def initialise(cosmo1, cosmo2, data, command_line):
    Main call to prepare the information for the MultiNest run.

    # Convenience variables
    varying_param_names = data.get_mcmc_parameters(['varying'])
    derived_param_names = data.get_mcmc_parameters(['derived'])

    # Check that all the priors are flat and that all the parameters are bound
    is_flat, is_bound = sampler.check_flat_bound_priors(
        data.mcmc_parameters, varying_param_names)
    if not is_flat:
        raise io_mp.ConfigurationError(
            'Nested Sampling with MultiNest is only possible with flat ' +
            'priors. Sorry!')
    if not is_bound:
        raise io_mp.ConfigurationError(
            'Nested Sampling with MultiNest is only possible for bound ' +
            'parameters. Set reasonable bounds for them in the ".param"' +

    # If absent, create the sub-folder NS
    NS_folder = os.path.join(command_line.folder, NS_subfolder)
    if not os.path.exists(NS_folder):

    # Use chain name as a base name for MultiNest files
    chain_name = [a for a in command_line.folder.split(os.path.sep) if a][-1]
    base_name = os.path.join(NS_folder, chain_name)
    # FK: add base folder name to NS_arguments for later reference
    data.NS_arguments['base_dir'] = NS_folder

    # Prepare arguments for PyMultiNest
    # -- Automatic arguments
    data.NS_arguments['n_dims'] = len(varying_param_names)
    data.NS_arguments['n_params'] = (len(varying_param_names) +
    data.NS_arguments['verbose'] = True
    data.NS_arguments['outputfiles_basename'] = base_name + NS_separator
    # -- User-defined arguments
    for arg in NS_user_arguments:
        value = getattr(command_line, NS_prefix + arg)
        # Special case: clustering parameters
        if arg == 'clustering_params':
            clustering_param_names = value if value != -1 else []
        # Rest of the cases
        if value != -1:
            data.NS_arguments[arg] = value
        # else: don't define them -> use PyMultiNest default value

    # Clustering parameters -- reordering to put them first
    NS_param_names = []
    if clustering_param_names:
        data.NS_arguments['n_clustering_params'] = len(clustering_param_names)
        for param in clustering_param_names:
            if not param in varying_param_names:
                raise io_mp.ConfigurationError(
                    'The requested clustering parameter "%s"' % param +
                    ' was not found in your ".param" file. Pick a valid one.')
    for param in varying_param_names:
        if not param in NS_param_names:
    data.NS_param_names = NS_param_names

    # Caveat: multi-modal sampling OFF by default; if requested, INS disabled
        if data.NS_arguments['multimodal']:
            data.NS_arguments['importance_nested_sampling'] = False
            warnings.warn('Multi-modal sampling has been requested, ' +
                          'so Importance Nested Sampling has been disabled')
    except KeyError:
        data.NS_arguments['multimodal'] = False

    # MPI: don't initialise it inside MultiNest.
    # Rather, it is either initialised by Monte Python (if MPI used) or ignored
    data.NS_arguments['init_MPI'] = False

    # Write the MultiNest arguments and parameter ordering
    with open(base_name + name_arguments, 'w') as afile:
        for arg in data.NS_arguments:
            if arg != 'n_clustering_params':
                afile.write(' = '.join([str(arg),
                afile.write('clustering_params = ' +
                            ' '.join(clustering_param_names))
    with open(base_name + name_paramnames, 'w') as pfile:
        pfile.write('\n'.join(NS_param_names + derived_param_names))
예제 #2
def initialise(cosmo, data, command_line):
    Main call to prepare the information for the MultiNest run.

    # Convenience variables
    varying_param_names = data.get_mcmc_parameters(['varying'])
    derived_param_names = data.get_mcmc_parameters(['derived'])
    nslow = len(data.get_mcmc_parameters(['varying', 'cosmo']))
    nfast = len(data.get_mcmc_parameters(['varying', 'nuisance']))

    # Check that all the priors are flat and that all the parameters are bound
    is_flat, is_bound = sampler.check_flat_bound_priors(
        data.mcmc_parameters, varying_param_names)
    if not is_flat:
        raise io_mp.ConfigurationError(
            'Nested Sampling with PolyChord is only possible ' +
            'with flat priors. Sorry!')
    if not is_bound:
        raise io_mp.ConfigurationError(
            'Nested Sampling with PolyChord is only possible ' +
            'for bound parameters. Set reasonable bounds for them in the ' +
            '".param" file.')

    # If absent, create the sub-folder PC
    PC_folder = os.path.join(command_line.folder, PC_subfolder)
    if not os.path.exists(PC_folder):

    # If absent, create the sub-folder PC/clusters
    PC_clusters_folder = os.path.join(PC_folder,'clusters')
    if not os.path.exists(PC_clusters_folder):

    # Use chain name as a base name for PolyChord files
    chain_name = [a for a in command_line.folder.split(os.path.sep) if a][-1]
    base_name = os.path.join(PC_folder, chain_name)

    # Prepare arguments for PyPolyChord
    # -- Automatic arguments
    data.PC_arguments['file_root'] = chain_name
    data.PC_arguments['base_dir'] = PC_folder
    data.PC_arguments['grade_dims'] = []
    data.PC_arguments['grade_frac'] = []
    if nslow:
    if nfast:

    data.PC_arguments['num_repeats'] = data.PC_arguments['grade_dims'][0] * 2

    # -- User-defined arguments
    for arg in PC_user_arguments:
        value = getattr(command_line, PC_prefix+arg)
        if value != -1:
            data.PC_arguments[arg] = value
        # else: don't define them -> use PyPolyChord default value

    data.PC_param_names = varying_param_names

    # Write the PolyChord arguments and parameter ordering
    with open(base_name+name_arguments, 'w') as afile:
        for arg in data.PC_arguments:
            afile.write(' = '.join(
                [str(arg), str(data.PC_arguments[arg])]))
    with open(base_name+name_paramnames, 'w') as pfile:
def run(cosmo, data, command_line):
    Main call to prepare the information for the MultiNest run, and to actually
    run the MultiNest sampler.

    Note the unusual set-up here, with the two following functions, `prior` and
    `loglike` having their docstrings written in the encompassing function.
    This trick was necessary as MultiNest required these two functions to be
    defined with a given number of parameters, so we could not add `data`. By
    defining them inside the run function, this problem was by-passed.

    .. function:: prior

        Generate the prior function for MultiNest

        It should transform the input unit cube into the parameter cube. This
        function actually wraps the method :func:`map_from_unit_interval()
        <prior.Prior.map_from_unit_interval>` of the class :class:`Prior

        cube : array
            Contains the current point in unit parameter space that has been
            selected within the MultiNest part.
        ndim : int
            Number of varying parameters
        nparams : int
            Total number of parameters, including the derived ones (not used,
            so hidden in `*args`)

    .. function:: loglike

        Generate the Likelihood function for MultiNest

        cube : array
            Contains the current point in the correct parameter space after
            transformation from :func:`prior`.
        ndim : int
            Number of varying parameters
        nparams : int
            Total number of parameters, including the derived ones (not used,
            so hidden in `*args`)

    # Convenience variables
    varying_param_names = data.get_mcmc_parameters(['varying'])
    derived_param_names = data.get_mcmc_parameters(['derived'])

    # Check that all the priors are flat and that all the parameters are bound
    is_flat, is_bound = sampler.check_flat_bound_priors(
        data.mcmc_parameters, varying_param_names)
    if not is_flat:
        raise io_mp.ConfigurationError(
            'Nested Sampling with MultiNest is only possible with flat ' +
            'priors. Sorry!')
    if not is_bound:
        raise io_mp.ConfigurationError(
            'Nested Sampling with MultiNest is only possible for bound ' +
            'parameters. Set reasonable bounds for them in the ".param"' +

    # If absent, create the sub-folder NS
    NS_folder = os.path.join(command_line.folder, NS_subfolder)
    if not os.path.exists(NS_folder):

    # Use chain name as a base name for MultiNest files
    chain_name = [a for a in command_line.folder.split(os.path.sep) if a][-1]
    base_name = os.path.join(NS_folder, chain_name)

    # Prepare arguments for PyMultiNest
    # -- Automatic arguments
    data.NS_arguments['n_dims'] = len(varying_param_names)
    data.NS_arguments['n_params'] = (len(varying_param_names) +
    data.NS_arguments['verbose'] = True
    data.NS_arguments['outputfiles_basename'] = base_name + NS_separator
    # -- User-defined arguments
    for arg in NS_user_arguments:
        value = getattr(command_line, NS_prefix+arg)
        # Special case: clustering parameters
        if arg == 'clustering_params':
            clustering_param_names = value if value != -1 else []
        # Rest of the cases
        if value != -1:
            data.NS_arguments[arg] = value
        # else: don't define them -> use PyMultiNest default value

    # Clustering parameters -- reordering to put them first
    NS_param_names = []
    if clustering_param_names:
        data.NS_arguments['n_clustering_params'] = len(clustering_param_names)
        for param in clustering_param_names:
            if not param in varying_param_names:
                raise io_mp.ConfigurationError(
                    'The requested clustering parameter "%s"' % param +
                    ' was not found in your ".param" file. Pick a valid one.')
    for param in varying_param_names:
        if not param in NS_param_names:

    # Caveat: multi-modal sampling OFF by default; if requested, INS disabled
        if data.NS_arguments['multimodal']:
            data.NS_arguments['importance_nested_sampling'] = False
            warnings.warn('Multi-modal sampling has been requested, ' +
                          'so Importance Nested Sampling has been disabled')
    except KeyError:
        data.NS_arguments['multimodal'] = False

    # Write the MultiNest arguments and parameter ordering
    with open(base_name+name_arguments, 'w') as afile:
        for arg in data.NS_arguments:
            if arg != 'n_clustering_params':
                afile.write(' = '.join(
                    [str(arg), str(data.NS_arguments[arg])]))
                afile.write('clustering_params = ' +
                            ' '.join(clustering_param_names))
    with open(base_name+name_paramnames, 'w') as pfile:

    # Function giving the prior probability
    def prior(cube, ndim, *args):
        Please see the encompassing function docstring

        for i, name in zip(range(ndim), NS_param_names):
            cube[i] = data.mcmc_parameters[name]['prior']\

    # Function giving the likelihood probability
    def loglike(cube, ndim, *args):
        Please see the encompassing function docstring

        # Updates values: cube --> data
        for i, name in zip(range(ndim), NS_param_names):
            data.mcmc_parameters[name]['current'] = cube[i]
        # Propagate the information towards the cosmo arguments
        lkl = sampler.compute_lkl(cosmo, data)
        for i, name in enumerate(derived_param_names):
            cube[ndim+i] = data.mcmc_parameters[name]['current']
        return lkl

    # Launch MultiNest, and recover the output code
    output = nested_run(loglike, prior, **data.NS_arguments)

    # Assuming this worked, i.e. if output is `None`,
    # state it and suggest the user to analyse the output.
    if output is None:
        warnings.warn('The sampling with MultiNest is done.\n' +
                      'You can now analyse the output calling Monte Python ' +
                      ' with the -info flag in the chain_name/NS subfolder,' +
                      'or, if you used multimodal sampling, in the ' +
                      'chain_name/mode_# subfolders.')
예제 #4
def initialise(cosmo, data, command_line):
    Main call to prepare the information for the NeuralNest run.

    # Convenience variables
    varying_param_names = data.get_mcmc_parameters(['varying'])
    derived_param_names = data.get_mcmc_parameters(['derived'])

    if getattr(command_line, NN_prefix + 'sampler', '').lower() == 'nested':

        # Check that all the priors are flat and that all the parameters are bound
        is_flat, is_bound = sampler.check_flat_bound_priors(
            data.mcmc_parameters, varying_param_names)
        if not is_flat:
            raise io_mp.ConfigurationError(
                'Nested Sampling with NeuralNest is only possible with flat ' +
                'priors. Sorry!')
        if not is_bound:
            raise io_mp.ConfigurationError(
                'Nested Sampling with NeuralNest is only possible for bound ' +
                'parameters. Set reasonable bounds for them in the ".param"' +

    # If absent, create the sub-folder NS
    NN_folder = os.path.join(command_line.folder, NN_subfolder)
    if not os.path.exists(NN_folder):

    run_num = sum(
        os.path.isdir(os.path.join(NN_folder, i))
        for i in os.listdir(NN_folder)) + 1

    # -- Automatic arguments
    data.NN_arguments['x_dim'] = len(varying_param_names)
    data.NN_arguments['num_derived'] = len(derived_param_names)
    data.NN_arguments['verbose'] = True
    data.NN_arguments['log_dir'] = os.path.join(NN_folder, str(run_num))
    data.NN_arguments['use_gpu'] = False
    data.NN_arguments['flow'] = 'nvp'
    data.NN_arguments['load_model'] = ''
    data.NN_arguments['batch_size'] = 100

    if getattr(command_line, NN_prefix + 'fastslow'):
        data.NN_arguments['num_slow'] = data.block_parameters[0]
        data.NN_arguments['num_slow'] = 0

    # -- User-defined arguments
    for arg in NN_user_arguments:
        value = getattr(command_line, NN_prefix + arg)
        data.NN_arguments[arg] = value
        if arg == 'switch':
            if value >= 0:
                data.NN_arguments['switch'] = value
            elif data.NN_arguments['num_slow'] > 0:
                data.NN_arguments['switch'] = 1.0 / (
                    5 * data.NN_arguments['num_slow'])

    if getattr(command_line, NN_prefix + 'sampler', '').lower() == 'mcmc':
        data.NN_arguments['mcmc_steps'] = getattr(command_line, 'N')

    data.NN_param_names = varying_param_names

    base_name = os.path.join(NN_folder, 'base')

    if run_num == 1:
        # Write the NeuralNest arguments and parameter ordering
        with open(base_name + name_arguments, 'w') as afile:
            for arg in data.NN_arguments:
                afile.write(' = '.join([str(arg),
        with open(base_name + name_paramnames, 'w') as pfile:
            pfile.write('\n'.join(data.NN_param_names + derived_param_names))
예제 #5
def initialise(cosmo, data, command_line):
    Main call to prepare the information for the MultiNest run.

    # Convenience variables
    varying_param_names = data.get_mcmc_parameters(['varying'])
    derived_param_names = data.get_mcmc_parameters(['derived'])

    # Check that all the priors are flat and that all the parameters are bound
    is_flat, is_bound = sampler.check_flat_bound_priors(
        data.mcmc_parameters, varying_param_names)
    if not is_flat:
        raise io_mp.ConfigurationError(
            'Nested Sampling with MultiNest is only possible with flat ' +
            'priors. Sorry!')
    if not is_bound:
        raise io_mp.ConfigurationError(
            'Nested Sampling with MultiNest is only possible for bound ' +
            'parameters. Set reasonable bounds for them in the ".param"' +

    # If absent, create the sub-folder NS
    NS_folder = os.path.join(command_line.folder, NS_subfolder)
    if not os.path.exists(NS_folder):

    # Use chain name as a base name for MultiNest files
    chain_name = [a for a in command_line.folder.split(os.path.sep) if a][-1]
    base_name = os.path.join(NS_folder, chain_name)

    # Prepare arguments for PyMultiNest
    # -- Automatic arguments
    data.NS_arguments['n_dims'] = len(varying_param_names)
    data.NS_arguments['n_params'] = (len(varying_param_names) +
    data.NS_arguments['verbose'] = True
    data.NS_arguments['outputfiles_basename'] = base_name + NS_separator
    # -- User-defined arguments
    for arg in NS_user_arguments:
        value = getattr(command_line, NS_prefix+arg)
        # Special case: clustering parameters
        if arg == 'clustering_params':
            clustering_param_names = value if value != -1 else []
        # Rest of the cases
        if value != -1:
            data.NS_arguments[arg] = value
        # else: don't define them -> use PyMultiNest default value

    # Clustering parameters -- reordering to put them first
    NS_param_names = []
    if clustering_param_names:
        data.NS_arguments['n_clustering_params'] = len(clustering_param_names)
        for param in clustering_param_names:
            if not param in varying_param_names:
                raise io_mp.ConfigurationError(
                    'The requested clustering parameter "%s"' % param +
                    ' was not found in your ".param" file. Pick a valid one.')
    for param in varying_param_names:
        if not param in NS_param_names:
    data.NS_param_names = NS_param_names
    # Caveat: multi-modal sampling OFF by default; if requested, INS disabled
        if data.NS_arguments['multimodal']:
            data.NS_arguments['importance_nested_sampling'] = False
            warnings.warn('Multi-modal sampling has been requested, ' +
                          'so Importance Nested Sampling has been disabled')
    except KeyError:
        data.NS_arguments['multimodal'] = False

    # MPI: don't initialise it inside MultiNest.
    # Rather, it is either initialised by Monte Python (if MPI used) or ignored

    # Write the MultiNest arguments and parameter ordering
    with open(base_name+name_arguments, 'w') as afile:
        for arg in data.NS_arguments:
            if arg != 'n_clustering_params':
                afile.write(' = '.join(
                    [str(arg), str(data.NS_arguments[arg])]))
                afile.write('clustering_params = ' +
                            ' '.join(clustering_param_names))
    with open(base_name+name_paramnames, 'w') as pfile:
예제 #6
def run(cosmo, data, command_line):
    Sample with the CosmoHammer

    # Store the parameters inside the format expected by CosmoHammer
    # TODO: about the derived params?
    parameter_names = data.get_mcmc_parameters(["varying"])

    # Ensure that their prior is bound and flat
    is_flat, is_bound = sampler.check_flat_bound_priors(
        data.mcmc_parameters, parameter_names)
    if not is_flat:
        raise io_mp.ConfigurationError(
            'The Cosmo Hammer is only available with flat ' +
            'priors. Sorry!')
    if not is_bound:
        raise io_mp.ConfigurationError(
            'The Cosmo Hammer is only available for bound ' +
            'parameters. Set reasonable bounds for them in the ".param"' +

    params = []
    for parameter in parameter_names:
    params = np.array(params)

    # If absent, create the sub-folder CH
    CH_folder = os.path.join(command_line.folder, CH_subfolder)
    if not os.path.exists(CH_folder):

    # Initialize a chain object (Beware, the concept is quite different than
    # the chain of the module :mod:`mcmc`)
    chain = LikelihoodComputationChain(
        min=params[:, 1],
        max=params[:, 2])

    # Add data and cosmo as two core modules. Note that the order is important
    # here, since data must be called before cosmo.

    # Add each likelihood class as a LikelihoodModule
    for likelihood in data.lkl.itervalues():

    # Define the file prefix
    chain_name = [a for a in command_line.folder.split(os.path.sep) if a][-1]
    file_prefix = os.path.join(
        os.path.join(CH_subfolder, chain_name))

    # Recover the User options
    data.CH_arguments = {}
    for arg in CH_user_arguments:
        value = getattr(command_line, CH_prefix+arg)
        if value != -1:
            data.CH_arguments[arg] = value
        # else, do not define them, and leave the default Cosmo Hammer ones.

    # Write the CosmoHammer arguments
    with open(file_prefix+name_arguments, 'w') as arg_file:
        for arg in data.CH_arguments:
                ' = '.join([str(arg), str(data.CH_arguments[arg])]) + '\n')

    # Create an extension to the SampleFileUtil from cosmoHammer
    derived_util = DerivedUtil(file_prefix)

        num_threads = int(os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'])
    except KeyError:
            "The environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS is not set. "
            "To run the Cosmo Hammer meaningfully, you should better "
            "set it to something! Defaulting to 1 for now.")
        num_threads = 1

    # Create the Sampler object
    sampler_hammer = CosmoHammerSampler(

    # create console handler and set level to debug (does not seem to appear)
    console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()

예제 #7
def run(cosmo, data, command_line):
    Sample with the CosmoHammer

    # Store the parameters inside the format expected by CosmoHammer
    # TODO: about the derived params?
    parameter_names = data.get_mcmc_parameters(["varying"])

    # Ensure that their prior is bound and flat
    is_flat, is_bound = sampler.check_flat_bound_priors(
        data.mcmc_parameters, parameter_names)
    if not is_flat:
        raise io_mp.ConfigurationError(
            'The Cosmo Hammer is only available with flat ' + 'priors. Sorry!')
    if not is_bound:
        raise io_mp.ConfigurationError(
            'The Cosmo Hammer is only available for bound ' +
            'parameters. Set reasonable bounds for them in the ".param"' +

    params = []
    for parameter in parameter_names:
    params = np.array(params)

    # If absent, create the sub-folder CH
    CH_folder = os.path.join(command_line.folder, CH_subfolder)
    if not os.path.exists(CH_folder):

    # Initialize a chain object (Beware, the concept is quite different than
    # the chain of the module :mod:`mcmc`)
    chain = LikelihoodComputationChain(min=params[:, 1], max=params[:, 2])

    # Add data and cosmo as two core modules. Note that the order is important
    # here, since data must be called before cosmo.

    # Add each likelihood class as a LikelihoodModule
    for likelihood in dictvalues(data.lkl):

    # Define the file prefix
    chain_name = [a for a in command_line.folder.split(os.path.sep) if a][-1]
    file_prefix = os.path.join(command_line.folder, CH_subfolder, chain_name)

    # Recover the User options
    data.CH_arguments = {}
    for arg in CH_user_arguments:
        value = getattr(command_line, CH_prefix + arg)
        if value != -1:
            data.CH_arguments[arg] = value
        # else, do not define them, and leave the default Cosmo Hammer ones.

    # Write the CosmoHammer arguments
    with open(file_prefix + name_arguments, 'w') as arg_file:
        for arg in data.CH_arguments:
                ' = '.join([str(arg), str(data.CH_arguments[arg])]) + '\n')

    # Create an extension to the SampleFileUtil from cosmoHammer
    derived_util = DerivedUtil(file_prefix)

        num_threads = int(os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'])
    except KeyError:
            "The environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS is not set. "
            "To run the Cosmo Hammer meaningfully, you should better "
            "set it to something! Defaulting to 1 for now.")
        num_threads = 1

    # Create the Sampler object
    sampler_hammer = CosmoHammerSampler(params=params,

    # create console handler and set level to debug (does not seem to appear)
    console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
