예제 #1
 def testHit(self, pt: QPoint, radius: int):
     return Geom.distPtToSegment(pt, self.pt1, self.pt2) <= radius
예제 #2
 def touchesPt(self, pt):
     # check if point is on this segment
     # print("net touch: {} {} : {}".format(str(self), pt, Geom.pointOnSegment(self.pt1, self.pt2, pt)))
     return Geom.pointOnSegment(self.pt1, self.pt2, pt)
예제 #3
 def intersectsNet(self, net):
     return Geom.segsIntersect(self.pt1, self.pt2, net.pt1, net.pt2)
예제 #4
 def addNet(self, newNet):
     # print("new net ({},{})->({},{})".format(newNet.pt1.x(), newNet.pt1.y(), newNet.pt2.x(), newNet.pt2.y()))
     # this algorithm normalizes the nets such that nets touch only at endpoints
     origin = newNet.pt1
     newDir = newNet.pt2 - newNet.pt1
     unitNewDir = QPointF(newDir)
     unitNewDir /= Geom.norm(unitNewDir)
     # nets to be deleted
     netsDel = set()
     netsAdd = set()
     # find any non-parallel nets that need to be split
     splitP1 = self._ctrl.doc.findObjsNear(newNet.pt1, objType=NetObj)
     splitP2 = self._ctrl.doc.findObjsNear(newNet.pt2, objType=NetObj)
     for net in splitP1:
         if (net.touchesPt(newNet.pt1)
            and not Geom.isParallel(newDir, net.pt2-net.pt1)
            and not net.connVtx(newNet)):
             netsAdd.add(NetObj(newNet.pt1, net.pt1))
             netsAdd.add(NetObj(newNet.pt1, net.pt2))
     for net in splitP2:
         if (net.touchesPt(newNet.pt2)
            and not Geom.isParallel(newDir, net.pt2-net.pt1)
            and not net.connVtx(newNet)):
             netsAdd.add(NetObj(newNet.pt2, net.pt1))
             netsAdd.add(NetObj(newNet.pt2, net.pt2))
     # find all intersecting nets
     xsnets = {net for net in self._ctrl.doc.findObjsInRect(newNet.bbox(), objType=NetObj)
               if newNet.intersectsNet(net)}
     # collinear nets (which need to be replaced)
     clnets = {net for net in xsnets if Geom.isParallel(newDir, net.pt2-net.pt1)}
     # print("collinear: " + str(clnets))
     xsnets -= clnets    # remove collinear nets from set of intersections
     # compute union of all nets to be replaced
     # coordinates of united nets (projected onto newDir); initialize with new net coords
     coords = {0, Geom.dotProd(unitNewDir, newNet.pt2-origin)}
     for net in clnets:
         if net.touchesPt(newNet.pt1) and net.touchesPt(newNet.pt2):
             # print("Not adding redundant net")
             return  # new net is redundant because it is on top of an existing net
         coords.add(Geom.dotProd(unitNewDir, net.pt1-origin))
         coords.add(Geom.dotProd(unitNewDir, net.pt2-origin))
     netsDel |= clnets
     # find all intersection points
     minc = min(coords)
     maxc = max(coords)
     unitedNet = NetObj((origin+minc*unitNewDir).toPoint(), (origin+maxc*unitNewDir).toPoint())
     # these nets touch the new net with an endpoint
     xsP1 = {net for net in xsnets if unitedNet.touchesPt(net.pt1) and not unitedNet.connVtx(net)}
     xsP2 = {net for net in xsnets if unitedNet.touchesPt(net.pt2) and not unitedNet.connVtx(net)}
     # print("touching: " + str(xsP1 | xsP2))
     xscoords = {minc, maxc}
     for net in xsP1:
         xscoords.add(Geom.dotProd(unitNewDir, net.pt1-origin))
     for net in xsP2:
         xscoords.add(Geom.dotProd(unitNewDir, net.pt2-origin))
     xscoords = list(xscoords)
     # print(xscoords)
     p1 = xscoords.pop(0)
     while xscoords:
         p2 = xscoords.pop(0)
         netsAdd.add(NetObj((origin+p1*unitNewDir).toPoint(), (origin+p2*unitNewDir).toPoint()))
         p1 = p2
     cmd = QUndoCommand()
     for obj in netsDel:
         # print("deleting {}".format(str(obj)))
         sch.document.ObjDelCmd(obj, doc=self._ctrl.doc, parent=cmd)
     for obj in netsAdd:
         # print("adding: {}".format(str(obj)))
         sch.document.ObjAddCmd(obj, doc=self._ctrl.doc, parent=cmd)