def define_sources(srcdic,model_frame,observation): """ """ sources = [] for key, loc in srcdic.items(): if key == 'point': for x,y in loc: new_source = scarlet.PointSource(model_frame, (y, x), observation) sources.append(new_source) elif key == 'extended': for x,y in loc: new_source = scarlet.ExtendedSource(model_frame, (y, x), observation, shifting=True) sources.append(new_source) elif key == 'multi': for x,y in loc: new_source = scarlet.MultiComponentSource(model_frame, (y, x), observation, shifting=True) sources.append(new_source) return sources
def _get_model(self): im, psf_im, coords, dims, sing_im, sing_coord = Simulation.__call__( self) bg_rms = self['Image']['Bgrms'] mode = self['Mode'] if mode == 'scarlet': #constraints = {"S": None, "m": {'use_nearest': False}, "+": None} #constraints['l1'] = bg_rms #psf_dims = np.shape(psf_im) #psf_im3d = psf_im.reshape( (1, psf_dims[0], psf_dims[1]) ) #target_psf = scarlet.psf_match.fit_target_psf(psf_im3d, scarlet.psf_match.gaussian) #diff_kernels, psf_blend = scarlet.psf_match.build_diff_kernels(psf_im3d, target_psf) sources = [ scarlet.ExtendedSource(coord, im, [bg_rms]) for coord in coords ] #,psf=diff_kernels) for coord in coords] #config = scarlet.Config(edge_flux_thresh=0.05) config = scarlet.Config(source_sizes=[25 ]) #,edge_flux_thresh=0.05) #scarlet.ExtendedSource.shift_center=0.0 blend = scarlet.Blend(sources, im, bg_rms=[bg_rms], config=config), e_rel=1e-3) model = blend.get_model() mod1 = blend.get_model(m=0) #mod2 = blend.get_model(m=1) cen_mod = sources[0].get_model() #neigh_mod = sources[1].get_model() #steps_used = #return im,psf_im,model,mod1,mod2,cen_mod,neigh_mod,coords,sing_im,sing_coord return im, psf_im, model, mod1, cen_mod, coords, sing_im, sing_coord
def scarlet1_initialize(images, peaks, psfs, variances, bands): """ Deblend input images with scarlet Args: images: Numpy array of multi-band image to run scarlet on [Number of bands, height, width]. peaks: Array of x and y coordinates of centroids of objects in the image [number of sources, 2]. bg_rms: Background RMS value of the images [Number of bands] iters: Maximum number of iterations if scarlet doesn't converge (Default: 200). e_rel: Relative error for convergence (Default: 0.015) Returns blend: scarlet.Blend object for the initialized sources rejected_sources: list of sources (if any) that scarlet was unable to initialize the image with. """ model_psf = scarlet.PSF(partial(scarlet.psf.gaussian, sigma=0.8), shape=(None, 41, 41)) model_frame = scarlet.Frame(images.shape, psfs=model_psf, channels=bands) observation = scarlet.Observation(images, psfs=scarlet.PSF(psfs), weights=1./variances, channels=bands).match(model_frame) sources = [] for n, peak in enumerate(peaks): result = scarlet.ExtendedSource(model_frame, (peak[1], peak[0]), observation, symmetric=True, monotonic=True, thresh=1, shifting=True) sed = result.sed morph = result.morph if np.all([s < 0 for s in sed]) or np.sum(morph) == 0: raise ValueError("Incorrectly initialized") sources.append(result) blend = scarlet.Blend(sources, observation) return blend, observation
def scarlet_initialize(images, peaks, bg_rms): """ Deblend input images with scarlet Args: images: Numpy array of multi-band image to run scarlet on [Number of bands, height, width]. peaks: Array of x and y coordinates of centroids of objects in the image [number of sources, 2]. bg_rms: Background RMS value of the images [Number of bands] iters: Maximum number of iterations if scarlet doesn't converge (Default: 200). e_rel: Relative error for convergence (Default: 0.015) Returns blend: scarlet.Blend object for the initialized sources rejected_sources: list of sources (if any) that scarlet was unable to initialize the image with. """ sources = [] for n, peak in enumerate(peaks): try: result = scarlet.ExtendedSource( (peak[1], peak[0]), images, bg_rms) sources.append(result) except scarlet.source.SourceInitError: print("No flux in peak {0} at {1}".format(n, peak)) blend = scarlet.Blend(sources).set_data(images, bg_rms=bg_rms) return blend
def _get_scar_model(self): im, psf_im, coords, dims, dx1, dy1, noise = Simulation.__call__(self) bg_rms = self['Image']['Bgrms'] mode = self['Mode'] constraints = {"S": None, "m": {'use_nearest': False}, "+": None} #constraints['l0'] = bg_rms sources = [ scarlet.ExtendedSource(coord, im, [bg_rms]) for coord in coords ] #scarlet.ExtendedSource.shift_center=0.0 #config = scarlet.Config(edge_flux_thresh=0.05) blend = scarlet.Blend(sources, im, bg_rms=[bg_rms]) #,config=config), e_rel=1e-3) model = blend.get_model() #plt.imshow(im[0,:,:]) #plt.colorbar() #plt.savefig('test.png') mod1 = blend.get_model(m=0) mod2 = blend.get_model(m=1) cen_mod = sources[0].get_model() #output['mod_size_flag'][j] = 0 #if np.shape(cen_mod) != (1,25,25): #output['mod_size_flag'][j] = 3 neigh_mod = sources[1].get_model() #steps_used = return im, psf_im, model, mod1, mod2, cen_mod, neigh_mod, coords, dx1, dy1, noise
def _get_model(self): im,psf_im,coords,dims,sing_im,sing_coord = Simulation.__call__(self) bg_rms = self['Image']['Bgrms'] mode = self['Mode'] if mode == 'scarlet': constraints = {"S": None, "m": {'use_nearest': False}, "+": None} #constraints['l1'] = bg_rms sources = [scarlet.ExtendedSource(coord, im, [bg_rms]) for coord in coords] #config = scarlet.Config(edge_flux_thresh=0.05) #scarlet.ExtendedSource.shift_center=0.0 blend = scarlet.Blend(sources, im, bg_rms=[bg_rms])#,config=config), e_rel=1e-3) model = blend.get_model() mod1 = blend.get_model(m=0) #mod2 = blend.get_model(m=1) cen_mod = sources[0].get_model() #mod_size_flag = 0 #if np.shape(cen_mod) != (1,25,25): # mod_size_flag = 3 #print("not 25x25") #output['mod_size_flag'][j] = 3 #neigh_mod = sources[1].get_model() #steps_used = #return im,psf_im,model,mod1,mod2,cen_mod,neigh_mod,coords,sing_im,sing_coord return im,psf_im,model,mod1,cen_mod,coords,sing_im,sing_coord
def test_fit_extended_source(self): shape = (6, 31, 55) coords = [(20, 10), (10, 30), (17, 42)] amplitudes = [3, 2, 1] result = init_data(shape, coords, amplitudes, dtype=np.float64) target_psf, psfs, images, channels, seds, morphs = result B, Ny, Nx = shape frame = scarlet.Frame(images.shape, psfs=target_psf[None], dtype=np.float64) observation = scarlet.Observation(images, psfs=psfs).match(frame) bg_rms = np.ones((B, )) sources = [ scarlet.ExtendedSource(frame, coord, observation, bg_rms) for coord in coords ] blend = scarlet.Blend(sources, observation) # Scale the input psfs by the observation and model psfs to ensure # the sources were initialized correctly psf_scale = observation.frame.psfs.max(axis=(1, 2)) / frame.psfs[0].max() scaled_seds = np.array([c.sed * psf_scale for c in blend.components]) assert_almost_equal(scaled_seds, seds) # Fit the model assert < 20 mse = np.array(blend.mse[:-1]) _mse = np.array(blend.mse[1:]) assert np.all(mse - _mse >= 0)
def get_scar_model(self): import scarlet import scarlet.constraint as sc im, psf_im, coords, dims, dx1, dy1, noise = self.sim() bg_rms = self.sim['Image']['Bgrms'] bg_rms = bg_rms / np.sqrt(len(im)) mode = self.sim['Mode'] #create multiband background im bg = np.zeros((len(im))) bg += bg_rms #choose constraints for PSF and sources (optional) #psf_constraints = ()#sc.SimpleConstraint()) #source_constraints = ()#sc.SimpleConstraint(),sc.DirectSymmetryConstraint()) #sc.DirectMonotonicityConstraint(use_nearest=False) config = scarlet.Config(source_sizes=[25]) #create multiband PSF image #psf_dims = np.shape(psf_im) #psf_im3d = psf_im.reshape( (1, psf_dims[0], psf_dims[1]) ) #psfs = np.zeros((len(im), psf_dims[0],psf_dims[1])) #psfs += psf_im3d #PSF Matching #target_psf = scarlet.psf_match.fit_target_psf(psfs, # scarlet.psf_match.gaussian) #diff_kernels, psf_blend = scarlet.psf_match.build_diff_kernels(psfs, # target_psf) #if use PSF matching, set psf = diff_kernels below sources = [ scarlet.ExtendedSource(coord, im, bg_rms=bg, psf=None, config=config) for coord in coords ] #config = scarlet.Config(edge_flux_thresh=0.05) blend = scarlet.Blend(sources) blend.set_data(im, bg_rms=bg, config=config), e_rel=1e-3) #get full sized scarlet models model = blend.get_model() mod1 = blend.get_model(0) mod2 = blend.get_model(1) #get postage stamp models cen_mod = sources[0].get_model() neigh_mod = sources[1].get_model() #get scarlet coordinates cen_cen_pos = blend[0][0].center neigh_cen_pos = blend[1][0].center return im, psf_im, model, mod1, mod2, cen_mod, neigh_mod, coords, dx1, dy1, noise, cen_cen_pos, neigh_cen_pos
def _get_model(self): im, psf_im, coords, dims, sing_im, sing_coord = Simulation.__call__( self) bg_rms = self['Image']['Bgrms'] mode = self['Mode'] #constraints = {"S": None, "m": {'use_nearest': False}, "+": None} constraint = (sc.SimpleConstraint()) #constraint = PSFConstraint() config = (scarlet.Config(source_sizes=[25])) #psf_dims = np.shape(psf_im) #psf_im3d = psf_im.reshape( (1, psf_dims[0], psf_dims[1]) ) #target_psf = scarlet.psf_match.fit_target_psf(psf_im3d, scarlet.psf_match.gaussian) #diff_kernels, psf_blend = scarlet.psf_match.build_diff_kernels(psf_im3d, target_psf,constraints=constraint) #constraint = (sc.L0Constraint(.5*bg_rms)) #& sc.DirectSymmetryConstraint(sigma=0.25)) #& sc.MonotonicityConstraint(use_nearest=True)) #constraints['l1'] = bg_rms sources = [ scarlet.ExtendedSource(coord, im, [bg_rms], psf=None, config=config, shift_center=0.0) for coord in coords ] #config = scarlet.Config(edge_flux_thresh=1.25) #scarlet.ExtendedSource.shift_center=0.0 blend = scarlet.Blend(sources) blend.set_data(im, bg_rms=[bg_rms], config=config), e_rel=1e-3) model = blend.get_model() mod1 = blend.get_model(0) #mod2 = blend.get_model(1) cen_mod = sources[0].get_model() #cen_pos = sources[0].center #neigh_mod = sources[1].get_model() #print(cen_pos[0]-coords[0][0],cen_pos[1]-coords[0][1]) #psf_model = psf_blend.get_model() """ masked_mod =,0.0) f,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(8,4)) f1 = ax[0].imshow(psf_im3d[0,:,:]) ax[0].set_title("Orig PSF") plt.colorbar(f1,ax=ax[0]) f2 = ax[1].imshow(masked_mod[0,:,:]) plt.colorbar(f2,ax=ax[1]) ax[1].set_title("Diff Kernels") plt.tight_layout() f.savefig('test.png') plt.close() steps_used = print(steps_used) """ #return im,psf_im,model,mod1,mod2,cen_mod,neigh_mod,coords,sing_im,sing_coord return im, psf_im, model, mod1, cen_mod, coords, sing_im, sing_coord
def initialize(images, peaks, diff_kernels, bg_rms): sources = [] rejected_sources = [] for n, peak in enumerate(peaks): try: result = scarlet.ExtendedSource((peak[1], peak[0]), images, bg_rms, psf=diff_kernels) sources.append(result) except scarlet.source.SourceInitError: rejected_sources.append(n) print("No flux in peak {0} at {1}".format(n, peak)) blend = scarlet.Blend(sources, images, bg_rms=bg_rms) return blend, rejected_sources
def get_scar_model(self): import scarlet import scarlet.constraint as sc im, psf_im, coords, dims, dx1, dy1, noise = self.sim() bg_rms = self.sim['Image']['Bgrms'] mode = self.sim['Mode'] bg = np.zeros((len(im))) bg += bg_rms #psf_constraints = (sc.SimpleConstraint()) #source_constraints = ()#sc.SimpleConstraint(),sc.DirectSymmetryConstraint()) #sc.DirectMonotonicityConstraint(use_nearest=False) config = scarlet.Config(source_sizes=[25]) psf_dims = np.shape(psf_im) psf_im3d = psf_im.reshape((1, psf_dims[0], psf_dims[1])) psfs = np.zeros((len(im), psf_dims[0], psf_dims[1])) psfs += psf_im3d #target_psf = scarlet.psf_match.fit_target_psf(psfs, # scarlet.psf_match.gaussian) #diff_kernels, psf_blend = scarlet.psf_match.build_diff_kernels(psfs, # target_psf, constraints = None) sources = [ scarlet.ExtendedSource(coord, im, bg_rms=bg, psf=None, config=config) for coord in coords ] #config = scarlet.Config(edge_flux_thresh=0.05) blend = scarlet.Blend(sources) blend.set_data(im, bg_rms=bg, config=config), e_rel=1e-3) model = blend.get_model() mod1 = blend.get_model(0) #mod2 = blend.get_model(1) cen_mod = sources[0].get_model() #neigh_mod = sources[1].get_model() #psf_model = psf_blend.get_model() #steps_used = cen_cen_pos = blend[0][0].center #return im,psf_im,model,mod1,mod2,cen_mod,neigh_mod,coords,dx1,dy1,noise return im, psf_im, model, mod1, cen_mod, coords, dx1, dy1, noise, cen_cen_pos, psfs
def get_scar_model(self): import scarlet im, psf_im, coords, dims, dx1, dy1, noise, sep_coords = self.sim() bg_rms = self.sim['Image']['Bgrms'] mode = self.sim['Mode'] #constraints = {"S": None, "m": {'use_nearest': False}, "+": None} #constraints['l0'] = bg_rms constraint = (sc.SimpleConstraint()) # & sc.MonotonicityConstraint(use_nearest=True)) config = scarlet.Config(source_sizes=[25]) psf_dims = np.shape(psf_im) psf_im3d = psf_im.reshape((1, psf_dims[0], psf_dims[1])) target_psf = scarlet.psf_match.fit_target_psf( psf_im3d, scarlet.psf_match.gaussian) diff_kernels, psf_blend = scarlet.psf_match.build_diff_kernels( psf_im3d, target_psf, constraints=constraint.copy()) sources = [ scarlet.ExtendedSource(coord, im, [bg_rms], psf=diff_kernels, config=config) for coord in coords ] #sources = [scarlet.ExtendedSource(coord, im, [bg_rms]) for coord in coords] #scarlet.ExtendedSource.shift_center=0.0 #config = scarlet.Config(edge_flux_thresh=0.05) blend = scarlet.Blend(sources, im, bg_rms=[bg_rms], config=config), e_rel=1e-3) model = blend.get_model() mod1 = blend.get_model(m=0) mod2 = blend.get_model(m=1) cen_mod = sources[0].get_model() neigh_mod = sources[1].get_model() #steps_used = return im, psf_im, model, mod1, mod2, cen_mod, neigh_mod, coords, dx1, dy1, noise, sep_coords
def test_init_extended(self): shape = (5, 11, 15) B, Ny, Nx = shape x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 5) y = np.linspace(-2, 2, 5) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) true_sed = np.arange(B) true_morph = np.zeros(shape[1:]) skycoord = (np.array(true_morph.shape) - 1) // 2 cy, cx = skycoord true_morph[cy - 2:cy + 3, cx - 2:cx + 3] = 3 - r morph = true_morph.copy() morph[5, 3] = 10 # Test function images = true_sed[:, None, None] * morph[None, :, :] frame = scarlet.Frame(shape) observation = scarlet.Observation(images).match(frame) bg_rms = np.ones_like(true_sed) * 1e-3 sed, morph = scarlet.source.init_extended_source( skycoord, frame, observation, bg_rms) assert_array_equal(sed / 3, true_sed) assert_almost_equal(morph * 3, true_morph) # Test ExtendedSource.__init__ src = scarlet.ExtendedSource(frame, skycoord, observation, bg_rms) assert_array_equal(src.pixel_center, skycoord) assert src.symmetric is True assert src.monotonic is True assert src.center_step == 5 assert src.delay_thresh == 10 assert_array_equal(src.sed / 3, true_sed) assert_almost_equal(src.morph * 3, true_morph) # Test monotonicity morph = true_morph.copy() morph[5, 5] = 2 images = true_sed[:, None, None] * morph[None, :, :] frame = scarlet.Frame(shape) observation = scarlet.Observation(images).match(frame) bg_rms = np.ones_like(true_sed) * 1e-3 sed, morph = scarlet.source.init_extended_source(skycoord, frame, observation, bg_rms, symmetric=False) _morph = true_morph.copy() _morph[5, 5] = 1.5816233815926433 assert_array_equal(sed / 3, true_sed) assert_almost_equal(morph * 3, _morph) # Test symmetry morph = true_morph.copy() morph[5, 5] = 2 images = true_sed[:, None, None] * morph[None, :, :] frame = scarlet.Frame(shape) observation = scarlet.Observation(images).match(frame) bg_rms = np.ones_like(true_sed) * 1e-3 sed, morph = scarlet.source.init_extended_source(skycoord, frame, observation, bg_rms, monotonic=False) assert_array_equal(sed / 3, true_sed) assert_almost_equal(morph * 3, true_morph)