예제 #1
def add_constant(data, prepend=False):
    This appends a column of ones to an array if prepend==False.

    For ndarrays and pandas.DataFrames, checks to make sure a constant is not
    already included. If there is at least one column of ones then the
    original object is returned.  Does not check for a constant if a structured
    or recarray is

    data : array-like
        `data` is the column-ordered design matrix
    prepend : bool
        True and the constant is prepended rather than appended.

    data : array
        The original array with a constant (column of ones) as the first or
        last column.


    .. WARNING::
       The default of prepend will be changed to True in the next release of
       statsmodels. We recommend to use an explicit prepend in any permanent
    if not prepend:
        import warnings
        warnings.warn("The default of `prepend` will be changed to True in the "
                  "next release, use explicit prepend", FutureWarning)
    if _is_using_pandas(data, None):
        # work on a copy
        return _pandas_add_constant(data.copy(), prepend)
        data = np.asarray(data)
    if not data.dtype.names:
        var0 = data.var(0) == 0
        if np.any(var0):
            return data
        data = np.column_stack((data, np.ones((data.shape[0], 1))))
        if prepend:
            return np.roll(data, 1, 1)
        return_rec = data.__class__ is np.recarray
        if prepend:
            ones = np.ones((data.shape[0], 1), dtype=[('const', float)])
            data = nprf.append_fields(ones, data.dtype.names, [data[i] for
                i in data.dtype.names], usemask=False, asrecarray=return_rec)
            data = nprf.append_fields(data, 'const', np.ones(data.shape[0]),
                    usemask=False, asrecarray = return_rec)
    return data
예제 #2
def handle_data(endog, exog):
    Given inputs
    if data_util._is_using_pandas(endog, exog):
        klass = PandasData
    elif data_util._is_using_larry(endog, exog):
        klass = LarryData
    elif data_util._is_using_timeseries(endog, exog):
        klass = TimeSeriesData
    # keep this check last
    elif (data_util._is_using_ndarray(endog, exog) or
            data_util._is_array_like(endog, exog)):
        klass = ModelData
        raise ValueError('unrecognized data structures: %s / %s' %
                         (type(endog), type(exog)))

    return klass(endog, exog=exog)