예제 #1
def test_file_field(app):

    field = doc.File()
    assert field.serialize() == {"type": "file"}

    @doc.consumes(field, location="formData", required=True)
    def test(request):
        return text("test")

    _, response = app.test_client.get("/swagger/swagger.json")
    assert response.status == 200
    assert response.content_type == "application/json"

    swagger_json = response.json
    path = swagger_json["paths"]["/"]["get"]
    assert path["parameters"][0] == {
        "required": True,
        "in": "formData",
        "name": None,
        "type": "file",
예제 #2
class AvatarView(HTTPMethodView):
    @doc.summary('get the user\'s avatar')
    @doc.consumes(doc.String(name='X-Token'), location='header')
    async def get(self, request):
        user = request.ctx.user

        if not await async_exists(USERS_ROOT / user.email / user.avatar):
            return json(response_message(ENOENT))

        async with aiofiles.open(USERS_ROOT / user.email / user.avatar, 'rb') as img:
            _, ext = os.path.splitext(user.avatar)
            return json(response_message(SUCCESS, type=f'image/{ext[1:]}', data=base64.b64encode(await img.read()).decode('ascii')))

    @doc.summary('upload the avatar for a user')
    @doc.consumes(doc.String(name='X-Token'), location='header')
    @doc.consumes(doc.File(name='file'), location='formData', content_type="multipart/form-data")
    async def post(self, request):
        user = request.ctx.user

        avatar = request.files.get('file')
        async with aiofiles.open(USERS_ROOT / user.email / 'temp.png', 'wb') as f:
            await f.write(avatar.body)

        return json(response_message(SUCCESS))

    @doc.summary('change the avatar\'s source')
    @doc.description('type: {custom | default}, where "custom" means using a custom avatar uploaded by user, "default" means use an identicon generated from user\'s email')
    @doc.consumes(doc.String(name='X-Token'), location='header')
    @doc.consumes(_avatar, location='body')
    async def patch(self, request):
        user = request.ctx.user

        avatar_type = request.json.get('type', None)
        if not avatar_type:
            return json(response_message(EINVAL, 'Field type is required'))

        if avatar_type == 'custom':
            filename1 = USERS_ROOT / user.email / 'temp.png'
            if not await async_exists(filename1):
                return json(response_message(ENOENT, 'Avatar file not found'))

            filename2 = USERS_ROOT / user.email / (str(user.pk) + '.png')
                await aiofiles.os.remove(filename2)
            except FileNotFoundError:

            await aiofiles.os.rename(filename1, filename2)
        elif avatar_type == 'default':
            filename = USERS_ROOT / user.email / (str(user.pk) + '.png')
                await aiofiles.os.remove(filename)
            except FileNotFoundError:

            img = await render_identicon(hash(user.email), 27)
            await async_wraps(img.save)(USERS_ROOT / user.email / f'{user.pk}.png')
            return json(response_message(EINVAL, 'Unknown avatar type'))
        return json(response_message(SUCCESS))
예제 #3
    if payload.get("redirect", False):
        return response.redirect(url)

    if template.valid:
        status = 201
        status = 404

    return response.json({"url": url}, status=status)

@doc.summary("Display a preview of a custom meme")
    description="Successfully displayed a custom meme",
async def preview(request):
    key = request.args.get("template", "_error")
    lines = request.args.getlist("lines[]", [])
    style = request.args.get("style")
    return await preview_image(request, key, lines, style)

@doc.summary("Display a template background")
    description="Successfully displayed a template background",
예제 #4
from sanic.log import logger
from sanic.views import HTTPMethodView
from sanic.response import json, file
from sanic_openapi import doc

from ..util import async_exists
from ..util.dto import SettingDto, json_response
from ..util.response import *

bp = Blueprint('setting', url_prefix='/setting')

@doc.summary('Get installation packages for the endpooint')
@doc.consumes(doc.String(name='file', description='The file path'))
@doc.produces(201, doc.File())
@doc.produces(200, json_response)
async def handler(request):
    download_file = request.args.get('file', default=None)
    if not download_file:
        return json(response_message(EINVAL, 'Field file is required'))

    ret = urlparse(request.url)
    if download_file == 'get-endpoint.py' or download_file == 'get-poetry.py':
        src = os.path.join('static', 'download', 'template.' + download_file)
        new = os.path.join('static', 'download', download_file)
        if await async_exists(new):
            await aiofiles.os.remove(new)
        async with aiofiles.open(src) as f_src, aiofiles.open(new,
                                                              'w') as f_new:
            async for line in f_src:
예제 #5
from sanic import Blueprint, response
from sanic.exceptions import abort
from sanic.log import logger
from sanic_openapi import doc

from .. import models, settings, utils

blueprint = Blueprint("shortcuts", url_prefix="/")

@doc.summary("Redirect to a sample image")
              description="Successfully redirected to a sample image")
@doc.response(404, str, description="Template not found")
@doc.response(501, str, description="Template not fully implemented")
async def sample(request, template_key):
    if settings.DEBUG:
        template = models.Template.objects.get_or_create(template_key)
        template = models.Template.objects.get_or_none(template_key)

    if template and template.valid:
        url = template.build_sample_url(request.app,
        return response.redirect(url)

    if settings.DEBUG:
        message = f"Template not fully implemented: {template}"
예제 #6
    url = template.build_custom_url(
        payload.get("text_lines") or [],

    if payload.get("redirect", False):
        return response.redirect(url)

    return response.json({"url": url}, status=201)

@doc.summary("Display a preview of a custom meme")
    description="Successfully displayed a custom meme",
async def preview(request):
    key = request.args.get("template", "_error")
    lines = request.args.getlist("lines[]", [])
    style = request.args.get("style")
    return await preview_image(request, key, lines, style)

@doc.summary("Display a template background")
    description="Successfully displayed a template background",
예제 #7
from sanic import Blueprint, response
from sanic.exceptions import abort
from sanic.log import logger
from sanic_openapi import doc

from .. import models, settings, utils

blueprint = Blueprint("shortcuts", url_prefix="/")

@doc.summary("Redirect to a example image")
@doc.response(302, doc.File(), description="Successfully redirected to a example image")
@doc.response(404, str, description="Template not found")
@doc.response(501, str, description="Template not fully implemented")
async def example(request, template_key):
    if settings.DEBUG:
        template = models.Template.objects.get_or_create(template_key)
        template = models.Template.objects.get_or_none(template_key)

    if template and template.valid:
        url = template.build_example_url(
            request.app, "shortcuts.custom", external=False
        return response.redirect(url)

    if settings.DEBUG:
        if "<" in template_key:
            message = f"Replace {template_key!r} in the URL"
예제 #8
class ScriptView(HTTPMethodView):
    @doc.summary('A compound method to return either the script file list or the script file content')
    @doc.description('When field file is None, return the file list as per script_type, otherwise return the specified file.')
    @doc.consumes(doc.String(name='X-Token'), location='header')
    @doc.produces(200, _script_file_list)
    @doc.produces(201, doc.File())
    async def get(self, request):
        script_path = request.args.get('file', default=None)
        script_type = request.args.get('script_type', default=None)

        organization = request.ctx.organization
        team = request.ctx.team

        test_libraries_root = await get_back_scripts_root(team=team, organization=organization)
        test_scripts_root = await get_user_scripts_root(team=team, organization=organization)

        if script_path:
            if script_type is None:
                return json(response_message(EINVAL, 'Field script_type is required'))
            if script_type == 'test_scripts':
                return await file(test_scripts_root / script_path, status=201)
            elif script_type == 'test_libraries':
                return await file(test_libraries_root / script_path, status=201)
                return json(response_message(EINVAL, 'Unsupported script type ' + script_type))
        elif script_type:
            return json(response_message(EINVAL, 'Field file is required'))

        test_scripts = await async_wraps(path_to_dict)(test_scripts_root)
        test_libraries = await async_wraps(path_to_dict)(test_libraries_root)
        return json(response_message(SUCCESS, test_scripts=test_scripts, test_libraries=test_libraries))

    @doc.summary('update the script file content')
    @doc.consumes(doc.String(name='X-Token'), location='header')
    @doc.consumes(_update_script, location='body')
    async def post(self, request):
        script = request.json.get('file', None)
        if not script:
            return json(response_message(EINVAL, 'Field file is required'))
        if not is_path_secure(script):
            return json(response_message(EINVAL, 'Illegal file path'))

        new_name = request.json.get('new_name', None)
        if new_name:
            if not is_path_secure(new_name):
                return json(response_message(EINVAL, 'Illegal new name'))

        script_type = request.json.get('script_type', None)
        if script_type is None:
            return json(response_message(EINVAL, 'Field script_type is required'))

        content = request.json.get('content', None)
        if content is None and new_name is None:
            return json(response_message(EINVAL, 'Field content is required'))

        organization = request.ctx.organization
        team = request.ctx.team
        user = request.ctx.user
        package = None
        if script_type == 'test_scripts':
            root = await get_user_scripts_root(team=team, organization=organization)
        elif script_type == 'test_libraries':
            root = await get_back_scripts_root(team=team, organization=organization)
            return json(response_message(EINVAL, 'Unsupported script type ' + script_type))

        dirname = os.path.dirname(script).split('/')[0]
        basename = os.path.basename(script)

        if script_type == 'test_scripts' and basename.endswith('.md'):
            test = await Test.find_one({'test_suite': os.path.splitext(basename)[0], 'path': dirname})
            if not test:
                return json(response_message(ENOENT, 'test suite not found'))
        elif script_type == 'test_libraries' and dirname:
            package = await Package.find_one({'py_packages': dirname})
            if not package:
                return json(response_message(ENOENT, 'package not found'))

        if not await async_exists(root / dirname):
            await async_makedirs(root / dirname)

        if content or content == '':
            if script_type == 'test_scripts':
                content = re.sub(r'\\([{}*_\.])', r'\1', content)
            elif script_type == 'test_libraries':
                content = re.sub(r'\r\n', '\n', content)

            if basename:
                async with aiofiles.open(root / script, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                    await f.write(content)

        if new_name:
            if basename:
                new_path = os.path.join(dirname, new_name)
                await aiofiles.os.rename(root / script, root / new_path)
                if script_type == 'test_scripts' and test: # not md files
                    test.test_suite = os.path.splitext(new_name)[0]
                    await test.commit()
                await aiofiles.os.rename(root / script, root / os.path.dirname(dirname) / new_name)

        if basename and script_type == 'test_scripts':
            _script = str(Path(dirname) / new_name) if new_name else script
            if _script.endswith('.md'):
                ret = await db_update_test(root, _script, user, organization, team)
                if not ret:
                    return json(response_message(UNKNOWN_ERROR, 'Failed to update test suite'))

        if script_type == 'test_libraries' and package:
            package.modified = True
            await package.commit()

        return json(response_message(SUCCESS))

    @doc.summary('delete the script file')
    @doc.consumes(doc.String(name='X-Token'), location='header')
    @doc.consumes(_script_query, location='body')
    async def delete(self, request):
        organization = request.ctx.organization
        team = request.ctx.team
        script = request.json.get('file', None)
        if not script:
            return json(response_message(EINVAL, 'Field file is required'))
        if not is_path_secure(script):
            return json(response_message(EINVAL, 'Referencing to Upper level directory is not allowed'))

        dirname = os.path.dirname(script)
        basename = os.path.basename(script)

        script_type = request.json.get('script_type', None)
        if script_type is None:
            return json(response_message(EINVAL, 'Field script_type is required'))

        if script_type == 'test_scripts':
            root = await get_user_scripts_root(team=team, organization=organization)
        elif script_type == 'test_libraries':
            root = await get_back_scripts_root(team=team, organization=organization)
            return json(response_message(EINVAL, 'Unsupported script type ' + script_type))

        if not await async_exists(root / script):
            return json(response_message(ENOENT, 'File/directory doesn\'t exist'))

        if await async_isfile(root / script):
                await aiofiles.os.remove(root / script)
            except OSError as err:
                return json(response_message(EIO, 'Error happened while deleting the file'))

            if script_type == 'test_scripts':
                cnt = 0
                async for test in Test.find({'test_suite': os.path.splitext(basename)[0], 'path': dirname, 'organization': organization.pk, 'team': team.pk if team else None}):
                    await test.delete()
                    cnt += 1
                if cnt == 0:
                    return json(response_message(ENOENT, 'Test suite not found in the database'))
            if script_type == 'test_scripts':
                cnt = 0
                async for test in Test.find({'organization': organization.pk, 'team': team.pk if team else None}):
                    if test.path.startswith(dirname):
                        await test.delete()
                        cnt += 1
                if cnt == 0:
                    logger.error(f'Test suite not found in the database under the path {dirname}')
                await async_rmtree(root / script)
            except OSError as err:
                return json(response_message(EIO, 'Error happened while deleting the directory'))

        return json(response_message(SUCCESS))
예제 #9

jinja = SanicJinja2(app)
app.static('/static', './static')

db = Gino()

class Image(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'image'
    id = db.Column(db.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    path = db.Column(db.Unicode(), default='noname')

@app.route(methods=['GET', 'POST'], uri='/upload')
async def upload_img(request):
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

    template = open(os.getcwd() + "/templates/index.html")
    if request.files:
        args = request.files
        byte_image = args.getlist('file')[0][1]
        #     подключение к aio-pika, создание очереди  и пеердача в очередь [путь или набор байтов]
        connection = await aio_pika.connect_robust(
            "amqp://*****:*****@localhost/", loop=loop)
        async with connection:
            routing_key = "image_path"  # название очереди
            # создание очереди
예제 #10
 class upload_package(organization_team):
     proprietary = doc.String()
     package_type = doc.String()
     file = doc.File()
예제 #11
 class upload_scripts(organization_team):
     script_type = doc.String(
         description='File type {test_scripts | test_libraries}')
     file = doc.File()