def construct_stacks(self): """ Traverses the files under the command path. For each file encountered, a Stack is constructed using the correct config. Dependencies are traversed and a final set of Stacks is returned. :returns: A set of Stacks. :rtype: set """ stack_map = {} command_stacks = set() if self.context.ignore_dependencies: root = self.context.full_command_path() else: root = self.context.full_config_path() if path.isfile(root): todo = {root} else: todo = set() for directory_name, sub_directories, files in walk(root, followlinks=True): for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, '*.yaml'): if filename.startswith('config.'): continue todo.add(path.join(directory_name, filename)) stack_group_configs = {} while todo: abs_path = todo.pop() rel_path = path.relpath( abs_path, start=self.context.full_config_path()) directory, filename = path.split(rel_path) if directory in stack_group_configs: stack_group_config = stack_group_configs[directory] else: stack_group_config = stack_group_configs[directory] = \, self.context.config_file)) stack = self._construct_stack(rel_path, stack_group_config) stack_map[sceptreise_path(rel_path)] = stack if abs_path.startswith(self.context.full_command_path()): command_stacks.add(stack) stacks = set() for stack in stack_map.values(): if not self.context.ignore_dependencies: stack.dependencies = [ stack_map[sceptreise_path(dep)] for dep in stack.dependencies ] else: stack.dependencies = [] stacks.add(stack) return stacks, command_stacks
def _construct_stack(self, rel_path, stack_group_config=None): """ Constructs an individual Stack object from a config path and a base config. :param rel_path: A relative config file path. :type rel_path: str :param stack_group_config: The Stack group config to use as defaults. :type stack_group_config: dict :returns: Stack object :rtype: sceptre.stack.Stack """ directory, filename = path.split(rel_path) if filename == self.context.config_file: pass self.templating_vars["stack_group_config"] = stack_group_config parsed_stack_group_config = self._parsed_stack_group_config( stack_group_config) config =, stack_group_config) stack_name = path.splitext(rel_path)[0] # Check for missing mandatory attributes for required_key in REQUIRED_KEYS: if required_key not in config: raise InvalidConfigFileError( "Required attribute '{0}' not found in configuration of '{1}'." .format(required_key, stack_name)) abs_template_path = path.join(self.context.project_path, self.context.templates_path, sceptreise_path(config["template_path"])) s3_details = self._collect_s3_details(stack_name, config) stack = Stack(name=stack_name, project_code=config["project_code"], template_path=abs_template_path, region=config["region"], template_bucket_name=config.get("template_bucket_name"), template_key_prefix=config.get("template_key_prefix"), required_version=config.get("required_version"), iam_role=config.get("iam_role"), profile=config.get("profile"), parameters=config.get("parameters", {}), sceptre_user_data=config.get("sceptre_user_data", {}), hooks=config.get("hooks", {}), s3_details=s3_details, dependencies=config.get("dependencies", []), role_arn=config.get("role_arn"), protected=config.get("protect", False), tags=config.get("stack_tags", {}), external_name=config.get("stack_name"), notifications=config.get("notifications"), on_failure=config.get("on_failure"), stack_timeout=config.get("stack_timeout", 0), stack_group_config=parsed_stack_group_config) del self.templating_vars["stack_group_config"] return stack
def _collect_s3_details(stack_name, config): """ Collects and constructs details for where to store the Template in S3. :param stack_name: Stack name. :type stack_name: str :param config: Config with details. :type config: dict :returns: S3 details. :rtype: dict """ s3_details = None if "template_bucket_name" in config: template_key = "/".join([ sceptreise_path(stack_name), "{time_stamp}.json".format(time_stamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow( ).strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%fZ")) ]) bucket_region = config.get("region", None) if "template_key_prefix" in config: prefix = config["template_key_prefix"] template_key = "/".join([prefix.strip("/"), template_key]) s3_details = { "bucket_name": config["template_bucket_name"], "bucket_key": template_key, "bucket_region": bucket_region } return s3_details
def resolve_stacks(self, stack_map): """ Transforms map of Stacks into a set of Stacks, transforms dependencies from a list of Strings (stack names) to a list of Stacks. :param stack_map: Map of stacks, containing dependencies as list of Strings. :type base_config: dict :returns: Set of stacks, containing dependencies as list of Stacks. :rtype: set :raises: sceptre.exceptions.DependencyDoesNotExistError """ stacks = set() for stack in stack_map.values(): if not self.context.ignore_dependencies: for i, dep in enumerate(stack.dependencies): try: stack.dependencies[i] = stack_map[sceptreise_path(dep)] except KeyError: raise DependencyDoesNotExistError( "{stackname}: Dependency {dep} not found. " "Valid dependency names are: " "{stackkeys}. " "Please make sure that your dependencies stack_outputs " "have their full path from `config` defined.". format(, dep=dep, stackkeys=", ".join(stack_map.keys()))) else: stack.dependencies = [] stacks.add(stack) return stacks
def _collect_s3_details(stack_name, config): """ Collects and constructs details for where to store the Template in S3. :param stack_name: Stack name. :type stack_name: str :param config: Config with details. :type config: dict :returns: S3 details. :rtype: dict """ s3_details = None # If the config explicitly sets the template_bucket_name to None, we don't want to enter # this conditional block. if config.get("template_bucket_name") is not None: template_key = "/".join([ sceptreise_path(stack_name), "{time_stamp}.json".format(time_stamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow( ).strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%fZ")) ]) if "template_key_prefix" in config: prefix = config["template_key_prefix"] template_key = "/".join([prefix.strip("/"), template_key]) s3_details = { "bucket_name": config["template_bucket_name"], "bucket_key": template_key } return s3_details
def _valid_stack_paths(self): return [ sceptreise_path( path.relpath(path.join(dirpath, f), self.context.config_path)) for dirpath, dirnames, files in walk(self.context.config_path) for f in files if not f.endswith(self.context.config_file) ]
def _generate_launch_order(self, reverse=False): if self.context.ignore_dependencies: return [self.command_stacks] graph = self.graph.filtered(self.command_stacks, reverse) if self.context.ignore_dependencies: return [self.command_stacks] launch_order = [] while graph.graph: batch = set() for stack in graph: if graph.count_dependencies(stack) == 0: batch.add(stack) launch_order.append(batch) for stack in batch: graph.remove_stack(stack) if not launch_order: raise ConfigFileNotFoundError( "No stacks detected from the given path '{}'. Valid stack paths are: {}" .format(sceptreise_path(self.context.command_path), self._valid_stack_paths())) return launch_order
def __init__( self, name, project_code, template_path, region, template_bucket_name=None, template_key_prefix=None, required_version=None, parameters=None, sceptre_user_data=None, hooks=None, s3_details=None, dependencies=None, role_arn=None, protected=False, tags=None, external_name=None, notifications=None, on_failure=None, profile=None, stack_timeout=0, stack_group_config={} ): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) = sceptreise_path(name) self.project_code = project_code self.region = region self.template_bucket_name = template_bucket_name self.template_key_prefix = template_key_prefix self.required_version = required_version self.external_name = external_name or get_external_stack_name(self.project_code, self.template_path = template_path self.s3_details = s3_details self._template = None self.protected = protected self.role_arn = role_arn self.on_failure = on_failure self.dependencies = dependencies or [] self.tags = tags or {} self.stack_timeout = stack_timeout self.profile = profile self.hooks = hooks or {} self.parameters = parameters or {} self.sceptre_user_data = sceptre_user_data or {} self.notifications = notifications or [] self.stack_group_config = stack_group_config or {}
def setup(self): """ Adds dependency to a Stack. """ dep_stack_name, self.output_key = self.argument.split("::") self.dependency_stack_name = sceptreise_path( normalise_path(dep_stack_name)) self.stack.dependencies.append(self.dependency_stack_name)
def get_stack_names(context, stack_group_name): config_dir = Path(context.sceptre_dir) / 'config' path = config_dir / stack_group_name stack_names = [] for child in path.rglob('*'): if child.is_dir() or child.stem == 'config': continue relative_path = child.relative_to(config_dir) stack_name = sceptreise_path( str(relative_path).replace(child.suffix, '')) stack_names.append(stack_name) return stack_names
def __init__( self, name, project_code, region, template_path=None, template_handler_config=None, template_bucket_name=None, template_key_prefix=None, required_version=None, parameters=None, sceptre_user_data=None, hooks=None, s3_details=None, iam_role=None, dependencies=None, role_arn=None, protected=False, tags=None, external_name=None, notifications=None, on_failure=None, profile=None, stack_timeout=0, stack_group_config={} ): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if template_path and template_handler_config: raise InvalidConfigFileError("Both 'template_path' and 'template' are set, specify one or the other") if not template_path and not template_handler_config: raise InvalidConfigFileError("Neither 'template_path' nor 'template' is set") = sceptreise_path(name) self.project_code = project_code self.region = region self.template_bucket_name = template_bucket_name self.template_key_prefix = template_key_prefix self.required_version = required_version self.external_name = external_name or get_external_stack_name(self.project_code, self.template_path = template_path self.template_handler_config = template_handler_config self.s3_details = s3_details self._template = None self._connection_manager = None self.protected = protected self.role_arn = role_arn self.on_failure = on_failure self.dependencies = dependencies or [] self.tags = tags or {} self.stack_timeout = stack_timeout self.iam_role = iam_role self.profile = profile self.hooks = hooks or {} self.parameters = parameters or {} self._sceptre_user_data = sceptre_user_data or {} self._sceptre_user_data_is_resolved = False self.notifications = notifications or [] self.stack_group_config = stack_group_config or {}
def construct_stacks(self) -> Set[Stack]: """ Traverses the files under the command path. For each file encountered, a Stack is constructed using the correct config. Dependencies are traversed and a final set of Stacks is returned. :returns: A set of Stacks. """ stack_map = {} command_stacks = set() root = self.context.full_command_path() if self.context.full_scan: root = self.context.full_config_path() if path.isfile(root): todo = {root} else: todo = set() for directory_name, sub_directories, files in walk( root, followlinks=True): for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, '*.yaml'): if filename.startswith('config.'): continue todo.add(path.join(directory_name, filename)) stack_group_configs = {} full_todo = todo.copy() deps_todo = set() while todo: abs_path = todo.pop() rel_path = path.relpath(abs_path, start=self.context.full_config_path()) directory, filename = path.split(rel_path) if directory in stack_group_configs: stack_group_config = stack_group_configs[directory] else: stack_group_config = stack_group_configs[directory] = \, self.context.config_file)) stack = self._construct_stack(rel_path, stack_group_config) for dep in stack.dependencies: full_dep = str(Path(self.context.full_config_path(), dep)) if not path.exists(full_dep): raise DependencyDoesNotExistError( "{stackname}: Dependency {dep} not found. " "Please make sure that your dependencies stack_outputs " "have their full path from `config` defined.".format(, dep=dep)) if full_dep not in full_todo and full_dep not in deps_todo: todo.add(full_dep) deps_todo.add(full_dep) stack_map[sceptreise_path(rel_path)] = stack full_command_path = self.context.full_command_path() if abs_path == full_command_path\ or abs_path.startswith(full_command_path.rstrip(path.sep) + path.sep): command_stacks.add(stack) stacks = self.resolve_stacks(stack_map) return stacks, command_stacks
def test_sceptreise_path_with_trailing_backslash(self): with pytest.raises(PathConversionError): sceptreise_path( 'this\path\is\invalid\\' )
def test_sceptreise_path_with_trailing_slash(self): with pytest.raises(PathConversionError): sceptreise_path( "this/path/is/invalid/" )
def test_sceptreise_path_with_windows_path(self): windows_path = 'dev\\app\\stack' assert sceptreise_path(windows_path) == 'dev/app/stack'
def test_sceptreise_path_with_valid_path(self): path = 'dev/app/stack' assert sceptreise_path(path) == path