def run_training_binary(Xs, ys, cfg): print("\nx_train Angiography cube shape: {}".format(Xs[0][0].shape)) print("x_train Structure OCT cube shape: {}".format(Xs[0][1].shape)) print("x_train B scan shape: {}".format(Xs[0][2].shape)) print("y_train onehot shape: {}".format(ys[0].shape)) print("\nx_valid Angiography cube shape: {}".format(Xs[1][0].shape)) print("x_valid Structure OCT cube shape: {}".format(Xs[1][1].shape)) print("x_valid B scan shape: {}".format(Xs[1][2].shape)) print("y_valid onehot shape: {}".format(ys[1].shape)) print("\nx_test Angiography cube shape: {}".format(Xs[2][0].shape)) print("x_test Structure OCT cube shape: {}".format(Xs[2][1].shape)) print("x_test B scan shape: {}".format(Xs[2][2].shape)) print("y_test onehot shape: {}".format(ys[2].shape)) # Get and train model model = get_model(cfg.str_arch, cfg) callbacks = get_callbacks(cfg) h =[0], ys[0], batch_size=cfg.batch_size, epochs=cfg.n_epoch, verbose=2, callbacks=callbacks, validation_data=(Xs[1], ys[1]), shuffle=False, validation_batch_size=Xs[1][0].shape[0]) cfg.history = h.history # save trained models save_model(model, cfg, overwrite=True, save_format='tf') # plotting training history plot_training_loss(h, cfg, save=True) plot_training_acc(h, cfg, save=True) # Now perform prediction train_set_score = model.evaluate(Xs[0], ys[0], callbacks=callbacks, verbose=0) valid_set_score = model.evaluate(Xs[1], ys[1], callbacks=callbacks, verbose=0) test_set_score = model.evaluate(Xs[2], ys[2], callbacks=callbacks, verbose=0) print("\nTrain set accuracy: {}".format(train_set_score[1])) print("Valid set accuracy: {}".format(valid_set_score[1])) print("Test set accuracy: {}".format(test_set_score[1])) cfg.vec_acc = [train_set_score[1], valid_set_score[1], test_set_score[1]] if cfg.num_classes == 2: y_true = ys[-1] y_pred_logits = model.predict(Xs[2]) y_pred = y_pred_logits.copy() y_pred[y_pred >= 0.5] = 1 y_pred[y_pred < 0.5] = 0 y_pred = y_pred.reshape(-1) # now transform the logits into a matrix of two class probabilities and append y_pred_logits_both = np.concatenate([1 - y_pred_logits, y_pred_logits], axis=1) cfg.y_test_pred_prob = y_pred_logits_both else: raise ValueError("The number of classes should be two") # Printing out true and pred labels for log reg print('Test set: ground truth') print(y_true) print('Test set: prediction') print(y_pred) # Print out the patient IDs corresponding to the query # Here for example # if you are running 'disease' label and you set true_label_id = 0 and predicted_label_id = 2 # then you would get the patients who are normal/healthy and but falsely classified as NV AMD # the true_label_id and predicted_label_id correspond to cfg.vec_str_labels defined above print( get_patient_id_by_label(y_true, y_pred, true_label_id=0, predicted_label_id=1, cfg=cfg)) # you can also print multiple of these at the same time print( get_patient_id_by_label(y_true, y_pred, true_label_id=1, predicted_label_id=0, cfg=cfg)) # Extra caveat: for feature labels since we don't have possible any more and since the classes # are automatically recasted to get the FN (patient has the feature but network predicts not present) # you need to do something like # print(get_patient_id_by_label(y_true, y_pred, true_label_id=1, predicted_label_id=0, cfg=cfg)) cfg.y_test_true = y_true cfg.y_test_pred = y_pred # now compute the test set accuracies test_acc = np.sum(y_true == y_pred) / len(y_true) print("\nTest accuracy: {}".format(test_acc)) cfg.test_acc_full = test_acc # plot the confusion matrices plot_raw_conf_matrix(y_true, y_pred, cfg, save=True) plot_norm_conf_matrix(y_true, y_pred, cfg, save=True) # save the cfg, which contains configurations and results save_cfg(cfg, overwrite=True) # save the mat file, which contains the binary results save_mat(cfg, overwrite=True)
def run_repeated_training_binary(cfg_in): # create the empty lists for holding all the data vec_train_acc = [] vec_valid_acc = [] vec_test_acc = [] vec_y_true = [] vec_y_pred = [] vec_y_pred_prob = [] mat_vec_idx_absolute_test = [] # set the random seed for all the splits temp = initialize_config_split(copy.deepcopy(cfg_in)) np.random.seed(temp.random_seed) # initiate the repeated training for i in range(cfg_in.n_repeats): cfg = copy.deepcopy(cfg_in) print("\n\nIteration: {}".format(i + 1)) # now load the preprocessed data and the label f_data_handle = "preproc_data_{}_{}.pkl".format( cfg.vec_idx_patient[0], cfg.vec_idx_patient[1]) f_data = cfg.d_preproc / f_data_handle with open(str(f_data), 'rb') as handle: X = pickle.load(handle) y = generate_labels(cfg.str_feature, cfg, bool_append_csv_to_cfg=True) # now prepare data for training cfg = initialize_config_split(cfg) X, y = correct_data_label(X, y, cfg) Xs, ys = prepare_data_for_train(X, y, cfg) print("\nx_train Angiography cube shape: {}".format(Xs[0][0].shape)) print("x_train Structure OCT cube shape: {}".format(Xs[0][1].shape)) print("x_train B scan shape: {}".format(Xs[0][2].shape)) print("y_train onehot shape: {}".format(ys[0].shape)) print("\nx_valid Angiography cube shape: {}".format(Xs[1][0].shape)) print("x_valid Structure OCT cube shape: {}".format(Xs[1][1].shape)) print("x_valid B scan shape: {}".format(Xs[1][2].shape)) print("y_valid onehot shape: {}".format(ys[1].shape)) print("\nx_test Angiography cube shape: {}".format(Xs[2][0].shape)) print("x_test Structure OCT cube shape: {}".format(Xs[2][1].shape)) print("x_test B scan shape: {}".format(Xs[2][2].shape)) print("y_test onehot shape: {}".format(ys[2].shape)) # finally set the training parameters cfg = initialize_config_training(cfg, bool_debug=cfg.bool_debug) model = get_model(cfg.str_arch, cfg) callbacks = get_callbacks(cfg) h =[0], ys[0], batch_size=cfg.batch_size, epochs=cfg.n_epoch, verbose=2, callbacks=callbacks, validation_data=(Xs[1], ys[1]), shuffle=False, validation_batch_size=Xs[1][0].shape[0]) # Now perform prediction train_set_score = model.evaluate(Xs[0], ys[0], callbacks=callbacks, verbose=0) valid_set_score = model.evaluate(Xs[1], ys[1], callbacks=callbacks, verbose=0) test_set_score = model.evaluate(Xs[2], ys[2], callbacks=callbacks, verbose=0) vec_train_acc.append(train_set_score[1]) vec_valid_acc.append(valid_set_score[1]) vec_test_acc.append(test_set_score[1]) if cfg.num_classes == 2: y_true = ys[-1] y_pred_logits = model.predict(Xs[2]) y_pred = y_pred_logits.copy() y_pred[y_pred >= 0.5] = 1 y_pred[y_pred < 0.5] = 0 y_pred = y_pred.reshape(-1) # now transform the logits into a matrix of two class probabilities and append y_pred_logits_both = np.concatenate( [1 - y_pred_logits, y_pred_logits], axis=1) else: raise ValueError("The number of classes should be two") vec_y_true.append(y_true) vec_y_pred.append(y_pred) vec_y_pred_prob.append(y_pred_logits_both) mat_vec_idx_absolute_test.append(cfg.vec_idx_absolute[2]) Xs = [] ys = [] print('\n' + '=' * 80) print("Average train set accuracy: {} + ".format(np.mean(vec_train_acc)), np.std(vec_train_acc)) print("Average valid set accuracy: {} + ".format(np.mean(vec_valid_acc)), np.std(vec_valid_acc)) print("Average test set accuracy: {} + ".format(np.mean(vec_test_acc)), np.std(vec_test_acc)) # now concatenate the results together y_true = np.concatenate(vec_y_true, axis=0) y_pred = np.concatenate(vec_y_pred, axis=0) y_pred_prob = np.concatenate(vec_y_pred_prob, axis=0) vec_idx_absolute_test = np.concatenate(mat_vec_idx_absolute_test, axis=0) # sanity check if not y_true.shape[0] == y_pred.shape[0] == y_pred_prob.shape[ 0] == vec_idx_absolute_test.shape[0]: raise ValueError("These should be equal") # print the overall test set accuracy print("\nOverall test set accuracy: {}".format( np.sum(y_true == y_pred) / len(y_true))) # now load the preprocessed data and the label f_data_handle = "preproc_data_{}_{}.pkl".format(cfg_in.vec_idx_patient[0], cfg_in.vec_idx_patient[1]) f_data = cfg_in.d_preproc / f_data_handle with open(str(f_data), 'rb') as handle: X = pickle.load(handle) y = generate_labels(cfg_in.str_feature, cfg_in, bool_append_csv_to_cfg=True) # now prepare data for training cfg_in = initialize_config_split(cfg_in) X, y = correct_data_label(X, y, cfg_in) _, _ = prepare_data_for_train(X, y, cfg_in) X, y = None, None # append the hyperparameters to the cfg structure cfg_in.vec_train_acc = vec_train_acc cfg_in.vec_valid_acc = vec_valid_acc cfg_in.vec_test_acc = vec_test_acc cfg_in.y_test_true = y_true cfg_in.y_test_pred = y_pred cfg_in.y_test_pred_prob = y_pred_prob cfg_in.vec_idx_absolute_test = vec_idx_absolute_test cfg_in.vec_y_true = vec_y_true cfg_in.vec_y_pred = vec_y_pred cfg_in.vec_y_pred_prob = vec_y_pred_prob cfg_in.mat_vec_idx_absolute_test = mat_vec_idx_absolute_test # now get the configuration right for saving the output cfg_in.str_model = cfg_in.str_arch cfg_in.f_model = "{}_{}".format(cfg_in.str_arch, time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")) cfg_in.p_figure = cfg_in.d_model / cfg_in.str_model / cfg_in.f_model cfg_in.p_figure.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) cfg_in.p_cfg = cfg_in.p_figure # plot the confusion matrices plot_raw_conf_matrix(y_true, y_pred, cfg_in, save=True, f_figure=cfg_in.str_arch) plot_norm_conf_matrix(y_true, y_pred, cfg_in, save=True, f_figure=cfg_in.str_arch) # save the cfg, which contains configurations and results save_cfg(cfg_in, overwrite=True) # save the mat file, which contains the binary results save_mat(cfg_in, overwrite=True)
def run_training_cv(vec_Xs, vec_ys, cfg): vec_history = [] # find the aggregate results on the entire dataset vec_y_true = [] vec_y_pred = [] vec_y_pred_prob = [] # also declare empty list for the validation set vec_y_valid_true = [] vec_y_valid_pred = [] vec_y_valid_pred_prob = [] for idx_fold in range(len(vec_Xs)): print('\n\nFold: {}\n'.format(idx_fold)) Xs = vec_Xs[idx_fold] ys = vec_ys[idx_fold] print("\nx_train Angiography cube shape: {}".format(Xs[0][0].shape)) print("x_train Structure OCT cube shape: {}".format(Xs[0][1].shape)) print("x_train B scan shape: {}".format(Xs[0][2].shape)) print("x_train 3D B scan shape: {}".format(Xs[0][3].shape)) print("y_train onehot shape: {}".format(ys[0].shape)) print("\nx_valid Angiography cube shape: {}".format(Xs[1][0].shape)) print("x_valid Structure OCT cube shape: {}".format(Xs[1][1].shape)) print("x_valid B scan shape: {}".format(Xs[1][2].shape)) print("x_valid 3D B scan shape: {}".format(Xs[1][3].shape)) print("y_valid onehot shape: {}".format(ys[1].shape)) print("\nx_test Angiography cube shape: {}".format(Xs[2][0].shape)) print("x_test Structure OCT cube shape: {}".format(Xs[2][1].shape)) print("x_test B scan shape: {}".format(Xs[2][2].shape)) print("x_test 3D B scan shape: {}".format(Xs[2][3].shape)) print("y_test onehot shape: {}".format(ys[2].shape)) # Get and train model model_curr = get_model(cfg.str_arch, cfg) callbacks_curr = get_callbacks(cfg) h =[0], ys[0], batch_size=cfg.batch_size, epochs=cfg.n_epoch, verbose=2, callbacks=callbacks_curr, validation_data=(Xs[1], ys[1]), shuffle=False, validation_batch_size=Xs[1][0].shape[0]) vec_history.append(h.history) # save trained models save_model(model_curr, cfg, overwrite=True, save_format='tf', idx_cv_fold=idx_fold) # plotting training history plot_training_loss(h, cfg, save=True) plot_training_acc(h, cfg, save=True) # Now perform prediction train_set_score = model_curr.evaluate(Xs[0], ys[0], callbacks=callbacks_curr, verbose=0) valid_set_score = model_curr.evaluate(Xs[1], ys[1], callbacks=callbacks_curr, verbose=0) test_set_score = model_curr.evaluate(Xs[2], ys[2], callbacks=callbacks_curr, verbose=0) print("\nTrain set accuracy: {}".format(train_set_score[1])) print("Valid set accuracy: {}".format(valid_set_score[1])) print("Test set accuracy: {}".format(test_set_score[1])) cfg.vec_acc = [ train_set_score[1], valid_set_score[1], test_set_score[1] ] if cfg.num_classes == 2: # make predictions for test set y_true = ys[-1] y_pred_logits = model_curr.predict(Xs[2]) y_pred = y_pred_logits.copy() y_pred[y_pred >= 0.5] = 1 y_pred[y_pred < 0.5] = 0 y_pred = y_pred.reshape(-1) # now transform the logits into a matrix of two class probabilities and append y_pred_logits = np.concatenate([1 - y_pred_logits, y_pred_logits], axis=1) # make predictions for validation set y_valid_true = ys[1] y_valid_pred_logits = model_curr.predict(Xs[1]) y_valid_pred = y_valid_pred_logits.copy() y_valid_pred[y_valid_pred >= 0.5] = 1 y_valid_pred[y_valid_pred < 0.5] = 0 y_valid_pred = y_valid_pred.reshape(-1) # nwo transform the logits into two class probabilities and append for validation set y_valid_pred_logits = np.concatenate( [1 - y_valid_pred_logits, y_valid_pred_logits], axis=1) else: # make the predictions for the test set y_true = np.argmax(ys[-1], axis=1) y_pred = np.argmax(model_curr.predict(Xs[2]), axis=1) y_pred_logits = model_curr.predict(Xs[2]) # make the predictions for the validation set y_valid_true = np.argmax(ys[1], axis=1) y_valid_pred = np.argmax(model_curr.predict(Xs[1]), axis=1) y_valid_pred_logits = model_curr.predict(Xs[1]) # plot the confusion matrices plot_raw_conf_matrix(y_true, y_pred, cfg, save=True) plot_norm_conf_matrix(y_true, y_pred, cfg, save=True) # now append the results to a list vec_y_true.append(y_true) vec_y_pred.append(y_pred) vec_y_pred_prob.append(y_pred_logits) # append the results from the validation set also vec_y_valid_true.append(y_valid_true) vec_y_valid_pred.append(y_valid_pred) vec_y_valid_pred_prob.append(y_valid_pred_logits) # Now we are outside of the loop y_true_unsorted_all = np.concatenate(vec_y_true, axis=-1) y_pred_unsorted_all = np.concatenate(vec_y_pred, axis=-1) y_pred_prob_unsorted_all = np.concatenate(vec_y_pred_prob, axis=0) # Now obtain the correct indices vec_idx_absolute_test_all = [] for idx_fold in range(len(vec_Xs)): vec_idx_test_curr = cfg.vec_idx_absolute[idx_fold][-1] vec_idx_absolute_test_all.append(vec_idx_test_curr) vec_idx_absolute_test_all = np.concatenate(vec_idx_absolute_test_all, -1) # Now get all the test set data idx_permutation_sort = np.argsort(vec_idx_absolute_test_all) y_true_all = y_true_unsorted_all[idx_permutation_sort] y_pred_all = y_pred_unsorted_all[idx_permutation_sort] y_pred_prob_all = y_pred_prob_unsorted_all[idx_permutation_sort, ...] cfg.y_test_true = y_true_all cfg.y_test_pred = y_pred_all cfg.y_test_pred_prob = y_pred_prob_all # also generate the data for the validation set predictions y_valid_true_unsorted_all = np.concatenate(vec_y_valid_true, axis=-1) y_valid_pred_unsorted_all = np.concatenate(vec_y_valid_pred, axis=-1) y_valid_pred_prob_unsorted_all = np.concatenate(vec_y_valid_pred_prob, axis=0) cfg.y_valid_true = y_valid_true_unsorted_all cfg.y_valid_pred = y_valid_pred_unsorted_all cfg.y_valid_pred_prob = y_valid_pred_prob_unsorted_all test_acc_full = np.sum(y_true_all == y_pred_all) / len(y_true_all) print("\nOverall accuracy: {}".format(test_acc_full)) cfg.test_acc_full = test_acc_full # Print out the patient IDs corresponding to the query # Here for example # if you are running 'disease' label and you set true_label_id = 0 and predicted_label_id = 2 # then you would get the patients who are normal/healthy and but falsely classified as NV AMD # the true_label_id and predicted_label_id correspond to cfg.vec_str_labels defined above # print(get_patient_id_by_label(y_true_all, y_pred_all, true_label_id=0, predicted_label_id=2, cfg=cfg)) # you can also print multiple of these at the same time # print(get_patient_id_by_label(y_true_all, y_pred_all, true_label_id=2, predicted_label_id=1, cfg=cfg)) # Extra caveat: for feature labels since we don't have possible any more and since the classes # are automatically recasted to get the FN (patient has the feature but network predicts not present) # you need to do something like print( get_patient_id_by_label(y_true_all, y_pred_all, true_label_id=1, predicted_label_id=0, cfg=cfg)) # Plot and save the final result plot_raw_conf_matrix(y_true_all, y_pred_all, cfg, save=True, cv_all=True) plot_norm_conf_matrix(y_true_all, y_pred_all, cfg, save=True, cv_all=True) # append final training history cfg.vec_history = vec_history # save the output as a csv file also save_csv(y_true_all, y_pred_all, cfg) # save the cfg, which contains configurations and results save_cfg(cfg, overwrite=True) # save the mat file, which contains all useful output information save_mat(cfg, overwrite=True, bool_save_valid=True) return cfg