예제 #1
def mu2eFiles(spec, fileInfo=False, limit=10000000 ):
    a function to make a list of files using a file name, a datatset,
    a dataset definition, or a samweb dimension statement

    # number of all types of fields
    nf = len(spec.replace(":"," ").replace("="," ").split())
    # number of fields delimited by dots
    nd = len(spec.split("."))

    samweb = samweb_client.SAMWebClient()
    if nf==1 and nd==6 :
        dims = "file_name="+spec
    else :
        if nf==1 and nd==5:
            # just a  dataset name
            dims = "dh.dataset="+spec
        elif nf==1 and nd<5:
            # probably a dataset def
            dims = "defname : "+spec
        else: # dataset def or more complicated samweb selection
            dims = spec

    dims = dims+" with limit {0:d}".format(limit)
    # get the list
    list = samweb.listFiles(dims, fileinfo=fileInfo, stream=False)

    return list
예제 #2
    def run(self, args ):
        execute the on-tape command, to count files on tape
        args = list of the args to the command

        if( len(args) != 1 ):
            print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: on-tape expects one argument as input"
            return 1

        aa = args[0]
        nd = len(aa.split("."))

        if( nd != 5 ):
            print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: on-tape expects a dataset name as input"
            return 1

        self.samweb = samweb_client.SAMWebClient()
        dims = "dh.dataset="+args[0]
        # get the full list of files
        summary = self.samweb.listFilesSummary(dims)
        dims = dims+" and tape_label %"
        # now the ones on tape
        summary_tape = self.samweb.listFilesSummary(dims)
        nt = summary["file_count"]
        no = summary_tape["file_count"]
        print("{0:6d} total  {1:6d} on tape   {2:6d} not on tape".format(nt,no,nt-no))
        return 0
예제 #3
def Decode(Run):
    # This function interacts with Samweb to locate the run file for the requested run.
    # Either the run has already been decoded, in which case the path to the decoded file
    # is returned, or the run file needs to be decoded, in which case the function launches
    # a LArSoft job to decode the file. In either case the function returns the path to
    # a decoded file for the requested run.

    logging.debug('[ Decode() ]: Decode() called with Run = ' + Run)

    # Configure the samweb_client object, which serves as a python interface for Samweb.
    # We need to tell it which experiment (ICARUS) the data files are as part of the
    # configuration process. Then we list the data files for the requested run number.
    samweb = samweb_client.SAMWebClient(experiment='icarus')
    Files = np.array(samweb.listFiles('run_number='+Run))
    logging.debug('[ Decode() ]: Files returned by Samweb: \n' + str(Files))
    # By default we select the first file for each run, which is facilitated by the boolean
    # mask. In theory a file from each DataLogger could pass the mask, but as of now the only
    # DataLogger being sent to tape is DataLogger1. Then we use Samweb to find the locations
    # of the files and append to the paths the file name. This creates a list with the full
    # path of each of the files.
    Mask = [ '_1_' in x for x in Files ]
    logging.debug('[ Decode() ]: Selected file: ' + str(Files[Mask]))
    Locations = [ samweb.locateFile(x)[0]['full_path'].split(':')[1] for x in Files[Mask] ]
    ToProcess = [ Locations[x] + '/' +  Files[Mask][x] for x in range(len(Files[Mask])) ]
    logging.debug('[ Decode() ]: Full path of file: ' + str(ToProcess))

    # The decoder tends to produce Supplemental files, which we should tidy up.
    if len(glob.glob('Supplemental*.root')) > 0: 
        os.system('rm Supplemental*.root')
        logging.debug('[ Decode() ]: Removing supplemental file.')
    # Now we check if there are any already decoded files for the run, and if not we launch a
    # a decoder job on the first file in ToProcess.
    MatchingFiles = glob.glob('*' + Run + '_1_*-decode.root')
    logging.debug('[ Decode() ]: Matching glob for run: ' + str(MatchingFiles))
    if len(MatchingFiles) < 1:
        logging.debug('[ Decode() ]: No decoded file found for run. Begin decode job.')
        os.system('lar -c decoder.fcl -n 50 ' + ToProcess[0])
        os.system('rm Supplemental*.root')
    # We want to double check that the decoder job was successful. If we find a decoded file,
    # then return the full path. Else tell the user that no file has been found and exit.
    MatchingFiles = glob.glob('*' + Run + '_1_*-decode.root')
    if len(MatchingFiles) > 0:
        logging.debug('[ Decode() ]: Successfully returning file: ' + MatchingFiles[0])
        return MatchingFiles[0]
        logging.debug('[ Decode() ]: No matching file found. Returning None.')
        print('No matching files.')
예제 #4
def mu2eLocateList(list):
    a utility function to find pnfs locations of a list of files
    if a file doesn't have a location, don't return an entry for it
    samweb = samweb_client.SAMWebClient()
    ret = []
    for fn in list:
        # locList is a list of locations
        locList = samweb.locateFile(fn)
        # find location in enstore - if more than one, take first
        for loc in locList:
            if loc['system'] == "enstore":
                lstr = loc['location'].split(':')[-1].split('(')[0]
                ret.append(lstr + "/" + fn)

    return ret
예제 #5
def getTimeStampFromSAM(fname):
    #pull json from adjacent fname+".json" file
    jfname = fname + ".json"
    with open(jfname) as data_file:
        data = json.load(data_file)

    #print data
    parentfname = data['parents'][0]['file_name']
    print "Found parent filename:", parentfname
    print "Querying SAM metadata..."
    samweb = samweb_client.SAMWebClient(experiment='uboone')
    mdata = samweb.getMetadata(parentfname)
    print "Found parent start,end:", mdata['start_time'], ",", mdata[
    dstart = datetime.datetime.strptime(mdata['start_time'],
    dend = datetime.datetime.strptime(mdata['end_time'],
    run = data['runs'][0][0]
    start = time.mktime(dstart.timetuple())
    end = time.mktime(dend.timetuple())
    return start, end, run
예제 #6
    def run(self, options, args):
        if not (len(args) == 1):
            raise CmdError("wrong number of arguments")

        aa = args[0]
        nd = len(aa.split("."))

        if (nd != 5):
            raise CmdError("on-tape expects a dataset name as input")

        self.samweb = samweb_client.SAMWebClient()
        dims = "dh.dataset=" + args[0] + " with availability anylocation"
        # get the full list of files
        summary = self.samweb.listFilesSummary(dims)
        dims = "dh.dataset=" + args[0] + " and tape_label %"
        # now the ones on tape
        summary_tape = self.samweb.listFilesSummary(dims)
        nt = summary["file_count"]
        no = summary_tape["file_count"]
        print("{0:6d} total  {1:6d} on tape   {2:6d} not on tape".format(
            nt, no, nt - no))
        return 0
예제 #7
import samweb_client
import datetime
from slowmondb import *
from FixedOffset import *
samweb = samweb_client.SAMWebClient(experiment='uboone')
files = samweb.listFiles("run_number 3702")

fsmcdb = smcdb()

for f in files:
    print f
    #get sam meta data for this file
    mdata = samweb.getMetadata(f)

    #dates from sam are formatted like 2015-11-12T12:00:06+00:00
    #put start and end into datetimes
    start = parseISOTime(mdata['start_time'])
    end = parseISOTime(mdata['end_time'])

    print "querying for %s to %s" % (start, end)

    #print fsmcdb.ChannelStatsInTimeRange('uB_ArPurity_PM01_0/LIFETIME',start,end)
    print fsmcdb.GetClosestChannelValue('uB_TPCDrift_HV01_1_0/voltage', start)
    #print fsmcdb.GetClosestChannelValue('uB_ArPurity_PM01_0/LIFETIME',end)

    #print fsmcdb.GetClosestChannelValue('uB_TPCDrift_HV01_1_0/voltage',datetime.datetime.now())
예제 #8
import samweb_client as sw
import os

samweb = sw.SAMWebClient(experiment='uboone')

x = 6120

while x < 6340:

    arg1 = "run_number = %i and (ub_project.stage = mergeext_unbiased or ub_project.stage = mergebnb_unbiased or ub_project.stage = nubnb_unbiased)" %(x)
    rawData = samweb.listFilesSummary(arg1)
    num_events = rawData['total_event_count']

    if type(num_events) != int:
        sys_out2 = "sed -i -e 's/runnum_%i/runnum_%i/g' SingleRunGain.xml"%(x,x+1) 

    sys_out="samweb create-definition runnum_%i 'run_number = %i and (ub_project.stage = mergeext_unbiased or ub_project.stage = mergebnb_unbiased or ub_project.stage = nubnb_unbiased)'" %(x,x)

    os.system("project.py --xml /uboone/app/users/moon/OpticalStudies/v05_01_01/workdir/GainsDatabase/SingleRunGain.xml --stage RunSingleGain --clean")
    os.system("project.py --xml /uboone/app/users/moon/OpticalStudies/v05_01_01/workdir/GainsDatabase/SingleRunGain.xml --stage RunSingleGain --submit")

    sys_out2 = "sed -i -e 's/runnum_%i/runnum_%i/g' SingleRunGain.xml"%(x,x+1) 

예제 #9
 def setUp(self):
     self.samweb = samweb_client.SAMWebClient(experiment=self.experiment)
예제 #10
파일: dqmproc.py 프로젝트: lariat/dqm-v2

#handler = logging.StreamHandler()


logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)

# configure samweb
samweb = samweb_client.SAMWebClient(experiment='lariat')

def raw_file_path_from_sam(file_name):
        Returns file path of raw data art ROOT file from SAM given a
        file name. An exception is raised of the file does not exist.

    file_path_dict = samweb.locateFile(file_name)
    system = file_path_dict[0]['system']
    file_path = \
        file_path_dict[0]['full_path'].split(system + ':')[1] \
        + '/' + file_name
    return file_path
예제 #11
 def __init__(self):
     self.samweb = samweb_client.SAMWebClient()
예제 #12
    def run(self, args ):
        execute the toPnfs command, to make a list of filespecs
        args = list of the args to the command

        #options, remainder = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h', 

        if( len(args) != 1 ):
            print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: to-pnfs expects one argument as input"
            return 1

        aa = args[0]
        # number of all types of fields
        nf = len(aa.replace(":"," ").replace("="," ").split())
        # number of fields delimited by dots
        nd = len(aa.split("."))
        #print(na," ",aa)

        self.samweb = samweb_client.SAMWebClient()
        if nf==1 and nd == 6 :
            # a single file, run samweb locate-file
            ret = self.locateOneLocalFile(aa, True)
            if ret[0] == 0:
        else :
            if nf==1 and nd == 5:
                # just a  dataset name
                dims = "dh.dataset="+aa
            elif nf==1 and nd<5:
                # probably a dataset def
                dims = "defname : "+aa
            else: # dataset def or more complicated samweb selection
                dims = aa

            # get the full list of files
            list = self.samweb.listFiles(dims, fileinfo=True, stream=False)
            # locate the first only
            first = list[0]
            ret = self.locateOneLocalFile(first[0], True)
            if ret[0] != 0 :
                return ret[0]
            # now loop over file and print calculated file
            base = "/".join(ret[1].split('/')[0:-2])
            test = ret[1].split('/')[3]
            oldStyle = True
            if test in ['tape','disk','persistent','scratch']:
                oldStyle = False
            for line in list:
                name = line[0]
                if oldStyle:
                    x = int(line[1])
                    x1 = x/1000000
                    x2 = x/1000
                    spr = "{0:03d}/{1:03d}".format(x1,x2)
                    hasher = hashlib.sha256()
                    hh = hasher.hexdigest()
                    spr = hh[0:2]+'/'+hh[2:4]
        return 0
예제 #13
    def run(self, args ):
        execute the on-tape command, to count files on tape
        args = list of the args to the command

        options, remainder = getopt.getopt(args, 'n:d:', 

        if( len(remainder) != 1 ):
            print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: get-files expects one argument as input"
            return 1

        nlimit = 100
        diry = "."
        for opt in options:
            if opt[0]=="-n" or opt[0]=="--limit":
                nlimit = int(opt[1])
            if opt[0]=="-d" or opt[0]=="--directory":
               diry = opt[1]
        if nlimit>100:
            nlimit = 100

        # use utility function to interpret the filespec
        # this returns sam names
        list = mu2eFiles(remainder[0],False,nlimit)

        #return 0

        # now locate them
        cmdlist = []
        samweb = samweb_client.SAMWebClient()
        for fn in list:
            loca = samweb.locateFile(fn)
            if len(loca) == 0 :
                print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: {0:s} has no location".format(fn)
                loc = loca[0]
                lstr = loc['location'].split(':')[-1].split('(')[0]
                cmdlist.append(lstr+"/"+fn+" "+diry+"/"+fn+"\n")

        # write out the commands to a temp file
        ret = ShellCommand("mktemp", 1)
        if ret[0] or ret[1]!=0:
            print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: could not make a temp file"
            return 1

        # mktemp comes back with a teminal \n
        tempFileName = ret[2].replace("\n","")
        tempFile = open(tempFileName, "w")
        for line in cmdlist: 

        #print("cat ",tempFile.name)
        #return 1

        # execute a bulk ifdh transfer
        cmd = "source /cvmfs/fermilab.opensciencegrid.org/products/common/etc/setups"
        cmd = cmd+ " ; "
        cmd = cmd+ "[ -n \"$SETUP_PYTHON\" ] && unsetup python"
        cmd = cmd+ " ; "
        cmd = cmd+ "setup ifdhc"
        cmd = cmd+ " ; "
        cmd = cmd+ "ifdh cp -f "+tempFileName

        ret = ShellCommand(cmd, 1)

        if ret[0] or ret[1]!=0 :
            print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: could not run ifdh cp to move files"
            return 2

        # remove temp file
        cmd = "rm -f "+tempFileName
        ret = ShellCommand(cmd, 1)

        return 0