def main(): init_script() logger = logging.getLogger("scalarizr.scripts.halt")"Starting halt script...") try: try: action = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: logger.error("Invalid execution parameters. argv[1] must be presented") sys.exit() if action == "start" or action == "stop": msg_service = bus.messaging_service producer = msg_service.get_producer() msg = msg_service.new_message(Messages.INT_SERVER_HALT) producer.send(Queues.CONTROL, msg) # 30 seconds for termination start = time.time() while not msg.is_handled(): if time.time() - start < 30: time.sleep(1) else: break except (BaseException, Exception), e: logger.exception(e)
def main(): init_script() logger = logging.getLogger("scalarizr.scripts.reboot")"Starting reboot script...") try: try: action = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: logger.error( "Invalid execution parameters. argv[1] must be presented") sys.exit() if action == "start" or action == "stop": msg_service = bus.messaging_service producer = msg_service.get_producer() msg = msg_service.new_message(Messages.INT_SERVER_REBOOT) producer.send(Queues.CONTROL, msg) # 30 seconds for termination start = time.time() while not msg.is_handled(): if time.time() - start < 30: time.sleep(1) else: break except (BaseException, Exception), e: logger.exception(e)
def main(): init_script() logger = logging.getLogger("scalarizr.scripts.update")"Starting update script...") if disttool.is_debian_based():"Updating scalarizr with Apt") system2("apt-get -y install scalarizr", shell=True) elif disttool.is_redhat_based():"Updating scalarizr with Yum") system2("yum -y update scalarizr", shell=True) else: logger.error("Don't know how to update scalarizr on %s", " ".join(disttool.linux_dist()))
def main(): init_script() logger = logging.getLogger("scalarizr.scripts.udev")"Starting udev script...") try: initd = initdv2.lookup('scalarizr') if initd.running: msg_service = bus.messaging_service producer = msg_service.get_producer() msg = msg_service.new_message(Messages.INT_BLOCK_DEVICE_UPDATED) for k, v in os.environ.items(): msg.body[k.lower()] = v producer.send(Queues.CONTROL, msg) except (BaseException, Exception), e: logger.exception(e)
def main(): global ini init_script() #23.09.11------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com_dict = { 'list-roles': ListRolesCommand, 'get-latest-version': GetlatestVersionCommand, 'list-ebs-mountpoints': ListEbsMountpointsCommand, 'get-https-certificate': GetHttpsCertificateCommand, 'list-role-params': ListRoleParamsCommand, 'list-virtualhosts': ListVirtualhostsCommand, 'list-scripts': ListScriptsCommand, 'list-messages': ListMessagesCommand, 'message-details': MessageDetailsCommand, 'mark-as-unhandled': MarkAsUnhandledCommand, 'help': Help, '--help': Help, '-h': Help } str = None com = None com_find = None if len(sys.argv) > 1: com_find = 1 if com_find and com_dict.has_key(sys.argv[1]): if sys.argv[2:]: str = sys.argv[2:] #select command class in list and create object of this class with param try: com = com_dict.get(sys.argv[1])(str) if com: if isinstance(com, Help): else: except Exception, e: com = Help(com_dict) raise LookupError("Cant execute command or option. Error: %s" % (e))
def main(): global ini init_script() #23.09.11------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com_dict={'list-roles':ListRolesCommand, 'get-latest-version':GetlatestVersionCommand, 'list-ebs-mountpoints':ListEbsMountpointsCommand, 'get-https-certificate':GetHttpsCertificateCommand, 'list-role-params':ListRoleParamsCommand, 'list-virtualhosts':ListVirtualhostsCommand, 'list-scripts':ListScriptsCommand, 'list-messages':ListMessagesCommand, 'message-details':MessageDetailsCommand, 'mark-as-unhandled':MarkAsUnhandledCommand, 'help':Help, '--help':Help, '-h':Help } str=None com=None com_find=None if len(sys.argv)>1: com_find=1 if com_find and com_dict.has_key(sys.argv[1]): if sys.argv[2:]: str=sys.argv[2:] #select command class in list and create object of this class with param try: com=com_dict.get(sys.argv[1])(str) if com: if isinstance(com, Help): else: except Exception, e: com=Help(com_dict) raise LookupError("Cant execute command or option. Error: %s" % (e))
def main(): parser = OptionParser(usage="Usage: %prog [options] key=value key2=value2 ...") parser.add_option("-e", "--endpoint", dest="endpoint", default=None, help="Messaging server URL") parser.add_option("-q", "--queue", dest="queue", help="Queue to send message into") parser.add_option("-n", "--name", dest="name", help="Message name") parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="msgfile", help="File with message") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.queue or (not options.msgfile and not print parser.format_help() sys.exit() init_script() msg_service = bus.messaging_service producer = msg_service.get_producer() if options.endpoint: producer.endpoint = options.endpoint msg = msg_service.new_message() if options.msgfile: str = None with open(options.msgfile, 'r') as fp: str = if str: msg.fromxml(str) if = for pair in args: k, v = pair.split("=") msg.body[k] = v producer.send(options.queue, msg) print "Done"
def main(): init_script() logger = logging.getLogger("scalarizr.scripts.udev")"Starting udev script...") try: initd = initdv2.lookup('scalarizr') if initd.running: channel = '/tmp/udev-block-device' with open(channel, 'w+') as fp: fp.write(os.environ['DEVNAME']) msg_service = bus.messaging_service producer = msg_service.get_producer() msg = msg_service.new_message(Messages.INT_BLOCK_DEVICE_UPDATED) for k, v in os.environ.items(): msg.body[k.lower()] = v producer.send(Queues.CONTROL, msg) except (BaseException, Exception), e: logger.exception(e)
if str: msg.fromxml(str) else: msg.body = kv if = producer.send(options.queue, msg) print "Done" if options.reinit: print 'Call scalarizr to reinitialize role (see /var/log/scalarizr.log for results)' init_script() conn = bus.db cur = conn.cursor() try: with open('/etc/scalr/private.d/.state', 'w') as fp: fp.write('bootstrapping') msg_service = bus.messaging_service msg = msg_service.new_message() cur.execute('SELECT message ' 'FROM p2p_message ' 'WHERE message_name = ? ' 'ORDER BY id DESC ' 'LIMIT 1', ('HostInitResponse', )
print 'Unknown message format' sys.exit(1) else: msg.body = kv if = producer.send(options.queue, msg) print "Done" if options.reinit: print 'Call scalarizr to reinitialize role (see /var/log/scalarizr.log for results)' init_script() conn = bus.db cur = conn.cursor() try: with open('/etc/scalr/private.d/.state', 'w') as fp: fp.write('bootstrapping') msg_service = bus.messaging_service msg = msg_service.new_message() cur.execute( 'SELECT message, format ' 'FROM p2p_message ' 'WHERE message_name = ? ' 'ORDER BY id DESC '