예제 #1
파일: veneer.py 프로젝트: yuul/Scenic
def RelativeHeading(X, Y=None):
	X = toHeading(X, '"relative heading of X from Y" with X not a heading')
	if Y is None:
		Y = ego().heading
		Y = toHeading(Y, '"relative heading of X from Y" with Y not a heading')
	return normalizeAngle(X - Y)
예제 #2
def relativeHeadingRange(baseHeading, offsetL, offsetR, targetHeading,
                         tOffsetL, tOffsetR):
    if baseHeading is None or targetHeading is None:  # heading may not be constant within cell
        return -math.pi, math.pi
    lower = normalizeAngle(baseHeading + offsetL)
    upper = normalizeAngle(baseHeading + offsetR)
    points = [lower, upper]
    if upper < lower:
        points.extend((math.pi, -math.pi))
    tLower = normalizeAngle(targetHeading + tOffsetL)
    tUpper = normalizeAngle(targetHeading + tOffsetR)
    tPoints = [tLower, tUpper]
    if tUpper < tLower:
        tPoints.extend((math.pi, -math.pi))
    rhs = [tp - p for tp in tPoints for p in points]  # TODO improve
    return min(rhs), max(rhs)
예제 #3
	def angleWith(self, other) -> float:
		"""Compute the signed angle between self and other.

		The angle is positive if other is counterclockwise of self (considering
		the smallest possible rotation to align them).
		x, y = self.x, self.y
		ox, oy = other.x, other.y
		return normalizeAngle(math.atan2(oy, ox) - math.atan2(y, x))
예제 #4
def RelativeHeading(X, Y=None):
    """The 'relative heading of <heading> [from <heading>]' operator.

	If the 'from <heading>' is omitted, the heading of ego is used.
    X = toHeading(X, '"relative heading of X from Y" with X not a heading')
    if Y is None:
        Y = ego().heading
        Y = toHeading(Y, '"relative heading of X from Y" with Y not a heading')
    return normalizeAngle(X - Y)
예제 #5
파일: interface.py 프로젝트: yuul/Scenic
    def computeGeometry(self, crossroads, snapTolerance=0.05):
        ## Approximate bounding polygon and sidewalks
        # TODO improve this!!!
        lefts, rights = [], []
        leftSidewalk, rightSidewalk = [], []
        headings = []
        sidewalkWidths = itertools.chain(
            self.sidewalkWidths, itertools.repeat(self.sidewalkWidths[-1]))
        segments = zip(self.waypoints, sidewalkWidths)
        for i, segment in enumerate(segments):
            point, sidewalkWidth = segment
            if i + 1 < len(self.waypoints):
                nextPt = self.waypoints[i + 1]
                dx, dy = nextPt - point
                heading = normalizeAngle(math.atan2(dy, dx) - (math.pi / 2))
                perp = np.array([-dy, dx])
                perp /= np.linalg.norm(perp)
                pass  # use perp from last segment
            toEdge = perp * (self.width / 2)
            left = point + toEdge
            right = point - toEdge
            toEdge = perp * sidewalkWidth
            leftSidewalk.append(left + toEdge)
            rightSidewalk.append(right - toEdge)

        # Snap to adjacent crossroads if possible
        if snapTolerance > 0:
            sc = self.startCrossroad
            if sc is not None:
                if sc not in crossroads:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f'Road {self.osmID} begins at invalid crossroad {sc}')
                crossroad = crossroads[sc]
                if crossroad.region is not None:
                    pt = shapely.geometry.Point(lefts[0])
                    pt = shapely.ops.snap(pt, crossroad.region.polygons,
                    lefts[0] = np.array([pt.x, pt.y])
                    pt = shapely.geometry.Point(rights[0])
                    pt = shapely.ops.snap(pt, crossroad.region.polygons,
                    rights[0] = np.array([pt.x, pt.y])
                    perp = lefts[0] - rights[0]
                    toEdge = perp * (self.sidewalkWidths[0] /
                    leftSidewalk[0] = lefts[0] + toEdge
                    rightSidewalk[0] = rights[0] - toEdge
            ec = self.endCrossroad
            if ec is not None:
                if ec not in crossroads:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f'Road {self.osmID} ends at invalid crossroad {ec}')
                crossroad = crossroads[ec]
                if crossroad.region is not None:
                    pt = shapely.geometry.Point(lefts[-1])
                    pt = shapely.ops.snap(pt, crossroad.region.polygons,
                    lefts[-1] = np.array([pt.x, pt.y])
                    pt = shapely.geometry.Point(rights[-1])
                    pt = shapely.ops.snap(pt, crossroad.region.polygons,
                    rights[-1] = np.array([pt.x, pt.y])
                    perp = lefts[-1] - rights[-1]
                    toEdge = perp * (self.sidewalkWidths[-1] /
                    leftSidewalk[-1] = lefts[-1] + toEdge
                    rightSidewalk[-1] = rights[-1] - toEdge

        roadPoints = lefts + list(reversed(rights))
        self.leftCurb = PolylineRegion(reversed(lefts))
        self.rightCurb = PolylineRegion(rights)

        self.leftSidewalk = self.rightSidewalk = None
        if self.hasLeftSidewalk:
            points = lefts + list(reversed(leftSidewalk))
            polygon = polygonWithPoints(points)
            assert polygon.is_valid, self.waypoints
            self.leftSidewalk = PolygonalRegion(polygon=polygon)
        if self.hasRightSidewalk:
            points = rights + list(reversed(rightSidewalk))
            polygon = polygonWithPoints(points)
            assert polygon.is_valid, self.waypoints
            self.rightSidewalk = PolygonalRegion(polygon=polygon)

        ## Compute lanes and traffic directions
        cells = []
        la, ra = lefts[0], rights[0]
        gapA = (ra - la) / self.lanes
        markerA = ra
        laneMarkers = [[] for lane in range(self.lanes)]
        for lb, rb, heading in zip(lefts[1:], rights[1:], headings):
            # Compute lanes for this segment of road
            gapB = (rb - lb) / self.lanes
            markerB = rb
            for lane, markers in enumerate(laneMarkers):
                forward = lane < self.forwardLanes
                if self.driveOnLeft:
                    forward = not forward
                nextMarkerA = markerA - gapA
                nextMarkerB = markerB - gapB
                cell = shapely.geometry.Polygon(
                    (markerA, markerB, nextMarkerB, nextMarkerA))
                heading = heading if forward else normalizeAngle(heading +
                cells.append((cell, heading))
                markerA = nextMarkerA
                markerB = nextMarkerB
            gapA = gapB
            markerA = rb
        self.lanes = []
        markerB = rb
        rightEdge = rights
        for lane, markers in enumerate(laneMarkers):
            markerB = markerB - gapB
                PolygonalRegion(rightEdge + list(reversed(markers))))
            rightEdge = markers
        self.laneMarkers = laneMarkers[:-1]
        self.cells = cells
        self.direction = PolygonalVectorField(f'Road{self.osmID}Direction',

        roadPolygon = polygonWithPoints(roadPoints)
        self.region = PolygonalRegion(polygon=roadPolygon,
예제 #6
파일: vectors.py 프로젝트: yuul/Scenic
 def angleTo(self, other):
     dx, dy = other.toVector() - self
     return normalizeAngle(math.atan2(dy, dx) - (math.pi / 2))
예제 #7
def webotsToScenicRotation(rot, tolerance2D=0):
    axis = np.array(rot[:3])
    angle = rot[3]
    if np.linalg.norm(axis - (0, 1, 0)) > tolerance2D:
        return None
    return normalizeAngle(angle + math.pi)
예제 #8
def carlaToScenicHeading(rot):
    return normalizeAngle(-math.radians(rot.yaw + 90))
예제 #9
def lgsvlToScenicRotation(rot):
    """Convert LGSVL rotations to Scenic headings.

    Drops all but the Y component.
    return normalizeAngle(-math.radians(rot.y))