예제 #1
def interpolation_matrix_1d(fine_grid, coarse_grid, k=2, return_type="csc", periodic=False, T=1.0):
    We construct the interpolation matrix between two 1d grids, using lagrange interpolation.

    :param fine_grid: a one dimensional 1d array containing the nodes of the fine grid
    :param coarse_grid: a one dimensional 1d array containing the nodes of the coarse grid
    :param k: order of the restriction
    :return: a interpolation matrix
    M = np.zeros((fine_grid.size, coarse_grid.size))
    n_f = fine_grid.size

    for i, p in zip(range(n_f), fine_grid):
        if periodic:
            nn,cont_arr = next_neighbors_periodic(p, coarse_grid, k, T)
            circulating_one = np.asarray([1.0]+[0.0]*(k-1))
            lag_pol = []
            for l in range(k):
                lag_pol.append(intpl.lagrange(cont_arr, np.roll(circulating_one, l)))
            M[i, nn] = np.asarray(map(lambda x: x(p), lag_pol))
            nn = next_neighbors(p, coarse_grid, k)
        # construct the lagrange polynomials for the k neighbors
            circulating_one = np.asarray([1.0]+[0.0]*(k-1))
            lag_pol = []
            for l in range(k):
                lag_pol.append(intpl.lagrange(coarse_grid[nn], np.roll(circulating_one, l)))
            M[i, nn] = np.asarray(map(lambda x: x(p), lag_pol))
    return to_sparse(M, return_type)
def print_table_at_segment_for_g_and_fs(x_segment, xs):
    fs = map(lambda x: mega_f(x), xs[:])
    gs = map(lambda x: mega_g(x), xs[:])
    #using the x_i = x_i to make python to close over the value of x_i and not, the name that is "lazy watched" once
    omega = [(lambda x, x_i=x_i : x - x_i) for x_i in xs]
    f_lagrange = construct_Lagrange_polynomial(xs, fs, omega)
    g_lagrange = construct_Lagrange_polynomial(xs, gs, omega)
    p = sci.lagrange(xs, fs)
    q = sci.lagrange(xs, gs)
    #checking the results
    for i in range(len(xs)):
        assert abs(eval_Lagrange(g_lagrange, xs[i]) - gs[i]) < float_difference
        assert p(xs[i]) - eval_Lagrange(f_lagrange, xs[i]) < float_difference
        assert q(xs[i]) - eval_Lagrange(g_lagrange, xs[i]) < float_difference  
    # our interpolation degree 
    n = len(omega)
    # prepare lambda functions for absolute of (n+1 derivatives) of f and g
    abs_nth_der_f = lambda x, n=n, der1=nth_dif_of_cos(n + 1, float(1)/3), der2=nth_dif_of_sin(n + 1, float(1)/2):    abs(der1(x) - der2(x))
    abs_nth_der_g = lambda x, n=n, g1=nth_dif_of_cos(n + 1, float(5)) :     abs(g1(x))
    #calculate their max values
    max_f_der_value = stupid_max(abs_nth_der_f, x_segment)
    assert max_f_der_value >= 0
    max_g_der_value = stupid_max(abs_nth_der_g, x_segment)
    assert max_g_der_value
    print abs_nth_der_f(0) >= 0
    print "Max values: |f`", n,"|", max_f_der_value, " ; |g`",n,"|", max_g_der_value
    #construct As
    A_f = lambda x, omega=omega : (abs(numpy.prod(map(lambda factor : factor(x), omega))) * max_f_der_value) / float(factorial(n + 1))
    A_g = lambda x : (abs(numpy.prod(map(lambda factor : factor(x), omega))) * max_g_der_value) / float(factorial(n + 1))
    # prepare yourself for iterating
    h = float(x_segment[-1] - x_segment[0]) / float(part_amount)
    print h
    #Print the target tables
    header = "-" * 11 + "Table for F at" + str(x_segment) + "-" *11
    print header
    print "-" * len(header)
    print_table(x_segment, h, mega_f, f_lagrange, A_f)
    print "-" * len(header)
    header = "-" * 11 + "Table for G at" + str(x_segment) + "-" * 11
    print header
    print "-" * len(header)
    print_table(x_segment, h, mega_g, g_lagrange, A_g)
    print "-" * len(header)
    f_eval = lambda x : mega_f(x)
    g_eval = lambda x : mega_g(x)
    f_lagr_eval = lambda x: eval_Lagrange(f_lagrange, x)
    g_lagr_eval = lambda x: eval_Lagrange(g_lagrange, x)
    #f_lagr_eval = lambda x, f=f_lagrange: numpy.sum(map(lambda factor: factor(x), f_lagrange))
    mpmath.plot([f_eval, f_lagr_eval], x_segment)
    mpmath.plot([g_eval, g_lagr_eval], x_segment)
def return_polynomial_coefficients(curve_list):
	xdata = [x[0] for x in curve_list]
	ydata = [x[1] for x in curve_list]
	p = interpolate.lagrange(xdata, ydata)
	return p
예제 #4
    def _pd(self):
        m2, m3, nd, ld, type = self._m2, self._m3, self._nd,  self._ld, self._type
        if type == 1:
            dx = ld/(nd-1)
            p02 = Point(0, 1.0)
            dy1 = m2*dx
            p12 = p02 + Point(dx, dy1, 0.0, 0.0)
            pn2 = Point( ld, self._Aout)
            dy2 = m3*dx
            pn_12 = pn2 - Point(dx, dy2, 0.0, 0.0)
            pint =  [p02, p12, pn_12, pn2]
            n = len(pint)
            x = np.ones(n)
            y = np.ones(n)
            for i in xrange(n):
                x[i], y[i], nul1, nul2 = pint[i].split()
            xp = np.ones(nd)
            for i in xrange(nd):
                xp[i] =  i*dx     
        from scipy import interpolate
        f = interpolate.lagrange(x, y)
        yp = f(xp)
#         print x, y
#         print xp, yp
#         f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y)
        pct = []
        for i in xrange(nd):
            pct.append(Point(xp[i], yp[i]))
#         pct.append(pn1)  
        return pct
def ployinterp_column(s,n,k=5):
    # 取数
    y = s[list(range(n-k,n))+list(range(n+1,n+1+k))]
    # 删除空值
    y = y[y.notnull()]
    # 插值并返回插值结果
    return lagrange(y.index,list(y))(n)
예제 #6
    def _interpolate_boundary_constraints(self, ts):

        stage_starts = [0.]
        for i in xrange(self.nk-1):
            stage_starts += [self.var.h_op[self._get_stage_index(i)] +
        stage_starts = pd.Series(stage_starts)
        stages = stage_starts.searchsorted(ts, side='right') - 1

        for ki in range(self.nk):
            for ji in xrange(1, self.d+1):

                x = {met : var_op for met, var_op in 
                     zip(self.boundary_species, self.var.x_op[k,j])}

                interp = lagrange(self.col_vars['tau_root'], 
                                      self.var.x_op[ki, :, ni]) /

                out[stages == ki, ni] = interp(
                    (ts[stages == ki] - stage_starts[ki]) /

        return out
def intgl_simp38(f,a,b,steps=-1,h=1):
    if steps>0:
        xis = np.linspace(a,b,steps+1)
        h  = xis[1]-xis[0]
    fxis = f(xis)
    wis = np.zeros(steps+1)
    pcs = []; fpcs = []
    for i in xrange(0,steps-2,3):
        wis[i:i+4] += [1,3,3,1]
    wis *= 3*h/8
    if steps%3==2:
        wis[-3:] += [h/3,4*h/3,h/3]
    elif steps%3==1:
        wis[-2:] += [h/2,h/2]
    fapprox = lambda x: np.piecewise(x,
                                     [np.logical_and(p[0]<=x,x<=p[-1]) for p in pcs],
                                     [lagrange(pcs[i],fpcs[i]) for i in xrange(len(pcs))])# np.interp(x,xis,fxis)
    # fapprox = lambda x: np.interp(x,xis,fxis)
    return (sum(fxis*wis),xis,fxis,wis,fapprox) # h/2 * sum(np.array([f(x) for x in xs]) * np.array([1]+[2]*(len(xs)-2)+[1]))
def test_interp_telles():
    # The problem I solve:
    # exact is from mathematica
    sing_pt = 1.005;
    denom = lambda x: (sing_pt - x) ** 2;
    numer = lambda x: x ** 3;
    f = lambda x: numer(x) / denom(x);
    exact_f = lambda s: (s * (-4 + 6 * s ** 2 - 3 * s * (-1 + s ** 2) * \
                                (log((-1 - s) / (1 - s))))) / (-1 + s ** 2)
    exact = exact_f(sing_pt)

    # Solved with standard Telles quadrature
    x_nearest = 1.0;
    D = sing_pt - 1.0;
    N = 14;
    [tx, tw] = telles_quasi_singular(N, x_nearest, D);
    est_telles = np.sum(f(tx) * tw)

    # Solved with gauss quadrature
    [gx, gw] = gaussxw(N)
    est_gauss = np.sum(f(gx) * gw)

    # Solved with interpolation and Telles quadrature
    # X = Interpolation Points
    X = gx;
    # Y = Value of function at the interpolation points
    Y = f(gx) * denom(gx);
    # WARNING, WARNING, WARNING: This implementation of lagrange interpolation
    # is super unstable. I just downloaded it from somewhere online. A
    # reimplementation using barycentric Lagrange interpolation is necessary to
    # go above N = appx 20.
    P = spi.lagrange(X, Y)

    est_interp_telles = sum(P(tx) / denom(tx) * tw)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(est_telles, est_interp_telles)
예제 #9
 def _find_coefficients(self):
   polynomials = []
   for curve in self.curves:
     xdata = [x[0] for x in curve]
     ydata = [x[1] for x in curve]
     p = interpolate.lagrange(xdata, ydata)
   return polynomials
def intgl_glquad(f,a,b,n):
    ans = spintegrate.fixed_quad(f,a,b,n=n)
    xis,wis = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(n)
    # print(xis,wis)
    xis = (b+a)/2 + (b-a)/2*xis
    fxis = f(xis)
    wis = (b-a)/2*wis
    return (ans[0],xis,fxis,wis,lagrange(xis,fxis))
예제 #11
    def lagrangeBasis(self, x):
        "Returns lagrange interpolant which has value 1 in x"

        xGrid = self.getList()
        yGrid = [0]*len(self.wnodes)
        i = xGrid.index(x)
        yGrid[i] = 1
        return lagrange(xGrid, yGrid)
예제 #12
파일: pol.py 프로젝트: Euler91/Tesis
def card_poly(k):
	x = []
	y = []
	for i in range(k + 1):
		n = k + 2 + i
		y.append(Ank.card_ank(n, k))
	p = si.lagrange(x, y)
	return p
예제 #13
 def _interpol_init_guess(self):
     Pig = self._Pig
     n = len(Pig)
     x = np.ones(n)
     y = np.ones(n)
     for i in xrange(n):
         x[i], y[i], nul1, nul2 = Pig[i].split()
     from scipy import interpolate
     f = interpolate.lagrange(x, y)
     self._yp = f(self._xp)     
예제 #14
파일: curves.py 프로젝트: fish2000/instakit
 def interpolate(self, mode=InterpolateMode.LAGRANGE):
     xy = self.asarray()
     if mode == InterpolateMode.LAGRANGE or mode is None:
         delegate = interpolate.lagrange(xy.T[0],
         kind = InterpolateMode(mode).to_string()
         delegate = interpolate.interp1d(xy.T[0],
                                         xy.T[1], kind=kind)
     self.delegate = delegate
     return self
예제 #15
def matrixN(tau, rows=-1, last_value=1.0):
    n = tau.shape[0]
    if rows == -1:
        rows = n
    N = np.zeros((rows, n))
    # construct the lagrange polynomials
    circulating_one = np.asarray([1.0]+[0.0]*(n-1))
    lag_pol = []
    for i in range(n):
        lag_pol.append(intpl.lagrange(tau, np.roll(circulating_one, i)))
        N[:, i] = -np.ones(rows)*lag_pol[-1](last_value)
    return N
예제 #16
파일: 101.py 프로젝트: wxv/PyPE
def lazy():
    from scipy import interpolate

    x = list(range(1, 11))
    y = [u(n) for n in range(1, 11)]

    FITs = 0
    for d in range(1, 11):
        z = interpolate.lagrange(x[:d], y[:d])
        FITs += round(z(d+1))

    return FITs
예제 #17
 def updateApproximation(self):
   self.logger.debug('entering updateApproximation')
   self.logger.debug('self.x = \n%s'  % self.x)
   self.logger.debug('self.fx = \n%s' % self.fx)
   if len(self.x[0]) == 1: # we are dealing with the one-dimensional case
     self.logger.debug('self.x[0] == 1')
     xIn = self.sorted_x.copy()
     fIn = self.sorted_fx.copy()
     withinDistance = ( self.sortedNormedDistances[1] / self.sortedNormedDistances ) < 10
     withinDistance[0] = True # need at least two values
     withinDistance[1] = True # 
     if self.protected_ix:
       self.logger.debug('protected exists')
         lenProtected_ix = len(self.protected_ix)
         lenProtected_ix = 1
       actual_nIntpoints_max = self.nIntpoints_max - lenProtected_ix
       withinDistance[self.protected_ix] = True # protected_ix must always be carried over
       self.logger.debug('protected doesnt exist')
       actual_nIntpoints_max = self.nIntpoints_max
     actual_nIntpoints = np.min([actual_nIntpoints_max, len(xIn)])
     self.logger.debug('actual_nIntpoints = %s' % actual_nIntpoints)
     self.logger.debug('len(xIn) = %s' % len(xIn))
     withinMaxIntpoints = np.array([ True ] * actual_nIntpoints + [ False ] * ( len(xIn) - actual_nIntpoints ) )
     withinMaxIntpoints[self.protected_ix] = True
     self.logger.debug('withinMaxIntpoints = %s' % withinMaxIntpoints)
     self.logger.debug('withinDistance = %s' % withinDistance)
     self.intPoints_ix = withinMaxIntpoints * withinDistance
     xIn = xIn[self.intPoints_ix]
     fIn = fIn[self.intPoints_ix]
     self.logger.debug('after nIntpoints  xIn = %s \n' % xIn)
     self.logger.debug('after nIntpoints  fIn = %s \n' % fIn)
     self.logger.debug('transforming fIn:')
     fIn = np.log((1. - self.target_fx) + fIn)
     self.logger.debug('sending xIn = %s to lagrange\n' % xIn)
     self.logger.debug('sending fIn = %s to lagrange\n' % fIn)
     ### create approximation ###
     self.gx = si.lagrange(xIn[:, 0], fIn)
     ### -------------------- ###
     self.logger.debug('multi-dimensional case not implemented... exiting')
   if self.makePlots:
   self.logger.debug('done updating approximation')
예제 #18
 def join(self, parts):
   secret = ''
   pieces = zip(*parts)
   for piece in pieces:
     domains = [d for (d, r) in piece]
     ranges = [r for (d, r) in piece]
     poly = interpolate.lagrange(domains, ranges)
     # Convert an integer into a hexidecimal string, less the leading '0x'
     # part added by the `hex` built-in.
     constant = hex(int(poly.coeffs[poly.order]))[2:]
     # Add padding in case it is missing.
     if len(constant) % 2:
       constant = '0' + constant
     secret += binascii.unhexlify(constant)
   return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(secret)
예제 #19
def interpolate_to_t_end(nodes_on_unit, values):
    Assume a GaussLegendre nodes, we are interested in the value at the end of
    the interval, but we now only the values in the interior of the interval.
    We compute the value by legendre interpolation.
    :param nodes_on_unit: nodes transformed to the unit interval
    :param values: values on those nodes
    :return: interpolation to the end of the interval
    n = nodes_on_unit.shape[0]
    circulating_one = np.asarray([1.0]+[0.0]*(n-1))
    lag_pol = []
    result = np.zeros(values[0].shape)
    for i in range(n):
        lag_pol.append(intpl.lagrange(nodes_on_unit, np.roll(circulating_one, i)))
        result += values[i]*lag_pol[-1](1.0)
    return result
예제 #20
    def _interpolate_solution(self, ts):

        h = self.tf / self.nk
        stage_starts = pd.Series(h * np.arange(self.nk))
        stages = stage_starts.searchsorted(ts, side='right') - 1

        out = np.empty((len(ts), self.nx))
        for ki in range(self.nk):
            for ni in range(self.nx):
                interp = lagrange(self.col_vars['tau_root'], 
                                  self.var.x_op[ki, :, ni])

                out[stages == ki, ni] = interp(
                    (ts[stages == ki] - stage_starts[ki])/h)

        return out
    def interpolate2(self, fubar, timing, interp):
        l = len(fubar)
        x = np.linspace(0, l-1, num=l, endpoint=True)
        y = fubar
        # f = interp1d(x,y)
        if interp == 'cubic' or interp == 'linear':
            f2 = interp1d(x,y, kind=interp)
        elif interp == 'lagrange':
            f2 = lagrange(x, y)
            raise ValueError('Invalid interpolation type!')
        steps = 0
        for t in timing['Timer']:
            steps += int(t * 8/50.0)

        xnew = np.linspace(0, l-1, num=steps, endpoint=True)

        fx = [self.mapp(f) for f in f2(xnew)]

        return fx
예제 #22
    def _interpolate_solution(self, ts):

        out = np.empty((len(ts), self.nx))
        stage_starts = [0.]
        for i in xrange(self.nk-1):
            stage_starts += [self.var.h_op[self._get_stage_index(i)] +
        stage_starts = pd.Series(stage_starts)
        stages = stage_starts.searchsorted(ts, side='right') - 1

        for ki in range(self.nk):
            for ni in range(self.nx):
                interp = lagrange(self.col_vars['tau_root'], 
                                  self.var.x_op[ki, :, ni])

                out[stages == ki, ni] = interp(
                    (ts[stages == ki] - stage_starts[ki]) /

        return out
예제 #23
파일: integration.py 프로젝트: muhl/PhaC
def integrate1d_romberg(f,a,b,N):
    if a == b:
        return 0
    k = np.log2(N)
    if not k % 1 == 0:
        raise ValueError("N has to be a power of 2")
    k = int(k)
    h = b - a
    tf = h*(f(a)+f(b))/2.
    h_list = [h]
    tf_list = [tf]
    for i in range(0,k):
        tf = 0.5*tf + 0.5 * h * sum(f(a+(np.arange(0,2**i) + 0.5)*h))
        h *= 0.5
    tf = np.array(tf_list)
    h = np.array(h_list)
    return lagrange(h**2, tf)(0)
def intgl_simp13(f,a,b,steps=-1,h=1):
    if steps>0:
        xis = np.linspace(a,b,steps+1)
        h  = xis[1]-xis[0]
    fxis = f(xis)
    wis = np.zeros(steps+1)
    pcs = []; fpcs = []
    for i in xrange(0,steps-1,2):
        wis[i:i+3] += [1,4,1]
    wis *= h/3
    if steps%2:
        wis[-2:] += [h/2.0,h/2.0]
    # print(wis)
    fapprox = lambda x: np.piecewise(x,
                                     [np.logical_and(p[0]<=x,x<=p[-1]) for p in pcs],
                                     [lagrange(pcs[i],fpcs[i]) for i in xrange(len(pcs))])# np.interp(x,xis,fxis)
    return (sum(fxis*wis),xis,fxis,wis,fapprox) # h/2 * sum(np.array([f(x) for x in xs]) * np.array([1]+[2]*(len(xs)-2)+[1]))
예제 #25
파일: basis_funcs.py 프로젝트: pbena/codim1
def basis_from_nodes(nodes):
    Create a interpolated polynomial basis from arbitrary nodes.
    n_fncs = len(nodes)
    fncs = np.empty((n_fncs, n_fncs))
    derivs = np.empty((n_fncs, n_fncs))
    for (i, n) in enumerate(nodes):
        w = np.zeros_like(nodes)
        w[i] = 1.0
        # scipy.interpolate.lagrange has trouble above 20 nodes, but that
        # shouldn't be an issue for this code
        poly = spi.lagrange(nodes, w)
        fncs[i, :] = poly.c
        derivs[i, 0] = 0.0
        derivs[i, 1:] = poly.deriv().c
    point_sources = []
    point_sources.append([0.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    point_sources.append([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    point_source_dependency = [0, n_fncs - 1]
    return PolyBasis(fncs, derivs, point_sources,
                     point_source_dependency, nodes)
예제 #26
파일: tests.py 프로젝트: archphy/nummpy
def t_interpol():
	print 'interpol...'
	def test_it(expected, result, max_error):
		max_diff = max(abs(expected-result))
		if max_diff < max_error:
			print 'OK'
			print 'FAIL'
			print '		Expected:', expected
			print '		Got:', result
			print '		Difference:', max_diff
			print '		Tolerance:', max_error
	# How much can the tests differ from the expected results? Adjust 
	# according to the method and data set used.
	max_error = 10**-6
	print '	Lagrange...',
	# The function used in the testing, change it if you want
	def f(x):		
		return numpy.sin(2*numpy.pi*x)+numpy.cos(3*numpy.pi*x)
	xs = numpy.arange(-1, 1, 10**-1)
	ys = f(xs)
	expected = numpy.array(interpolate.lagrange(xs, ys).c[::-1])
	x = sympy.symbols('x')
	result_ = sympy.simplify(interpol.lagrange(x, xs, ys))
	result = []
	for i in xrange(len(expected)):
		result.append(result_.coeff(x, i))
	result = numpy.array(result)
	test_it(expected, result, max_error)
예제 #27
    def _pc(self):
        m1, m2, nc, lc, type = self._m1, self._m2, self._nc, self._lc, self._type
            equispaced control point along x
        if type == 1:
            dx = lc/(nc-1)
            dy1 = dx*m1
            p01 = Point(-lc, self._Ain)
            p11 = p01 + Point(dx, dy1, 0.0, 0.0)
            pn1 = Point(0.0, 1.0)
            dy2 = dx*m2
            pn_11 = pn1 - Point(dx,dy2, 0.0, 0.0)
            pint = [p01, p11, pn_11, pn1]
            n = len(pint)
            x = np.ones(n)
            y = np.ones(n)
            for i in xrange(n):
                x[i], y[i] = pint[i].split()
            xp = np.ones(nc)
            for i in xrange(nc):
                xp[i] = -lc +  i*dx     
        from scipy import interpolate
        f = interpolate.lagrange(x, y)
        yp = f(xp)
#         print x, y
#         print xp, yp
#         f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y)
        pct = []
        for i in xrange(nc):
            pct.append(Point(xp[i], yp[i]))
#         pct.append(pn1)  
        return pct        
def ployinterp_column(s, n, k=3):
  y = s[list(range(n-k, n)) + list(range(n+1, n+1+k))] #取数
  y = y[y.notnull()] #剔除空值
  return lagrange(y.index, list(y))(n) # 最后的括号就是我们要插值的n
#Polinomio de lagrange punto 13, grado 2
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import lagrange
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = np.array([4410000, 4830000, 5250000])
y = np.array([1165978, 1329190, 1501474])

polinomio = lagrange(x, y)
xi = 5000000
yi = polinomio(xi)

xs = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max())
ys = polinomio(xs)

plt.plot(x, y, 'o')
plt.plot(xi, yi, 'sr')
plt.plot(xs, ys, ':')

예제 #30
def lagrangeMethod():
    #Leer Xi del usuario
    #Los while validan que el usuario escriba un valor correcto
    while True:
            iteration_num = int(input('¿Cuantas iteraciones vas a calcular? '))
            if iteration_num > 0:
                print("O P C I Ó N   N O   V A L I D A")
        except ValueError:
            print("O P C I Ó N   N O   V A L I D A")
    print('Introduce los valores de Xi')
    Xi = np.array([0.00] * iteration_num)
    for i in range(0, iteration_num):
        while True:
                Xi[i] = float(input('Xi en la posición {}: '.format(i)))
            except ValueError:
                print("O P C I Ó N   N O   V A L I D A")
    #Leer f(Xi) del usuario
    print('Introduce los valores de f(Xi)')
    fXi = np.array([0.00] * iteration_num)
    for i in range(0, iteration_num):
        while True:
                fXi[i] = float(input('f(Xi) en la posición {}: '.format(i)))
            except ValueError:
                print("O P C I Ó N   N O   V A L I D A")
    #Lee la posicion de X que busca el usuario
    while True:
            question = str(input('¿Deseas calcular algún valor? || Si/No '))
        except ValueError:
            print("O P C I Ó N   N O   V A L I D A")
    #Variables inicializadas
    work = False
    user_xi = 0
    result = 0
    if question.upper() == 'SI':
        while True:
                user_xi = float(input('¿Qué valor deseas calcular? '))
            except ValueError:
                print("O P C I Ó N   N O   V A L I D A")
        #Con resultado
        work = True
        #Aqui va el resultado
        result = calculate(Xi, fXi, user_xi)
        graph(Xi, fXi, user_xi, result, iteration_num, work)
        print('El resultado de f(Xi) en el punto Xi = {:.2f} es de {:.4f}'.
              format(user_xi, result))
        #Sin resultado
        graph(Xi, fXi, user_xi, result, iteration_num, work)
    #Crea el polinomio en formato legible
    polynomial = lagrange(Xi, fXi)
    print_table(Xi, fXi, iteration_num)
예제 #31
def gen_poly(y):
    x = range(0, len(y))
    poly = lagrange(x, y)
    poly = [float(x) for x in reversed(poly.coefficients)]
    return poly
예제 #32
def levantar_polinomio_lagrange(dados_x, dados_y):
    polinomio = lagrange(dados_x, dados_y)
    return polinomio 
예제 #33
def ploy(s, n, k=3):   # 拉格朗日插值函数
    y = s.reindex(list(range(n-k, n))+list(range(n+1, n+1+k))) # 取数
    y = y[y.notnull()]
    return lagrange(y.index, list(y))(n)
def lagrangeInterp(x, y, x_interp):
    func = interpolate.lagrange(x, y)
    y_interp = func(x_interp)
    return y_interp
예제 #35
def ployinterp_column(s, n, k=5):
    y = s[list(range(n - k, n)) + list(range(n, n + k + 1))]
    y = y[y.notnull()]
    return lagrange(y.index, list(y))(n)
예제 #36
def f2(x):
    return (np.exp(np.cos(x)))

#dense points
#uniform points
#chebyshev points
for i in range(1,n+1):
    x_chebyshev[i-1]=np.cos((2*i - 1) * np.pi/(2*n))

# lagrange with uniform points
# cubic spines with uniform points
# lagrange with chebyshev points

o,=plt.plot(x,f1(x),label='original function with uniform points')
lu,=plt.plot(x,lu(x),label='lagrange with uniform points')
cs,=plt.plot(x,cs(x),label='cubic spines with uniform points')
lc,=plt.plot(x,lc(x),label='lagrange with chebyshev points')
plt.legend(handles=[o,lu,cs,lc],bbox_to_anchor=(0.6, 0.6))
plt.title('three interpolants and the original function')   
x = [
    14.6, 14.7, 14.6, 14.8, 15.2, 15.6, 15.7, 17.0, 17.6, 17.5, 17.3, 16.8,
    15.4, 14.8, 14.4, 14.5, 15.0, 15.1, 15.0, 14.9, 14.6, 14.3, 14.0, 13.9,
    13.8, 13.5, 13.1, 13.0, 13.3, 13.2, 13.1, 12.9, 12.4, 11.9, 11.7, 11.6,
    11.3, 10.9, 10.7, 10.6, 10.6, 10.1, 9.7, 9.4, 9.3, 9.6, 9.9, 10.1, 10.2,
    10.3, 9.10, 8.6, 7.5, 7.0, 6.7, 6.6, 7.70, 8.00, 8.10, 8.40, 9.00, 9.30,
    10, 10.2, 10.3, 10.0, 9.50
y = [
    14.7, 14.0, 13.4, 12.3, 11.0, 10.5, 10.2, 8.20, 7.10, 6.70, 6.60, 6.80,
    8.30, 8.80, 9.30, 8.80, 6.30, 5.50, 5.00, 4.70, 4.60, 4.50, 4.90, 5.40,
    5.80, 6.90, 8.20, 7.60, 5.80, 4.50, 4.30, 3.90, 4.20, 5.70, 7.00, 7.90,
    8.20, 7.30, 6.70, 5.50, 5.10, 4.60, 4.7, 5.0, 5.5, 7.2, 7.8, 8.60, 9.40,
    10.0, 10.7, 9.9, 9.0, 9.1, 9.3, 9.7, 11.7, 12.3, 12.5, 13.0, 13.9, 14.9,
    16, 16.4, 16.8, 10.7, 11.0

f1 = lagrange(x[32:36], y[32:36])

x1 = np.linspace(x[32], x[35], 10)
y1 = f1(x1)

plt.plot(x1, y1, label='interpolación lagrange')
plt.plot(x, y, 'x', mew=2, label='Datos')


예제 #38
def ployinterp_column(s, n, k=5):  # s为列向量 n为被插值的位置 k代表取前后五个数据
    y = s[list(range(n - k, n)) + list(range(n + 1, n + 1 + k))]  #取数
    y = y[y.notnull()]  #剔除空值
    return lagrange(y.index, list(y))(n)  #插值并返回结果
예제 #39
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import lagrange
from sympy import *
#Coordenadas de la funciones F(x) y G(x)
x_f = [3, 0.5, -2]
y_f = [0, 6.25, 0]
x_g = [0.30278, -1.5, -3.3028]
y_g = [0, -3.25, 0]

x = symbols('x')
#Interpolacion de las funciones
fx = lagrange(x_f, y_f)
gx = lagrange(x_g, y_g)
print('interpo: ', fx)
print('interpo: ', gx)

#Busqueda de puntos de corte y conversion de poli1d a funcion
expresionAB = fx - gx
funcionAB = expresionAB.__call__(x)
derivadaF = funcionAB.diff(x)

#Declaracion del X inicial y tolerancia
X0 = -5
Tol = 0.0001
cont_iteraciones = 0.0
err = 1.0

#Busqueda de raices de la funcion
while (err > Tol) & (cont_iteraciones < 50.0):

# mejorCaso = np.array([1685.4,3848.8,7012,9205.8,10321.4,11572.8,10519.2,15604,12448.4,16273.6])
# peorCaso = np.array([639109,2.66626e+06,6.22243e+06,1.1447e+07,1.84727e+07,2.71582e+07,3.77588e+07,5.01973e+07,6.44684e+07,8.09294e+07])

# peorCaso = np.array([1457,2173,3109,4427,5207,6045,7091,7547,8605,9105,9955,10104,11430,12085,13260,14430,15644,16441,17814])
# mejorCaso = np.array([1015,1104,1269,1430,1685,2016,2162,3966,3956,3997,4695,4268,4567,4350,4493,4685,5925,5411,5685])

xdel1 = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
x1 = np.array([
    1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500, 6000, 6500,
    7000, 7500, 8000, 8500, 9000, 9500, 10000
x2 = np.array([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000])

inter = lagrange(x2, Promedios)

# peorCaso = np.array([0.000004,0.000016,0.000035,0.000038,0.000085,0.000207,0.000166,0.000208,0.00026,0.000406,0.000383,0.000493,0.000615])
# mejorCaso = np.array([0.000005,0.000004,0.000008,0.000009,0.000009,0.00001,0.000011,0.000011,0.000012,0.000013,0.000014,0.000016,0.000016])
# inter1 = lagrange(x2,mejorCaso)
# ,
# inter2 = lagrange(x2,peorCaso)

x = np.linspace(1, 100000, num=3000000, endpoint=True)

# x, 0.3*x,'b-','b-',x2,inter2(x2),'ys-',x2,inter1(x2),'g*-',
plt.plot(x, 0.01 * (x + (x * x) / 2), x2,
         inter(x2) / 100, 'r^-', x2, peorCaso / 100, 'ys-', x2,
         mejorCaso / 100, 'g*-', xdel1 * 1000, p1000 / 100, '.', xdel1 * 2000,
         p2000 / 100, '.', xdel1 * 3000, p3000 / 100, '.', xdel1 * 4000,
         p4000 / 100, '.', xdel1 * 5000, p5000 / 100, '.', xdel1 * 6000,
예제 #41
from scipy.interpolate import splrep, splev, lagrange
from numpy import exp

DELTA = 0.0000000001

def f(x):
    return 1 - exp(-x)

def F(x, c):
    return x + exp(-x) + c

def spline_func(x):
    array_of_x,  array_of_y = make_arrays(0, 3, 0.3)
    spline_coefficients = splrep(array_of_x, array_of_y)
    return splev(x, spline_coefficients)

def make_arrays(x0, x1, h):
    array_of_x = numpy.arange(x0, x1 + DELTA, h)
    array_of_y = numpy.array([f(xk) for xk in array_of_x])
    return array_of_x, array_of_y

array_of_x,  array_of_y = make_arrays(0, 3, 0.3)

polynom = lagrange(array_of_x, array_of_y)
print('Integral of f(x): ' + str(F(3, 0) - F(0, 0)))
y, _ = quad(spline_func, 0, 3)
print('Integral of spline: ' + str(y))
y, _ = quad(polynom, 0, 3)
print('Integral of polynom: ' + str(y)) 
예제 #42
def _optimize_curve_parameter(curve,
    r"""Vary a parameter to minimize the required resolution.

    This varies a parameter and repeatedly checks the residual expansion of
    the resulting curve to see at which value the residual has its minimal
    value. This should lead to a lower required resolution when using the
    found parameter value for reparametrizing the curve.
    def _p(msg):
        if verbose:

    res_cache = dict() if _cache is None else _cache

    def _max_residual(num, value):
        key = (num, value)
            return res_cache[key]
        except KeyError:
        modified_curve = set_value(value, num=num)
        c1 = RefParamCurve.from_curve(modified_curve,
        space = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 2 * num + 1, endpoint=False)[1:]
        residual = np.absolute(c1.expansions(params=space)).max()
        res_cache[key] = residual
        return residual

    a = x0
    if num is None:
        if threshold_factor is None or res_decrease_factor is None:
            raise TypeError("With `num` not specified, `threshold_factor` "
                            "and `res_decrease_factor` are mandatory.")
        err0 = _max_residual(num=curve.num, value=a)
        _p("residual expansion after conversion: %s" % err0)
        threshold = threshold_factor * err0
        num = curve.num
        while True:
            num = res_decrease_factor * num
            if _max_residual(num=int(num), value=a) >= threshold:
        num = int(num)
    _p("performing search with resolution %s" % num)

    def f(x):
        value = _max_residual(num=num, value=x)
        _p("  residual for value=%s is: %.6e" % (x, value))
        return value

    def _step(x):
        x1 = factor * x
        return min(x1, max_value) if max_value else x1

    fa = f(a)
    b = _step(a)
    fb = f(b)
    if fb >= fa:
        factor = 1. / factor
        c = _step(a)
        fc = f(c)
        if fc >= fa:
            # worse or equal in both directions
            data = sorted(
                # set() removes any duplicate entries
                set([(a, fa), (b, fb), (c, fc)]),
                key=lambda x: x[0])
            xs, ys = zip(*data)
            if len(xs) < 3:
                if recursions > 0:
                    smaller_factor = 0.5 * (factor - 1.0) + 1.0
                    opt = x0 * smaller_factor
                    _p("Ending search at boundary.")
                    return (a, num) if full_output else a
                opt = lagrange(xs, np.log10(ys)).deriv().roots.real[0]
            if recursions > 0:
                _p("Worse or equal in both directions. Recursing...")
                new_factor = _limit_factor_shrinking(
                    opt / x0,
                opt = _optimize_curve_parameter(
                    recursions=recursions - 1,
            return (opt, num) if full_output else opt
        a, b = b, c
        fa, fb = fb, fc
    while True:
        c = _step(b)
        if c == b:
            _p("Search reached boundary. Ending here.")
            return (c, num) if full_output else c
        fc = f(c)
        if fc > fb:
            opt = lagrange([a, b, c], np.log10([fa, fb,
            return (opt, num) if full_output else opt
        a, b = b, c
        fa, fb = fb, fc
예제 #43
파일: p4.py 프로젝트: xchma/ay190
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.interpolate as interp
from matplotlib import rc

time=data[:,0]; mag=data[:,1];

# Lagrange interpolation

# piecewise linear

# piecewise cubic

# cubic Hermite interpolation

# natural cubic spline

# set the axes and ticks of the plots
예제 #44
t21 = np.arange(-1, 1, 0.1)
y21 = [functionOriginal(item) for item in t21]
#for elem in y21:
# print(str(round(elem,5)))

#Todo calculate values of splines

tck21 = interpolate.splrep(t21, y21, k=3, s=0)
sol = np.array(interpolate.splev(np.array([-0.95, 0.11, 0.76]), tck21))
sol = [round(item, 5) for item in sol]
print('solucion para splines en valores [-0.95,0.11,0.76]:: ')

#p20_r = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(t21, y21, 20))
p20_r = lagrange(t21, y21)
value = [round(p20_r(e), 5) for e in [-0.95, 0.11, 0.76]]
print('solucion para poly 20 en valores [-0.95,0.11,0.76]:: ')
list_fo21 = [functionOriginal(xi) for xi in [-0.95, 0.11, 0.76]]
print('solucion para original en valores [-0.95,0.11,0.76]:: ')

print(str(np.round(list_fo21, 5)))

# observamos que los polinomios interpolantes estan mas cerca , pero aun asi por la naturaleza del polinomio de la grange
# hya ciertas partes que tienen a desviarse abruptamente cuando llega a los extremos.
#un poco mas ajustado los valores respecto a la funcion original para splines.
lin50 = np.arange(-1, 1, 0.1)
list21_spline = np.array(interpolate.splev(lin50, tck21))
list21_poly = p20_r(lin50)
from scipy.interpolate import lagrange
from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import Polynomial
import Fermat
import numpy as np

x = np.array([0, 1, 2])
y = [41, 43, 47]

poly = lagrange(x, y)
a = Polynomial(poly).coef

liste = []
cpt = 0
dcpt = []
for i in range(1000):
    res = int(poly(i))
    if res > 1:
        if Fermat.fermat(res):

            cpt += 1


            if len(liste) > 0:

            cpt = 0
            liste = []
예제 #46
def ployinterp_column(s, n, k=5):
    y = s[list(range(n - k, n)) + list(range(n + 1, n + 1 + k))]  # 取数
    y = y[y.notnull()]  # 剔除空值
    return lagrange(y.index, list(y))(n)  # 插值并返回插值结果
예제 #47
       #Si la opción dentro del rango es SI ingresa al if
       if(op == 1):
           while True:
               #Solicita el valor de la x, la cual debe estar entre el rango de las x ingresadas como par ordenado
               xi = int(input("\n\tIngrese el valor de X a interpolar: "))
               #Si es mayor o menor a este rango, se imprimirá un mensaje y repetira el bucle
               if xi < xmin:
                   print("\n\tIngresa un valor que se encuentre entre "+str(xmin)+" y "+str(xmax))
               elif xi > xmax:
                   print("\n\tIngresa un valor que se encuentre entre "+str(xmin)+" y "+str(xmax))

#Se realiza el polinomio de lagrange mediante la libreria scipy
p = lagrange(x, y)

#Solicitamos un rango de numero con intervalos 0.1 entre la x maximo y minima de los pares ordenados
xprueba = np.arange(xmin, (xmax + 0.1), 0.1)
yprueba = []

#Se prueban los valoren en x para el polinomio de lagrange
for i in xprueba:
    #Se rellena el vector y que será utilizado para el gráfico

#Se imprimen los puntos ingresados por el usuario en el gráfico y los obtenidos en las pruebas
plt.plot(x , y, 'ok', label='puntos conocidos')
plt.plot(xprueba, yprueba, '--k', label='valores verdaderos')

#Etiquetas de los ejes
예제 #48
 def lagrange_interpolate(shares):
     xs = [idx for idx, _ in shares]
     ys = [share for _, share in shares]
     return CustomPolynomial(lagrange(xs, ys)).coef[-1]
예제 #49
def ployinter(n,k=50):
	y = data['distance_from_home'][list(range(n-k,n)) + list(range(n+1,n+1+k))]
	y = y[y.notnull()] #剔除空值
	return lagrange(y.index,list(y))(n)
예제 #50
파일: task2.py 프로젝트: kaerser/good
def ployinterp_column(s, n, k=5):
	y = s[list(range(n-k, n)) + list(range(n+1, n+1+k))]
	y = y[y.notnull()]
	return lagrange(y.index, list(y))(n)
예제 #51
def ployinterp_column(s, n, k=5):
    y = s.reindex(list(range(n - k, n)) + list(range(n + 1, n + 1 + k)))
    y = y[y.notnull()]  #剔除空值
    return lagrange(y.index, list(y))(n)  #插值并返回插值结果n
예제 #52
    ax.plot(xVals, fxVals)
    # plot actual values (non standardized)
    ax.plot(self.x, self.fx, marker = 'o', markersize = 2, linestyle = '')
    ax.plot(self.sorted_x[self.intPoints_ix], self.sorted_fx[self.intPoints_ix], marker = 'o', markersize = 2, linestyle = '', color = 'r')
    # xVals = np.linspace(-1., 0., 1.e2)
    # fxVals = np.log((1. - self.target_fx) + fIn)
    figureFile = os.path.join(self.optimFolder, 'lagrangeApprox_' + str(self.nUpdates) + '.eps')
    os.system('chmod 660 ' + figureFile)
    self.logger.debug('done making plot')

if __name__ == '__main__':
  a = np.linspace(0.1, 2, 10)
  b = -np.log(a)
  c = si.lagrange(a, b)
  plt.plot(a, c(a))
  plt.plot(a, b)
  fun = lambda x: -np.log(x)
  x   = np.array([0.01, 5])
  xhat = np.array([10])
  iter = 0
  while np.abs(fun(xhat)) > 1.e-4:
    print 'iter %d' % iter
    fx  = fun(x)
    gx  = si.lagrange(x, fx)
    x0 = xhat
예제 #53
print("data 的列索引:\n", data.columns)

# 设置使用缺失值 前 后的n 个来进行构建拉格朗日关系
n = 5
# 循环查看 缺失值的位置
for i in range(data.shape[0]):
    # print(i)
    # 判断 如果是缺失值,就进行插值
    if np.isnan(data.iloc[i, 1]):
        print("第%d行为缺失值" % i)
        if i - n < 0:
            start = 0
            start = i - n
        # 获取缺失值的前后n个数据----这前后n个数据是否存在缺失值????
        mask = data.iloc[start:i + n + 1, 1]
        # 获取index
        x = mask.index
        # 将含有缺失值的行的索引去掉
        x = x[mask.notnull()]
        print("x:\n", x)
        #  不管有无 缺失值,去除掉 其中含有缺失值的部分
        y = mask[mask.notnull()].values  # 含有缺失值的数组
        print("y:\n", y)
        # 构建拉格朗日 多项式---返回拉格朗日多项式对象
        la = lagrange(x=x, w=y)
        # 使用拉格朗日多项式进行插值
        data.iloc[i, 1] = la([i])

print("插值完成之后的结果:", data)
예제 #54
# 莱布尼兹方法
for n in n_list:
    flag = True

    time_start = time()
    while flag:
        temp = 4 / (2 * i + 1)
        i += 1
        if temp < 10**(-n):
            time_end = time()
            time_list.append(time_end - time_start)

            flag = False
# 插值
n_la = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
la_result = lagrange(n_list, time_list)

# 验证插值精度
for n in n_exam:
    time_start = time()
    flag = True
    while flag:
        temp = 4 / (2 * i + 1)
        i += 1
        if temp < 10**(-n):
            time_end = time()
            time_exam.append(time_end - time_start)

            flag = False

# 绘制图像
예제 #55
"""coded by: rakeeb
    purpose: to study interpolation by various techniques"""

import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as spi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
y = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 4.0, 8.0])

uspl = spi.interp1d(x, y, kind='slinear',
                    fill_value='extrapolate')  #univariate spline
bspl = spi.interp1d(x, y, kind='quadratic',
                    fill_value='extrapolate')  #bivariate spline
cspl = spi.CubicSpline(x, y)  #cubic spline
lint = spi.lagrange(x, y)  #lagrange interpolation

xnew = np.arange(0, 5, 0.001)
y_u = uspl(xnew)
y_b = bspl(xnew)
y_c = cspl(xnew)
y_l = lint(xnew)

plt.plot(x, y, 'o', color='red')
plt.plot(xnew, y_u, '-', color='blue', label='univariate spline')
plt.plot(xnew, y_b, '-', color='orange', label='bivariant spline')
plt.plot(xnew, y_c, '-', color='green', label='cubic spline')
plt.plot(xnew, y_l, '-', color='violet', label='lagrange interpolatio')
plt.xlabel('x axis')
plt.ylabel('y axis')
예제 #56
import numpy as np
from scipy.misc import derivative as deri
from scipy.interpolate import lagrange
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
xi = np.array([0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4])
yi = np.array([0.0, 0.078348, 0.13891, 0.192916, 0.244981])
intp = lagrange(xi, yi)
kubik = interp1d(xi, yi, kind='cubic')
lagr = deri(intp, 0.2, dx=0.2, order=5)
kubi = deri(kubik, 0.2, dx=0.01, order=5)
cent = (yi[0] - 8 * yi[1] + 8 * yi[3] - yi[4]) / 1.2
print("lagranż:\t%12.10f \ncubic spline:\t%12.10f \ncentralna:\t%12.10f" %
      (lagr, kubi, cent))
예제 #57
def configure_instrumentation_measurment_unit(dev, channel_nb, is_ins1):
    default_nb_samples = 0
    default_units = []
    if is_ins1:
        print("Set display mode to relative ratio")
        default_nb_samples = DEFAULT_INS1_NB_VALUES
        default_units = DEFAULT_INS1_UNITS
        print("Set display mode to ins1")
        default_nb_samples = DEFAULT_INS2_NB_VALUES
        default_units = DEFAULT_INS2_UNITS

    nb_samples = input('How many samples do you want to use to calculate the '+\
                            'polinom for the instrumenatation unit? (%d) :' %\
    if nb_samples == '':
        nb_samples = default_nb_samples
        nb_samples = int(nb_samples)

    ok = False
    while not ok:
        unit_values = input("Input the know unit values for the samples (%s) :"%\
                       " ".join(str(x) for x in default_units))
        if (unit_values == ''):
            unit_values = default_units
            unit_values = [int(val) for val in unit_values.split()]
        if len(unit_values) == nb_samples:
            ok = True

    mean = []
    for i in range(nb_samples):
        print("Please add sample number %d" % i)
        data = read_samples(dev, channel_nb, DEFAULT_NB_SAMPLES)
        print("Mean(%d): %f" % (i, mean[i]))

    x = np.array(mean)
    y = np.array(unit_values)
    poly = lagrange(x, y)
    coefs = poly.c.tolist()
    #Reverse list
    coefs = coefs[::-1]
    print("Coefficients for instrumentation measurment unit polynomial \n")

    print("Setting polinomyal coefficients")
    if is_ins1:
        dev.set_instrumentation_unit_1_polynomial(channel_nb, coefs)
        dev.set_instrumentation_unit_2_polynomial(channel_nb, coefs)

    print("Set display mode to instrumentation unit")
    if is_ins1:

        "Ready to read instrumentation unit data. Please add sample for measurment"
    data = read_samples(dev, channel_nb, DEFAULT_NB_SAMPLES)
    mean = np.mean(data)
    print("Mean: %f" % (mean))
    nb = 2
    if is_ins1:
        nb = 1
    if promt_yes_or_no("Do you want current data to be plotted?", True):
        plot_data(data, 'Instrumentation unit %d' % (nb))

    print("Configure instrumentation measurment unit done")
예제 #58
def ployinterp_column(s, n, k=5):  # k=5表示用空值的前后5个数值来拟合曲线,从而预测空值
    y = s[list(range(n - k, n)) + list(range(n + 1, n + 1 - k))]  # 取值,range函数返回一个左闭右开([left,right))的序列数
    y = y[y.notnull()]  # 取上一行中取出数值列表中的非空值,保证y的每行都有数值,便于拟合函数
    return lagrange(y.index, list(y))(n)  # 调用拉格朗日函数,并添加索引
예제 #59
파일: eop.py 프로젝트: yxw027/where
    def _interpolate_table(self,
        """Interpolate daily values to the given time epochs

        Uses Lagrange interpolation with the given interpolation window.

        We have observed that the Lagrange interpolation introduces instabilities when the EOP data are constant (as
        for instance in the VASCC-data). In this case, we force the Lagrange polynomial to be constant.

            key (String):                   Name of data to be interpolated, key in `self.data`.
            leap_second_correction (Bool):  Whether data should be corrected for leap seconds before interpolation.

            Array: Interpolated values, one value for each time epoch.
        days = np.unique(self.time.utc.mjd_int)
        offsets = range(int(-np.ceil(self.window / 2) + 1),
                        int(np.floor(self.window / 2) + 1))

        if leap_second_correction:
            leap = {
                d: np.array([
                    self.data[d + o].get("leap_offset", np.nan) -
                    self.data[d]["leap_offset"] for o in offsets
                for d in days
            for lo in leap.values():
                lo[np.isnan(lo)] = 0
            leap = {d: 0 for d in days}

        table_values = {
            d: np.array([self.data[d + o][key] for o in offsets]) + leap[d]
            for d in days
        interpolators = {
            d: interpolate.lagrange(offsets, v)
            for d, v in table_values.items()
        for poly in interpolators.values():
                np.abs(poly.c) <
                1e-15] = 0  # Avoid numerical instabilities for constant values

        if derivative_order:
            interp_values = {
                d: np.polyder(ip, derivative_order)(self.time.utc.mjd_frac)
                for d, ip in interpolators.items()
            interp_values = {
                d: ip(self.time.utc.mjd_frac)
                for d, ip in interpolators.items()

        if self.time.size == 1:
            return interp_values[self.time.utc.mjd_int]

        values = np.empty(self.time.size)
        for day in days:
            idx = self.time.utc.mjd_int == day
            values[idx] = interp_values[day][idx]

        return values
예제 #60
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import interpolate
import numpy as np
A = np.zeros([22,2])
A[:,0] = np.arange(0, 43, 2)
A[0:11,1] = [2, 6, 9, 12, 14, 16, 17.5, 18.5, 20, 20.5, 21.5]
A[11:22,1] = [22, 22.5, 22.7, 23.5, 23.5, 23.7, 24, 24, 24.2, 24.2, 24.5]
plt.plot(A[:,0], A[:,1], 'o', label = "Messwerte")
plt.xlabel('Zeit [s]')
plt.ylabel('Spannung [V]')
# plt.show()
# interpolieren mit polynom 2. ordnung
p2 = interpolate.lagrange(A[[0,10,21],0], A[[0,10,21],1])
xnew = np.arange(-2, 50, 2)
ynew = p2(xnew)
error = (( p2(A[:,0]) - A[:,1])**2).sum()
print('P2 => Quadratische Fehler: %.4e; gemittelt %.4e.' % (error, error/22))
plt.plot(xnew, ynew, label="Polynome Ordnung 2", linestyle='-', c='k')

# polynom 5. ordnung
p5 = interpolate.lagrange(A[::4,0], A[::4,1])
xnew = np.arange(-2, 50, 2)
ynew = p5(xnew)
error = (( p5(A[:,0]) - A[:,1])**2).sum()
print('P5 => Quadratische Fehler: %.4e; gemittelt %.4e.' % (error, error/22))
plt.plot(xnew, ynew, label="Polynome Ordnung 5", linestyle='--', c='r')
# legende braucht label aus den plots
plt.legend(loc="lower right")