예제 #1
def gen_docs(model_info):
    # type: (ModelInfo) -> None
    Generate the doc string with the figure inserted before the references.

    # Load the doc string from the module definition file and store it in rst
    docstr = generate.make_doc(model_info)

    # Auto caption for figure
    captionstr = '\n'
    captionstr += '.. figure:: img/' + figfile(model_info) + '\n'
    captionstr += '\n'
    if model_info.parameters.has_2d:
        captionstr += '    1D and 2D plots corresponding to the default parameters of the model.\n'
        captionstr += '    1D plot corresponding to the default parameters of the model.\n'
    captionstr += '\n'

    # Add figure reference and caption to documentation (at end, before References)
    pattern = '\*\*REFERENCE'
    match = re.search(pattern, docstr.upper())

    if match:
        docstr1 = docstr[:match.start()]
        docstr2 = docstr[match.start():]
        docstr = docstr1 + captionstr + docstr2
        print('References NOT FOUND for model: ', model_info.id)
        docstr += captionstr

예제 #2
def gen_docs(model_info, outfile):
    # type: (ModelInfo, str) -> None
    Generate the doc string with the figure inserted before the references.
    # Load the doc string from the module definition file and store it in rst
    docstr = generate.make_doc(model_info)

    # Auto caption for figure
    captionstr = '\n'
    captionstr += '.. figure:: img/' + figfile(model_info) + '\n'
    captionstr += '\n'
    if model_info.parameters.has_2d:
        captionstr += '    1D and 2D plots corresponding to the default parameters of the model.\n'
        captionstr += '    1D plot corresponding to the default parameters of the model.\n'
    captionstr += '\n'

    # Add figure reference and caption to documentation (at end, before References)
    pattern = r'\*\*REFERENCE'
    match = re.search(pattern, docstr.upper())

    sources = link_sources(model_info)

    insertion = captionstr + sources

    if match:
        docstr1 = docstr[:match.start()]
        docstr2 = docstr[match.start():]
        docstr = docstr1 + insertion + docstr2
        print('References NOT FOUND for model: ', model_info.id)
        docstr += insertion

    with open(outfile, 'w') as fid:
예제 #3
import sys, os, math, re
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pylab
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..'))
from sasmodels import generate, core
from sasmodels.direct_model import DirectModel
from sasmodels.data import empty_data1D, empty_data2D

# Convert ../sasmodels/models/name.py to name
model_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[1])[:-3]
model_info = core.load_model_info(model_name)
model = core.build_model(model_info)

# Load the doc string from the module definition file and store it in rst
docstr = generate.make_doc(model_info)

# Calculate 1D curve for default parameters
pars = dict((p.name, p.default) for p in model_info['parameters'])

# Plotting ranges and options
opts = {
    'xscale': 'log',
    'yscale': 'log' if not model_info['structure_factor'] else 'linear',
    'zscale': 'log' if not model_info['structure_factor'] else 'linear',
    'q_min': 0.001,
    'q_max': 1.0,
    'nq': 1000,
    'nq2d': 1000,
    'vmin': 1e-3,  # floor for the 2D data results
    'qx_max': 0.5,