def send(uri, message, relay_state=None, protocol='redirect'): # Determine the name of parameter. element = _element_registry.get(message.tag) if not element: raise ValueError('unknown element', message) if protocol == 'redirect': # For sending a message through redirection; we need # to encode the message (depending on what it is) in the URI # as SAMLRequest or SAMLResponse. name = 'SAMLRequest' if isinstance(element, schema.StatusResponse): name = 'SAMLResponse' # Serialize and encode the message. text = base64.b64encode(zlib.compress(etree.tostring(message))[2:-4]) # Build the parameters. parameters = {name: text} if relay_state: parameters['RelayState'] = relay_state # Append the parameters on the uri and return. uri = '%s?%s' % (uri, urlencode(parameters)) return uri, None raise ValueError('unknown protocol', protocol)
def sign(xml, stream=None, password=None): element = _element_registry.get(xml.tag) signature_node = xmlsec.template.create( xml, xmlsec.Transform.EXCL_C14N, xmlsec.Transform.RSA_SHA1) ki = xmlsec.template.ensure_key_info(signature_node) xmlsec.template.add_x509_data(ki) xml.insert(element.meta.signature_index, signature_node) ref = xmlsec.template.add_reference(signature_node, xmlsec.Transform.SHA1) xmlsec.template.add_transform(ref, xmlsec.Transform.ENVELOPED) ctx = xmlsec.SignatureContext() key = xmlsec.Key.from_memory(stream, xmlsec.KeyFormat.PEM, password) ctx.key = key #ctx.sign(signature_node) #ctx.key = xmlsec.Key.from_file('clientkey', format=xmlsec.constants.KeyDataFormatPem) ctx.key.load_cert_from_file('clientcrt', xmlsec.constants.KeyDataFormatPem) ctx.sign(signature_node) return tostring(xml)
def sign(xml, stream, password=None): # Import xmlsec here to delay initializing the C library in # case we don't need it. import xmlsec # Resolve the SAML/2.0 element in question. from saml.schema.base import _element_registry element = _element_registry.get(xml.tag) # Create a signature template for RSA-SHA1 enveloped signature. signature_node = xmlsec.template.create( xml, xmlsec.Transform.EXCL_C14N, xmlsec.Transform.RSA_SHA1) # Add the <ds:Signature/> node to the document. xml.insert(element.meta.signature_index, signature_node) # Add the <ds:Reference/> node to the signature template. ref = xmlsec.template.add_reference( signature_node, xmlsec.Transform.SHA1) # Add the enveloped transform descriptor. xmlsec.template.add_transform(ref, xmlsec.Transform.ENVELOPED) # Create a digital signature context (no key manager is needed). ctx = xmlsec.SignatureContext() # Load private key (assuming that there is no password). key = xmlsec.Key.from_memory(stream, xmlsec.KeyFormat.PEM) # Set the key on the context. ctx.key = key # Sign the template. ctx.sign(signature_node)
def sign(xml, stream, password=None): """ Sign an XML document with the given private key file. This will add a <Signature> element to the document. :param lxml.etree._Element xml: The document to sign :param file stream: The private key to sign the document with :param str password: The password used to access the private key :rtype: None Example usage: :: from saml import schema from lxml import etree document = schema.AuthenticationRequest() xml_document = document.serialize() with open('my_key_file.pem', 'r+') as stream: sign(xml_document, stream) print etree.tostring(xml_document) Produces the following XML document: .. code-block:: xml <samlp:AuthnRequest xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol" xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" Version="2.0" ID="_6087de0b111b44349a70ff40191a4c0c" IssueInstant="2015-03-16T21:06:39Z"> <Signature xmlns=""> <SignedInfo> <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/> <SignatureMethod Algorithm=" 09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"/> <Reference> <Transforms> <Transform Algorithm=" 09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature"/> </Transforms> <DigestMethod Algorithm=" 09/xmldsig#sha1"/> <DigestValue> 94O1FOjRE4JQYVDqStkYzne9StQ= </DigestValue> </Reference> </SignedInfo> <SignatureValue> aFYRRjtB3bDyLLJzLZmsn0K4SXmOpFYJ+8R8D31VojgiF37FOElbE56UFbm8BAjn l2AixrUGXP4djxoxxnfBD/reYw5yVuIVXlMxKec784nF2V4GyrfwJOKaNmlVPkq5 c8SI+EkKJ02mwiail0Zvjb9FzwvlYD+osMSXvJXVqnGHQDVFlhwbBRRVB6t44/M3 TzC4mLSVhuvcpsm4GTQSpGkHP7HvweKN/OTc0aTy8Kh/YUrImwnUCii+J0EW4nGg 71eZyq/IiSPnTD09WDHsWe3g29kpicZXqrQCWeLE2zfVKtyxxs7PyEmodH19jXyz wh9hQ8t6PFO47Ros5aV0bw== </SignatureValue> </Signature> </samlp:AuthnRequest> """ # Import xmlsec here to delay initializing the C library in # case we don't need it. import xmlsec # Resolve the SAML/2.0 element in question. from saml.schema.base import _element_registry element = _element_registry.get(xml.tag) # Create a signature template for RSA-SHA1 enveloped signature. signature_node = xmlsec.template.create(xml, xmlsec.Transform.EXCL_C14N, xmlsec.Transform.RSA_SHA1) # Add the <ds:Signature/> node to the document. xml.insert(element.meta.signature_index, signature_node) # Add the <ds:Reference/> node to the signature template. ref = xmlsec.template.add_reference(signature_node, xmlsec.Transform.SHA1) # Add the enveloped transform descriptor. xmlsec.template.add_transform(ref, xmlsec.Transform.ENVELOPED) # Create a digital signature context (no key manager is needed). ctx = xmlsec.SignatureContext() # Load private key. key = xmlsec.Key.from_memory(stream, xmlsec.KeyFormat.PEM, password) # Set the key on the context. ctx.key = key # Sign the template. ctx.sign(signature_node)
def sign(xml, stream, password=None): """ Sign an XML document with the given private key file. This will add a <Signature> element to the document. :param lxml.etree._Element xml: The document to sign :param file stream: The private key to sign the document with :param str password: The password used to access the private key :rtype: None Example usage: :: from saml import schema from lxml import etree document = schema.AuthenticationRequest() xml_document = document.serialize() with open('my_key_file.pem', 'r+') as stream: sign(xml_document, stream) print etree.tostring(xml_document) Produces the following XML document: .. code-block:: xml <samlp:AuthnRequest xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol" xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" Version="2.0" ID="_6087de0b111b44349a70ff40191a4c0c" IssueInstant="2015-03-16T21:06:39Z"> <Signature xmlns=""> <SignedInfo> <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/> <SignatureMethod Algorithm=" 09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"/> <Reference> <Transforms> <Transform Algorithm=" 09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature"/> </Transforms> <DigestMethod Algorithm=" 09/xmldsig#sha1"/> <DigestValue> 94O1FOjRE4JQYVDqStkYzne9StQ= </DigestValue> </Reference> </SignedInfo> <SignatureValue> aFYRRjtB3bDyLLJzLZmsn0K4SXmOpFYJ+8R8D31VojgiF37FOElbE56UFbm8BAjn l2AixrUGXP4djxoxxnfBD/reYw5yVuIVXlMxKec784nF2V4GyrfwJOKaNmlVPkq5 c8SI+EkKJ02mwiail0Zvjb9FzwvlYD+osMSXvJXVqnGHQDVFlhwbBRRVB6t44/M3 TzC4mLSVhuvcpsm4GTQSpGkHP7HvweKN/OTc0aTy8Kh/YUrImwnUCii+J0EW4nGg 71eZyq/IiSPnTD09WDHsWe3g29kpicZXqrQCWeLE2zfVKtyxxs7PyEmodH19jXyz wh9hQ8t6PFO47Ros5aV0bw== </SignatureValue> </Signature> </samlp:AuthnRequest> """ # Import xmlsec here to delay initializing the C library in # case we don't need it. import xmlsec # Resolve the SAML/2.0 element in question. from saml.schema.base import _element_registry element = _element_registry.get(xml.tag) # Create a signature template for RSA-SHA1 enveloped signature. signature_node = xmlsec.template.create( xml, xmlsec.Transform.EXCL_C14N, xmlsec.Transform.RSA_SHA1) # Add the <ds:Signature/> node to the document. xml.insert(element.meta.signature_index, signature_node) # Add the <ds:Reference/> node to the signature template. ref = xmlsec.template.add_reference( signature_node, xmlsec.Transform.SHA1) # Add the enveloped transform descriptor. xmlsec.template.add_transform(ref, xmlsec.Transform.ENVELOPED) # Create a digital signature context (no key manager is needed). ctx = xmlsec.SignatureContext() # Load private key. key = xmlsec.Key.from_memory(stream, xmlsec.KeyFormat.PEM, password) # Set the key on the context. ctx.key = key # Sign the template. ctx.sign(signature_node)