예제 #1
 def iris(self, img, n):
     "Apply 'iris' effect"
     size = img.size
     r = self.irisRect(size, n)
     newImg = Image(size)
     Image(img.surface.subsurface(r)).blitTo(newImg, r.topleft)
     return newImg
예제 #2
 def _collideDraw(self):
     "Draw collision shape (circle or polygon)"
     img = Image(pygame.display.get_surface())
     s = self.shape
     if type(s) is Circle2D:
         circ = Image.ellipse(s.radius, fill=self._collideRegion[1], stroke=None)
         circ.blitTo(img, tuple(s.center), CENTER)
         img.plot(s.points, fill=self._collideRegion[1], stroke=None, closed=True)
예제 #3
	def getImage(self):
		s = self.getState()
		if s == self.FOCUS:
			img = Image.text(self.display + " ", self.font, self.color)
			img = Image(self.drawCursor(img.surface))
			img = self.crop((img,), self.scroll)[0].style(bgColor=self.colors[s], pad=self.pad, border=self.border, borderColor=self.borderColor)
			return img
			return super().getImage()
예제 #4
 def title(self, txt, posn=6, offset=(0,0), **kwargs):
     """Render and position a title:
         -1: Left of top end of y-axis
         0: Below right end of x-axis
         1-4: Centred outside grid edge
         5-8: Centred inside image edge
     img = Image.text(txt, **kwargs)
     if posn % 2: img = img.rotate(-90)
     if posn > 4:
         w, h = self.size
         cx, cy = self.center
         x = 0 if posn == 7 else w-1 if posn == 5 else cx
         y = 0 if posn == 6 else h-1 if posn == 8 else cy
         a = (EAST, NORTH, WEST, SOUTH)[posn-5]
         xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self.limit
         if posn > 0:
             x0, y0 = self.coords((xmin, ymin))
             x1, y1 = self.coords((xmax, ymax))
             cx, cy = (x0 + x1) // 2, (y0 + y1) // 2 
             x = x0 if posn == 3 else x1 if posn == 1 else cx
             y = y1 if posn == 2 else y0 if posn == 4 else cy
             a = (WEST, SOUTH, EAST, NORTH)[posn-1]
             xy = (xmax, 0) if posn == 0 else (0, ymax)
             x, y = self.coords(xy)
             a = NE
     img.blitTo(self, (x + offset[0], y + offset[1]), a)
예제 #5
 def gridLabel(self, x, n, formats=(None,None), anchors=(NORTH, EAST), rotate=(0,-90), offsets=((0,0,0,0)), **kwargs):
     "Add labels to the gridlines"
     if formats[n]:
         img = Image.text(formats[n].format(x), **kwargs)
         if rotate[n]: img = img.rotate(rotate[n])
         posn = (0, x) if n else (x, 0)
         posn = add(self.coords(posn), offsets[2*n:2*n+2])
         img.blitTo(self, posn, anchors[n])
예제 #6
	def makeImages(self, style=0, mark=None):
		sz = fontHeight(self)
		if style:
			r = sz // 2
			img0 = Image.ellipse(r, fill=self.bgColor, stroke=self.color, strokeWeight=self.border)
			img0 = Image.rect((sz,sz), fill=self.bgColor, stroke=self.color, strokeWeight=self.border)
		img1 = img0.clone()
		if mark:
			if mark[0]: mark[0].blitTo(img0)
			if mark[1]: mark[1].blitTo(img1)
		elif style:
			pygame.draw.circle(img1.surface, self.color, (r,r), r//2)
			sz -= 2
			pygame.draw.line(img1.surface, self.color, (1,1), (sz,sz))
			pygame.draw.line(img1.surface, self.color, (1,sz), (sz,1))
		return img0, img1
예제 #7
 def apply(self, img, n):
     if n >= 1: return img
     #        if self.rects is None:
     i = 0
     n = (1 - n)**self.power
     w, h = img.size
     imgTr = Image(img.size)
     for r in self.rects:
         tile = Image(img.surface.subsurface(r))
         vx, vy, s = self.tiles[i]
         x, y = r.center
         diag = sqrt(r.width**2 + r.height**2) / 2
         x += vx * (diag + max(x, w - x)) * n
         y += vy * (diag + max(y, h - y)) * n
         i += 1
         tile.rotate(s * n).blitTo(imgTr, (x, y), CENTER)
     return imgTr
예제 #8
 def getIcon(self, item):
     sz = self.metric[0]
     if item == "..": ext = item
         ext = item.split(".")[-1].lower() if "." in item else ""
         item = self.cwd + "/" + item
         if os.path.isdir(item): ext = True
     for img in self.iconMap:
         imap = self.iconMap[img] 
         exts = imap[1]
         if ext in exts:
             if imap[0] == None:
                 try: icon = Image(self.imageFile(img))
                 except: icon = Image.text("?", font=self.font)
                 imap[0] = icon
             return imap[0].fit(sz)
     img = self.iconMap["file"][0]
     if img == None: self.iconMap["file"][0] = img = Image(self.imageFile("file")).fit(sz)
     return img
예제 #9
 def _makeCostumes(cls, colors=None):
     "Create robot costumes from the specified colours"
     if cls._costumes is None:
         cls._costumes = Image(sc8prPath("robot/robot.png"))
     img = cls._costumes.clone()
     if colors:
         px = PixelArray(img.surface)
         px.replace((255, 0, 0), colors[0])
         px.replace((0, 0, 255), colors[1])
     return img.tiles(2)
예제 #10
 def costumes(self, costumes):
     "Convert costumes to Image instances and scale to a single size; initialize costume sequence"
     if type(costumes) in (str, Image, pygame.surface.Surface):
         costumes = costumes,
     costumes = [Image(c) for c in costumes]
     size = costumes[0].size
     for i in range(1, len(costumes)):
         if costumes[i].size != size:
             costumes[i] = costumes[i].scale(size)
     self._costumes = costumes
     self._costumeSeq = tuple(range(len(self.costumes)))
예제 #11
	def __init__(self, data=None, name=None, posn=(0,0), **kwargs):
		"Data may be str, Surface, Image, or list/tuple of Images; if str, kwargs may specify color and altColor"
		super().__init__(name, posn)
		if not data: data = name
		t = type(data)
		if t == str:
			data = self.renderText(data)
		elif t == pygame.Surface:
			data = Image(data)
		if type(data) not in (list, tuple): data = (data, data)
		self.data = data
예제 #12
 def __init__(self, text=None, icon=None, iconRight=None, textSize=None, iconSize=None, name=None, **kwargs):
     super().__init__(text, name if name else text, **kwargs)
     metric = self.metrics()
     w, h = metric[2]
     imgs = []
     if textSize != None: self.textSize = textSize
     if iconSize != None: self.iconSize = iconSize
     left, right = self.iconSize
     for i in self.data:
         img = Image((w, h))
         i.blitTo(img, (h * left + self.pad, 0))
         if icon: self.fitIcon(icon, metric[0]).blitTo(img)
         if iconRight: self.fitIcon(iconRight, metric[1]).blitTo(img, (w - h * right, 0))
     self.data = imgs
예제 #13
 def make(data, handler=None, posn=None, main=True):
     name, data = data
     if main:
         items = []
         h = fontHeight(MenuItem)
         MenuItem.back = Image(sc8prPath("icons/menu.png")).scale((h, h))
         items = [MenuItem(name, MenuItem.back, iconSize=(1,0)).backLink()]
     for i in data:
         isStr = type(i) == str
         items.append(MenuItem(i if isStr else i[0], iconSize=(0,0)))
         if not isStr:
             items[-1].link = Menu.make(i, handler, posn, False)
     menu = Menu(items, name, posn)
     if handler: menu.bind(handler)
     if main: pass
     return menu
예제 #14
 def __init__(self, *archive, interval=None, gui=False, wait=True):
     self.data = []
     self.interval = interval
     self.gui = gui
     if archive:
         if len(archive) == 1:
             self.load(archive[0], wait)
             archive, nums = archive
             if nums is True:
                 nums = range(1, 1 + self.lastFileIndex(archive))
             file = self.output
             if file:
                 print("Loading and compressing images...", file=file)
             for i in nums:
                 fn = archive.format(i)
                 if file and i % 50 == 0: print(i, file=file)
예제 #15
 def leds(self):
     "Draw luminous LED indicators"
     fc = self.frontColor
     colors = [self.downColor, fc if fc else (0, 0, 0), self.penColor]
     r1 = self.width / 5
     r2 = r1 / 2.5
     a = (self.angle + 60) * DEG
     x0, y0 = self.posn
     led = []
     for c in colors:
         x = x0 + r1 * cos(a)
         y = y0 + r1 * sin(a)
         if c is not None:
             img = Image.ellipse(r2, c, (0, 0, 0))
             xy = rectAnchor((x, y), img.size, CENTER).topleft
             led.append((img, xy))
         a -= pi / 1.5
     if c: self._penPosn = True if self.centerPen else (round(x), round(y))
     return led
예제 #16
 def _downColor(self):
     "Calculate downward colour-sensor value"
     d = self.radius // 8
     r = 2 * d
     size = r, r
     r = 0.75 * self.radius
     posn = vsum(vec2d(r, self.angle * DEG), self.posn, (-d, -d))
     sk = self.sketch
     self._downRect = Rect(posn + size)
     if sk.sprites._debugCollide:
         Image(size, self.downColor).blitTo(posn=posn)
         if sk.bgImage:
             srf = sk.scaledBgImage.surface.subsurface(posn + size)
             srf = None
         if sk.bgColor:
             img = Image(size, sk.bgColor)
             if srf: img.surface.blit(srf, (0, 0))
             img = Image(srf)
         return noise(img.averageColor(), self.sensorNoise, alpha=255)
         return None
예제 #17
 def fitIcon(self, icon, sz):
     icon = Image(icon)
     if sz != icon.size:
         icon = icon.fit(sz)
     return icon
예제 #18
	def renderText(self, txt, align=CENTER):
		"Convert text to Image for enabled and disabled states"
		return Image.text(txt, self.font, self.color, align=align), Image.text(txt, self.font, self.altColor, align)
예제 #19
	def fit(cls, *imgs, font=None):
		"Scale images based on font size"
		sz = fontHeight(font if font else cls.font)
		return [Image(img).scale((sz,sz)) if img else None for img in imgs]
예제 #20
 def arrow(self, tail, tip, tailWidth=None, headLength=None, flatness=1, fill=None, stroke=None, strokeWeight=1):
     "Plot an arrow"
     pts = arrow(self.coords(tail), self.coords(tip), tailWidth, headLength, flatness).points
     Image.polygon(pts, True, fill, stroke, strokeWeight, self.size).blitTo(self)
예제 #21
 def blit(self, img, posn, anchor=NW):
     "Blit an image to the plot"
     if not isinstance(img, Image): img = Image(img)
     img.blitTo(self, self.coords(posn), anchor)
예제 #22
	def setText(self, txt, resize=False):
		self.imgs[0] = Image.text(txt, self.font, self.color)
		if resize: self.getSize(True)
예제 #23
	def render(self):

		# Calculate metrics
		w, h = self.size
		px, hw = self.metrics
		if self._val <= self.min or self.min >= self.max: x = 0
		elif self._val >= self.max: x = self.pixels - hw
		else: x = round(self.pad + (self._val - self.min) / (self.max - self.min) * px)
		if self.vertical: x = self.pixels - 1 - x - hw

		# Background
		img = Image(self.size, self.bgColor)
		pygame.draw.rect(img.surface, self.bgColor, (0,0) + self.size)

		# Tick marks
		if self.ticks and self.step != None:
			n = round((self.max - self.min) / self.step)
			tick0 = self.pad + hw / 2
			dTick = px / n
			y = (w if self.vertical else h) // 2 - 1
			for i in range(n+1):
				tick = round(tick0 + i * dTick)
				p1 = (y, tick) if self.vertical else (tick, y)
				p2 = (y+1, tick) if self.vertical else (tick, y+1)
				pygame.draw.line(img.surface, self.borderColor, p1, p2, 1)
				tick += dTick

		# Handle
		if self.handle:
			r = pygame.Rect(((0, x) + (w, hw)) if self.vertical else (x, 0) + (hw, h))
			pygame.draw.rect(img.surface, self.fgColor, r)
			r1, r2 = r.bottomleft, r.topright
			if self.vertical:
				r1, r2 = r2, r1
			pygame.draw.line(img.surface, self.borderColor, r.topleft, r1, 1)
			pygame.draw.line(img.surface, self.borderColor, r2, r.bottomright, 1)
		elif self.vertical:
			pygame.draw.rect(img.surface, self.fgColor, (0, x) + (w, h - x))
			pygame.draw.rect(img.surface, self.fgColor, (0, 0) + (x, h))

		# Handle centre
		x += hw // 2
		self.handleDecor(x, img.surface, 1 if hw < 25 else 3)

		# Text
		txt = self.getValueText()
		if txt != None:
			txt = Image.text(txt, self.font, self.color)
			dx = hw // 2 + 8
			tw = txt.width
			x = x - tw - dx  if x + dx + tw + 4 > (h if self.vertical else w) else x + dx
			if self.vertical:
				txt = Image(pygame.transform.rotate(txt.surface, -90))
				x = (0, x)
			else: x = (x, 0)
			txt.blitTo(img.surface, x)

		# Finish up
		if self.border: img.borderInPlace(self.border, self.borderColor)
		self.imgs = {0: img}
예제 #24
 def image(self):
     "Convert to uncompressed Image"
     data = self.compress.decompress(self.gz)
     mode = self.modes[self.mode]
     return Image(pygame.image.fromstring(data, self.size, mode))