class TaskDataEntry(Model): """ Taskdata file format: [ { "task_key": "407fdd93-687a-46bb-b578-89eb96b4109d", "datapoint_uri": "", "datapoint_hash": "f4acbe8562907183a484498ba901bfe5c5503aaa" }, { "task_key": "20bd4f3e-4518-4602-b67a-1d8dfabcce0c", "datapoint_uri": "", "datapoint_hash": "f4acbe8562907183a484498ba901bfe5c5503aaa" } ] """ task_key = UUIDType() datapoint_uri = URLType(required=True, min_length=10) datapoint_hash = StringType() metadata = DictType(UnionType( [StringType(required=False, max_length=256), FloatType, IntType]), required=False) def validate_metadata(self, data, value): if len(str(value)) > 1024: raise ValidationError("metadata should be < 1024") return value
class NetworkmetadataModel(MetadataModel): """Model that describes the expected structure of the network metadata""" computational_metadata = DictType(UnionType(types=(StringType, FloatType)), required=True) directionality = StringType(regex=r"(undirected|directed)", required=True) interaction_type = StringType()
def test_regular_union_type(self): """ Test that shows tricky behaviour of regular union type """ union_def = UnionType((IntType, FloatType, StringType, BooleanType)) self.assertEqual( union_def('464'), 464 ) # Notice the conversion! It depends on order of types in the construct. self.assertEqual(union_def(464), 464)
class Preprocess(Model): pipeline = StringType( required=True, choices=["FaceBlurPipeline", "OCRThinFilterPipeline"]) config = DictType(UnionType([FloatType, IntType, StringType])) def to_dict(self): p = {"pipeline": self.pipeline} if self.config is not None: p["config"] = self.config return p
class Product(Model): service_code = StringType() region_name = StringType() product_family = StringType() sku = StringType() attributes = DictType(UnionType([IntType(), StringType(), FloatType()])) publication_date = DateTimeType(serialize_when_none=False) version = StringType() terms = ListType(ModelType(Terms), default=[]) def reference(self): return { "resource_id": self.sku }
class Transaction(Model): hash = StringType(required=True) type = StringType(required=True) body = UnionType( ( ModelType(CreateAccountTransaction), ModelType(DeployContractTransaction), ModelType(FunctionCallTransaction), ModelType(SendMoneyTransaction), ModelType(StakeTransaction), ModelType(SwapKeyTransaction), ), required=True, ) receipts = ListType(ModelType(Receipt), required=True, default=[])
class InternalConfig(Model): """ discarded from incoming manifests """ exchange = DictType(StringType, UnionType([StringType, IntType, FloatType])) reco = DictType(StringType, UnionType([StringType, IntType, FloatType])) repo = DictType(StringType, UnionType([StringType, IntType, FloatType])) other = DictType(StringType, UnionType([StringType, IntType, FloatType])) # Accept one layer of nested mitl = DictType( UnionType([ StringType, IntType, FloatType, DictType(UnionType([StringType, IntType, FloatType])), ]))
class MetricDataModel(Model): labels = ListType(DictType(IntType), required=True) values = ListType(UnionType((FloatType, IntType)), required=True)
class Manifest(Model): """ The manifest description. """ job_mode = StringType(required=True, choices=["batch", "online", "instant_delivery"]) job_api_key = UUIDType(default=uuid.uuid4) job_id = UUIDType(default=uuid.uuid4) job_total_tasks = IntType(required=True) requester_restricted_answer_set = DictType(DictType(StringType)) def validate_requester_restricted_answer_set(self, data, value): """image_label_area_select should always have a single RAS set""" # validation runs before other params, so need to handle missing case if not data.get('request_type'): raise ValidationError("request_type missing") if data['request_type'] == 'image_label_area_select': if not value or len(value.keys()) == 0: value = {'label': {}} data['requester_restricted_answer_set'] = value return value requester_description = StringType() requester_max_repeats = IntType(default=100) requester_min_repeats = IntType(default=1) requester_question = DictType(StringType) requester_question_example = UnionType((URLType, ListType), field=URLType) def validate_requester_question_example(self, data, value): # validation runs before other params, so need to handle missing case if not data.get('request_type'): raise ValidationError("request_type missing") # based on supports_lists = ['image_label_area_select', 'image_label_binary'] if isinstance(value, list) and not data['request_type'] in supports_lists: raise ValidationError( "Lists are not allowed in this challenge type") return value unsafe_content = BooleanType(default=False) task_bid_price = DecimalType(required=True) oracle_stake = DecimalType(required=True) expiration_date = IntType() requester_accuracy_target = FloatType(default=.1) manifest_smart_bounty_addr = StringType() hmtoken_addr = StringType() minimum_trust_server = FloatType(default=.1) minimum_trust_client = FloatType(default=.1) recording_oracle_addr = StringType(required=True) reputation_oracle_addr = StringType(required=True) reputation_agent_addr = StringType(required=True) requester_pgp_public_key = StringType() ro_uri = StringType() repo_uri = StringType() batch_result_delivery_webhook = URLType() online_result_delivery_webhook = URLType() instant_result_delivery_webhook = URLType() multi_challenge_manifests = ListType(ModelType(NestedManifest), required=False) request_type = StringType(required=True, choices=BASE_JOB_TYPES + ["multi_challenge"]) validate_request_type = validate_request_type request_config = ModelType(RequestConfig, required=False) # If taskdata is directly provided taskdata = ListType(ModelType(TaskData)) # If taskdata is separately stored taskdata_uri = URLType() # Groundtruth data is stored as a URL or optionally as an inlined json-serialized stringtype groundtruth_uri = URLType(required=False) groundtruth = StringType(required=False) rejected_uri = URLType(required=False) rejected_count = IntType(default=0, required=False) def validate_groundtruth(self, data, value): if data.get('groundtruth_uri') and data.get('groundtruth'): raise ValidationError( "Specify only groundtruth_uri or groundtruth, not both.") return value # internal config options for param tests etc. internal_config = ModelType(InternalConfig, required=False) # Configuration id -- XXX LEGACY confcalc_configuration_id = StringType(required=False) restricted_audience = ModelType(RestrictedAudience, required=True, default={}) def validate_taskdata_uri(self, data, value): if data.get('taskdata') and len( data.get('taskdata')) > 0 and data.get('taskdata_uri'): raise ValidationError( u'Specify only one of taskdata {} or taskdata_uri {}'.format( data.get('taskdata'), data.get('taskdata_uri'))) return value validate_taskdata = validate_taskdata_uri webhook = ModelType(Webhook)
class NestedManifest(Model): """ The nested manifest description for multi_challenge jobs """ job_id = UUIDType(default=uuid.uuid4) requester_restricted_answer_set = DictType(DictType(StringType)) def validate_requester_restricted_answer_set(self, data, value): """image_label_area_select should always have a single RAS set""" # validation runs before other params, so need to handle missing case if not data.get('request_type'): raise ValidationError("request_type missing") if data['request_type'] == 'image_label_area_select': if not value or len(value.keys()) == 0: value = {'label': {}} data['requester_restricted_answer_set'] = value return value requester_description = StringType() requester_max_repeats = IntType(default=100) requester_min_repeats = IntType(default=1) requester_question = DictType(StringType) requester_question_example = UnionType((URLType, ListType), field=URLType) def validate_requester_question_example(self, data, value): # validation runs before other params, so need to handle missing case if not data.get('request_type'): raise ValidationError("request_type missing") # based on supports_lists = ['image_label_area_select', 'image_label_binary'] if isinstance(value, list) and not data['request_type'] in supports_lists: raise ValidationError( "Lists are not allowed in this challenge type") return value unsafe_content = BooleanType(default=False) requester_accuracy_target = FloatType(default=.1) request_type = StringType(required=True, choices=BASE_JOB_TYPES) validate_request_type = validate_request_type request_config = ModelType(RequestConfig, required=False) # Groundtruth data is stored as a URL or optionally as an inlined json-serialized stringtype groundtruth_uri = URLType(required=False) groundtruth = StringType(required=False) def validate_groundtruth(self, data, value): if data.get('groundtruth_uri') and data.get('groundtruth'): raise ValidationError( "Specify only groundtruth_uri or groundtruth, not both.") return value # Configuration id -- XXX LEGACY confcalc_configuration_id = StringType(required=False) webhook = ModelType(Webhook)
class Foo(XMLModel): union = UnionType([IntType, StringType])
class ILASGroundtruthEntry(Model): entity_name = UnionType([IntType, FloatType]) entity_type = StringType() entity_coords = ListType(UnionType([IntType, FloatType]))