def _no_collapse_expect_out(num_times,expect_out): ##Calculates xpect.values at times tlist if no collapse ops. given # #------------------------------------ opt=odeconfig.options if odeconfig.tflag in array([1,10,11]): ODE=ode(odeconfig.tdfunc) code = compile('ODE.set_f_params('+odeconfig.string+')', '<string>', 'exec') exec(code) elif odeconfig.tflag==2: ODE=ode(_cRHStd) elif odeconfig.tflag in array([20,22]): ODE=ode(_tdRHStd) elif odeconfig.tflag==3: ODE=ode(_pyRHSc) else: ODE = ode(cyq_ode_rhs) ODE.set_f_params(odeconfig.h_data, odeconfig.h_ind, odeconfig.h_ptr) ODE.set_integrator('zvode',method=opt.method,order=opt.order,atol=opt.atol,rtol=opt.rtol,nsteps=opt.nsteps,first_step=opt.first_step,min_step=opt.min_step,max_step=opt.max_step) #initialize ODE solver for RHS ODE.set_initial_value(odeconfig.psi0,odeconfig.tlist[0]) #set initial conditions for jj in range(odeconfig.e_num): expect_out[jj][0]=mc_expect(odeconfig.e_ops_data[jj],odeconfig.e_ops_ind[jj],odeconfig.e_ops_ptr[jj],odeconfig.e_ops_isherm[jj],odeconfig.psi0) for k in range(1,num_times): ODE.integrate(odeconfig.tlist[k],step=0) #integrate up to tlist[k] if ODE.successful(): state=ODE.y/norm(ODE.y) for jj in range(odeconfig.e_num): expect_out[jj][k]=mc_expect(odeconfig.e_ops_data[jj],odeconfig.e_ops_ind[jj],odeconfig.e_ops_ptr[jj],odeconfig.e_ops_isherm[jj],state) else: raise ValueError('Error in ODE solver') return expect_out #return times and expectiation values
def __init__(self, lat, lon, h, psi=0, x_earth=0, y_earth=0, integrator='dopri5', use_jac=False, **integrator_params): """ Initialize the equations of the chosen model and selects the integrator. Check `scipy.integrate.ode` to see available integrators. If use_jac = True the jacobian of the equations is used for the integration. """ super().__init__(lat, lon, h, psi, x_earth, y_earth) # State vector must be initialized with set_initial_state_vector() method self.state_vector = None from pyfme.models.euler_flat_earth import lamceq, kaeq, kleq self.lamceq = lamceq if use_jac: from pyfme.models.euler_flat_earth import lamceq_jac, kaeq_jac jac_LM_and_AM = lamceq_jac jac_att = kaeq_jac jac_nav = None # not implemented else: jac_LM_and_AM = None jac_att = None jac_nav = None self._ode_lamceq = ode(lamceq, jac=jac_LM_and_AM) self._ode_kaqeq = ode(kaeq, jac=jac_att) self._ode_kleq = ode(kleq, jac=jac_nav) self._ode_lamceq.set_integrator(integrator, **integrator_params) self._ode_kaqeq.set_integrator(integrator, **integrator_params) self._ode_kleq.set_integrator(integrator, **integrator_params)
def shooting_function_full(self, r0): r""" The function used in the shooting algorithm. This is the full algorithm from integrating over :math:`0 \le \theta \le \pi`. The difference between the solution and its derivative at the matching point is the error to be minimized. Parameters ---------- r0 : list of float Initial guess for the horizon radius, as outlined above. Returns ------- list of float The error at the matching point. """ # First half of the horizon H0 = np.array([r0[0], 0.0]) solver1 = ode(self.expansion) solver1.set_integrator("dopri5", atol=1.e-8, rtol=1.e-6) solver1.set_initial_value(H0, 0.0) solver1.integrate(np.pi / 2.0) # Second half of the horizon H0 = np.array([r0[1], 0.0]) solver2 = ode(self.expansion) solver2.set_integrator("dopri5", atol=1.e-8, rtol=1.e-6) solver2.set_initial_value(H0, np.pi) solver2.integrate(np.pi / 2.0) return solver1.y - solver2.y
def __init__(self, integrator="dopri5", model="euler_flat_earth", jac=False, **integrator_params): """ Initialize the equations of the chosen model and selects the integrator. Check `scipy.integrate.ode` to see available integrators. If jac = True the jacobian of the equations is used for the integration. """ if model not in models: raise ValueError( "The specified model is not available, please \ check available models in ..." ) if jac: jac_LM_and_AM = euler_flat_earth.jac_linear_and_angular_momentum_eqs jac_att = euler_flat_earth.jac_linear_and_angular_momentum_eqs jac_nav = None # not implemented else: jac_LM_and_AM = None jac_att = None jac_nav = None self._LM_and_AM_eqs = ode(euler_flat_earth.linear_and_angular_momentum_eqs, jac=jac_LM_and_AM) self._attitude_eqs = ode(euler_flat_earth.kinematic_angular_eqs, jac=jac_att) self._navigation_eqs = ode(euler_flat_earth.navigation_eqs, jac=jac_nav) self._LM_and_AM_eqs.set_integrator(integrator, **integrator_params) self._attitude_eqs.set_integrator(integrator, **integrator_params) self._navigation_eqs.set_integrator(integrator, **integrator_params) # State vector must be initialized with set_initial_values() method self.state_vector = None
def test_concurrent_ok(self): f = lambda t, y: 1.0 for k in xrange(3): for sol in ('vode', 'zvode', 'dopri5', 'dop853'): r = ode(f).set_integrator(sol) r.set_initial_value(0, 0) r2 = ode(f).set_integrator(sol) r2.set_initial_value(0, 0) r.integrate(r.t + 0.1) r2.integrate(r2.t + 0.1) r2.integrate(r2.t + 0.1) assert_allclose(r.y, 0.1) assert_allclose(r2.y, 0.2) for sol in ('dopri5', 'dop853'): r = ode(f).set_integrator(sol) r.set_initial_value(0, 0) r2 = ode(f).set_integrator(sol) r2.set_initial_value(0, 0) r.integrate(r.t + 0.1) r.integrate(r.t + 0.1) r2.integrate(r2.t + 0.1) r.integrate(r.t + 0.1) r2.integrate(r2.t + 0.1) assert_allclose(r.y, 0.3) assert_allclose(r2.y, 0.2)
def s_ode(self,params): x0 = np.ones(3) s0 = np.zeros(18) solver_x = ode(self.dx).set_integrator('dopri5') solver_x.set_initial_value(x0,0).set_f_params(params,) solver_s = ode(self.ds).set_integrator('dopri5') solver_s.set_initial_value(s0,0).set_f_params(params,x0) dt = 1 t1 = 250 sensitivities = [] for column in self.cols: for param in self.params: sensitivities.append('{0},{1}'.format(column,param)) sol = pandas.DataFrame(np.empty((t1/dt,22)),columns=self.cols+sensitivities) i = 0 #return solver_x,solver_s while solver_x.successful() and solver_s.successful() and solver_x.t < t1: solver_x.integrate(solver_x.t+dt) sol.iloc[i][self.cols] = solver_x.y solver_s.set_f_params(params,solver_x.y) solver_s.integrate(solver_s.t+dt) sol.iloc[i][sensitivities] = solver_s.y i += 1 return sol
def run_trials(z, integrators, times, M): # Set up ODE solver for integrator in integrators: if integrator == 'dop853' or integrator == 'dopri5': solver = ode(system) solver.set_integrator(integrator, atol=1E-1, rtol=1E-3) elif integrator == 'bdf': solver = ode(system) solver.set_integrator('vode', method=integrator, atol=1E-1, rtol=1E-3, nsteps=2000) name = integrator + ' ' + str(times[-1]) + ' ' + str(M) try: z, c1, c2, t, c1_40km, c2_40km = load_variables(name) print "Loaded data for: " + name except: print "Starting solver: ", integrator, "with times", times c1, c2, c1_40km, c2_40km, t = solve(solver, c, times, integrator) save_variables(name, z, c1, c2, t, c1_40km, c2_40km) # And plot some things if times[-1] == 86400.0: labels = [str(int(time / 3600.)) + " hours" for time in times[1:]] plot_c1(z, c, c1, labels, name) plot_c2(z, c, c2, labels, name) elif times[-1] == 864000.0: plot_40km(t, c1_40km, c2_40km, name)
def solve(si, y, infile): """Conducts the solution step, based on the dopri5 integrator in scipy :param si: the simulation info object :type si: SimInfo :param y: the solution vector :type y: np.ndarray :param infile: the imported infile module :type infile: imported module """ n = ode(f_n).set_integrator('dopri5') n.set_initial_value(y0_n(si), si.timer. t0.magnitude) n.set_f_params(si) th = ode(f_th).set_integrator('dopri5', nsteps=infile.nsteps) th.set_initial_value(y0_th(si), si.timer.t0.magnitude) th.set_f_params(si) while (n.successful() and n.t < and th.t < si.timer.advance_one_timestep() si.db.record_all() n.integrate(si.timer.current_time().magnitude) update_n(n.t, n.y, si) th.integrate(si.timer.current_time().magnitude) update_th(th.t, n.y, th.y, si) return si.y
def _no_collapse_psi_out(num_times,psi_out): ##Calculates state vectors at times tlist if no collapse AND no expectation values are given. # opt=odeconfig.options if odeconfig.tflag in array([1,10,11]): ODE=ode(odeconfig.tdfunc) code = compile('ODE.set_f_params('+odeconfig.string+')', '<string>', 'exec') exec(code) elif odeconfig.tflag==2: ODE=ode(_cRHStd) elif odeconfig.tflag in array([20,22]): ODE=ode(_tdRHStd) elif odeconfig.tflag==3: ODE=ode(_pyRHSc) else: ODE = ode(cyq_ode_rhs) ODE.set_f_params(odeconfig.h_data, odeconfig.h_ind, odeconfig.h_ptr) ODE.set_integrator('zvode',method=opt.method,order=opt.order,atol=opt.atol,rtol=opt.rtol,nsteps=opt.nsteps,first_step=opt.first_step,min_step=opt.min_step,max_step=opt.max_step) #initialize ODE solver for RHS ODE.set_initial_value(odeconfig.psi0,odeconfig.tlist[0]) #set initial conditions psi_out[0]=Qobj(odeconfig.psi0,odeconfig.psi0_dims,odeconfig.psi0_shape,'ket') for k in range(1,num_times): ODE.integrate(odeconfig.tlist[k],step=0) #integrate up to tlist[k] if ODE.successful(): psi_out[k]=Qobj(ODE.y/norm(ODE.y,2),odeconfig.psi0_dims,odeconfig.psi0_shape,'ket') else: raise ValueError('Error in ODE solver') return psi_out
def Weightloss_Shooting(): age, sex = 38. , 'female' H, BW = 1.73, 72.7 T = 12*7. # Time frame = 3 months PALf, EIf = 1.7, 2025 def EI(t): return EIf def PAL(t): return PALf from solution import fat_mass, compute_weight_curve, weight_odes F = fat_mass(BW,age,H,sex) L = BW-F # Fix activity level and determine Energy Intake to achieve Target weight of 145 lbs = 65.90909 kg init_FL = np.array([F,L]) EI0, EI1 = 2000, 1950 # Variable Energy Intake beta = 65.90909*2.2 reltol, abstol = 1e-9,1e-8 dim, iterate = 2, 15 print '\nj = 1', '\nt = ', EI0 for j in range(2,iterate): print '\nj = ', j, '\nt = ', EI1 ode_f = lambda t,y: weight_odes(t,y,EI1,PAL(t)) example1 = ode(ode_f).set_integrator('dopri5',atol=abstol,rtol=reltol) example1.set_initial_value(init_FL, 0.) y1 = 2.2*sum(example1.integrate(T) ) if abs(y1-beta)<1e-8: print '\n--Solution computed successfully--' break # Update ode_f = lambda t,y: weight_odes(t,y,EI0,PAL(t)) example0 = ode(ode_f).set_integrator('dopri5',atol=abstol,rtol=reltol) example0.set_initial_value(init_FL, 0.) y0 = 2.2*sum(example0.integrate(T)) EI2 = EI1 - (y1 - beta)*(EI1-EI0)/(y1- y0) EI0 = EI1 EI1 = EI2 # Here we plot the solution ode_f = lambda t,y: weight_odes(t,y,EI1,PAL(t)) example = ode(ode_f).set_integrator('dopri5',atol=abstol,rtol=reltol) example.set_initial_value(init_FL, 0.) X = np.linspace(0.,T,801) Y = np.zeros((len(X),dim)) Y[0,:] = init_FL for j in range(1,len(X)): Y[j,:] = example.integrate(X[j]) print '\n|y(T) - Target Weight| = ', np.abs(beta-2.2*sum(Y[-1,:]) ),'\n' plt.plot(X,2.2*(Y[:,0]+Y[:,1]),'-k',linewidth=2.0) plt.axis([-1,T+1,0,170]); plt.clf() return
def addMethods(self): # override to add _solver function ODEsystem.addMethods(self, usePsyco=False) if self.haveJacobian(): self._solver = ode(getattr(self,self.funcspec.spec[1]), getattr(self,self.funcspec.auxfns["Jacobian"][1])) self._funcreg['_solver'] = ('self', 'ode(getattr(self,self.funcspec.spec[1]),' \ + 'getattr(self,self.funcspec.auxfns["Jacobian"][1]))') else: self._solver = ode(getattr(self,self.funcspec.spec[1])) self._funcreg['_solver'] = ('self', 'ode(getattr(self,' \ + 'self.funcspec.spec[1]))')
def DimensionalForms(BoundConditions, NDParameters, X0=param.X0, d=param.d, rICp=param.rICp, \ rhoH=param.rhoH, alpha=param.alpha, rhoD=param.rhoD, g=param.g, hminus=param.hmin, \ hmaxi=param.hmax, dh=param.dt, geom="cart", AbsTole=param.AbsTol, RelTole=param.AbsTol): """ Integration RK (de type Dormand Prince 4-5) of the equations system for an horizontal F-layer. resolutionSystem(y0, t0, tmax, dt, *arg) Default parameters for the others arguments are : PeT=1.e6, MX=0.17, MP=0.016, Veff=1.e7, gamma=7.2, Atol=1.e-10, Rtol=1.e-12 The result is given in fully dimensional form. """ if geom == "cart": sol = ode(systemdiff.cart).set_integrator( 'dopri5', atol=param.AbsTol, rtol=param.AbsTol, nsteps=1e7) elif geom == "spher": sol = ode(systemdiff.spher).set_integrator( 'dopri5', atol=param.AbsTol, rtol=param.AbsTol, nsteps=1e7) sol.set_initial_value(BoundConditions, param.hmin) sol.set_f_params(NDParameters) # (PeT, Mx, Mp, Veff, gamma) X, dXdh, phiVs, h = BoundConditions[0] * np.ones(1), BoundConditions[1] * np.ones(1), \ BoundConditions[2] * np.ones(1), param.hmin * np.ones(1) if param.dt > 0: while sol.successful() and sol.t < param.hmax: sol.integrate(sol.t + param.dt) # print("%g %g" % (r.t, r.y)) X = np.append(X, sol.y[0]) dXdh = np.append(dXdh, sol.y[1]) phiVs = np.append(phiVs, sol.y[2]) h = np.append(h, sol.t) else: while sol.successful() and sol.t > param.hmax: sol.integrate(sol.t + param.dt) # print("%g %g" % (r.t, r.y)) X = np.append(X, sol.y[0]) dXdh = np.append(dXdh, sol.y[1]) phiVs = np.append(phiVs, sol.y[2]) h = np.append(h, sol.t) # back to fully dimensional: x = X0 * X z = h * d T = param.Tliq0 * (1 - NDParameters['Mp'] * h - X * NDParameters['Mx']) return z, x, phiVs, T
def run(): data_x = [] data_y = [] dt = 0.1 tmax = 10 state = None m = model.model_push() ir = sciint.ode(m.step).set_integrator('vode', atol=0.01) ir.set_initial_value(m.init, 0) while state is None or state[2] < m.x_h and ir.t < tmax: state = ir.integrate(ir.t + dt/1000) data_x.append(ir.t) data_y.append(m.M) if ir.t >= tmax: print('front failed') plt.ylim(0, m.Mmax + 10) plt.plot(data_x, data_y) plt.xlabel('Время t [с]') plt.ylabel('Момент М(t) [Н м]') return None t1 = ir.t m = model.model_torque() ir = sciint.ode(m.step).set_integrator('vode', atol=0.01) m.init = [ state[0], 0, state[2] - m.L * cos(asin(((state[3] - m.y_f)/m.L))), m.r_k + m.y_f ] state2 = state[:] ir.set_initial_value(m.init, 0) state = None while state is None or state[2] < m.x_h and ir.t + t1 < tmax: state = ir.integrate(ir.t + dt/1000) data_x.append(ir.t + t1) data_y.append(m.M) if ir.t + t1 >= tmax: print('rear failed') return None print('all pass') plt.ylim(0, m.Mmax + 10) plt.plot(data_x, data_y) plt.xlabel('Время t [с]') plt.ylabel('Момент М(t) [Н м]') return (m.init, state2)
def test_concurrent_fail(self): for sol in ('vode', 'zvode'): f = lambda t, y: 1.0 r = ode(f).set_integrator(sol) r.set_initial_value(0, 0) r2 = ode(f).set_integrator(sol) r2.set_initial_value(0, 0) r.integrate(r.t + 0.1) r2.integrate(r2.t + 0.1) assert_raises(RuntimeError, r.integrate, r.t + 0.1)
def Cannon_Shooting(t0,t1,za=0.,va=45,nu=.0003): a, b = 0., 195 beta = 0. # t0,t1 = np.pi/6., np.pi/7 dim, iterate = 3,40 reltol, abstol = 1e-9,1e-8 # Initial_Conditions = np.array([z=za,v=va,phi=t]) g = 9.8067 def ode_f(x,y): # y = [z,v,phi] return np.array([np.tan(y[2]), -(g*np.sin(y[2]) + nu*y[1]**2.)/(y[1]*np.cos(y[2])), -g/y[1]**2.]) print '\nj = 1' print 't = ', t0 for j in range(2,iterate): print '\nj = ', j print 't = ', t1 example1 = ode(ode_f).set_integrator('dopri5',atol=abstol,rtol=reltol) example1.set_initial_value(np.array([za,va,t1]),a) y1 = example1.integrate(b)[0] if abs(y1-beta)<1e-8: print '\n--Solution y computed successfully--' break # Update example0 = ode(ode_f).set_integrator('dopri5',atol=abstol,rtol=reltol) example0.set_initial_value(np.array([za,va,t0]),a) y0 = example0.integrate(b)[0] t2 = t1 - (y1 - beta)*(t1-t0)/(y1- y0) t0 = t1 t1 = t2 # Here we plot the solution example = ode(ode_f).set_integrator('dopri5',atol=abstol,rtol=reltol) example.set_initial_value(np.array([za,va,t1]),a) X = np.linspace(a,b,801) Y = np.zeros((len(X),dim)) Y[0,:] = np.array([0.,0.5,t1]) for j in range(1,len(X)): Y[j,:] = example.integrate(X[j]) print '\n|y(b) - beta| = ', np.abs(beta-Y[-1,0]),'\n' # plt.plot(X,Y[:,0],'-k') return X,Y
def Exercise1(): # y'' +4y = -9sin(x), y(0) = 1., y(3*pi/4.) = -(1.+3*sqrt(2))/2., y'(0) = -2 # Exact Solution: y(x) = cos(2x) + (1/2)sin(2x) - 3sin(x) a, b = 0., 3*np.pi/4. alpha, beta = 1., -(1.+3*np.sqrt(2))/2. t0,t1 = 3., 1. dim, iterate = 2,10 reltol, abstol = 1e-9,1e-8 def ode_f(x,y): return np.array([y[1] , -4.*y[0] - 9.*np.sin(x)]) print '\nj = 1','\nt = ', t0 for j in range(2,iterate): print '\nj = ', j,'\nt = ', t1 if j >2: y0 = y1 # Update else: example = ode(ode_f).set_integrator('dopri5',atol=abstol,rtol=reltol) example.set_initial_value(np.array([alpha,t0]),a) y0 = example.integrate(b)[0] example = ode(ode_f).set_integrator('dopri5',atol=abstol,rtol=reltol) example.set_initial_value(np.array([alpha,t1]),a) y1 = example.integrate(b)[0] if abs(y1-beta)<1e-8: print '\n--Solution y computed successfully--',\ '\n|y(b) - beta| = ',np.abs(beta-y1),'\n' break t2 = t1 - (y1 - beta)*(t1-t0)/(y1- y0) t0 = t1 t1 = t2 # Plots the solution example = ode(ode_f).set_integrator('dopri5',atol=abstol,rtol=reltol) example.set_initial_value(np.array([alpha,t1]),a) X = np.linspace(a,b,401) Y = np.zeros((len(X),dim)) Y[0,:] = np.array([alpha, t1]) for j in range(1,len(X)): Y[j,:] = example.integrate(X[j]) plt.plot(X,Y[:,0],'-k') return
def implicit_black_box(propensities, V, X, w, h, deter_vector, stoc_positions, positions, valid, deriv): # Adjustment for systems reaching steady state temp = derivative_G(propensities, V, X, w, deter_vector, stoc_positions, positions, valid) # pdb.set_trace() valid_adjust_pos = np.where(np.sum(np.abs(temp), axis=0) < 1e-10, True, False) valid_adjust = valid[:, :] valid_adjust[valid_adjust_pos, :] = False # print(" Reached Steady State %d"%(np.sum(valid_adjust_pos))) from scipy.integrate import ode # pdb.set_trace() deter_ode = ode(f).set_integrator("lsoda", method="adams", with_jacobian=False) deter_ode.set_initial_value(X[deter_vector, :].flatten(), 0).set_f_params( [propensities, V, X, deter_vector, stoc_positions, positions, valid_adjust, w] ) # pdb.set_trace() while deter_ode.successful() and deter_ode.t < h: deter_ode.integrate(h) # print("Black Box: \n"+ str(deter_ode.y)) # print("iterator : \n:"+str(next_X[deter_vector,:])) X[deter_vector, :] = deter_ode.y.reshape((np.sum(deter_vector), X.shape[1])) # Another adjust to compensate for non negative X = np.where(X < 0.0, 0.0, X) return X
def solve_opt(n,k): nsteps = 1000-1 t = np.zeros((nsteps)) y = np.zeros((nsteps)) w0 = 1.98 y0 = [w0] t0 = 1.99 t1 = .001 dt = (t1-w0)/nsteps r = ode(multi_winner_ode) r.set_f_params(n, k) r.set_initial_value(y0, t0) r.set_integrator("dropri853", nsteps=5000) i = 0 while r.successful() and r.t > t1: r.integrate(r.t+dt) print("%g %g" % (r.t, r.y)) t[i] = r.t y[i] = r.y i+=1 w = np.where(y<0, 0, y) # plt.plot(t, w) # bid_func = interp1d(t[::-1], w[::-1]) print(min(t), max(t)) return bid_func
def run_ODE(f, a_in, C, D, num_of_variables, T = 10, dt = 0.01, y0 = None): '''Run the ODE for the given set of equations and record the outputs. Args: f (function): Evolution of the system. a_in (function): inputs as a function of time. C,D (matrices): matrices to use to obtain output from system state and input. num_of_variables (int): number of variables the system has. T (optional[positive float]): length of simulation. dt (optional[float]): time step used by the simulation. Returns: (array): An array Y of outputs. ''' if y0 is None: y0 = np.asmatrix([0.]*num_of_variables).T r = ode(f).set_integrator('zvode', method='bdf') r.set_initial_value(y0, 0.) Y = [] while r.successful() and r.t < T: Y.append(C*r.y+D*a_in(r.t)) r.integrate(r.t+dt) return Y
def run(self, start, velocity): # state data structures self.t=zeros(self.num_steps) self.Y=zeros([self.num_steps, 4]) self.Y[0] = array([start[0],start[1],velocity[0],velocity[1]]) r = ode(self.deriv) r.set_integrator('vode', rtol=1e-9, atol=1e-6) r.set_initial_value(self.Y[0],t=0.0) time_idx=1 while r.successful() and r.t < self.max_time: r.integrate(time_idx*self.time_step) self.t[time_idx] = r.t self.Y[time_idx] = r.y time_idx = time_idx + 1 if self.debug: print ("time=%10.3f: x=%g y=%g vx=%g vy=%g" % \ (r.t, r.y[0], r.y[1], r.y[2], r.y[3])) if r.y[1]<0: break # simulation done: truncate arrays self.Y.resize([time_idx, self.Y.shape[1]]) self.t.resize([time_idx])
def __init__(self, params, capital, consumption, jacobian, utility): """Initializes a RamseyModel object with the following attributes: params: (dict) Dictionary of model parameters. capital: (callable) Equation of motion for capital (per person/effective person). euler: (callable) Equation describing consumption (per person/effective person). jacobian: (callable) Function returning the model's jacobian matrix of partial derivatives. utility: (callable) Utility function representing household preferences over consumption. """ self.params = params = capital self.consumption = consumption self.jacobian = jacobian self.utility = utility # initialize model steady state self.steady_state = SteadyState(self) # create an instance of the scipy.integrate.ode class f = lambda t, y, params: [, params), self.consumption(y, params)] jac = lambda t, y, params: self.jacobian(y, params) self.simulator = integrate.ode(f, jac)
def _simulate_with_scipy(self, initcon, tsim, switchpts, varying_inputs, integrator, integrator_options): scipyint = \ scipy.ode(self._rhsfun).set_integrator(integrator, **integrator_options) scipyint.set_initial_value(initcon, tsim[0]) profile = np.array(initcon) i = 1 while scipyint.successful() and scipyint.t < tsim[-1]: # check if tsim[i-1] is a switching time and update value if tsim[i - 1] in switchpts: for v in self._siminputvars.keys(): if tsim[i - 1] in varying_inputs[v]: p = self._templatemap[self._siminputvars[v]] p.set_value(varying_inputs[v][tsim[i - 1]]) profilestep = scipyint.integrate(tsim[i]) profile = np.vstack([profile, profilestep]) i += 1 if not scipyint.successful(): raise DAE_Error("The Scipy integrator %s did not terminate " "successfully." % integrator) return [tsim, profile]
def PlotJourneyBoundaryOrbits(self, JourneyAxes): for boundarystate in self.boundary_states: BoundaryStateScaled = np.array(boundarystate) / self.LU BoundaryStateScaled[3:6] *= self.TU r = np.linalg.norm(BoundaryStateScaled[0:3]) v = np.linalg.norm(BoundaryStateScaled[3:6]) a = r / (2.0 - r*v*v) T = 2*math.pi*math.sqrt(a**3) StateIntegrateObject = ode(EOM.EOM_inertial_2body, jac=EOM.EOM_jacobian_intertial_2body).set_integrator('dop853', atol=1.0e-8, rtol=1.0e-8) StateIntegrateObject.set_initial_value(BoundaryStateScaled).set_f_params(1.0).set_jac_params(1.0) dt = T / 100 StateHistory = [] while StateIntegrateObject.successful() and StateIntegrateObject.t <= T * 1.01: StateIntegrateObject.integrate(StateIntegrateObject.t + dt) StateHistory.append(StateIntegrateObject.y * self.LU) X = [] Y = [] Z = [] for StateLine in StateHistory: X.append(StateLine[0]) Y.append(StateLine[1]) Z.append(StateLine[2]) JourneyAxes.plot(X, Y, Z, lw=2, c='0.75')
def integrateODE(self,state,thetavec,u0): ''' Integrates ODE over the gridpoints theta ''' if not self.Vf ==None: Fs = self.Vf,,self.w2f else: Fs = None def dy_dtheta(theta,y): dy = self.Para.differentialEquation(y,theta,state,Fs) return dy lambda_1,lambda_2,theta_ = state mu_tilde = -lambda_2/theta_ if thetavec[0] > self.theta_min: thetavec = hstack((self.theta_min,thetavec)) y0 = self.getInitial_y(u0,mu_tilde,thetavec[0],state) r = ode(dy_dtheta).set_integrator('vode',rtol=1e-10,atol = 1e-10,nsteps=1000) r.set_initial_value(y0,thetavec[0]) y = ones((len(thetavec),2)) y[0] = y0 for i,theta in enumerate(thetavec[1:]): y[i+1] = r.integrate(theta) if y[i+1,1] >0: break if not r.successful(): print "ode failed" break if thetavec[0] == self.theta_min: return y[1:] else: return y
def numerical_integrator(self, t0, tf, dt, initial_conditions, solver, verbose): """ the numerical_integrator() method integrates the ODE of the dynamic system using a numerical solver """ f = self._ode_RHS if initial_conditions: y0 = initial_conditions else: y0 = self.initial_conditions MdFBA_ode = ode(f).set_integrator(solver) MdFBA_ode.set_initial_value(y0, t0) t = [t0] y = [y0] while MdFBA_ode.successful() and MdFBA_ode.t < tf: MdFBA_ode.integrate(MdFBA_ode.t + dt) t.append(MdFBA_ode.t) y.append(MdFBA_ode.y) if verbose: print MdFBA_ode.t t = numpy.array(t) y = numpy.array(y) return t, y
def CalculateAllDistancesFor(startPosition, minTime, maxTime, display=True, numSteps = 100): """ Calculate all distances for every t and tau between min and maxtime, with # of steps """ minT, minTau = minTime maxT, maxTau = maxTime allTs = np.linspace(minT, maxT, numSteps) allTaus = np.linspace(minTau, maxTau, numSteps) distDataType = np.dtype([('Distance', np.float64), ('DistanceTau', np.float64)]) allDistances = np.empty((numSteps,numSteps), dtype=distDataType) doprIntegrator = ode(currentField.GetDataAt).set_integrator("dopri5") distIterator = np.nditer(allDistances, flags=['multi_index'], op_flags=['readwrite']) while not distIterator.finished: t = allTs[distIterator.multi_index[0]] tau = allTaus[distIterator.multi_index[1]] doprIntegrator.set_initial_value(startPosition, t) distance = linalg.norm(startPosition - doprIntegrator.integrate(t+tau)) print(" distance calculated (t: {}, tau: {}): {}".format(t, tau, distance)) distIterator[0] = (distance, distance / tau) distIterator.iternext() if display: import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as axes3d fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection='3d')) ax.plot_surface(allTs, allTaus, allDistances['DistanceTau'], cmap=plt.get_cmap('jet'), rstride=1, cstride=1, vmin=-150, vmax=150, shade=True) return allDistances
def solve_dydt(tSpan,y0,options,M): # unpack option values opt_rtol = options[0] opt_atol = options[1] dt = options[2] # use initial and final time range t0 = tSpan[0] tmax = tSpan[1] # set equation to solve solver = ode(Fct_sys) # initialize time and solution vectors t = [] sol = [] sol.append(y0) t.append(t0) # solver initial value solver.set_initial_value(y0, t0).set_f_params(M) # solver options solver.set_integrator('dopri5',atol=opt_atol,rtol=opt_rtol) # Start solver while solver.successful() and solver.t < tmax: solver.integrate(solver.t + dt) t.append(solver.t) sol.append(solver.y) # Array conversion and processing for sensitivity and plotting t = array(t) sol = array(sol) return t, sol
def run(self, number_of_trajectories=1, seed=None): """ Run one simulation of the model. number_of_trajectories: How many trajectories should be run. seed: the random number seed (incremented by one for multiple runs). input_file: the filename of the solver input data file . loaddata: boolean, should the result object load the data into memory on creation. Returns: URDMEResult object. or, if number_of_trajectories > 1 a list of URDMEResult objects """ if not self.is_compiled: self.compile() solver = ode(self.derivative_fn).set_integrator('vode', method='bdf', order=15, atol=self.error_tolarance) solver.set_initial_value(self.solver_initial_value, 0) result = PDEResult(self.model) ndofs = result.U.shape[1] for tndx, t in enumerate(self.model.tspan): while solver.successful() and solver.t < t: solver.integrate(t) result.U[tndx:tndx+1,:] = solver.y.reshape(1,ndofs) if number_of_trajectories > 1: return [result]*number_of_trajectories else: return result
def solve(self, **kwargs): n, m = self.dims sa, sb = (-self.ta, -self.tb) Pdot = lambda s, P: self._Pdot(s, P) solver = ode(Pdot) solver.set_integrator('vode', max_step=1e-2, **kwargs) solver.set_initial_value(self.Pb.ravel(), sb) self._Ptj = Trajectory('P') results = [(-sb, self.Pb)] while solver.successful() and solver.t < sa + 1e-2: solver.integrate(sa, step=True) P = solver.y.reshape((n, n)) # find which jumps lie between this time step and the previous one # add the corresponding term to b = solver.y + jumpterm if self.jumps: prevtime = results[-1][0] # replace with call to _bt.tmin for (tj, fj) in self.jumps: if prevtime > tj and tj > -solver.t: # positive sign because backwards integration P = P + matmult(fj.T, P) + matmult(P, fj) solver.set_initial_value(P.ravel(), solver.t) results.append((-solver.t, P)) for (t, P) in reversed(results): self._Ptj.addpoint(t, P=P) self._Ptj.interpolate() self.P = lambda t: self._Ptj.P(t)
def _run_solout_break_test(self, integrator): # Check correct usage of stopping via solout ts = [] ys = [] t0 = 0.0 tend = 10.0 y0 = [1.0, 2.0] def solout(t, y): ts.append(t) ys.append(y.copy()) if t > tend/2.0: return -1 def rhs(t, y): return [y[0] + y[1], -y[1]**2] ig = ode(rhs).set_integrator(integrator) ig.set_solout(solout) ig.set_initial_value(y0, t0) ret = ig.integrate(tend) assert_array_equal(ys[0], y0) assert_array_equal(ys[-1], ret) assert_equal(ts[0], t0) assert_(ts[-1] > tend/2.0) assert_(ts[-1] < tend)
print('R=', str(R)) # target point xT = np.array([-1, -1]) # target region around xT Starget = np.array([[9.5616, 2.2650], [2.2650, 3.6483]]) t1 = 2 dt = 0.05 # Compute the xs def ff(t, y): return -f(y) r = ode(ff).set_integrator('vode', method='bdf', with_jacobian=False) r.set_initial_value(xT, 0) ts = [r.t] xs = [r.y] while r.successful() and r.t < t1: r.integrate(r.t + dt) ts.append(r.t) xs.append(r.y) xs.reverse() # Compute the As N = len(ts) As = [] Bs = [] Ks = [] for t in range(N):
#m = 10.0e19 m1 = 10.0e13 lna_step = 0.0001 A0 = 1. A1 = 0.001 A_real, n_iter = Secante_1D(A0, A1, fs, m1, a_i, lna_step, tol=0.00001, N=200) IC = ic_lsfdm(A_real, m1, a_i) print "Trying with our best initial conditions:", IC #Y = odeint(background_system_real,IC,lna,mxstep=1000000) #o = ode(background_system_real).set_integrator('vode', method='bdf', order=15, nsteps=5000) #o = ode(background_system_real).set_integrator('vode', method='adams', order=12, nsteps=3000) #o = ode(background_system_real).set_integrator('lsoda',nsteps = 5000) o = ode(background_system_real).set_integrator('dopri5', nsteps=4000) #o = ode(background_system_real).set_integrator('dop853',nsteps = 3000) o.set_initial_value(IC, math.log(a_i)) rs = [] ys = [] while o.successful() and o.t < 0: o.integrate(o.t + lna_step) rs.append(o.t) ys.append(o.y) lna = np.vstack(rs) Y = np.vstack(ys).T om_phi = lna * 0. for i in range(len(lna)): om_phi[i] = -math.cos(Y[1, i])
def __init__(self, patient_number=0): """ Initializing the simulation environment. """ np.random.seed(1) ### Fixing seed self.previous_action = 0 ## Loading variable parameters reward_flag, bg_init_flag = self._update_parameters() # Initialize bolus history self.bolusHistoryIndex = 0 self.bolusHistoryValue = [] self.bolusHistoryTime = [] self.insulinOnBoard = np.zeros(1) # Initialize sensor model self.CGMlambda = 15.96 # Johnson parameter of recalibrated and synchronized sensor error. self.CGMepsilon = -5.471 # Johnson parameter of recalibrated and synchronized sensor error. self.CGMdelta = 1.6898 # Johnson parameter of recalibrated and synchronized sensor error. self.CGMgamma = -0.5444 # Johnson parameter of recalibrated and synchronized sensor error. self.CGMerror = 0 self.sensor_noise = np.random.randn(1) # self.CGMaux = [] self.sensorNoiseValue = 0.07 # Set a value # ======================= # Anas patient parameters # ======================= P, init_basal, carb_factor, _ = matlab_to_python(patient_number) init_basal_optimal = init_basal self.P = P self.init_basal_optimal = init_basal_optimal self.bolus = carb_factor self.action_space = spaces.Box(0, 2*self.init_basal_optimal[0], (1,), dtype=np.float32) if bg_init_flag == 'random': self.init_basal = np.random.choice(np.linspace(init_basal_optimal-2, init_basal_optimal, 10)) elif bg_init_flag == 'fixed': self.init_basal = init_basal_optimal # Flag for manually resetting the init self.reset_basal_manually = None self._seed() self.viewer = None # ========================================== # Setting up the Hovorka simulator # ========================================== # Initial values for parameters initial_pars = (self.init_basal, 0, P) # Initial value X0 = fsolve(hovorka_model_tuple, np.zeros(11), args=initial_pars) self.X0 = X0 # Simulation setup self.integrator = ode(hovorka_model) self.integrator.set_integrator('vode', method='bdf', order=5) self.integrator.set_initial_value(X0, 0) # Simulation time in minutes self.simulation_time = 30 self.n_solver_steps = 1 self.stepsize = int(self.simulation_time/self.n_solver_steps) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(0, 500, (int(self.stepsize + 4 + 2),), dtype=np.float32) # State is BG, simulation_state is parameters of hovorka model initial_bg = X0[-1] * 18 initial_insulin = np.ones(4) * self.init_basal_optimal initial_iob = np.zeros(1) self.state = np.concatenate([np.repeat(initial_bg, self.simulation_time), initial_insulin, initial_iob, np.zeros(1)]) self.simulation_state = X0 # Keeping track of entire blood glucose level for each episode self.bg_history = [] self.insulin_history = initial_insulin # ==================== # Meal setup # ==================== eating_time = 1 meals, meal_indicator = meal_generator(eating_time=eating_time, premeal_bolus_time=0) self.meals = meals self.meal_indicator = meal_indicator self.eating_time = eating_time # Counter for number of iterations self.num_iters = 0 # If blood glucose is less than zero, the simulator is out of bounds. self.bg_threshold_low = 0 self.bg_threshold_high = 500 # TODO: This number is arbitrary self.max_iter = 2160 # Reward flag self.reward_flag = reward_flag self.steps_beyond_done = None
tend = 2e5 * year tarr = (tcurrent, tend) tstep = 1e5 * year for r in rr: afstand = r/AU mi, mc, nc, ac = input_mass_distribution(a_min,a_max, a_maxp, n_a, r) nc = np.asarray(nc) sig_d0 = nc * mc K,C = coagulation_kernel(ac, mc, r,'bm_pp_set_az') ode = spi.ode(ndot_coagulation2,jacobian) # BDF method suitable to stiff systems of ODE's atol = 1e0 # absolute error rtol = 1e-6 # relative error with_jacobian = True ode.set_integrator('vode', method='bdf', with_jacobian=with_jacobian, nsteps=5000, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) ode.set_initial_value(nc, t) while ode.successful() and ode.t < tend: nf = ode.integrate(ode.t + tstep) plt.figure(1) plt.loglog() plt.plot(ac*1e2,nf*mc,label="Radial distance: %s AU" %afstand) plt.ylim(1e-19, 1e0)
def calculate_path(profile, particle, p, y0, delta_t): """ Calculate the trajectory of a particle Calculate the trajectory of a particle by integrating its path using the `scipy.integrate.ode` object and associated methods. Parameters ---------- profile : `ambient.Profile` object Ambient CTD data for the model simulation particle : `LagrangianParticle` object Object describing the properties and behavior of the particle. p : `ModelParams` object Collection of model parameters passed to `derivs`. y0 : ndarray Initial values of the state space (depth in m, masses in kg, and heat content in J of the particle) at the release point delta_t : float Maximum step size (s) to take in the integration Notes ----- The differential equation in `derivs` is written with respect to time, so the independent variable in this simulation is time. The vertical coordinate; therefore, becomes a dependent variable, along with the masses of each component in the particle and the particle temperature. Thus, the state space is:: y = np.hstack((z0, m0, H0)) where `H0` is the initial heat content, `m_p * cp * T0`. The variables in the state space can be returned by:: >>> import seawater >>> z = y[2] >>> m = y[3:-1] >>> T = y[-1] / (np.sum(y[1:-1]) * particle.cp) """ # Create the integrator object: use "vode" with "backward # differentiation formula" for stiff ODEs r = integrate.ode(derivs).set_integrator('vode', method='bdf', atol=1.e-6, rtol=1e-3, order=5, max_step=delta_t) # Initialize the state space t0 = 0. r.set_initial_value(y0, t0) # Set passing variables for derivs method r.set_f_params(profile, particle, p) # Create vectors (using the list data type) to store the solution t = [t0] y = [y0] # Integrate to the free surface (profile.z_min) k = 0 psteps = 10. stop = False while r.successful() and not stop: # Print progress to the screen m0 = np.sum(y[0][3:-1]) mt = np.sum(y[-1][3:-1]) f = mt / m0 if np.remainder(np.float(k), psteps) == 0.: print(' Depth: %g (m), t: %g (s), k: %d, f: %g (--)' % (r.y[2], t[-1], k, f)) # Perform one step of the integration r.integrate(t[-1] + delta_t, step=True) # Store the results if particle.K_T == 0: # Make the state-space heat correct Ta = profile.get_values(r.y[2], 'temperature') r.y[-1] = np.sum(r.y[3:-1]) * particle.cp * Ta for i in range(len(r.y[3:-1])): if r.y[i + 3] < 0.: # Concentration should not overshoot zero r.y[i + 3] = 0. t.append(r.t) y.append(r.y) k += 1 # Evaluate stop criteria if r.successful(): # Check if bubble dissolved (us = 0 or based on fdis) or reached # the free surface us = -(y[-2][2] - y[-1][2]) / (t[-2] - t[-1]) if r.y[2] <= profile.z_min or us <= 0. or f < particle.fdis: stop = True if k > 5000: stop = True # Remove any negative depths due to overshooting the free surface t = np.array(t) y = np.array(y) rows = y[:, 2] >= 0 t = t[rows] y = y[rows, :] # Return the solution print(' Depth: %g (m), t: %g (s), k: %d' % (y[-1, 2], t[-1], k)) return (t, y)
f = lambda x: relu(x - threshold) def dXdt(X, t=0): return (- X + gain * input_signal(t) -, feedback_gain))/tau def dXdt_ode(t, X): print X return (- X + gain * input_signal(t) -, feedback_gain))/tau X0 = np.zeros((layer_size,)) # X, infodict = integrate.odeint(dXdt, X0, Tvec, full_output=True) # X_euler = integrate_euler(dXdt, X0, Tvec, dt) Xseq = list() r = integrate.ode(dXdt_ode).set_integrator("dopri5", method="bdf") r.set_initial_value(X0) while r.successful() and r.t < Tmax: Xseq.append(r.integrate(r.t + dt)) Xseq = np.asarray(Xseq)
point = point + 1 tn = peak_pos[point] tn_1 = peak_pos[point - 1] # print(point, i) theta.append((i - tn) / (tn - tn_1)) else: theta.append(0) return theta # print(U_ss(x,z)) t = np.linspace(0, 3000, 10000) delta_t = t[1] - t[0] print(delta_t) arr = [] r = ode(model).set_integrator(name="lsoda", method="BDF", nsteps=100000) r.set_initial_value(y0, 0).set_f_params(n) for i in range(len(t)): print(i) r.integrate(r.t + delta_t) arr.append(r.y) arr = np.array(arr) thetaArr = [] for k in range(n, 2 * n): print(k) thetaArr.append(theta_func(t, arr[:, k])) print(k) thetaArr = np.array(thetaArr) R_theta = (1 / n) * abs(np.sum(np.exp(2 * np.pi * 1j * thetaArr), axis=0)) plt.plot(t, R_theta)
def _poisson(self, potonly): """ Solves Poisson equation """ # y = [phi, u_j, U, K_j], where u = -M(<r)/G # Initialize self.r = numpy.array([0]) self._y = numpy.r_[self.phi0, numpy.zeros(2 * self.nmbin + 1)] if (not potonly): self._y = numpy.r_[self._y, numpy.zeros(self.nmbin)] # Ode solving using Runge-Kutta integator of order 4(5) 'dopri5' # (Hairor, Norsett& Wanner 1993) max_step = self.maxr if (potonly) else self.max_step sol = ode(self._odes) sol.set_integrator('dopri5', nsteps=1e6, max_step=max_step, atol=self.ode_atol, rtol=self.ode_rtol) sol.set_solout(self._logcheck) sol.set_f_params(potonly) sol.set_initial_value(self._y, 0) sol.integrate(self.maxr) # Extrapolate to rt derivs = self._odes(self.r[-1], self._y[:, -1], self.potonly) self.rt = self.r[-1] - self._y[0][-1] / derivs[0] dr = self.rt - self.r[-1] ylast = [0] for i in range(len(derivs) - 1): ylast.append(self._y[1 + i, -1] + derivs[i + 1] * dr) self._y = numpy.c_[self._y, ylast] # Set the converged flag to True if successful if (self.rt < self.maxr) & (sol.successful()): self.converged = True else: self.converged = False # Fill arrays needed if potonly=True self.r = numpy.r_[self.r, self.rt] self.rhat = self.r * 1.0 self.phihat = numpy.r_[self._y[0, :]] self.phi = self.phihat * 1.0 self.nbound = len(self.phihat) self._Mjtot = -sol.y[1:1 + self.nmbin] / self.G self.M = sum(self._Mjtot) self.Mpe = -sol.y[1 + self.nmbin] / self.G self.fpe = self.Mpe / self.M # Save the derivative of the potential for the potential interpolater dphidr = numpy.sum(self._y[1:1 + self.nmbin, 1:], axis=0) / self.r[1:]**2 self.dphidrhat1 = numpy.r_[0, dphidr] self.A = 1 / (2 * pi * self.s2j)**1.5 / self.rhoint0 = -self._y[1, :] / self.G # Compute radii to be able to scale in case potonly=True self.U = self._y[2 + self.nmbin, -1] - 0.5 * self.G * self.M**2 / self.rt # Get half-mass radius from cubic interpolation, because the half-mass # radius can be used as a scale length, this needs to be done # accurately, a linear interpolation does not suffice. Because the # density array is not known yet at this point, we need a temporary # evaluation of density in the vicinity of r_h ih = numpy.searchsorted(, 0.5 *[-1]) - 1 rhotmp = numpy.zeros(2) for j in range(self.nmbin): phi = self.phihat[ih:ih + 2] / self.s2j[j] rhotmp += self.alpha[j] * self._rhohat(phi, self.r[ih:ih + 2], j) drdm = 1. / (4 * pi * self.r[ih:ih + 2]**2 * rhotmp) rmc_and_derivs = numpy.vstack([[self.r[ih:ih + 2]], [drdm]]).T self.rh = BPoly.from_derivatives([ih:ih + 2], rmc_and_derivs)(0.5 *[-1]) self.rv = -0.5 * self.G * self.M**2 / self.U # Solve (mass-less) part outside rt if (self.nrt > 1): # Continue to solve until rlast sol.set_solout(self._logcheck2) sol.set_f_params(potonly) sol.set_initial_value(self._y[:, -1], self.rt) sol.integrate(self.nrt * self.rt) self.rhat = self.r * 1.0 self.phihat = numpy.r_[self.phihat, self._y[0, self.nbound:]] = numpy.r_[, numpy.zeros(len(self._y[0, self.nbound:])) +[-1]] self.phi = self.phihat * 1.0 dphidr = numpy.sum(self._y[1:1 + self.nmbin, self.nbound:], axis=0) / self.r[self.nbound:]**2 self.dphidrhat1 = numpy.r_[self.dphidrhat1, dphidr] # Additional stuff if (not potonly): # Calculate kinetic energy self.K = numpy.sum(sol.y[4:5]) # Calculate density and velocity dispersion components if (not self.multi): self.rhohat = self._rhohat(self.phihat, self.r, 0) self.rhohatpe = self._rhohatpe(self.phihat, self.r, 0) self.rho = self.rhohat * 1.0 self.rhope = self.rhohatpe * 1.0 self.v2 = self._get_v2(self.phihat, self.rhohat, 0)
def PlotEvent(self, GraphicsObject, LU, TU, mu, PlotOptions): #switch between different event types if self.EventType == "launch" or self.EventType == "departure": GraphicsObject.scatter(self.SpacecraftState[0], self.SpacecraftState[1], self.SpacecraftState[2], s=4, c='g', marker='^') elif self.EventType == "begin_spiral" or self.EventType == "end_spiral": GraphicsObject.scatter(self.SpacecraftState[0], self.SpacecraftState[1], self.SpacecraftState[2], s=4, c='orange', marker='^') elif self.EventType == "upwr_flyby": GraphicsObject.scatter(self.SpacecraftState[0], self.SpacecraftState[1], self.SpacecraftState[2], s=4, c='b', marker=r'$\circlearrowleft$') elif self.EventType == "pwr_flyby": GraphicsObject.scatter(self.SpacecraftState[0], self.SpacecraftState[1], self.SpacecraftState[2], s=4, c='r', marker=r'$\circlearrowleft$') elif self.EventType == "chem_burn": GraphicsObject.scatter(self.SpacecraftState[0], self.SpacecraftState[1], self.SpacecraftState[2], s=4, c='r', marker='o') elif self.EventType == "SFthrust" or self.EventType == "PSBIthrust" or self.EventType == "coast" or self.EventType == "force-coast": color = '' if self.EventType == "coast": linestyle = '--' color = 'k' weight = 1 elif self.EventType == "SFthrust" or self.EventType == "PSBIthrust": linestyle = '-' color = 'k' weight = 2 if PlotOptions.ShowThrustVectors: ControlVector = np.array( self.Thrust) / self.AvailableThrust * LU * 0.1 GraphicsObject.plot(self.SpacecraftState[0] + np.array([0.0, ControlVector[0]]), self.SpacecraftState[1] + np.array([0.0, ControlVector[1]]), self.SpacecraftState[2] + np.array([0.0, ControlVector[2]]), c='r', lw=2) else: linestyle = '--' color = 'b' weight = 1 GraphicsObject.scatter(self.SpacecraftState[0], self.SpacecraftState[1], self.SpacecraftState[2], s=1, c=color, marker='o') if PlotOptions.ShowPropagatedTrajectory: CenterPointState = np.zeros(6) CenterPointState[0:6] = np.array(self.SpacecraftState) / LU CenterPointState[3:6] *= TU CenterPointStateAfterManeuver = copy.deepcopy(CenterPointState) CenterPointStateAfterManeuver[3:6] += np.array( self.DeltaVorThrustVectorControl) * TU / LU ForwardIntegrateObject = ode( EOM.EOM_inertial_2body).set_integrator('dop853', atol=1.0e-6, rtol=1.0e-6) ForwardIntegrateObject.set_initial_value( CenterPointStateAfterManeuver).set_f_params( 1.0).set_jac_params(1.0) dt = self.TimestepLength * 86400.0 / TU / 10 StateHistoryForward = [] while ForwardIntegrateObject.successful( ) and ForwardIntegrateObject.t < self.TimestepLength * 86400.0 / TU / 2.0: ForwardIntegrateObject.integrate(ForwardIntegrateObject.t + dt) StateHistoryForward.append(ForwardIntegrateObject.y * LU) BackwardIntegrateObject = ode( EOM.EOM_inertial_2body).set_integrator('dop853', atol=1.0e-6, rtol=1.0e-6) BackwardIntegrateObject.set_initial_value( CenterPointState).set_f_params(1.0).set_jac_params(1.0) dt = self.TimestepLength * 86400.0 / TU / 10 StateHistoryBackward = [] while BackwardIntegrateObject.successful( ) and BackwardIntegrateObject.t > -self.TimestepLength * 86400.0 / TU / 2.0: BackwardIntegrateObject.integrate( BackwardIntegrateObject.t - dt) StateHistoryBackward.append(BackwardIntegrateObject.y * LU) StateHistoryBackward.reverse() X = [] Y = [] Z = [] for StateLine in StateHistoryBackward: X.append(StateLine[0]) Y.append(StateLine[1]) Z.append(StateLine[2]) for StateLine in StateHistoryForward: X.append(StateLine[0]) Y.append(StateLine[1]) Z.append(StateLine[2]) GraphicsObject.plot(X, Y, Z, lw=weight, c=color, ls=linestyle) elif self.EventType == "FBLTthrust" or self.EventType == "FBLTSthrust": GraphicsObject.scatter(self.SpacecraftState[0], self.SpacecraftState[1], self.SpacecraftState[2], s=2, c='k', marker='o') if PlotOptions.ShowThrustVectors: ControlVector = np.array( self.Thrust) / self.AvailableThrust * LU * 0.1 GraphicsObject.plot(self.SpacecraftState[0] + np.array([0.0, ControlVector[0]]), self.SpacecraftState[1] + np.array([0.0, ControlVector[1]]), self.SpacecraftState[2] + np.array([0.0, ControlVector[2]]), c='r', lw=2) if PlotOptions.ShowPropagatedTrajectory: CenterPointState = np.zeros(7) CenterPointState[0:6] = np.array(self.SpacecraftState) / LU CenterPointState[3:6] *= TU CenterPointState[6] = 1.0 ScaledThrust = np.array( self.Thrust) * TU * TU / 1000.0 / self.Mass / LU ScaledMdot = self.MassFlowRate / self.Mass * TU ForwardIntegrateObject = ode( EOM.EOM_inertial_2bodyconstant_thrust).set_integrator( 'dop853', atol=1.0e-6, rtol=1.0e-6) ForwardIntegrateObject.set_initial_value( CenterPointState).set_f_params(ScaledThrust, ScaledMdot, 1.0).set_jac_params( ScaledThrust, ScaledMdot, 1.0) dt = self.TimestepLength * 86400.0 / TU / 10 StateHistoryForward = [] while ForwardIntegrateObject.successful( ) and ForwardIntegrateObject.t < self.TimestepLength * 86400.0 / TU / 2.0: ForwardIntegrateObject.integrate(ForwardIntegrateObject.t + dt) StateHistoryForward.append(ForwardIntegrateObject.y * LU) BackwardIntegrateObject = ode( EOM.EOM_inertial_2bodyconstant_thrust).set_integrator( 'dop853', atol=1.0e-6, rtol=1.0e-6) BackwardIntegrateObject.set_initial_value( CenterPointState).set_f_params(ScaledThrust, ScaledMdot, 1.0).set_jac_params( ScaledThrust, ScaledMdot, 1.0) dt = self.TimestepLength * 86400.0 / TU / 10 StateHistoryBackward = [] while BackwardIntegrateObject.successful( ) and BackwardIntegrateObject.t > -self.TimestepLength * 86400.0 / TU / 2.0: BackwardIntegrateObject.integrate( BackwardIntegrateObject.t - dt) StateHistoryBackward.append(BackwardIntegrateObject.y * LU) StateHistoryBackward.reverse() X = [] Y = [] Z = [] for StateLine in StateHistoryBackward: X.append(StateLine[0]) Y.append(StateLine[1]) Z.append(StateLine[2]) for StateLine in StateHistoryForward: X.append(StateLine[0]) Y.append(StateLine[1]) Z.append(StateLine[2]) GraphicsObject.plot(X, Y, Z, lw=2, c='k') elif self.EventType == "insertion": GraphicsObject.scatter(self.SpacecraftState[0], self.SpacecraftState[1], self.SpacecraftState[2], s=4, c='r', marker='v') elif self.EventType == "LT_rndzvs": GraphicsObject.scatter(self.SpacecraftState[0], self.SpacecraftState[1], self.SpacecraftState[2], s=4, c='m', marker='o') elif self.EventType == "intercept": GraphicsObject.scatter(self.SpacecraftState[0], self.SpacecraftState[1], self.SpacecraftState[2], s=4, c='m', marker='d') elif self.EventType == "rendezvous": GraphicsObject.scatter(self.SpacecraftState[0], self.SpacecraftState[1], self.SpacecraftState[2], s=4, c='r', marker='d') elif self.EventType == "match-vinf": GraphicsObject.scatter(self.SpacecraftState[0], self.SpacecraftState[1], self.SpacecraftState[2], s=4, c='c', marker='s') elif self.EventType == "match_point": GraphicsObject.scatter(self.SpacecraftState[0], self.SpacecraftState[1], self.SpacecraftState[2], s=4, c='k', marker='s') if PlotOptions.ShowTextDescriptions and not ( self.EventType == 'zeroflyby' or self.EventType == 'coast' or self.EventType == 'force-coast' or self.EventType == "SFthrust" or self.EventType == "FBLTthrust" or self.EventType == "PSBIthrust" or self.EventType == "match_point" or self.EventType == "waiting"): self.LabelEvent(GraphicsObject, PlotOptions)
def move_rob(adj_Mat, num_Nodes, num_Edges, a, b, c, fileName, test=0): global adjMat global numNodes global numEdges global alpha global beta global gamma global init global score global edgeList global xdiff global np_pos global t1 adjMat = adj_Mat numNodes = num_Nodes numEdges = num_Edges alpha = a beta = b gamma = c count = 0 score = [] while count < 10: init = [] edgeList = [] t_rob = [] nodes = [] near_axis = random.choice(range(numNodes)) for i in range(numNodes): if (i == near_axis): init.append(random.uniform(0.89, 0.99)) else: init.append(random.uniform(0.01, 0.11)) for i in range(numNodes): for j in range(numNodes): if (adjMat[i][j] == 1): edgeList.append((i, j)) init.append(random.uniform(0.01, 0.11)) init.append(random.random()) xdiff = random.uniform(-0.3, 0.3) t1 = int(random.random() * 200 + 200) st_pos = (8.0 / 9) + xdiff x_target = 0.5 x_rob = [] x_cur = 0 r = ode(model).set_integrator('vode', rtol=10e-3, atol=10e-6) r.set_initial_value(init) dt = 0.05 while r.successful() and r.t < t1: x_cur = r.y[-1] x_rob.append(x_cur % 1) nodes.append(r.y[0:-1]) t_rob.append(r.t) r.integrate(t1, step=True) if (test == 1): plt.figure() plt.subplot(311) for i in range(numNodes): plt.plot(t_rob, [node[i] for node in nodes], label="p" + str(i + 1)) plt.legend(loc="upper right") plt.subplot(312) for i in range(numEdges): plt.plot(t_rob, [node[numNodes + i] for node in nodes], label="t" + str(i + 1)) plt.legend(loc="upper right") plt.subplot(313) plt.scatter(t_rob, [x for x in x_rob], s=0.1, label="Robot position") plt.xlabel("Alpha:" + str(alpha)) plt.legend(loc="upper right") return rob_dist = [ abs(pos - x_target) for pos in x_rob[int(0.8 * len(x_rob)):] ] score_val = np.max(rob_dist) score.append(score_val) count += 1 mean_score = np.mean(score) print "Mean of max distance:" + str(mean_score) if (mean_score < 0.1): file = open("value" + fileName + ".txt", 'a+') file.write("Score=" + str(mean_score) + '\n') file.write("alpha=" + str(alpha) + '\n') file.write("beta=" + str(beta) + '\n') file.write("gamma=" + str(gamma) + '\n') file.write('\n') file.close() return mean_score
def find_rotational_ic(body_dict, print_time=False): """ """ now = time.time() from scipy.integrate import ode # turn off aerodynamic forces body_dict = body_dict.copy() # just to be safe body_dict['aero_interp'] = None ang0 = np.r_[0, 0, 0] # horizontal flight omg0 = np.r_[0, 0, 0] # no angular velocity # v0_non = 1.7 / np.sqrt(2 * 29 / rho) # .2409, Ws=29 soln0 = np.r_[omg0, ang0] # pick a velocity in the VPD (ignored in rotation function) dRo0 = np.r_[0, 0, 0] # arguments to the rotation dynamics function vel_body_dict = (dRo0, body_dict) # phases in cycle to simulate rotational dynamics ntime_rot = 200 # 200 tend = 1 / body_dict['theta_dict']['f_theta'] ts_rot = np.linspace(0, tend, ntime_rot + 1)[:-1] solver = ode(rotational_dynamics_eom) solver.set_integrator('dopri5') solver.set_initial_value(soln0, ts_rot[0]) # x0, t0 solver.set_f_params(vel_body_dict) # integrate over one undulation cycle i = 1 soln_rot = [soln0] while i < ntime_rot: t1 = time.time() if print_time and i % 10 == 0: print('Phase {} of {} in find_rotational_ic'.format(i, ntime_rot)) solver.integrate(ts_rot[i]) out = solver.y soln_rot.append(out) i = i + 1 t2 = time.time() if print_time and i % 10 == 0: print('\t{0:.3f} sec'.format(t2 - t1)) if print_time: print('Find rotational IC: {0:.3f} sec'.format(time.time() - now)) # unpack the solution soln_rot = np.array(soln_rot) wx, wy, wz, yaw, pitch, roll = soln_rot.T ang = np.c_[yaw, pitch, roll] # omg = np.c_[wx, wy, wz] # initial yaw, pitch, and roll angles in radians return -ang.mean(axis=0)
i = -1 k = 0 file = open('hamil.txt','r') for j,line in enumerate(file): if j % n == 0: i += 1 k = 0 elem = float(line) Ax[i] += elem*x[k] k+=1 file.close() return(-(x.T@x)*Ax + (x.T@Ax)*x) r = ode(f) r.set_initial_value(x,0) #langsos algorithm t1=10 dt=0.1 start = time.time() while r.successful() and r.t < t1: r.integrate(r.t+dt) end = time.time() print("RNN eig: ",r.y.T@[email protected]/([email protected])) print("calculation time with RNN: ", end - start)
return At #integrate the preallocated FSP def FSPCalc_ODE_prealloc(self,parameters,TimeVar,case,N,x0,t,error): errorcheck = 0 while errorcheck == 0: FSP = lambda g,x: np.ravel([0][g],np.array([x]).T)) #ode15s.set_integrator('vode', method='bdf', order=15, nsteps=3000) At = self.Test_A(parameters,N,TimeVar,case,t) Jac = lambda x,t: At[t] ode15s = ode(FSP,jac=Jac) ode15s.set_integrator('dopri5',nsteps=3000) ode15s.set_initial_value(x0, t[0]) solution = np.empty((len(t),3*N)) solution[0,:] = x0[:,0] for g in range(1,len(t)): ode15s.set_initial_value(solution[g-1,:],t[g-1]) solution[g,:] = ode15s.integrate(g) errorcheck = 1 for i in range(0,len(t)): if 1-sum(solution[i]) > error: errorcheck = 0 if errorcheck == 0:
dx[2] = x[2]*(mupr*x[0]/(kpr/mr+x[0]) + \ mupc*x[1]/(kpc/mc+x[1])-dp) - D*x[2] dx[3] = D*N0 - x[0]*munr*mr/ynr*x[3]/(knr+x[3]) - \ x[1]*munc*mc/ync*x[3]/(knc+x[3]) - D*x[3] return dx ##### Solve procedure goes here ##### Rsol = []; Csol = []; Psol = []; Nsol = [] Rsol.append(x0[0]) Csol.append(x0[1]) Psol.append(x0[2]) Nsol.append(x0[3]) r = ode(becks4Eq).set_integrator('dopri5',nsteps=100000,verbosity=1) r.set_initial_value(x0,0).set_f_params(N0,D) for t in tpts[1:]: if STOC_D: D_t = sp.random.gamma(D**2/var_D,var_D/D) else: D_t = D r.set_f_params(N0,D_t) r.integrate(t) assert(r.successful()) Rsol.append(r.y[0]) Csol.append(r.y[1]) Psol.append(r.y[2]) Nsol.append(r.y[3]) ##### Plot solution #####
def main(): # grab delta and g from the command line delta = float(argv[1]) g = float(argv[2]) particles = 4 # setup shared data dim1B = 8 # this defines the reference state # 1st state holes = [0,1,2,3] particles = [4,5,6,7] # 2nd state # holes = [0,1,4,5] # particles = [2,3,6,7] # 3rd state # holes = [0,1,6,7] # particles = [2,3,4,5] # basis definitions bas1B = range(dim1B) bas2B = construct_basis_2B(holes, particles) basph2B = construct_basis_ph2B(holes, particles) idx2B = construct_index_2B(bas2B) idxph2B = construct_index_2B(basph2B) # occupation number matrices occ1B = construct_occupation_1B(bas1B, holes, particles) occA_2B = construct_occupationA_2B(bas2B, occ1B) occB_2B = construct_occupationB_2B(bas2B, occ1B) occC_2B = construct_occupationC_2B(bas2B, occ1B) occphA_2B = construct_occupationA_2B(basph2B, occ1B) # store shared data in a dictionary, so we can avoid passing the basis # lookups etc. as separate parameters all the time user_data = { "dim1B": dim1B, "holes": holes, "particles": particles, "bas1B": bas1B, "bas2B": bas2B, "basph2B": basph2B, "idx2B": idx2B, "idxph2B": idxph2B, "occ1B": occ1B, "occA_2B": occA_2B, "occB_2B": occB_2B, "occC_2B": occC_2B, "occphA_2B": occphA_2B, "eta_norm": 0.0, # variables for sharing data between ODE solver "dE": 0.0, # and main routine "calc_eta": eta_white, # specify the generator (function object) "calc_rhs": flow_imsrg2 # specify the right-hand side and truncation } # set up initial Hamiltonian H1B, H2B = pairing_hamiltonian(delta, g, user_data) E, f, Gamma = normal_order(H1B, H2B, user_data) # reshape Hamiltonian into a linear array (initial ODE vector) y0 = np.append([E], np.append(reshape(f, -1), reshape(Gamma, -1))) # integrate flow equations solver = ode(derivative_wrapper,jac=None) solver.set_integrator('vode', method='bdf', order=5, nsteps=1000) solver.set_f_params(user_data) solver.set_initial_value(y0, 0.) sfinal = 50 ds = 0.1 print "%-8s %-14s %-14s %-14s %-14s %-14s %-14s %-14s %-14s"%( "s", "E" , "DE(2)", "DE(3)", "E+DE", "dE/ds", "||eta||", "||fod||", "||Gammaod||") # print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" print "-" * 148 while solver.successful() and solver.t < sfinal: ys = solver.integrate(sfinal, step=True) dim2B = dim1B*dim1B E, f, Gamma = get_operator_from_y(ys, dim1B, dim2B) DE2 = calc_mbpt2(f, Gamma, user_data) DE3 = calc_mbpt3(f, Gamma, user_data) norm_fod = calc_fod_norm(f, user_data) norm_Gammaod = calc_Gammaod_norm(Gamma, user_data) print "%8.5f %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f"%( solver.t, E , DE2, DE3, E+DE2+DE3, user_data["dE"], user_data["eta_norm"], norm_fod, norm_Gammaod) if abs(DE2/E) < 10e-8: break
def integrate(self, dt, planets): """Update the planet masses and radii: args: dt : Time to integrate for planets : Planets container """ if planets.N == 0: return self.update() chem = False if planets.chem: chem = True f = self._f_gas def dMdt(R_p, M_core, M_env): Mdot_s = self._peb_acc.computeMdot(R_p, M_core + M_env) Mdot_g = self._gas_acc.computeMdot(R_p, M_core, M_env) return Mdot_s * (1 - f), Mdot_g + Mdot_s * f def dRdt(R_p, M_core, M_env): if self._migrate: return self._migrate.migration_rate(R_p, M_core + M_env) else: return np.zeros_like(R_p) N = planets.N Rmin = self._disc.R[0] def f_integ(_, y): R_p = y[:N] M_core = y[N:2 * N] M_env = y[2 * N:3 * N] Rdot = dRdt(R_p, M_core, M_env) Mcdot, Medot = dMdt(R_p, M_core, M_env) accreted = R_p <= Rmin Rdot[accreted] = Mcdot[accreted] = Medot[accreted] = 0 dydt = np.empty_like(y) dydt[:N] = Rdot dydt[N:2 * N] = Mcdot dydt[2 * N:3 * N] = Medot if chem: Xs, Xg = self._compute_chem(R_p) #Ms = Mcdot * f / (1-f) Ms = 0 Mg = np.maximum(Medot - Mcdot, 0) Nspec = Xs.shape[0] dydt[3 * N:(3 + Nspec) * N] = (Mcdot * Xs).ravel() dydt[(3 + Nspec) * N:(3 + 2 * Nspec) * N] = (Ms * Xs + Mg * Xg).ravel() return dydt integ = ode(f_integ).set_integrator('dopri5', rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5) if chem: Chem_core = (planets.M_core * planets.X_core).flat Chem_env = (planets.M_env * planets.X_env).flat X0 = np.concatenate([ planets.R, planets.M_core, planets.M_env, Chem_core, Chem_env ]) else: X0 = np.concatenate([planets.R, planets.M_core, planets.M_env]) integ.set_initial_value(X0, 0) integ.integrate(dt) # Compute the fraction of the core / envelope that was accreted in # solids planets.R = integ.y[:N] planets.M_core = integ.y[N:2 * N] planets.M_env = integ.y[2 * N:3 * N] if chem: Ns = Xc = integ.y[3 * N:3 * N + Ns].reshape(-1, N) Xe = integ.y[3 * N + Ns:3 * N + 2 * Ns].reshape(-1, N) planets.X_core = Xc / np.maximum(planets.M_core, 1e-300) planets.X_env = Xe / np.maximum(planets.M_env, 1e-300)
def integrate_triple_system(ics, timemin, timemax, Nevals, body0, body1, body2, octupole_potential=True, short_range_forces_conservative=False, short_range_forces_dissipative=False, solve_for_spin_vector=False, version='tides', tol=1.0e-10, integrator='scipy', add_derivatives=False): atol = tol rtol = tol / 10.0 rtol = 1.0e-8 m0, m1, m2 = body0.mass, body1.mass, body2.mass radius0, radius1 = body0.radius, body1.radius dradius0_dt, dradius1_dt = body0.dradius_dt, body1.dradius_dt gyroradius0, gyroradius1 = body0.gyroradius, body1.gyroradius dgyroradius0_dt, dgyroradius1_dt = body0.dgyroradius_dt, body1.dgyroradius_dt k2_0, k2_1 = body0.apsidal_constant, body1.apsidal_constant tv0, tv1 = body0.viscous_time, body1.viscous_time tauconv0, tauconv1 = body0.convective_time, body1.convective_time tlag0, tlag1 = body0.tidal_lag_time, body1.tidal_lag_time rtol, atol = np.zeros(len(ics)), np.zeros(len(ics)) for key, val in triples.triple_keys.items(): if val is not None: rtol[val] = 10 * triple_precision[key] atol[val] = triple_precision[key] #rtol,atol = 1.e-9,1.e-08 #integrator='other' #integrator = 'bsint' time = np.linspace(timemin, timemax, Nevals) params = m0,m1,m2,radius0,radius1,gyroradius0,gyroradius1,k2_0,k2_1,\ tv0,tv1,tauconv0,tauconv1,\ tlag0,tlag1,\ dradius0_dt, dradius1_dt,\ dgyroradius0_dt, dgyroradius1_dt,\ octupole_potential,\ short_range_forces_conservative,short_range_forces_dissipative,solve_for_spin_vector if (integrator == 'scipy'): if (version == 'tides'): params = m0,m1,m2,radius0,radius1,gyroradius0,gyroradius1,k2_0,k2_1,tv0,tv1,\ octupole_potential,\ short_range_forces_conservative,short_range_forces_dissipative,solve_for_spin_vector sol =integ.odeint(threebody_ode_vf_tides_modified,ics,time,\ args=params,\ atol=atol,rtol=rtol,mxstep=1000000,hmin=0.0000001,mxords=16,mxordn=12) elif (version == 'full'): sol =integ.odeint(threebody_ode_vf_full_modified,ics,time,\ args=params,\ atol=atol,rtol=rtol,mxstep=1000000,hmin=0.000000001,mxords=12,mxordn=10) if (add_derivatives): for kk, y in enumerate(sol): if (kk == 0): dsol_dt = threebody_ode_vf_full_modified( y, time[kk], *params)[:len(triples.triple_derivative_keys)] else: dsol_dt = np.vstack( (dsol_dt, threebody_ode_vf_full_modified( y, time[kk], *params)[:len(triples.triple_derivative_keys)] )) else: if (version == 'tides'): params = [p for p in params if p is not None] solver = integ.ode(threebody_ode_vf_tides).set_integrator( 'dopri', nsteps=3000000, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, method='bdf') elif (version == 'full'): #solver = integ.ode(threebody_ode_vf_full).set_integrator('lsoda',nsteps=3000000,atol=atol,rtol=rtol, method='bdf',min_step=0.00001,max_order_ns=10) solver = integ.ode(threebody_ode_vf_full).set_integrator( 'dopri', nsteps=3000000, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, method='bdf') solver.set_initial_value(ics, time[0]).set_f_params(*params) kk = 1 sol = [] sol.append(ics) while solver.successful() and solver.t < time[-1]: solver.integrate(time[kk]) sol.append(solver.y) kk += 1 sol = np.asarray(sol) retval = np.column_stack((time, sol)) if add_derivatives: retval = retval, dsol_dt return retval
2 * i] = -delta * X[3 + i * 2] - a * X[2 + i * 2] - 3 * b * X[ 2 + i * 2] * X[0]**2 #xprime acceleration for orthagnormal vectors xprime[2 + 2 * i] = X[3 + i * 2] #xprime velocity for orthagnormal vectors return xprime #returns matrix of velocitys and accelerations orbits = 100 #number of orbits dt = 0.5 #time step """Setting initial conditions for normalised linear system (remember python starts counting at 0)""" x[2] = 1 x[5] = 1 backend = 'dopri5' #Integration method r = ode(duffing).set_integrator(backend) t = 0 r.set_initial_value(x, t) counter = 0 t1 = orbits * 2 * np.pi * w while r.successful( ) and tlist[-1] < t1: #will integrate up until t1 time is reached r.integrate( r.t + dt ) #step=True means that variable steps are used, with more steps where gradient is close to zero. tlist.append(r.t) #adds results to already created lists x = r.y #Normalise first vector for j in range(0, n): zvector[0] = zvector[0] + (x[n * (j + 1)])**2 zvector[0] = np.sqrt(zvector[0])
def dyn(R0, ModVar, UseOp, tobsEnd, tol): import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.integrate import ode from scipy import optimize from gammamin_fzero import minimize_gammamin from nextstep_ode import nextstep_func if UseOp.save_params: import os if tol < 1e-5: print_error = True else: print_error = False c, pi, mp, me, kB = 2.9979e10, np.pi, 1.6726e-24, 9.1094e-28, 1.38065e-16 qe = 4.803204e-10 sigma_B = 5.6704e-5 ### Stephan Boltzann constant in cgs rad_const = 4 * sigma_B / c #### Radiation constant #Initial conditions #ModVar.M0 = ModVar.E0*c**-2 if UseOp.reverseShock: grandNan = [float('nan')] * 19 else: grandNan = [float('nan')] * 12 useSpread = True #If you want to turn spread off, turn it off on this line! UseOp.remix_radloss = True UseOp.continuous_radloss = True ################# ### Constants ### ################# mup, mue = 1., me / mp sigmaT = 6.6524e-25 numeric_Eint = True ### numeric or analytical approach to solve Eint? ############################## ### Runge-Kutta 853 method ### ############################## """ 0 - tburst 1 - tcomoving 2 - Gamma 3 - Eint2 4 - Eint3 5 - theta 6 - Erad2 7 - Erad3 8 - Esh2 9 - Esh3 10 - Ead2 11 - Ead3 12 - M2 13 - M3 14 - deltaR4 """ ### Allocating space and setting initial values Rstop = 1e23 nsteps = int(np.ceil(100 * np.log10(Rstop / R0))) beta0 = 1 - 0.5 / ModVar.Gamma0**2 - 1 / 8. / ModVar.Gamma0**4 beta0c = beta0 * c M20 = 2 * pi * R0**3 * (1 - np.cos(ModVar.theta0)) * ModVar.A0 * ( mp + me) * R0**-ModVar.s / 3 tburst0, tcomoving0 = R0 / beta0c, R0 / beta0c / ModVar.Gamma0 tobs, rho, B = np.zeros(nsteps), np.zeros(nsteps), np.zeros(nsteps) Eint20 = M20 * (ModVar.Gamma0 - 1) * c**2 gamma_c_w = np.zeros(nsteps) gamma_c_w[0] = 6 * me * c / ( ModVar.A0 * R0**(-ModVar.s) * (mp + me) ) / sigmaT / 8 / tcomoving0 / ModVar.eB / Eint20 * M20 ### Mass weighted cooling Lorentz factor if UseOp.reverseShock: gamma_c_w_RS = np.ones(nsteps) gamma_c_w_RS *= float('inf') rho4, BRS, gamma43_minus_one = np.zeros(nsteps), np.zeros( nsteps), np.zeros(nsteps) alpha_of = ModVar.tprompt * beta0c shutOff = False if ModVar.theta0 < 1e-3: one_minus_costheta0 = ModVar.theta0**2 / 2 - ModVar.theta0**4 / 24 + ModVar.theta0**6 / 120 else: one_minus_costheta0 = 1 - np.cos(ModVar.theta0) initial_values = [ tburst0, tcomoving0, ModVar.Gamma0, (ModVar.Gamma0 - 1) * M20 / ModVar.M0, 0., ModVar.theta0, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., M20 / ModVar.M0, 0., 0. ] #initial_values = [tburst0,tcomoving0,ModVar.Gamma0,(ModVar.Gamma0-1)*M20/ModVar.M0,0.,ModVar.theta0,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,M20/ModVar.M0,0.,0.] ### Logarithmic """ ### An initial very small step, to initialize reverse shock quantities infmal_R0 = R0*1e-9 initial_values += nextstep_func(R0 , initial_values , s , ModVar.Gamma0 , z , ModVar.theta0 , ModVar.tprompt , ModVar.M0 , ModVar.A0/ModVar.M0 , ModVar.R_ISM , [UseOp.radiativeLosses,remix_radloss,continuous_radloss,fixed_epsilon,UseOp.reverseShock,UseOp.exponential_outflow] , [ModVar.epsilone,ModVar.eB,p,ModVar.epsilone3,ModVar.eB3,pRS],float('inf'),float('inf')) * infmal_R0 R0 = R0 + infmal_R0 """ odeinstance = ode(nextstep_func) #firststep = R0/10000 odeinstance.set_integrator("dop853", rtol=1e-5, nsteps=100000, first_step=R0 * 1e-9) if UseOp.reverseShock: odeinstance.set_f_params(ModVar, UseOp, float('inf'), float('inf'), False) else: odeinstance.set_f_params(ModVar, UseOp, float('inf')) odeinstance.set_initial_value(initial_values, R0) R = np.zeros(nsteps) out = np.zeros([nsteps, len(initial_values)]) for i in range(nsteps): ################### ### Integrating ### ################### nextR = R0 * (Rstop / R0)**(float(i + 1) / float(nsteps)) #try: out[i] = odeinstance.integrate(nextR) """ except: while firststep > 1: if i == 0: firststep /= 10 print 'reducing first step to %s'%(firststep) try: odeinstance.set_integrator("dop853", rtol=1e-3, nsteps=100000, first_step=firststep) out[i] = odeinstance.integrate(nextR) break except: firststep /= 10 else: print '\n\n\n!!!\n\n\n' raise NameError('i is not 0 and still crashed') """ R[i] = np.copy(odeinstance.t) tobs[i] = (1 + ModVar.z) * (out[i, 0] - R[i] / c) beta = np.sqrt(1 - out[i, 2]**-2) ###################################### ### Magnetic fields and densities ### ###################################### rho1_fac = ModVar.A0 * (mp + me) if ModVar.s == 0: ### CM rho[i] = ModVar.A0 * (mp + me) else: if R[i] < ModVar.R_ISM: rho[i] = ModVar.A0 * R[i]**(-ModVar.s) * (mp + me) else: rho[i] = ModVar.A0 * R[i]**(-ModVar.s) * (mp + me) rho2 = 4 * rho1_fac * out[i, 2] * R[i]**(-ModVar.s) B_fac = np.sqrt(8 * pi * ModVar.eB) B[i] = B_fac * np.sqrt(out[i, 3]) / np.sqrt(out[i, 12]) * np.sqrt( rho2 ) * c ### Factor c is because Eint is on the form E/ModVar.M0/c**2 and M on the form M/ModVar.M0 gamma_max = (6 * pi * qe / sigmaT / B[i])**.5 if UseOp.reverseShock: if out[i, 4] < 0: ### Negative energy in the RS out[i, 4] = 0. if beta < 0.99: gamma43_minus_one[i] = out[i, 2] * ModVar.Gamma0 * ( 1 - beta * beta0) else: gamma43_minus_one[i] = out[i, 2] * ModVar.Gamma0 * ( 1 / ModVar.Gamma0**2 + 1 / out[i, 2]**2 - 1 / out[i, 2]**2 / ModVar.Gamma0**2) / (1 + beta * beta0) - 1 if out[i, 13] > 0: rho4_fac_1 = ModVar.M0 / 2 / alpha_of / np.pi / one_minus_costheta0 rho4_fac = rho4_fac_1 / R[i]**2 rho4[i] = rho4_fac * np.exp(-out[i, 14] / alpha_of) if rho4[i] < 1e-60: rho4[i] = 0. ### Avoiding numerical overflows BRS[i] = 0. shutOff = True odeinstance.set_f_params(ModVar, UseOp, gamma_c_w[i], gamma_c_w_RS[i], shutOff) else: rho3 = 4 * out[i, 2] * rho4[i] BRS_fac = np.sqrt(8 * pi * ModVar.eB3) BRS[i] = BRS_fac * np.sqrt(out[i, 4]) / np.sqrt( out[i, 13] ) * np.sqrt( rho3 ) * c ### Factor c is because Eint is on the form E/ModVar.M0/c**2 and M on the form M/ModVar.M0 if np.isnan(BRS[i]): print 'E3 =', out[i, 4] print 'M3 =', out[i, 13] print 'rho3 =', rho3 if BRS[i] == 0: BRS[i] = 1e-70 gamma_max_RS = np.sqrt(6 * pi * qe / sigmaT / BRS[i]) ############################# ### Calculating gamma_c_w ### ############################# if i > 0: dM2 = (out[1:i + 1, 12] - out[:i, 12]) gamma_c_w_fac = 6 * pi * me * c / sigmaT rho2_array = 4 * rho1_fac * out[:i, 2] * R[:i]**(-ModVar.s) B_array = B_fac * np.sqrt(out[:i, 3]) / np.sqrt( out[:i, 12]) * np.sqrt(rho2_array) * c gamma_c_w_array = gamma_c_w_fac / B_array**2 / out[:i, 1] gamma_c_w[i] = np.sum( dM2 * gamma_c_w_array) / (out[i - 1, 12] - M20 / ModVar.M0) if gamma_c_w[i] > gamma_max: gamma_c_w[i] = np.copy(gamma_max) if UseOp.reverseShock and BRS[i] > 0: dM3 = (out[1:i + 1, 13] - out[:i, 13]) rho3_array = 4 * out[:i, 2] * rho4_fac_1 * np.exp( -out[:i, 14] / alpha_of) * R[:i]**-2 BRS_array = BRS[: i] #BRS_fac * np.sqrt(out[:i,4]) / np.sqrt(out[:i,13]) * np.sqrt(rho3_array) * c gamma_c_w_RS_array = gamma_c_w_fac / BRS_array**2 / out[:i, 1] gamma_c_w_RS[i] = np.sum(dM3 * gamma_c_w_RS_array) / out[i - 1, 13] """ if gamma_c_w_RS[i] > gamma_max_RS: gamma_c_w_RS[i] = np.copy(gamma_max_RS) """ ############################ ### Calulating gamma_min ### ############################ """ #gamma_min[i] = (p-2)/(p-1)*(ModVar.epsilone/mue*(out[i,2]-1)+1) gamma_min[i] = minimize_gammamin(gamma_c_w[i] , gamma_max , p , ModVar.epsilone , out[i,2] - 1,mue) gamma_min_inj = minimize_gammamin(gamma_max , gamma_max , p ,ModVar.epsilone , out[i,2] - 1,mue) if UseOp.reverseShock: if (out[i,13]>0) and (BRS[i]>0) and (gamma_c_w_RS[i] > 1) and (i > 0): gamma_min_RS[i] = minimize_gammamin(gamma_c_w_RS[i] , gamma_max_RS , pRS , ModVar.epsilone3 , gamma43_minus_one[i] , mue) gamma_min_RS_inj = minimize_gammamin(gamma_max_RS , gamma_max_RS , pRS , ModVar.epsilone3 , gamma43_minus_one[i] , mue) else: gamma_min_RS[i] = (pRS-2)/(pRS-1)*(ModVar.epsilone3/mue*gamma43_minus_one[i]+1) gamma_min_RS_inj = np.copy(gamma_min_RS[i]) odeinstance.set_f_params(s , ModVar.Gamma0 , z , ModVar.theta0 , ModVar.tprompt , ModVar.M0 , ModVar.A0/ModVar.M0 , ModVar.R_ISM , [UseOp.radiativeLosses,remix_radloss,continuous_radloss,fixed_epsilon,UseOp.reverseShock,UseOp.exponential_outflow] , [ModVar.epsilone,ModVar.eB,p,ModVar.epsilone3,ModVar.eB3,pRS] , gamma_c_w[i] , gamma_min_inj , gamma_min[i] , gamma_c_w_RS[i], gamma_min_RS_inj , gamma_min_RS[i] , shutOff) else: odeinstance.set_f_params(s , ModVar.Gamma0 , z , ModVar.theta0 , ModVar.tprompt , ModVar.M0 , ModVar.A0/ModVar.M0 , ModVar.R_ISM , [UseOp.radiativeLosses,remix_radloss,continuous_radloss,fixed_epsilon,UseOp.reverseShock,UseOp.exponential_outflow] , [ModVar.epsilone,ModVar.eB,p,ModVar.epsilone3,ModVar.eB3,pRS] , gamma_c_w[i] , gamma_min_inj , gamma_min[i]) if ( not odeinstance.successful()): raise NameError('stepsize') if ( tobs[i-3] > tobsEnd):#*365.35*10 ): break #Stop at 10 years """ out[:, 3] *= ModVar.M0 * c**2 out[:, 4] *= ModVar.M0 * c**2 out[:, 6] *= ModVar.M0 * c**2 out[:, 7] *= ModVar.M0 * c**2 out[:, 8] *= ModVar.M0 * c**2 out[:, 9] *= ModVar.M0 * c**2 out[:, 10] *= ModVar.M0 * c**2 out[:, 11] *= ModVar.M0 * c**2 out[:, 12] *= ModVar.M0 out[:, 13] *= ModVar.M0 """ plt.plot(R[:i+1] , out[:i+1,2]) plt.ylabel(r'$\Gamma$') plt.loglog() plt.plot(R[:i] , (out[1:i+1,13]-out[:i,13]) / (R[1:i+1]-R[:i])) plt.loglog() plt.ylabel(r'$\frac{dM_3}{dR}$') plt.plot(R[:i+1] , out[:i+1,12]) plt.ylabel(r'$M_2$') plt.loglog() plt.plot(R[:i+1] , out[:i+1,13]) plt.ylabel(r'$M_3$') plt.loglog() plt.plot(R[:i+1] , out[:i+1,3]) plt.ylabel(r'$E_{\rm int,2}$') plt.loglog() plt.plot(R[:i+1] , out[:i+1,4]) plt.ylabel(r'$E_{\rm int,3}$') plt.loglog() plt.plot(R[:i+1] , out[:i+1,14]) plt.ylabel(r'$\Delta R_4$') plt.loglog() """ ### Calculating gamma_min ### gamma_min = (ModVar.p - 2) / (ModVar.p - 1) * (1 + mp / me * ModVar.epsilone * (out[:i + 1, 2] - 1)) gamma_min[np.where(gamma_min < 1)] = 1. if UseOp.reverseShock: ### Calculating gamma_min_RS ### gamma_min_RS = (ModVar.pRS - 2) / (ModVar.pRS - 1) * ( 1 + mp / me * ModVar.epsilone3 * gamma43_minus_one[:i + 1]) if UseOp.save_params: os.system('rm Parameters/*') np.savetxt('Parameters/tobs.txt', tobs[:i + 1]) np.savetxt('Parameters/tburst.txt', out[:i + 1, 0]) np.savetxt('Parameters/tcomoving.txt', out[:i + 1, 1]) np.savetxt('Parameters/Gamma.txt', out[:i + 1, 2]) np.savetxt('Parameters/R.txt', R[:i + 1]) #np.savetxt('Parameters/ModVar.epsilon_rad.txt',ModVar.epsilon_rad[:i+1]) np.savetxt('Parameters/dM2dR.txt', (out[1:i + 1, 12] - out[:i, 12]) / (R[1:i + 1] - R[:i])) np.savetxt('Parameters/M2.txt', out[:i + 1, 12]) np.savetxt('Parameters/Eint2.txt', out[:i + 1, 3]) np.savetxt('Parameters/Esh2.txt', out[:i + 1, 8]) np.savetxt('Parameters/Ead2.txt', out[:i + 1, 10]) np.savetxt('Parameters/Erad2.txt', out[:i + 1, 6]) np.savetxt('Parameters/gamma_c_w.txt', gamma_c_w[:i + 1]) np.savetxt('Parameters/gamma_min.txt', gamma_min) np.savetxt('Parameters/B.txt', B[:i + 1]) np.savetxt('Parameters/theta.txt', out[:i + 1, 5]) np.savetxt('Parameters/rho.txt', rho[:i + 1]) if UseOp.reverseShock: np.savetxt('Parameters/dM3dR.txt', (out[1:i + 1, 13] - out[:i, 13]) / (R[1:i + 1] - R[:i])) np.savetxt('Parameters/M3.txt', out[:i + 1, 13]) #np.savetxt('Parameters/epsilon_rad_RS.txt',ModVar.epsilon_rad_RS[:i+1]) np.savetxt('Parameters/Eint3.txt', out[:i + 1, 4]) np.savetxt('Parameters/Esh3.txt', out[:i + 1, 9]) np.savetxt('Parameters/Ead3.txt', out[:i + 1, 11]) np.savetxt('Parameters/Erad3.txt', out[:i + 1, 7]) np.savetxt('Parameters/Gamma43_minus_one.txt', gamma43_minus_one[:i + 1]) np.savetxt('Parameters/gamma_c_w_RS.txt', gamma_c_w_RS[:i + 1]) np.savetxt('Parameters/gamma_min_RS.txt', gamma_min_RS) np.savetxt('Parameters/BRS.txt', BRS[:i + 1]) np.savetxt('Parameters/rho4.txt', rho4[:i + 1]) if UseOp.reverseShock: ### RS_elements_upper reduces RS arrays to where there is an RS component RS_elements_upper = np.count_nonzero(rho4) return out[:i + 1, 2], out[:i + 1, 0], tobs[:i + 1], out[:i + 1, 1], out[:i + 1, 5], out[:i + 1, 12], out[: RS_elements_upper, 13], out[: i + 1, 3], out[: RS_elements_upper, 4], B[: i + 1], BRS[: RS_elements_upper], rho[: i + 1], rho4[: RS_elements_upper], R[: i + 1], gamma43_minus_one[: RS_elements_upper], gamma_min, gamma_min_RS, gamma_c_w[: i + 1], gamma_c_w_RS[: RS_elements_upper], RS_elements_upper else: return out[:i + 1, 2], out[:i + 1, 0], tobs[:i + 1], out[:i + 1, 1], out[:i + 1, 5], out[:i + 1, 12], None, out[:i + 1, 3], None, B[: i + 1], None, rho[: i + 1], None, R[: i + 1], None, gamma_min, None, gamma_c_w[: i + 1], None, None
jdos = 0.00108248 def derivFcn(t, y): return JTwo(t, y, MU, jdos, RE) r_0 = [-5282.628, -4217.988, 296.511] v_0 = [-4.541972, 5.885228, 2.043106] T0 = 0.0 times = np.arange(0, 86400, 100) tF = 86400 dT = 100 Y_0 = np.concatenate([r_0, v_0], axis=0) rv = ode(derivFcn) # The integrator type 'dopri5' is the same as MATLAB's ode45()! # rtol and atol are the relative and absolute tolerances, respectively rv.set_integrator('dopri5', rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-20) rv.set_initial_value(Y_0, T0) output = [] output.append(np.insert(Y_0, 0, T0)) # Run the integrator and populate output array with positions and velocities while rv.successful() and rv.t < tF: # rv.successful() and rv.integrate(rv.t + dT) output.append(np.insert(rv.y, 0, rv.t)) # Convert the output a numpy array for later use output = np.array(output)
V0= 8 #o volume inicial não se altera Fe= 0.7 #L/h || caudal de entrada || 350 g/L glucose Se= 350 #concentração do substrato de entrada g/L #lista com os valores iniciais fornecida a func y0= [X0, S0, A0, P0, V] #lista com os parametros fornecida a func params= [k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9, k10, k11, V0, Fe, Se] t0= 0 #tempo inicial t= 20 #tempo final dt= 0.001 #intervalo de tempo entre reads # Call the ODE solver r = ode(bl21_FB).set_integrator('lsoda', method='bdf', lband=0) #lband é o limite inferior -- para nao haver valores negativos r.set_initial_value(y0, t0).set_f_params(params) #storing variables T, x, s, a, p, v= [], [], [], [], [], [] while r.successful() and r.t < t: time= r.t + dt T.append(r.t) x.append(r.integrate(time)[0]) s.append(r.integrate(time)[1]) a.append(r.integrate(time)[2]) p.append(r.integrate(time)[3]) v.append(r.integrate(time)[4]) #print(time, r.integrate(time))
def target_orbit(target_crossing,x0,t0,tf,mu,backend_bigprop,backend_littleprop,tol_integrate,tol_step,tol_converge): ''' target_crossing = nth crossing to target a perpendicular crossing x0 = 42 element initial state; the first 6 elements contain the non-dimensionalized, rotating position and velocity; the remaining elements are the state transition matrix. t0 = initial time tf = final time (this is typically going to be larger than the actual desired propagation time) mu = mass ratio of the two primaries backend_bigprop = integrator to use when taking large steps backend_littleprop = integrator to use when bisecting the crossing (if bigprop uses vode, this must use a different integrator) tol_integrate = integration tolerance tol_step = smallest step size that the integrator will use tol_converge = tolerance to determine whether crossing is perpendicular ''' bigprop = ode(cr3bp_eom).set_integrator(backend_bigprop,atol=tol_integrate,rtol=tol_integrate) littleprop = ode(cr3bp_eom).set_integrator(backend_littleprop,atol=tol_integrate,rtol=tol_integrate) error = 1 iteration = 0 while np.abs(error) > tol_converge: #integrate bigprop.set_initial_value(x0,t0).set_f_params(mu) t = [t0] x = [x0] current_crossing = 0 last_y = np.sign(x0[4]) while bigprop.successful() and current_crossing < target_crossing: #step current_state = bigprop.integrate(tf,step=True) #check for crossing if np.sign(current_state[1]) != np.sign(last_y): current_crossing += 1 #littleprop to find actual crossing if current_crossing == target_crossing: dt = (t[-1]-t[-2]) while np.abs(current_state[1]) > tol_converge and abs(dt) > tol_step: dt = -dt/2 last_y = current_state[1] littleprop.set_initial_value(current_state,bigprop.t).set_f_params(mu) current_state = littleprop.integrate(littleprop.t+dt) #take another step if we didn't cross on the first one if np.sign(current_state[1]) == np.sign(last_y): current_state = littleprop.integrate(littleprop.t+dt) #save correct time t.append(littleprop.t) else: #save correct time t.append(bigprop.t) #save data to arrays x.append(current_state) last_y = current_state[1] #targeting algorithm to update initial conditions error = current_state[3] r1 = np.sqrt( (current_state[0]+mu)**2 + current_state[1]**2 + current_state[2]**2 ) r2 = np.sqrt( (current_state[0]-1+mu)**2 + current_state[1]**2 + current_state[2]**2 ) ax = 2*current_state[4] + current_state[0] - (1-mu)*(current_state[0]+mu)/r1**3 - mu*(current_state[0]-1+mu)/r2**3 X = np.array([[x0[4]],[t[len(t)-1]]]) FX = np.array([[current_state[1]],[current_state[3]]]) DF = np.array([[current_state[16],current_state[4]],[current_state[28],ax]]) update = np.zeros((2,1)) update = np.mat(X) - np.mat(np.transpose(DF))*np.linalg.inv(np.mat(DF)*np.mat(np.transpose(DF)))*np.mat(FX) x0[4] = update[0] #increase perpendicular crossing tolerance if stuck if iteration > 10: tol_converge = 10*tol_converge iteration = -1 iteration += 1 return t,x
import warnings def logistic(t, y, r): return r * y * (1.0 - y) r = .01 t0 = 0 y0 = 1e-5 t1 = 5000.0 #backend = 'vode' backend = 'dopri5' #backend = 'dop853' solver = sp.ode(logistic).set_integrator(backend, nsteps=1) solver.set_initial_value(y0, t0).set_f_params(r) # suppress Fortran-printed warning solver._integrator.iwork[2] = -1 sol = [] warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) while solver.t < t1: solver.integrate(t1, step=True) sol.append([solver.t, solver.y]) warnings.resetwarnings() sol = np.array(sol) # plot py.figure(4)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Aug 17 15:04:39 2018 @author: mtkes """ from scipy.integrate import ode y0, t0 = [1.0j, 2.0], 0 def f(t, y, arg1): return [1j * arg1 * y[0] + y[1], -arg1 * y[1]**2] def jac(t, y, arg1): return [[1j * arg1, 1], [0, -arg1 * 2 * y[1]]] r = ode(f, jac).set_integrator('zvode', method='bdf', with_jacobian=True) r.set_initial_value(y0, t0).set_f_params(2.0).set_jac_params(2.0) t1 = 10 dt = 1 while r.successful() and r.t < t1: r.integrate(r.t + dt) print("%g %g %g" % (r.t, abs(r.y[0]), abs(r.y[1])))
_K = [[0.0, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.0], [0.3, 0.0, 0.9, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0], [0.1, 0.9, 0.0, 0.4, 0.0, 0.2], [0.1, 0.0, 0.4, 0.0, 1.0, 0.4], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] _K = np.array(_K) _K = (_K + _K.T) / 2 # Preparing oscillators with Kuramoto model oscN = 3 # num of oscillators Y0 = _Y0[:oscN] W = _W[:oscN] K = _K[:oscN, :oscN] #################################################### # Setting up ODE integrator kODE = ode(kuramoto_ODE) kODE.set_integrator("vode") # Set parameters into model kODE.set_initial_value(Y0, t0) kODE.set_f_params((W, K)) # Run ODE integrator odeT, odePhi = [], [] while kODE.successful() and kODE.t < t1: kODE.integrate(kODE.t + dt) odeT.append(kODE.t) odePhi.append(kODE.y) # Convert to numpy array
def __init__(self, f, **kwargs): self.f = f self.h = kwargs.pop('h', 0.01) self.r = ode(f).set_integrator('dopri5') self.fig, = plt.subplots(1, 1)
current_pass['Date1'] = date current_pass['Pass Length'] = ( date - current_pass['Date0']).total_seconds() if max_el > 20: pass_list.append(current_pass) date += datetime.timedelta(days=30) for _pass in pass_list: pass_directory = Directory + '/' + str(_pass['Date0']).replace(':', '-') if not os.path.exists(pass_directory): os.makedirs(pass_directory) r0, v0 = Satellite.propagate(*_pass['Date0'].timetuple()[0:6]) state0 = hstack([r0, v0]) solver = ode(propagate_orbit) solver.set_integrator('lsoda') solver.set_initial_value(state0, 0) #times = asarray(arange(0, _pass['Pass Length'], DT)) positions = [] times = [] while solver.t < _pass['Pass Length']: positions.append(solver.integrate(solver.t + DT)) times.append(solver.t) times = hstack(times) positions = vstack(positions) obs_vecs = [] sun_vecs = [] sat_poss = []
def OutputEphemerisData(self, LU, TU, mu, timehistory, statehistory, accelhistory): if self.EventType == 'coast' or self.EventType == 'force-coast' or self.EventType == "SFthrust" or self.EventType == "FBLTthrust" or self.EventType == "PSBIthrust" or self.EventType == "match_point": #propagate the state forward and back CenterPointState = [] CenterPointState = np.zeros(7) CenterPointState[0:6] = np.array(self.SpacecraftState) / LU CenterPointState[3:6] *= TU CenterPointState[6] = 1.0 if self.EventType == 'coast' or self.EventType == 'force-coast' or self.EventType == "SFthrust" or self.EventType == "PSBIthrust": CenterPointState = np.array(copy.deepcopy( self.SpacecraftState)) if self.EventType == "SFthrust" or event.EventType == "PSBIthrust": CenterPointState[3:6] += np.array( self.DeltaVorThrustVectorControl) CenterPointState /= LU CenterPointState[3:6] *= TU ForwardIntegrateObject = ode( EOM.EOM_inertial_2body).set_integrator('dop853', atol=1.0e-8, rtol=1.0e-8) ForwardIntegrateObject.set_initial_value( CenterPointState).set_f_params(1.0) StateHistoryForward = [] TimeHistoryForward = [] while ForwardIntegrateObject.successful( ) and ForwardIntegrateObject.t < (self.TimestepLength / 2.0 - 1) * 86400 / TU: ForwardIntegrateObject.integrate(ForwardIntegrateObject.t + 86400 / TU) StateHistoryForward.append(ForwardIntegrateObject.y * LU) TimeHistoryForward.append(ForwardIntegrateObject.t * TU) #backward integration CenterPointState = np.array(copy.deepcopy( self.SpacecraftState)) CenterPointState /= LU CenterPointState[3:6] *= TU BackwardIntegrateObject = ode( EOM.EOM_inertial_2body).set_integrator('dop853', atol=1.0e-8, rtol=1.0e-8) BackwardIntegrateObject.set_initial_value( CenterPointState).set_f_params(1.0) StateHistoryBackward = [] TimeHistoryBackward = [] while BackwardIntegrateObject.successful( ) and BackwardIntegrateObject.t > -(self.TimestepLength / 2.0 - 1) * 86400 / TU: BackwardIntegrateObject.integrate( BackwardIntegrateObject.t - 86400 / TU) StateHistoryBackward.append(BackwardIntegrateObject.y * LU) TimeHistoryBackward.append(BackwardIntegrateObject.t * TU) StateHistoryBackward.reverse() TimeHistoryBackward.reverse() for StateLine in StateHistoryBackward: statehistory.append( np.array([ StateLine[0], StateLine[1], StateLine[2], StateLine[3] / TU, StateLine[4] / TU, StateLine[5] / TU ]) * 1000) accelhistory.append(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) for TimeLine in TimeHistoryBackward: timehistory.append(TimeLine + self.JulianDate * 86400) statehistory.append( np.array([ self.SpacecraftState[0], self.SpacecraftState[1], self.SpacecraftState[2], self.SpacecraftState[3], self.SpacecraftState[4], self.SpacecraftState[5] ]) * 1000) accelhistory.append(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) timehistory.append(self.JulianDate * 86400) for StateLine in StateHistoryForward: statehistory.append( np.array([ StateLine[0], StateLine[1], StateLine[2], StateLine[3] / TU, StateLine[4] / TU, StateLine[5] / TU ]) * 1000) accelhistory.append(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) for TimeLine in TimeHistoryForward: timehistory.append(TimeLine + self.JulianDate * 86400) elif self.EventType == 'FBLTthrust': CenterPointState = np.zeros(7) CenterPointState[0:6] = np.array(self.SpacecraftState) / LU CenterPointState[3:6] *= TU CenterPointState[6] = 1.0 ScaledThrust = np.array( self.Thrust) / self.Mass / LU / 1000 * TU * TU ScaledMdot = self.MassFlowRate / self.Mass * TU ForwardIntegrateObject = ode( EOM.EOM_inertial_2bodyconstant_thrust).set_integrator( 'dop853', atol=1.0e-8, rtol=1.0e-8) ForwardIntegrateObject.set_initial_value( CenterPointState).set_f_params(ScaledThrust, ScaledMdot, 1.0) StateHistoryForward = [] TimeHistoryForward = [] while ForwardIntegrateObject.successful( ) and ForwardIntegrateObject.t < (self.TimestepLength / 2.0 - 1) * 86400 / TU: ForwardIntegrateObject.integrate(ForwardIntegrateObject.t + 86400 / TU) UnscaledState = copy.deepcopy(ForwardIntegrateObject.y) UnscaledState[0:3] *= LU UnscaledState[4:6] *= LU / TU UnscaledState[6] *= self.Mass StateHistoryForward.append(UnscaledState) TimeHistoryForward.append(ForwardIntegrateObject.t * TU) BackwardIntegrateObject = ode( EOM.EOM_inertial_2bodyconstant_thrust).set_integrator( 'dop853', atol=1.0e-8, rtol=1.0e-8) BackwardIntegrateObject.set_initial_value( CenterPointState).set_f_params(ScaledThrust, ScaledMdot, 1.0) StateHistoryBackward = [] TimeHistoryBackward = [] while BackwardIntegrateObject.successful( ) and BackwardIntegrateObject.t > -(self.TimestepLength / 2.0 - 1) * 86400 / TU: BackwardIntegrateObject.integrate( BackwardIntegrateObject.t - 86400 / TU) UnscaledState = copy.deepcopy(BackwardIntegrateObject.y) UnscaledState[0:3] *= LU UnscaledState[4:6] *= LU / TU UnscaledState[6] *= self.Mass StateHistoryBackward.append(UnscaledState) TimeHistoryBackward.append(BackwardIntegrateObject.t * TU) StateHistoryBackward.reverse() TimeHistoryBackward.reverse() for StateLine in StateHistoryBackward: statehistory.append( np.array([ StateLine[0], StateLine[1], StateLine[2], StateLine[3], StateLine[4], StateLine[5] ]) * 1000) accelhistory.append( np.array([ self.Thrust[0] / StateLine[6], self.Thrust[1] / StateLine[6], self.Thrust[2] / StateLine[6] ])) for TimeLine in TimeHistoryBackward: timehistory.append(TimeLine + self.JulianDate * 86400) statehistory.append( np.array([ self.SpacecraftState[0], self.SpacecraftState[1], self.SpacecraftState[2], self.SpacecraftState[3], self.SpacecraftState[4], self.SpacecraftState[5] ]) * 1000) accelhistory.append( np.array([ self.Thrust[0] / self.Mass, self.Thrust[1] / self.Mass, self.Thrust[2] / self.Mass ])) timehistory.append(self.JulianDate * 86400) for StateLine in StateHistoryForward: statehistory.append( np.array([ StateLine[0], StateLine[1], StateLine[2], StateLine[3], StateLine[4], StateLine[5] ]) * 1000) accelhistory.append( np.array([ self.Thrust[0] / StateLine[6], self.Thrust[1] / StateLine[6], self.Thrust[2] / StateLine[6] ])) for TimeLine in TimeHistoryForward: timehistory.append(TimeLine + self.JulianDate * 86400) else: statehistory.append(np.array(self.SpacecraftState[0:6]) * 1000.0) accelhistory.append(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) timehistory.append(self.JulianDate * 86400) return timehistory, statehistory, accelhistory
return dy k = 9 _m = 1 T = 2*m.pi*m.sqrt(_m/k) omega = 2*m.pi/T N = 1e4 R0 = [0.5, 1.] t0, t1 = 0, 5*T t = np.linspace(t0, t1, 10000) R = np.zeros((len(t), len(R0)), dtype=np.float64) R[0, :] = R0 r = integrate.ode(oscillator).set_integrator("dopri5") r.set_initial_value(R0, t0) for i in range(1, t.size): R[i, :] = r.integrate(t[i]) if not r.successful(): raise RuntimeError("Could not integrate") E = np.zeros((len(t), len(R0)), dtype = np.float64) delta = np.zeros(len(t), dtype = np.float64) for i in range (len(t)): E[i,:] = (0.5*(k*R[i,0]**2 + _m*R[i,1]**2), 0.5*k*R[i,0]**2 ) delta[i] = (E[i,1] - E[i,0])/E[i,0] fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
def propagate_orbit(spacecraftConfig, forcesCoeff, surfaces, eop_alldata, ndays, dt, ode_flag=True): # Integrator int_tol = 1e-12 intfcn = spacecraftConfig['intfcn'] integrator = spacecraftConfig['integrator'] # If flag is set use ode if ode_flag: start = time.time() y0 = spacecraftConfig['X'].flatten() tvec = np.arange(0., 86400. * ndays + (0.1 * dt), dt) solver = ode(intfcn) solver.set_integrator(integrator, atol=int_tol, rtol=int_tol) solver.set_f_params( [spacecraftConfig, forcesCoeff, surfaces, eop_alldata]) solver.set_initial_value(y0, tvec[0]) state = np.zeros((len(tvec), len(y0))) state[0] = y0 k = 1 while solver.successful() and solver.t < tvec[-1]: solver.integrate(tvec[k]) state[k] = solver.y k += 1 # print(k) # print(len(tvec)) # solver = ode(self.FuncDyn) # solver.set_integrator(self.integrator) # self.t0 = 0.0 # if (self.state.type=='3DoF'): # solver.set_f_params(self.forces) # self.lenForces = len(self.forces) # y0 = [self.state.scStateOrekit.getPVCoordinates().getPosition().getX(), # self.state.scStateOrekit.getPVCoordinates().getPosition().getY(), # self.state.scStateOrekit.getPVCoordinates().getPosition().getZ(), # self.state.scStateOrekit.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().getX(), # self.state.scStateOrekit.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().getY(), # self.state.scStateOrekit.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().getZ()] # lenY0 = 6 # elif (self.state.type=='6DoF'): # solver.set_f_params([self.forces,self.torques]) # self.lenForces = len(self.forces) # self.lenTorques = len(self.torques) # # Below states should be defined in some inertial frame - e.g. J2000 # y0 = [self.state.scStateOrekit.getPVCoordinates().getPosition().getX(), # self.state.scStateOrekit.getPVCoordinates().getPosition().getY(), # self.state.scStateOrekit.getPVCoordinates().getPosition().getZ(), # self.state.scStateOrekit.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().getX(), # self.state.scStateOrekit.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().getY(), # self.state.scStateOrekit.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().getZ(), # self.state.scStateOrientationIne2Body[0], # self.state.scStateOrientationIne2Body[1], # self.state.scStateOrientationIne2Body[2], # self.state.scStateOrientationIne2Body[3], # self.state.scStateOrientationRateBodywrtIne[0], # self.state.scStateOrientationRateBodywrtIne[1], # self.state.scStateOrientationRateBodywrtIne[2]] # lenY0 = 13 # else: # print('Please select a 3DoF or 6DoF dynamics for the type') # solver.set_initial_value(y0, self.t0) # N = int(self.tShift/self.tStep) # t = np.linspace(self.t0, self.tShift, N) # self.sol = {} # self.sol['time'] = [] # self.sol['time'].append(str(self.state.scStateOrekit.getDate())) # self.sol['state'] = np.empty((N, lenY0)) # self.sol['state'][0] = y0 # if (self.visibility!=None): # self.sol['visibility'] = np.zeros((N, 6)) # visibilityState = self.visibility.ComputeVisibilityState() # if visibilityState[0]!=0.0: # appMagnitude = self.visibility.ComputeAppMagnitude() # self.sol['visibility'][0] = [appMagnitude,self.visibility.sumFobs\ # ,visibilityState[0],visibilityState[1],visibilityState[2]\ # ,visibilityState[3]] # k = 1 # while solver.successful() and solver.t < self.tShift: # solver.integrate(t[k]) # self.sol['state'][k] = solver.y # self.sol['time'].append(str(self.state.scStateOrekit.getDate())) # if (self.visibility!=None): # visibilityState = self.visibility.ComputeVisibilityState() # if visibilityState[0]!=0.0: # appMagnitude = self.visibility.ComputeAppMagnitude() # self.sol['visibility'][k] = [appMagnitude,self.visibility.sumFobs\ # ,visibilityState[0],visibilityState[1],visibilityState[2]\ # ,visibilityState[3]] # k += 1 # Otherwise use odeint else: start = time.time() # Setup propagator tvec = np.arange(0., 86400. * ndays + (0.1 * dt), dt) args = (spacecraftConfig, forcesCoeff, surfaces) int0 = spacecraftConfig['X'].flatten() print(int0) state = odeint(intfcn, int0, tvec, args, rtol=int_tol, atol=int_tol) # Print time print('Propagation Time:', time.time() - start) # Output time UTC0 = spacecraftConfig['time'] UTC_times = [UTC0 + timedelta(seconds=ti) for ti in tvec] return UTC_times, state