def setUp(self): # clear out cache from previous runs caching.cache_delete() g = ConfigurationGroup("test3", "test3") self.g = g c1 = config_register(BooleanValue(g, "s1", default=True)) c2 = config_register(IntegerValue(g, "s2", default=10)) c2.update(100)
def setUp(self): # clear out cache from previous runs caching.cache_delete() g1 = ConfigurationGroup("req1", "Requirements 1", ordering=1000) self.g1 = g1 bool1 = config_register( BooleanValue(g1, "bool1", default=False, ordering=1)) bool2 = config_register(BooleanValue(g1, "bool2", ordering=2)) self.g1c1 = config_register( IntegerValue(g1, "c1", requires=bool1, ordering=3)) self.g1c2 = config_register( IntegerValue(g1, "c2", requires=bool2, ordering=4)) self.g1c3 = config_register(IntegerValue(g1, "c3", ordering=5)) bool2.update(True)
def config_tax(): TAX_MODULE = config_get("TAX", "MODULE") TAX_MODULE.add_choice(("", _("By Country/Area"))) TAX_GROUP = config_get_group("TAX") _tax_classes = [] ship_default = "" try: for tax in TaxClass.objects.all(): _tax_classes.append((tax.title, tax)) if "ship" in tax.title.lower(): ship_default = tax.title except: log.warn( "Ignoring database error retrieving tax classes - OK if you are in syncdb." ) if ship_default == "" and len(_tax_classes) > 0: ship_default = _tax_classes[0][0] config_register( BooleanValue( TAX_GROUP, "TAX_SHIPPING", description=_("Tax Shipping?"), requires=TAX_MODULE, requiresvalue="", default=False, )) config_register( StringValue( TAX_GROUP, "TAX_CLASS", description=_("TaxClass for shipping"), help_text=_( "Select a TaxClass that should be applied for shipments."), default=ship_default, choices=_tax_classes, ))
StringValue( PAYMENT_GROUP, "CRON_KEY", description=_("Cron Passkey"), help_text=_( "Enter an authentication passkey to secure your recurring billing cron url." ), default="x1234replace_me", ) ) ALLOW_URL_CRON = config_register( BooleanValue( PAYMENT_GROUP, "ALLOW_URL_REBILL", description=_("Allow URL Access to Cron for subscription rebills"), help_text=_("Do you want to allow remote url calls for subscription billing?"), default=False, ) ) PAYMENT_LIVE = config_register( BooleanValue( PAYMENT_GROUP, "LIVE", description=_("Accept real payments"), help_text=_( "False if you want to be in test mode. This is the master switch, turn it off to force all payments into test mode." ), default=False, )
) PAYMENT_MODULES = config_get("PAYMENT", "MODULES") PAYMENT_MODULES.add_choice(("PAYMENT_GIFTCERTIFICATE", "Gift Certificates")) PRODUCTS = config_get("PRODUCT", "PRODUCT_TYPES") PRODUCTS.add_choice(("giftcertificate::GiftCertificateProduct", _("Gift Certificate"))) PAYMENT_GROUP = ConfigurationGroup( "PAYMENT_GIFTCERTIFICATE", _("Gift Certificate Settings"), requires=PAYMENT_MODULES ) config_register_list( BooleanValue( PAYMENT_GROUP, "SSL", description=_("Use SSL for the checkout pages?"), default=False, ), StringValue( PAYMENT_GROUP, "CHARSET", description=_("Character Set"), default="BCDFGHKPRSTVWXYZbcdfghkprstvwxyz23456789", help_text=_( "The characters allowable in randomly-generated certficate codes. No vowels means no unfortunate words." ), ), StringValue( PAYMENT_GROUP, "KEY", description=_("Module key"),
from satchmo.configuration.functions import config_register from satchmo.configuration.values import ( StringValue, IntegerValue, BooleanValue, SHOP_GROUP, ) from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ config_register( BooleanValue( SHOP_GROUP, "AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED", description=_("Only authenticated users can check out"), help_text=_( "Users will be required to authenticate (and create an account if neccessary) before checkout." ), default=False, ) ) config_register( BooleanValue( SHOP_GROUP, "BILLING_DATA_OPTIONAL", description=_("Billing data is optional"), help_text=_( "Users will not be required to provide billing address and phone number. If authentication " "before checkout is required, this allows instant purchase (all required contact data will " "have already been provided in registration form). Otherwise be careful, as this may leave "
StringValue( TAX_GROUP, "MODULE", description=_("Active tax module"), help_text= _("Select a module, save and reload to set any module-specific settings." ), default="", choices=[("", _("No Tax"))], )) DEFAULT_VIEW_TAX = config_register( BooleanValue( TAX_GROUP, "DEFAULT_VIEW_TAX", description=_("Show with tax included"), help_text= _("If yes, then all products and the cart will display with tax included." ), default=False, )) # --- Load default tax modules. Ignore import errors, user may have deleted them. --- _default_modules = ("percent", "area") for module in _default_modules: try: load_module("" % module) except ImportError as ie: logger.debug("Could not load default tax module configuration: %s\n%s", module, ie) # --- Load any extra tax modules. ---
PAYMENT_MODULES = config_get("PAYMENT", "MODULES") PAYMENT_MODULES.add_choice(("PAYMENT_PAYPAL", _("Paypal Payment Settings"))) PAYMENT_GROUP = ConfigurationGroup( "PAYMENT_PAYPAL", _("Paypal Payment Settings"), requires=PAYMENT_MODULES, ordering=101, ) config_register_list( BooleanValue( PAYMENT_GROUP, "LIVE", description=_("Accept real payments"), help_text=_("False if you want to be in test mode"), default=False, ), StringValue(PAYMENT_GROUP, "WEBHOOK_ID", description=_("Live Webhook ID"), default="xxx"), StringValue( PAYMENT_GROUP, "SANDBOX_WEBHOOK_ID", description=_("Sandbox Webhook ID"), default="xxx", help_text=_("This is used for asynchronous callbacks"), ), StringValue(PAYMENT_GROUP,
requires=ACTIVE_FULILMENT_HOUSE, ordering=101, ) config_register_list( StringValue( FULILMENT_HOUSE, "API_KEY", description=_("API Key"), help_text=_("Client's API key, provided by fulfiller."), default="", ), BooleanValue( FULILMENT_HOUSE, "TEST_MODE", description=_("Test mode"), help_text=_( "Test identifier, must equal false for order to be processed."), default=True, ), StringValue( FULILMENT_HOUSE, "URL", description=_("API URL"), help_text=_("URL of fulfillers API."), default="https://[client]", ), BooleanValue( FULILMENT_HOUSE, "UPDATE_STOCK", description=_("Update Stock"), help_text=_(
config_register, ) from satchmo.configuration.values import DecimalValue, BooleanValue TAX_MODULE = config_get("TAX", "MODULE") TAX_MODULE.add_choice(("", _("Percent Tax"))) TAX_GROUP = config_get_group("TAX") config_register( DecimalValue( TAX_GROUP, "PERCENT", description=_("Percent tax"), requires=TAX_MODULE, requiresvalue="", ) ) config_register( BooleanValue( TAX_GROUP, "TAX_SHIPPING", description=_("Tax Shipping?"), requires=TAX_MODULE, requiresvalue="", default=False, ) )
MultipleStringValue, PositiveIntegerValue, SHOP_GROUP, StringValue, ) default_icon_url = urllib.parse.urlunsplit( ("file", "", os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "images/sample-logo.bmp"), "", "") ) # Shop Group RANDOM_FEATURED = config_register( BooleanValue( SHOP_GROUP, "RANDOM_FEATURED", description=_("Enable random display of featured products on home page"), default=False, ) ) NUMBER_FEATURED = config_register( PositiveIntegerValue( SHOP_GROUP, "NUM_DISPLAY", description=_("Total number of featured items to display"), default=20, ) ) NUMBER_PAGINATED = config_register( PositiveIntegerValue(
PAYMENT_GROUP, "PSPID", description=_("Your Ingenico affiliation name"), default="", ), StringValue( PAYMENT_GROUP, "SECRET", description=_("Your Ingenico secret passphrase for transactions"), help_text=_("Uses SHA-512 to create the SHASIGN"), default="", ), BooleanValue( PAYMENT_GROUP, "LIVE", description=_("Accept real payments"), help_text=_("False if you want to be in test mode"), default=False, ), ModuleValue( PAYMENT_GROUP, "MODULE", description=_("Implementation module"), hidden=True, default="satchmo.payment.modules.ingenico", ), StringValue( PAYMENT_GROUP, "KEY", description=_("Module key"), hidden=True,
from satchmo.configuration.values import BooleanValue, ConfigurationGroup, DecimalValue CURRENCY_GROUP = ConfigurationGroup("CURRENCY", _("Currency Settings"), ordering=1) CURRENCY = config_register_list( DecimalValue( CURRENCY_GROUP, "BUFFER", description=_("Exchange Rate Buffer"), help_text=_( "Add a small buffer before calculating the exchange rate (to cover exchange fees etc.)" ), default="0.20", ), BooleanValue( CURRENCY_GROUP, "ROUND_UP", description=_("Round up"), help_text=_("Round currency exchanged prices up to the nearest whole unit"), ), BooleanValue( CURRENCY_GROUP, "PSYCHOLOGICAL_PRICING", description=_("Psychological pricing"), help_text=_( "£1.00 would become £0.99. Applied after exchanged prices are rounded up" ), ), )