예제 #1
    def _construct_tag_list(self):
        Transforms the SAM defined Tags into the form CloudFormation is expecting.

        :returns: List of Tag Dictionaries
        :rtype: list
        sam_tag = {self._SAM_KEY: self._SAM_VALUE}
        return get_tag_list(sam_tag) + get_tag_list(self.tags)
    def _construct_http_api(self):
        """Constructs and returns the ApiGatewayV2 HttpApi.

        :returns: the HttpApi to which this SAM Api corresponds
        :rtype: model.apigatewayv2.ApiGatewayHttpApi
        http_api = ApiGatewayV2HttpApi(self.logical_id, depends_on=self.depends_on, attributes=self.resource_attributes)

        if self.definition_uri and self.definition_body:
            raise InvalidResourceException(
                self.logical_id, "Specify either 'DefinitionUri' or 'DefinitionBody' property and not both"


        if self.definition_uri:
            http_api.BodyS3Location = self._construct_body_s3_dict()
        elif self.definition_body:
            http_api.Body = self.definition_body
            raise InvalidResourceException(
                "'DefinitionUri' or 'DefinitionBody' are required properties of an "
                "'AWS::Serverless::HttpApi'. Add a value for one of these properties or "
                "add a 'HttpApi' event to an 'AWS::Serverless::Function'",

        if self.tags is not None:
            http_api.Tags = get_tag_list(self.tags)

        return http_api
예제 #3
    def _depend_on_lambda_permissions_using_tag(self, bucket, permission):
        Since conditional DependsOn is not supported this undocumented way of
        implicitely  making dependency through tags is used.

        See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34607476/cloudformation-apply-condition-on-dependson

        It is done by using Ref wrapped in a conditional Fn::If. Using Ref implies a
        dependency, so CloudFormation will automatically wait once it reaches that function, the same
        as if you were using a DependsOn.
        properties = bucket.get('Properties', None)
        if properties is None:
            properties = {}
            bucket['Properties'] = properties
        tags = properties.get('Tags', None)
        if tags is None:
            tags = []
            properties['Tags'] = tags
        dep_tag = {
            'sam:ConditionalDependsOn:' + permission.logical_id: {
                'Fn::If': [
                    'no dependency'
        properties['Tags'] = tags + get_tag_list(dep_tag)
        return bucket
    def _construct_stage(self, deployment, swagger):
        """Constructs and returns the ApiGateway Stage.

        :param model.apigateway.ApiGatewayDeployment deployment: the Deployment for this Stage
        :returns: the Stage to which this SAM Api corresponds
        :rtype: model.apigateway.ApiGatewayStage

        # If StageName is some intrinsic function, then don't prefix the Stage's logical ID
        # This will NOT create duplicates because we allow only ONE stage per API resource
        stage_name_prefix = self.stage_name if isinstance(
            self.stage_name, string_types) else ""

        stage = ApiGatewayStage(
            self.logical_id + stage_name_prefix + 'Stage',
        stage.RestApiId = ref(self.logical_id)
        stage.StageName = self.stage_name
        stage.CacheClusterEnabled = self.cache_cluster_enabled
        stage.CacheClusterSize = self.cache_cluster_size
        stage.Variables = self.variables
        stage.MethodSettings = self.method_settings
        stage.AccessLogSetting = self.access_log_setting
        stage.CanarySetting = self.canary_setting
        stage.TracingEnabled = self.tracing_enabled

        if swagger is not None:
            deployment.make_auto_deployable(stage, self.remove_extra_stage,

        if self.tags is not None:
            stage.Tags = get_tag_list(self.tags)

        return stage
    def _construct_stage(self):
        """Constructs and returns the ApiGatewayV2 Stage.

        :returns: the Stage to which this SAM Api corresponds
        :rtype: model.apigatewayv2.ApiGatewayV2Stage

        # If there are no special configurations, don't create a stage and use the default
        if not self.stage_name and not self.stage_variables and not self.access_log_settings:

        # If StageName is some intrinsic function, then don't prefix the Stage's logical ID
        # This will NOT create duplicates because we allow only ONE stage per API resource
        stage_name_prefix = self.stage_name if isinstance(self.stage_name, string_types) else ""
        if stage_name_prefix.isalnum():
            stage_logical_id = self.logical_id + stage_name_prefix + "Stage"
        elif stage_name_prefix == DefaultStageName:
            stage_logical_id = self.logical_id + "ApiGatewayDefaultStage"
            generator = logical_id_generator.LogicalIdGenerator(self.logical_id + "Stage", stage_name_prefix)
            stage_logical_id = generator.gen()
        stage = ApiGatewayV2Stage(stage_logical_id, attributes=self.passthrough_resource_attributes)
        stage.ApiId = ref(self.logical_id)
        stage.StageName = self.stage_name
        stage.StageVariables = self.stage_variables
        stage.AccessLogSettings = self.access_log_settings
        stage.AutoDeploy = True

        if self.tags is not None:
            stage.Tags = get_tag_list(self.tags)

        return stage
    def _depend_on_lambda_permissions_using_tag(self, bucket, permission):
        Since conditional DependsOn is not supported this undocumented way of
        implicitely  making dependency through tags is used.

        See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34607476/cloudformation-apply-condition-on-dependson

        It is done by using Ref wrapped in a conditional Fn::If. Using Ref implies a
        dependency, so CloudFormation will automatically wait once it reaches that function, the same
        as if you were using a DependsOn.
        properties = bucket.get('Properties', None)
        if properties is None:
            properties = {}
            bucket['Properties'] = properties
        tags = properties.get('Tags', None)
        if tags is None:
            tags = []
            properties['Tags'] = tags
        dep_tag = {
            'sam:ConditionalDependsOn:' + permission.logical_id: {
                'Fn::If': [
                    'no dependency'
        properties['Tags'] = tags + get_tag_list(dep_tag)
        return bucket
예제 #7
    def _construct_tag_list(self, tags, additional_tags=None):
        if not bool(tags):
            tags = {}

        if additional_tags is None:
            additional_tags = {}

        for tag in self._RESERVED_TAGS:
            self._check_tag(tag, tags)

        sam_tag = {self._SAM_KEY: self._SAM_VALUE}

        # To maintain backwards compatibility with previous implementation, we *must* append SAM tag to the start of the
        # tags list. Changing this ordering will trigger a update on Lambda Function resource. Even though this
        # does not change the actual content of the tags, we don't want to trigger update of a resource without
        # customer's knowledge.
        return get_tag_list(sam_tag) + get_tag_list(additional_tags) + get_tag_list(tags)
예제 #8
    def _construct_tag_list(self, tags, additional_tags=None):
        if not bool(tags):
            tags = {}

        if additional_tags == None:
            additional_tags = {}

        for tag in self._RESERVED_TAGS:
            self._check_tag(tag, tags)

        sam_tag = {self._SAM_KEY: self._SAM_VALUE}

        # To maintain backwards compatibility with previous implementation, we *must* append SAM tag to the start of the
        # tags list. Changing this ordering will trigger a update on Lambda Function resource. Even though this
        # does not change the actual content of the tags, we don't want to trigger update of a resource without
        # customer's knowledge.
        return get_tag_list(sam_tag) + get_tag_list(additional_tags) + get_tag_list(tags)
예제 #9
    def test_get_tag_list_with_tag_dictionary(self):
        tag_list = get_tag_list({"AnotherKey": "This time with a value"})
        expected_tag_list = [{
            "Key": "AnotherKey",
            "Value": "This time with a value"

        self.assertEqual(tag_list, expected_tag_list)
예제 #10
    def test_get_tag_list_returns_default_tag_list_values(self):
        tag_list = get_tag_list(None)
        expected_tag_list = []

        self.assertEqual(tag_list, expected_tag_list)
예제 #11
    def test_get_tag_list_with_tag_dictionary_with_key_only(self):
        tag_list = get_tag_list({"key": None})
        expected_tag_list = [{"Key": "key", "Value": ""}]

        self.assertEqual(tag_list, expected_tag_list)
    def test_get_tag_list_returns_default_tag_list_values(self):
        tag_list = get_tag_list(None)
        expected_tag_list = []

        self.assertEquals(tag_list, expected_tag_list)
    def test_get_tag_list_with_tag_dictionary(self):
        tag_list = get_tag_list({"AnotherKey": "This time with a value"})
        expected_tag_list = [{"Key": "AnotherKey",
                              "Value": "This time with a value"}]

        self.assertEquals(tag_list, expected_tag_list)
    def test_get_tag_list_with_tag_dictionary_with_key_only(self):
        tag_list = get_tag_list({"key": None})
        expected_tag_list = [{"Key": "key",
                              "Value": ""}]

        self.assertEquals(tag_list, expected_tag_list)