def angles_between_discrete(angles): theta, phi = zip(*angles) distances = angle_between(0., 0., np.array(theta), np.array(phi)) counts, bins = np.histogram(distances, bins=np.linspace(0, np.pi, 721)) plotd = Plot() plotd.histogram(counts, np.degrees(bins)) # plotd.set_title('Distance between reconstructed angles for station and cluster') plotd.set_xlabel('Angle between reconstructions [\si{\degree}]') plotd.set_ylabel('Counts') plotd.set_xlimits(min=0, max=90) plotd.set_ylimits(min=0) plotd.save_as_pdf('angle_between_Zenith_discrete') plotd = Plot() distances = [] for t, p in angles: distances.extend(angle_between(t, p, np.array(theta), np.array(phi))) counts, bins = np.histogram(distances, bins=np.linspace(0, np.pi, 361)) plotd.histogram(counts, np.degrees(bins)) # plotd.set_title('Distance between reconstructed angles for station and cluster') plotd.set_xlabel('Angle between reconstructions [\si{\degree}]') plotd.set_ylabel('Counts') plotd.set_xlimits(min=0, max=90) plotd.set_ylimits(min=0) plotd.save_as_pdf('angle_between_Zenith_discrete_all')
def test_azimuths(self): """Both directions at the horizon""" zenith = pi / 2 azimuth = random.uniform(-pi, pi, 10000) angle = utils.angle_between(zenith, azimuth, zenith, 0) self.assertTrue(all(abs(angle - abs(azimuth)) < 1e-10)) angle = utils.angle_between(zenith, 0, zenith, azimuth) self.assertTrue(all(abs(angle - abs(azimuth)) < 1e-10))
def test_zeniths(self): """One of the directions is the Zenith""" n = 10000 zenith = random.uniform(0, pi / 2, n) azimuth1 = random.uniform(-pi, pi, n) azimuth2 = random.uniform(-pi, pi, n) angle = utils.angle_between(zenith, azimuth1, 0, azimuth2) self.assertTrue(all(abs(angle - zenith) < 1e-15)) angle = utils.angle_between(0, azimuth1, zenith, azimuth2) self.assertTrue(all(abs(angle - zenith) < 1e-15))
def test_no_zenith(self): """Azimuths are irrelevant when from the Zenith""" azimuth1 = random.uniform(-pi, pi, 10000) azimuth2 = random.uniform(-pi, pi, 10000) angle = utils.angle_between(0, azimuth1, 0, azimuth2) self.assertTrue(all(angle == 0))
def test_single_values(self): """Other tests use arrays, check if single values also work""" zenith = random.uniform(0, pi / 2) azimuth = random.uniform(-pi, pi) angle = utils.angle_between(zenith, azimuth, zenith, azimuth) self.assertTrue(angle == 0)
def analyse(): """Plot results from reconstructions compared to the simulated input""" with tables.open_file(DATAPATH, 'r') as data: coincidences = data.get_node('/coincidences/coincidences') reconstructions = data.get_node(STATION_PATH) assert coincidences.nrows == reconstructions.nrows zenith_in = coincidences.col('zenith') azimuth_in = coincidences.col('azimuth') zenith_re = reconstructions.col('zenith') azimuth_re = reconstructions.col('azimuth') d_angle = angle_between(zenith_in, azimuth_in, zenith_re, azimuth_re) print sum(isnan(d_angle)) plot = Plot() counts, bins = histogram(d_angle[invert(isnan(d_angle))], bins=50) plot.histogram(counts, bins) plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_xlabel(r'Angle between \si{\radian}') plot.set_ylabel('Counts') plot.save_as_pdf('angle_between') plot = Plot() counts, bins = histogram(zenith_in, bins=50) plot.histogram(counts, bins, linestyle='red') counts, bins = histogram(zenith_re, bins=bins) plot.histogram(counts, bins) plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_xlimits(min=0) plot.set_xlabel(r'Zenith \si{\radian}') plot.set_ylabel('Counts') plot.save_as_pdf('zenith') plot = Plot() counts, bins = histogram(azimuth_in, bins=50) plot.histogram(counts, bins, linestyle='red') counts, bins = histogram(azimuth_re, bins=bins) plot.histogram(counts, bins) plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_xlabel(r'Azimuth \si{\radian}') plot.set_ylabel('Counts') plot.save_as_pdf('azimuth') unique_coordinates = list({(z, a) for z, a in zip(zenith_re, azimuth_re)}) zenith_uni, azimuth_uni = zip(*unique_coordinates) plot = PolarPlot(use_radians=True) plot.scatter(array(azimuth_uni), array(zenith_uni), markstyle='mark size=.75pt') plot.set_xlabel(r'Azimuth \si{\radian}') plot.set_ylabel(r'Zenith \si{\radian}') plot.save_as_pdf('polar')
def plot_reconstructions(): print 'Plotting . . .' plot = Plot() bins = linspace(0, 90, 30) # Degrees plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_xlimits(0, 90) plot.set_ylabel('counts') plot.set_xlabel(r'Angle between [\si{\degree}]') colors = ['black', 'red', 'green', 'blue'] for i, c_group in enumerate([ '/coincidences', '/coincidences_original', '/coincidences_501_original', '/coincidences_510_original' ]): cq = CoincidenceQuery(DATA, coincidence_group=c_group) coincidences = cq.all([501, 510], iterator=True) reconstructions = [cq._get_reconstructions(c) for c in coincidences] cq.finish() azi501 = [] zen501 = [] azi510 = [] zen510 = [] for rec1, rec2 in reconstructions: if rec1[0] == 501: azi501.append(rec1[1]['azimuth']) zen501.append(rec1[1]['zenith']) azi510.append(rec2[1]['azimuth']) zen510.append(rec2[1]['zenith']) else: azi501.append(rec2[1]['azimuth']) zen501.append(rec2[1]['zenith']) azi510.append(rec1[1]['azimuth']) zen510.append(rec1[1]['zenith']) azi501 = array(azi501) zen501 = array(zen501) azi510 = array(azi510) zen510 = array(zen510) # Compare angles between old and new d_angle = angle_between(zen501, azi501, zen510, azi510) print c_group, r'67\%% within %.1f degrees' % degrees( percentile(d_angle[isfinite(d_angle)], 67)) plot.histogram(*histogram(degrees(d_angle), bins=bins), linestyle=colors[i]) plot.save_as_pdf('angle_between_501_510')
def plot_results(data): rec_paths = ['recs_flat', 'recs_curved', 'recs_xy'] linestyles = ['solid', 'dotted', 'dashed'] plot = Plot() for i, rec_path in enumerate(rec_paths): recs = data.get_node('/coincidences/%s' % rec_path) angles = angle_between(recs.col('zenith'), recs.col('azimuth'), recs.col('reference_zenith'), recs.col('reference_azimuth')) dangles = np.degrees(angles) counts, bins = np.histogram(dangles, bins=np.arange(0, 25, .5)) plot.histogram(counts, bins + (i / 10.), linestyle=linestyles[i]) plot.set_xlimits(0, 25) plot.set_ylimits(0) plot.set_xlabel(r'Angle between [\si{\degree}]') plot.save_as_pdf('angle_between')
def plot_reconstructions(): with tables.open_file('data.h5', 'r') as data: rec = data.root.s501.reconstructions reco = data.root.s501_original.reconstructions # Compare azimuth distribution bins = linspace(-pi, pi, 20) # Radians plot = Plot() plot.histogram(*histogram(rec.col('azimuth'), bins=bins)) plot.histogram(*histogram(reco.col('azimuth'), bins=bins), linestyle='red') plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_xlimits(-pi, pi) plot.set_ylabel('counts') plot.set_xlabel(r'Azimuth [\si{\radian}]') plot.save_as_pdf('azimuth') # Compare zenith distribution bins = linspace(0, pi / 2, 20) # Radians plot = Plot() plot.histogram(*histogram(rec.col('zenith'), bins=bins)) plot.histogram(*histogram(reco.col('zenith'), bins=bins), linestyle='red') plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_xlimits(0, pi / 2) plot.set_ylabel('counts') plot.set_xlabel(r'Zenith [\si{\radian}]') plot.save_as_pdf('zenith') # Compare angles between old and new bins = linspace(0, 20, 20) # Degrees plot = Plot() filter = (rec.col('zenith') > .5) d_angle = angle_between(rec.col('zenith'), rec.col('azimuth'), reco.col('zenith'), reco.col('azimuth')) plot.histogram(*histogram(degrees(d_angle), bins=bins)) plot.histogram(*histogram(degrees(d_angle).compress(filter), bins=bins), linestyle='red') plot.histogram(*histogram(degrees(d_angle).compress(invert(filter)), bins=bins), linestyle='blue') plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_xlimits(0, 20) plot.set_ylabel('counts') plot.set_xlabel(r'Angle between [\si{\degree}]') plot.save_as_pdf('angle_between')
def plot_reconstruction_accuracy(data, d): station_path = '/cluster_simulations/station_%d' cluster = cluster_501_510() coincidences = data.root.coincidences.coincidences recs501 = data.root.hisparc.cluster_amsterdam.station_501.reconstructions recs510 = data.root.hisparc.cluster_amsterdam.station_510.reconstructions graph = Plot() ids = set(recs501.col('id')).intersection(recs510.col('id')) filtered_501 = [(row['zenith'], row['azimuth']) for row in recs501 if row['id'] in ids] filtered_510 = [(row['zenith'], row['azimuth']) for row in recs510 if row['id'] in ids] zen501, azi501 = zip(*filtered_501) zen510, azi510 = zip(*filtered_510) zen501 = array(zen501) azi501 = array(azi501) zen510 = array(zen510) azi510 = array(azi510) da = angle_between(zen501, azi501, zen510, azi510) n, bins = histogram(da, bins=arange(0, pi, .1)) graph.histogram(n, bins) failed = coincidences.nrows - len(ids) graph.set_ylimits(min=0) graph.set_xlimits(min=0, max=pi) graph.set_ylabel('Count') graph.set_xlabel('Angle between 501 and 510 [rad]') graph.set_title('Coincidences between 501 and 510') graph.set_label('Failed to reconstruct %d events' % failed) graph.save_as_pdf('coincidences_%s' % d) graph_recs = PolarPlot() azimuth = degrees(recs501.col('azimuth')) zenith = degrees(recs501.col('zenith')) graph_recs.scatter(azimuth[:5000], zenith[:5000], mark='*', markstyle='mark size=.2pt') graph_recs.set_ylimits(min=0, max=90) graph_recs.set_ylabel('Zenith [degrees]') graph_recs.set_xlabel('Azimuth [degrees]') graph_recs.set_title('Reconstructions by 501') graph_recs.save_as_pdf('reconstructions_%s' % d)
def analyse_reconstructions(data): cq = CoincidenceQuery(data) c_ids = data.root.coincidences.coincidences.read_where('s501', field='id') c_recs = cq.reconstructions.read_coordinates(c_ids) s_recs = data.root.hisparc.cluster_amsterdam.station_501.reconstructions zenc = c_recs['zenith'] azic = c_recs['azimuth'] zens = s_recs.col('zenith') azis = s_recs.col('azimuth') high_zenith = (zenc > .2) & (zens > .2) for minn in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]: filter = (s_recs.col('min_n') > minn) length = len(azis.compress(high_zenith & filter)) shifts501 = np.random.normal(0, .06, length) azicounts, x, y = np.histogram2d(azis.compress(high_zenith & filter) + shifts501, azic.compress(high_zenith & filter), bins=np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 73)) plota = Plot() plota.histogram2d(azicounts, np.degrees(x), np.degrees(y), type='reverse_bw', bitmap=True) # plota.set_title('Reconstructed azimuths for events in coincidence (zenith gt .2 rad)') plota.set_xlabel(r'$\phi_{501}$ [\si{\degree}]') plota.set_ylabel(r'$\phi_{Science Park}$ [\si{\degree}]') plota.set_xticks([-180, -90, 0, 90, 180]) plota.set_yticks([-180, -90, 0, 90, 180]) plota.save_as_pdf('azimuth_501_spa_minn%d' % minn) length = sum(filter) shifts501 = np.random.normal(0, .04, length) zencounts, x, y = np.histogram2d(zens.compress(filter) + shifts501, zenc.compress(filter), bins=np.linspace(0, np.pi / 3., 41)) plotz = Plot() plotz.histogram2d(zencounts, np.degrees(x), np.degrees(y), type='reverse_bw', bitmap=True) # plotz.set_title('Reconstructed zeniths for station events in coincidence') plotz.set_xlabel(r'$\theta_{501}$ [\si{\degree}]') plotz.set_ylabel(r'$\theta_{Science Park}$ [\si{\degree}]') plotz.set_xticks([0, 15, 30, 45, 60]) plotz.set_yticks([0, 15, 30, 45, 60]) plotz.save_as_pdf('zenith_501_spa_minn%d' % minn) distances = angle_between(zens.compress(filter), azis.compress(filter), zenc.compress(filter), azic.compress(filter)) counts, bins = np.histogram(distances, bins=np.linspace(0, np.pi, 91)) plotd = Plot() plotd.histogram(counts, np.degrees(bins)) sigma = np.degrees(np.percentile(distances[np.isfinite(distances)], 67)) plotd.set_label(r'67\%% within \SI{%.1f}{\degree}' % sigma) # plotd.set_title('Distance between reconstructed angles for station and cluster') plotd.set_xlabel('Angle between reconstructions [\si{\degree}]') plotd.set_ylabel('Counts') plotd.set_xlimits(min=0, max=90) plotd.set_ylimits(min=0) plotd.save_as_pdf('angle_between_501_spa_minn%d' % minn)
def plot_reconstruction_accuracy(): combinations = ['~d1 | ~d2 | ~d3 | ~d4', 'd1 & d2 & d3 & d4'] station_path = '/cluster_simulations/station_%d' with tables.open_file(RESULT_PATH, 'r') as data: cluster = data.root.coincidences._v_attrs.cluster coincidences = data.root.coincidences.coincidences c_recs = data.root.coincidences.reconstructions graph = Plot() da = angle_between(c_recs.col('zenith'), c_recs.col('azimuth'), c_recs.col('reference_zenith'), c_recs.col('reference_azimuth')) ids = c_recs.col('id') N = coincidences.read_coordinates(ids, field='N') for k, filter in enumerate([N == 3, N > 3]): n, bins = histogram(da.compress(filter), bins=arange(0, pi, .1)) graph.histogram(n, bins, linestyle=GRAYS[k % len(GRAYS)]) failed = len(coincidences.get_where_list('N >= 3')) - c_recs.nrows graph.set_ylimits(min=0) graph.set_xlimits(min=0, max=pi) graph.set_ylabel('Count') graph.set_xlabel('Angle between input and reconstruction [rad]') graph.set_title('Coincidences') graph.set_label('Failed to reconstruct %d events' % failed) graph.save_as_pdf('coincidences_alt') for station in cluster.stations: station_group = data.get_node(station_path % station.number) recs = station_group.reconstructions rows = coincidences.get_where_list('s%d == True' % station.number) reference_azimuth = coincidences.read_coordinates(rows, field='azimuth') reference_zenith = coincidences.read_coordinates(rows, field='zenith') graph = Plot() for k, combo in enumerate(combinations): selected_reconstructions = recs.read_where(combo) filtered_azimuth = array([ reference_azimuth[i] for i in selected_reconstructions['id'] ]) filtered_zenith = array([ reference_zenith[i] for i in selected_reconstructions['id'] ]) azimuth = selected_reconstructions['azimuth'] zenith = selected_reconstructions['zenith'] da = angle_between(zenith, azimuth, filtered_zenith, filtered_azimuth) n, bins = histogram(da, bins=arange(0, pi, .1)) graph.histogram(n, bins, linestyle=GRAYS[k % len(GRAYS)]) failed = - recs.nrows graph.set_ylimits(min=0) graph.set_xlimits(min=0, max=pi) graph.set_ylabel('Count') graph.set_xlabel('Angle between input and reconstruction [rad]') graph.set_title('Station: %d' % station.number) graph.set_label('Failed to reconstruct %d events' % failed) graph.save_as_pdf('s_%d' % station.number)
def analyse_reconstructions(path): seed = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path)) cq = CoincidenceQuery(path) c_ids = cq.coincidences.get_where_list('N >= 3') if not len(cq.reconstructions) or not len(c_ids): cq.finish() return c_recs = cq.reconstructions.read_coordinates(c_ids) # Angles zen_out = c_recs['zenith'] azi_out = c_recs['azimuth'] zen_in = c_recs['reference_zenith'] azi_in = c_recs['reference_azimuth'] # Cores x_out = c_recs['x'] y_out = c_recs['y'] x_in = c_recs['reference_x'] y_in = c_recs['reference_y'] # Size size_out = c_recs['size'] energy_out = c_recs['energy'] size_in = c_recs['reference_size'] energy_in = c_recs['reference_energy'] energy = np.log10(energy_in[0]) zenith = np.degrees(zen_in[0]) label = r'$E=10^{%d}$eV, $\theta={%.1f}^{\circ}$' % (energy, zenith) # Azimuth bins = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 21) acounts_out, bins = np.histogram(azi_out, bins) acounts_in, bins = np.histogram(azi_in, bins) plota = Plot() plota.histogram(acounts_out, bins) plota.histogram(acounts_in, bins, linestyle='red') plota.set_xlabel(r'$\phi$ [\si{\radian}]') plota.set_xlimits(-np.pi, np.pi) plota.set_ylabel(r'Counts') plota.set_ylimits(min=0) plota.save_as_pdf('plots/azimuth_in_out_%s' % seed) # Zenith bins = np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2, 21) zcounts_out, bins = np.histogram(zen_out, bins) zcounts_in, bins = np.histogram(zen_in, bins) plotz = Plot() plotz.histogram(zcounts_out, bins) plotz.histogram(zcounts_in, bins, linestyle='red') plotz.set_xlabel(r'$\theta$ [\si{\radian}]') plotz.set_xlimits(0, np.pi / 2) plotz.set_ylabel(r'Counts') plotz.set_ylimits(min=0) plotz.save_as_pdf('plots/zenith_in_out_%s' % seed) # Angle between angle_distances = angle_between(zen_out, azi_out, zen_in, azi_in) if len(np.isfinite(angle_distances)): bins = np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2, 91) counts, bins = np.histogram(angle_distances, bins=bins) plotd = Plot() plotd.histogram(counts, np.degrees(bins)) sigma = np.percentile(angle_distances[np.isfinite(angle_distances)], 67) plotd.set_label(label + r', 67\%% within \SI{%.1f}{\degree}' % np.degrees(sigma)) plotd.set_xlabel(r'Angle between reconstructions [\si{\degree}]') plotd.set_ylabel('Counts') plotd.set_xlimits(np.degrees(bins[0]), np.degrees(bins[-1])) plotd.set_ylimits(min=0) plotd.save_as_pdf('plots/angle_between_in_out_%s' % seed) # Distance beween filter = size_out != 1e6 core_distances = np.sqrt( (x_out.compress(filter) - x_in.compress(filter))**2 + (y_out.compress(filter) - y_in.compress(filter))**2) if len(np.isfinite(core_distances)): bins = np.linspace(0, 1000, 100) counts, bins = np.histogram(core_distances, bins=bins) plotc = Plot() plotc.histogram(counts, bins) sigma = np.percentile(core_distances[np.isfinite(core_distances)], 67) # energy = np.log10(energy_in[0]) zenith = np.degrees(zen_in[0]) # plotc.set_label(r'$E=10^{%d}$eV, $\theta={%.1f}^{\circ}$, 67\%% ' 'within \SI{%.1f}{\meter}' % (energy, zenith, sigma)) plotc.set_xlabel(r'Distance between cores [\si{\meter}]') plotc.set_ylabel('Counts') plotc.set_xlimits(bins[0], bins[-1]) plotc.set_ylimits(min=0) plotc.save_as_pdf('plots/core_distance_between_in_out_%s' % seed) # Core positions filter = size_out != 1e6 plotc = Plot() for x0, x1, y0, y1 in zip(x_out, x_in, y_out, y_in): plotc.plot([x0, x1], [y0, y1]) plotc.set_xlabel(r'x [\si{\meter}]') plotc.set_ylabel(r'y [\si{\meter}]') plotc.set_xlimits(bins[0], bins[-1]) plotc.set_ylimits(min=0) plotc.save_as_pdf('plots/core_positions_in_out_%s' % seed) # Shower size relative_size = size_out.compress(filter) / size_in.compress(filter) counts, bins = np.histogram(relative_size, bins=np.logspace(-2, 2, 21)) plots = Plot('semilogx') plots.histogram(counts, bins) plots.set_xlabel('Relative size') plots.set_ylabel('Counts') plots.set_xlimits(bins[0], bins[-1]) plots.set_ylimits(min=0) plots.save_as_pdf('plots/size_in_out_%s' % seed) # Cleanup cq.finish()
def oldvsnew_diagram(): """ Visual accuracy comparisons of old and new transformations. Compares the correlations between the transformations: equatorial_to_horizontal and equatorial_to_zenith_azimuth_astropy horizontal_to_equatorial and horizontal_to_zenith_azimuth_astropy Makes a histogram of the error differences between these two functions as well. The errors seem to be in the order of 1000 arcsec :return: None Ethan van Woerkom is responsible for the benchmarking functions; refer to him for when something is unclear """ # make random frames, in correct angle range and from utc time 2000-2020 frames = [] # boxes for the four different transformation results etoha = [] etoh = [] htoe = [] htoea = [] straight = lambda x : x # straight trendline function # Create the data sets for eq to az for i in range(100): frames.append((r.uniform(-90, 90), r.uniform(-180,180), r.randint(946684800,1577836800), r.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi), r.uniform(-0.5 * np.pi, 0.5 * np.pi))) for i in frames: etoha.append(celestial.equatorial_to_zenithazimuth_astropy(i[0], i[1], i[2], [(i[3], i[4])])[0]) etoh.append(celestial.equatorial_to_zenithazimuth(i[0], i[1], clock.utc_to_gps(i[2]), i[3], i[4])) # Data sets for hor to eq for i in frames: htoe.append(celestial.horizontal_to_equatorial(i[0], clock.utc_to_lst(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(i[2]), i[1]), i[4], i[3])) htoea.extend(celestial.horizontal_to_equatorial_astropy(i[0], i[1], i[2], [(i[3], i[4])])) # Make figs eq -> zenaz plt.figure(1) plt.suptitle('Zen/Az correlation in rads (equatorial_to_zenithazimuth)') zenrange = [0, np.pi] plt.subplot(211) plt.title('Zenith') plt.axis(zenrange*2) plt.xlabel('New (Astropy)') plt.ylabel('Old') # Make figure and add 1:1 trendline plt.plot([co[0] for co in etoha], [co[0] for co in etoh], 'r.', zenrange, straight(zenrange), '-') plt.subplot(212) plt.title('Azimuth') azrange = [-np.pi, np.pi] plt.axis(azrange*2) plt.xlabel('New (Astropy)') plt.ylabel('Old') # Make figure and add 1:1 trendline plt.plot([co[1] for co in etoha], [co[1] for co in etoh], 'b.', azrange, straight(azrange), '-') plt.tight_layout() # Prevent titles merging plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.85) # Make histogram of differences plt.figure(2) # Take diff. and convert to arcsec nieuw = (np.array(etoh) - np.array(etoha)) nieuw *= 360 * 3600 / (2 * np.pi) plt.hist([i[0] for i in nieuw], bins=20) plt.title('Zenith Old-New Error (equatorial_to_zenithazimuth)') plt.xlabel('Error (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('Counts') plt.figure(3) plt.hist([i[1] for i in nieuw], bins=20) plt.title('Azimuth Old-New Error (equatorial_to_zenithazimuth)') plt.xlabel('Error (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('Counts') # Make histogram of differences using the absolute distance in arcsec # this graph has no wrapping issues plt.figure(7) nieuw = np.array([angle_between(etoh[i][0], etoh[i][1], etoha[i][0], etoha[i][1]) for i in range(len(etoh))]) nieuw *= 360 * 3600 / (2 * np.pi) plt.hist(nieuw, bins=20) plt.title('ZEN+AZ Old-New Error (equatorial_to_zenithazimuth)') plt.xlabel('Error (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('Counts') # Make figs hor - > eq plt.figure(4) plt.suptitle('RA/DEC correlation in rads (horizontal_to_equatorial)') altrange = [-0.5 * np.pi, 0.5 * np.pi] plt.subplot(211) plt.title('Declination') plt.axis(altrange * 2) plt.xlabel('New (Astropy)') plt.ylabel('Old') # Make figure and add 1:1 trendline plt.plot([co[1] for co in htoea], [co[1] for co in htoe], 'r.', altrange, straight(altrange), '-') plt.subplot(212) plt.title('Right Ascension') azrange = [0, 2 * np.pi] plt.axis(azrange * 2) plt.xlabel('New (Astropy)') plt.ylabel('Old') # Make figure and add 1:1 trendline plt.plot([co[0] for co in htoea], [co[0] for co in htoe], 'b.', azrange, straight(azrange), '-') plt.tight_layout() # Prevent titles merging plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.85) # Make histogram of differences plt.figure(5) # Take diff. and convert to arcsec nieuw = (np.array(htoe) - np.array(htoea)) nieuw *= 360 * 3600 / (2 * np.pi) plt.hist([i[1] for i in nieuw], bins=20) plt.title('Declination Old-New Error (horizontal_to_equatorial)') plt.xlabel('Error (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('Counts') plt.figure(6) # Take diff. and convert to arcsec nieuw = (np.array(htoe) - np.array(htoea)) nieuw *= 360 * 3600 / (2 * np.pi) plt.hist([i[0] for i in nieuw], bins=20) plt.title('Right Ascension Old-New Error (horizontal_to_equatorial)') plt.xlabel('Error (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('Counts') # Make histogram of differences using the absolute distance in arcsec # this graph has no wrapping issues plt.figure(8) nieuw = np.array([angle_between_horizontal(htoe[i][0], htoe[i][1], htoea[i][0], htoea[i][1]) for i in range(len(htoe))]) # Take diff. and convert to arcsec nieuw /= 2 / np.pi * 360 * 3600 plt.hist(nieuw, bins=20) plt.title('RA+DEC Old-New Error (horizontal_to_equatorial)') plt.xlabel('Error (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('Counts') return
def oldvsnew_diagram(): """ Visual accuracy comparisons of old and new transformations. Compares the correlations between the transformations: equatorial_to_horizontal and equatorial_to_zenith_azimuth_astropy horizontal_to_equatorial and horizontal_to_zenith_azimuth_astropy Makes a histogram of the error differences between these two functions as well. The errors seem to be in the order of 1000 arcsec :return: None Ethan van Woerkom is responsible for the benchmarking functions; refer to him for when something is unclear """ # make random frames, in correct angle range and from utc time 2000-2020 frames = [] # boxes for the four different transformation results etoha = [] etoh = [] htoe = [] htoea = [] straight = lambda x: x # straight trendline function # Create the data sets for eq to az for i in range(100): frames.append( (r.uniform(-90, 90), r.uniform(-180, 180), r.randint(946684800, 1577836800), r.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi), r.uniform(-0.5 * np.pi, 0.5 * np.pi))) for i in frames: etoha.append( celestial.equatorial_to_zenithazimuth_astropy( i[0], i[1], i[2], [(i[3], i[4])])[0]) etoh.append( celestial.equatorial_to_zenithazimuth(i[0], i[1], clock.utc_to_gps(i[2]), i[3], i[4])) # Data sets for hor to eq for i in frames: htoe.append( celestial.horizontal_to_equatorial( i[0], clock.utc_to_lst(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(i[2]), i[1]), i[4], i[3])) htoea.extend( celestial.horizontal_to_equatorial_astropy(i[0], i[1], i[2], [(i[3], i[4])])) # Make figs eq -> zenaz plt.figure(1) plt.suptitle('Zen/Az correlation in rads (equatorial_to_zenithazimuth)') zenrange = [0, np.pi] plt.subplot(211) plt.title('Zenith') plt.axis(zenrange * 2) plt.xlabel('New (Astropy)') plt.ylabel('Old') # Make figure and add 1:1 trendline plt.plot([co[0] for co in etoha], [co[0] for co in etoh], 'r.', zenrange, straight(zenrange), '-') plt.subplot(212) plt.title('Azimuth') azrange = [-np.pi, np.pi] plt.axis(azrange * 2) plt.xlabel('New (Astropy)') plt.ylabel('Old') # Make figure and add 1:1 trendline plt.plot([co[1] for co in etoha], [co[1] for co in etoh], 'b.', azrange, straight(azrange), '-') plt.tight_layout() # Prevent titles merging plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.85) # Make histogram of differences plt.figure(2) # Take diff. and convert to arcsec nieuw = (np.array(etoh) - np.array(etoha)) nieuw *= 360 * 3600 / (2 * np.pi) plt.hist([i[0] for i in nieuw], bins=20) plt.title('Zenith Old-New Error (equatorial_to_zenithazimuth)') plt.xlabel('Error (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('Counts') plt.figure(3) plt.hist([i[1] for i in nieuw], bins=20) plt.title('Azimuth Old-New Error (equatorial_to_zenithazimuth)') plt.xlabel('Error (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('Counts') # Make histogram of differences using the absolute distance in arcsec # this graph has no wrapping issues plt.figure(7) nieuw = np.array([ angle_between(etoh[i][0], etoh[i][1], etoha[i][0], etoha[i][1]) for i in range(len(etoh)) ]) nieuw *= 360 * 3600 / (2 * np.pi) plt.hist(nieuw, bins=20) plt.title('ZEN+AZ Old-New Error (equatorial_to_zenithazimuth)') plt.xlabel('Error (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('Counts') # Make figs hor - > eq plt.figure(4) plt.suptitle('RA/DEC correlation in rads (horizontal_to_equatorial)') altrange = [-0.5 * np.pi, 0.5 * np.pi] plt.subplot(211) plt.title('Declination') plt.axis(altrange * 2) plt.xlabel('New (Astropy)') plt.ylabel('Old') # Make figure and add 1:1 trendline plt.plot([co[1] for co in htoea], [co[1] for co in htoe], 'r.', altrange, straight(altrange), '-') plt.subplot(212) plt.title('Right Ascension') azrange = [0, 2 * np.pi] plt.axis(azrange * 2) plt.xlabel('New (Astropy)') plt.ylabel('Old') # Make figure and add 1:1 trendline plt.plot([co[0] for co in htoea], [co[0] for co in htoe], 'b.', azrange, straight(azrange), '-') plt.tight_layout() # Prevent titles merging plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.85) # Make histogram of differences plt.figure(5) # Take diff. and convert to arcsec nieuw = (np.array(htoe) - np.array(htoea)) nieuw *= 360 * 3600 / (2 * np.pi) plt.hist([i[1] for i in nieuw], bins=20) plt.title('Declination Old-New Error (horizontal_to_equatorial)') plt.xlabel('Error (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('Counts') plt.figure(6) # Take diff. and convert to arcsec nieuw = (np.array(htoe) - np.array(htoea)) nieuw *= 360 * 3600 / (2 * np.pi) plt.hist([i[0] for i in nieuw], bins=20) plt.title('Right Ascension Old-New Error (horizontal_to_equatorial)') plt.xlabel('Error (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('Counts') # Make histogram of differences using the absolute distance in arcsec # this graph has no wrapping issues plt.figure(8) nieuw = np.array([ angle_between_horizontal(htoe[i][0], htoe[i][1], htoea[i][0], htoea[i][1]) for i in range(len(htoe)) ]) # Take diff. and convert to arcsec nieuw = nieuw / 2 / np.pi * 360 * 3600 plt.hist(nieuw, bins=20) plt.title('RA+DEC Old-New Error (horizontal_to_equatorial)') plt.xlabel('Error (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('Counts') return
def plot_angles(data): """Make azimuth and zenith plots to compare the results""" rec501 = data.get_node('/hisparc/cluster_amsterdam/station_501', 'reconstructions') rec510 = data.get_node('/hisparc/cluster_amsterdam/station_510', 'reconstructions') zen501 = rec501.col('zenith') zen510 = rec510.col('zenith') azi501 = rec501.col('azimuth') azi510 = rec510.col('azimuth') minn501 = rec501.col('min_n') minn510 = rec510.col('min_n') sigmas = [] blas = [] minns = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24] high_zenith = (zen501 > .2) & (zen510 > .2) for minn in minns: filter = (minn501 > minn) & (minn510 > minn) length = len(azi501.compress(high_zenith & filter)) shifts501 = np.random.normal(0, .06, length) shifts510 = np.random.normal(0, .06, length) azicounts, x, y = np.histogram2d( azi501.compress(high_zenith & filter) + shifts501, azi510.compress(high_zenith & filter) + shifts510, bins=np.linspace(-pi, pi, 73)) plota = Plot() plota.histogram2d(azicounts, degrees(x), degrees(y), type='reverse_bw', bitmap=True) # plota.set_title('Reconstructed azimuths for events in coincidence (zenith gt .2 rad)') plota.set_xlabel(r'$\phi_{501}$ [\si{\degree}]') plota.set_ylabel(r'$\phi_{510}$ [\si{\degree}]') plota.set_xticks([-180, -90, 0, 90, 180]) plota.set_yticks([-180, -90, 0, 90, 180]) plota.save_as_pdf('azimuth_501_510_minn%d' % minn) length = len(zen501.compress(filter)) shifts501 = np.random.normal(0, .04, length) shifts510 = np.random.normal(0, .04, length) zencounts, x, y = np.histogram2d(zen501.compress(filter) + shifts501, zen510.compress(filter) + shifts510, bins=np.linspace(0, pi / 3., 41)) plotz = Plot() plotz.histogram2d(zencounts, degrees(x), degrees(y), type='reverse_bw', bitmap=True) # plotz.set_title('Reconstructed zeniths for station events in coincidence') plotz.set_xlabel(r'$\theta_{501}$ [\si{\degree}]') plotz.set_ylabel(r'$\theta_{510}$ [\si{\degree}]') plotz.set_xticks([0, 15, 30, 45, 60]) plotz.set_yticks([0, 15, 30, 45, 60]) plotz.save_as_pdf('zenith_501_510_minn%d' % minn) distances = angle_between(zen501.compress(filter), azi501.compress(filter), zen510.compress(filter), azi510.compress(filter)) counts, bins = np.histogram(distances, bins=linspace(0, pi, 100)) plotd = Plot() plotd.histogram(counts, degrees(bins)) sigma = degrees(percentile(distances[isfinite(distances)], 68)) sigmas.append(sigma) bla = degrees(percentile(distances[isfinite(distances)], 95)) blas.append(bla) plotd.set_label(r'67\%% within \SI{%.1f}{\degree}' % sigma) # plotd.set_title('Distance between reconstructed angles for station events') plotd.set_xlabel(r'Angle between reconstructions [\si{\degree}]') plotd.set_ylabel('Counts') plotd.set_xlimits(min=0, max=90) plotd.set_ylimits(min=0) plotd.save_as_pdf('angle_between_501_510_minn%d' % minn) plot = Plot() plot.plot(minns, sigmas, mark='*') plot.plot(minns, blas) plot.set_ylimits(min=0, max=40) plot.set_xlabel('Minimum number of particles in each station') plot.set_ylabel(r'Angle between reconstructions [\si{\degree}]') plot.save_as_pdf('angle_between_501_510_v_minn')
def plot_angles(data): """Make azimuth and zenith plots to compare the results""" rec = data.root.reconstructions zenhis = rec.col('reconstructed_theta') zenkas = rec.col('reference_theta') azihis = rec.col('reconstructed_phi') azikas = rec.col('reference_phi') min_n = rec.col('min_n134') high_zenith = (zenhis > .2) & (zenkas > .2) for minn in [0, 1, 2, 4]: filter = (min_n > minn) azicounts, x, y = np.histogram2d(azihis.compress(high_zenith & filter), azikas.compress(high_zenith & filter), bins=np.linspace(-pi, pi, 73)) plota = Plot() plota.histogram2d(azicounts, degrees(x), degrees(y), type='reverse_bw', bitmap=True) # plota.set_title('Reconstructed azimuths for events in coincidence (zenith gt .2 rad)') plota.set_xlabel(r'$\phi_\textrm{HiSPARC}$ [\si{\degree}]') plota.set_ylabel(r'$\phi_\textrm{KASCADE}$ [\si{\degree}]') plota.set_xticks([-180, -90, 0, 90, 180]) plota.set_yticks([-180, -90, 0, 90, 180]) plota.save_as_pdf('azimuth_his_kas_minn%d' % minn) zencounts, x, y = np.histogram2d(zenhis.compress(filter), zenkas.compress(filter), bins=np.linspace(0, pi / 3., 41)) plotz = Plot() plotz.histogram2d(zencounts, degrees(x), degrees(y), type='reverse_bw', bitmap=True) # plotz.set_title('Reconstructed zeniths for station events in coincidence') plotz.set_xlabel(r'$\theta_\textrm{HiSPARC}$ [\si{\degree}]') plotz.set_ylabel(r'$\theta_\textrm{KASCADE}$ [\si{\degree}]') plotz.set_xticks([0, 15, 30, 45, 60]) plotz.set_yticks([0, 15, 30, 45, 60]) plotz.save_as_pdf('zenith_his_kas_minn%d' % minn) distances = angle_between(zenhis.compress(filter), azihis.compress(filter), zenkas.compress(filter), azikas.compress(filter)) counts, bins = np.histogram(distances, bins=linspace(0, pi, 100)) plotd = Plot() plotd.histogram(counts, degrees(bins)) sigma = degrees(scoreatpercentile(distances, 67)) plotd.set_title(r'$N_\textrm{MIP} \geq %d$' % minn) plotd.set_label(r'67\%% within \SI{%.1f}{\degree}' % sigma) # plotd.set_title('Distance between reconstructed angles for station events') plotd.set_xlabel('Angle between reconstructions [\si{\degree}]') plotd.set_ylabel('Counts') plotd.set_xlimits(min=0, max=90) plotd.set_ylimits(min=0) plotd.save_as_pdf('angle_between_his_kas_minn%d' % minn)