예제 #1
def prepare_data_inference(game_data_dic, num_samples):
    """creates lists X, Y with X containing card_seq and Y containing encoded player_hands (starting player first)"""
    played_cards = game_data_dic['played_cards']
    player_hands = game_data_dic['player_hands']

    card_sequences = []
    hands_to_predict = []

    # create num_samples different sequences from one game
    seq_lenghts = random.sample(range(1, 27), num_samples)

    for seq_len in seq_lenghts:
        seq = played_cards[:seq_len]
        seq_encoded = enc.encode_played_cards(
            seq, next_rel_pos=played_cards[seq_len][1])

        player_hands_to_predict = np.zeros(128)

        for index, hand in enumerate(player_hands):
            remaining_hand = [
                card for card in hand if card not in [c[0] for c in seq]
            rem_hand_encoded = enc.encode_hand_inference(remaining_hand)
            player_hands_to_predict[index * 32:index * 32 +
                                    32] = rem_hand_encoded


    return card_sequences, hands_to_predict
예제 #2
def test_encode_hand_inference():
    hand = [(4, 3), (2, 0), (1, 1), (3, 3), (3, 2), (4, 2), (2, 2)]
    goal = np.zeros(32)
    goal[19] = 1
    goal[8] = 1
    goal[5] = 1
    goal[15] = 1
    goal[14] = 1
    goal[10] = 1
    goal[18] = 1
    assert np.array_equal(enc.encode_hand_inference(hand), goal)
    sec_hand = [(2, 1), (0, 0), (7, 3), (7, 2)]
    sec_goal = np.zeros(32)
    sec_goal[0] = 1
    sec_goal[9] = 1
    sec_goal[31] = 1
    sec_goal[30] = 1
    assert np.array_equal(enc.encode_hand_inference(sec_hand), sec_goal)
예제 #3
def prepare_extended_data_inference(game_data_dic, num_samples):
    """creates lists [X1, X2], Y with X1 containing card_seq, X2 containing the player hand,
     and Y containing encoded opponent_hands (starting player first)"""
    played_cards = game_data_dic['played_cards']
    player_hands = game_data_dic['player_hands']

    card_sequences = []
    aux_input_hands = []
    hands_to_predict = []

    # create num_samples different sequences from one game
    seq_lenghts = random.sample(range(1, 27), num_samples)

    for seq_len in seq_lenghts:
        seq = played_cards[:seq_len]
        seq_encoded = enc.encode_played_cards(
            seq, next_rel_pos=played_cards[seq_len][1])

        next_player = played_cards[seq_len][1]
        pl_hand = player_hands[next_player]
        hand_enc = enc.encode_one_hot_hand(pl_hand)

        player_hands_to_predict = np.zeros(96)

        shift = 0
        for index, hand in enumerate(player_hands):
            start_ind = (index + shift) * 32
            if index == next_player:
                shift = -1
                remaining_hand = [
                    card for card in hand if card not in [c[0] for c in seq]
                rem_hand_encoded = enc.encode_hand_inference(remaining_hand)
                player_hands_to_predict[start_ind:start_ind +
                                        32] = rem_hand_encoded


    return card_sequences, aux_input_hands, hands_to_predict