image_size = 20 N = image_size num_nodes = image_size**2 dtype = torch.FloatTensor model_name = [ 'modelBlock_prop07.pth.tar', 'modelBlock_prop10.pth.tar', 'modelBlock_prop12.pth.tar' ] layers_list = [7, 10, 12] for layers in layers_list: # Loop over models loss_fn = nn.MSELoss() testDict = generateSamples(image_size, 10000, layers) for i in range(3): # Load in the relevant model and extract the propagation weights modelBlock_State = torch.load(model_name[i], map_location=torch.device('cpu')) modelBlock = loadStateDict(modelBlock_State) modelProp = modelBlock[modelBlock['Meta']['BestModel']]["Model"] w = a = b = # Set up model with given number of step sizes using these weights model = NF.PropagationOnly_FixedWeights(num_nodes, layers,
def trainModel_Exp(modelBlock, resultBlock, n_epochs, log_file, result_file, model_file): # Function TRAIN_MODEL # Trains all models in modelList for n_epochs # Parameters: # * modelBlock: Nested dictionary of models # * n_epochs: Number of epochs for which to train # * N: size of image to generate # Parameters to add # * exp flag that tells whehter or not we are hyperopt or running experiments # * resultBlock # * Number of previously executed epochs logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s:%(name)s]:%(message)s') if not len(logger.handlers): file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stream_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(file_handler) logger.addHandler(stream_handler) epochs_trained = modelBlock["Meta"]["Epochs_Trained"] epochs_total = epochs_trained + n_epochs print(epochs_total) for epoch in range(n_epochs): epoch_real = epoch + epochs_trained # Generate training samples and iterate through all models in modelList print('Starting epoch %d / %d' % (epoch_real + 1, epochs_total)) sampleDict = generateSamples(modelBlock["Meta"]["N"], 20000, modelBlock["Meta"]["Layers"]) for key, val in modelBlock.items(): if (key != "Meta"): runEpoch(modelBlock[key]["Model"], modelBlock["Meta"]["Loss_Function"], modelBlock[key]["Optimizer"], modelBlock["Meta"]["Type"], modelBlock[key]["Batch"], sampleDict) print('Finishing epoch %d / %d' % (epoch_real + 1, epochs_total)) # Want to record test error if the total number of epochs is a multiple 50 or this is the final epoch if (((epoch_real % 10) == 0) or (epoch == (n_epochs - 1))): # Every 50 epochs, evaluate the performance of all the models and print summary statistics testDict = generateSamples(modelBlock["Meta"]["N"], 40000, modelBlock["Meta"]["Layers"]) print('')'Finishing epoch %d / %d' % (epoch_real + 1, epochs_total)) loss = [] accAll = [] accPath = [] accDistract = [] for key, val in modelBlock.items(): if (key != "Meta"): model_accAll, model_accPath, model_accDistract, model_loss = checkAccuracy( modelBlock[key]["Model"], modelBlock["Meta"]["Loss_Function"], modelBlock["Meta"]["Type"], modelBlock[key]["Batch"], testDict) modelBlock[key]["Loss"] = model_loss modelBlock[key]["Acc_All"] = model_accAll modelBlock[key]["Acc_Path"] = model_accPath modelBlock[key]["Acc_Distract"] = model_accDistract resultBlock[key][epoch_real] = { "Loss": model_loss, "Acc_All": model_accAll, "Acc_Path": model_accPath, "Acc_Distract": model_accDistract } loss.append(model_loss) accAll.append(model_accAll) accPath.append(model_accPath) accDistract.append(model_accDistract) loss_array = np.asarray(loss) accAll_array = np.asarray(accAll) accPath_array = np.asarray(accPath) accDistract_array = np.asarray(accDistract) print(loss_array)'[Loss] Mean:%.6f, Median:%.6f, Best:%.6f' % (np.mean(loss_array), np.median(loss_array), np.min(loss_array))) '[Accuracy (All pixels)] Mean:%.6f, Median:%.6f, Best:%.6f ' % (np.mean(accAll_array), np.median(accAll_array), np.min(accAll_array))) '[Accuracy (Edge-Connected Paths)] Mean:%.6f, Median:%.6f, Best:%.6f ' % (np.mean(accPath_array), np.median(accPath_array), np.min(accPath_array))) '[Accuracy (Distractors)] Mean:%.6f, Median:%.6f, Best:%.6f ' % (np.mean(accDistract_array), np.median(accDistract_array), np.min(accDistract_array)))'') print('') # Update the total number of epochs trained modelBlock["Meta"]["Epochs_Trained"] = epoch_real, result_file) modelBlock_State = convertStateDict(modelBlock), model_file)
def trainModel(modelBlock, n_epochs, log_file): # Function TRAIN_MODEL # Trains all models in modelList for n_epochs # Parameters: # * modelBlock: Nested dictionary of models # * n_epochs: Number of epochs for which to train # * N: size of image to generate # Parameters to add # * exp flag that tells whehter or not we are hyperopt or running experiments # * resultBlock # * Number of previously executed epochs # Setup logger logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s:%(name)s]:%(message)s') if not len(logger.handlers): file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stream_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(file_handler) logger.addHandler(stream_handler) # Read in how many epochs the model has already been trained epochs_trained = modelBlock["Meta"]["Epochs_Trained"] epochs_total = epochs_trained + n_epochs print(epochs_total) #if ((epochs_total % 50) != 0): # logger.warning("Epoch total not a multiple of 50; pruning will occur at the closest multiple of 50.") # 50000 for epoch in range(n_epochs): epoch_real = epoch + epochs_trained # Generate training samples and iterate through all models in modelList print('Starting epoch %d / %d' % (epoch_real + 1, epochs_total)) sampleDict = generateSamples(modelBlock["Meta"]["N"], 5000, modelBlock["Meta"]["Layers"]) for key, val in modelBlock.items(): if (key != "Meta"): runEpoch(modelBlock[key]["Model"], modelBlock["Meta"]["Loss_Function"], modelBlock[key]["Optimizer"], modelBlock["Meta"]["Type"], modelBlock[key]["Batch"], sampleDict) print('Finishing epoch %d / %d' % (epoch_real + 1, epochs_total)) # Want to record test error if the total number of epochs is a multiple 50 or this is the final epoch if (((epoch_real % 50) == 0) or (epoch == (n_epochs - 1))): # Every 50 epochs, evaluate the performance of all the models and print summary statistics testDict = generateSamples(modelBlock["Meta"]["N"], 10000, modelBlock["Meta"]["Layers"]) ## This code was originally to check the run/hide percentages of the samples generated ## It now will not work because the sampler outputs one-hot encoded class labels #check = testDict["Label"] #frac = (check[check == 1]).sum()/40000 #print(frac) loss = [] accAll = [] for key, val in modelBlock.items(): if (key != "Meta"): model_accAll, model_loss = checkAccuracy( modelBlock[key]["Model"], modelBlock["Meta"]["Loss_Function"], modelBlock["Meta"]["Type"], modelBlock[key]["Batch"], testDict) modelBlock[key]["Loss"] = model_loss modelBlock[key]["Acc_All"] = model_accAll loss.append(model_loss) accAll.append(model_accAll) loss_array = np.asarray(loss) accAll_array = np.asarray(accAll) print('')'Finishing epoch %d / %d' % (epoch_real + 1, epochs_total))'[Loss] Mean:%.6f, Median:%.6f, Best:%.6f' % (np.mean(loss_array), np.median(loss_array), np.min(loss_array))) '[Accuracy (All pixels)] Mean:%.6f, Median:%.6f, Best:%.6f ' % (np.mean(accAll_array), np.median(accAll_array), np.min(accAll_array)))'') print('') # Update the total number of epochs trained modelBlock["Meta"]["Epochs_Trained"] = epochs_total print(modelBlock["Meta"]["Epochs_Trained"])
cmap3._lut[:, -1] = alphas # General parameters that would get set in other code image_size = 15 N = image_size num_nodes = image_size**2 weightMask, diagMask, edgeMask, cornerMask = generateFixedWeightMask_PredPrey( image_size) centerMask = ~(edgeMask + cornerMask) dtype = torch.FloatTensor testDict = generateSamples(image_size, 2, 10) for i in range(3): modelBlock_State = torch.load(model_path + model_name[i], map_location=torch.device('cpu')) modelBlock = loadStateDict(modelBlock_State) layers = layers_list[i] test_dsetPath =["Environment"], testDict["Predator"], testDict["Range"]) loader = DataLoader(test_dsetPath, batch_size=32, shuffle=False) loss_fn = nn.MSELoss()