예제 #1
def get_runs() -> Response:
    This list should be provided in a stable ordering. (The actual ordering is
    implementation dependent.) When paging through the list, the client should
    not make assumptions about live updates, but should assume the contents of
    the list reflect the workflow list at the moment that the first page is
    requested. To monitor a specific workflow run, use GetRunStatus or
    if current_app.config["GET_RUNS"] is False:
        abort(403, "This endpoint `GET /runs` is unavailable because the "
              "service provider didn't allow the request to this endpoint "
              "when sapporo was started.")

    res_body: RunListResponse = {
        "runs": [],
        "next_page_token": ""
    for run_id in get_all_run_ids():
            "run_id": run_id,
            "state": get_state(run_id).name  # type: ignore
    response: Response = jsonify(res_body)
    response.status_code = GET_STATUS_CODE

    return response
예제 #2
def get_run_log(run_id: str) -> RunLog:
    run_log: RunLog = {
        "run_id": run_id,
        "request": read_file(run_id, "run_request"),
        "state": get_state(run_id).name,  # type: ignore
        "run_log": get_log(run_id),
        "task_logs": read_file(run_id, "task_logs"),
        "outputs": read_file(run_id, "outputs")

    return run_log
예제 #3
def get_runs_id_status(run_id: str) -> Response:
    This provides an abbreviated (and likely fast depending on implementation)
    status of the running workflow, returning a simple result with the overall
    state of the workflow run (e.g. RUNNING, see the State section).
    res_body: RunStatus = {
        "run_id": run_id,
        "state": get_state(run_id).name  # type: ignore
    response: Response = jsonify(res_body)
    response.status_code = GET_STATUS_CODE

    return response
예제 #4
def cancel_run(run_id: str) -> None:
    state: State = get_state(run_id)
    if state == State.RUNNING:
        write_file(run_id, "state", State.CANCELING.name)
        pid: int = int(read_file(run_id, "pid"))
        os.kill(pid, signal.SIGUSR1)