예제 #1
	def _english_mode_process_key_event (self, key):
		# ignore if key code is not a normal ascii char
		if key.code >= 128:
			return False

		c = unichr (key.code)
		if ascii.ispunct (key.code): # if key code is a punctation
			if self._full_width_punct[self._mode]:
				self.commit_string (self._convert_to_full_width (c))
				return True
				self.commit_string (c)
				return True
		if self._full_width_letter[self._mode]: # if key code is a letter or digit
			self.commit_string (self._convert_to_full_width (c))
			return True
			self.commit_string (c)
			return True
		# should not reach there
		return False
예제 #2
	def chinese_process_key_event (self, key):
		if self._editor.is_empty() and not self.get_extra_string():
			if key.code <= 127 and ascii.ispunct (chr (key.code)):
				self.commit_string (self.convert_to_full_width (unichr (key.code)))
				return True
			elif key.code == KeyCode.KEY_r and key.mask == KeyMask.ControlMask:
				if not self.pipe:
					self.pipe = popen2.Popen3("python -c" +'"import gtk; print gtk.clipboard_get(selection=\\"PRIMARY\\").wait_for_text()"')
				return True
				return False
		#~ print unichr (key.code)
		if key.code in (KeyCode.KEY_Control_L,KeyCode.KEY_Control_R,
			KeyCode.KEY_Alt_L, KeyCode.KEY_Alt_R):
			return True
		elif key.code in (KeyCode.KEY_KP_Space, KeyCode.KEY_space):
			#~ print self._editor.get_candidate_cursor()
			if self._editor.candidates and self._editor.lookup_table.is_cursor_visible():
				return True
			elif self._editor.pinyinlist:
				self._editor.convert_all ()
				return True
			elif self._editor.cursor < len (self._editor.wordlist):
				return True
				self.commit_string (self._editor.commit())
				return True
		elif key.code == KeyCode.KEY_BackSpace:
			if not self._editor.pinyinlist and self.get_extra_string():
				raise InputException()
			return True
		elif key.code == KeyCode.KEY_Delete:
			if self._editor.lookup_table.is_cursor_visible():
				self._editor.delete_cursor_phrase ()
				self._editor.del_next ()
			return True
		elif key.code >= KeyCode.KEY_0 and key.code <= KeyCode.KEY_9 and key.mask & KeyMask.ControlMask:
			self._editor.delete_phrase (key.code - KeyCode.KEY_1)
			return True
		elif key.code >= KeyCode.KEY_0 and key.code <= KeyCode.KEY_9 and key.mask & KeyMask.AltMask:
			self._editor.move_cursor_to (key.code - KeyCode.KEY_0)
			return True
		elif key.code >= KeyCode.KEY_1 and key.code <= KeyCode.KEY_9:
			self._editor.select (key.code-KeyCode.KEY_1)
			return True
		elif key.code >= KeyCode.KEY_KP_1 and key.code <= KeyCode.KEY_KP_9:
			self._editor.select (key.code-KeyCode.KEY_KP_1)
			return True
		elif key.code == KeyCode.KEY_Shift_L:
			if not self._editor.is_end():
				self._editor.select (0)
				self._shift_key = None
			return True
		elif key.code == KeyCode.KEY_Shift_R:
			if not self._editor.is_end():
				self._editor.select (1)
				self._shift_key = None
			return True
		elif key.code in (KeyCode.KEY_equal, KeyCode.KEY_bracketright, KeyCode.KEY_Page_Down):
			if self._editor.candidates:
				self._editor.lookup_table.page_down ();
				return True
				raise InputException()				
		elif key.code in (KeyCode.KEY_minus, KeyCode.KEY_bracketleft, KeyCode.KEY_Page_Up):
			if self._editor.candidates:
				self._editor.lookup_table.page_up ();
				return True
				raise InputException()
		elif key.code==KeyCode.KEY_Up:
			if self._editor.candidates:
				return True
				raise InputException()
		elif key.code==KeyCode.KEY_Down:
			if self._editor.candidates:
				return True
				raise InputException()
		elif key.code == KeyCode.KEY_Left or key.code == KeyCode.KEY_b and key.mask & KeyMask.ControlMask:
			self._editor.move_cursor (-1)
			return True
		elif key.code == KeyCode.KEY_Right or key.code == KeyCode.KEY_f and key.mask & KeyMask.ControlMask:
			if self.get_extra_string():
				raise InputException()
			self._editor.move_cursor (1)
			return True
		elif key.code == KeyCode.KEY_h and key.mask & KeyMask.ControlMask or key.code == KeyCode.KEY_Home:
			if self.get_extra_string():
				raise InputException()
			self._editor.move_cursor_to (1)
			return True
		elif key.code == KeyCode.KEY_e and key.mask & KeyMask.ControlMask or key.code == KeyCode.KEY_End:
			if self.get_extra_string():
				raise InputException()
			self._editor.move_cursor_to (0)
			return True
		elif key.code in (KeyCode.KEY_Return, KeyCode.KEY_KP_Enter):
			self.commit_string (self._editor.commit() + self.get_extra_string())
			return True
		elif key.code == KeyCode.KEY_Escape or key.code == KeyCode.KEY_c and key.mask & KeyMask.ControlMask:
			if self.origin_string:
				self.origin_string = None
			elif self._editor.lookup_table.is_cursor_visible():
			return True
		elif key.code <= 127 and ascii.ispunct (chr (key.code)) and not self.get_extra_string():
			if not self._editor.is_empty ():
				self.commit_string (self._editor.commit ())
			self.commit_string (self.convert_to_full_width (unichr (key.code)))
			return True
			raise InputException ()
예제 #3
	def _chinese_mode_process_key_event (self, key):
		# define a condition half to full width translate functions
		cond_letter_translate = lambda (c): \
			self._convert_to_full_width (c) if self._full_width_letter [self._mode] else c
		cond_punct_translate = lambda (c): \
			self._convert_to_full_width (c) if self._full_width_punct [self._mode] else c

		if key.code in (KeyCode.KEY_Return, KeyCode.KEY_KP_Enter):
			if len (self._user_input) == 0: # forward Return if inputed chars is empty
				return False
			chars = map (cond_letter_translate, self._user_input.get_chars ())
			commit_string = u"".join (chars)
			self.commit_string (commit_string)
			return True
		elif key.code == KeyCode.KEY_Escape:
			if len (self._user_input) != 0:
				self.reset ()
				return True
			return False
		elif key.code == KeyCode.KEY_Down:
			return self.lookup_table_cursor_down ()
		elif key.code == KeyCode.KEY_Up:
			return self.lookup_table_cursor_up ()
		elif key.code == KeyCode.KEY_BackSpace:
			return self._pop_char ()
		elif key.code >= KeyCode.KEY_1 and key.code <= KeyCode.KEY_9:
			if not self._candidates:
				self.commit_string (cond_letter_translate (unichr (key.code)))
				index = key.code - KeyCode.KEY_1
				if index >= PinYinEngine._page_size:
					return True
				index += self._lookup_table.get_current_page_start ()
				result = self._commit_candidate (index)
				if result:
					if self._committed_special_phrase:
						self.commit_string (self._committed_special_phrase)
						commit_phrases = self._committed_phrases.get_phrases ()
						commit_string = self._committed_phrases.get_string ()
						self.commit_string (commit_string + self._user_input.get_invalid_string ())
						# adjust phrase freq and create new phrase
						self._pydb.commit_phrases (commit_phrases)
						if len (commit_phrases) > 1:
							self._pydb.new_phrase (commit_phrases)
			return True
		elif key.code in (KeyCode.KEY_KP_Space, KeyCode.KEY_space):
			if not self._candidates:
				self.commit_string (cond_letter_translate (u" "))
				index = self._lookup_table.get_cursor_pos ()
				result = self._commit_candidate (index)
				if result:
					if self._committed_special_phrase:
						self.commit_string (self._committed_special_phrase)
						commit_phrases = self._committed_phrases.get_phrases ()
						commit_string = self._committed_phrases.get_string ()
						self.commit_string (commit_string + self._user_input.get_invalid_string ())
						# adjust phrase freq and create new phrase
						self._pydb.commit_phrases (commit_phrases)
						if len (commit_phrases) > 1:
							self._pydb.new_phrase (commit_phrases)
			return True
		elif key.code == KeyCode.KEY_Page_Down and self._candidates: # press PageDown
			self.lookup_table_page_down ()
			return True
		elif key.code == KeyCode.KEY_equal and self._candidates and PinYinEngine._equal_page_down_up: # press equal
			self.lookup_table_page_down ()
			return True
		elif key.code == KeyCode.KEY_period and self._candidates and PinYinEngine._comma_page_down_up: # press period
			self.lookup_table_page_down ()
			return True
		elif key.code == KeyCode.KEY_Page_Up and self._candidates: # press PageUp
			self.lookup_table_page_up ()
			return True
		elif key.code == KeyCode.KEY_minus and self._candidates and PinYinEngine._equal_page_down_up: # press minus
			self.lookup_table_page_up ()
			return True
		elif key.code == KeyCode.KEY_comma and self._candidates and PinYinEngine._comma_page_down_up: #press comma
			self.lookup_table_page_up ()
			return True

		elif key.code in (KeyCode.KEY_bracketleft, KeyCode.KEY_bracketright) and self._candidates:
			cursor_pos = self._lookup_table.get_cursor_pos ()
			candidate = self._candidates[cursor_pos]
			if key.code == KeyCode.KEY_bracketleft:
				i = 0
				i = len (candidate[PYSQLiteDB.PHRASE]) - 1
			char = candidate[PYSQLiteDB.PHRASE][i]
			if i < 4:
				pinyin_id = candidate[PYSQLiteDB.Y0 + i]
				shengmu_id = candidate[PYSQLiteDB.S0 + i]
				pinyin = candidate[PYSQLiteDB.YX].split ("'")[-1]
				word = PYUtil.PinYinWord (pinyin)
				pinyin_id = word.get_pinyin_id ()
				shengmu_id = word.get_sheng_mu_id ()

			self._pydb.commit_char (char, pinyin_id, shengmu_id)
			self.commit_string (char)
			return True
		elif PinYinEngine._uv_to_temp and not PinYinEngine._shuangpin \
			 and len (self._user_input) == 0 \
			 and key.code in (KeyCode.KEY_v, KeyCode.KEY_u):
			self._user_input.append (unichr (key.code))
			self._temp_english_mode = True
			self._update ()
			return True
		elif key.code >= KeyCode.KEY_A and key.code <= KeyCode.KEY_Z and len (self._user_input) == 0:
			self._user_input.append (unichr (key.code))
			self._temp_english_mode = True
			self._update ()
			return True
		elif not PinYinEngine._shuangpin \
			 and len (self._user_input) == 0 \
			 and key.code == KeyCode.KEY_i:
			self._user_input.append (unichr (key.code))
			self._i_mode = True
			self._update ()
			return True
		elif (key.code >= KeyCode.KEY_a and key.code <= KeyCode.KEY_z) or \
			(key.code == KeyCode.KEY_apostrophe and len (self._user_input) != 0) or \
			(key.code == KeyCode.KEY_semicolon and len (self._user_input) != 0 and PinYinEngine._shuangpin) :
			return self._append_char (unichr (key.code))
		elif key.code <= 127:
			if len (self._user_input) != 0:
				if PinYinEngine._auto_commit:
					self._chinese_mode_process_key_event (scim.KeyEvent (KeyCode.KEY_space, 0, key.mask))	
					return True
			c = chr (key.code)
			if c == "." and self._prev_char and self._prev_char.isdigit () \
				and self._prev_key and chr (self._prev_key.code) == self._prev_char:
				self.commit_string (u".")
			elif ascii.ispunct (key.code):
				self.commit_string (cond_punct_translate (unichr (key.code)))
				self.commit_string (cond_letter_translate (unichr (key.code)))
			return True
		return False