예제 #1
    def obstacle_check(self, request ):
        Check a rectangular area in the costmap and return true if any lethal
        cells are inside that area.
        #get current position from mover object
        robot_position = self._mover.current_position
        target_yaw = request.yaw
        valid, robot_cmap_coords = self.world2map(robot_position[:2], self.costmap_info)
        ll = self.bresenham_point(robot_cmap_coords,
                                  (target_yaw - np.pi/2),
        ul = self.bresenham_point(robot_cmap_coords,   
                                  (target_yaw + np.pi/2),
        lr = self.bresenham_point(ll[0], request.distance, target_yaw, self.costmap_info.resolution)
        ur = self.bresenham_point(ul[0], request.distance, target_yaw, self.costmap_info.resolution)

        start_points = bresenham.points(ll, ul)
        end_points = bresenham.points(lr, ur)
        #check lines for lethal values
        if self.any_line_blocked(start_points, end_points):
            rospy.logdebug("PROBE SWATHE %f X %f BLOCKED " %(request.width, request.distance))
            return True
            rospy.logdebug("PROBE SWATHE %f X %f CLEAR " %(request.width, request.distance))
            return False
예제 #2
 def line_blocked(self, userdata):
     if self.debug_map_pub.get_num_connections() > 0:
         publish_debug = True
         publish_debug = False
     costmap = self.costmap
     lethal_threshold = 90
     blocked_threshold = 0.30
     check_width = userdata.blocked_check_width/2
     check_dist = userdata.blocked_check_distance
     resolution = costmap.info.resolution
     origin = (np.trunc(costmap.info.width/2),
     yaw = userdata.line_yaw
     ll = self.check_point(origin, check_width, (yaw - math.pi/2), resolution)
     ul = self.check_point(origin, check_width, (yaw + math.pi/2), resolution)
     lr = self.check_point(ll[0], check_dist, yaw, resolution)
     ur = self.check_point(ul[0], check_dist, yaw, resolution)
     map_np = np.array(costmap.data, dtype='i1').reshape((costmap.info.height,costmap.info.width))
     start_points = bresenham.points(ll, ul)
     end_points = bresenham.points(lr, ur)
     total_count = len(start_points)
     #check lines for lethal values
     blocked_count = 0
     for start, end in zip(start_points, end_points):
         line = bresenham.points(start[None,:], end[None,:])
         line_vals = map_np[line[:,1], line[:,0]]
         max_val = (np.amax(line_vals))
         if np.any(line_vals > lethal_threshold):
             blocked_count += 1
             #for debug, mark lethal lines
             if publish_debug: map_np[line[:,1], line[:,0]] = 64
     #if anything is subscribing to the test map, publish it
     if publish_debug:
         map_np[start_points[:,1], start_points[:,0]] = 64
         map_np[end_points[:,1], end_points[:,0]] = 64
         costmap.data = list(np.reshape(map_np, -1))
     if (blocked_count/float(total_count)) > blocked_threshold:        
         return True
     return False
예제 #3
 def any_line_blocked(self, start_points, end_points):
     for start, end in zip(start_points, end_points):
         line = bresenham.points(start[None,:], end[None,:])
         line_vals = self.costmap[line[:,0], line[:,1]]
         max_val = (np.amax(line_vals))
         if np.any(line_vals > self._lethal_threshold):
             #once an obstacle is found no need to keep checking this angle
             return True
     return False
예제 #4
 def any_line_blocked(self, start_points, end_points, lethal_threshold, map_np):
     for start, end in zip(start_points, end_points):
         line = bresenham.points(start[None,:], end[None,:])
         line_vals = map_np[line[:,1], line[:,0]]
         max_val = (np.amax(line_vals))
         if np.any(line_vals > lethal_threshold):
             #for debug, mark lethal lines
             if self.publish_debug: map_np[line[:,1], line[:,0]] = 64
             #once an obstacle is found no need to keep checking this angle
             return True
     return False
예제 #5
    def update_sectors(self, sectors, sector_angle):

        #sector_count and zero offset
        sector_count = len(sectors)
        zero_offset = np.rint(sector_count/2.0)

        #get current position from mover object
        robot_position = self._mover.current_position
        robot_yaw = self._mover.current_yaw

        yaw_to_target, distance_to_target = util.get_robot_strafe(self._tf, self._target_point_odom)
        target_index = int(round(yaw_to_target/sector_angle) + zero_offset)

        #if we are too far off the line between start point, and goal, initiate stop
        distance_off_course = util.point_distance_to_line(geometry_msg.Point(*robot_position),

        valid, robot_cmap_coords = self.world2map(robot_position[:2], self.costmap_info)
        obstacle_density = np.zeros(len(sectors))
        inverse_costs = np.zeros(len(sectors))
        #nonzero_coords = np.transpose(np.nonzero(self.costmap))        

        for index in range(sector_count):
            #yaw in odom            
            sector_yaw = robot_yaw + (index - zero_offset) * sector_angle
            #get start and end points for the bresenham line
            start = self.bresenham_point(robot_cmap_coords,
            #if we are close to the target, truncate the check distance
            end = self.bresenham_point(robot_cmap_coords,
            sector_line = bresenham.points(start, end)

            for coords in sector_line:
                cell_value = self.costmap[tuple(coords)]

                position = self.costmap_info.resolution * (coords - robot_cmap_coords)
                distance = np.linalg.norm(position)
                #m is the obstacle vector magnitude
                m = cell_value * (self.max_obstacle_distance - distance)
                obstacle_density[index] += m
            #set sectors above threshold density as blocked, those below as clear, and do
            #not change the ones in between
            if obstacle_density[index] >= self.threshold_high:
                sectors[index] = True
                inverse_costs[index] = 0 #inversely infinitely expensive
            if obstacle_density[index] <= self.threshold_low:
                sectors[index] = False
            #if sector is clear (it may not have been changed this time!) set its cost, making it a candidate sector
            if not sectors[index]:
                inverse_costs[index] = 1.0 / ( self.u_goal*np.abs(yaw_to_target - (index - zero_offset)*sector_angle)
                                            + self.u_current*np.abs(self.current_sector_index - index)*sector_angle) 
        if self.publish_debug:
            rospy.logdebug("TARGET SECTOR index: %d" % (target_index))
            rospy.logdebug("SECTORS: %s" % (sectors))
            rospy.logdebug("INVERSE_COSTS: %s" % (inverse_costs))
            vfh_debug_array = []
            vfh_debug_marker = vis_msg.Marker()
            vfh_debug_marker.pose = Pose()
            vfh_debug_marker.header = std_msg.Header(0, rospy.Time(0), self.odometry_frame)
            vfh_debug_marker.type = vis_msg.Marker.ARROW
            vfh_debug_marker.color = std_msg.ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 1)
            arrow_len = min(self.max_obstacle_distance,
                            (distance_to_target + self._goal_obstacle_radius))
            vfh_debug_marker.scale = geometry_msg.Vector3(arrow_len, .02, .02)
            vfh_debug_marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(0.2)
            for index in range(sector_count):
                debug_marker = deepcopy(vfh_debug_marker)
                sector_yaw = robot_yaw + (index - zero_offset) * sector_angle
                quat_vals = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, sector_yaw)
                debug_marker.pose.orientation = geometry_msg.Quaternion(*quat_vals)
                debug_marker.pose.position = geometry_msg.Point(robot_position[0],
                                                                robot_position[1], 0)
                if self.current_sector_index == index:
                    debug_marker.color = std_msg.ColorRGBA(0.1, 1.0, 0.1, 1)                
                elif not sectors[index]:
                    debug_marker.color = std_msg.ColorRGBA(0.1, 0.1, 1.0, 1)                
                    debug_marker.color = std_msg.ColorRGBA(1.0, 0.1, 0.1, 1)                
                debug_marker.id = self.marker_id
                self.marker_id += 1
            vfh_debug_msg = vis_msg.MarkerArray(vfh_debug_array)

        #load the state dictionary
        vfh_state = {}
        min_cost_index = np.argmax(inverse_costs)
        vfh_state['minimum_cost_index'] = min_cost_index
        vfh_state['minimum_cost_angle'] = (min_cost_index - zero_offset) * sector_angle
        vfh_state['target_index'] = target_index
        vfh_state['distance_to_target'] = distance_to_target
        vfh_state['distance_off_course'] = distance_off_course

        return sectors, vfh_state