예제 #1
def test_pvalues_of_F():
    #According to a great online F distribution calculator:
    # If X = F(3,12), P(X<1.75) = .79
    #                 P(X< 0.5) = 0.31
    sigFig = 2
    F = stats.f( dimension, sample_size-dimension)
    print almost_equal(f.cdf(1.75), 0.79, sigFig)
    print almost_equal(f.cdf(0.5), 0.31, sigFig)
예제 #2
def inv_safe(data):
    '''I was having some strange things happening where matrices that should be
    invertible were having incorrect inverses.
    eps =1e-2
    d_sinv = sp.linalg.inv(data)

    #print data*d_sinv
    return almost_equal(sp.dot(data,d_sinv), np.eye(data.shape[0]))
예제 #3
def test_inv():
    print "Test that inverse is working:"
    x = True
    #a*e*i - a*f*h - b*d*i + b*f*g + c*d*h - c*e*g 
    for i in range(5):
        data = np.random.rand(3,3) * 10
        #print "next"
        #print np.dot(sp.linalg.invhilbert(data), data) 
        #print np.dot(sp.linalg.inv(data), data)
        #print sp.linalg.inv(data) * data
        #print np.dot(d_inv,  data)
        if not inv_safe(data) and not almost_equal(sp.linalg.det(data),0.0) :
            print "broken"
            x = False
    if x:
        print "Inverse is working"