예제 #1
파일: system.py 프로젝트: blundeln/smartbox
def addUser(username, password, name=None) :
  passwd = readFromFile("/etc/passwd")
  if passwd.find("%s:" % username) < 0 :
    expects = [
      ["Enter new UNIX password: "******"Retype new UNIX password: "******".*password updated successfully", None],
    sbpexpect.expect("adduser --force-badname --ingroup users --gecos='%s,,,' %s" % (name or "", username), expects)
  else :
    return False
  return True
예제 #2
파일: system.py 프로젝트: blundeln/smartbox
def addUser(username, password, name=None):
    passwd = readFromFile("/etc/passwd")
    if passwd.find("%s:" % username) < 0:

        expects = [
            ["Enter new UNIX password: "******"Retype new UNIX password: "******".*password updated successfully", None],
            "adduser --force-badname --ingroup users --gecos='%s,,,' %s" %
            (name or "", username), expects)
        return False
    return True
예제 #3
파일: ssh.py 프로젝트: blundeln/smartbox
def runSSHCommand(username, host, command, port=None, password=None, timeout=TIMEOUT) :
  sshCommand = """ssh %s@%s %s "%s" """ % (username, host, port and "-p %s" % port or "", command)
  debugOutput("running ssh command: %s" % sshCommand)
  if password :
    return sbpexpect.runExpect(sshCommand, events={"assword": "%s\n" % password,"yes/no":"yes\n"}, timeout=timeout)
  else :
    return sbpexpect.expect(sshCommand, [[".*", None]], timeout=timeout)
예제 #4
파일: ssh.py 프로젝트: blundeln/smartbox
def addSSHPeer(username, password, host) :
  debugOutput("Adding ssh peer for %s to %s" % (username, host))

  # XXX: Does not always pick up root username. sshKeyFile = os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub")
  sshKeyFile = os.path.expanduser("/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub")
  if not os.path.exists(sshKeyFile) :
    debugOutput("Generating key file")
    expects = [  
      [".*Enter file in which to save the key.*:", "\n"],
      ["Enter passphrase.*:", "\n"],
      ["Enter same passphrase again.*:", "\n"],
      [".*", None],
    try :
      sbpexpect.expect("ssh-keygen -t rsa", expects, timeout=TIMEOUT)
    except Exception, e:
      raise Exception("Unable to generate ssh key in %s: %s" % (sshKeyFile, e))
예제 #5
파일: ssh.py 프로젝트: blundeln/smartbox
def addSSHPeer(username, password, host):
    debugOutput("Adding ssh peer for %s to %s" % (username, host))

    # XXX: Does not always pick up root username. sshKeyFile = os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub")
    sshKeyFile = os.path.expanduser("/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub")
    if not os.path.exists(sshKeyFile):
        debugOutput("Generating key file")
        expects = [
            [".*Enter file in which to save the key.*:", "\n"],
            ["Enter passphrase.*:", "\n"],
            ["Enter same passphrase again.*:", "\n"],
            [".*", None],
            sbpexpect.expect("ssh-keygen -t rsa", expects, timeout=TIMEOUT)
        except Exception, e:
            raise Exception("Unable to generate ssh key in %s: %s" %
                            (sshKeyFile, e))
예제 #6
파일: ssh.py 프로젝트: blundeln/smartbox
def runSSHCommand(username,
    sshCommand = """ssh %s@%s %s "%s" """ % (username, host, port
                                             and "-p %s" % port or "", command)
    debugOutput("running ssh command: %s" % sshCommand)
    if password:
        return sbpexpect.runExpect(sshCommand,
                                       "assword": "%s\n" % password,
                                       "yes/no": "yes\n"
        return sbpexpect.expect(sshCommand, [[".*", None]], timeout=timeout)
예제 #7
파일: system.py 프로젝트: blundeln/smartbox
def expect(command, qas, timeout=None):
    if timeout:
        return sbpexpect.expect(command, qas, timeout)
        return sbpexpect.expect(command, qas)
예제 #8
파일: ssh.py 프로젝트: blundeln/smartbox
    # If we don't have a security relation, add one
    if not testSSHFolderAccess(username, host):

        debugOutput("No ssh peering, so trying to create one")

        # Copy the key
        expects = [
            [["(?i)password", "(?i)you sure you want to continue connecting"],
             ["%s" % password, "yes"]],
            [[None, "(?i)password"], [None, "%s" % password]],
        # if question  is sure, then yes, if question is password, answer is password
            sbpexpect.expect("ssh-copy-id -i %s %s@%s" %
                             (sshKeyFile, username, host),
            raise Exception(
                "Unable to create ssh peering with %s: check that the username, password and hostname are correct and that firewall or port forwarding settings are appropriately set on the destination."
                % host)

    # If we still don't have an ssh peering, raise an exception.
    if not testSSHFolderAccess(username, host):
        raise Exception(
            "Unable to create ssh peering with %s: check that the username, password and hostname are correct and that firewall or port forwarding settings are appropriately set on the destination."
            % host)

    debugOutput("ssh peering has been made successfully")

예제 #9
파일: ssh.py 프로젝트: blundeln/smartbox
  if not os.path.exists(sshKeyFile) :
    raise Exception("SSH key was not generated.")

  # If we don't have a security relation, add one
  if not testSSHFolderAccess(username, host) :
    debugOutput("No ssh peering, so trying to create one")

    # Copy the key
    expects = [  
      [["(?i)password","(?i)you sure you want to continue connecting"], ["%s" % password, "yes"]],
      [[None,"(?i)password"], [None, "%s" % password]],
    # if question  is sure, then yes, if question is password, answer is password
    try :
      sbpexpect.expect("ssh-copy-id -i %s %s@%s" % (sshKeyFile, username, host), qas=expects, timeout=TIMEOUT)
    except :
      raise Exception("Unable to create ssh peering with %s: check that the username, password and hostname are correct and that firewall or port forwarding settings are appropriately set on the destination." % host)

  # If we still don't have an ssh peering, raise an exception.
  if not testSSHFolderAccess(username, host) :
    raise Exception("Unable to create ssh peering with %s: check that the username, password and hostname are correct and that firewall or port forwarding settings are appropriately set on the destination." % host)

  debugOutput("ssh peering has been made successfully")

def testSSHFolderAccess(username, host, port=None, file="/tmp", password=None, timeout=TIMEOUT) :
  debugOutput("Tesing ssh access to %s@%s/%s" % (username, host, file))

  TEST_STRING = "access-test-file"
  testFile = os.path.join(file, "sshaccesstest")
예제 #10
파일: system.py 프로젝트: blundeln/smartbox
def expect(command, qas, timeout=None) :
  if timeout :
    return sbpexpect.expect(command, qas, timeout)
  else :  
    return sbpexpect.expect(command, qas)