예제 #1
파일: joyent.py 프로젝트: dmyerscough/salt
def __virtual__():
    Set up the libcloud functions and check for JOYENT configs
    if get_configured_provider() is False:
        return False

    global script
    conn = None
    script = namespaced_function(script, globals(), (conn,))
    return True
예제 #2
파일: joyent.py 프로젝트: bemehow/salt
def __virtual__():
    Set up the libcloud functions and check for JOYENT configs
    if get_configured_provider() is False:
        log.debug("There is no Joyent cloud provider configuration available. Not " "loading module.")
        return False

    log.debug("Loading Joyent cloud module")

    global script
    conn = None
    script = namespaced_function(script, globals(), (conn,))
    return True
예제 #3
파일: win_file.py 프로젝트: herlo/salt
def __virtual__():
    Only works on Windows systems
    if salt.utils.is_windows():
            global check_perms, get_managed, makedirs_perms, manage_file
            global source_list, mkdir, __clean_tmp, makedirs, _is_bin

            check_perms = namespaced_function(check_perms, globals())
            get_managed = namespaced_function(get_managed, globals())
            makedirs_perms = namespaced_function(makedirs_perms, globals())
            makedirs = namespaced_function(makedirs, globals())
            manage_file = namespaced_function(manage_file, globals())
            source_list = namespaced_function(source_list, globals())
            mkdir = namespaced_function(mkdir, globals())
            __clean_tmp = namespaced_function(__clean_tmp, globals())
            _is_bin = namespaced_function(_is_bin, globals())
            return 'file'
        log.warn(salt.utils.required_modules_error(__file__, __doc__))
    return False
예제 #4
 def parse_rpm(path):
         from salt.modules.yumpkg5 import __QUERYFORMAT, _parse_pkginfo
         from salt.utils import namespaced_function
         _parse_pkginfo = namespaced_function(_parse_pkginfo, globals())
     except ImportError:
         log.critical('Error importing helper functions. This is almost '
                      'certainly a bug.')
         return '', ''
     pkginfo = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](
         'rpm -qp --queryformat {0!r} {1!r}'.format(__QUERYFORMAT, path)
     ).get('stdout', '').strip()
     pkginfo = _parse_pkginfo(pkginfo)
     if pkginfo is None:
         return '', ''
         return pkginfo.name, pkginfo.version
예제 #5
파일: yumpkg5.py 프로젝트: jaypei/salt
def __virtual__():
    Confine this module to yum based systems
    # Work only on RHEL/Fedora based distros with python 2.5 and below
        os_grain = __grains__['os']
        os_family = __grains__['os_family']
        os_major_version = int(__grains__['osrelease'].split('.')[0])
    except Exception:
        return False

    valid = False
    # Fedora <= 10 need to use this module
    if os_grain == 'Fedora' and os_major_version < 11:
        valid = True
    # XCP == 1.x uses a CentOS 5 base
    elif os_grain == 'XCP':
        if os_major_version == 1:
            valid = True
    # XenServer 6 and earlier uses a CentOS 5 base
    elif os_grain == 'XenServer':
        if os_major_version <= 6:
            valid = True
        # RHEL <= 5 and all variants need to use this module
        if os_family == 'RedHat' and os_major_version <= 5:
            valid = True
    if valid:
        global mod_repo, _parse_repo_file, list_repos, get_repo
        global expand_repo_def, del_repo
        mod_repo = namespaced_function(mod_repo, globals())
        _parse_repo_file = namespaced_function(_parse_repo_file, globals())
        list_repos = namespaced_function(list_repos, globals())
        get_repo = namespaced_function(get_repo, globals())
        expand_repo_def = namespaced_function(expand_repo_def, globals())
        del_repo = namespaced_function(del_repo, globals())
        return 'pkg'
    return False
예제 #6
import logging

# Import salt libs
import salt.utils
from salt.utils import namespaced_function
from salt.exceptions import CommandNotFoundError
import salt.modules.pip
from salt.modules.pip import *  # pylint: disable=wildcard-import,unused-wildcard-import
from salt.modules.pip import install as pip_install
from salt.modules.pip import list_ as pip_list

# Import 3rd Party libs
import salt.ext.six as six

# Let's namespace the pip_install function
pip_install = namespaced_function(pip_install, globals())  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
pip_list = namespaced_function(pip_list, globals())  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

# Let's namespace all other functions from the pip module
for name in dir(salt.modules.pip):
    attr = getattr(salt.modules.pip, name)
    if isinstance(attr, types.FunctionType):
        if attr == 'install':
        if attr in globals():
        globals()[name] = namespaced_function(attr, globals())

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__func_alias__ = {'list_': 'list'}

    log.info('Created Cloud VM {0[name]!r}'.format(vm_))
        '{0[name]!r} VM creation details:\n{1}'.format(
            vm_, pprint.pformat(node.__dict__)


        'created instance',
            'name': vm_['name'],
            'profile': vm_['profile'],
            'provider': vm_['provider'],

    return ret

list_nodes = namespaced_function(list_nodes, globals())
script = namespaced_function(script, globals())

예제 #8
파일: linode.py 프로젝트: MadeiraCloud/salt
# Import libcloud
from libcloud.compute.base import NodeAuthPassword

# Import salt cloud libs
import salt.config as config
from salt.cloud.libcloudfuncs import *   # pylint: disable=W0614,W0401
from salt.utils import namespaced_function

# Get logging started
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Redirect linode functions to this module namespace
get_size = namespaced_function(get_size, globals())
get_image = namespaced_function(get_image, globals())
avail_locations = namespaced_function(avail_locations, globals())
avail_images = namespaced_function(avail_images, globals())
avail_sizes = namespaced_function(avail_sizes, globals())
script = namespaced_function(script, globals())
destroy = namespaced_function(destroy, globals())
list_nodes = namespaced_function(list_nodes, globals())
list_nodes_full = namespaced_function(list_nodes_full, globals())
list_nodes_select = namespaced_function(list_nodes_select, globals())
show_instance = namespaced_function(show_instance, globals())

# Only load in this module if the LINODE configurations are in place
def __virtual__():
예제 #9
파일: nova.py 프로젝트: dmyerscough/salt

# Import netaddr IP matching
    from netaddr import all_matching_cidrs
    HAS_NETADDR = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_NETADDR = False

# Get logging started
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
request_log = logging.getLogger('requests')

# namespace libcloudfuncs
get_salt_interface = namespaced_function(get_salt_interface, globals())

# Some of the libcloud functions need to be in the same namespace as the
# functions defined in the module, so we create new function objects inside
# this module namespace
script = namespaced_function(script, globals())
reboot = namespaced_function(reboot, globals())

# Only load in this module is the OPENSTACK configurations are in place
def __virtual__():
    Check for Nova configurations
    request_log.setLevel(getattr(logging, __opts__.get('requests_log_level', 'warning').upper()))
예제 #10
def __virtual__():
    Set up the libcloud funcstions and check for AWS configs
    if not HAS_LIBCLOUD:
        return False

        # Import botocore
        import botocore.session
    except ImportError:
        # Botocore is not available, the Libcloud AWS module will be loaded
        # instead.
        return False

    # "Patch" the imported libcloud_aws to have the current __opts__
    libcloud_aws.__opts__ = __opts__
    libcloudfuncs.__opts__ = __opts__

    if get_configured_provider() is False:
        return False

    for provider, details in six.iteritems(__opts__['providers']):
        if 'provider' not in details or details['provider'] != 'aws':

        if not os.path.exists(details['private_key']):
            raise SaltCloudException(
                'The AWS key file {0!r} used in the {1!r} provider '
                'configuration does not exist\n'.format(

        keymode = str(
        if keymode not in ('0400', '0600'):
            raise SaltCloudException(
                'The AWS key file {0!r} used in the {1!r} provider '
                'configuration needs to be set to mode 0400 or 0600\n'.format(

    # Let's bring the functions imported from libcloud_aws to the current
    # namespace.
    keysdiff = set(POST_IMPORT_LOCALS_KEYS).difference(
    for key in keysdiff:
        # only import callables that actually have __code__ (this includes
        # functions but excludes Exception classes)
        if (callable(POST_IMPORT_LOCALS_KEYS[key]) and
                hasattr(POST_IMPORT_LOCALS_KEYS[key], "__code__")):
                    key: namespaced_function(
                        POST_IMPORT_LOCALS_KEYS[key], globals(), ()

    global avail_images, avail_sizes, avail_locations, script
    global list_nodes, list_nodes_full, list_nodes_select

    # open a connection in a specific region
    conn = get_conn(**{'location': get_location()})

    # Init the libcloud functions
    avail_locations = namespaced_function(avail_locations, globals(), (conn,))
    avail_images = namespaced_function(avail_images, globals(), (conn,))
    avail_sizes = namespaced_function(avail_sizes, globals(), (conn,))
    script = namespaced_function(script, globals(), (conn,))
    list_nodes = namespaced_function(list_nodes, globals(), (conn,))
    list_nodes_full = namespaced_function(list_nodes_full, globals(), (conn,))
    list_nodes_select = namespaced_function(
        list_nodes_select, globals(), (conn,)

    return 'aws'
예제 #11
# Import saltcloud libs
import salt.utils.cloud
import salt.config as config
from salt.cloud.libcloudfuncs import *  # pylint: disable=W0401,W0614
from salt.cloud.exceptions import (

# pylint: disable=C0103,E0602,E0102
# Get logging started
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Redirect GCE functions to this module namespace
avail_locations = namespaced_function(avail_locations, globals())
script = namespaced_function(script, globals())
destroy = namespaced_function(destroy, globals())
list_nodes = namespaced_function(list_nodes, globals())
list_nodes_full = namespaced_function(list_nodes_full, globals())
list_nodes_select = namespaced_function(list_nodes_select, globals())

# Only load in this module if the GCE configurations are in place
def __virtual__():
    Set up the libcloud functions and check for GCE configurations.
    if get_configured_provider() is False:
            'There is no GCE cloud provider configuration available. Not '
예제 #12
파일: rackspace.py 프로젝트: zsjohny/salt
import salt.utils

# Import salt.cloud libs
import salt.utils.cloud
import salt.config as config
from salt.utils import namespaced_function
from salt.exceptions import (SaltCloudSystemExit, SaltCloudExecutionFailure,

# Get logging started
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Some of the libcloud functions need to be in the same namespace as the
# functions defined in the module, so we create new function objects inside
# this module namespace
get_size = namespaced_function(get_size, globals())
get_image = namespaced_function(get_image, globals())
avail_locations = namespaced_function(avail_locations, globals())
avail_images = namespaced_function(avail_images, globals())
avail_sizes = namespaced_function(avail_sizes, globals())
script = namespaced_function(script, globals())
destroy = namespaced_function(destroy, globals())
list_nodes = namespaced_function(list_nodes, globals())
list_nodes_full = namespaced_function(list_nodes_full, globals())
list_nodes_select = namespaced_function(list_nodes_select, globals())
show_instance = namespaced_function(show_instance, globals())
get_salt_interface = namespaced_function(get_salt_interface, globals())

# Only load in this module is the RACKSPACE configurations are in place
def __virtual__():
예제 #13
파일: pkg.py 프로젝트: jaypei/salt
# Import python libs
import logging
import os
import re

# Import salt libs
import salt.utils

if salt.utils.is_windows():
    from salt.utils import namespaced_function
    from salt.modules.win_pkg import _get_package_info
    from salt.modules.win_pkg import get_repo_data
    from salt.modules.win_pkg import _get_latest_pkg_version
    from salt.modules.win_pkg import _reverse_cmp_pkg_versions
    _get_package_info = namespaced_function(_get_package_info, globals())
    get_repo_data = namespaced_function(get_repo_data, globals())
    _get_latest_pkg_version = namespaced_function(_get_latest_pkg_version, globals())
    _reverse_cmp_pkg_versions = namespaced_function(_reverse_cmp_pkg_versions, globals())
    # The following imports are used by the namespaced win_pkg funcs
    # and need to be included in their globals.
    import msgpack
    from distutils.version import LooseVersion

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def __gen_rtag():
    Return the location of the refresh tag
예제 #14
def __virtual__():
    Set up the libcloud funcstions and check for AWS configs
        # Import botocore
        import botocore.session
    except ImportError:
        # Botocore is not available, the Libcloud AWS module will be loaded
        # instead.
        log.debug("The 'botocore' library is not installed. The libcloud AWS " "support will be loaded instead.")
        return False

    # "Patch" the imported libcloud_aws to have the current __opts__
    libcloud_aws.__opts__ = __opts__
    libcloudfuncs.__opts__ = __opts__

    if get_configured_provider() is False:
        log.debug("There is no AWS cloud provider configuration available. Not " "loading module")
        return False

    for provider, details in __opts__["providers"].iteritems():
        if "provider" not in details or details["provider"] != "aws":

        if not os.path.exists(details["private_key"]):
            raise SaltCloudException(
                "The AWS key file {0!r} used in the {1!r} provider "
                "configuration does not exist\n".format(details["private_key"], provider)

        keymode = str(oct(stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(details["private_key"]).st_mode)))
        if keymode not in ("0400", "0600"):
            raise SaltCloudException(
                "The AWS key file {0!r} used in the {1!r} provider "
                "configuration needs to be set to mode 0400 or 0600\n".format(details["private_key"], provider)

    # Let's bring the functions imported from libcloud_aws to the current
    # namespace.
    keysdiff = set(POST_IMPORT_LOCALS_KEYS.keys()).difference(PRE_IMPORT_LOCALS_KEYS)
    for key in keysdiff:
        # only import callables that actually have __code__ (this includes
        # functions but excludes Exception classes)
        if callable(POST_IMPORT_LOCALS_KEYS[key]) and hasattr(POST_IMPORT_LOCALS_KEYS[key], "__code__"):
            globals().update({key: namespaced_function(POST_IMPORT_LOCALS_KEYS[key], globals(), ())})

    global avail_images, avail_sizes, avail_locations, script
    global list_nodes, list_nodes_full, list_nodes_select

    # open a connection in a specific region
    conn = get_conn(**{"location": get_location()})

    # Init the libcloud functions
    avail_locations = namespaced_function(avail_locations, globals(), (conn,))
    avail_images = namespaced_function(avail_images, globals(), (conn,))
    avail_sizes = namespaced_function(avail_sizes, globals(), (conn,))
    script = namespaced_function(script, globals(), (conn,))
    list_nodes = namespaced_function(list_nodes, globals(), (conn,))
    list_nodes_full = namespaced_function(list_nodes_full, globals(), (conn,))
    list_nodes_select = namespaced_function(list_nodes_select, globals(), (conn,))

    log.debug("Loading AWS botocore cloud module")
    return "aws"
예제 #15
파일: joyent.py 프로젝트: virHappy/salt
# Import salt.cloud libs
import salt.utils.cloud
import salt.config as config
from salt.utils import namespaced_function
from salt.utils.cloud import is_public_ip
from salt.exceptions import (

# Get logging started
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# namespace libcloudfuncs
get_salt_interface = namespaced_function(get_salt_interface, globals())

JOYENT_API_HOST_SUFFIX = '.api.joyentcloud.com'

    'us-east-1': 'North Virginia, USA',
    'us-west-1': 'Bay Area, California, USA',
    'us-sw-1': 'Las Vegas, Nevada, USA',
    'eu-ams-1': 'Amsterdam, Netherlands'
DEFAULT_LOCATION = 'us-east-1'

# joyent no longer reports on all data centers, so setting this value to true
# causes the list_nodes function to get information on machines from all
# data centers
예제 #16
파일: linodepy.py 프로젝트: saltyus/salt
    '-2': 'Boot Failed (not in use)',
    '-1': 'Being Created',
    '0': 'Brand New',
    '1': 'Running',
    '2': 'Powered Off',
    '3': 'Shutting Down (not in use)',
    '4': 'Saved to Disk (not in use)',

# Redirect linode functions to this module namespace
#get_size = namespaced_function(get_size, globals())
#get_image = namespaced_function(get_image, globals())
# avail_locations = namespaced_function(avail_locations, globals())
# avail_images = namespaced_function(avail_distributions, globals())
# avail_sizes = namespaced_function(avail_sizes, globals())
script = namespaced_function(script, globals())
# destroy = namespaced_function(destroy, globals())
# list_nodes = namespaced_function(list_nodes, globals())
# list_nodes_full = namespaced_function(list_nodes_full, globals())
list_nodes_select = namespaced_function(list_nodes_select, globals())
show_instance = namespaced_function(show_instance, globals())

# get_node = namespaced_function(get_node, globals())

# Borrowed from Apache Libcloud
class NodeAuthSSHKey(object):
    An SSH key to be installed for authentication to a node.
    This is the actual contents of the users ssh public key which will
    normally be installed as root's public key on the node.
예제 #17
파일: gce.py 프로젝트: penta-srl/salt
# Import saltcloud libs
import salt.utils.cloud
import salt.config as config
from salt.cloud.libcloudfuncs import *  # pylint: disable=W0401,W0614
from salt.cloud.exceptions import (

# pylint: disable=C0103,E0602,E0102
# Get logging started
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Redirect GCE functions to this module namespace
avail_locations = namespaced_function(avail_locations, globals())
script = namespaced_function(script, globals())
destroy = namespaced_function(destroy, globals())
list_nodes = namespaced_function(list_nodes, globals())
list_nodes_full = namespaced_function(list_nodes_full, globals())
list_nodes_select = namespaced_function(list_nodes_select, globals())

# Only load in this module if the GCE configurations are in place
def __virtual__():
    Set up the libcloud functions and check for GCE configurations.
    if get_configured_provider() is False:
            'There is no GCE cloud provider configuration available. Not '
예제 #18
def __virtual__():
    Set up the libcloud funcstions and check for AWS configs
        # Import botocore
        import botocore.session
    except ImportError:
        # Botocore is not available, the Libcloud AWS module will be loaded
        # instead.
        return False

    # "Patch" the imported libcloud_aws to have the current __opts__
    libcloud_aws.__opts__ = __opts__
    libcloudfuncs.__opts__ = __opts__

    if get_configured_provider() is False:
        return False

    if get_dependencies() is False:
        return False

    for provider, details in six.iteritems(__opts__['providers']):
        if 'aws' not in details:

        parameters = details['aws']
        if salt.utils.cloud.check_key_path_and_mode(
                provider, parameters['private_key']
        ) is False:
            return False

    # Let's bring the functions imported from libcloud_aws to the current
    # namespace.
    keysdiff = set(POST_IMPORT_LOCALS_KEYS).difference(
    for key in keysdiff:
        # only import callables that actually have __code__ (this includes
        # functions but excludes Exception classes)
        if (callable(POST_IMPORT_LOCALS_KEYS[key]) and
                hasattr(POST_IMPORT_LOCALS_KEYS[key], "__code__")):
                    key: namespaced_function(
                        POST_IMPORT_LOCALS_KEYS[key], globals(), ()

    global avail_images, avail_sizes, avail_locations, script
    global list_nodes, list_nodes_full, list_nodes_select

    # open a connection in a specific region
    conn = get_conn(**{'location': get_location()})

    # Init the libcloud functions
    avail_locations = namespaced_function(avail_locations, globals(), (conn,))
    avail_images = namespaced_function(avail_images, globals(), (conn,))
    avail_sizes = namespaced_function(avail_sizes, globals(), (conn,))
    script = namespaced_function(script, globals(), (conn,))
    list_nodes = namespaced_function(list_nodes, globals(), (conn,))
    list_nodes_full = namespaced_function(list_nodes_full, globals(), (conn,))
    list_nodes_select = namespaced_function(
        list_nodes_select, globals(), (conn,)

    log.warning('This driver has been deprecated and will be removed in the '
                'Boron release of Salt. Please use the ec2 driver instead.')

    return __virtualname__
예제 #19
파일: softlayer.py 프로젝트: zeus911/ops
from salt.exceptions import SaltCloudSystemExit
from salt.cloud.libcloudfuncs import *  # pylint: disable=W0614,W0401
from salt.utils import namespaced_function

# Attempt to import softlayer lib
    import SoftLayer
    HAS_SLLIBS = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_SLLIBS = False

# Get logging started
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Redirect SoftLayer functions to this module namespace
script = namespaced_function(script, globals())

# Only load in this module if the SoftLayer configurations are in place
def __virtual__():
    Set up the libcloud functions and check for SoftLayer configurations.
    if not HAS_SLLIBS:
        return False

    if get_configured_provider() is False:
        return False

    return True
예제 #20
def __virtual__():
    Set up the libcloud funcstions and check for AWS configs
        import botocore
        # Since we have botocore, we won't load the libcloud AWS module
            'The \'botocore\' library is installed. The libcloud AWS support '
            'will not be loaded.')
        return False
    except ImportError:

    if get_configured_provider() is False:
            'There is no AWS cloud provider configuration available. Not '
            'loading module')
        return False

    for provider, details in __opts__['providers'].iteritems():
        if 'provider' not in details or details['provider'] != 'aws':

        if not os.path.exists(details['private_key']):
            raise SaltCloudException(
                'The AWS key file {0!r} used in the {1!r} provider '
                'configuration does not exist\n'.format(
                    details['private_key'], provider))

        keymode = str(
        if keymode not in ('0400', '0600'):
            raise SaltCloudException(
                'The AWS key file {0!r} used in the {1!r} provider '
                'configuration needs to be set to mode 0400 or 0600\n'.format(
                    details['private_key'], provider))

    global avail_images, avail_sizes, script, list_nodes
    global avail_locations, list_nodes_full, list_nodes_select, get_image
    global get_size, libcloudfuncs_destroy, show_instance

    # open a connection in a specific region
    conn = get_conn(**{'location': get_location()})

    # Init the libcloud functions
    get_size = namespaced_function(get_size, globals(), (conn, ))
    get_image = namespaced_function(get_image, globals(), (conn, ))
    avail_locations = namespaced_function(avail_locations, globals(), (conn, ))
    avail_images = namespaced_function(avail_images, globals(), (conn, ))
    avail_sizes = namespaced_function(avail_sizes, globals(), (conn, ))
    script = namespaced_function(script, globals(), (conn, ))
    list_nodes = namespaced_function(list_nodes, globals(), (conn, ))
    list_nodes_full = namespaced_function(list_nodes_full, globals(), (conn, ))
    list_nodes_select = namespaced_function(list_nodes_select, globals(),
                                            (conn, ))
    libcloudfuncs_destroy = namespaced_function(libcloudfuncs_destroy,
                                                globals(), (conn, ))
    show_instance = namespaced_function(show_instance, globals())

    log.debug('Loading Libcloud AWS cloud module')
    return __virtualname__
예제 #21
파일: nova.py 프로젝트: bemehow/salt
# Import netaddr IP matching
    from netaddr import all_matching_cidrs
    HAS_NETADDR = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_NETADDR = False

# Get logging started
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Some of the libcloud functions need to be in the same namespace as the
# functions defined in the module, so we create new function objects inside
# this module namespace
avail_locations = namespaced_function(avail_locations, globals())
script = namespaced_function(script, globals())
destroy = namespaced_function(destroy, globals())
reboot = namespaced_function(reboot, globals())

# Only load in this module is the OPENSTACK configurations are in place
def __virtual__():
    Check for Nova configurations
    if get_configured_provider() is False:
            'There is no Nova cloud provider configuration available. '
            'Not loading module.'
예제 #22
파일: nova.py 프로젝트: ckraemer/salt
# Import netaddr IP matching
    from netaddr import all_matching_cidrs

    HAS_NETADDR = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_NETADDR = False

# Get logging started
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Some of the libcloud functions need to be in the same namespace as the
# functions defined in the module, so we create new function objects inside
# this module namespace
get_size = namespaced_function(get_size, globals())
get_image = namespaced_function(get_image, globals())
avail_locations = namespaced_function(avail_locations, globals())
script = namespaced_function(script, globals())
destroy = namespaced_function(destroy, globals())
reboot = namespaced_function(reboot, globals())

# Only load in this module is the OPENSTACK configurations are in place
def __virtual__():
    Check for Nova configurations
    if get_configured_provider() is False:
        log.debug("There is no Nova cloud provider configuration available. " "Not loading module.")
        return False
예제 #23

# Import netaddr IP matching
    from netaddr import all_matching_cidrs
    HAS_NETADDR = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_NETADDR = False

# Get logging started
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Some of the libcloud functions need to be in the same namespace as the
# functions defined in the module, so we create new function objects inside
# this module namespace
get_size = namespaced_function(get_size, globals())
get_image = namespaced_function(get_image, globals())
avail_locations = namespaced_function(avail_locations, globals())
script = namespaced_function(script, globals())
destroy = namespaced_function(destroy, globals())
reboot = namespaced_function(reboot, globals())

# Only load in this module is the OPENSTACK configurations are in place
def __virtual__():
    Check for Nova configurations
    if get_configured_provider() is False:
        return False
예제 #24
파일: packet.py 프로젝트: bryson/salt
import salt.config as config

from salt.ext.six.moves import range

from salt.exceptions import (

# Import Salt-Cloud Libs
import salt.utils.cloud

from salt.cloud.libcloudfuncs import get_size, get_image, script, show_instance
from salt.utils import namespaced_function

get_size = namespaced_function(get_size, globals())
get_image = namespaced_function(get_image, globals())

script = namespaced_function(script, globals())

show_instance = namespaced_function(show_instance, globals())

# Get logging started
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__virtualname__ = 'packet'

# Only load this module if the Packet configuration is in place.
def __virtual__():
예제 #25
def __virtual__():
    Set up the libcloud funcstions and check for AWS configs
        # Import botocore
        import botocore.session
    except ImportError:
        # Botocore is not available, the Libcloud AWS module will be loaded
        # instead.
            'The \'botocore\' library is not installed. The libcloud AWS '
            'support will be loaded instead.')
        return False

    # "Patch" the imported libcloud_aws to have the current __opts__
    libcloud_aws.__opts__ = __opts__
    libcloudfuncs.__opts__ = __opts__

    if get_configured_provider() is False:
            'There is no AWS cloud provider configuration available. Not '
            'loading module')
        return False

    for provider, details in __opts__['providers'].iteritems():
        if 'provider' not in details or details['provider'] != 'aws':

        if not os.path.exists(details['private_key']):
            raise SaltCloudException(
                'The AWS key file {0!r} used in the {1!r} provider '
                'configuration does not exist\n'.format(
                    details['private_key'], provider))

        keymode = str(
        if keymode not in ('0400', '0600'):
            raise SaltCloudException(
                'The AWS key file {0!r} used in the {1!r} provider '
                'configuration needs to be set to mode 0400 or 0600\n'.format(
                    details['private_key'], provider))

    # Let's bring the functions imported from libcloud_aws to the current
    # namespace.
    keysdiff = set(
    for key in keysdiff:
        # only import callables that actually have __code__ (this includes
        # functions but excludes Exception classes)
        if (callable(POST_IMPORT_LOCALS_KEYS[key])
                and hasattr(POST_IMPORT_LOCALS_KEYS[key], "__code__")):
                namespaced_function(POST_IMPORT_LOCALS_KEYS[key], globals(),

    global avail_images, avail_sizes, avail_locations, script
    global list_nodes, list_nodes_full, list_nodes_select

    # open a connection in a specific region
    conn = get_conn(**{'location': get_location()})

    # Init the libcloud functions
    avail_locations = namespaced_function(avail_locations, globals(), (conn, ))
    avail_images = namespaced_function(avail_images, globals(), (conn, ))
    avail_sizes = namespaced_function(avail_sizes, globals(), (conn, ))
    script = namespaced_function(script, globals(), (conn, ))
    list_nodes = namespaced_function(list_nodes, globals(), (conn, ))
    list_nodes_full = namespaced_function(list_nodes_full, globals(), (conn, ))
    list_nodes_select = namespaced_function(list_nodes_select, globals(),
                                            (conn, ))

    log.debug('Loading AWS botocore cloud module')
    return 'aws'
예제 #26
# Import netaddr IP matching
    from netaddr import all_matching_cidrs
    HAS_NETADDR = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_NETADDR = False

# Get logging started
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
request_log = logging.getLogger('requests')

# Some of the libcloud functions need to be in the same namespace as the
# functions defined in the module, so we create new function objects inside
# this module namespace
script = namespaced_function(script, globals())
reboot = namespaced_function(reboot, globals())

# Only load in this module is the OPENSTACK configurations are in place
def __virtual__():
    Check for Nova configurations
    request_log.setLevel(getattr(logging, __opts__.get('requests_log_level', 'warning').upper()))
    return nova.HAS_NOVA

def get_configured_provider():
    Return the first configured instance.
예제 #27
def __virtual__():
    Set up the libcloud funcstions and check for AWS configs
        import botocore
        # Since we have botocore, we won't load the libcloud AWS module
        return False
    except ImportError:

    if get_configured_provider() is False:
        return False

    if get_dependencies() is False:
        return False

    for provider, details in six.iteritems(__opts__['providers']):
        if 'provider' not in details or details['provider'] != 'aws':

        if not os.path.exists(details['private_key']):
            raise SaltCloudException(
                'The AWS key file {0!r} used in the {1!r} provider '
                'configuration does not exist\n'.format(
                    details['private_key'], provider))

        keymode = str(
        if keymode not in ('0400', '0600'):
            raise SaltCloudException(
                'The AWS key file {0!r} used in the {1!r} provider '
                'configuration needs to be set to mode 0400 or 0600\n'.format(
                    details['private_key'], provider))

    global avail_images, avail_sizes, script, list_nodes
    global avail_locations, list_nodes_full, list_nodes_select, get_image
    global get_size, libcloudfuncs_destroy, show_instance

    # open a connection in a specific region
    conn = get_conn(**{'location': get_location()})

    # Init the libcloud functions
    get_size = namespaced_function(get_size, globals(), (conn, ))
    get_image = namespaced_function(get_image, globals(), (conn, ))
    avail_locations = namespaced_function(avail_locations, globals(), (conn, ))
    avail_images = namespaced_function(avail_images, globals(), (conn, ))
    avail_sizes = namespaced_function(avail_sizes, globals(), (conn, ))
    script = namespaced_function(script, globals(), (conn, ))
    list_nodes = namespaced_function(list_nodes, globals(), (conn, ))
    list_nodes_full = namespaced_function(list_nodes_full, globals(), (conn, ))
    list_nodes_select = namespaced_function(list_nodes_select, globals(),
                                            (conn, ))
    libcloudfuncs_destroy = namespaced_function(libcloudfuncs_destroy,
                                                globals(), (conn, ))
    show_instance = namespaced_function(show_instance, globals())

    log.warning('This driver has been deprecated and will be removed in the '
                'Boron release of Salt. Please use the ec2 driver instead.')

    return __virtualname__
예제 #28
파일: nova.py 프로젝트: waterdrops/salt
# Import netaddr IP matching
    from netaddr import all_matching_cidrs
    HAS_NETADDR = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_NETADDR = False

# Get logging started
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
request_log = logging.getLogger('requests')

# Some of the libcloud functions need to be in the same namespace as the
# functions defined in the module, so we create new function objects inside
# this module namespace
script = namespaced_function(script, globals())
reboot = namespaced_function(reboot, globals())

# Only load in this module if the Nova configurations are in place
def __virtual__():
    Check for Nova configurations
                __opts__.get('requests_log_level', 'warning').upper()))
    return HAS_NOVA

def get_configured_provider():
예제 #29
파일: packet.py 프로젝트: xbglowx/salt
import packet

# Import Salt Libs
import salt.config as config

from salt.ext.six.moves import range

from salt.exceptions import (SaltCloudException, SaltCloudSystemExit)

# Import Salt-Cloud Libs
import salt.utils.cloud

from salt.cloud.libcloudfuncs import get_size, get_image, script, show_instance
from salt.utils import namespaced_function

get_size = namespaced_function(get_size, globals())
get_image = namespaced_function(get_image, globals())

script = namespaced_function(script, globals())

show_instance = namespaced_function(show_instance, globals())

# Get logging started
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__virtualname__ = 'packet'

# Only load this module if the Packet configuration is in place.
def __virtual__():
예제 #30
파일: joyent.py 프로젝트: dmyerscough/salt
from salt.utils.cloud import is_public_ip
from salt.exceptions import (

# Import 3rd-party libs
import salt.ext.six as six
from salt.ext.six.moves import http_client  # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module

# Get logging started
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# namespace libcloudfuncs
get_salt_interface = namespaced_function(get_salt_interface, globals())

JOYENT_API_HOST_SUFFIX = '.api.joyentcloud.com'

    'us-east-1': 'North Virginia, USA',
    'us-west-1': 'Bay Area, California, USA',
    'us-sw-1': 'Las Vegas, Nevada, USA',
    'eu-ams-1': 'Amsterdam, Netherlands'
DEFAULT_LOCATION = 'us-east-1'

# joyent no longer reports on all data centers, so setting this value to true
# causes the list_nodes function to get information on machines from all
# data centers
예제 #31
파일: nova.py 프로젝트: zsjohny/salt
                             SaltCloudSystemExit, SaltCloudExecutionFailure,

# Import netaddr IP matching
    from netaddr import all_matching_cidrs
    HAS_NETADDR = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_NETADDR = False

# Get logging started
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
request_log = logging.getLogger('requests')

# namespace libcloudfuncs
get_salt_interface = namespaced_function(get_salt_interface, globals())

# Some of the libcloud functions need to be in the same namespace as the
# functions defined in the module, so we create new function objects inside
# this module namespace
script = namespaced_function(script, globals())
reboot = namespaced_function(reboot, globals())

# Only load in this module is the OPENSTACK configurations are in place
def __virtual__():
    Check for Nova configurations
예제 #32
from salt.cloud.libcloudfuncs import *   # pylint: disable=W0614,W0401
from salt.utils import namespaced_function

# Attempt to import softlayer lib
    import SoftLayer
    HAS_SLLIBS = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_SLLIBS = False

# Get logging started
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Redirect SoftLayer functions to this module namespace
script = namespaced_function(script, globals())

# Only load in this module if the SoftLayer configurations are in place
def __virtual__():
    Set up the libcloud functions and check for SoftLayer configurations.
    if not HAS_SLLIBS:
            'The SoftLayer Python Library needs to be installed in ordere to '
            'use the SoftLayer HW salt.cloud module. See: '
        return False
예제 #33
import logging

# Import salt libs
from salt.utils import namespaced_function
from salt.exceptions import CommandNotFoundError
import salt.states.pip_state
from salt.states.pip_state import *  # pylint: disable=wildcard-import,unused-wildcard-import
from salt.states.pip_state import installed as pip_state_installed

# Import 3rd Party libs
import salt.ext.six as six

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Let's namespace the pip_state_installed function
pip_state_installed = namespaced_function(pip_state_installed, globals())  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

# Let's namespace all other functions from the pip_state module
for name in dir(salt.states.pip_state):
    attr = getattr(salt.states.pip_state, name)
    if isinstance(attr, types.FunctionType):
        if attr in ('installed',):
        if attr in globals():
        globals()[name] = namespaced_function(attr, globals())

def _get_pip_bin(bin_env):
    Locate the pip binary, either from `bin_env` as a virtualenv, as the
예제 #34
def __virtual__():
    Set up the libcloud funcstions and check for AWS configs
        import botocore
        # Since we have botocore, we won't load the libcloud AWS module
        return False
    except ImportError:

    if get_configured_provider() is False:
        return False

    for provider, details in __opts__['providers'].iteritems():
        if 'provider' not in details or details['provider'] != 'aws':

        if not os.path.exists(details['private_key']):
            raise SaltCloudException(
                'The AWS key file {0!r} used in the {1!r} provider '
                'configuration does not exist\n'.format(

        keymode = str(
        if keymode not in ('0400', '0600'):
            raise SaltCloudException(
                'The AWS key file {0!r} used in the {1!r} provider '
                'configuration needs to be set to mode 0400 or 0600\n'.format(

    global avail_images, avail_sizes, script, list_nodes
    global avail_locations, list_nodes_full, list_nodes_select, get_image
    global get_size, libcloudfuncs_destroy, show_instance

    # open a connection in a specific region
    conn = get_conn(**{'location': get_location()})

    # Init the libcloud functions
    get_size = namespaced_function(get_size, globals(), (conn,))
    get_image = namespaced_function(get_image, globals(), (conn,))
    avail_locations = namespaced_function(avail_locations, globals(), (conn,))
    avail_images = namespaced_function(avail_images, globals(), (conn,))
    avail_sizes = namespaced_function(avail_sizes, globals(), (conn,))
    script = namespaced_function(script, globals(), (conn,))
    list_nodes = namespaced_function(list_nodes, globals(), (conn,))
    list_nodes_full = namespaced_function(list_nodes_full, globals(), (conn,))
    list_nodes_select = namespaced_function(
        list_nodes_select, globals(), (conn,)
    libcloudfuncs_destroy = namespaced_function(
        libcloudfuncs_destroy, globals(), (conn,)
    show_instance = namespaced_function(show_instance, globals())

    return __virtualname__
def __virtual__():
    Set up the libcloud funcstions and check for AWS configs
        # Import botocore
        import botocore.session
    except ImportError:
        # Botocore is not available, the Libcloud AWS module will be loaded
        # instead.
        return False

    # "Patch" the imported libcloud_aws to have the current __opts__
    libcloud_aws.__opts__ = __opts__
    libcloudfuncs.__opts__ = __opts__

    if get_configured_provider() is False:
        return False

    if get_dependencies() is False:
        return False

    for provider, details in six.iteritems(__opts__['providers']):
        if 'aws' not in details:

        parameters = details['aws']
        if salt.utils.cloud.check_key_path_and_mode(
                provider, parameters['private_key']) is False:
            return False

    # Let's bring the functions imported from libcloud_aws to the current
    # namespace.
    keysdiff = set(POST_IMPORT_LOCALS_KEYS).difference(PRE_IMPORT_LOCALS_KEYS)
    for key in keysdiff:
        # only import callables that actually have __code__ (this includes
        # functions but excludes Exception classes)
        if (callable(POST_IMPORT_LOCALS_KEYS[key])
                and hasattr(POST_IMPORT_LOCALS_KEYS[key], "__code__")):
                namespaced_function(POST_IMPORT_LOCALS_KEYS[key], globals(),

    global avail_images, avail_sizes, avail_locations, script
    global list_nodes, list_nodes_full, list_nodes_select

    # open a connection in a specific region
    conn = get_conn(**{'location': get_location()})

    # Init the libcloud functions
    avail_locations = namespaced_function(avail_locations, globals(), (conn, ))
    avail_images = namespaced_function(avail_images, globals(), (conn, ))
    avail_sizes = namespaced_function(avail_sizes, globals(), (conn, ))
    script = namespaced_function(script, globals(), (conn, ))
    list_nodes = namespaced_function(list_nodes, globals(), (conn, ))
    list_nodes_full = namespaced_function(list_nodes_full, globals(), (conn, ))
    list_nodes_select = namespaced_function(list_nodes_select, globals(),
                                            (conn, ))

    log.warning('This driver has been deprecated and will be removed in the '
                'Boron release of Salt. Please use the ec2 driver instead.')

    return __virtualname__