class Scan(): """ This class will take care of the Active/Passive scanning """ def __init__(self): self.nessus = Nessus() # colors self.G = '\033[92m' # green self.Y = '\033[93m' # yellow self.B = '\033[94m' # blue self.R = '\033[91m' # red self.W = '\033[0m' # white def nessus_scan(self, target, filename): """ This function will take care of nessus scans and getting its output""" self.nessus.login() self.nessus.get_custom_uuid() self.nessus.get_policy_id() self.nessus.add_scan(list(target)) print(self.G + "[i] Successfully added the Nessus scan") self.nessus.launch_scan() print( "[i] Successfully launched the Nessus scan & waiting for the scan to complete" ) while True: time.sleep(60) try: status = self.nessus.check_status() if (status != "running"): break except Exception as e: continue self.nessus.scan_results(filename) print(self.G + "[+] Nessus consolidated report:") self.nessus.slack_notify() return
class Scan(): """ This class will take care of the Active/Passive scanning """ def __init__(self): # colors self.G = '\033[92m' # green self.Y = '\033[93m' # yellow self.B = '\033[94m' # blue self.R = '\033[91m' # red self.W = '\033[0m' # white # object initialization self.nessus = Nessus() self.wpscan = WpScan() # MongoDB variables self.mongocli = MongoClient('localhost', 27017) self.dbname = self.mongocli['RTA'] # Slack notification self.slack = Slack() def nessus_scan(self, target, filename): """ This function will take care of nessus scans and getting its output""" self.nessus.login() self.nessus.get_custom_uuid() self.nessus.get_policy_id() self.nessus.add_scan(list(target)) print(self.G + "[i] Successfully added the Nessus scan") self.nessus.launch_scan() print( "[i] Successfully launched the Nessus scan & waiting for the scan to complete" ) while True: time.sleep(60) try: status = self.nessus.check_status() if (status != "running"): break except Exception as e: continue self.nessus.scan_results(filename) print(self.G + "[+] Nessus consolidated report:") self.nessus.slack_notify() return def wp_scan(self, parent): """ Launch WpScan if the techstack used is wordpress. """ collection = self.dbname['wpscan'] collection_tech = self.dbname['tech_stack'] count = self.dbname.collection.count() # collection.create_index('domain', unique=True) flag = True for item in collection_tech.find({'parent': parent}): message = "" if 'wordpress' in str(item['tech_stack']).lower(): if flag: message = "[+] *Wpscan report*: (" + item['domain'] + ")\n" flag = False result = self.wpscan.scan(item['domain'], parent) data = { 'id': count + 1, 'domain': item['domain'], 'time': } data['version'] = result['version']['number'] message += "Version: `" + data['version'] + "`\n" data['vulnerabilities'] = [] data['plugins'] = {} message += "Wordpress core vulnerabilities: \n```\n" for value in result['version']['vulnerabilities']: data['vulnerabilities'].append(value['title']) message += value['title'] + "\n" message += "```\nPlugins: \n" for key, value in result['plugins'].iteritems(): if message[-1] != "\n": message += "```" message += "\n" + key + ": \n```" for vuln in value['vulnerabilities']: message += "\n" try: data['plugins'][key].append(vuln['title']) except: data['plugins'][key] = [] data['plugins'][key].append(vuln['title']) message += vuln['title'] # Push the above data to DB message += "\n```" print(self.W + message) self.slack.notify_slack(message) dataid = collection.insert(data) count += 1