예제 #1
파일: training.py 프로젝트: zhuww/ubc_AI
 def getbandpass(M):
     feature = '%s:%s' % ('bandpass', M)
     if M == 0:
         return np.array([])
     if not feature in self.extracted_feature:
         self.extracted_feature[feature] = normalize(downsample(profs.sum(0).sum(1),M).ravel())
     return self.extracted_feature[feature]
예제 #2
파일: training.py 프로젝트: zhuww/ubc_AI
 def getsumprofs(M):
     feature = '%s:%s' % ('phasebins', M)
     if M == 0:
         return np.array([])
     if not feature in self.extracted_feature:
         data = profs.sum(0).sum(0)
         self.extracted_feature[feature]  = normalize(downsample(data,M,align=self.align).ravel())
     return self.extracted_feature[feature]
예제 #3
 def getsumprofs(M):
     feature = '%s:%s' % ('phasebins', M)
     if M == 0:
         return np.array([])
     if not feature in self.extracted_feature:
         data = profs.sum(0).sum(0)
         self.extracted_feature[feature] = normalize(
             downsample(data, M, align=self.align).ravel())
     return self.extracted_feature[feature]
예제 #4
        def getDMcurve(
                M):  # return the normalized DM curve downsampled to M points
            feature = '%s:%s' % ('DMbins', M)
            if M == 0:
                return np.array([])
            if not feature in self.extracted_feature:
                ddm = (self.dms.max() - self.dms.min()) / 2.
                loDM, hiDM = (self.bestdm - ddm, self.bestdm + ddm)
                loDM = max((0, loDM))  #make sure cut off at 0 DM
                hiDM = max((ddm, hiDM))  #make sure cut off at 0 DM
                N = 100
                interp = False
                sumprofs = self.profs.sum(0)
                if not interp:
                    profs = sumprofs
                    profs = np.zeros(np.shape(sumprofs), dtype='d')
                DMs = psr_utils.span(loDM, hiDM, N)
                chis = np.zeros(N, dtype='f')
                subdelays_bins = self.subdelays_bins.copy()
                for ii, DM in enumerate(DMs):
                    subdelays = psr_utils.delay_from_DM(DM, self.barysubfreqs)
                    hifreqdelay = subdelays[-1]
                    subdelays = subdelays - hifreqdelay
                    delaybins = subdelays * self.binspersec - subdelays_bins
                    if interp:
                        interp_factor = 16
                        for jj in range(self.nsub):
                            profs[jj] = psr_utils.interp_rotate(
                        # Note: Since the interpolation process slightly changes the values of the
                        # profs, we need to re-calculate the average profile value
                        avgprof = (profs / self.proflen).sum()
                        new_subdelays_bins = np.floor(delaybins + 0.5)
                        for jj in range(self.nsub):
                            #profs[jj] = psr_utils.rotate(profs[jj], new_subdelays_bins[jj])
                            delay_bins = int(new_subdelays_bins[jj] %
                            if not delay_bins == 0:
                                profs[jj] = np.concatenate(

                        subdelays_bins += new_subdelays_bins
                        avgprof = self.avgprof
                    sumprof = profs.sum(0)
                    chis[ii] = self.calc_redchi2(prof=sumprof, avg=avgprof)
                DMcurve = normalize(downsample(chis, M))
                self.extracted_feature[feature] = DMcurve
            return self.extracted_feature[feature]
예제 #5
 def getsubbands(M):
     feature = '%s:%s' % ('subbands', M)
     if M == 0:
         return np.array([])
     if not feature in self.extracted_feature:
         img = greyscale(self.profs.sum(0))
         #U,S,V = svd(img)
         #if M <= len(S):
             #return S[:M]
             #while len(S) < M:
                 #np.append(S, 0.)
             #return S
         self.extracted_feature[feature] = normalize(downsample(img, M).ravel())
     return self.extracted_feature[feature]
예제 #6
파일: training.py 프로젝트: zhuww/ubc_AI
        def getDMcurve(M): # return the normalized DM curve downsampled to M points
            feature = '%s:%s' % ('DMbins', M)
            if M == 0:
                return np.array([])
            if not feature in self.extracted_feature:
                ddm = (self.dms.max() - self.dms.min())/2.
                loDM, hiDM = (self.bestdm - ddm , self.bestdm + ddm)
                loDM = max((0, loDM)) #make sure cut off at 0 DM
                hiDM = max((ddm, hiDM)) #make sure cut off at 0 DM
                N = 100
                interp = False
                sumprofs = self.profs.sum(0)
                if not interp:
                    profs = sumprofs
                    profs = np.zeros(np.shape(sumprofs), dtype='d')
                DMs = psr_utils.span(loDM, hiDM, N)
                chis = np.zeros(N, dtype='f')
                subdelays_bins = self.subdelays_bins.copy()
                for ii, DM in enumerate(DMs):
                    subdelays = psr_utils.delay_from_DM(DM, self.barysubfreqs)
                    hifreqdelay = subdelays[-1]
                    subdelays = subdelays - hifreqdelay
                    delaybins = subdelays*self.binspersec - subdelays_bins
                    if interp:
                        interp_factor = 16
                        for jj in range(self.nsub):
                            profs[jj] = psr_utils.interp_rotate(sumprofs[jj], delaybins[jj],
                        # Note: Since the interpolation process slightly changes the values of the
                        # profs, we need to re-calculate the average profile value
                        avgprof = (profs/self.proflen).sum()
                        new_subdelays_bins = np.floor(delaybins+0.5)
                        for jj in range(self.nsub):
                            #profs[jj] = psr_utils.rotate(profs[jj], new_subdelays_bins[jj])
                            delay_bins = int(new_subdelays_bins[jj] % len(profs[jj]))
                            if not delay_bins==0:
                                profs[jj] = np.concatenate((profs[jj][delay_bins:], profs[jj][:delay_bins]))

                        subdelays_bins += new_subdelays_bins
                        avgprof = self.avgprof
                    sumprof = profs.sum(0)
                    chis[ii] = self.calc_redchi2(prof=sumprof, avg=avgprof)
                DMcurve = normalize(downsample(chis, M))
                self.extracted_feature[feature] = DMcurve
            return self.extracted_feature[feature]
예제 #7
 def getsubbands(M):
     feature = '%s:%s' % ('subbands', M)
     if M == 0:
         return np.array([])
     if not feature in self.extracted_feature:
         img = greyscale(self.profs.sum(0))
         #U,S,V = svd(img)
         #if M <= len(S):
         #return S[:M]
         #while len(S) < M:
         #np.append(S, 0.)
         #return S
         #self.extracted_feature[feature] = normalize(downsample(img, M, align=self.align).ravel())
         self.extracted_feature[feature] = normalize(
             downsample(img, M, align=self.align)).ravel()
     return self.extracted_feature[feature]
예제 #8
 def getintervals(M):
     feature = '%s:%s' % ('intervals', M)
     if M == 0:
         return np.array([])
     if not feature in self.extracted_feature:
         img = greyscale(self.profs.sum(1)) 
         #U,S,V = svd(img)
         #m,n = img.shape
         #S = resize(S,[m,1]) * eye(m,n)
         #k = 6
         #imshow(np.dot(U[:,1:k], dot(S[1:k,1:k],V[1:k,:])))
         #if M <= len(S):
             #return S[:M]
             #while len(S) < M:
                 #np.append(S, 0.)
             #return S
         self.extracted_feature[feature] = normalize(downsample(img, M).ravel())
     return self.extracted_feature[feature]
예제 #9
 def getintervals(M):
     feature = '%s:%s' % ('intervals', M)
     if M == 0:
         return np.array([])
     if not feature in self.extracted_feature:
         img = greyscale(self.profs.sum(1))
         #U,S,V = svd(img)
         #m,n = img.shape
         #S = resize(S,[m,1]) * eye(m,n)
         #k = 6
         #imshow(np.dot(U[:,1:k], dot(S[1:k,1:k],V[1:k,:])))
         #if M <= len(S):
         #return S[:M]
         #while len(S) < M:
         #np.append(S, 0.)
         #return S
         #self.extracted_feature[feature] = normalize(downsample(img, M, align=self.align).ravel())#wrong!
         self.extracted_feature[feature] = normalize(
             downsample(img, M, align=self.align)).ravel()
     return self.extracted_feature[feature]
 def getintervals(M):
     feature = '%s:%s' % ('intervals', M)
     if M == 0:
         return np.array([])
     if not feature in self.extracted_feature:
         img = greyscale(self.profs.sum(1))
         #U,S,V = svd(img)
         #m,n = img.shape
         #S = resize(S,[m,1]) * eye(m,n)
         #k = 6
         #imshow(np.dot(U[:,1:k], dot(S[1:k,1:k],V[1:k,:])))
         #if M <= len(S):
         #return S[:M]
         #while len(S) < M:
         #np.append(S, 0.)
         #return S
         #self.extracted_feature[feature] = normalize(downsample(img, M, align=self.align).ravel())#wrong!
         self.extracted_feature[feature] = normalize(
             downsample(img, M, align=self.align)).ravel()
         #self.extracted_feature[feature] = img.ravel()
         fig = plt.figure()
         #ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.])
         ax = plt.gca()
         plt.imsave("%s_intervals.png" % os.path.join(output_dir, fn),
         #plt.imshow(img, origin='lower', aspect='auto',  interpolation='bilinear', cmap=plt.cm.gray_r) #plt.cm.Greys) #interpolation='bilinear'
         #plt.savefig("%s_intervals.png" % os.path.join(output_dir, fn))
     return self.extracted_feature[feature]
예제 #11
def rhythm_to_music(bpm, rhythm):
    chords = random.sample(diatonic_consonant_triads, 4)

    last_tick = 0 if len(rhythm) == 0 else rhythm[-1]
    measure_count = 1 + int(last_tick / 192)

    # measure_count = 16

    minutes_per_beat = 1 / bpm
    seconds_per_beat = 60 * minutes_per_beat
    seconds_per_measure = 4 * seconds_per_beat

    duration_seconds = measure_count * seconds_per_measure

    sample_count = int(duration_seconds * 44100)

    kick_channel = [0.0] * sample_count

    everything_else_channel = [0.0] * sample_count

    bass = WaveInstrument(wave_saw)
    sub_bass = WaveInstrument(wave_sin)
    arp = WaveInstrument(wave_square)

    kick_samples = kick(wave=wave_triangle)
    snare_samples = noise(0.2, 0.2, 0.3)
    hat_samples = noise(0.6, 0.05, 0.3)

    rhythm_measures = [[] for i in range(measure_count)]
    for tick in rhythm:
        measure_index = tick // 192
        if measure_index < measure_count:
            rhythm_measures[tick // 192].append(tick)

    # TODO : compute this?
    stream_notes_per_measure = 24
    stream_offsets = list(range(0, 192, 192 // stream_notes_per_measure))

    stream_measures = set()

    for measure_index in range(measure_count):
        hit_offsets = [t % 192 for t in rhythm_measures[measure_index]]
        is_stream = hit_offsets == stream_offsets
        if is_stream:

    for measure_index in range(measure_count):
        bass_pitch = chords[measure_index % len(chords)][0]
        if bass_pitch <= C: bass_pitch += 12
        freq = pitch_to_frequency(bass_pitch)

        for beat_index in range(4):
            bass_start_beat = 4 * measure_index + beat_index + 0.5
            bass_start_time = seconds_per_beat * bass_start_beat
            bass_duration = 0.5 * seconds_per_beat

                          (2 * freq, bass_start_time, bass_duration, 0.15))
                              (freq, bass_start_time, bass_duration, 0.2))

            kick_start_beat = 4 * measure_index + beat_index
            kick_start_time = seconds_per_beat * kick_start_beat
            add_samples(kick_channel, kick_start_time, kick_samples)

            if beat_index % 2 == 1:
                add_samples(everything_else_channel, kick_start_time,

            is_streamy = len(
                rhythm_measures[measure_index]) >= stream_notes_per_measure

            arp_notes_per_beat = 8 if is_streamy else 2
            arp_duration = 1 / arp_notes_per_beat * seconds_per_beat
            if not is_streamy: arp_duration /= 2
            for step_index in range(arp_notes_per_beat):
                arp_start_beat = 4 * measure_index + beat_index + step_index / arp_notes_per_beat
                arp_start_time = seconds_per_beat * arp_start_beat
                chord = chords[measure_index % len(chords)]
                arp_pitch = chord[(beat_index * arp_notes_per_beat +
                                   step_index) % len(chord)] + 36
                arp_freq = pitch_to_frequency(arp_pitch)
                v = 0.08
                             (arp_freq, arp_start_time, arp_duration, v))

            hats_per_beat = 4 if is_streamy else 2
            for step_index in range(hats_per_beat):
                hat_start_beat = 4 * measure_index + beat_index + step_index / hats_per_beat
                hat_start_time = seconds_per_beat * hat_start_beat
                hat_volume = 1 if step_index == 2 else 0.5
                add_samples(everything_else_channel, hat_start_time,
                            hat_samples, hat_volume)

    # melody I guess
    max_note_ticks = 192 // 4
    prev_pitch = None

    for measure_index in range(measure_count):
        rhythm_measure = rhythm_measures[measure_index]

        if measure_index in stream_measures:
            rhythm_measure = list(
                range(192 * measure_index, 192 * (measure_index + 1),
                      192 // 4))

        for rhythm_index, tick in enumerate(rhythm_measure):
            if rhythm_index + 1 == len(rhythm_measure):
                tick_duration = 192 - (tick % 192)
                end_tick = rhythm_measure[rhythm_index + 1]
                tick_duration = min(max_note_ticks, end_tick - tick)

            start_time = seconds_per_measure * tick / 192
            duration = seconds_per_measure * tick_duration / 192

            measure_index = tick // 192
            chord = chords[measure_index % len(chords)]
            while True:
                pitch = chord[random.randint(0, len(chord) - 1)]
                if pitch != prev_pitch:
            freq = pitch_to_frequency(pitch + 48)
                         (freq, start_time, duration, 0.08))
            prev_pitch = pitch

    everything_else_channel = reverb(everything_else_channel)

    samples = [sum(s) for s in zip(kick_channel, everything_else_channel)]


    return samples