def test_splu_solve(self): # Prefactorize (with UMFPACK) matrix for solving with multiple rhs a = self.a.astype('d') lu = um.splu(a) x1 = lu.solve(self.b) assert_allclose(a * x1, self.b) x2 = lu.solve(self.b2) assert_allclose(a * x2, self.b2)
def test_splu_solve(self): # Prefactorize (with UMFPACK) matrix for solving with multiple rhs a = self.a.astype('d') lu = um.splu(a) x1 = lu.solve(self.b) assert_allclose(a*x1, self.b) x2 = lu.solve(self.b2) assert_allclose(a*x2, self.b2)
def test_splu_solve_int64(self): # Prefactorize (with UMFPACK) matrix with int64 indices for solving with # multiple rhs a = _to_int64(self.a.astype('d')) lu = um.splu(a) x1 = lu.solve(self.b) assert_allclose(a * x1, self.b) x2 = lu.solve(self.b2) assert_allclose(a * x2, self.b2)
def lu_factorize(self): ## 重新做LU分解 self.B = self.A[:, self.idxB] self.etas = [] self.eta_count = 0 if LINEAR_SOLVER_TYPE == LinearSolver.SUPERLU: self.invB = splinalg.splu(self.B) else: self.invB = umfpack.splu(self.B)
def test_splu_solve_int64(self): # Prefactorize (with UMFPACK) matrix with int64 indices for solving with # multiple rhs a = _to_int64(self.a.astype('d')) lu = um.splu(a) x1 = lu.solve(self.b) assert_allclose(a*x1, self.b) x2 = lu.solve(self.b2) assert_allclose(a*x2, self.b2)
def test_splu_solve_sparse(self): # Prefactorize (with UMFPACK) matrix for solving with multiple rhs A = self.a.astype('d') lu = um.splu(A) b = csc_matrix(self.b.reshape(self.b.shape[0], 1)) b2 = csc_matrix(self.b2.reshape(self.b2.shape[0], 1)) B = hstack((b, b2)) X = lu.solve_sparse(B) assert dense_norm(((A * X) - B).todense()) < 1e-14 assert_allclose((A * X).todense(), B.todense())
def test_splu_solve_sparse(self): # Prefactorize (with UMFPACK) matrix for solving with multiple rhs A = self.a.astype('d') lu = um.splu(A) b = csc_matrix(self.b.reshape(self.b.shape[0], 1)) b2 = csc_matrix(self.b2.reshape(self.b2.shape[0], 1)) B = hstack((b, b2)) X = lu.solve_sparse(B) assert dense_norm(((A*X) - B).todense()) < 1e-14 assert_allclose((A*X).todense(), B.todense())
def pagerank_umf(G, personal_vec): M = nx.to_scipy_sparse_matrix(G, nodelist=G.nodes(), weight='weight', dtype=float) S = scipy.array(M.sum(axis=1)).flatten() S[S != 0] = 1.0 / S[S != 0] Q = scipy.sparse.spdiags(S.T, 0, *M.shape, format='csr') M = Q * M alpha = 0.85 A = scipy.sparse.eye(M.shape[0]) - alpha * M LU = umfpack.splu(A) ppr_mat = [] for i in range(personal_vec.shape[1]): pr = LU.solve(personal_vec[:, i]) pr = linalg.spsolve(A, personal_vec[:, i]) ppr_mat.append(pr)
def test_splu_lu(self): A = csc_matrix([[1,2,0,4],[1,0,0,1],[1,0,2,1],[2,2,1,0.]]) lu = um.splu(A) Pr = np.zeros((4, 4)) Pr[lu.perm_r, np.arange(4)] = 1 Pr = csc_matrix(Pr) Pc = np.zeros((4, 4)) Pc[np.arange(4), lu.perm_c] = 1 Pc = csc_matrix(Pc) R = csc_matrix((4, 4)) R.setdiag(lu.R) A2 = (R * Pr.T * (lu.L * lu.U) * Pc.T).A assert_allclose(A2, A.A, atol=1e-13)
def test_splu_lu(self): A = csc_matrix([[1, 2, 0, 4], [1, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 2, 1], [2, 2, 1, 0.]]) lu = um.splu(A) Pr = np.zeros((4, 4)) Pr[lu.perm_r, np.arange(4)] = 1 Pr = csc_matrix(Pr) Pc = np.zeros((4, 4)) Pc[np.arange(4), lu.perm_c] = 1 Pc = csc_matrix(Pc) R = csc_matrix((4, 4)) R.setdiag(lu.R) A2 = (R * Pr.T * (lu.L * lu.U) * Pc.T).A assert_allclose(A2, A.A, atol=1e-13)
def Solve(self, A, b, reuse_factorisation=False): """Solves the linear system of equations""" if not issparse(A): raise ValueError("Linear system is not of sparse type") if A.shape == (0,0) and b.shape[0] == 0: warn("Empty linear system!!! Nothing to solve!!!") return np.copy(b) self.reuse_factorisation = reuse_factorisation if self.solver_type != "direct" and self.reuse_factorisation is True: warn("Re-using factorisation for non-direct solvers is not possible. The pre-conditioner is going to be reused instead") # DECIDE IF THE SOLVER TYPE IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE PROBLEM if self.switcher_message is False and self.dont_switch_solver is False: # PREFER PARDISO OR MUMPS OVER AMG IF AVAILABLE if self.has_pardiso: self.solver_type = "direct" self.solver_subtype = "pardiso" elif self.has_mumps: self.solver_type = "direct" self.solver_subtype = "mumps" elif b.shape[0] > 100000 and self.has_amg_solver: self.solver_type = "amg" self.solver_subtype = "gmres" print('Large system of equations. Switching to algebraic multigrid solver') self.switcher_message = True # elif mesh.points.shape[0]*MainData.nvar > 50000 and MainData.C < 4: # self.solver_type = "direct" # self.solver_subtype = "MUMPS" # print 'Large system of equations. Switching to MUMPS solver' elif b.shape[0] > 70000 and self.geometric_discretisation=="hex" and self.has_amg_solver: self.solver_type = "amg" self.solver_subtype = "gmres" print('Large system of equations. Switching to algebraic multigrid solver') self.switcher_message = True else: self.solver_type = "direct" self.solver_subtype = "umfpack" if self.solver_type == 'direct': # CALL DIRECT SOLVER if self.solver_subtype=='umfpack' and self.has_umfpack: if A.dtype != np.float64: A = A.astype(np.float64) if self.solver_context_manager is None: if self.reuse_factorisation is False: sol = spsolve(A,b,permc_spec='MMD_AT_PLUS_A',use_umfpack=True) # from scikits import umfpack # sol = umfpack.spsolve(A, b) else: from scikits import umfpack lu = umfpack.splu(A) sol = lu.solve(b) self.solver_context_manager = lu else: sol = self.solver_context_manager.solve(b) elif self.solver_subtype=='mumps' and self.has_mumps: from mumps.mumps_context import MUMPSContext t_solve = time() A = A.tocoo() # False means non-symmetric - Do not change it to True. True means symmetric pos def # which is not the case for electromechanics if self.solver_context_manager is None: context = MUMPSContext((A.shape[0], A.row, A.col,, False), verbose=False) context.analyze() context.factorize() sol = context.solve(rhs=b) if self.reuse_factorisation: self.solver_context_manager = context else: sol = self.solver_context_manager.solve(rhs=b) print("MUMPS solver time is {}".format(time() - t_solve)) return sol elif self.solver_subtype == "pardiso" and self.has_pardiso: # NOTE THAT THIS PARDISO SOLVER AUTOMATICALLY SAVES THE RIGHT FACTORISATION import pypardiso from pypardiso.scipy_aliases import pypardiso_solver as ps A = A.tocsr() t_solve = time() sol = pypardiso.spsolve(A,b) if self.reuse_factorisation is False: ps.remove_stored_factorization() ps.free_memory() print("Pardiso solver time is {}".format(time() - t_solve)) else: # FOR 'super_lu' if A.dtype != np.float64: A = A.astype(np.float64) A = A.tocsc() if self.solver_context_manager is None: if self.reuse_factorisation is False: sol = spsolve(A,b,permc_spec='MMD_AT_PLUS_A',use_umfpack=True) else: lu = splu(A) sol = lu.solve(b) self.solver_context_manager = lu else: sol = self.solver_context_manager.solve(b) elif self.solver_type == "iterative": # CALL ITERATIVE SOLVER if self.solver_subtype == "gmres": sol = gmres(A,b,tol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance)[0] if self.solver_subtype == "lgmres": sol = lgmres(A,b,tol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance)[0] elif self.solver_subtype == "bicgstab": sol = bicgstab(A,b,tol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance)[0] else: sol = cg(A,b,tol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance)[0] # PRECONDITIONED ITERATIVE SOLVER - CHECK # P = spilu(A.tocsc(), drop_tol=1e-5) # M_x = lambda x: P.solve(x) # m = A.shape[1] # n = A.shape[0] # M = LinearOperator((n * m, n * m), M_x) # sol = cg(A, b, tol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance, M=M)[0] elif self.solver_type == "amg": if self.has_amg_solver is False: raise ImportError('Algebraic multigrid solver was not found. Please install it using "pip install pyamg"') from pyamg import ruge_stuben_solver, rootnode_solver, smoothed_aggregation_solver if A.dtype != b.dtype: # DOWN-CAST b = b.astype(A.dtype) if not isspmatrix_csr(A): A = A.tocsr() t_solve = time() if self.iterative_solver_tolerance > 1e-9: self.iterative_solver_tolerance = 1e-10 # AMG METHOD amg_func = None if self.preconditioner_type=="smoothed_aggregation": # THIS IS TYPICALLY FASTER BUT THE TOLERANCE NEED TO BE SMALLER, TYPICALLY 1e-10 amg_func = smoothed_aggregation_solver elif self.preconditioner_type == "ruge_stuben": amg_func = ruge_stuben_solver elif self.preconditioner_type == "rootnode": amg_func = rootnode_solver else: amg_func = rootnode_solver ml = amg_func(A) # ml = amg_func(A, smooth=('energy', {'degree':2}), strength='evolution' ) # ml = amg_func(A, max_levels=3, diagonal_dominance=True) # ml = amg_func(A, coarse_solver=spsolve) # ml = amg_func(A, coarse_solver='cholesky') if self.solver_context_manager is None: # M = ml.aspreconditioner(cycle='V') M = ml.aspreconditioner() if self.reuse_factorisation: self.solver_context_manager = M else: M = self.solver_context_manager # EXPLICIT CALL TO KYROLOV SOLVERS WITH AMG PRECONDITIONER # sol, info = bicgstab(A, b, M=M, tol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance) # sol, info = cg(A, b, M=M, tol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance) # sol, info = gmres(A, b, M=M, tol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance) # IMPLICIT CALL TO KYROLOV SOLVERS WITH AMG PRECONDITIONER residuals = [] sol = ml.solve(b, tol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance, accel=self.solver_subtype, residuals=residuals) print("AMG solver time is {}".format(time() - t_solve)) elif self.solver_type == "petsc" and self.has_petsc: if self.solver_subtype != "gmres" and self.solver_subtype != "minres" and self.solver_subtype != "cg": self.solver_subtype == "cg" if self.iterative_solver_tolerance < 1e-9: self.iterative_solver_tolerance = 1e-7 from petsc4py import PETSc t_solve = time() pA = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(size=A.shape, csr=(A.indptr, A.indices, pb = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(b) ksp = PETSc.KSP() ksp.create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD) # ksp.create() ksp.setType(self.solver_subtype) ksp.setTolerances(atol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance, rtol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance) # ILU ksp.getPC().setType('icc') # CREATE INITIAL GUESS psol = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(np.ones(b.shape[0])) # SOLVE ksp.setOperators(pA) ksp.setFromOptions() ksp.solve(pb, psol) sol = psol.getArray() # print('Converged in', ksp.getIterationNumber(), 'iterations.') print("Petsc linear iterative solver time is {}".format(time() - t_solve)) else: warn("{} solver is not available. Default solver is going to be used".format(self.solver_type)) # FOR 'super_lu' if A.dtype != np.float64: A = A.astype(np.float64) A = A.tocsc() if self.solver_context_manager is None: if self.reuse_factorisation is False: sol = spsolve(A,b,permc_spec='MMD_AT_PLUS_A',use_umfpack=True) else: lu = splu(A) sol = lu.solve(b) self.solver_context_manager = lu else: sol = self.solver_context_manager.solve(b) return sol
def solve_sparse_mat_mat_lu(A, B, solver="petsc"): """ Solves AX=B for X Parameters ---------- A: scipy sparse matrix NxN Matrix B: scipy sparse matrix NxP Matrix solver: string Choice of direct solver. "petsc" or "scipy" Returns _______ out: scipy sparse matrix solution X Notes _____ Ignores zero columns in B, and hence is faster than the existing scipy implementation """ sf = 1.e30 # scaling factor for petsc assert solver in ["petsc", "scipy"] if solver == "petsc": lu_A = get_petsc_ksp(A * sf, pctype="lu", ksptype="preonly", tol=1e-25, max_it=100) elif solver == "scipy": lu_A = splu(A) B = B.tocsc() # Convert to csc to extract columns efficiently # Create a sparse output matrix by repeatedly applying # the sparse factorization to solve columns of b. # Adapted from scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.linsolve ind_of_nonzero_cols = np.unique(B.nonzero()[1]) data_segs = [] row_segs = [] col_segs = [] for j in ind_of_nonzero_cols: Bj = B[:, j].A.ravel() if solver == "scipy": xj = lu_A.solve(Bj) elif solver == "petsc": xj = petsc_solve_from_ksp(lu_A, Bj * sf, x=None, tol=1e-5) w = np.flatnonzero(xj) segment_length = w.shape[0] row_segs.append(w) col_segs.append(np.ones(segment_length, dtype=int) * j) data_segs.append(np.asarray(xj[w], dtype=A.dtype)) sparse_data = np.concatenate(data_segs) sparse_row = np.concatenate(row_segs) sparse_col = np.concatenate(col_segs) x = csc_matrix((sparse_data, (sparse_row, sparse_col)), shape=B.shape, dtype=B.dtype) return x
def solve(self, solver="lu", x0=None, tol=1.e-6): solver = solver.lower() sf = 1e30 pores = A = self.csr_solver_matrix self.solver_matrix.set_csr_singular_rows_to_dirichlet(A) self.A = A mass_residual = 1.0 if x0 is not None: self.sol[:] = x0 if solver == "lu": lu_A = splu(A) elif solver == "amg": ml = pyamg.rootnode_solver(A, max_coarse=10) elif solver == "petsc": comm = MPI.COMM_SELF ksp = get_petsc_ksp(A=A * sf, ksptype="minres", tol=tol, max_it=1000) petsc_rhs = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(self.rhs * sf, comm=comm) elif "trilinos" in solver: epetra_mat = matrix_scipy_to_epetra(A * sf) epetra_rhs = vector_numpy_to_epetra(self.rhs * sf) if "ml" in solver: epetra_prec = trilinos_ml_prec(epetra_mat) def inner_loop_solve(tol): if solver == "lu": self.sol[:] = lu_A.solve(self.rhs) elif solver == "amg": self.sol[:] = ml.solve(b=self.rhs, x0=self.sol, tol=tol, accel='gmres') elif solver == "petsc": ksp.setTolerances(rtol=tol) ksp.setFromOptions() petsc_sol = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(self.sol, comm=comm) ksp.setInitialGuessNonzero(True) ksp.solve(petsc_rhs, petsc_sol) self.sol[:] = petsc_sol.getArray() elif "trilinos" in solver: epetra_sol = vector_numpy_to_epetra(self.sol) if "ml" in solver: x = trilinos_solve(epetra_mat, epetra_rhs, epetra_prec, x=epetra_sol, tol=tol) else: x = solve_aztec(epetra_mat, epetra_rhs, x=epetra_sol, tol=tol) self.sol[:] = x pores.p_w[:] = self.sol[:] # This side-effect is required for the compute_mass_residual function pores.p_n[:] = pores.p_w + pores.p_c count = 0 while (mass_residual > 1e-5) and (count < 100): count += 1 inner_loop_solve(tol) mass_residual = self.compute_mass_residual(A, self.rhs, self.sol) logger.debug("Mass flux residual %e", mass_residual) if count == 99: logger.warn("Failed to converge. Residual %e. Falling back to mltrilinos solver", mass_residual) return self.solve(solver="mltrilinos") # Fall back to reliable solver tol /= 10.0 if "ml" in solver: epetra_prec.DestroyPreconditioner(); return np.copy(self.sol)