예제 #1
def test_dashboard_present():
    Test to ensure the grafana dashboard exists and is managed.
    name = "myservice"
    rows = ["systemhealth", "requests", "title"]
    row = [{"panels": [{"id": "a"}], "title": "systemhealth"}]

    ret = {"name": name, "result": None, "changes": {}, "comment": ""}

    comt1 = (
        "Dashboard myservice is set to be updated. The following rows "
        "set to be updated: {}".format(["systemhealth"])
    pytest.raises(SaltInvocationError, grafana.dashboard_present, name, profile=False)

    pytest.raises(SaltInvocationError, grafana.dashboard_present, name, True, True)

    mock = MagicMock(
            {"hosts": True, "index": False},
            {"hosts": True, "index": True},
            {"hosts": True, "index": True},
            {"hosts": True, "index": True},
            {"hosts": True, "index": True},
            {"hosts": True, "index": True},
            {"hosts": True, "index": True},
    mock_f = MagicMock(side_effect=[False, False, True, True, True, True])
    mock_t = MagicMock(return_value="")
    mock_i = MagicMock(return_value=False)
    source = {"dashboard": '["rows", {"rows":["baz", null, 1.0, 2]}]'}
    mock_dict = MagicMock(return_value={"_source": source})
    with patch.dict(
            "config.option": mock,
            "elasticsearch.exists": mock_f,
            "pillar.get": mock_t,
            "elasticsearch.get": mock_dict,
            "elasticsearch.index": mock_i,
        pytest.raises(SaltInvocationError, grafana.dashboard_present, name)

        with patch.dict(grafana.__opts__, {"test": True}):
            pytest.raises(SaltInvocationError, grafana.dashboard_present, name)

            comt = "Dashboard {} is set to be created.".format(name)
            ret.update({"comment": comt})
            assert grafana.dashboard_present(name, True) == ret

            mock = MagicMock(
                return_value={"rows": [{"panels": "b", "title": "systemhealth"}]}
            with patch.object(salt.utils.json, "loads", mock):
                ret.update({"comment": comt1, "result": None})
                assert grafana.dashboard_present(name, True, rows=row) == ret

        with patch.object(
            salt.utils.json, "loads", MagicMock(return_value={"rows": {}})

            comt = "Dashboard myservice is up to date"
            ret.update({"comment": comt, "result": True})
            assert grafana.dashboard_present(name, True) == ret

        mock = MagicMock(
            return_value={"rows": [{"panels": "b", "title": "systemhealth"}]}
        with patch.dict(grafana.__opts__, {"test": False}):
            with patch.object(salt.utils.json, "loads", mock):
                comt = "Failed to update dashboard myservice."
                ret.update({"comment": comt, "result": False})
                assert grafana.dashboard_present(name, True, rows=row) == ret
예제 #2
    def test_dashboard_present(self):
        Test to ensure the grafana dashboard exists and is managed.
        name = 'myservice'
        rows = ['systemhealth', 'requests', 'title']
        row = [{'panels': [{'id': 'a'}], 'title': 'systemhealth'}]

        ret = {'name': name,
               'result': None,
               'changes': {},
               'comment': ''}

        comt1 = ('Dashboard myservice is set to be updated. The following rows '
                 'set to be updated: {0}'.format(['systemhealth']))
        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, grafana.dashboard_present, name,

        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, grafana.dashboard_present, name,
                          True, True)

        mock = MagicMock(side_effect=[{'hosts': True, 'index': False},
                                      {'hosts': True, 'index': True},
                                      {'hosts': True, 'index': True},
                                      {'hosts': True, 'index': True},
                                      {'hosts': True, 'index': True},
                                      {'hosts': True, 'index': True},
                                      {'hosts': True, 'index': True}])
        mock_f = MagicMock(side_effect=[False, False, True, True, True, True])
        mock_t = MagicMock(return_value='')
        mock_i = MagicMock(return_value=False)
        source = {'dashboard': '["rows", {"rows":["baz", null, 1.0, 2]}]'}
        mock_dict = MagicMock(return_value={'_source': source})
        with patch.dict(grafana.__salt__, {'config.option': mock,
                                           'elasticsearch.exists': mock_f,
                                           'pillar.get': mock_t,
                                           'elasticsearch.get': mock_dict,
                                           'elasticsearch.index': mock_i}):
            self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, grafana.dashboard_present,

            with patch.dict(grafana.__opts__, {'test': True}):
                self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, grafana.dashboard_present,

                comt = ('Dashboard {0} is set to be created.'.format(name))
                ret.update({'comment': comt})
                self.assertDictEqual(grafana.dashboard_present(name, True), ret)

                mock = MagicMock(return_value={'rows':
                                               [{'panels': 'b',
                                                 'title': 'systemhealth'}]})
                with patch.object(salt.utils.json, 'loads', mock):
                    ret.update({'comment': comt1, 'result': None})
                    self.assertDictEqual(grafana.dashboard_present(name, True,

            with patch.object(salt.utils.json, 'loads',
                              MagicMock(return_value={'rows': {}})):
                                  grafana.dashboard_present, name,

                comt = ('Dashboard myservice is up to date')
                ret.update({'comment': comt, 'result': True})
                self.assertDictEqual(grafana.dashboard_present(name, True), ret)

            mock = MagicMock(return_value={'rows': [{'panels': 'b',
                                                     'title': 'systemhealth'}]})
            with patch.dict(grafana.__opts__, {'test': False}):
                with patch.object(salt.utils.json, 'loads', mock):
                    comt = ('Failed to update dashboard myservice.')
                    ret.update({'comment': comt, 'result': False})
                    self.assertDictEqual(grafana.dashboard_present(name, True,
예제 #3
파일: grafana_test.py 프로젝트: bryson/salt
    def test_dashboard_present(self):
        Test to ensure the grafana dashboard exists and is managed.
        name = "myservice"
        rows = ["systemhealth", "requests", "title"]
        row = [{"panels": [{"id": "a"}], "title": "systemhealth"}]

        ret = {"name": name, "result": None, "changes": {}, "comment": ""}

        comt1 = "Dashboard myservice is set to be updated. The following rows " "set to be updated: ['systemhealth']"
        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, grafana.dashboard_present, name, profile=False)

        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, grafana.dashboard_present, name, True, True)

        mock = MagicMock(
                {"hosts": True, "index": False},
                {"hosts": True, "index": True},
                {"hosts": True, "index": True},
                {"hosts": True, "index": True},
                {"hosts": True, "index": True},
                {"hosts": True, "index": True},
                {"hosts": True, "index": True},
        mock_f = MagicMock(side_effect=[False, False, True, True, True, True])
        mock_t = MagicMock(return_value="")
        mock_i = MagicMock(return_value=False)
        source = {"dashboard": '["rows", {"rows":["baz", null, 1.0, 2]}]'}
        mock_dict = MagicMock(return_value={"_source": source})
        with patch.dict(
                "config.option": mock,
                "elasticsearch.exists": mock_f,
                "pillar.get": mock_t,
                "elasticsearch.get": mock_dict,
                "elasticsearch.index": mock_i,
            self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, grafana.dashboard_present, name)

            with patch.dict(grafana.__opts__, {"test": True}):
                self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, grafana.dashboard_present, name)

                comt = "Dashboard {0} is set to be created.".format(name)
                ret.update({"comment": comt})
                self.assertDictEqual(grafana.dashboard_present(name, True), ret)

                mock = MagicMock(return_value={"rows": [{"panels": "b", "title": "systemhealth"}]})
                with patch.object(json, "loads", mock):
                    ret.update({"comment": comt1, "result": None})
                    self.assertDictEqual(grafana.dashboard_present(name, True, rows=row), ret)

            with patch.object(json, "loads", MagicMock(return_value={"rows": {}})):
                self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, grafana.dashboard_present, name, rows_from_pillar=rows)

                comt = "Dashboard myservice is up to date"
                ret.update({"comment": comt, "result": True})
                self.assertDictEqual(grafana.dashboard_present(name, True), ret)

            mock = MagicMock(return_value={"rows": [{"panels": "b", "title": "systemhealth"}]})
            with patch.dict(grafana.__opts__, {"test": False}):
                with patch.object(json, "loads", mock):
                    comt = "Failed to update dashboard myservice."
                    ret.update({"comment": comt, "result": False})
                    self.assertDictEqual(grafana.dashboard_present(name, True, rows=row), ret)