def build(self): """ Build the geometric shapes and the markers corresponding to the different parts of the structural element, and add them to the study. """ gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") geompy = getGeompy(self._studyEditor.studyId) for part in self._parts.itervalues(): # Build the structural element part logger.debug("Building %s" % part) try: (shape, markers) = if shape is None: logger.error("Part %s has not been built" % part) continue except: logger.exception("Couldn't build part %s" % part) continue # Add the new objects to the study shapeSObjName = + "_" + part.groupName geompy.addToStudy(shape, shapeSObjName) geompy.PutToFolder(shape, self._getSObject()) if markers is not None and len(markers) > 0: for i, marker in enumerate(markers, start = 1): markerSObjName = "Orient_" + shapeSObjName if len(markers) > 1: markerSObjName += "_%d" % i geompy.addToStudy(marker, markerSObjName) geompy.PutToFolder(marker, self._getSObject())
def addToStudy(study, shape, shapeName, folderName=None): """ Add a GEOM shape in the study. It returns the associated entry that corresponds to the identifier of the entry in the study. This entry can be used to retrieve an object in the study. A folderName can be specified. In this case, a folder with this name is first created in the Geometry part of the study, and the shape study object is stored in this folder of the study. """ studyId = study._get_StudyId() geompy = geomtools.getGeompy(studyId) if folderName is None: # Insert the shape in the study by the standard way entry = geompy.addToStudy(shape, shapeName) else: # A folder name has been specified to embed this shape. Find # or create a folder with this name in the Geometry study, and # then store the shape in this folder. studyEditor = getStudyEditor(studyId) geomStudyFolder = studyEditor.findOrCreateComponent("GEOM") shapeStudyFolder = studyEditor.findOrCreateItem( geomStudyFolder, folderName) shapeIor = salome.orb.object_to_string(shape) geomgui = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") shapeIcon = geomgui.getShapeTypeIcon(shapeIor) shapeStudyObject = studyEditor.createItem(shapeStudyFolder, name=shapeName, IOR=shapeIor, icon=shapeIcon) entry = shapeStudyObject.GetID() return entry
def _getSObject(self): """ Find or create the study object corresponding to the structural element. This object is a Geom Folder named "SE_N" where N is a numerical ID. """ if self._SObject is None: geompy = getGeompy(self._studyEditor.studyId) geomComponent ="GEOM") mainFolder = self._studyEditor.findItem(geomComponent, name = StructuralElement.MAIN_FOLDER_NAME, typeId=999) if mainFolder is None: mainFolder = geompy.NewFolder(StructuralElement.MAIN_FOLDER_NAME) self._SObject = geompy.NewFolder("SE_" + str(self._id), mainFolder) return self._SObject
def createGeometry(study, radius=DEFAULT_RADIUS, length=DEFAULT_LENGTH, width=DEFAULT_WIDTH): ''' This function creates the geometry on the specified study and with given parameters. ''' print "TUBE: creating the geometry ..." studyId = study._get_StudyId() geompy = geomtools.getGeompy(studyId) radius_ext = radius radius_int = radius_ext - width CylinderExt = geompy.MakeCylinderRH(radius_ext, length) CylinderInt = geompy.MakeCylinderRH(radius_int, length) Tube = geompy.MakeCut(CylinderExt, CylinderInt) return Tube
def createGeometryWithPartition(study, radius=DEFAULT_RADIUS, length=DEFAULT_LENGTH, width=DEFAULT_WIDTH): ''' This function create the geometrical shape with a partition so that the hexaedric algorithm could be used for meshing. ''' shape = createGeometry(study,radius,length,width) # We have to create a partition so that we can use an hexaedric # meshing algorithm. studyId = study._get_StudyId() geompy = geomtools.getGeompy(studyId) print "TUBE: creating a partition ..." toolPlane = geompy.MakeFaceHW(2.1*length,2.1*radius,3) partition = geompy.MakePartition([shape], [toolPlane], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["SOLID"], 0, [], 0) entry = geompy.addToStudy( partition, "TubeWithPartition" ) return partition
def createGeometryWithPartition(study, radius=DEFAULT_RADIUS, length=DEFAULT_LENGTH, width=DEFAULT_WIDTH): ''' This function create the geometrical shape with a partition so that the hexaedric algorithm could be used for meshing. ''' shape = createGeometry(study, radius, length, width) # We have to create a partition so that we can use an hexaedric # meshing algorithm. studyId = study._get_StudyId() geompy = geomtools.getGeompy(studyId) print "TUBE: creating a partition ..." toolPlane = geompy.MakeFaceHW(2.1 * length, 2.1 * radius, 3) partition = geompy.MakePartition([shape], [toolPlane], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["SOLID"], 0, [], 0) entry = geompy.addToStudy(partition, "TubeWithPartition") return partition
import StdMeshers import NETGENPlugin salome.salome_init() study = salome.myStudy studyId = salome.myStudyId from salome.geom import geomBuilder geompy = geomBuilder.New(salome.myStudy) smesh = smeshBuilder.New(salome.myStudy) from salome.geom import geomtools geompy = geomtools.getGeompy(studyId) from salome.kernel.studyedit import getStudyEditor studyEditor = getStudyEditor(studyId) gst = geomtools.GeomStudyTools(studyEditor) gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") def Project(): O = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, 0) O_id = geompy.addToStudy(O, "O") Vx = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(1, 0, 0) gst.addShapeToStudy(Vx, "Vx") Vy = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 1, 0)
def TEST_createAndDeleteShape(): """ This test is a simple use case that illustrates how to create a GEOM shape in a SALOME session (create the GEOM object, put in in the study, and display the shape in a viewer) and delete a shape from a SALOME session (erase the shape from the viewer, delete the entry from the study, and finally destroy the underlying GEOM object). """ import salome salome.salome_init() study = salome.myStudy studyId = salome.myStudyId from salome.geom import geomtools geompy = geomtools.getGeompy(studyId) # -------------------------------------------------- # Create a first shape (GEOM object) radius = 5 length = 100 cylinder = geompy.MakeCylinderRH(radius, length) # Register the shape in the study, at the root of the GEOM # folder. A name must be specified. The register operation # (addToStudy) returns an identifier of the entry in the study. cylinderName = "cyl.r%s.l%s" % (radius, length) cylinderStudyEntry = addToStudy(study, cylinder, cylinderName) # Display the registered shape in a viewer displayShape(cylinderStudyEntry) # -------------------------------------------------- # A second shape radius = 10 sphere = geompy.MakeSphereR(radius) sphereName = "sph.r%s" % radius sphereStudyEntry = addToStudy(study, sphere, sphereName) displayShape(sphereStudyEntry) # -------------------------------------------------- # This new shape is stored in the study, but in a specific # sub-folder, and is displayed in the viewer with a specific # color. length = 20 box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(length, length, length) boxName = "box.l%s" % length folderName = "boxset" boxStudyEntry = addToStudy(study, box, boxName, folderName) displayShape(boxStudyEntry, PreviewColor) # -------------------------------------------------- # In this example, we illustrate how to erase a shape (the sphere) # from the viewer. After this operation, the sphere is no longer # displayed but still exists in the study. You can then redisplay # it using the context menu of the SALOME object browser. eraseShape(sphereStudyEntry) # -------------------------------------------------- # In this last example, we completly delete an object from the # SALOME session (erase from viewer, remove from study and finnaly # destroy the object). This is done by a simple call to # deleteShape(). deleteShape(study, cylinderStudyEntry)
except ImportError: from PyQt5 import uic try: from qtsalome import Qt, QDialog, QMessageBox except ImportError: from PyQt4.QtGui import QDialog, QMessageBox from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt import GEOM from salome.geom.geomtools import getGeompy, GeomStudyTools import math import os import salome_pluginsmanager geompy = getGeompy() geomTool = GeomStudyTools() class GeomFilterGroupDialog(QDialog): def __init__(self, context): QDialog.__init__(self) self.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) self.context = context = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) uic.loadUi(os.path.join(, "geom_filter_group_dialog.ui"), self) self.selobj = None self.type_o = '' self.shapetype = -1 # Call selectGroupRef function