예제 #1
def main(paramStr):
    uname, passw = utils.get_username_password()
    connection = AmazonAIM(uname, passw)
    if paramStr == "":
        output = connection.generate_open_listings_lite_report()
        print "created report, now rerun this command with a 'reports' parameter"
        # check to see if we're still waiting for a report...
        # (note: this is inefficient for example purposes. WD-rpw 09-13-2009)
        is_one_running, rid = connection.there_is_a_report_processing()
        if is_one_running:
            print "A report is still running, the RID is %s" % rid
            print "all done with the report requested"
            # now get all the current reports
            # and sort them so that the oldest report is first
            reports = Report.get_all_reports(connection)
            for report in reports:
                print "%s: started: on %s, ended on %s" % (report.report_id, report.start.ctime(), report.end.ctime())

            # sort will sort ASCENDING. Which, with dates, means that the oldest is at the top
            # which is GREAT for our purposes!
            print "the oldest report was..."
            report = reports[0]
            print "%s: started: on %s, ended on %s" % (report.report_id, report.start.ctime(), report.end.ctime())