, "OrderType": order_type, "CustomerSource": 1, "SalesChannelNo": sales_channel_no, "SalesChannelName": sales_channel_name, "SalesStoreNo": None, "SalesStoreName": None, "DiscountPlanId": None, "EmployeeNo": employee_no, "CheckEmployeeNo": None, "Recommended": None, "Remark": None, "Invoice": { "Numbers": invoice_number, "GUINumbers": None, "Donation": None, "DonationNumbers": None, "Date": invoice_date }, "Discount": [], "ProjectActivity": [ { "ProjectCode": "EVT217", "ProjectName": "購買 Gogoro 全車系贈送 Gogoro 極輕都會風雨衣", "ProjectDescription": "購買 Gogoro 全車系贈送 Gogoro 極輕都會風雨衣", "Remark": None, "Product": [], "Delivery": {} }, { "ProjectCode": "EVT250", "ProjectName": "Gogoro 3系列全新改款送藍牙耳機與安全帽", "ProjectDescription": "Gogoro 3系列全新改款送藍牙耳機與安全帽", "Remark": None, "Product": [], "Delivery": {} } ], "Buyer": { "Email": buyer_email, "Name": buyer_name, "Gender": int(buyer_gender), "Mobile": buyer_phone, "City": buyer_city, "CityId": None, "District": buyer_district, "DistrictId": None, "ZipCode": buyer_zipcode, "Address": buyer_address }, "Owner": { "Email": owner_email, "Name": owner_name, "Gender": int(owner_gender), "IDCard": owner_profile_id, "Mobile": owner_phone, "Birthday": owner_birthday, "City": owner_city, "CityId": None, "District": owner_district, "DistrictId": None, "ZipCode": owner_zipcode, "Address": owner_address, "CivilServants": 0, "PurchaseMethod": 0 }, "Driver": { "Name": driver_name, "Email": driver_email }, "Deliveries": {}, "DeliveryConditions": { "Type": 2, "StoreId": store_id }, "Scooter": scooter, "Payment": payment, "Contract": {}, "Recommend": {}, "IsReceiveAward": -1, "TestRide": 1, "DocumentFeePayer": document_payer } resp = self.init.request('post', '/shopping-cart/checkout', json=data) return resp