예제 #1
def fst4(nx, ny, dx, dy, f):

    beta = dx / dy
    a = -10.0 * (1.0 + beta**2)
    b = 5.0 - beta**2
    c = 5.0 * beta**2 - 1.0
    d = 0.5 * (1.0 + beta**2)

    data = f[1:-1, 1:-1]

    data = dst(data, axis=1, type=1)
    data = dst(data, axis=0, type=1)

    m = np.linspace(1, nx - 1, nx - 1).reshape([-1, 1])
    n = np.linspace(1, ny - 1, ny - 1).reshape([1, -1])

    data1 = np.zeros((nx - 1, ny - 1))

    alpha = a + 2.0*b*np.cos(np.pi*m/nx) + 2.0*c*np.cos(np.pi*n/ny) + \

    gamma = 8.0 + 2.0 * np.cos(np.pi * m / nx) + 2.0 * np.cos(np.pi * n / ny)

    data1 = data * (dx**2) * 0.5 * gamma / alpha

    data1 = idst(data1, axis=1, type=1)
    data1 = idst(data1, axis=0, type=1)

    data1 = data1 / ((2.0 * nx) * (2.0 * ny))

    ue = np.zeros((nx + 1, ny + 1))
    ue[1:-1, 1:-1] = data1

    return ue
def extract_dst_features(time_windows, class_attr, n_comps=90):
    X_matrix = []
    y_vect = None
    if class_attr is not None:
        y_vect = []
    #n_comps = 50
    for tw in time_windows:        
        x = tw['x'].values
        y = tw['y'].values
        z = tw['z'].values
        m = mag(x,y,z)
        dst_x = np.abs(fftpack.dst(x))
        dst_y = np.abs(fftpack.dst(y))
        dst_z = np.abs(fftpack.dst(z))
        dst_m = np.abs(fftpack.dst(m))
        v = np.array([])       
        v = np.concatenate((v, dst_x[:n_comps]))            
        v = np.concatenate((v, dst_y[:n_comps]))
        v = np.concatenate((v, dst_z[:n_comps]))
        v = np.concatenate((v, dst_m[:n_comps]))
    X_matrix = np.array(X_matrix)      
    if y_vect is not None:
    return X_matrix, y_vect
예제 #3
def fst_whole_domain(nx, ny, dx, dy, f):
    fd = f[2:nx + 3, 2:ny + 3]
    data = fd[:, :]

    #    e = dst(data, type=2)
    data = dst(data, axis=1, type=1)
    data = dst(data, axis=0, type=1)

    m = np.linspace(1, nx + 1, nx + 1).reshape([-1, 1])
    n = np.linspace(1, ny + 1, ny + 1).reshape([1, -1])

    data1 = np.zeros((nx + 1, ny + 1))

    #    for i in range(1,nx):
    #        for j in range(1,ny):
    alpha = (2.0 /
             (dx * dx)) * (np.cos(np.pi * m / nx) -
                           1.0) + (2.0 /
                                   (dy * dy)) * (np.cos(np.pi * n / ny) - 1.0)
    data1 = data / alpha

    #    u = idst(data1, type=2)/((2.0*nx)*(2.0*ny))
    data1 = idst(data1, axis=1, type=1)
    data1 = idst(data1, axis=0, type=1)

    u = data1 / ((2.0 * nx) * (2.0 * ny))

    ue = np.zeros((nx + 5, ny + 5))
    ue[2:nx + 3, 2:ny + 3] = u

    return ue
예제 #4
def fst4c(nx, ny, dx, dy, f):

    alpha_ = 1.0 / 10.0
    a = (-12.0 / 5.0) * (1.0 / dx**2 + 1.0 / dy**2)
    b = (6.0 / 25.0) * (5.0 / dx**2 - 1 / (dy**2))
    c = (6.0 / 25.0) * (5.0 / dy**2 - 1 / (dx**2))
    d = (3.0 / 25.0) * (1.0 / dx**2 + 1.0 / dy**2)

    data = f[1:-1, 1:-1]

    data = dst(data, axis=1, type=1)
    data = dst(data, axis=0, type=1)

    m = np.linspace(1, nx - 1, nx - 1).reshape([-1, 1])
    n = np.linspace(1, ny - 1, ny - 1).reshape([1, -1])

    data1 = np.zeros((nx - 1, ny - 1))

    beta = a + 2.0*b*np.cos(np.pi*m/nx) + 2.0*c*np.cos(np.pi*n/ny) + \

    gamma = 1.0 + 2.0*alpha_*np.cos(np.pi*m/nx) + 2.0*alpha_*np.cos(np.pi*n/ny) + \

    data1 = data * gamma / (beta)

    data1 = idst(data1, axis=1, type=1)
    data1 = idst(data1, axis=0, type=1)

    data1 = data1 / ((2.0 * nx) * (2.0 * ny))

    ue = np.zeros((nx + 1, ny + 1))
    ue[1:-1, 1:-1] = data1

    return ue
예제 #5
def extract_dst_features(time_windows, class_attr, n_comps=90):
    X_matrix = []
    y_vect = None
    if class_attr is not None:
        y_vect = []
    #n_comps = 50
    for tw in time_windows:        
        x = tw['x'].values
        y = tw['y'].values
        z = tw['z'].values
        m = mag(x,y,z)
        dst_x = np.abs(fftpack.dst(x))
        dst_y = np.abs(fftpack.dst(y))
        dst_z = np.abs(fftpack.dst(z))
        dst_m = np.abs(fftpack.dst(m))
        v = np.array([])       
        v = np.concatenate((v, dst_x[:n_comps]))            
        v = np.concatenate((v, dst_y[:n_comps]))
        v = np.concatenate((v, dst_z[:n_comps]))
        v = np.concatenate((v, dst_m[:n_comps]))
    X_matrix = np.array(X_matrix)      
    if y_vect is not None:
    return X_matrix, y_vect
예제 #6
def fste(nx, ny, dx, dy, f):

    data = f[1:-1, 1:-1]

    #    e = dst(data, type=2)
    data = dst(data, axis=1, type=1)
    data = dst(data, axis=0, type=1)

    m = np.linspace(1, nx - 1, nx - 1).reshape([-1, 1])
    n = np.linspace(1, ny - 1, ny - 1).reshape([1, -1])

    data1 = np.zeros((nx - 1, ny - 1))

    #    for i in range(1,nx):
    #        for j in range(1,ny):
    alpha = (2.0 /
             (dx * dx)) * (np.cos(np.pi * m / nx) -
                           1.0) + (2.0 /
                                   (dy * dy)) * (np.cos(np.pi * n / ny) - 1.0)
    data1 = data / alpha

    #    u = idst(data1, type=2)/((2.0*nx)*(2.0*ny))
    data1 = idst(data1, axis=1, type=1)
    data1 = idst(data1, axis=0, type=1)

    u = data1 / ((2.0 * nx) * (2.0 * ny))

    return u
예제 #7
 def _fast_poisson(self, gx, gy):
     ydim, xdim = np.shape(gx)
     gxx = np.zeros((ydim, xdim))
     gyy = np.zeros((ydim, xdim))
     f = np.zeros((ydim, xdim))
         0:xdim - 1] = gy[1:ydim, 0:xdim - 1] - gy[0:ydim - 1, 0:xdim - 1]
     gxx[0:ydim - 1,
         1:xdim] = gx[0:ydim - 1, 1:xdim] - gx[0:ydim - 1, 0:xdim - 1]
     f = gxx + gyy
     height, width = f.shape[:2]
     f2 = f[1:height - 1, 1:width - 1]
     tt = dst(f2.T, type=1).T / 2
     f2sin = (dst(tt, type=1) / 2)
     x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(1, xdim - 1), np.arange(1, ydim - 1))
     denom = (2 * np.cos(np.pi * x /
                         (xdim - 1)) - 2) + (2 * np.cos(np.pi * y /
                                                        (ydim - 1)) - 2)
     f3 = f2sin / denom
     tt = np.real(idst(f3, type=1, axis=0)) / (f3.shape[0] + 1)
     img_tt = (np.real(idst(tt.T, type=1, axis=0)) / (tt.T.shape[0] + 1)).T
     img_direct = np.zeros((ydim, xdim))
     height, width = img_direct.shape[:2]
     img_direct[1:height - 1, 1:width - 1] = img_tt
     return img_direct
예제 #8
def super_lhsf(x0, tracer, factor=2):
    ##  Extend sinogram to [0,2pi)
    m0, n0 = x0.shape
    n0_h = np.int(0.5 * n0)
    s_2pi = extend_full_period(x0)
    ig = np.unique(np.argwhere(s_2pi != tracer)[:, 1])
    ib = np.unique(np.argwhere(s_2pi == tracer)[:, 1])
    print(s_2pi[:, ig].shape)

    ##  Resample each projection at cosinusoidal nodes
    s_2pi = s_2pi[:, ig].reshape(2 * m0, n0_h)
    sc_a = resampling_cosine_nodes(s_2pi)
    dis.plot(sc_a, 'SC')
    sc = np.zeros((2 * m0, 2 * sc_a.shape[1]), dtype=myfloat)
    sc[:, ::2] = sc_a
    sc[:, 1::2] = 0.0
    dis.plot(sc, 'SC')

    m1, n1 = sc.shape
    mh1 = int(m1 * 0.5)
    nh1 = int(n1 * 0.5)

    ##  Indexes for Fourier-Chebyshev filtering
    ic = get_ind_zerout(n1, m0)

    ##  Get traced and non-traced elements
    sx = sc.copy()
    #sx[:,ib] = 0.0
    nc = n1
    norm = np.sqrt(1.0 / (2.0 * (nc + 1)))

    ##  Decomposition and filter
    c = norm * fp.dst(sx, type=1, axis=1)
    b = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(c, axis=0), axes=0)
    b[ic[:, 0], ic[:, 1]] = 0.0

    ##  Reconstruction
    c[:] = np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.ifftshift(b, axes=0), axis=0))
    ci = np.imag(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.ifftshift(b, axes=0), axis=0))
    sx_r = norm * fp.dst(c, type=1, axis=1)
    sx_i = norm * fp.dst(ci, type=1, axis=1)
    sx[:] = np.sqrt(sx_r**2 + sx_i**2)

    ##  Renormalize
    sx[:] = factor * sx

    ##  Crop original sinogram interval [0,pi) and first channel half (transl. of 1)
    sx = sx[:mh1, :]

    ##  Interpolate back on equispaced nodes
    x = resampling_equisp_nodes(sx, n0)


    return x
예제 #9
    def _fourier(self, Bf, solve):
        N = self.N
        AD_len = self.AD_len

        assert N == Bf.shape[0] + 1
        h = AD_len / N

        if self.eigenvals is None:

        scoef = np.zeros((N - 1, N - 1), dtype=complex)

        for i in range(1, N):
            scoef[i - 1, :] = dst(Bf[i - 1, :], type=1)
        for j in range(1, N):
            scoef[:, j - 1] = dst(scoef[:, j - 1], type=1)

        scoef *= h ** 2 / 2

        if solve:
            # When solving the AP
            fourier_coef_sol = scoef / self.eigenvals
            # When applying L
            fourier_coef_sol = scoef * self.eigenvals

        u_f = np.zeros((N - 1, N - 1), dtype=complex)
        for i in range(1, N):
            u_f[i - 1, :] = dst(fourier_coef_sol[i - 1, :], type=1)
        for j in range(1, N):
            u_f[:, j - 1] = dst(u_f[:, j - 1], type=1)

        u_f /= 2 * AD_len ** 2
        return u_f
예제 #10
def fst(nx, ny, dx, dy, f):
    data = f[1:-1, 1:-1]

    #    e = dst(data, type=2)
    data = dst(data, axis=1, type=1)
    data = dst(data, axis=0, type=1)

    m = np.linspace(1, nx - 1, nx - 1).reshape([-1, 1])
    n = np.linspace(1, ny - 1, ny - 1).reshape([1, -1])

    data1 = np.zeros((nx - 1, ny - 1))

    alpha = (2.0 /
             (dx * dx)) * (np.cos(np.pi * m / nx) -
                           1.0) + (2.0 /
                                   (dy * dy)) * (np.cos(np.pi * n / ny) - 1.0)
    data1 = data / alpha

    data1 = idst(data1, axis=1, type=1)
    data1 = idst(data1, axis=0, type=1)

    u = data1 / ((2.0 * nx) * (2.0 * ny))

    ue = np.zeros((nx + 1, ny + 1))
    ue[1:-1, 1:-1] = u

    return ue
예제 #11
def fst6(nx, ny, dx, dy, f):

    lambda_ = 1.0 / 10.0
    a = (-12.0 / 5.0) * (1.0 / dx**2 + 1.0 / dy**2)
    b = (6.0 / 25.0) * (5.0 / dx**2 - 1 / (dy**2))
    c = (6.0 / 25.0) * (5.0 / dy**2 - 1 / (dx**2))
    d = (3.0 / 25.0) * (1.0 / dx**2 + 1.0 / dy**2)

    alpha_ = 2.0 / 11.0
    center = (-51.0 / 22.0) * (1.0 / dx**2 + 1.0 / dy**2)
    ew = (1.0 / 11.0) * (12.0 / dx**2 - alpha_ * 51.0 / (2.0 * dy**2))
    ns = (1.0 / 11.0) * (12.0 / dy**2 - alpha_ * 51.0 / (2.0 * dx**2))
    corners = alpha_ * (12.0 / 11.0) * (1.0 / dx**2 + 1.0 / dy**2)
    ew_far = alpha_ * 3.0 / (44.0 * dx**2)
    ns_far = alpha_ * 3.0 / (44.0 * dy**2)

    data = f[1:-1, 1:-1]

    data = dst(data, axis=1, type=1)
    data = dst(data, axis=0, type=1)

    m = np.linspace(1, nx - 1, nx - 1).reshape([-1, 1])
    n = np.linspace(1, ny - 1, ny - 1).reshape([1, -1])

    data1 = np.zeros((nx - 1, ny - 1))
    data2 = np.zeros((nx - 1, ny - 1))
    data3 = np.zeros((nx - 1, ny - 1))

    beta = a + 2.0*b*np.cos(np.pi*m/nx) + 2.0*c*np.cos(np.pi*n/ny) + \

    gamma = 1.0 + 2.0*lambda_*np.cos(np.pi*m/nx) + 2.0*lambda_*np.cos(np.pi*n/ny) + \

    data2 = data * gamma / (beta)

    lhs_near = center + 2.0*ew*np.cos(np.pi*m/nx) + 2.0*ns*np.cos(np.pi*n/ny) + \

    lhs_far = 2.0*ew_far*(1.0 + 2.0*np.cos(np.pi*n/ny))*np.cos(2.0*np.pi*m/nx) + \
              2.0*ns_far*(1.0 + 2.0*np.cos(np.pi*m/nx))*np.cos(2.0*np.pi*n/ny)

    rhs = 1.0 + 2.0*alpha_*np.cos(np.pi*m/nx) + 2.0*alpha_*np.cos(np.pi*n/ny) + \

    data3 = data * rhs / (lhs_near + lhs_far)

    data1 = np.copy(data2)
    data1[1:-1, 1:-1] = np.copy(data3[1:-1, 1:-1])

    data1 = idst(data1, axis=1, type=1)
    data1 = idst(data1, axis=0, type=1)

    data1 = data1 / ((2.0 * nx) * (2.0 * ny))

    ue = np.zeros((nx + 1, ny + 1))
    ue[1:-1, 1:-1] = data1

    return ue
예제 #12
def solve_min_laplacian(boundary_image):
    (H, W) = np.shape(boundary_image)

    # Laplacian
    f = np.zeros((H, W))
    # boundary image contains image intensities at boundaries
    boundary_image[1:-1, 1:-1] = 0
    j = np.arange(2, H)-1
    k = np.arange(2, W)-1
    f_bp = np.zeros((H, W))
    f_bp[np.ix_(j, k)] = -4*boundary_image[np.ix_(j, k)] + boundary_image[np.ix_(j, k+1)] + boundary_image[np.ix_(j, k-1)] + boundary_image[np.ix_(j-1, k)] + boundary_image[np.ix_(j+1, k)]
    del(j, k)
    f1 = f - f_bp  # subtract boundary points contribution
    del(f_bp, f)

    # DST Sine Transform algo starts here
    f2 = f1[1:-1,1:-1]

    # compute sine tranform
    if f2.shape[1] == 1:
        tt = fftpack.dst(f2, type=1, axis=0)/2
        tt = fftpack.dst(f2, type=1)/2

    if tt.shape[0] == 1:
        f2sin = np.transpose(fftpack.dst(np.transpose(tt), type=1, axis=0)/2)
        f2sin = np.transpose(fftpack.dst(np.transpose(tt), type=1)/2) 

    # compute Eigen Values
    [x, y] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(1, W-1), np.arange(1, H-1))
    denom = (2*np.cos(np.pi*x/(W-1))-2) + (2*np.cos(np.pi*y/(H-1)) - 2)

    # divide
    f3 = f2sin/denom
    del(f2sin, x, y)

    # compute Inverse Sine Transform
    if f3.shape[0] == 1:
        tt = fftpack.idst(f3*2, type=1, axis=1)/(2*(f3.shape[1]+1))
        tt = fftpack.idst(f3*2, type=1, axis=0)/(2*(f3.shape[0]+1))
    if tt.shape[1] == 1:
        img_tt = np.transpose(fftpack.idst(np.transpose(tt)*2, type=1)/(2*(tt.shape[0]+1)))
        img_tt = np.transpose(fftpack.idst(np.transpose(tt)*2, type=1, axis=0)/(2*(tt.shape[1]+1)))

    # put solution in inner points; outer points obtained from boundary image
    img_direct = boundary_image
    img_direct[1:-1, 1:-1] = 0
    img_direct[1:-1, 1:-1] = img_tt
    return img_direct
def dst2(u):
    f = []
    M = len(u)
    for i in range(M):
        f.append(dst(u[i], 1) / 2)
    f = np.array(f)
    U = []
    for i in range(M):
        U.append(dst(f[:, i], 1) / 2)
    return np.array(U)
예제 #14
def dst2(y):
    M = y.shape[0]
    N = y.shape[1]
    a = np.empty([M, N], float)
    b = np.empty([M, N], float)

    for i in range(M):
        a[i, :] = dst(y[i, :], type=1)
    for j in range(N):
        b[:, j] = dst(a[:, j], type=1)

    return b
예제 #15
    def inverseATA(self, divergence):
        div = divergence.div

        div = 0.5*fft.dst(div, type=1, axis=0)
        div = 0.5*fft.dst(div, type=1, axis=1)

        div = div / self.eigvalues

        div = fft.dst(div, type=1, axis=0) / ( self.N + 2. )
        div = fft.dst(div, type=1, axis=1) / ( self.P + 2. )

        divergence.div = div
        return divergence
예제 #16
    def inverseATA(self, divergence):
        div = divergence.div

        div = 0.5 * fft.dst(div, type=1, axis=0)
        div = 0.5 * fft.dst(div, type=1, axis=1)

        div = div / self.eigvalues

        div = fft.dst(div, type=1, axis=0) / (self.N + 2.)
        div = fft.dst(div, type=1, axis=1) / (self.P + 2.)

        divergence.div = div
        return divergence
예제 #17
def gen_ede_Nl_Ell_data(siz, freqidx, freqmag, a_0):
    #f_r = np.random.uniform(-np.sqrt(3/N),np.sqrt(3/N),[batch_siz,N,1])
    #f_i = np.zeros_like(f_r)
    #f = np.reshape(np.concatenate((f_r,f_i),axis=2),(batch_siz,-1,1),order='C')
    N = len(freqmag)
    N_0 = 2**10
    K = len(freqidx)
    l = 1/N
    freqmag = np.tile(np.reshape(freqmag,[1,N]),(siz,1))
    y = np.random.uniform(-np.sqrt(l),np.sqrt(l),[siz,N])
    #y = np.ones([siz,N])
    y = y*freqmag*N
    zerof = np.zeros([siz,1])
    f = np.concatenate((zerof,fftpack.dst(y[:,1:],1,N_0-1,axis = 1)),axis=1)/2/N
    #f = np.concatenate((zerof,np.random.uniform(-np.sqrt(l),np.sqrt(l),[siz,N_0-1])),axis=1)
    f_0 = np.reshape(f,(siz,N_0,1))
    f = f_0[:,0::N_0//N,:]
    fdata_r = np.concatenate((f,np.zeros([siz,1,1]),-f[:,-1:0:-1]),axis=1)
    fdata_i = np.zeros_like(fdata_r)
    fdata = np.reshape(np.concatenate((fdata_r,fdata_i),axis = 2),(siz,-1,1))
    ydata_r = np.concatenate((zerof,fftpack.dst(f[:,1:,0],1,N-1,axis = 1)),axis=1)
    ydata_r = np.reshape(ydata_r[:,freqidx],(siz,K,1))
    ydata_i = np.zeros_like(ydata_r)
    ydata = np.reshape(np.concatenate((ydata_r,ydata_i),axis = 2),(siz,-1,1))
    ynorm = np.squeeze(np.linalg.norm(ydata,2,1))
    u_0 = np.zeros((siz,N_0,1))
    mat = InvSineElliptic(a_0,N_0)
    mat = np.tile(mat,(siz,1,1))

    u_0[:,1:,:] = np.matmul(mat, f_0[:,1:])
    u = u_0[:,::N_0//N,:]
    fnorm = np.squeeze(np.linalg.norm(fdata,2,1))/np.sqrt(2)
    unorm = np.squeeze(np.linalg.norm(u,2,1))
    fdata = np.float32(fdata)
    udata = np.float32(u)
    ydata = np.float32(ydata)
    return fdata, ydata, udata, fnorm, ynorm, unorm
예제 #18
def fourier_extended_to_extended(
        params: FourierExtendedParams) -> ExtendedParams:
    out = deepcopy(params)
    out.__class__ = ExtendedParams
    out.betas = dct(params.v, n=out.n_steps, axis=0)
    out.gammas_singles = dst(params.u_singles, n=out.n_steps, axis=0)
    out.gammas_pairs = dst(params.u_pairs, n=out.n_steps, axis=0)

    # and clean up
    del out.__u_singles
    del out.__u_pairs
    del out.__v
    del out.q

    return out
예제 #19
def fourier_w_bias_to_standard_w_bias(
        params: FourierWithBiasParams) -> StandardWithBiasParams:
    out = deepcopy(params)
    out.__class__ = StandardWithBiasParams
    out.betas = dct(params.v, n=out.n_steps)
    out.gammas_singles = dst(params.u_singles, n=out.n_steps)
    out.gammas_pairs = dst(params.u_pairs, n=out.n_steps)

    # and clean up
    del out.__u_singles
    del out.__u_pairs
    del out.__v
    del out.q

    return out
예제 #20
    def inverseATA(self, divTempBound):

        div = divTempBound.divergence.div
        div = 0.5 * fft.dct(div, axis=1)
        div = 0.5 * fft.dst(div, axis=0, type=1)

        div = div / self.eigvalues

        div = fft.idct(div, axis=1) / (self.P + 1.)
        div = fft.dst(div, axis=0, type=1) / (self.N + 2.)

        divTempBound.divergence.div = div

        return divTempBound
예제 #21
def calc_Fr2(Q, Qi_Q, QmaxIntegrate):
    """Function to calculate F(r) (eq. 20)
    r: radius - array
    Q: momentum transfer - array
    Qi_Q: Qi(Q) - array
    F_r: F(r) - array
    DeltaQ = np.diff(Q)
    # mask = np.where(Q<=QmaxIntegrate)
    # print(len(mask[0]))
    # print(len(Qi_Q))
    # zeroPad = np.zeros(2**275)
    # Qi_Q = np.concatenate([Qi_Q, zeroPad])
    # F_r2 = np.fft.fft(Qi_Q)
    F_r2 = fftpack.fft(Qi_Q, 2**12)
    F_r2 = np.imag(F_r2)
    F_r2 *= DeltaQ[0] *2/np.pi
    F_r3 = fftpack.dst(Qi_Q, type=2, n=2**11)
    F_r3 *= DeltaQ[0] * 2/np.pi
    # for i in range(len(F_r2)):
        # print(F_r2[i], "----", F_r2imag[i], "----", F_r3[i])
    return (F_r2, F_r3)
예제 #22
def compute_IDST(N):
    t = np.linspace(0,20,N)
    x = np.exp(-t/3)*np.cos(2*t)
    y = dst(x, norm='ortho')
    window = np.zeros(N)
    window[:20] = 1
    yr = idst(y*window, norm='ortho')
    sum(abs(x-yr)**2) / sum(abs(x)**2)
    plt.plot(t, x, '-bx')
    plt.plot(t, yr, 'ro')
    window = np.zeros(N)
    window[:15] = 1
    yr = idst(y*window, norm='ortho')
    sum(abs(x-yr)**2) / sum(abs(x)**2)
    # 0.0718818065008
    plt.plot(t, yr, 'g+')
    plt.legend(['x', '$x_{20}$', '$x_{15}$'])
    if not os.path.isdir('static'):
        # Remove old plot files
        for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join('static', '*.png')):
    # Use time since Jan 1, 1970 in filename in order make
    # a unique filename that the browser has not chached
    plotfile = os.path.join('static', str(time.time()) + '.png') #Name of file - unique and uncached by the browser
    return plotfile
예제 #23
def SineCurvature(FILE,aspect_ratio=1):
    dd = loadtxt(FILE+'/curvature.txt')
    dd_SS = loadtxt(FILE+'/material_point.txt')
    Y = dd_SS
    # Now normalize the material point coordinate
    for isnap in range(0,nsnap-1,1):
        Y[isnap,:] = Y[isnap,:]/Y[isnap,-1]

    Z = dd[:,1:Np+1]        #Removed the first entry
    for isnap in range(0,nsnap):
        Zsine[isnap,:] = dst(Z[isnap,:],type=1)

    timeAxis = loadtxt(FILE+'/time.txt')
    IndexAxis = arange(Np)
    # heightAxis = ndimage.rotate(heightAxis,90)
    # imshow(heightAxis,cmap=plt.cm.gray)
    # colorbar()
    (IndexAxis,X) = meshgrid(IndexAxis, timeAxis)
    fig = figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    # surf = ax.contourf(X,Y,heightAxis,vmin=10**(-5),vmax=10**5,cmap='plasma')
    surf = ax.contourf(X,Y,Zsine)
    cbar = colorbar(surf)
    # ax.set_aspect(aspect_ratio)
예제 #24
    def test_dstRandom(self):
        N = 4
        x = torch.empty(N, N, dtype=dtype).uniform_(0, 10.0)
        #x = Variable(torch.tensor([[1, 2, 7, 9, 20, 31], [4, 5, 9, 2, 1, 6]], dtype=dtype))
        import scipy
        from scipy import fftpack

        #golden_value = discrete_spectral_transform.dst(x).data.numpy()
        golden_value = torch.from_numpy(fftpack.dst(
            x.data.numpy())).data.numpy() / N

        # test cpu
        custom = dct.DST()
        dst_value = custom.forward(x)


        # test gpu
        custom = dct.DST()
        dst_value = custom.forward(x.cuda()).cpu()
        print("dst_value cuda")

예제 #25
def cveD(x, dt, scale):
	"""Computes the covariance-based estimator for D and localizationVariance, as well as variance in D, SNR, and Pxk
	Keyword arguments:
	x -- a 1Dnumpy array of particle track data in pixels
	dt -- the time step of data
	scale -- um per pixel for x

	[D, localizationVariance, varianceD, SNR], Pxk
	# For details, see [1]
	# Note that R is hard coded to 1/6, which should be the usual value for a shutter that is kept open during the entire time lapse [1]
	R = 1./6
	N = x.size
	dx = np.diff(scale*x) #(has N - 1 elements)

	#An array of elements (deltaX_n)*(deltaX_n-1) (should have N - 2 elements so just do the calculation and then truncate)
	dxn_dxn1 = dx*np.roll(dx,-1)
	dxn_dxn1 = dxn_dxn1[0:-1]

	# If the localization variance is known, D can be computed using eq [1].16, which also changes the calculation for the variance in D.
	# This function does not currently support that functionality.
	D = np.mean(dx**2)/2/dt + np.mean(dxn_dxn1)/dt
	localizationVariance = R*np.mean(dx**2) + (2*R - 1)*np.mean(dxn_dxn1)
	ep = localizationVariance/D/dt - 2*R
	varianceD = D**2*((6 + 4*ep + 2*ep**2)/N + 4*(1+ep)**2/N**2)
	SNR = np.sqrt(D*dt/localizationVariance)
	dxk = dt/2*dst(dx,1)
	Pxk = 2*dxk**2/(N + 1)/dt
	return np.array([D, localizationVariance, varianceD, SNR]), Pxk
예제 #26
    def inverseATA(self, divTempBound):

        div = divTempBound.divergence.div
        div = 0.5*fft.dct(div, axis=1)
        div = 0.5*fft.dst(div, axis=0, type=1)

        div = div / self.eigvalues

        div = fft.idct(div, axis=1) / ( self.P + 1. )
        div = fft.dst(div, axis=0, type=1) / ( self.N + 2. )

        divTempBound.divergence.div = div

        return divTempBound
예제 #27
    def ft_autocorrelation_function_fft(self, k):
        """compute the fourier transform of the autocorrelation function via fft
        k: array of wave vector magnitude values, ordered, and non-negative

        k_abs = np.abs(k)

        #assert((np.diff(k) > 0).all())  # check k is sorted
        #assert((k > -np.finfo(float).eps).all())  # check k is non-negative

        # re-sampling
        # number of fourier auxiliary grid points, presently fixed
        N = 4096

        # grid resolution, fraction of the unique characteristic scale
        dr = self.inv_slope_at_origin / 20.0

        # compute correlation function and auxiliary wave vector arrray
        points = np.arange(N)
        r = dr * points
        C = self.autocorrelation_function(r)
        L = N * dr
        delta_k = np.pi / L
        k_resampled = delta_k * points

        # fft for auxiliary wave vector array
        ft_resampled = np.empty_like(C)
        ft_resampled[1:] = dst(4 * np.pi * C[1:] * r[1:],
                               type=1) / (2 / dr * k_resampled[1:])
        ft_resampled[0] = dr * 4 * np.pi * np.sum(C * r**2)

        # get ft values for input k-values by linear interpolation
        ft = np.interp(k_abs, k_resampled, ft_resampled)
        return ft
예제 #28
def DST4(samples):
        Method to create DST4 transformation using DST3

        Arguments   :
            samples : (1D Array) Input samples to be transformed

        Returns     :
            y       :  (1D Array) Transformed output samples


    # Initialize
    samplesup = np.zeros(2 * N, dtype=np.float32)

    # Upsample signal
    # Reverse order to obtain DST4 out of DCT4:
    samplesup[0::2] = samples
    y = spfft.dst(samplesup, type=3, norm='ortho') * np.sqrt(2)  #/2

    # Flip sign of every 2nd subband to obtain DST4 out of DCT4
    #y=(y[0:N])*(((-1)*np.ones(N, dtype = np.float32))**range(N))

    return y[0:N]
예제 #29
    def autocorrelation_function_invfft(self, r):
        """Compute the autocorrelation function from an analytically known FT via fft
        r: array of lag vector magnitude values, ordered, non-negative

        assert ((np.diff(r) > 0).all())  # check if r is sorted
        assert ((r > -np.finfo(float).eps).all())  # check if r is non-negative

        # re-sampling
        if np.isclose(r[0], 0):
            r_spacing = r[1]  # alternative: np.min(diff(r))
            r_spacing = r[0]

        no_points = (np.max(r) - np.min(r)) / r_spacing
        points = np.arange(no_points)
        r_resampled = r_spacing * points

        dk = np.pi / (no_points * r_spacing)
        k = dk * points
        ft = self.ft_autocorrelation_function(k)

        C_resampled = np.empty_like(ft)
        C_resampled[1:] = dst(4 * np.pi * ft[1:] * k[1:],
                              type=1) / (2 /
                                         (dk /
                                          (2 * np.pi)**3) * r_resampled[1:])
        C_resampled[0] = (dk / (2 * np.pi)**3) * 4 * np.pi * np.sum(ft * k**2)

        # get invft values corresponding to input r-values by linear interpolation
        C = np.interp(r, r_resampled, C_resampled)
        return C
예제 #30
def cveD(x, dt, scale):
    """Computes the covariance-based estimator for D and localizationVariance, as well as variance in D, SNR, and Pxk
	Keyword arguments:
	x -- a 1Dnumpy array of particle track data in pixels
	dt -- the time step of data
	scale -- um per pixel for x

	[D, localizationVariance, varianceD, SNR], Pxk
    # For details, see [1]
    # Note that R is hard coded to 1/6, which should be the usual value for a shutter that is kept open during the entire time lapse [1]
    R = 1. / 6
    N = x.size
    dx = np.diff(scale * x)  #(has N - 1 elements)

    #An array of elements (deltaX_n)*(deltaX_n-1) (should have N - 2 elements so just do the calculation and then truncate)
    dxn_dxn1 = dx * np.roll(dx, -1)
    dxn_dxn1 = dxn_dxn1[0:-1]

    # If the localization variance is known, D can be computed using eq [1].16, which also changes the calculation for the variance in D.
    # This function does not currently support that functionality.

    D = np.mean(dx**2) / 2 / dt + np.mean(dxn_dxn1) / dt
    localizationVariance = R * np.mean(dx**2) + (2 * R - 1) * np.mean(dxn_dxn1)

    ep = localizationVariance / D / dt - 2 * R
    varianceD = D**2 * ((6 + 4 * ep + 2 * ep**2) / N + 4 * (1 + ep)**2 / N**2)
    SNR = np.sqrt(D * dt / localizationVariance)

    dxk = dt / 2 * dst(dx, 1)
    Pxk = 2 * dxk**2 / (N + 1) / dt

    return np.array([D, localizationVariance, varianceD, SNR]), Pxk
예제 #31
def hr_to_cr(bins, rho, data, radius, error=None, axis=1):
    This function takes h(r) and uses the OZ equation to find c(r) this is done via a 3D fourier transform
    that is detailed in LADO paper. The transform is the the DST of f(r)*r. The function is rearranged in
    fourier space to find c(k) and then the inverse transform is taken to get back to c(r).
    # setup scales

    dk = np.pi / radius[-1]
    k = dk * np.arange(1, bins + 1, dtype=np.float)

    # Transform into fourier components
    FT = dst(data * radius[0:bins], type=1, axis=axis)
    normalisation = 2 * np.pi * radius[0] / k
    H_k = normalisation * FT

    # Rearrange to find direct correlation function

    C_k = H_k / (1 + rho * H_k)

    # # Transform back to real space
    iFT = idst(C_k * k, type=1)
    normalisation = k[-1] / (4 * np.pi**2 * radius[0:bins]) / (bins + 1)
    c_r = normalisation * iFT

    return c_r, radius
예제 #32
def lhif_onestep(x0, tracer, factor=2):
    ##  Extend sinogram to [0,2pi)
    m0, n0 = x0.shape
    s_2pi = extend_full_period(x0)
    ig = np.unique(np.argwhere(s_2pi != tracer)[:, 0])
    ib = np.unique(np.argwhere(s_2pi == tracer)[:, 0])

    ##  Resample each projection at cosinusoidal nodes
    sc = resampling_cosine_nodes(s_2pi)
    sc[ib, :] = tracer

    m1, n1 = sc.shape
    mh1 = int(m1 * 0.5)
    nh1 = int(n1 * 0.5)

    ##  Indexes for Fourier-Chebyshev filtering
    ic = get_ind_zerout(n1, m0)

    ##  Get traced and non-traced elements
    sx = sc.copy()
    sx[ib, :] = 0.0
    nc = n1
    norm = np.sqrt(1.0 / (2.0 * (nc + 1)))

    ##  Decomposition and filter
    c = norm * fp.dst(sx, type=1, axis=1)
    b = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(c, axis=0), axes=0)
    b[ic[:, 0], ic[:, 1]] = 0.0

    ##  Reconstruction
    c[:] = np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.ifftshift(b, axes=0), axis=0))
    ci = np.imag(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.ifftshift(b, axes=0), axis=0))
    sx_r = norm * fp.dst(c, type=1, axis=1)
    sx_i = norm * fp.dst(ci, type=1, axis=1)
    sx[:] = np.sqrt(sx_r**2 + sx_i**2)

    ##  Renormalize
    sx[:] = factor * sx

    ##  Crop original sinogram interval [0,pi) and first channel half (transl. of 1)
    sx = sx[:mh1, :]

    ##  Interpolate back on equispaced nodes
    x = resampling_equisp_nodes(sx, n0)

    return x
예제 #33
def inverseDiscreteSineTransform(array):
    # normalization factor
    f = 1.0 / (2 * len(array))

    result = dst(array, type=3)
    result = [k * f for k in result]

    return result
예제 #34
def fn(t, F):
    xs = np.arange(0, L, 1)
    fF = dst(F)
    for x in xs:
        xs[x] = 0
        for n in range(0, F.shape[0]):
            xs[x] += fF[x] * cos(c * pi * n * t) * sin(pi * n * x / L)
    return xs
예제 #35
 def f2d(self, q, iQ, r):
     # DKeen[2001](EQ.26)
     # D(r) = 2/pi \sum Qi(Q)sin(Qr)dQ 
     QiQ    = q*iQ
     factor = 2/math.pi
     dR     = np.array(fft.dst(QiQ,type=2,norm='ortho'))
     dR     = dR*factor
     #dR  = self.dst(q,iQ,r)
     return dR
예제 #36
파일: PicardOZ.py 프로젝트: willend/SASfit
def hankelTransform(f, delta_r):
    numberOfSamplingPoints = f.shape[0]
    lr = np.arange(numberOfSamplingPoints).astype('float')
    lr += 1.0
    f_hat = dst(f * lr, type=1)
    f_hat /= lr
    delta_q = np.pi / ((numberOfSamplingPoints + 1.0) * delta_r)
    f_hat *= 2 * np.pi * delta_r**2 / delta_q
    return f_hat
예제 #37
 def hankelTransform(self, f, delta_r):
   numberOfSamplingPoints = f.shape[0]
   lr = np.arange(numberOfSamplingPoints).astype('float')
   lr += 1.0 #Division by zero (see over-next line, this is the reason why the grid starts at delta_r, not zero....)
   f_hat = dst(f*lr, type=1) #...but the formula is also correct (implemented as 5.18, 5.19 in SASfit docu, see also...)
   f_hat /= lr               # ..comment: it is important to mention that first elements equal delta_r, delta_q (and not at 0.0!)
   delta_q = np.pi/((numberOfSamplingPoints + 1.0)*delta_r)
   f_hat *= 2*np.pi*delta_r**2/delta_q
   return f_hat
예제 #38
파일: PicardOZ.py 프로젝트: SASfit/SASfit
def hankelTransform(f, delta_r):
    numberOfSamplingPoints = f.shape[0]
    lr = np.arange(numberOfSamplingPoints).astype("float")
    lr += 1.0
    f_hat = dst(f * lr, type=1)
    f_hat /= lr
    delta_q = np.pi / ((numberOfSamplingPoints + 1.0) * delta_r)
    f_hat *= 2 * np.pi * delta_r ** 2 / delta_q
    return f_hat
예제 #39
    def get_v_error(self):
        N = self.N
        errors = []

        for m in range(1, N):
            r = self.polarfd.get_r(m)
            expected = np.zeros(N-1)

            for l in range(1, N):
                th = self.polarfd.get_th(l)
                expected[l-1] = self.problem.eval_v(r, th)

            to_dst = expected - self.v[m, 1:N]
            fourier = dst(to_dst, type=1)[:self.M] / N

        return max(errors)
예제 #40
파일: potential.py 프로젝트: temik42/lib
def dst2d(X):
    return fft.dst(fft.dst(X,1, axis = 1),1,axis = 0)
예제 #41
파일: asm_util.py 프로젝트: sssruhan1/spine
def get_local_feature_one_vertebra_one_slice_one_sigma(img, s):
    from scipy.fftpack import fft2  
    from scipy.fftpack import dct
    from scipy.fftpack import dst
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
    from scipy.stats import skew
    from scipy.stats import kurtosis
    filtered_dim = get_filtered_dim(s)
    height = img.shape[0]
    width = img.shape[1]
    window_size = (2*s, 2*s)
    fl = 2*s * 2*s
    idx = 0
    filtered = np.empty((height, width, filtered_dim), dtype=np.float)
    filtered[:, :, idx] = gaussian_filter(img, sigma=s, order=0)
    idx += 1
    filtered[:, :, idx] = gaussian_filter(img, sigma=s, order=[0, 1])# Lx
    idx += 1
    filtered[:, :, idx] = gaussian_filter(img, sigma=s, order=[1, 0])# Ly
    idx += 1
    filtered[:, :, idx] = gaussian_filter(img, sigma=s, order=[1, 1])# Lxy
    idx += 1
    filtered[:, :, idx] = gaussian_filter(img, sigma=s, order=[0, 2])# Lxx
    idx += 1
    filtered[:, :, idx] = gaussian_filter(img, sigma=s, order=[2, 0])# Lyy
    idx += 1
    # here we use gaussian_filter size as window size for linear transform
    # this will give you sliding windows
    # windows shape is (I.WIDTH-2s+1, I.HEIGHT-2s+1, 2s, 2s)
    windows = rolling_window(img, window_size).astype(np.float32)
    h, w, wh, ww = windows.shape
    windows_dct = dct(windows).reshape(h, w, fl)
    filtered[:, :, idx: idx + fl] = np.lib.pad(windows_dct, ((2*s-1, 0), (2*s-1, 0), (0,0)), 'reflect')
    idx += fl
    windows_dst = dst(windows).reshape(h, w, fl)
    filtered[:, :, idx: idx + fl] = np.lib.pad(windows_dst, ((2*s-1, 0), (2*s-1, 0), (0,0)), 'reflect')
    idx += fl
    windows_fft = fft2(windows).reshape(h, w, fl)
    filtered[:, :, idx: idx + fl] = np.lib.pad(windows_fft, ((2*s-1, 0), (2*s-1, 0), (0,0)), 'reflect')
    idx += fl

    feature = np.zeros((height, width, filtered_dim*moment), dtype=np.float)
    for j in range(filtered_dim): # j is feature_num
        windows = rolling_window(filtered[:, :, j], window_size)
        h, w, wh, ww = windows.shape
        windows = windows.reshape(h, w, fl)
        for m in range(moment):
            if m == 0:
                feature[:, :, j * moment + 0] = np.lib.pad(windows.mean(axis=-1), ((2*s-1, 0), (2*s-1, 0)), 'reflect')
            elif m == 1:
                feature[:, :, j * moment + 1] = np.lib.pad(windows.std(axis=-1), ((2*s-1, 0), (2*s-1, 0)), 'reflect')
            elif m == 2:
                feature[:, :, j * moment + 2] = np.lib.pad(skew(windows, axis=-1), ((2*s-1, 0), (2*s-1, 0)), 'reflect')
                feature[:, :, j * moment + 3] = np.lib.pad(kurtosis(windows, axis=-1), ((2*s-1, 0), (2*s-1, 0)), 'reflect')
    return feature
예제 #42
def arc_dst(a, func, N=2048):
    # The slice at the end removes the endpoints
    th_data = np.linspace(a, 2 * np.pi, N + 2)[1:-1]

    discrete_func = np.array([func(th) for th in th_data])
    return dst(discrete_func, type=1) / (N + 1)