예제 #1
def run(custom_command=''):
    Main call of the function

    It recovers the initialised instances of cosmo Class, :class:`Data` and the
    NameSpace containing the command line arguments, feeding into the sampler.

        custom_command: str
            allows for testing the code
    # Create all the instances of the needed classes to run the code. The safe
    # initialisation handles the errors.
    cosmo, data, command_line, success = safe_initialisation(

    # If success is False, it means either that the initialisation was not
    # successful, or that it was simply an analysis call. The run should
    # stop
    if not success:

    # Once that the initialisation phase is done, one can import the sampler
    import sampler

    # Generic sampler call
    sampler.run(cosmo, data, command_line)

예제 #2
def run(custom_command=''):
    Main call of the function

    It recovers the initialised instances of cosmo Class, :class:`Data` and the
    NameSpace containing the command line arguments, feeding into the sampler.

        custom_command: str
            allows for testing the code
    # Create all the instances of the needed classes to run the code. The safe
    # initialisation handles the errors.
    cosmo, data, command_line, success = safe_initialisation(

    # If success is False, it means either that the initialisation was not
    # successful, or that it was simply an analysis call. The run should
    # stop
    if not success:

    # Once that the initialisation phase is done, one can import the
    # sampler
    import sampler

    # Generic sampler call
    sampler.run(cosmo, data, command_line)

예제 #3
def run(custom_command=''):
    Main call of the function

    It recovers the initialised instances of cosmo Class, :class:`Data` and the
    NameSpace containing the command line arguments, feeding into the sampler.

    .. note::
        A possible parallelization would take place here.

        custom_command: str
            allows for testing the code
    # Initialisation routine
    cosmo, data, command_line, success = initialise(custom_command)

    # If success is False, it means either that the initialisation was not
    # successful, or that it was simply an analysis call. The run should stop
    if not success:

    # Once that the initialisation phase is done, one can import the sampler
    import sampler

    # Generic sampler call
    sampler.run(cosmo, data, command_line)

예제 #4
def mpi_run(custom_command=""):
    Launch a simple MPI run, with no communication of covariance matrix

    It simply allows the first process to create the folder - so that the
    log.param is properly written. A signal is then send to the other
    processes, that contains the chain number of the parent run.

    In order to be sure to have different chain numbers, it adds the rank of
    the process and the initial job number - this should avoid conflict, but
    can be subject of future improvements

    from mpi4py import MPI

    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    nprocs = comm.Get_size()
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    # this will be the master cpu. This guy will create - or append - a folder,
    # being sure to be the first to do so.
    if rank == 0:
        # First initialisation
        cosmo, data, command_line, success = safe_initialisation(
            custom_command, comm, nprocs)

        regexp = re.match(".*__(\w*).txt", data.out_name)
        suffix = regexp.groups()[0]
        # Send an "OK" signal to all the other processes, actually giving the
        # suffix of this master chain. All the other will add 1 to this number
        for index in range(1, nprocs):
            comm.send(suffix, dest=index, tag=1)
        # If the rank is not 0, it is a slave process. It waits to receive the
        # "OK" message, which is immediatly discarded.
        suffix = comm.recv(source=0, tag=1)

        # If a failed message was passed, exit the process
        if suffix == 'failed':

        # Concatenate the rank to the suffix, and not the opposite, this should
        # avoid any conflicting name
        if not custom_command:
            custom_command = " ".join(sys.argv[1:])
        custom_command += " --chain-number %s" % str(rank)+suffix
        cosmo, data, command_line, success = initialise(custom_command)

    import sampler
    sampler.run(cosmo, data, command_line)

예제 #5
def mpi_run(custom_command=""):
    Launch a simple MPI run, with no communication of covariance matrix

    Each process will make sure to initialise the folder if needed. Then and
    only then, it will send the signal to its next in line to proceed. This
    allows for initialisation over an arbitrary cluster geometry (you can have
    a single node with many cores, and all the chains living there, or many
    nodes with few cores). The speed loss due to the time spend checking if the
    folder is created should be negligible when running decently sized chains.

    Each process will send the number that it found to be the first available
    to its friends, so that the gathering of information post-run is made
    easier. If a chain number is specified, this will be used as the first
    number, and then incremented afterwards with the rank of the process.

    from mpi4py import MPI

    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    nprocs = comm.Get_size()
    rank = comm.Get_rank()

    success = True
    folder = ''

    # If the process is not the zeroth one, then wait for a signal from your
    # n-1 before initializing the folder
    if rank != 0:
        status = comm.recv(source=rank-1, tag=1)
        folder = comm.recv(source=rank-1, tag=2)
        if status == 'failed':
            success = False
            number = status

    if success:
        if not custom_command:
            custom_command = " ".join(sys.argv[1:])
        if rank != 0:
            custom_command += " --chain-number %s" % str(int(number)+1)

        # First check if the folder is there
        already_sent = False
        if rank != 0 and rank < nprocs-1:
            status = int(number)+1
            if Data.folder_is_initialised(folder):
                comm.send(status, dest=rank+1, tag=1)
                comm.send(folder, dest=rank+1, tag=2)
                already_sent = True

        # Then, properly initialise
        cosmo, data, command_line, success = safe_initialisation(
            custom_command, comm, nprocs)

        # The first initialisation should check a few more things
        if rank == 0:
            # Check that the run asked is compatible with mpirun and prepare.
            if command_line.subparser_name == 'info':
                    "Analyzing the chains is not supported in mpirun"
                    " so this will run on one core only.")
                status = 'failed'
            elif command_line.method == "MH":
                regexp = re.match(".*__(\w*).txt", data.out_name)
                suffix = regexp.groups()[0]
                status = suffix
            elif command_line.method == "NS":
                status = 1
            elif command_line.method == "PC":
                status = 1
            elif command_line.method == "NN":
                status = 1
                    "The method '%s' is not supported"%(command_line.method) +
                    " in mpirun so this will run on one core only.")
                status = 'failed'
            folder = data.out_name
        elif rank < nprocs-1:
            status = int(number)+1
        # Send an "OK" signal to the next in line, giving the its own chain
        # number for the other to add 1
        if rank < nprocs-1:
            if not already_sent:
                comm.send(status, dest=rank+1, tag=1)
                comm.send(folder, dest=rank+1, tag=2)
        if rank < nprocs-1:
            comm.send('failed', dest=rank+1, tag=1)
            comm.send('', dest=rank+1, tag=2)

    if success:
        import sampler
        sampler.run(cosmo, data, command_line)

예제 #6
def mpi_run(custom_command=""):
    Launch a simple MPI run, with no communication of covariance matrix

    Each process will make sure to initialise the folder if needed. Then and
    only then, it will send the signal to its next in line to proceed. This
    allows for initialisation over an arbitrary cluster geometry (you can have
    a single node with many cores, and all the chains living there, or many
    nodes with few cores). The speed loss due to the time spend checking if the
    folder is created should be negligible when running decently sized chains.

    Each process will send the number that it found to be the first available
    to its friends, so that the gathering of information post-run is made
    easier. If a chain number is specified, this will be used as the first
    number, and then incremented afterwards with the rank of the process.

    from mpi4py import MPI

    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    nprocs = comm.Get_size()
    rank = comm.Get_rank()

    success = True
    folder = ''

    # If the process is not the zeroth one, then wait for a signal from your
    # n-1 before initializing the folder
    if rank != 0:
        status = comm.recv(source=rank-1, tag=1)
        folder = comm.recv(source=rank-1, tag=2)
        if status == 'failed':
            success = False
            number = status

    if success:
        if not custom_command:
            custom_command = " ".join(sys.argv[1:])
        if rank != 0:
            custom_command += " --chain-number %s" % str(int(number)+1)

        # First check if the folder is there
        already_sent = False
        if rank != 0 and rank < nprocs-1:
            status = int(number)+1
            if Data.folder_is_initialised(folder):
                comm.send(status, dest=rank+1, tag=1)
                comm.send(folder, dest=rank+1, tag=2)
                already_sent = True

        # Then, properly initialise
        cosmo, data, command_line, success = safe_initialisation(
            custom_command, comm, nprocs)

        # The first initialisation should check a few more things
        if rank == 0:
            # Check that the run asked is compatible with mpirun and prepare.
            if command_line.subparser_name == 'info':
                    "Analyzing the chains is not supported in mpirun"
                    " so this will run on one core only.")
                status = 'failed'
            elif command_line.method == "MH":
                regexp = re.match(".*__(\w*).txt", data.out_name)
                suffix = regexp.groups()[0]
                status = suffix
            elif command_line.method == "NS":
                status = 1
                    "The method '%s' is not supported"%(command_line.method) +
                    " in mpirun so this will run on one core only.")
                status = 'failed'
            folder = data.out_name
        elif rank < nprocs-1:
            status = int(number)+1
        # Send an "OK" signal to the next in line, giving the its own chain
        # number for the other to add 1
        if rank < nprocs-1:
            if not already_sent:
                comm.send(status, dest=rank+1, tag=1)
                comm.send(folder, dest=rank+1, tag=2)
        if rank < nprocs-1:
            comm.send('failed', dest=rank+1, tag=1)
            comm.send('', dest=rank+1, tag=2)

    if success:
        import sampler
        sampler.run(cosmo, data, command_line)

예제 #7
def mpi_run(custom_command=""):
    Launch a simple MPI run, with no communication of covariance matrix

    It simply allows the first process to create the folder - so that the
    log.param is properly written. A signal is then send to the other
    processes, that contains the chain number of the parent run.

    In order to be sure to have different chain numbers, it adds the rank of
    the process and the initial job number - this should avoid conflict, but
    can be subject of future improvements

    from mpi4py import MPI

    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    nprocs = comm.Get_size()
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    # this will be the master cpu. This guy will create - or append - a folder,
    # being sure to be the first to do so.
    if rank == 0:
        # First initialisation
        cosmo, data, command_line, success = safe_initialisation(
            custom_command, comm, nprocs)

        # Check that the run asked is compatible with mpirun and prepare.
        if command_line.subparser_name == 'info':
                "Analyzing the chains is not supported in mpirun"
                " so this will run on one core only.")
            status = 'failed'
        elif command_line.method == "MH":
            regexp = re.match(".*__(\w*).txt", data.out_name)
            suffix = regexp.groups()[0]
            status = suffix
        elif command_line.method == "NS":
            status = 1
                "The method '%s' is not supported"%(command_line.method) +
                " in mpirun so this will run on one core only.")
            status = 'failed'

        # Send an "OK" signal to all the other processes, actually giving the
        # suffix of this master chain. All the other will add 1 to this number
        for index in range(1, nprocs):
            comm.send(status, dest=index, tag=1)
        # If the rank is not 0, it is a slave process. It waits to receive the
        # "OK" message, which is immediatly discarded.
        status = comm.recv(source=0, tag=1)

        # If a failed message was passed, exit the process
        if status == 'failed':
            success = False
            # Concatenate the rank to the suffix, and not the opposite, this
            # should avoid any conflicting name
            if not custom_command:
                custom_command = " ".join(sys.argv[1:])
            suffix = status
            custom_command += " --chain-number %s" % str(int(suffix)+rank)
            cosmo, data, command_line, success = initialise(custom_command)

    if success:
        import sampler
        sampler.run(cosmo, data, command_line)

    success = comm.gather(success, root=0)