예제 #1
파일: moe.py 프로젝트: gevero/py_matrix
def m_D(a_x,a_y,a_z):
    '''calculates the dynamic geometrical tensor of the ellipsoid:
       to be computed once for every geometry

    'a_x,a_y,a_z' = three axes of the ellipsoid (in nm)

    'D' = dynamic geometrical tensor of the ellipsoid'''

    D_x_int,err = sp_i.nquad(lambda t,z: f_Dx(t,z,a_x,a_y,a_z),
    D_y_int,err = sp_i.nquad(lambda t,z: f_Dy(t,z,a_x,a_y,a_z),
    D_z_int,err = sp_i.nquad(lambda t,z: f_Dz(t,z,a_x,a_y,a_z),
    D_y = (0.75/np.pi)*D_y_int
    D_x = (0.75/np.pi)*D_x_int
    D_z = (0.75/np.pi)*D_z_int

    D = np.array([[D_x,0.0,0.0],[0.0,D_y,0.0],[0.0,0.0,D_z]])

    return D
		def Integrandlosv(r):   #It's using r, because I define below has limits in r, not x
                        xi = r/rs
                        def sigr(vt,vr):
                                return f(xi, vr, vt, param) * vt * (vr*vr) * 2*np.pi 

			def sigt(vt,vr):
                                return f(xi, vr, vt, param) * vt * (vt*vt) * 2*np.pi
			def rhofunc2(vt,vr):
                                return f(xi, vr, vt, param) * vt * 2*np.pi		

                        vmax = vesc(xi,[rlim, Vmax, rmax, alpha, beta, gamma])
                        def bounds_vr():
                                return [0, vmax]  #should be +/-vmax, but the function is symmetric, so.

                        def bounds_vt(vr):
                                lim = (vmax*vmax - vr*vr)**0.5
                                return [0, lim]

                        rhosigr2 = integrate.nquad(sigr, [bounds_vt, bounds_vr])[0]
			rhosigt2 = integrate.nquad(sigt, [bounds_vt, bounds_vr])[0]
			rhor     = integrate.nquad(rhofunc2, [bounds_vt, bounds_vr])[0]
                        zz = (xi*xi - Xi*Xi)
                        dz = rs*xi / np.sqrt(zz)
			result = ( zz*rhosigr2 + 0.5*Xi*Xi*rhosigt2 ) * dz / (xi*xi)  #!!! 0.5 or no???
                        return 2*result
예제 #3
 def expected_value( self, x):
     Currently, this does the whole sum/integral over the cube support of Z.
     We may be able to improve this by taking into account how the joint
     and conditionals factorize, and/or finding a more efficient support.
     This should be reasonably fast for |Z| <= 2 or 3, and small enough discrete
     variable cardinalities.  It runs in O(n_1 n_2 ... n_k) in the cardinality of
     the discrete variables, |Z_1| = n_1, etc.  It likewise runs in O(V^n) for n
     continuous Z variables.  Factorizing the joint/conditional distributions in
     the sum could linearize the runtime.
     causal_effect = 0.
     x = x[self.causes]
     if self.discrete_Z:
         discrete_variable_ranges = [ xrange(*(int(self.support[variable][0]), int(self.support[variable][1])+1)) for variable in self.discrete_Z]
         for z_vals in itertools.product(*discrete_variable_ranges):
             z_discrete = pd.DataFrame({k : [v] for k, v in zip(self.discrete_Z, z_vals)})
             if self.continuous_Z:
                 continuous_Z_ranges = [self.support[variable] for variable in self.continuous_Z]
                 args = z_discrete.join(x).values[0]
                 causal_effect += nquad(self.expectation_integration_function,continuous_Z_ranges,args=args)[0]
                 z_discrete = z_discrete[self.admissable_set]
                 exog_predictors = x.join(z_discrete)[self.conditional_density_vars]
                 causal_effect += self.conditional_expectation.fit(data_predict=exog_predictors.values)[0] * self.density.pdf(data_predict=z_discrete.values)
         return causal_effect
     elif self.continuous_Z:
         continuous_Z_ranges = [self.support[var] for var in self.continuous_Z]
         causal_effect, error = nquad(self.expectation_integration_function,continuous_Z_ranges,args=tuple(x.values[0]))
         return causal_effect
         return self.conditional_expectation.fit(data_predict=x[self.causes])[0]
예제 #4
def main():
	liste=[q for q in xrange(1,n+1)]
	func= lambda x1,x2,x3: function([x1,x2,x3])
	print integrate.nquad(func,[[0,1],[0,1],[0,1]], opts=[{"epsabs": 1.49e-20},{"epsabs": 1.49e-20},{"epsabs": 1.49e-20}])
	func2= lambda y1,y2,y3: another_function(**{"eins": y1,"zwei": y2,"drei": y3})
	print integrate.nquad(func2,[[0,1],[0,1],[0,1]], opts=[{"epsabs": 1.49e-20},{"epsabs": 1.49e-20},{"epsabs": 1.49e-20}])
예제 #5
파일: test_tool.py 프로젝트: lsst-ts/ts_wep
    def testZernikeAnnularEval(self):

        # Obscuration
        e = 0.61

        # Calculate the radius
        dd = np.sqrt(self.xx**2 + self.yy**2)

        # Define the invalid range
        idx = (dd > 1) | (dd < e)

        # Create the Zernike terms
        Z = np.zeros(22)

        # Generate the map of Z12
        Z[11] = 1

        # Calculate the map of Zernike polynomial
        Zmap = ZernikeAnnularEval(Z, self.xx, self.yy, e)
        Zmap[idx] = np.nan

        # Put the elements to be 0 in the invalid region
        Zmap[np.isnan(Zmap)] = 0

        # Check the normalization for Z1 - Z28
        e = 0.61
        ansValue = np.pi*(1-e**2)
        for ii in range(28):
            Z = np.zeros(28)
            Z[ii] = 1

            normalization = nquad(self._genNormalizedFunc,
                                  [[e, 1], [0, 2*np.pi]], args=(Z, e))[0]

            self.assertAlmostEqual(normalization, ansValue)

        # Check the orthogonality for Z1 - Z28
        for jj in range(28):
            Z1 = np.zeros(28)
            Z1[jj] = 1
            for ii in range(28):
                if (ii != jj):
                    Z2 = np.zeros(28)
                    Z2[ii] = 1

                    orthogonality = nquad(self._genOrthogonalFunc,
                                          [[e, 1], [0, 2*np.pi]],
                                          args=(Z1, Z2, e))[0]

                    self.assertAlmostEqual(orthogonality, 0)
예제 #6
파일: Simu.py 프로젝트: ChrisBotella/GPVDFR
def simu_YC(Alpha,beta,Z,U,V1,V2,T,Sigma):
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(D):
            def Fbeta(t):
                return U[i,j]+np.sum(V1[i,j,:]*np.sin( (np.arange(10)+1.)*2.*ma.pi*t/100.)+V2[i,j,:]*np.cos((np.arange(10)+1.)*2.*ma.pi*t/100.))*beta.val([t,T[i]]);
            Y[i]= Y[i] + integrate.nquad(Fbeta,[[0,T[i]]],opts=[{'epsabs':5e-04}])[0] / T[i]
    # Erreur sur le label
    if Sigma>0:
        Y = Y + np.random.normal(0,Sigma,N)
    # Labels censurés et temps de censures
    for i in range(N):
        if C[i]==min(C[i],Y[i]):
    return (Y,C,Yc,Delta);
예제 #7
파일: simple.py 프로젝트: just-aery/thesis
 def f_int():
     y = 0
     if (delta != 0):
         y, err = integrate.nquad(f,  [[-delta, delta], [-delta, delta], [-delta, delta], [-delta, delta]])
         y = f(0)
     return 1 / 16.0 / delta**4 * y
    def test_matching_tplquad(self):
        def func3d(x0, x1, x2, c0, c1):
            return x0 ** 2 + c0 * x1 ** 3 - x0 * x1 + 1 + c1 * np.sin(x2)

        res = tplquad(func3d, -1, 2, lambda x: -2, lambda x: 2, lambda x, y: -np.pi, lambda x, y: np.pi, args=(2, 3))
        res2 = nquad(func3d, [[-np.pi, np.pi], [-2, 2], (-1, 2)], args=(2, 3))
        assert_almost_equal(res, res2)
예제 #9
    def test_square_aliased_ranges_and_opts(self):
        def f(y, x):
            return 1.0

        r = [-1, 1]
        opt = {}
        assert_quad(nquad(f, [r, r], opts=[opt, opt]), 4.0)
예제 #10
    def test_variable_limits(self):
        scale = .1
        def func2(x0, x1, x2, x3, t0, t1):
            return x0*x1*x3**2 + np.sin(x2) + 1 + (1 if x0 + t1*x1 - t0 > 0 else 0)
        def lim0(x1, x2, x3, t0, t1):
            return [scale * (x1**2 + x2 + np.cos(x3)*t0*t1 + 1) - 1,
                    scale * (x1**2 + x2 + np.cos(x3)*t0*t1 + 1) + 1]
        def lim1(x2, x3, t0, t1):
            return [scale * (t0*x2 + t1*x3) - 1,
                    scale * (t0*x2 + t1*x3) + 1]
        def lim2(x3, t0, t1):
            return [scale * (x3 + t0**2*t1**3) - 1,
                    scale * (x3 + t0**2*t1**3) + 1]
        def lim3(t0, t1):
            return [scale * (t0 + t1) - 1, scale * (t0 + t1) + 1]
        def opts0(x1, x2, x3, t0, t1):
            return {'points':[t0 - t1*x1]}
        def opts1(x2, x3, t0, t1):
            return {}
        def opts2(x3, t0, t1):
            return {}
        def opts3(t0, t1):
            return {}

        res = nquad(func2, [lim0, lim1, lim2, lim3], args=(0,0),
                    opts=[opts0, opts1, opts2, opts3])
        assert_quad(res, 25.066666666666663)
예제 #11
def SigR(param):
	a,d,e, Ec, rlim, b, q, Jb, Vmax, rmax, alpha, beta, gamma = param
        rs = rmax/2.16           # rmax=2.16*rs
	xlim = rlim/rs
	def rhoRI(theta, v, x, X):
		z   = (x*x - X*X +10**-10)**.5
		aux = 2 * ftheta(x, v, theta, param) * pow(v,2) * np.sin(theta) * 2 * np.pi  * rs
		return aux * x/z

	def bounds_theta(v,x):
                return [0, np.pi]
        def bounds_v(x):
                vmax = vesc( x, [rlim, Vmax, rmax, alpha, beta, gamma] )                        
		return [0, vmax]
	#def bounds_r(X):
        #        return [X, xlim]

	#def result(Xi):
	#	ans = integrate.nquad(rhoRI, [bounds_theta, bounds_v, bounds_r], args=(Xi,))[0]
	#	return ans

	Xarr = np.linspace(0, xlim, 10)
	projlist = []
	for Xi in Xarr:
		def rhoRI2(theta,v,x):
			return rhoRI(theta,v,x,Xi)
		ans = integrate.nquad(rhoRI2, [bounds_theta, bounds_v, [Xi,xlim]])[0]
		print 'SigR Xi: ', Xi
	proj = np.array(projlist)

	return Xarr*rs, proj/max(proj)
예제 #12
def selectModel(npafIndepVar, npafData, funErrorPDF, lfunPriorParamPDF,
                lllfPriorParamBounds, lfunModels, lfPriorOdds=[]):
        Select between two models using a naive quadrature method for
        integration of probability distributions. Inputs are the data to model,
        the error pdf for the data, the parameter probability density, a list
        of 2 element lists of the [lower bound, upper bound] of the arguments
        of parameter distribution, the list of models to select from and a list
        of lists of 2 element lists of the model parameter bounds. For discrete
        parameters, select between functions defined with the different values
        of the discrete parameters. The outputs are the index of the best
        model and a list of the odds ratios for each model relative to the best
    from scipy.integrate import nquad
    import numpy as np
    npaOR = []
    if lfPriorOdds == []:
        lfPriorOdds = np.ones(len(lfunModels))
    nIdx = 0
    for funParamPDF, llfParamBounds, funModel in zip(lfunPriorParamPDF,
        funIntegrand = lambda *x: (funParamPDF(x) *
                                   funErrorPDF(npafData -
                                   funModel(npafIndepVar, x)))
        npaOR.append(nquad(funIntegrand, llfParamBounds)*lfPriorOdds[nIdx])
        nIdx += 1
    npaOR = np.array(npaOR)
    npaOR = npaOR/np.max(npaOR)
    nBestModel = np.argmin(npaOR)
    return nBestModel, npaOR
예제 #13
 def _calc_spec_pgamma(self, Eeminus):
     Eeminus = Eeminus.to('eV').value
     x_range = [0, 1]
     eta_range = [0.66982, 31.3]
     spec_hi = self._mpc2 * nquad(self._H_integrand, [x_range, eta_range],
                                  args=[Eeminus], )[0]
     return spec_hi.value
예제 #14
 def integral(self, f):
     Returns the integral of `f` with respect to the currwnt measure
     over the support.
     from types import FunctionType
     m = 0
     if self.DomType == "set":
         if type(f) not in [dict, FunctionType]:
             raise Exception(
                 "The integrand must be a `function` or a `dict`")
         if type(f) == dict:
             for p in self.supp:
                 if p in f:
                     m += self.weight[p] * f[p]
             for p in self.supp:
                     m += self.weight[p] * f(p)
         if type(f) != FunctionType:
             raise Exception("The integrand must be a `function`")
         from scipy import integrate
         fw = lambda *x: f(*x) * self.weight(*x)
         m = integrate.nquad(fw, self.supp)[0]
     return m
예제 #15
    def test_matching_quad(self):
        def func(x):
            return x**2 + 1

        res, reserr = quad(func, 0, 4)
        res2, reserr2 = nquad(func, ranges=[[0, 4]])
        assert_almost_equal(res, res2)
        assert_almost_equal(reserr, reserr2)
예제 #16
def Posterior():
	func= lambda s,b,mumu: norm.pdf(s,mean_s,sigma_s)*norm.pdf(b,mean_b,sigma_b)*ExtendedPoisson(N,mumu*s+b)
	func2= lambda mumumu: integrate.nquad(func,[[mean_s - 5*sigma_s,mean_s + 5*sigma_s],[mean_b - 5*sigma_b,mean_b + 5*sigma_b]],[mumumu])[0]#/integrate.nquad(func,[[mean_s - 5*sigma_s,mean_s + 5*sigma_s],[mean_b - 5*sigma_b,mean_b + 5*sigma_b],[1e-15,10]])[0]

예제 #17
    def test_densities(self):
        causes = ['c']
        effects = ['d']
        admissable_set = ['a']
        variable_types={'a': 'c','b': 'c','c': 'c','d' : 'c'}
        effect = CausalEffect(self.X,causes,effects,admissable_set,variable_types)
        density =  lambda x: effect.density.pdf( data_predict=[x])
        integral = nquad( density, [effect.support[d_var] for d_var in admissable_set])[0]
        print integral
        assert(abs(integral - 1.) < TOL)

        x_vals = [np.mean(effect.support[var]) for var in causes]
        z_vals = [np.mean(effect.support[var]) for var in admissable_set]
        density = lambda x: effect.conditional_density.pdf(endog_predict=[x], exog_predict=x_vals + z_vals)
        integral = nquad(density, [effect.support[d_var] for d_var in effects])[0]
        print x_vals, z_vals,integral
        assert(abs(integral - 1.) < TOL)
예제 #18
def multi_integrate(func, options):
    r = c.parse_range(options['range'])

        result = i.nquad(func, r)
        return c.clean_integrate(result)
    except Exception as e:
        return str(e)
예제 #19
    def test_matching_dblquad(self):
        def func2d(x0, x1):
            return x0**2 + x1**3 - x0 * x1 + 1

        res, reserr = dblquad(func2d, -2, 2, lambda x:-3, lambda x:3)
        res2, reserr2 = nquad(func2d, [[-3, 3], (-2, 2)])
        assert_almost_equal(res, res2)
        assert_almost_equal(reserr, reserr2)
예제 #20
파일: Benn_Kolo.py 프로젝트: qLuxor/sagnac
def psi_Kolonderski_full(lp,ls,li,wp,ws,wi,axp,axs,axi):
# Integrale come somma; non funziona
#    (ksx,dksx) = (ksy,dksy) = (kix,dkix) = (kiy,dkiy) = np.linspace(-1000000,1000000,50,retstep=True)
#    f = func_Kolonderski(ksx[:,None,None,None],ksy[None,:,None,None],kix[None,None,:,None],kiy[None,None,None,:],lp,ls,li,wp,ws,wi,axp,axs,axi)
#    return np.sum(np.sum(np.sum(np.sum(f))))*dksx*dksy*dkix*dkiy
# Integrale usando le funzioni di scipy: eterno
    return integ.nquad(func_Kolonderski,[[-np.inf,np.inf],[-np.inf,np.inf],[-np.inf,np.inf],[-np.inf,np.inf]],args=(lp,ls,li,wp,ws,wi,axp,axs,axi))
예제 #21
def com(mass): # must corespond with variables used for integration
    lol = integrate.nquad(lambda o,m,i: h(o,m,i) * o,\
                          [bounds_i, bounds_m, bounds_o])
    lml = integrade.nquad(lambda o,m,i: h(o,m,i) * m,\
                          [bounds_i, bounds_m, bounds_o])
    lil = integrade.nquad(lambda o,m,i: h(o,m,i) * i,\
                          [bounds_i, bounds_m, bounds_o])

    return lol/mass2, lml/mass2, lil/mass2
예제 #22
    def test_fixed_limits(self):
        def func1(x0, x1, x2, x3):
            return x0 ** 2 + x1 * x2 - x3 ** 3 + np.sin(x0) + (1 if (x0 - 0.2 * x3 - 0.5 - 0.25 * x1 > 0) else 0)

        def opts_basic(*args):
            return {"points": [0.2 * args[2] + 0.5 + 0.25 * args[0]]}

        res = nquad(func1, [[0, 1], [-1, 1], [0.13, 0.8], [-0.15, 1]], opts=[opts_basic, {}, {}, {}])
        assert_quad(res, 1.5267454070738635)
예제 #23
def rhosigrt2theta(r, param = [2.0, -5.3, 2.5, 0.16, 1.5, -9.0, 6.9, 0.086, 21.0, 1.5,1,3,1]):	
	a,d,e, Ec, rlim, b, q, Jb, Vmax, rmax, alpha, beta, gamma = param
        rs = rmax/2.16           # rmax=2.16*rs

	xi = r/rs
        def sigrI(theta, v):
		return ftheta(xi, v, theta, param) * pow(v,4) * pow( np.cos(theta), 2) * np.sin(theta)

        def sigtI(theta, v):
                return ftheta(xi, v, theta, param) * pow(v,4) * pow( np.sin(theta) , 3) 

        vmax = vesc(xi,[rlim, Vmax, rmax, alpha, beta, gamma])
	bounds_theta = [0, np.pi]
        bounds_v     = [0, vmax]

        rhosigr2 = integrate.nquad(sigrI, [bounds_theta, bounds_v])[0]
        rhosigt2 = integrate.nquad(sigtI, [bounds_theta, bounds_v])[0]
        return rhosigr2, rhosigt2 
예제 #24
파일: bInt.py 프로젝트: mbb70/stat538
def multivariate_gaussian_integration(sigma, lower_limits, upper_limits, mu):
    n = len(sigma)
    inv_sigma = np.linalg.inv(sigma)
    det_sigma = np.linalg.det(sigma)
    coeff_denominator = (2*np.pi)**(n/2.0)*np.sqrt(abs(det_sigma))
    coeff = 1.0/coeff_denominator
    f = lambda *x : np.exp(-0.5*np.dot(np.dot((np.array(x)-mu), inv_sigma), (np.array(x)-mu).T))
    ranges = make_ranges(n, lower_limits, upper_limits)
    return coeff*integ.nquad(f, ranges)[0]
예제 #25
def compute_expectation(model, fun):
    # Computes the expectation of fun(th) wrt the posterior distribution,
    # given by exp(model.log_p_marg(th))
    th_shape = model.th_shape
    L = np.prod(th_shape)
    lims = [[-np.inf, np.inf]] * L
    def integrand(*args):
        th = np.array(args).reshape(th_shape)
        return np.exp(model.log_p_marg(th)) * fun(th)

    return integrate.nquad(integrand, lims)[0]
예제 #26
 def test_gauss2darea(self):
     p = numpy.copy(self.p2d)
     p[2] = self.sigma
     p[3] = (numpy.random.rand() + 0.1) * self.sigma
     area = xu.math.Gauss2dArea(*p)
     (numarea, err) = nquad(xu.math.Gauss2d, [[-numpy.inf, numpy.inf],
                                              [-numpy.inf, numpy.inf]],
     digits = int(numpy.abs(numpy.log10(err))) - 3
     self.assertTrue(digits >= 3)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(area, numarea, places=digits)
예제 #27
    def return_occurrence_samples(self, samplechain, sampsize, 
        planetradius, planetperiod):
        samp = np.zeros(sampsize)
        for i,x in enumerate(
            samp[i] = nquad(self.population_model2, 
                [[planetperiod[0],planetperiod[1]], [planetradius[0], planetradius[1]]], args=[samplechain[x]])[0]

        self.samp = samp
        return samp
예제 #28
    def test_square_aliased_fn_ranges_and_opts(self):
        def f(y, x):
            return 1.0
        def fn_range(*args):
            return (-1, 1)
        def fn_opt(*args):
            return {}

        ranges = [fn_range, fn_range]
        opts = [fn_opt, fn_opt]
        assert_quad(nquad(f, ranges, opts=opts), 4.0)
예제 #29
def projecteddensity(param=[2.0, -5.3, 2.5, 0.16, 1.5, -9.0, 6.9, 0.086, 21.0, 1.5, 1,3,1]):

	a,d,e, Ec, rlim, b, q, Jb, Vmax, rmax, alpha, beta, gamma = param
        rs = rmax/2.16           # rmax=2.16*rs
        Ps = (Vmax/0.465)**2.0   # Vmax=0.465*sqrt(Ps)

        xlim = rlim/rs  #in unit of rs
        dx = 0.001 #*.7kpc * 10
        dX = 0.1
        projrholist = []
        Xlist = []
        Xi = 0.00
        while Xi<xlim:
            Integrantlist = []
            IntegrantNormlist = []
            xlist = []
            xi = Xi+0.00001
            while xi<xlim:  #loop through r/rs

		def rhofunc(vr,vt):
                        return f(xi, vr, vt, param) * vt

		vmax = vesc(xi,[rlim, Vmax, rmax, alpha, beta, gamma])
                def bounds_vt():
                        return [0, vmax]

                def bounds_vr(vt):
                        lim = (vmax*vmax - vt*vt)**0.5
                        return [0, lim]

                #marginalize over theta and velocity, as a function of x
                rho     = integrate.nquad(rhofunc, [bounds_vr, bounds_vt])[0]

                #integrants to be integrated over x, as a function of X (or R/rs), 
                zz = (xi*xi - Xi*Xi)
                dz = rs*xi / np.sqrt(zz)
                Integrant = rho*dz


                xi = xi + dx

            #integrate over X as a function of X
            #print 'time: ', (time.time() - start_time)/60.0
            projrho = integrate.trapz(Integrantlist,xlist)
            projrholist.append( projrho )
            print Xi, projrho
            Xi = Xi + dX
        return np.asarray(Xlist) * rs,  np.asarray(projrholist)/max(projrholist) 
예제 #30
def _integrate_nquad(func, bounds):
	Converting the arguments to nquad style

	:param func: function to integrate
	:type func: function with parameter x (iterable of length n)
	:param bounds: bounds for the integration
	:type bounds: iterable of pairs of length n
	:return: value of the integral
	f = lambda *x: func(x)
	return nquad(f,bounds)[0]
예제 #31
def coupled_probability(density_func: Callable[..., np.ndarray],
                        kappa: float = 0.0,
                        alpha: int = 2,
                        dim: int = 1,
                        support: list = [[-np.inf, np.inf]]
                        ) -> Callable[..., np.ndarray]:
    Add description here.

    dist : TYPE
    dx : float
        The distance between realizations of the densities.
    kappa : float, optional
        Coupling parameter. The default is 0.0.
    alpha : float, optional
        DESCRIPTION. The default is 1.0.
    dim : int, optional
        The dimension of x, or rank if x is a tensor. The default is 1.

    [float, np.ndarray]

    # Calculate the risk-bias.
    kMult = (-alpha * kappa) / (1 + dim*kappa)

    def raised_density_func(x):
        return density_func(x) ** (1-kMult)

    def raised_density_func_integration(*args):
        if dim == 1:
            x = np.array(args)
            x = np.array([args]).reshape(1, dim)
        return density_func(x) ** (1-kMult)

    # Calculate the normalization factor to the coupled CDF equals 1.
    division_factor = nquad(raised_density_func_integration, support)[0]

    # Define a function to calculate coupled densities
    def coupled_prob(values):
        return raised_density_func(values) / division_factor
    # Return the new functions that calculates the coupled density of a value.
    return coupled_prob
예제 #32
    def test_matching_tplquad(self):
        def func3d(x0, x1, x2, c0, c1):
            return x0**2 + c0 * x1**3 - x0 * x1 + 1 + c1 * np.sin(x2)

        res = tplquad(func3d,
                      lambda x: -2,
                      lambda x: 2,
                      lambda x, y: -np.pi,
                      lambda x, y: np.pi,
                      args=(2, 3))
        res2 = nquad(func3d, [[-np.pi, np.pi], [-2, 2], (-1, 2)], args=(2, 3))
        assert_almost_equal(res, res2)
예제 #33
def alpha1_burket(M_0, r_s):
    GRADPOT1 = np.zeros((len(theta1)), float)

    def POTDEF1(z, TheTa1):
        TheTa = np.sqrt(TheTa1**2 + theta2[l]**2)
        R = D_d * TheTa
        Burket_p = BurkertPotential(amp=M_0, a=r_s, normalize=False)
        Sigma = Burket_p.dens(R, z)
        kappa = Sigma / SIGMA_CRIT
        return (4 / theta1[l]) * TheTa1 * kappa / SIGMA_CRIT**2

    for l in range(len(theta1)):
        GRADPOT1[l] = nquad(POTDEF1, [[0, np.inf], [0, theta1[l]]])[0]
    return GRADPOT1 * SIGMA_CRIT**2
예제 #34
    def test_fixed_limits(self):
        def func1(x0, x1, x2, x3):
            val = (x0**2 + x1 * x2 - x3**3 + np.sin(x0) +
                   (1 if (x0 - 0.2 * x3 - 0.5 - 0.25 * x1 > 0) else 0))
            return val

        def opts_basic(*args):
            return {'points': [0.2 * args[2] + 0.5 + 0.25 * args[0]]}

        res = nquad(func1, [[0, 1], [-1, 1], [.13, .8], [-.15, 1]],
                    opts=[opts_basic, {}, {}, {}],
        assert_quad(res[:-1], 1.5267454070738635)
        assert_(res[-1]['neval'] > 0 and res[-1]['neval'] < 4e5)
예제 #35
def integrate_evidence(prior_logp_expr, datum_logp_expr, data_syms, theta_syms,
                       data_values, theta0, theta_bounds):
    Generic function for computing Model Evidence by numerical integration of the posterior distribution, based on a symbolicly-expressed probability model for the data and parameters along with observed data.

    Returns an (logev, logerr) tuple, where logev is the natural logarithm of the computed Model Evidence, and logerr the natural logarithm of the absolute error bound in the integration.

    Implementation note: calls `find_map` in order to find the mode and characteristic lengthscales of the posterior distribution,
    so as to assist the integration algorithm by highlighting the small high-density region around the mode.
    std_dev_multiples = [-10, 0, 10]

    map_optres = find_map(prior_logp_expr, datum_logp_expr, data_syms,
                          theta_syms, data_values, theta0, theta_bounds)

    all_syms = [list(data_syms), list(theta_syms)]
    lam_f_n = lambdify(all_syms, datum_logp_expr)
    lam_f_prior = lambdify(all_syms, prior_logp_expr)
    pvalues = [] + list(data_values)

    def f(*theta):
        ## NOTE we're normalizing such that the density is 1 at the mode of the distribution.
        return np.exp(
            np.sum(lam_f_n(pvalues, theta)) + lam_f_prior(pvalues, theta) +

    cov = np_linalg.inv(map_optres.hess)

    def intgr_points(i_var):
        low, high = theta_bounds[i_var]
        mode = map_optres.x[i_var]
        std_dev = cov[i_var, i_var]**0.5
        ret = []
        for k in std_dev_multiples:
            p = mode + (k * std_dev)
            if (low < p < high):
                ret += [p]
        return ret

    v, err = intgr.nquad(
        ## NOTE we're marking the region surrounding the mode as requiring extra attention from the integration algorithm,
        ## as the distribution will be extremely peaked around it;
        ## we use the Hessian to find the characteristic variation lengths around that mode.
            'points': intgr_points(i_var)
        } for i_var in range(len(theta_syms))])

    return (np.log(v) - map_optres.fun, np.log(err) - map_optres.fun)
예제 #36
def complex_nquad(integrand, ranges, **kwargs) -> Tuple[complex, tuple, tuple]:
    As :func:`scipy.integrate.nquad`, but works with complex integrands.

        The function to integrate.
        The lower limit of integration.
        The upper limit of integration.
        Additional keyword arguments are passed to

    (result, real_extras, imag_extras)
        A tuple containing the result, as well as the other things returned
        by :func:`scipy.integrate.nquad` for the real and imaginary parts
    def real_func(y, x):
        return np.real(integrand(y, x))

    def imag_func(y, x):
        return np.imag(integrand(y, x))

    real_integral = integ.nquad(real_func, ranges, **kwargs)
    imag_integral = integ.nquad(imag_func, ranges, **kwargs)

    return (
        real_integral[0] + (1j * imag_integral[0]),
예제 #37
    def rho(s):
        ran = [[s.H.min(), s.H.max()], [s.T.min(), s.T.max()]]
        print('calculando media H')
        s.mh = nquad(lambda h, t: h * s.pdf(h, t), ran)[0]
        if s.H.mean() - s.mh > 1 or s.H.mean() - s.mh < -1:
            return 'erro no calculo de mh = %.6f' % s.mh
        print('calculando media H = %.6f' % s.mh)

        print('calculando media**2 H')
        s.m2h = nquad(lambda h, t: h**2 * s.pdf(h, t), ran)[0]
        print('calculando media**2 H = %.6f' % s.m2h)

        print('calculando media T')
        s.mt = nquad(lambda h, t: t * s.pdf(h, t), ran)[0]
        print('calculando media T = %.6f' % s.mt)

        print('calculando media **T')
        s.m2t = nquad(lambda h, t: t**2 * s.pdf(h, t), ran)[0]
        print('calculando media **T = %.6f' % s.m2t)

        print('calculando E')
        s.mht = nquad(lambda h, t: h * t * s.pdf(h, t), ran)[0]
        print('calculando mht = %.6f' % s.mht)

        print('calculando desvio padrao H')
        s.dph = np.sqrt(s.m2h - s.mh**2)  #desvio padrao
        print('calculando desvio padrao H = %.6f' % s.dph)

        print('calculando desvio padrao de T')
        s.dpt = np.sqrt(s.m2t - s.mt**2)
        print('calculando desvio padrao de T = %.6f' % s.dpt)

        s.rhomdc = (s.mht - s.mh * s.mt) / (s.dph * s.dpt)
        print('calculo rho terminado = ', s.rhomdc)
        return s.rhomdc
예제 #38
 def C(self, *xs):
         value: the points where you want to calculate the gaussian copula
         the copula in tab, with a precision of quadstep.
     bounds = []
     for x in xs:
         # specific case where 0 is an argument, so the result is 0.
         if x <= 0:
             return 0
         bounds.append([0, x])
     res, _ = spi.nquad(self.c, bounds, opts={'epsabs': 1e-3})
     return res
예제 #39
    def IntegrateOnSphere(self):
        raggio = self.raggio;
        def dFx(theta,phi):
            T_xx,T_xy,T_xz,T_yx,T_yy,T_yz,T_zx,T_zy,T_zz = self.MaxwellTensorDotR(theta,phi,raggio);
            dF = T_xx*(sin(theta)*cos(phi)) + T_xy*(sin(theta)*sin(phi)) + T_xz*cos(theta);
            return np.real( dF * sin(theta) * raggio**2 )

        def dFy(theta,phi):
            T_xx,T_xy,T_xz,T_yx,T_yy,T_yz,T_zx,T_zy,T_zz = self.MaxwellTensorDotR(theta,phi,raggio);
            dF = T_yx*(sin(theta)*cos(phi)) + T_yy*(sin(theta)*sin(phi)) + T_yz*cos(theta);
            return np.real( dF * sin(theta) * raggio**2 )

        def dFz(theta,phi):
            T_xx,T_xy,T_xz,T_yx,T_yy,T_yz,T_zx,T_zy,T_zz = self.MaxwellTensorDotR(theta,phi,raggio);
            dF = T_zx*(sin(theta)*cos(phi)) + T_zy*(sin(theta)*sin(phi)) + T_zz*cos(theta);
            return np.real( dF * sin(theta) * raggio**2 )

        F_x = integrate.nquad(dFx, [[0,pi],[0,2*pi]]);

        F_y = integrate.nquad(dFy, [[0,pi],[0,2*pi]]);

        F_z = integrate.nquad(dFz, [[0,pi],[0,2*pi]]);

        return F_x,F_y,F_z
예제 #40
def main():
    print(quad(lambda x: np.exp(-x), 0, np.inf))  # 一元积分,生成两个数,第二个数是误差范围
    print(dblquad(lambda t, x: np.exp(-x * t) / t ** 3, 0, np.inf, lambda x: 1, lambda x: np.inf))  # 二元积分

    def f(x, y):
        return x * y

    # 定义x,y的边界:
    def bound_y():
        return [0, 0.5]

    def bound_x(y):
        return [0, 1 - 2 * y]

    print(nquad(f, [bound_x, bound_y]))
예제 #41
def get_ref(phase_angle, i=None, e=None):
    omega = 0.042
    g = -0.37
    b0_s = 2.5
    h_s = 0.079
    b0_c = 0.188
    h_c = 0.017
    theta = 15.
    r = []
    r_err = []
    if type(phase_angle) is np.ndarray:
        if i is not None and e is not None:
            for alpha, ii, ee in zip(phase_angle, i, e):
                r_i = hapke_int(ii, ee, alpha, omega, theta, h_s, b0_s, h_c,
                                b0_c, [g], 10)
                r_err_i = 0
            for alpha in phase_angle:
                r_i, r_err_i = nquad(hapke_int, [[0, np.pi / 2], [0, np.pi]],
                                     args=(alpha, omega, theta, h_s, b0_s, h_c,
                                           b0_c, [g], 10))
        return np.array(r), np.array(r_err)
        if i is not None and e is not None:
            r_i = hapke_int(i, e, phase_angle, omega, theta, h_s, b0_s, h_c,
                            b0_c, [g], 10)
            r_err_i = 0
            r_i, r_err_i = nquad(hapke_int, [[0, np.pi / 2], [0, np.pi]],
                                 args=(phase_angle, omega, theta, h_s, b0_s,
                                       h_c, b0_c, [g], 10))
        return r_i, r_err_i
예제 #42
def from_pdf_2d(pdf: callable, xrange: list, yrange: list, gridsize: list):
    z = np.empty(gridsize)
    dx, dy = (xrange[1] - xrange[0]) / gridsize[0], (yrange[1] -
                                                     yrange[0]) / gridsize[1]
    for i in range(gridsize[0]):
        for j in range(gridsize[1]):
            z[i, j] = integrate.nquad(pdf,
                                          (xrange[0] + dx * i, xrange[0] + dx *
                                           (i + 1)),
                                          (yrange[0] + dy * j, yrange[0] + dy *
                                           (j + 1))))[0] / dx / dy
    x = np.linspace(xrange[0] + dx / 2, xrange[1] - dx / 2, gridsize[0])
    y = np.linspace(yrange[0] + dy / 2, yrange[1] - dy / 2, gridsize[1])
    return x, y, z
예제 #43
def al_integration_in_direction(f, start_radian, end_radian, bins, bin_width):
    from scipy import integrate
    direction_prob = integrate.nquad(f,
                                     [[0, inf], [start_radian, end_radian]])[0]
    density_expected_ = array([
                           [[x_, x_ + bin_width], [start_radian, end_radian]])
        for x_ in bins[:-1]
    ])[:, 0]
    density_expected = density_expected_ / direction_prob / bin_width
    y_cdf = np.append(0, np.cumsum(density_expected) * bin_width)
    # y_cdf = array([integrate.nquad(f, [[0, x_val], [start_radian, end_radian]])
    #                for x_val in bins])[:, 0]/direction_prob
    # y_cdf = None
    return bins, density_expected, y_cdf, direction_prob
예제 #44
파일: fcc.py 프로젝트: rdhough/spectral_gap
def SingularityIntegral(integrand):
    def smooth_integrand(x, y, z):
        if x**2 + y**2 + z**2 == 0:
            return 0
            return integrand(x, y,
                             z) * (1 - BumpFunction(4 * (x**2 + y**2 + z**2)))

    def singular_integrand(x, y, z):
        return integrand(x, y, z) * BumpFunction(4 * (x**2 + y**2 + z**2))

    SmoothIntegral = integrate.nquad(lambda x, y, z: smooth_integrand(x, y, z),
                                     [[-.5, .5], [-.5, .5], [-.5, .5]])[0]
    SingularIntegral = SphericalCoordinateIntegrate(singular_integrand)
    return SmoothIntegral + SingularIntegral
예제 #45
    def Gauss_integrateA(self, material_fun):
        # for index in np.ndindex(self.shape):
        for index in [0, 0], [1, 1]:
            for ki, kj in itertools.product(np.arange(0, self.N[0]),
                                            np.arange(0, self.N[1])):
                k = [ki, kj]

                l_k = lambda x0, x1: material_fun * lagrange_d([x0, x1], self.
                                                               N, k)

                int = nquad(l_k, [[-1, 1], [-1, 1]])
                self.val[index[0], index[1], ki, kj] = int[0]
예제 #46
def fmht(obj, ran, mh, m2h, mt, m2t):
    print('calculando E')
    mht = nquad(lambda h, t: h * t * obj.pdf(h, t), ran)[0]
    print('calculando mht = %.6f' % mht)

    print('calculando desvio padrao H')
    dph = np.sqrt(m2h - mh**2)  #desvio padrao
    print('calculando desvio padrao H = %.6f' % dph)

    print('calculando desvio padrao de T')
    dpt = np.sqrt(m2t - mt**2)
    print('calculando desvio padrao de T = %.6f' % dpt)

    rho = (mht - mh * mt) / (dph * dpt)
    print('calculo rho terminado = ', rho)
예제 #47
    def approximate_count_from_to(self, x_min, x_max, x_columnID):
        start = datetime.now()
        if self.dimension is 1:
            # average = self.approximate_ave_from_to(x_min,x_max,x_columnID)
            def f_p(*args):
                return np.exp(
                    self.kde.score_samples(np.array(args).reshape(1, -1)))

            result = integrate.quad(
                f_p, x_min, x_max, epsabs=epsabs,
                epsrel=epsrel)[0] * self.num_training_points
            # return result

        if self.dimension > 1:
            data_range_length_half = [
                (max(self.training_data.features[:, i]) -
                 min(self.training_data.features[:, i])) * 0.5
                for i in range(self.dimension)
            data_range = [[
                min(self.training_data.features[:, i]) -
                max(self.training_data.features[:, i]) +
            ] for i in range(self.dimension)]

            # generate the integral bounds
            bounds = []
            for i in range(x_columnID):
            bounds.append([x_min, x_max])
            # print(bounds)
            for i in range(x_columnID + 1, self.dimension):

            def f_p(*args):
                return np.exp(
                    self.kde.score_samples(np.array(args).reshape(1, -1)))

            result = integrate.nquad(f_p, bounds,
                                     opts=opts)[0] * self.num_training_points
        end = datetime.now()
        time_cost = (end - start).total_seconds()
        if self.b_print_time_cost:
            self.logger.info("Approximate count: %.4f." % result)
            self.logger.info("Time spent for approximate COUNT: %.4fs." %
        return int(result), time_cost
예제 #48
def main():
    print(quad(lambda x: np.exp(-x), 0, np.inf))
        dblquad(lambda t, x: np.exp(-x * t) / t**3, 0, np.inf, lambda x: 1,
                lambda x: np.inf))

    def f(x, y):
        return x * y

    def bound_y():
        return [0, 0.5]

    def bound_x(y):
        return [0, 1 - 2 * y]

    print(nquad(f, [bound_x, bound_y]))
예제 #49
def D_num(m, n, i, j):
    if (m, n, i, j) in cache:
        return cache[m, n, i, j]
    if (n, m, j, i) in cache:
        return cache[n, m, j, i]
    if (i, j, m, n) in cache:
        return cache[i, j, m, n]
    if (j, i, n, m) in cache:
        return cache[j, i, n, m]
    m, n, i, j = map(float, (m, n, i, j))
    ranges = [(0, m), (0, n), (m, m+i), (n, n+j)]
    prec = {'epsrel': 1e-4, 'epsabs': 1e-4}
    val = nquad(integrand, ranges, opts=prec)
    result = 1./(m*n*i*j)*val[0]
    cache[(m, n, i, j)] = result
    return result
예제 #50
def SphericalCoordinateIntegrate(integrand):
    def spherical_integrand(r, thet1, thet2, thet3):
        if r == 0:
            return 0
            return integrand(
                r * np.cos(thet1),
                r * np.sin(thet1) * np.cos(thet2),
                r * np.sin(thet1) * np.sin(thet2) * np.cos(thet3),
                r * np.sin(thet1) * np.sin(thet2) *
                np.sin(thet3)) * r**3 * np.sin(thet1)**2 * np.sin(thet2)

    return integrate.nquad(
        lambda r, thet1, thet2, thet3: spherical_integrand(
            r, thet1, thet2, thet3),
        [[0, .5], [0, np.pi], [0, np.pi], [0, 2 * np.pi]])[0]
def compute_norm(
    X, R_sq, grid_n_samples, offset, integration="adaptative", verbose=False
    dim = X.shape[1]
    if integration == "adaptative":
        result = 0
        for i in range(R_sq.shape[1]):
            tidy_data = np.hstack((X, R_sq[:, i].reshape(X.shape[0], 1)))
            interp = ndsplines.make_interp_spline_from_tidy(
                range(dim),  # columns to use as independent variable data
                [dim],  # columns to use as dependent variable data

            def f(*argv):
                return interp(argv)[0, 0]

            if verbose:
                print("Initiating adaptative integration")
            result += integrate.nquad(
                f, [[offset, 1 - offset]] * dim, full_output=False
        return np.sqrt(result)

    reduction_indices = [
        range(int(grid_n_samples[i] * offset), int(grid_n_samples[i] * (1 - offset)))
        for i in range(len(grid_n_samples))
    X_grid = dataset_to_grid(X, grid_n_samples, dim)
    X_red_indices = reduction_indices + [range(dim)]
    X_crop_grid = crop_matrix(X_grid, X_red_indices)
    R_sq_grid = dataset_to_grid(R_sq, grid_n_samples, R_sq.shape[1])
    R_sq_red_indices = reduction_indices + [range(R_sq.shape[1])]
    R_sq_crop_grid = crop_matrix(R_sq_grid, R_sq_red_indices)

    n_crop = 1
    grid_n_samples_crop = [len(r) for r in reduction_indices]
    for r in grid_n_samples_crop:
        n_crop = n_crop * r
    X_crop = X_crop_grid.reshape(n_crop, X.shape[1])
    R_sq_crop = R_sq_crop_grid.reshape(n_crop, R_sq.shape[1])

    if verbose:
        print("Initiating grid integration")
    return np.sqrt(
        quadrature_regular_grid(X_crop, R_sq_crop, grid_n_samples_crop).sum()
예제 #52
def test_normal_simplex():
    mult_logit = transform.MultinomialLogitTransform()
    NormalSimplex = NormalMessage.transformed(mult_logit)

    message = NormalSimplex([-1, 2], [0.3, 0.3])

    check_numerical_gradient_hessians(message, message.sample())

    def func(*p):
        return np.exp(message.factor(p)).prod()

    def simplex_lims(*args):
        return [0, 1 - sum(args)]

    # verify transformation normalises correctly
    res, err = integrate.nquad(func, [simplex_lims] * message.size)
    assert res == pytest.approx(1, rel=err)
예제 #53
 def _cdf(self, u, v, rotation=0, *theta):
     @brief Default implementation of the cumulative density function. Very slow.
     Recommended to replace with an analytic CDF if possible.
     @param theta  Copula parameter list
     @param rotation <b>int</b> copula rotation parameter
     @param u <b>np_1darray</b> Rank CDF data vector
     @param v <b>np_1darray</b> Rank CDF data vector
     cdf_vector = np.zeros(np.asarray(u).size)
     for i, (ui, vi) in enumerate(zip(u, v)):
         ranges = np.array([[0, ui], [0, vi]])
         cdf_vector[i] = spi.nquad(self.pdf,
                                   args=(rotation, theta),
                                   opts={'limit': 20})[0]
     return cdf_vector
예제 #54
    def integrate(self, density_matrix, i, j):

        g_i = self.basis_set[i]
        g_j = self.basis_set[j]

        if density_matrix is not self.density_matrix:
            self.density_matrix = density_matrix
            self.electron_density = {}

        def electron_density(x, y, z):
            if (x, y, z) not in self.electron_density:
                density = 0
                for a, basis_a in enumerate(self.basis_set):
                    for b, basis_b in enumerate(self.basis_set):
                        if a == b:
                            density += density_matrix.item(
                                a, b) * basis_a.value(x, y, z)**2
                        elif a < b:
                            density += 2 * basis_a.value(
                                x, y, z) * density_matrix.item(
                                    a, b) * basis_b.value(x, y, z)
                self.electron_density[(x, y, z)] = density
            return self.electron_density[(x, y, z)]

        def integrand(rho, theta, phi):
            x = rho * sin(theta) * cos(phi)
            y = rho * sin(theta) * sin(phi)
            z = rho * cos(theta)
            return g_i.value(x, y, z) * (self.exchange_potential.calculate(electron_density(x, y, z))
            + self.correlation_potential.calculate(electron_density(x, y, z))) * g_j.value(x, y, z) * rho**2 \
            * sin(theta)

        integral, error = integrate.nquad(
            integrand, [[0.0, self.int_space], [0.0, np.pi], [0.0, 2 * np.pi]],
                'epsabs': self.epsabs,
                'epsrel': self.epsrel
            }, {
                'epsabs': self.epsabs,
                'epsrel': self.epsrel
            }, {
                'epsabs': self.epsabs,
                'epsrel': self.epsrel

        return integral
예제 #55
    def dIdE(self, E):
        Return intensity spectrum of blazars. Since this is only used for sub-bin apportioning of photons, 
        we use a single index approximation (the source count function uses the full form)

        Gamma = 2.37  # Assumed spectral index for mAGN

        self.dIdEval = integrate.nquad(
            lambda L, z: self.dVdz(z) * self.phi_gamma(L, z) * self.dFdE(
                E, z, L, Gamma) * (1 / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * self.Gamma_sigma))
            * np.exp(-(Gamma - self.Gamma_mean)**2 /
                     (2 * self.Gamma_sigma**2)) * np.exp(-self.Tau(E, z)),
            [[self.Lmin, self.Lmax], [self.zmin, self.zmax]],
            opts=[self.opts0, self.opts0, self.opts0])[0]

        return self.dIdEval
예제 #56
def tvoPrice_formulaAlternative(S0, sig0, K, T, TV, H, rho, nu):
    X0 = np.log(S0 / K)
    M0 = sig0**2 * integrate.quad(lambda x: np.exp(2 * nu**2 * x**(2 * H)), 0,
    I = integrate.nquad(integrandGeneral, [bounds_r, bounds_tau],
                        args=(nu, H, T))[0]
    C = bs_normalized(X0, M0)

    d1 = X0 / np.sqrt(M0) + np.sqrt(M0) / 2
    d2 = d1 - np.sqrt(M0)
    Cx = np.exp(X0) * norm.cdf(d1)
    Cxw = np.exp(
        -d2**2 / 2) / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * math.pi * M0)) * (1 / 2 - X0 / M0)
    Fxwh = -Cx / 2 / (M0**(3 / 2)) + Cxw / np.sqrt(M0)
    price = 2 * nu * rho * Fxwh * (sig0**3) * I + C / np.sqrt(M0)
    price = price * K * TV * np.sqrt(T)
    return price
예제 #57
def alpha2_MN(M2, a2, b2):
    GRADPOT1 = np.zeros((len(theta1)), float)

    def POTDEF1(z, TheTa2):
        TheTa = np.sqrt(TheTa2**2 + theta1[l]**2)
        R = D_d * TheTa
        MN_Bulge_p = MiyamotoNagaiPotential(amp=M2,
        Sigma = MN_Bulge_p.dens(R, z)
        kappa = Sigma / SIGMA_CRIT
        return (4 / theta2[l]) * TheTa2 * kappa / SIGMA_CRIT**2

    for l in range(len(theta1)):
        GRADPOT1[l] = nquad(POTDEF1, [[0, np.inf], [0, theta2[l]]])[0]
    return GRADPOT1 * (SIGMA_CRIT**2)
예제 #58
def example_nquad():
    import scipy.integrate as integrate

    def f(x, y, z):
        return x * y * z

    def bounds_z():
        return [1, 2]

    def bounds_y(*args):
        return [2, 3]

    def bounds_x(*args):
        return [0, 1]

    result = integrate.nquad(f, [bounds_x, bounds_y, bounds_z])
예제 #59
    def test_variable_limits(self):
        scale = .1

        def func2(x0, x1, x2, x3, t0, t1):
            val = (x0 * x1 * x3**2 + np.sin(x2) + 1 +
                   (1 if x0 + t1 * x1 - t0 > 0 else 0))
            return val

        def lim0(x1, x2, x3, t0, t1):
            return [
                scale * (x1**2 + x2 + np.cos(x3) * t0 * t1 + 1) - 1,
                scale * (x1**2 + x2 + np.cos(x3) * t0 * t1 + 1) + 1

        def lim1(x2, x3, t0, t1):
            return [
                scale * (t0 * x2 + t1 * x3) - 1,
                scale * (t0 * x2 + t1 * x3) + 1

        def lim2(x3, t0, t1):
            return [
                scale * (x3 + t0**2 * t1**3) - 1,
                scale * (x3 + t0**2 * t1**3) + 1

        def lim3(t0, t1):
            return [scale * (t0 + t1) - 1, scale * (t0 + t1) + 1]

        def opts0(x1, x2, x3, t0, t1):
            return {'points': [t0 - t1 * x1]}

        def opts1(x2, x3, t0, t1):
            return {}

        def opts2(x3, t0, t1):
            return {}

        def opts3(t0, t1):
            return {}

        res = nquad(func2, [lim0, lim1, lim2, lim3],
                    args=(0, 0),
                    opts=[opts0, opts1, opts2, opts3])
        assert_quad(res, 25.066666666666663)
예제 #60
def p_spectrum_hbar(p_0_b_dsnb, b_dsnb_min, b_dsnb_max, p_0_b_ccatmo,
                    b_ccatmo_min, b_ccatmo_max, p_0_b_reactor, b_reactor_min,
                    b_reactor_max, p_0_s, s_min, s_max, fraction_signal,
                    fraction_dsnb, fraction_ccatmo, fraction_reactor, dataset):
    equation 7 of the GERDA paper
    conditional probabilities to find the observed spectrum given the hypothesis Hbar (signal and background) is true or
    not true

    :param p_0_b_dsnb: prior probability for the number of expected DSNB background events (float)
    :param b_dsnb_min: lower integration limit for the DSNB background (float)
    :param b_dsnb_max: upper integration limit for the DSNB background (float)
    :param p_0_b_ccatmo: prior probabilities for the number of expected CC atmospheric background events (float)
    :param b_ccatmo_min: lower integration limit for the CC atmospheric background (float)
    :param b_ccatmo_max: upper integration limit for the CC atmospheric background (float)
    :param p_0_b_reactor: prior probabilities for the number of expected reactor background events (float)
    :param b_reactor_min: lower integration limit for the reactor background (float)
    :param b_reactor_max: upper integration limit for the reactor background (float)
    :param p_0_s: prior probability for the number of expected signal events (float)
    :param s_min: lower integration limit for the signal events (float)
    :param s_max: upper integration limit for the signal events (float)
    :param fraction_signal: normalized shapes of the signal spectra * bin-width for each bin, equivalent to the number
    of signal events per bin from the theoretical spectrum (np.array of float)
    :param fraction_dsnb: normalized shapes of the DSNB background spectra * bin-width for each bin, equivalent to the
    number of DSNB background events per bin from the theoretical spectrum (np.array of float)
    :param fraction_ccatmo: normalized shapes of the CC atmo. background spectra * bin-width for each bin, equivalent
    to the number of CC atmo. background events per bin from the theoretical spectrum (np.array of float)
    :param fraction_reactor: normalized shapes of the reactor background spectra * bin-width for each bin, equivalent
    to the number of reactor background events per bin from the theoretical spectrum (np.array of float)
    :param dataset: 'observed' number of events for each bin from the dataset ('observed' spectrum) (np.array of float)

    :return: conditional probability to find the observed spectrum given the hypothesis Hbar is true or not true (float)
    # calculate integral over log_p_spectrum_sb over s, b_dsnb, b_ccatmo and b_reactor (float):
    integral = integrate.nquad(
        p_spectrum_sb, [[b_dsnb_min, b_dsnb_max], [b_ccatmo_min, b_ccatmo_max],
                        [b_reactor_min, b_reactor_max], [s_min, s_max]],
        args=(fraction_signal, fraction_dsnb, fraction_ccatmo,
              fraction_reactor, dataset),
    # print(integral)
    # multiply the integral with the prior probabilities (float):
    result = integral[0] * p_0_s * p_0_b_dsnb * p_0_b_ccatmo * p_0_b_reactor

    return result