예제 #1
def clockLeastSquares_ranges(eph, pranges, itow, ref_pos, last_clock_error, weights=None):
    '''estimate ECEF position of receiver via least squares fit to satellite positions and pseudo-ranges
    The weights dictionary is optional. If supplied, it is the weighting from 0 to 1 for each satellite.
    A weight of 1 means it has more influence on the solution
    import scipy
    from scipy import optimize
    data = [ref_pos]

    for svid in pranges:
        if svid in eph:
            if weights is not None:
                weight = weights[svid]
                weight = 1.0

            tof = pranges[svid] / util.speedOfLight
            transmitTime = itow - tof
            satpos = satPosition.satPosition_raw(eph[svid], svid, transmitTime)

            data.append((satpos, pranges[svid], weight))

    if len(data) < 4:

    p1, ier = optimize.leastsq(clockErrorFunction, [last_clock_error], args=(data))
    if not ier in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
        raise RuntimeError("Unable to find solution")

    return p1[0]
예제 #2
def clockLeastSquares_ranges(eph, pranges, itow, ref_pos, last_clock_error, weights=None):
    """estimate ECEF position of receiver via least squares fit to satellite positions and pseudo-ranges
    The weights dictionary is optional. If supplied, it is the weighting from 0 to 1 for each satellite.
    A weight of 1 means it has more influence on the solution
    from scipy import optimize
    data = [ref_pos]

    for svid in pranges:
        if svid in eph:
            if weights is not None:
                weight = weights[svid]
                weight = 1.0

            tof = pranges[svid] / util.speedOfLight
            transmitTime = itow - tof
            satpos = satPosition.satPosition_raw(eph[svid], svid, transmitTime)

            data.append((satpos, pranges[svid], weight))

    if len(data) < 4:

    p1, ier = optimize.leastsq(clockErrorFunction, [last_clock_error], args=(data))
    if not ier in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
        raise RuntimeError("Unable to find solution")

    return p1[0]
예제 #3
def regen_v2_type1():

    if ref_pos is None:

    errset = {}
    for svid in prs:

        if svid not in eph:
            #print("Don't have ephemeris for {}, only {}".format(svid, eph.keys()))

        toc = eph[svid].toc
        tof = prs[svid] / util.speedOfLight

        # assume the time_of_week is the exact receiver time of week that the message arrived.
        # subtract the time of flight to get the satellite transmit time
        transmitTime = itow - tof
        T = util.correctWeeklyTime(transmitTime - toc)

        satpos = satPosition.satPosition_raw(eph[svid], svid, transmitTime)
        Trel = satpos.extra

        satPosition.correctPosition_raw(satpos, tof)

        geo = satpos.distance(util.PosVector(*ref_pos))
        dTclck = eph[svid].af0 + eph[svid].af1 * T + eph[svid].af2 * T * T + Trel - eph[svid].Tgd

        # Incoming PR is already corrected for receiver clock bias
        prAdjusted = prs[svid] + dTclck * util.speedOfLight

        errset[svid] = geo - prAdjusted

    save_satlog(itow, errset)

    iode = {}
    for svid in eph:
        iode[svid] = eph[svid].iode

    msg = rtcm.RTCMType1_ext(errset, itow, week, iode)
    if len(msg) > 0:
        return msg
예제 #4
    if msg.name() in [ 'AID_EPH', 'RXM_EPH' ]:
        eph[msg.svid] = ephemeris.EphemerisData(msg)
    elif msg.name() == 'RXM_RAW':
        if ourpos is None:

        t = msg.iTOW * 0.001

        for s in msg.recs:
            svid = s.sv
            if svid not in eph or svid > 32:

            satpos = satPosition.satPosition_raw(eph[svid], svid, t)
            if satpos is None:

            az, el = satPosition.calculateAzimuthElevation_raw(satpos, ourpos)

            if el > 5:
    elif msg.name() in ['NAV_SOL', 'NAV_POSECEF']:
        ourpos = util.PosVector(msg.ecefX * 0.01, msg.ecefY * 0.01, msg.ecefZ * 0.01)

예제 #5
def regen_v2_type1():

    if ref_pos is None:

    errset = {}
    pranges = {}
    for svid in prs:

        if svid not in eph:
            #print("Don't have ephemeris for {}, only {}".format(svid, eph.keys()))

        toc = eph[svid].toc
        tof = prs[svid] / util.speedOfLight

        # assume the time_of_week is the exact receiver time of week that the message arrived.
        # subtract the time of flight to get the satellite transmit time
        transmitTime = itow - tof

        T = util.correctWeeklyTime(transmitTime - toc)

        satpos = satPosition.satPosition_raw(eph[svid], svid, transmitTime)
        Trel = satpos.extra

        satPosition.correctPosition_raw(satpos, tof)

        geo = satpos.distance(util.PosVector(*ref_pos))

        dTclck = eph[svid].af0 + eph[svid].af1 * T + eph[
            svid].af2 * T * T + Trel - eph[svid].Tgd

        # Incoming PR is already corrected for receiver clock bias
        prAdjusted = prs[svid] + dTclck * util.speedOfLight

        errset[svid] = geo - prAdjusted
        pranges[svid] = prAdjusted

    save_satlog(itow, errset)

    if correct_rxclk:
        rxerr = positionEstimate.clockLeastSquares_ranges(
            eph, pranges, itow, ref_pos, 0)
        if rxerr is None:

        rxerr *= util.speedOfLight

        for svid in errset:
            errset[svid] += rxerr
            pranges[svid] += rxerr

        rxerr = positionEstimate.clockLeastSquares_ranges(
            eph, pranges, itow, ref_pos, 0) * util.speedOfLight

        print("Residual RX clock error {}".format(rxerr))

    iode = {}
    for svid in eph:
        iode[svid] = eph[svid].iode

    msg = rtcm.RTCMType1_ext(errset, itow, week, iode)
    if len(msg) > 0:
        return msg