예제 #1
def run_test(url, results, salvoargs):
    args = namedtuple("args", "")
    args.force_shutdown = False
    args.ramp_up = 0.0
    args.verbose = salvoargs.verbose
    args.quiet = salvoargs.quiet
    args.exception = False
    args.processes = 1
    args.debug = False
    args.workers = salvoargs.concurrency
    args.console = True
    args.statsd = False
    args.single_mode = None
    args.max_runs = salvoargs.requests
    if salvoargs.duration:
        args.duration = salvoargs.duration
        args.duration = 9999
    args.delay = 0.0
    args.sizing = False
    args.sizing_tolerance = 0.0
    args.console_update = 0.1
    args.use_extension = []
    args.fail = None
    args.force_reconnection = False
    args.scenario = "salvo.scenario"
    args.disable_dns_resolve = False
    args.single_run = False

    molotov.set_var("method", salvoargs.method)
    molotov.set_var("url", url)
    molotov.set_var("results", results)
    molotov.set_var("auth", salvoargs.auth)
    molotov.set_var("content_type", salvoargs.content_type)
    molotov.set_var("data", salvoargs.data)
    if salvoargs.pre_hook is not None:
        molotov.set_var("pre_hook", resolve(salvoargs.pre_hook))
    if salvoargs.post_hook is not None:
        molotov.set_var("post_hook", resolve(salvoargs.post_hook))

    class Stream:
        def __init__(self):
            self.buffer = []

        def write(self, msg):

        def flush(self):

    stream = Stream()
    res = run(args, stream=stream)

    if res["SETUP_FAILED"] > 0 or res["SESSION_SETUP_FAILED"] > 0:
        print("Setup failed. read the Molotov session below to get the error")

    return res
예제 #2
def test_resolve():
    res = resolve("salvo.util.print_server_info")
    assert res is print_server_info

    res = resolve("resolve")
    assert res is resolve

    with pytest.raises(ImportError):
예제 #3
async def init_worker(worker_num, args):
    headers = {}

    content_type = molotov.get_var("content_type")
    if content_type:
        headers["Content-Type"] = content_type

    auth = molotov.get_var("auth")
    if auth is not None:
        basic = base64.b64encode(auth.encode())
        headers["Authorization"] = "Basic %s" % basic.decode()

    data = molotov.get_var("data")
    if data and data.startswith("py:"):
        method = molotov.get_var("method")
        url = molotov.get_var("url")
        func = resolve(data.split(":")[1])
        molotov.set_var("data", func(method, url, args))

    return {"headers": headers}
예제 #4
def run_test(url, results, salvoargs):
    args = namedtuple("args", "")
    args.force_shutdown = False
    args.ramp_up = 0.0
    args.verbose = salvoargs.verbose
    args.quiet = salvoargs.quiet
    args.exception = False
    args.processes = 1
    args.debug = False
    args.workers = salvoargs.concurrency
    args.console = True
    args.statsd = False
    args.single_mode = None
    if salvoargs.duration:
        args.duration = salvoargs.duration
        args.max_runs = None
        args.duration = 9999
        args.max_runs = salvoargs.requests
    args.delay = 0.0
    args.sizing = False
    args.sizing_tolerance = 0.0
    args.console_update = 0.1
    args.use_extension = []
    args.fail = None
    args.force_reconnection = False
    args.scenario = __file__
    args.disable_dns_resolve = False
    args.single_run = False

    molotov.set_var("method", salvoargs.method)
    molotov.set_var("url", url)
    molotov.set_var("results", results)
    molotov.set_var("auth", salvoargs.auth)
    molotov.set_var("content_type", salvoargs.content_type)

    data = salvoargs.data
    if data and data.startswith("py:"):
        data = resolve(data.split(":")[1])
    molotov.set_var("data", data)

    if salvoargs.pre_hook is not None:
        molotov.set_var("pre_hook", resolve(salvoargs.pre_hook))
        molotov.set_var("pre_hook", None)

    if salvoargs.post_hook is not None:
        post_hook = resolve(salvoargs.post_hook)
        if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(post_hook):
            raise Exception("The post hook needs to be a coroutine")
        molotov.set_var("post_hook", post_hook)
        molotov.set_var("post_hook", None)

    class Stream:
        def __init__(self):
            self.buffer = []

        def write(self, msg):

        def flush(self):

    # this module is going to be loaded by molotov,
    # so we need to clear up its internal state
    # XXX we should have a better way to do this
    util._STOP = False
    util._STOP_WHY = []
    util._TIMER = None

    stream = Stream()
    res = run(args, stream=stream)

    if res["SETUP_FAILED"] > 0 or res["SESSION_SETUP_FAILED"] > 0:
        print("Setup failed. read the Molotov session below to get the error")

    return res