예제 #1
    def __init__(self, buffer_size=1000000, controller=None,
                 array_ix=0, n_samples=30, top_k=5,
                 closeness_bonus = 2.0, knn_image_downscale_factor=4,
                 rng=None, length_history_particle=4):
        buffer_size: Maximum number of frames to store
        controller: A controller such as PIDController that can dynamically adjust the steering signal to keep the robot on track
        array_ix: the index of the motor signals which contains the steering signal
        n_samples: number of evenly spaced frames to evaluate from the buffer when classifying
        top_k: pick the top_k frames that have the best response as given by phaseCorrelate,
               and then evaluate these on the raw pixels
        closeness_bonus: how big boost to give to frames that are close to the best match from the previous round,
                         compared with other frames
        knn_image_downscale_factor: images will be downscaled by this factor and
            a KNN used to get the closest frames to the current one as candidates for best
            matching frame.
        rng: random number generator to use, or None to create a new one
        length_history_particle: Number of frame to keep in memory for each particle
        if rng is None:
            rng = np.random.RandomState()

        self._length_history_particle = length_history_particle
        self.buffer_size = buffer_size
        self.controller = controller
        self.array_ix = array_ix
        self.n_samples = n_samples
        self.top_k = top_k
        self.closeness_bonus = closeness_bonus
        self.knn_image_downscale_factor = knn_image_downscale_factor
        self._buffer_append_freq = 1
        self._skipped = 0
        self._stretches = []
        self._current_stretch = 0
        self._leader = None
        self.n_particles = 3
        self._particles = []
        self._rng = rng
        self.new_image_fft = None
        self._phase_corr_preprocessor = PhaseCorrPreprocessor()
예제 #2
class Salmon(object):
    The Salmon is doing three things:
     - it keeps track of all seen training samples and the order in which they were seen,
       so that when classifying a given frame you can use as prior information that it is likely
       to be close to the previous one you classified
     - it uses a translation invariant metric to compare the new camera image with the ones seen during training,
       by calculating the cross-correlation between the new and the old image (through FFT for performance reasons),
       shifting the images according to the peak of the cross-correlation, and then comparing raw pixels
     - it uses the amount of translation in the horizontal direction to adjust the steering direction in order to stay on track.
       For example, if the new image is shifted right compared with the image seen during training, then the steering direction
       will be adjusted leftwards.
    def __init__(self, buffer_size=1000000, controller=None,
                 array_ix=0, n_samples=30, top_k=5,
                 closeness_bonus = 2.0, knn_image_downscale_factor=4,
                 rng=None, length_history_particle=4):
        buffer_size: Maximum number of frames to store
        controller: A controller such as PIDController that can dynamically adjust the steering signal to keep the robot on track
        array_ix: the index of the motor signals which contains the steering signal
        n_samples: number of evenly spaced frames to evaluate from the buffer when classifying
        top_k: pick the top_k frames that have the best response as given by phaseCorrelate,
               and then evaluate these on the raw pixels
        closeness_bonus: how big boost to give to frames that are close to the best match from the previous round,
                         compared with other frames
        knn_image_downscale_factor: images will be downscaled by this factor and
            a KNN used to get the closest frames to the current one as candidates for best
            matching frame.
        rng: random number generator to use, or None to create a new one
        length_history_particle: Number of frame to keep in memory for each particle
        if rng is None:
            rng = np.random.RandomState()

        self._length_history_particle = length_history_particle
        self.buffer_size = buffer_size
        self.controller = controller
        self.array_ix = array_ix
        self.n_samples = n_samples
        self.top_k = top_k
        self.closeness_bonus = closeness_bonus
        self.knn_image_downscale_factor = knn_image_downscale_factor
        self._buffer_append_freq = 1
        self._skipped = 0
        self._stretches = []
        self._current_stretch = 0
        self._leader = None
        self.n_particles = 3
        self._particles = []
        self._rng = rng
        self.new_image_fft = None
        self._phase_corr_preprocessor = PhaseCorrPreprocessor()
    def camera_input(self, new_image):
        The classification consists of the following steps:
         A. Convert image to spatial phase representation
         B. Find the image from training that matches most closely
            B1. Select up to n_samples images from the buffer of trained images
            B2. Create a new particle from the best matching image from B1
            B3. Compare all particles with the surrounding frames to see if there is a better match
            B4. Switch the leader particle if there is another one that is 'significantly better'
            B5. Discard the worst particle if there are more than n_particles
         C. Pass along the horizontal displacement of the best matching frame from step B
            to the PID controller, which calculates a correction to apply to the motor signals
            in order to keep the robot on track.
         D. Add the correction from C to the motor signals that are associated with the best matching
            frame from B.
         E. Return the result from step D.
         Returns the motor commands to be applied to keep the robot on the path,
         as a list of numpy arrays corresponding to those given to the train method.
         If no training data has been provided yet, then None will be returned instead.
        # Check correct format of input data
        # We're expecting a colour image represented as a three-dimensional numpy array,
        # where the last dimension is the color channel.
        # assert new_image.ndim == 3
        # assert new_image.shape[2] == 3

        self.new_image = new_image
        # Do preprocessing of the new frame consisting of:
        #  - convert to grayscale
        #  - apply Hann window function to avoid edge effects
        #  - perform FFT calculation
        self.new_image_fft = self._phase_corr_preprocessor.preprocess(new_image)
        self.new_downscaled_image = cv2.resize(new_image, (new_image.shape[1] / self.knn_image_downscale_factor,
                                               new_image.shape[0] / self.knn_image_downscale_factor))

        # Now find which image seen during training most closely matches the current one,
        # while taking into account that the image may have a translation in x and y direction
        allframes = self._stretches[0].frames
        N = len(allframes)
        if N == 0:
            # We have no training samples yet to predict from
            return None

        self.candidates_to_clear = []

        # Advance all particles to a close frame that best matches the current input
        for particle in self._particles:

        new_particle = self.create_new_particle()
        self.advance_particle(new_particle, backwards = 1, forwards = 1)

        # Sort the contender particles by average
        self._particles.sort(key = FrameParticle.average)
        if self._leader is not None:
            self.advance_particle(self._leader, backwards = 2, forwards = 4)
        # Choose the leader
        if self._leader is None:
            # If there is no leader from previous round,
            # we just choose the current best one
            self._leader = self._particles[0]
        # Prune the particles list
        if len(self._particles) > self.n_particles-1:
        best_frame = self._leader.frame
        if self.controller is None:
            result = best_frame.output_data
            result = self.apply_controller(best_frame)
        # Clear out all of the frames we touched
        for frame in self.candidates_to_clear:

        return result
    def apply_controller(self, best_frame):
        Apply correction from controller (typically a PID controller of some sort)
        e = best_frame.phase_x
        result = best_frame.output_data
        correction = self.controller.process(e)
        result = [a for a in result]
        result[self.array_ix] = result[self.array_ix] + correction
        log_message = "Chose %s, e = %.2f, correction = %.3f, result = %.3f" % (best_frame, e, correction, result[self.array_ix])
        return result
    def learn(self, motor_cmd):
        This method can be called during training of the robot. It informs the Salmon about what
        motor commands were applied by the trainer at this moment. The Salmon will associate these motor
        commands with the last image it has received.

        motor_cmd: a list of numpy arrays.
                   In principle any data can be put in these numpy arrays,
                   and the same data will be returned as the motor_command_out signal
                   during autonomous execution corresponding to what the robot sees.
                   If using a PID controller, then the first numpy array needs to contain
                   only one number, the left-right steering signal.
        if self.new_image_fft is None:
            # We have not received any images yet to associate this motor command with
        # Currently, all frames go into the same Stretch. At some point we should probably
        # start actually putting each training segments into different _stretches.
        self._skipped += 1
        if self._skipped < self._buffer_append_freq:
            # Skipping frame, as we are only picking every n'th frame (n = self._buffer_append_freq)
        self._skipped = 0
        frame = self._stretches[self._current_stretch].add_frame(self.new_image, self.new_image_fft, self.new_downscaled_image, motor_cmd)

        current_size = sum(len(stretch.frames) for stretch in self._stretches)
        logging.getLogger('TranslationClassifier').debug("inserting frame (size=%d)" % current_size)

        if current_size > self.buffer_size:
            self._buffer_append_freq *= 2
            for p in self._particles + ([self._leader] if self._leader is not None else []):
                # particles pointing to frames that will be discarded on halving
                # have to point to the closest even-numbered frame
                if p.frame.id % 2 != 0:  # odd frame ids will be discarded
                    p.frame = self._stretches[p.frame.stretch_id].frames[p.frame.id - 1]

            for stretch in self._stretches:

            new_size = sum(len(stretch.frames) for stretch in self._stretches)
            logging.getLogger('TranslationClassifier').debug("halved buffer size from %s to %d, doubled buffer_append_freq to %d" % (current_size, new_size, self._buffer_append_freq))

    def advance_particle(self, particle, backwards=0, forwards=2):
        frame = particle.frame
        candidates = self._stretches[frame.stretch_id].frames[max(0, frame.id-backwards):frame.id+forwards+1]
        best_close_frame = self.get_best_frame(candidates)

    def get_best_frame(self, frames):
        frames: a list of frames from which to choose the best one
        return: the frame with the best match in raw pixels
        # Add these frames to the list of frames to clear after we are done with classification of the current frame
        self.candidates_to_clear += frames
        # Calculate phase correlate for all frames
        for frame in frames:
            if not frame.response:
                phase_result = PhaseCorrelate.phaseCorrelate(frame.transformed_image, self.new_image_fft)
                frame.phase_x = phase_result[0]
                # We're currently not using the y-shift, which is stored in phase_result[1]
                frame.response = phase_result[2]
        # Pick frames with highest phase response
        candidates = heapq.nlargest(self.top_k, frames, lambda frame: frame.response)
        # Calculate image distance for top candidates
        for frame in candidates:
            if not frame.image_dist:
                frame.image_dist = shift_and_match_distance(frame.image, self.new_image, frame.phase_x)
        # Pick frame with lowest image distance
        return min(candidates, key = lambda frame: frame.image_dist)

    def create_new_particle(self):
        # Find which images seen during training most closely matches the current one
        labels = self.knn.find_neighbours(self.new_downscaled_image, self.n_samples)
        candidates = tuple(self._stretches[stretch_id].frames[frame_id] for stretch_id, frame_id in labels)
        particle = FrameParticle(self.get_best_frame(candidates), self._length_history_particle)
        return particle
    def remove_identical_particles(self):
        Assumes that the particles have already been sorted by average image_dist
        self._particles = [p for p in self._particles if p.frame is not self._leader.frame]
        particles_to_remove = []
        for ix, p1 in enumerate(self._particles):
            for p2 in self._particles[ix+1:]:
                if p1.frame is p2.frame:
                    # If p2 has longer history than p1, remove p1,
                    # otherwise remove p2 (since p1 has better image_dist average)
                    if len(p1.image_dist_history) < len(p2.image_dist_history):
        for particle in particles_to_remove:
            except ValueError:
                # OK - the same particle may occur multiple times in the particles_to_remove list

    def challenge_leader(self):
        # First pick the contender with long enough history with the best average
        contender = None
        for particle in self._particles:
            if len(particle.image_dist_history) >= len(self._leader.image_dist_history):
                contender = particle
        if contender is None:
            # No particle has long enough history to challenge the leader
        if contender.image_dist_history[-1] < self._leader.image_dist_history[-1] and contender.average() + self.closeness_bonus < self._leader.average():
            logging.getLogger('TranslationClassifier').debug("Switching leader from %s to %s" % (self._leader.frame, contender.frame))
            # Put the old leader at the front of the particles contender list (so it won't get pruned this round)
            self._particles.insert(0, self._leader)
            self._leader = contender
    def add_to_knn(self, frame):
        self.knn.add_training_data(frame.downscaled_image, np.array([frame.stretch_id, frame.id]))
    def rebuild_knn(self):
        self.knn = OnlineKNN(self.buffer_size * 2)
        for stretch in self._stretches:
            map(self.add_to_knn, stretch.frames)