예제 #1
# This script requires cx_Oracle 8.2 and higher.

import cx_Oracle as oracledb
import sample_env

    "The first message",
    "The second message",
    "The third message",
    "The fourth and final message"

# connect to database
connection = oracledb.connect(sample_env.get_main_connect_string())
cursor = connection.cursor()

# create queue
queue = connection.queue(QUEUE_NAME)
queue.deqoptions.wait = oracledb.DEQ_NO_WAIT
queue.deqoptions.navigation = oracledb.DEQ_FIRST_MSG

# dequeue all existing messages to ensure the queue is empty, just so that
# the results are consistent
while queue.deqone():

# enqueue a few messages
print("Enqueuing messages...")
for data in PAYLOAD_DATA:
예제 #2
# cx_Oracle. It makes use of a RAW queue created in the sample setup.
# This script requires cx_Oracle 7.2 and higher.

import cx_Oracle
import sample_env

    "The first message", "The second message", "The third message",
    "The fourth and final message"

# connect to database
connection = cx_Oracle.connect(sample_env.get_main_connect_string())
cursor = connection.cursor()

# create queue
queue = connection.queue(QUEUE_NAME)
queue.deqOptions.wait = cx_Oracle.DEQ_NO_WAIT
queue.deqOptions.navigation = cx_Oracle.DEQ_FIRST_MSG

# dequeue all existing messages to ensure the queue is empty, just so that
# the results are consistent
while queue.deqOne():

# enqueue a few messages
print("Enqueuing messages...")
for data in PAYLOAD_DATA:
    def cursor(self):
        return Cursor(self)

class Cursor(cx_Oracle.Cursor):

    def execute(self, statement, args = None):
        prepare_needed = (self.statement != statement)
        result = super(Cursor, self).execute(statement, args or [])
        if prepare_needed:
            description = self.description
            if description:
                names = [d[0] for d in description]
                self.rowfactory = collections.namedtuple("GenericQuery", names)
        return result

# create new subclassed connection and cursor
connection = Connection(sample_env.get_main_connect_string())
cursor = connection.cursor()

# the names are now available directly for each query executed
for row in cursor.execute("select ParentId, Description from ParentTable"):
    print(row.PARENTID, "->", row.DESCRIPTION)

for row in cursor.execute("select ChildId, Description from ChildTable"):
    print(row.CHILDID, "->", row.DESCRIPTION)
예제 #4
 def __init__(self):
     connect_string = sample_env.get_main_connect_string()
     print("CONNECT to database")
     return super(Connection, self).__init__(connect_string)
# This script requires cx_Oracle 8.2 and higher.

import cx_Oracle as oracledb
import sample_env

STRING_VAL = 'I bought a cafetière on the Champs-Élysées'

def return_strings_as_bytes(cursor, name, default_type, size, precision,
    if default_type == oracledb.DB_TYPE_VARCHAR:
        return cursor.var(str, arraysize=cursor.arraysize, bypass_decode=True)

with oracledb.connect(sample_env.get_main_connect_string()) as conn:

    # truncate table and populate with our data of choice
    with conn.cursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("truncate table TestTempTable")
        cursor.execute("insert into TestTempTable values (1, :val)",

    # fetch the data normally and show that it is returned as a string
    with conn.cursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("select IntCol, StringCol from TestTempTable")
        print("Data fetched using normal technique:")
        for row in cursor: