예제 #1
    def __init__(self, X, coordinates, check=True):
        See :class:`SchemeMorphism_toric_coordinates_field` for documentation.


            sage: fan = FaceFan(lattice_polytope.octahedron(2))
            sage: P1xP1 = ToricVariety(fan)
            sage: P1xP1(1,2,3,4)
            [1 : 2 : 3 : 4]
        # Convert scheme to its set of points over the base ring
        if scheme.is_Scheme(X):
            X = X(X.base_ring())
        super(SchemeMorphism_toric_coordinates_field, self).__init__(X)
        if check:
            # Verify that there are the right number of coords
            # Why is it not done in the parent?
            if is_SchemeMorphism(coordinates):
                coordinates = list(coordinates)
            if not isinstance(coordinates, (list, tuple)):
                raise TypeError("coordinates must be a scheme point, list, "
                                "or tuple. Got %s" % coordinates)
            d = X.codomain().ambient_space().ngens()
            if len(coordinates) != d:
                raise ValueError("there must be %d coordinates! Got only %d: "
                                 "%s" % (d, len(coordinates), coordinates))
            # Make sure the coordinates all lie in the appropriate ring
            coordinates = Sequence(coordinates, X.value_ring())
            # Verify that the point satisfies the equations of X.
        self._coords = coordinates
예제 #2
 def __init__(self, X, v, check=True):
     if scheme.is_Scheme(X):
         X = X(X.base_ring())
     SchemeMorphism.__init__(self, X)
     if check:
         # Verify that there are the right number of coords
         d = X.codomain().ambient_space().ngens()
         if len(v) != d:
             raise TypeError, \
                   "Argument v (=%s) must have %s coordinates."%(v, d)
         if is_SchemeMorphism(v):
             v = list(v)
         if not isinstance(v,(list,tuple)):
             raise TypeError, \
                   "Argument v (= %s) must be a scheme point, list, or tuple."%str(v)
         # Make sure the coordinates all lie in the appropriate ring
         v = Sequence(v, X.value_ring())
         # Verify that the point satisfies the equations of X.
     self._coords = v
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, X, v, check=True):
        if scheme.is_Scheme(X):
            X = X(X.base_ring())
        SchemeMorphism.__init__(self, X)
        if check:
            from sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.ell_point import EllipticCurvePoint_field # TODO: fix circular ref.
            d = X.codomain().ambient_space().ngens()
            if is_SchemeMorphism(v) or isinstance(v, EllipticCurvePoint_field):
                v = list(v)
            elif v is infinity:
                v = [0] * (d)
                v[1] = 1
            if not isinstance(v,(list,tuple)):
                raise TypeError, \
                      "Argument v (= %s) must be a scheme point, list, or tuple."%str(v)
            if len(v) != d and len(v) != d-1:
                raise TypeError, "v (=%s) must have %s components"%(v, d)
            #v = Sequence(v, X.base_ring())
            v = Sequence(v, X.value_ring())
            if len(v) == d-1:     # very common special case
            n = len(v)
            all_zero = True
            for i in range(n):
                if v[n-1-i]:
                    all_zero = False
                    c = v[n-1-i]
                    if c == 1:
                    for j in range(n-i):
                        v[j] /= c
            if all_zero:
                raise ValueError, "%s does not define a valid point since all entries are 0"%repr(v)

        self._coords = v