def __init__(self, alphaStepSize=1e-4, **kwargs): SARSA.__init__(self, alphaStepSize=1e-4, **kwargs) self.numFeatures = self.numRays + 1 self.initializeWeights() self.resetElibilityTraces() grid = np.arange(0, self.numRays) self.plotGrid = grid - np.mean(grid)
def evaluate(env, config, q_table, episode, render=False, output=True): """ Evaluate configuration of SARSA on given environment initialised with given Q-table :param env (gym.Env): environment to execute evaluation on :param config (Dict[str, float]): configuration dictionary containing hyperparameters :param q_table (Dict[(Obs, Act), float]): Q-table mapping observation-action to Q-values :param episode (int): episodes of training completed :param render (bool): flag whether evaluation runs should be rendered :param output (bool): flag whether mean evaluation performance should be printed :return (float, float): mean and standard deviation of reward received over episodes """ eval_agent = SARSA( num_acts=env.action_space.n, gamma=config["gamma"], epsilon=0.0, alpha=config["alpha"], ) eval_agent.q_table = q_table episodic_rewards = [] for eps_num in range(config["eval_episodes"]): obs = env.reset() if render: env.render() sleep(1) episodic_reward = 0 done = False steps = 0 while not done and steps <= config["max_episode_steps"]: steps += 1 act = eval_agent.act(obs) n_obs, reward, done, info = env.step(act) if render: env.render() sleep(1) episodic_reward += reward obs = n_obs episodic_rewards.append(episodic_reward) mean_reward = np.mean(episodic_rewards) std_reward = np.std(episodic_rewards) if output: print( f"EVALUATION ({episode}/{CONFIG['total_eps']}): MEAN REWARD OF {mean_reward}" ) if mean_reward >= 0.9: print(f"EVALUATION: SOLVED") else: print(f"EVALUATION: NOT SOLVED!") return mean_reward, std_reward
def __init__(self, numInnerBins=4, numOuterBins=4, binCutoff=0.5, alphaStepSize=0.2, useQLearningUpdate= False, **kwargs): SARSA.__init__(self, alphaStepSize=0.2, **kwargs) self.numInnerBins=numInnerBins self.numOuterBins=numOuterBins self.numBins=numInnerBins + numOuterBins self.binCutoff=binCutoff self.useQLearningUpdate = useQLearningUpdate self.initializeQValues() self.initializeBinData() self.resetElibilityTraces() self.eligibilityTraceThreshold = 0.1
def __init__(self, numInnerBins=4, numOuterBins=4, binCutoff=0.5, alphaStepSize=0.2, forceDriveStraight=False, useQLearningUpdate= False, **kwargs): SARSA.__init__(self, alphaStepSize=0.2, **kwargs) self.numInnerBins=numInnerBins self.numOuterBins=numOuterBins self.numBins=numInnerBins + numOuterBins self.binCutoff=binCutoff self.useQLearningUpdate = useQLearningUpdate self.forceDriveStraight = forceDriveStraight self.initializeQValues() self.initializeBinData() self.resetElibilityTraces() self.eligibilityTraceThreshold = 0.1
def main(): nProcess = multi.cpu_count() name = ["MCSteps", "SSteps", "Qsteps"]# Change this! algQs=list() algrews=list() steps = [250000] * 4 for i, agent in enumerate([MonteCarlo(env_in=EZ21()), SARSA(env_in=EZ21()), QLearn(env_in=EZ21())]): print(name[i]) Qs = list() algrews.append([]) run_sum = 0 for eps in steps: run_sum += eps print(run_sum) agent.n = eps agent.iter_opt() Qs.append(deepcopy(agent.Q)) with multi.Pool(nProcess) as pool: algrews.append(, algQs[i])) with open(name[i] + "_algQs", 'wb') as myfile: pickle.dump(algQs, myfile) with open(name[i] + "_algrews", 'wb') as myfile: pickle.dump(algrews, myfile) return
def __init__(self): self.ball = Ball() self.paddle = Paddle() self.agent = QLearning(10, 0.7, 0.05) self.sarsa_agent = SARSA(10, 0.7, 0.05) self.state = (self.ball.x, self.ball.y, self.ball.velocity_x, self.ball.velocity_y, self.paddle.y) self.score = 0 self.reward = 0 self.game_number = 0 self.scores = [] self.finished_training = False self.finished_testing = False self.is_active = True self.previous_state = None self.previous_action = None self.training_stats = [] self.test_stats = []
def evaluate(env, config, q_table, render=False): """ Evaluate configuration of SARSA on given environment initialised with given Q-table :param env (gym.Env): environment to execute evaluation on :param config (Dict[str, float]): configuration dictionary containing hyperparameters :param q_table (Dict[(Obs, Act), float]): Q-table mapping observation-action to Q-values :param render (bool): flag whether evaluation runs should be rendered :return (float, float, int): mean and standard deviation of return received over episodes, number of negative returns """ eval_agent = SARSA( num_acts=env.action_space.n, gamma=config["gamma"], epsilon=0.0, alpha=config["alpha"], ) eval_agent.q_table = q_table episodic_returns = [] for eps_num in range(config["eval_episodes"]): obs = env.reset() if render: env.render() sleep(1) episodic_return = 0 done = False steps = 0 while not done and steps <= config["max_episode_steps"]: steps += 1 act = eval_agent.act(obs) n_obs, reward, done, info = env.step(act) if render: env.render() sleep(1) episodic_return += reward obs = n_obs episodic_returns.append(episodic_return) mean_return = np.mean(episodic_returns) std_return = np.std(episodic_returns) negative_returns = sum([ret < 0 for ret in episodic_returns]) return mean_return, std_return, negative_returns
def main(): total_episodes = 500 N = 20 gamma = 0.9 epsilon = 0.999 decay = 0.99 alpha = 0.5 _dungeon = Dungeon(N) no_actions = 4 no_states = N * N q_values = np.zeros((no_states, no_actions)) state_position_dict = { i * N + j: (i, j) for i in range(N) for j in range(N) } position_state_dict = {v: k for k, v in state_position_dict.items()} no_of_steps = [] epsilons = [] for _ep in range(total_episodes): no_steps = 0 _ = _dungeon.reset() sarsa = SARSA(_dungeon, epsilon, decay, alpha, gamma, q_values) position_agent = _dungeon.position_agent s_current = position_state_dict[position_agent[0], position_agent[1]] position_exit = _dungeon.position_exit s_exit = position_state_dict[position_exit[0], position_exit[1]] if s_current == s_exit: continue a_next = sarsa( s_current, sarsa.q_values ) # gets the action from the policy (see __call__ method) while s_current != s_exit: no_steps += 1 _, r_next, _ = _dungeon.step(a_next) position_agent = _dungeon.position_agent s_next = position_state_dict[position_agent[0], position_agent[1]] a_next_next = sarsa( s_next, sarsa.q_values ) # gets the action from the policy (see __call__ method) sarsa.update_values(s_current, a_next, r_next, s_next, a_next_next) s_current = s_next a_next = a_next_next q_values = sarsa.q_values print("For episode " + str(_ep + 1) + " the number of steps were " + str(no_steps) + " with epsilon " + str(sarsa.epsilon)) no_of_steps.append(no_steps) epsilons.append(sarsa.epsilon) epsilon = sarsa.update_epsilon() print("Cell Q values") for i in range(N * N): print(i + 1, " ", q_values[i]) sarsa.display_values(no_of_steps, epsilons)
def main(): print('New agent online!') print('..... Initializing learning algorithm: SARSA') ACTIONS = [MOVE, SHOOT, PASS_CLOSE, PASS_FAR, DRIBBLE] SARSA = SARSA(ACTIONS) print('..... Initializing discretization with CMAC') CMAC = CMAC(1,0.5,0.1) print('..... Loading HFO environment') hfo = HFOEnvironment() print('..... Connecting to HFO server') hfo.connectToServer(HIGH_LEVEL_FEATURE_SET, 'bin/teams/base/config/formations-dt', 6000, 'localhost', 'base_left', False) print('..... Start training') for episode in itertools.count(): print('..... Starting episode %d' % episode) status = IN_GAME step = 0 while status == IN_GAME: step += 1 old_status = status # Get the vector of state features for the current state features = hfo.getState() state = transformFeatures(features) print('State: %s' % str(state)) action = select_action(state) hfo.act(action) #print('Action: %s' % str(action)) # Advance the environment and get the game status status = hfo.step() #print('Status: %s' % str(status)) print('.......... Step %d: %s - %s - %s' % (step, str(old_status), str(action), str(status))) # Check the outcome of the episode print('..... Episode ended with %s'% hfo.statusToString(status)) # Quit if the server goes down if status == SERVER_DOWN: hfo.act(QUIT) break
notrl_tot_steps = 0 notrl_returns = [] notrl_steps = [] # create grid-world instance canyon = True grid = GridWorld(4, canyon) grid.make_maps() possible_actions = grid.possible_actions world = grid.list_of_maps.reverse() # Direct learning on final grid print("Direct learning on final grid") sarsa = SARSA(grid.final_grid, possible_actions, world) Q, returns, episodes, steps = do_task(sarsa, grid, len(grid.list_of_maps) - 1) notrl_returns.append(returns) notrl_steps.append(steps) notrl_tot_steps += steps[-1] print("-" * 80) # Incremental transfer learning if canyon: canyon_str = "(CANYON)" else: canyon_str = "(NO CANYON)" print("Incremental transfer learning", canyon_str) Q = None for task, current_map in enumerate(grid.list_of_maps):
if (arg == "default"): wG = WindyGridworld() graphTitle = "SARSA for regular Windy Gridworld" elif (arg == "kings"): wG = WindyGridworldK() graphTitle = "SARSA for Windy Gridworld with King's moves" elif (arg == "stochastic"): wG = WindyGridworldS() graphTitle = "SARSA for Windy Gridworld with Stochasticity" else: print("Incorrect argument") exit() numStates = wG.getNumStates() numActions = wG.getNumActions() discount = wG.getDiscount() transitions = wG.getTransition() start = wG.getStartState() end = wG.getEndState() numEpisodes = 200 yMean = np.zeros((numEpisodes, )) seedvals = [30, 46, 73, 92, 29, 65, 8, 50, 11, 81] for seedval in seedvals: x, y = SARSA(seedval, transitions, numStates, numActions, discount, start, end, numEpisodes) yMean += y yMean /= len(seedvals) plt.plot(yMean, x) plt.xlabel("Time Steps") plt.ylabel("Episodes") plt.title(graphTitle)
choices=['qlearn', 'sarsa', 'esarsa'], default='qlearn') parser = ArgumentParser() algo_args(parser) args = parser.parse_args() for eps in [0.05, 0.2]: fname = '{}-{}.csv'.format(args.algo, eps) fpath = os.path.join("exps", fname) with open(fpath, "w+") as fp: total_rewards = 0 options = { "qlearn": lambda: QLearn(eps=eps), "sarsa": lambda: SARSA(eps=eps), "esarsa": lambda: ExpectedSARSA(eps=eps) } algo = options.get(args.algo)() for episode in range(10000): grid = GridWorld() agent = Agent() s = agent.position() actions = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, -1)] a = random.choice(actions) episode_reward = 0 def step(s, a): s_ = grid.move(s, a) agent.position(s_)
import pandas as pd from decimal import Decimal from sarsa import SARSA from q_learn import QLearn from matplotlib.lines import Line2D with open(r'C:\Source_files\Python\Pantry\MCQs', "rb") as f: MQs = pickle.load(f) with open(r'C:\Source_files\Python\Pantry\SARSA_Qs', "rb") as f: SARSAQs = pickle.load(f) with open(r'C:\Source_files\Python\BBB\QLong_Qs', "rb") as f: QLearnQs = pickle.load(f) Qs = zip(MQs, SARSAQs, QLearnQs) MC = MonteCarlo(env_in=EZ21()) SRS = SARSA(env_in=EZ21()) QL = QLearn(env_in=EZ21()) MCrews = list() SARSArews = list() QRews = list() for j, (M, S, L) in enumerate(Qs): if j >= 50: break print(j) MCrews.append([]) SARSArews.append([]) QRews.append([]) MC.reset(Q_in=M) SRS.reset(Q_in=S) QL.reset(Q_in=L) for i in range(50000):
# create grid-world instance grid = GridWorld() grid.make_maps() # Change index to get different maps 0-4 current_map = grid.list_of_maps[0] if not current_map: print("Map index is out of range.") sys.exit() possible_actions = grid.possible_actions x_lim, y_lim = grid.x_lim, grid.y_lim # creates SARSA instance sarsa = SARSA(current_map, possible_actions, x_lim, y_lim) # initialize algorithm parameters old_mean = 0 delta = 0.000001 steps = 0 state = grid.reset_state() print("Started at ", state) for episode in range(nEp): action = sarsa.epsilon_greedy_random_action(state) for step in itertools.count(): new_state, reward = sarsa.take_step(state, action) new_action = sarsa.epsilon_greedy_random_action(new_state) sarsa.update_Q(state, action, new_state, new_action, reward)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Jan 17 02:52:37 2019 @author: thoma """ from sarsa import SARSA import gym import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np write_path = '../../data/data_long_sarsa.txt' T = 1000 nb_episodes = 500 env = gym.make('MountainCar-v0') agent = SARSA(env, T) lengths = -np.asarray(agent.learn(nb_episodes)) agent.generate_trajectory_file(200, write_path) plt.plot( np.arange(len(lengths))[::5], np.convolve(lengths, np.ones(5, ) / 5, mode='same')[::5])
class Game: def __init__(self): self.ball = Ball() self.paddle = Paddle() self.agent = QLearning(10, 0.7, 0.05) self.sarsa_agent = SARSA(10, 0.7, 0.05) self.state = (self.ball.x, self.ball.y, self.ball.velocity_x, self.ball.velocity_y, self.paddle.y) self.score = 0 self.reward = 0 self.game_number = 0 self.scores = [] self.finished_training = False self.finished_testing = False self.is_active = True self.previous_state = None self.previous_action = None self.training_stats = [] self.test_stats = [] def discretize_state(self): if self.is_active == False: return (-1,-1,-1,-1,-1) if self.ball.velocity_x > 0: discrete_velocity_x = 1 else: discrete_velocity_x = -1 if self.ball.velocity_y >= 0.015: discrete_velocity_y = 1 elif self.ball.velocity_y <= -0.015: discrete_velocity_y = -1 else: discrete_velocity_y = 0 discrete_paddle = min(11, int(math.floor(12 * self.paddle.y/(1 - self.paddle.height)))) discrete_ball_x = min(11, int(math.floor(12 * self.ball.x))) discrete_ball_y = min(11, int(math.floor(12 * self.ball.y))) return (discrete_ball_x, discrete_ball_y, discrete_velocity_x, discrete_velocity_y, discrete_paddle) def end_game(self): if len(self.scores) == 1000: self.scores = self.scores[1:] self.scores.append(self.score) self.score = 0 self.game_number += 1 self.is_active = False if self.game_number%1000 == 0: average = float(sum(self.scores))/1000.0 print(self.game_number, average) self.training_stats.append((self.game_number, average)) if self.game_number == 20000: self.finished_training = True def end_test_game(self): self.test_stats.append((self.game_number, self.score)) self.game_number += 1 self.score = 0 self.is_active = False if self.game_number == 200: self.finished_testing = True def check_terminal_state(self, mode): if self.ball.x > self.paddle.x: if self.ball.y > self.paddle.y and self.ball.y < self.paddle.y + self.paddle.height: self.ball.hit_paddle() self.score += 1 return True else: if mode == 'test': self.end_test_game() return False else: self.end_game() return False else: return False def update_q(self): hit_paddle = self.check_terminal_state('train') discrete_state = self.discretize_state() if self.is_active == False: self.reward = -1.0 if self.previous_state is not None: self.agent.learn(self.previous_state, self.previous_action, self.reward, discrete_state) self.previous_state = None self.ball = Ball() self.paddle = Paddle() self.is_active = True return if hit_paddle is True: self.reward = 1.0 if self.previous_state != None: self.agent.learn(self.previous_state, self.previous_action, self.reward, discrete_state) new_state = self.discretize_state() new_action = self.agent.choose_action(new_state) self.previous_state = new_state self.previous_action = new_action self.paddle.update(new_action) self.ball.update() self.reward = 0.0 def update_sarsa(self): hit_paddle = self.check_terminal_state('train') discrete_state = self.discretize_state() action = self.sarsa_agent.choose_action(discrete_state) if self.is_active == False: self.reward = -1.0 if self.previous_state is not None: self.sarsa_agent.learn(self.previous_state, self.previous_action, self.reward, discrete_state, action) self.previous_state = None self.ball = Ball() self.paddle = Paddle() self.is_active = True return if hit_paddle is True: self.reward = 1.0 if self.previous_state != None: self.sarsa_agent.learn(self.previous_state, self.previous_action, self.reward, discrete_state, action) new_state = self.discretize_state() new_action = self.sarsa_agent.choose_action(new_state) self.previous_state = new_state self.previous_action = new_action self.paddle.update(new_action) self.ball.update() self.reward = 0.0 def update_test_q(self): hit_paddle = self.check_terminal_state('test') discrete_state = self.discretize_state() if self.is_active == False: self.ball = Ball() self.paddle = Paddle() self.is_active = True return new_state = self.discretize_state() new_action = self.agent.choose_action(new_state) self.paddle.update(new_action) self.ball.update() def update_test_sarsa(self): hit_paddle = self.check_terminal_state('test') discrete_state = self.discretize_state() if self.is_active == False: self.ball = Ball() self.paddle = Paddle() self.is_active = True return new_state = self.discretize_state() new_action = self.sarsa_agent.choose_action(new_state) self.paddle.update(new_action) self.ball.update() def init_nagent(self, W, B, normalize): self.nagent = nnet_agent.NAgent(W, B, normalize) def update_test_nagent(self): hit_paddle = self.check_terminal_state('test') if self.is_active == False: self.ball = Ball() self.paddle = Paddle() self.is_active = True return new_state = (self.ball.x, self.ball.y, self.ball.velocity_x, self.ball.velocity_y, self.paddle.y) new_action = self.nagent.choose_action(new_state) # print(new_action) self.paddle.update(new_action) self.ball.update() self.state = (self.ball.x, self.ball.y, self.ball.velocity_x, self.ball.velocity_y, self.paddle.y)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Apr 17 15:21:28 2018 @author: Shiratori """ import graphics as gfx import pong_model as pm from sarsa import SARSA if __name__ == '__main__': # Set up environment environment = pm.PongModel(0.5, 0.5, 0.03, 0.01, 0.4, paddleX=1) window = gfx.GFX(wall_x=0, player_x=1) window.fps = 9e16 # Set up model model = SARSA(environment, window, alpha=0.5, gamma=0.99, explore=-1, threshold=-1, log=True, log_file='test_sarsa_log.txt', mode='test') # Training model.train()
def On_Pol(cnstnts=(None, None)): if "1" in multi.current_process().name: print(('%s began working' % multi.current_process().name)) agent = SARSA(env_in=EZ21(), n_in=80000, cnst_par=cnstnts) return agent.iter_opt(), agent.Q
def train(env, config, output=True): """ Train and evaluate SARSA on given environment with provided hyperparameters :param env (gym.Env): environment to execute evaluation on :param config (Dict[str, float]): configuration dictionary containing hyperparameters :param output (bool): flag if mean evaluation results should be printed :return (float, List[float], List[float], Dict[(Obs, Act), float]): total reward over all episodes, list of means and standard deviations of evaluation rewards, final Q-table """ agent = SARSA( num_acts=env.action_space.n, gamma=config["gamma"], epsilon=config["epsilon"], alpha=config["alpha"], ) step_counter = 0 # 100 as estimate of max steps to take in an episode max_steps = config["total_eps"] * config["max_episode_steps"] total_reward = 0 evaluation_reward_means = [] evaluation_reward_stds = [] evaluation_epsilons = [] for eps_num in range(config["total_eps"]): obs = env.reset() episodic_reward = 0 steps = 0 done = False # take first action act = agent.act(obs) while not done and steps < config["max_episode_steps"]: n_obs, reward, done, info = env.step(act) step_counter += 1 episodic_reward += reward agent.schedule_hyperparameters(step_counter, max_steps) n_act = agent.act(n_obs) agent.learn(obs, act, reward, n_obs, n_act, done) obs = n_obs act = n_act total_reward += episodic_reward if eps_num > 0 and eps_num % config["eval_freq"] == 0: mean_reward, std_reward = evaluate(env, config, agent.q_table, eps_num, render=RENDER, output=output) evaluation_reward_means.append(mean_reward) evaluation_reward_stds.append(std_reward) evaluation_epsilons.append(agent.epsilon) return total_reward, evaluation_reward_means, evaluation_reward_stds, evaluation_epsilons, agent.q_table
from Qlearning import Qlearning from sarsa import SARSA if __name__ == "__main__": '''method = 0 if method==0: model = np.load('qlearning_1_1.npz') env = CatAndMouseEnv(mode_obstacle=model['mode_obstacle'],mode_mouse=model['mode_mouse'],map=model['map'],mouse=model['mouse']) q = Qlearning(mode_obstacle=model['mode_obstacle'],mode_mouse=model['mode_mouse'],map=model['map'],Q=model['Q'],mouse=model['mouse']) else: model = np.load('sarsa_1_1.npz') env = CatAndMouseEnv(mode_obstacle=model['mode_obstacle'],mode_mouse=model['mode_mouse'],map=model['map'],mouse=model['mouse']) q = SARSA(mode_obstacle=model['mode_obstacle'],mode_mouse=model['mode_mouse'],map=model['map'],Q=model['Q'],mouse=model['mouse']) q.visualization() print(model['map']) print(model['Q']) print(model['mode_obstacle']) print(model['mode_mouse'])''' method = 0 if method == 0: model = np.load('qlearning_1_1.npz') q = Qlearning(8, 8, mode_obstacle=1, mode_mouse=1, Q=model['Q']) else: model = np.load('sarsa_1_1.npz') q = SARSA(8, 8, mode_obstacle=1, mode_mouse=1, Q=model['Q']) q.visualization() q.test() print("env closed")
def train(env, config, output=True): """ Train and evaluate SARSA on given environment with provided hyperparameters :param env (gym.Env): environment to execute evaluation on :param config (Dict[str, float]): configuration dictionary containing hyperparameters :param output (bool): flag whether mean evaluation performance should be printed :return (List[float], List[float], List[float], Dict[(Obs, Act)]): list of means and standard deviations of evaluation returns, list of epislons, final Q-table """ agent = SARSA( num_acts=env.action_space.n, gamma=config["gamma"], epsilon=config["epsilon"], alpha=config["alpha"], ) step_counter = 0 # 100 as estimate of max steps to take in an episode max_steps = config["total_eps"] * config["max_episode_steps"] evaluation_return_means = [] evaluation_return_stds = [] evaluation_epsilons = [] for eps_num in range(config["total_eps"]): obs = env.reset() episodic_return = 0 steps = 0 done = False # take first action act = agent.act(obs) while not done and steps < config["max_episode_steps"]: n_obs, reward, done, info = env.step(act) step_counter += 1 episodic_return += reward agent.schedule_hyperparameters(step_counter, max_steps) n_act = agent.act(n_obs) agent.learn(obs, act, reward, n_obs, n_act, done) obs = n_obs act = n_act if eps_num % config["eval_freq"] == 0: mean_return, std_return, negative_returns = evaluate( env, config, agent.q_table, render=RENDER, ) if output: print( f"EVALUATION: EP {eps_num} - MEAN RETURN {mean_return} +/- {std_return} ({negative_returns}/{config['eval_episodes']} failed episodes)" ) evaluation_return_means.append(mean_return) evaluation_return_stds.append(std_return) evaluation_epsilons.append(agent.epsilon) return evaluation_return_means, evaluation_return_stds, evaluation_epsilons, agent.q_table