def initialize_isoplane(self): rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager() try: # 'ASRL4::INSTR' is the port which the Isoplane is connected to. Change as required. self.isoplane = rm.open_resource('ASRL4::INSTR') self.isoplane.timeout = 300000 self.isoplane.baud_rate = 9600 self.isoplane.read_termination = ' ok\r\n' self.isoplane.write_termination = '\r' self.finished_grating_query() post.eventlog(self, 'Isoplane: Connected.') self.buttonGratingState.setText('Turn Off') self.buttonGratingState.setStyleSheet('background: #121212') self.grating = True except pyvisa.errors.VisaIOError as error: self.buttonGratingUpdate.setDisabled(True) self.buttonGratingState.setDisabled(True) self.grating = False post.eventlog( self, 'Isoplane: Could not connect. Possibly being used in another process.' ) print(error)
def spectralacq_update(self): # Storing and setting the acquisition time self.exposuretime = float(self.spectralRequiredTime.text()) self.andor.setexposuretime(self.exposuretime) # Updating the actual acquisition time that has been set self.andor.getacquisitiontimings() self.spectralActualTime.setText(str(round(self.andor.exposure, 3))) post.eventlog( self, 'Andor: Exposure time set to ' + str(self.exposuretime) + 's')
def grating_state(self): if self.grating is True: self.isoplane.close() post.eventlog(self, 'Isoplane: Disconnected.') self.buttonGratingState.setText('Turn On') self.buttonGratingState.setStyleSheet('background: #121212') self.buttonGratingUpdate.setDisabled(True) self.grating = False elif self.grating is False: self.initialize_isoplane()
def closeEvent(self, event): # Method to carry out operations upon closing the main window self.andor.iscooleron() error_setshutter = self.andor.setshutter(1, 2, 0, 0) if self.andor.coolerstatus == 1 or error_setshutter == 'DRV_SUCCESS': event.ignore() post.eventlog(self, 'ScanCARS needs to SHUTDOWN first.') else: if self.winspecsum.isVisible() or self.winspecdiff.isVisible(): self.winspecsum.close() self.winspecdiff.close()
def initialize_andor(self): toggle.deactivate_buttons(self) # Storing the positions of the random tracks in an array randtrack = np.array([ int(self.camtrackLower1.text()), int(self.camtrackUpper1.text()), int(self.camtrackLower2.text()), int(self.camtrackUpper2.text()) ]) errorinitialize = self.andor.initialize() # Initializing the detector if errorinitialize != 'DRV_SUCCESS': post.eventlog(self, 'Andor: Initialize error. ' + errorinitialize) return self.andor.getdetector() # Getting information from the detector self.andor.setshutter(1, 2, 0, 0) # Ensuring the shutter is closed self.andor.setreadmode(2) # Setting the read mode to Random Tracks self.andor.setrandomtracks( 2, randtrack) # Setting the position of the random tracks self.andor.setadchannel(1) # Setting the AD channel self.andor.settriggermode(0) # Setting the trigger mode to 'internal' self.andor.sethsspeed(0, 0) # Setting the horiz. shift speed self.andor.setvsspeed(4) # Setting the verti. shift speed self.exposuretime = float(self.spectralRequiredTime.text()) self.andor.setexposuretime(self.exposuretime) # Setting camera to gain mode and setting the initial gain gain_to_set = 10 self.andor.setemccdgainmode(0) self.andor.setemccdgain(gain_to_set) self.dialGain.setValue(gain_to_set) gain_button_text = str(gain_to_set) + ': Update' self.buttonGain.setText(gain_button_text) time.sleep(2) self.andor.dim = self.andor.width * self.andor.randomtracks self.andor.getacquisitiontimings() self.spectralActualTime.setText(str(round(self.andor.exposure, 3))) toggle.activate_buttons(self) post.eventlog(self, 'Andor: Successfully initialized.') # Starting the temperature thread to monitor the temperature of the camera self.gettingtemp = True gettemperature = monitortemp.MonitorTemperatureThread(self) self.threadpool.start(gettemperature)
def finished_acquisition(self): if not self.acquisition_cancelled: finish = time.time() # Saving the data to file now = newpath = self.user_directory + '\\' + now.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d') + '\\' if not os.path.exists(newpath): os.makedirs(newpath) filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(caption='File Name', filter='H5 (*.h5)', directory=newpath) if filename[0]: acqproperties = savetofile.EmptyClass() acqproperties.width = self.andor.width acqproperties.time = self.exposuretime acqproperties.xpixels = self.x_required acqproperties.ypixels = self.y_required acqproperties.zpixels = self.z_required acqproperties.xystep = float(self.hyperspectralXYStep.text()) acqproperties.zstep = float(self.hyperspectralZStep.text()), str(filename[0]), acqproperties, acqtype='hyperspectral') # TODO progress bar post.eventlog(self, 'Hyperspectral acquisition saved') else: # TODO progress bar post.eventlog(self, 'Acquisition aborted.') # Finishing up UI acquisition call self.andor.setshutter(1, 2, 0, 0) post.status(self, '') self.buttonHyperspectralStart.setText( 'Start Hyperspectral Acquisition') self.progressbar.setValue(0) post.eventlog( self, 'Time taken: ' + str(round(finish - self.start, 1)) + 's') toggle.activate_buttons(self) else: # Finishing up UI acquisition call self.andor.setshutter(1, 2, 0, 0) post.status(self, '') self.progressbar.setValue(0) self.acquisition_cancelled = False post.eventlog(self, 'Hyperspectral acquisition aborted.') self.buttonHyperspectralStart.setText( 'Start Hyperspectral Acquisition') toggle.activate_buttons(self)
def camtracks_update(self): # Reading in the required track position values from the gui randtrack = np.array([ int(float(self.camtrackLower1.text())), int(float(self.camtrackUpper1.text())), int(float(self.camtrackLower2.text())), int(float(self.camtrackUpper2.text())) ]) # Setting the random track positions on the camera errormessage = self.andor.setrandomtracks(2, randtrack) # Checking to make sure that the camera has successfully set the random tracks if errormessage != 'DRV_SUCCESS': post.eventlog(self, 'Andor: SetRandomTracks error. ' + errormessage) else: post.eventlog(self, 'Andor: Random track positions updated.')
def finished_grating_query(self, message=None): self.isoplane.clear() grating_no = self.isoplane.ask('?GRATING') grating_no = int(grating_no[1]) self.isoplane.clear() wavelength_no = self.isoplane.ask('?NM') wavelength_no = round(float(wavelength_no[0:-3])) if self.grating150.isChecked() and grating_no == 2: self.grating600.setChecked(True) elif self.grating600.isChecked() and grating_no == 3: self.grating150.setChecked(True) self.gratingActualWavelength.setText(str(wavelength_no)) if message is not None: post.eventlog(self, message)
def grating_update(self): post.eventlog(self, 'Isoplane: Updating...') self.isoplane.clear() grating_no = self.isoplane.ask('?GRATING') grating_no = int(grating_no[1]) self.isoplane.clear() wavelength_no = self.isoplane.ask('?NM') wavelength_no = round(float(wavelength_no[0:-3])) if self.grating150.isChecked() and grating_no == 2: setgrating = grating.GratingThread(self.isoplane, query='grating', value=3) self.threadpool.start(setgrating) message = 'Isoplane: Grating set to 150 lines/mm' setgrating.signals.finished.connect( lambda: self.finished_grating_query(message)) elif self.grating600.isChecked() and grating_no == 3: setgrating = grating.GratingThread(self.isoplane, query='grating', value=2) self.threadpool.start(setgrating) message = 'Isoplane: Grating set to 600 lines/mm' setgrating.signals.finished.connect( lambda: self.finished_grating_query(message)) if int(self.gratingRequiredWavelength.text()) != wavelength_no: reqwavelength = int(self.gratingRequiredWavelength.text()) setwavelength = grating.GratingThread(self.isoplane, query='wavelength', value=reqwavelength) self.threadpool.start(setwavelength) message = 'Isoplane: Wavelength set to ' + str( reqwavelength) + ' nm' setwavelength.signals.finished.connect( lambda: self.finished_grating_query(message))
def main_shutdown(self): toggle.deactivate_buttons(self) # Saving the event logger contents to a textfile now = newpath = 'F:\\SIPCARS\\Data\\Logs\\' + now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '\\' if not os.path.exists(newpath): os.makedirs(newpath) with open(newpath + 'eventlog--' + now.strftime('%H-%M-%S') + '.txt', 'w') as eventfile: eventfile.write(str(self.eventLogger.toPlainText())) # Ensuring all acquiring and temperature loops have been stopped self.acquiring = False self.gettingtemp = False # Turning the shutter off and checking to see if the camera cooler is on self.andor.setshutter(1, 2, 0, 0) self.andor.iscooleron() self.andor.gettemperature() # If the cooler is off, proceed to shutdown the camera if self.andor.coolerstatus == 0: # and ui.andor.temperature > -20: # TODO Temp. whilst aligning self.andor.shutdown() # ui.isoplane.close() post.eventlog(self, 'ScanCARS can now be safely closed.') post.status(self, 'ScanCARS can now be safely closed.') # If the cooler is on, turn it off, wait for temp. to increase to -20C, and then shutdown camera else: self.andor.gettemperature() if self.andor.temperature < -20: post.eventlog( self, 'Andor: Waiting for camera to return to normal temp...') self.andor.cooleroff() self.buttonCameratempCooler.setText('Cooler On') time.sleep(1) while self.andor.temperature < -20: time.sleep(3) self.andor.gettemperature() self.cameratempActualTemp.setText(str(self.andor.temperature)) QCoreApplication.processEvents() self.andor.shutdown() # ui.isoplane.close() post.eventlog(self, 'ScanCARS can now be safely closed.') post.status(self, 'ScanCARS can now be safely closed.')
def cameratemp_cooler(self): # Checking to see if the cooler is on or off message_iscooleron = self.andor.iscooleron() if message_iscooleron != 'DRV_SUCCESS': post.eventlog(self, 'Andor: IsCoolerOn error. ' + message_iscooleron) else: if self.andor.coolerstatus == 0: # Turning the cooler on and checking to see if it has been turned on self.andor.settemperature( int(self.cameratempRequiredTemp.text())) self.andor.cooleron() self.andor.iscooleron() if self.andor.coolerstatus == 1: post.eventlog(self, 'Andor: Cooler on.') self.cameratempActualTemp.setStyleSheet( 'background: #4e644e') self.buttonCameratempCooler.setText('Cooler Off') elif self.andor.coolerstatus == 1: # Turning the cooler off and checking to see if it has been turned off self.andor.cooleroff() self.andor.iscooleron() if self.andor.coolerstatus == 0: post.eventlog(self, 'Andor: Cooler off.') self.cameratempActualTemp.setStyleSheet( 'background: #121212') self.buttonCameratempCooler.setText('Cooler On') else: # Shouldn't expect this to be called, if it is then it's unlikely to be related to the Andor post.eventlog( self, 'An error has occured. Possibly related to the GUI itself?' )
def finished_acquisition(): if not self.acquisition_cancelled: # Processing data spectral_data = np.asarray(self.spectral_data) spectral_data = np.transpose(spectral_data) acquired_data = np.mean(spectral_data, 1) # - np.mean(dark_data, 1) # Plotting the mean spectrum self.track1plot.setData(acquired_data[0:self.width - 1]) self.track2plot.setData( acquired_data[self.width:(2 * self.width) - 1]) self.diffplot.setData(acquired_data[self.width: (2 * self.width) - 1] - acquired_data[0:self.width - 1]) self.previousplot.setData( acquired_data[self.width:(2 * self.width) - 1] - acquired_data[0:self.width - 1]) # # Saving the data to file now = newpath = self.user_directory + '\\' + now.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d') + '\\' if not os.path.exists(newpath): os.makedirs(newpath) filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(caption='File Name', filter='H5 (*.h5)', directory=newpath) if filename[0]: acqproperties = savetofile.EmptyClass() acqproperties.width = self.andor.width acqproperties.time = self.exposuretime acqproperties.number = frames, str(filename[0]), acqproperties, acqtype='spectral') self.progressbar.setValue(100) post.eventlog( self, 'Spectral acquisition saved.' ) # TODO Print file name saved to as well else: self.progressbar.setValue(100) post.eventlog(self, 'Acquisition aborted.') # Finishing up UI acquisition call self.andor.setshutter(1, 2, 0, 0) post.status(self, '') self.buttonSpectralStart.setText( 'Start Spectral Acquisition') self.progressbar.setValue(0) toggle.activate_buttons(self) else: # Finishing up UI acquisition call self.andor.setshutter(1, 2, 0, 0) post.status(self, '') self.progressbar.setValue(0) self.acquisition_cancelled = False post.eventlog(self, 'Spectral acquisition aborted.') self.buttonSpectralStart.setText( 'Start Spectral Acquisition') toggle.activate_buttons(self)
def gain_update(self): dial_value = int(self.dialGain.value()) self.andor.setemccdgain(dial_value) post.eventlog(self, 'Andor: Gain set to ' + str(dial_value))