예제 #1
def test_check_exists_follows_redirects() -> None:
    fetcher = DefaultFetcher({}, Session())
    # This tests that the redirect from http to https doesn't cause a
    # false positive, this URL doesn't exist and it should return
    # False because if it follows the redirect it'll get a 404.  Tests
    # for previous bug where allow_redirects wasn't set and as a
    # result it would return True even though the result was 3xx.
    assert not fetcher.check_exists("http://commonwl.org/does/not/exist")
예제 #2
    def __init__(
            fetcher=None,  # type: Optional[Fetcher]
            namespaces=None,  # type: Optional[Dict[str, str]]
            schemas=None,  # type: Optional[Dict[str, str]]
            fileuri=None,  # type: Optional[str]
            copyfrom=None,  # type: Optional[LoadingOptions]
            original_doc=None,  # type: Optional[Any]
    ):  # type: (...) -> None
        self.idx = {}  # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]
        self.fileuri = fileuri  # type: Optional[str]
        self.namespaces = namespaces
        self.schemas = schemas
        self.original_doc = original_doc
        if copyfrom is not None:
            self.idx = copyfrom.idx
            if fetcher is None:
                fetcher = copyfrom.fetcher
            if fileuri is None:
                self.fileuri = copyfrom.fileuri
            if namespaces is None:
                self.namespaces = copyfrom.namespaces
            if schemas is None:
                self.schemas = copyfrom.schemas

        if fetcher is None:
            import requests
            from cachecontrol.caches import FileCache
            from cachecontrol.wrapper import CacheControl

            if "HOME" in os.environ:
                session = CacheControl(
                        os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".cache", "salad")),
            elif "TMPDIR" in os.environ:
                session = CacheControl(
                        os.path.join(os.environ["TMPDIR"], ".cache", "salad")),
                session = CacheControl(requests.Session(),
                                       cache=FileCache("/tmp", ".cache",
            self.fetcher = DefaultFetcher({}, session)  # type: Fetcher
            self.fetcher = fetcher

        self.vocab = _vocab
        self.rvocab = _rvocab

        if namespaces is not None:
            self.vocab = self.vocab.copy()
            self.rvocab = self.rvocab.copy()
            for k, v in namespaces.items():
                self.vocab[k] = v
                self.rvocab[v] = k
    def __init__(
        fetcher: Optional[Fetcher] = None,
        namespaces: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
        schemas: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
        fileuri: Optional[str] = None,
        copyfrom: Optional["LoadingOptions"] = None,
        original_doc: Optional[Any] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Create a LoadingOptions object."""
        self.idx: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
        self.fileuri: Optional[str] = fileuri
        self.namespaces = namespaces
        self.schemas = schemas
        self.original_doc = original_doc
        if copyfrom is not None:
            self.idx = copyfrom.idx
            if fetcher is None:
                fetcher = copyfrom.fetcher
            if fileuri is None:
                self.fileuri = copyfrom.fileuri
            if namespaces is None:
                self.namespaces = copyfrom.namespaces
            if schemas is None:
                self.schemas = copyfrom.schemas

        if fetcher is None:
            import requests
            from cachecontrol.caches import FileCache
            from cachecontrol.wrapper import CacheControl

            root = pathlib.Path(os.environ.get("HOME", tempfile.gettempdir()))
            session = CacheControl(
                cache=FileCache(root / ".cache" / "salad"),
            self.fetcher: Fetcher = DefaultFetcher({}, session)
            self.fetcher = fetcher

        self.vocab = _vocab
        self.rvocab = _rvocab

        if namespaces is not None:
            self.vocab = self.vocab.copy()
            self.rvocab = self.rvocab.copy()
            for k, v in namespaces.items():
                self.vocab[k] = v
                self.rvocab[v] = k
예제 #4
    def __init__(
            fetcher=None,  # type: Optional[Fetcher]
            namespaces=None,  # type: Optional[Dict[str, str]]
            schemas=None,  # type: Optional[Dict[str, str]]
            fileuri=None,  # type: Optional[str]
            copyfrom=None,  # type: Optional[LoadingOptions]
            original_doc=None,  # type: Optional[Any]
    ):  # type: (...) -> None
        self.idx = {}  # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]
        self.fileuri = fileuri  # type: Optional[str]
        self.namespaces = namespaces
        self.schemas = schemas
        self.original_doc = original_doc
        if copyfrom is not None:
            self.idx = copyfrom.idx
            if fetcher is None:
                fetcher = copyfrom.fetcher
            if fileuri is None:
                self.fileuri = copyfrom.fileuri
            if namespaces is None:
                self.namespaces = copyfrom.namespaces
            if schemas is None:
                self.schemas = copyfrom.schemas

        if fetcher is None:
            import requests
            from cachecontrol.caches import FileCache
            from cachecontrol.wrapper import CacheControl

            root = pathlib.Path(os.environ.get("HOME", tempfile.gettempdir()))
            session = CacheControl(
                cache=FileCache(root / ".cache" / "salad"),
            self.fetcher: Fetcher = DefaultFetcher({}, session)
            self.fetcher = fetcher

        self.vocab = _vocab
        self.rvocab = _rvocab

        if namespaces is not None:
            self.vocab = self.vocab.copy()
            self.rvocab = self.rvocab.copy()
            for k, v in namespaces.items():
                self.vocab[k] = v
                self.rvocab[v] = k
예제 #5
def test_DefaultFetcher_urljoin_win32(tmp_dir_fixture: str) -> None:
    # Ensure HOME is set.
    os.environ["HOME"] = tmp_dir_fixture

    fetcher = DefaultFetcher({}, None)
    # Relative path, same folder
    url = fetcher.urljoin("file:///C:/Users/fred/foo.cwl", "soup.cwl")
    assert url == "file:///C:/Users/fred/soup.cwl"
    # Relative path, sub folder
    url = fetcher.urljoin("file:///C:/Users/fred/foo.cwl", "foo/soup.cwl")
    assert url == "file:///C:/Users/fred/foo/soup.cwl"
    # relative climb-up path
    url = fetcher.urljoin("file:///C:/Users/fred/foo.cwl", "../alice/soup.cwl")
    assert url == "file:///C:/Users/alice/soup.cwl"

    # Path with drive: should not be treated as relative to directory
    # Note: \ would already have been converted to / by resolve_ref()
    url = fetcher.urljoin("file:///C:/Users/fred/foo.cwl", "c:/bar/soup.cwl")
    assert url == "file:///c:/bar/soup.cwl"
    # /C:/  (regular URI absolute path)
    url = fetcher.urljoin("file:///C:/Users/fred/foo.cwl", "/c:/bar/soup.cwl")
    assert url == "file:///c:/bar/soup.cwl"
    # Relative, change drive
    url = fetcher.urljoin("file:///C:/Users/fred/foo.cwl", "D:/baz/soup.cwl")
    assert url == "file:///d:/baz/soup.cwl"
    # Relative from root of base's D: drive
    url = fetcher.urljoin("file:///d:/baz/soup.cwl", "/foo/soup.cwl")
    assert url == "file:///d:/foo/soup.cwl"

    # resolving absolute non-drive URIs still works
    url = fetcher.urljoin("file:///C:/Users/fred/foo.cwl",
    assert url == "http://example.com/bar/soup.cwl"
    # and of course relative paths from http://
    url = fetcher.urljoin("http://example.com/fred/foo.cwl", "soup.cwl")
    assert url == "http://example.com/fred/soup.cwl"

    # Stay on http:// and same host
    url = fetcher.urljoin("http://example.com/fred/foo.cwl", "/bar/soup.cwl")
    assert url == "http://example.com/bar/soup.cwl"

    # Security concern - can't resolve file: from http:
    with pytest.raises(ValidationException):
        url = fetcher.urljoin("http://example.com/fred/foo.cwl",
    # Drive-relative -- should NOT return "absolute" URI c:/bar/soup.cwl"
    # as that is a potential remote exploit
    with pytest.raises(ValidationException):
        url = fetcher.urljoin("http://example.com/fred/foo.cwl",
예제 #6
def test_DefaultFetcher_urljoin_linux(tmp_dir_fixture: str) -> None:
    # Ensure HOME is set.
    os.environ["HOME"] = tmp_dir_fixture

    actual_platform = sys.platform
        # Pretend it's Linux (e.g. not win32)
        sys.platform = "linux2"
        fetcher = DefaultFetcher({}, None)
        url = fetcher.urljoin("file:///home/fred/foo.cwl", "soup.cwl")
        assert url == "file:///home/fred/soup.cwl"

        url = fetcher.urljoin("file:///home/fred/foo.cwl", "../alice/soup.cwl")
        assert url == "file:///home/alice/soup.cwl"
        # relative from root
        url = fetcher.urljoin("file:///home/fred/foo.cwl", "/baz/soup.cwl")
        assert url == "file:///baz/soup.cwl"

        url = fetcher.urljoin("file:///home/fred/foo.cwl",
        assert url == "http://example.com/bar/soup.cwl"

        url = fetcher.urljoin("http://example.com/fred/foo.cwl", "soup.cwl")
        assert url == "http://example.com/fred/soup.cwl"

        # Root-relative -- here relative to http host, not file:///
        url = fetcher.urljoin("http://example.com/fred/foo.cwl",
        assert url == "http://example.com/bar/soup.cwl"

        # Security concern - can't resolve file: from http:
        with pytest.raises(ValidationException):
            url = fetcher.urljoin("http://example.com/fred/foo.cwl",

        # But this one is not "dangerous" on Linux
        fetcher.urljoin("http://example.com/fred/foo.cwl", "c:/bar/soup.cwl")

        sys.platform = actual_platform