예제 #1
def extra():
	l_bc, r_bc = 0., 1.
	lmbda = 12
	N = 50
	D, x = cheb_vectorized(N)
	M = np.dot(D, D)
	guess = (.5*(x+1))#**lmbda
	N2 = 500

	def pseudospectral_ode(y):
		out = np.zeros(y.shape)
		ypp = M.dot(y)
		out = 4*ypp - lmbda*np.sinh(lmbda*y)
		out[0], out[-1] = y[0] - r_bc, y[-1] - l_bc
		return out

	u = root(pseudospectral_ode,guess,method='lm',tol=1e-9)
	print u.success
	num_sol = BarycentricInterpolator(x,u.x)

	xx = np.linspace(-1, 1, N2)
	uu = num_sol.__call__(xx)
	plt.plot(xx, uu, '-r')						# Numerical solution via
												# the pseudospectral method
def prob4():
    """For n = 2^2, 2^3, ..., 2^8, calculate the error of intepolating Runge's
    function on [-1,1] with n points using SciPy's BarycentricInterpolator
    class, once with equally spaced points and once with the Chebyshev
    extremal points. Plot the absolute error of the interpolation with each
    method on a log-log plot.
    #initialize the domain and function
    domain = np.linspace(-1, 1, 400)
    f = lambda x: 1 / (1 + 25 * x**2)
    err1 = []
    err2 = []
    #test for different n value
    for n in 2**np.arange(2, 9):
        #test the err between build_in function and original function
        poly = BarycentricInterpolator(np.linspace(-1, 1, n),
                                       f(np.linspace(-1, 1, n)))
        err1.append(la.norm(f(domain) - poly(domain), ord=np.inf))
        #test the err between build_in function with chebshev points and original function
        points = np.array([np.cos(i * np.pi / n) for i in range(n + 1)])
        cheb = BarycentricInterpolator(points, f(points))
        err2.append(la.norm(f(domain) - cheb(domain), ord=np.inf))
    plt.loglog(2**np.arange(2, 9),
               label="equally spaced points")
    plt.loglog(2**np.arange(2, 9),
               label="Chebyshev extremal points")
예제 #3
def extra():
    l_bc, r_bc = 0., 1.
    lmbda = 12
    N = 50
    D, x = cheb_vectorized(N)
    M = np.dot(D, D)
    guess = (.5 * (x + 1))  #**lmbda
    N2 = 500

    def pseudospectral_ode(y):
        out = np.zeros(y.shape)
        ypp = M.dot(y)
        out = 4 * ypp - lmbda * np.sinh(lmbda * y)
        out[0], out[-1] = y[0] - r_bc, y[-1] - l_bc
        return out

    u = root(pseudospectral_ode, guess, method='lm', tol=1e-9)
    print u.success
    num_sol = BarycentricInterpolator(x, u.x)

    xx = np.linspace(-1, 1, N2)
    uu = num_sol.__call__(xx)
    plt.plot(x, guess, '*b')
    plt.plot(xx, uu, '-r')  # Numerical solution via
    # the pseudospectral method
    plt.axis([-1., 1., 0 - .1, 1.1])
예제 #4
 def test_vector(self):
     xs = [0, 1, 2]
     ys = np.array([[0,1],[1,0],[2,1]])
     P = BarycentricInterpolator(xs,ys)
     Pi = [BarycentricInterpolator(xs,ys[:,i]) for i in xrange(ys.shape[1])]
     test_xs = np.linspace(-1,3,100)
             np.rollaxis(np.asarray([p(test_xs) for p in Pi]),-1))
예제 #5
def interpolation_matrix_1d(fine_grid,
    Function to contruct the restriction matrix in 1d using barycentric interpolation

        fine_grid (np.ndarray): a one dimensional 1d array containing the nodes of the fine grid
        coarse_grid (np.ndarray): a one dimensional 1d array containing the nodes of the coarse grid
        k (int): order of the restriction
        periodic (bool): flag to indicate periodicity
        pad (int): padding parameter for boundaries

         sprs.csc_matrix: interpolation matrix

    n_f = fine_grid.size

    if periodic:
        M = np.zeros((fine_grid.size, coarse_grid.size))
        for i, p in zip(range(n_f), fine_grid):
            nn = next_neighbors_periodic(p, coarse_grid, k)
            circulating_one = np.asarray([1.0] + [0.0] * (k - 1))
            cont_arr = continue_periodic_array(coarse_grid, nn)

            if p > np.mean(fine_grid) and not (cont_arr[0] <= p <=
                cont_arr += 1

            bary_pol = []
            for l in range(k):
                                            np.roll(circulating_one, l)))
            M[i, nn] = np.asarray(list(map(lambda x: x(p), bary_pol)))
        M = np.zeros((fine_grid.size, coarse_grid.size + 2 * pad))
        for i, p in zip(range(n_f), fine_grid):
            padded_c_grid = border_padding(coarse_grid, pad, pad)
            nn = next_neighbors(p, padded_c_grid, k)
            # construct the lagrange polynomials for the k neighbors
            circulating_one = np.asarray([1.0] + [0.0] * (k - 1))
            bary_pol = []
            for l in range(k):
                                            np.roll(circulating_one, l)))
            M[i, nn] = np.asarray(list(map(lambda x: x(p), bary_pol)))
        if pad > 0:
            M = M[:, pad:-pad]
    return sprs.csc_matrix(M)
예제 #6
def interp_ephem(ts_quasi_mjd, ts_quasi_mjd_cpf, positions_cpf):
    Interpolate the CPF ephemeris using the 10-point(degree 9) Lagrange polynomial interpolation method. 

    positions = interp_ephem(ts_quasi_mjd,ts_quasi_mjd_cpf,positions_cpf)

    Here, the quasi MJD is defined as int(MJD) + (SoD + Leap Second)/86400, which is different from the conventional MJD defination.
    For example, MJD and SoD for '2016-12-31 23:59:60' are 57753.99998842606 and 86400, but the corresponding quasi MJD is 57754.0 with leap second of 0.
    As a comparison, MJD and SoD for '2017-01-01 00:00:00' are 57754.0 and 0, but the corresponding quasi MJD is 57754.00001157408 with leap second of 1.
    The day of '2016-12-31' has 86401 seconds, and for conventional MJD calculation, one second is compressed to a 86400/86401 second. 
    Hence, the quasi MJD is defined for convenience of interpolation.

    ts_quasi_mjd -> [float array] quasi MJD for interpolated prediction
    ts_quasi_mjd_cpf -> [float array] quasi MJD for CPF ephemeris
    positions_cpf -> [2d float array] target positions in cartesian coordinates in meters w.r.t. ITRF for CPF ephemeris. 

    positions -> [2d float array] target positions in cartesian coordinates in meters w.r.t. ITRF for interpolated prediction.
    positions = []

    m = len(ts_quasi_mjd)
    n = len(ts_quasi_mjd_cpf)

    if m > n:
        for i in range(n - 1):
            flags = (ts_quasi_mjd >= ts_quasi_mjd_cpf[i]) & (
                ts_quasi_mjd < ts_quasi_mjd_cpf[i + 1])
            if flags.any():
                    BarycentricInterpolator(ts_quasi_mjd_cpf[i - 4:i + 6],
                                            positions_cpf[i - 4:i + 6])(
        positions = np.concatenate(positions)
        for j in range(m):
            boundary = np.diff(
                ts_quasi_mjd[j] >= ts_quasi_mjd_cpf).nonzero()[0][0]
            if ts_quasi_mjd[j] in ts_quasi_mjd_cpf:
                        ts_quasi_mjd_cpf[boundary - 4:boundary + 6],
                        positions_cpf[boundary - 4:boundary + 6])(
        positions = np.array(positions)

    return positions
예제 #7
def trajectory():
	N = 200  
	D, x = cheb(N)  
	eps = 0.  
	def L_yp(x,yp_):
		a_ = a(x)
		return a_**3.*yp_*(1 + a_**2.*yp_**2.)**(-1./2) - a_**2.*r(x)
	def g(z):
		out = D.dot(L_yp( x,D.dot(z) ))
		out[0], out[-1] = z[0] - z1, z[-1] - 0
		return out
	# Use the straight line trajectory as an initial guess.
	# Another option would be to use the shortest-time trajectory found
	# in heuristic_tractory() as an initial guess.
	eps, time = time_functional()
	sol = root(g,y(x,eps))
	# sol =  root(g,z1/2.*(x-(-1.))) 
	# print sol.success
	z = sol.x
	poly = BarycentricInterpolator(x,D.dot(z))
	num_func = lambda inpt: poly.__call__(inpt)
	def L(x):
		a_, yp_ = a(x), num_func(x)
		return a_*(1 + a_**2.*yp_**2.)**(1./2) - a_**2.*r(x)*yp_
	print "The shortest time is approximately "
	print integrate.quad(L,-1,1,epsabs=1e-10,epsrel=1e-10)[0]
	# x0 = np.linspace(-1,1,200)
	# y0 = y(x0,eps)
	# plt.plot(x0,y0,'-g',linewidth=2.,label='Initial guess')
	# plt.plot(x,z,'-b',linewidth=2.,label="Numerical solution")	
	# ax = np.linspace(0-.05,z1+.05,200)
	# plt.plot(-np.ones(ax.shape),ax,'-k',linewidth=2.5)
	# plt.plot(np.ones(ax.shape),ax,'-k',linewidth=2.5)
	# plt.plot(-1,0,'*b',markersize=10.)
	# plt.plot(1,z1,'*b',markersize=10.)
	# plt.xlabel('$x$',fontsize=18)
	# plt.ylabel('$y$',fontsize=18)
	# plt.legend(loc='best')
	# plt.axis([-1.1,1.1,0. -.05,z1 +.05])
	# # plt.savefig("minimum_time_rivercrossing.pdf")
	# plt.show()
	# plt.clf()
	return x, z, N
예제 #8
 def interpolator(self, x, values):
     """Returns a polynomial with vector coefficients which interpolates the
     values at the Chebyshev points x."""
     # hacking the barycentric interpolator by computing the weights in advance
     p = Bary([0.])
     N = len(values)
     weights = np.ones(N)
     weights[0] = .5
     weights[1::2] = -1
     weights[-1] *= .5
     p.wi = weights
     p.xi = x
     return p
def prob4():
    """For n = 2^2, 2^3, ..., 2^8, calculate the error of intepolating Runge's
    function on [-1,1] with n points using SciPy's BarycentricInterpolator
    class, once with equally spaced points and once with the Chebyshev
    extremal points. Plot the absolute error of the interpolation with each
    method on a log-log plot.
    domain = np.linspace(-1, 1, 400)
    n_array = [2**i for i in range(2,9)]
    f = lambda x: 1 / (1 + 25*x**2)
    poly_error = []
    cheby_error = []
    for n in n_array:
        x = np.linspace(-1, 1, n)
        poly = BarycentricInterpolator(x)
        poly_error.append(la.norm(f(domain) - poly(domain), ord=np.inf))
        y = np.array([(1/2)*(2*np.cos(j*np.pi/n)) for j in range(n+1)])
        cheby = BarycentricInterpolator(y)
        cheby_error.append(la.norm(f(domain) - cheby(domain), ord=np.inf))
    plt.loglog(n_array, poly_error, label="equally spaced points", basex=2)
    plt.loglog(n_array, cheby_error, label="Chebyshev extremal points", basex=2)
예제 #10
def estimate_function_for_air_data(n):
    """Interpolate the air quality data found in airdata.npy using
    Barycentric Lagrange interpolation. Plots the original data and the
    interpolating polynomial.

        n (int): Number of interpolating points to use.
    #dataset of air quality
    data = np.load('airdata.npy')

    #chevy extrizers
    fx = lambda a, b, n: .5 * (a + b +
                               (b - a) * np.cos(np.arange(n + 1) * np.pi / n))
    #scaled intervals to apx chevy extremizers
    a, b = 0, 366 - 1 / 24
    #scaled domain
    domain = np.linspace(0, b, 8784)
    #apx chevy extrema with regars to actual data (non continuous data....)
    points = fx(a, b, n)
    #mask for extrema aprx
    temp = np.abs(points - domain.reshape(8784, 1))
    temp2 = np.argmin(temp, axis=0)
    #interpolating poylynomial
    poly = BarycentricInterpolator(domain[temp2])

    #plot the data
    #set up plot settings
    plt.title("PM_2.5 hourly concentration data 2016")
    plt.xlabel("Hours from Jan 1")
    plt.ylabel("PM_2.5 level")

    #domain for graph
    # x = np.linspace(0, 8784, 8784 * 10)
    x = np.linspace(0, b, len(domain))
    #plot the data
    #set up plot settings
    plt.xlabel("Days from Jan 1")
    plt.ylabel("PM_2.5 level")
    plt.title("Aproximating Polynomial")

    #show graph
    plt.plot(x, poly(x))
예제 #11
 def interpolator(self, x, values):
     Returns a polynomial with vector coefficients which interpolates the values at the Chebyshev points x
     # hacking the barycentric interpolator by computing the weights in advance
     p = Bary([0.])
     N = len(values)
     weights = np.ones(N)
     weights[0] = .5
     weights[1::2] = -1
     weights[-1] *= .5
     p.wi = weights
     p.xi = x
     return p
예제 #12
def interp_fnc(f, in_xhat, out_xhat):
    permutation = np.random.permutation(in_xhat.shape[0])
    permuted_in_xhat = in_xhat[permutation]
    C = (np.max(permuted_in_xhat) - np.min(permuted_in_xhat)) / 4.0
    Cinv = 1.0 / C
    I = BarycentricInterpolator(Cinv * permuted_in_xhat, f[permutation])
    return I(Cinv * out_xhat)
def prob6(n):
    """Interpolate the air quality data found in airdata.npy using
    Barycentric Lagrange interpolation. Plot the original data and the
    interpolating polynomial.

        n (int): Number of interpolating points to use.
    #load the data
    data = np.load("airdata.npy")
    #initialize the function and domain
    fx = lambda a, b, n: .5 * (a + b +
                               (b - a) * np.cos(np.arange(n + 1) * np.pi / n))
    a, b = 0, 366 - 1 / 24
    domain = np.linspace(0, b, 8784)
    points = fx(a, b, n)
    temp = np.abs(points - domain.reshape(8784, 1))
    temp2 = np.argmin(temp, axis=0)
    #plot the origin data and interpolated data
    poly = BarycentricInterpolator(domain[temp2], data[temp2])

예제 #14
    def _getWeights(self, a, b):
        Computes weights using barycentric interpolation

            a (float): left interval boundary
            b (float): right interval boundary

            numpy.ndarray: weights of the collocation formula given by the nodes
        if self.nodes is None:
            raise CollocationError(
                "Need nodes before computing weights, got %s" % self.nodes)

        circ_one = np.zeros(self.num_nodes)
        circ_one[0] = 1.0
        tcks = []
        for i in range(self.num_nodes):
                BarycentricInterpolator(self.nodes, np.roll(circ_one, i)))

        weights = np.zeros(self.num_nodes)
        for i in range(self.num_nodes):
            weights[i] = quad(tcks[i], a, b, epsabs=1e-14)[0]

        return weights
예제 #15
def generalized_gauss(collocation_points, verbose=False):
    p, result1, result2 = args.degree, [], []
    interp = BarycentricInterpolator(collocation_points)
    for n in range(p//2):
        filename = 'weights{}.txt'.format(n+1)
        with open(filename) as f:
            header = f.readline()
            x = float(header.split()[-1])
            # check if quadrature is for the given collacation point
            assert math.isclose(x, collocation_points[n], rel_tol=fixed.exact_tol)
        y, w = np.loadtxt(filename, unpack=True)
        check_generalized(lambda f: np.sum(w*f(y)), x, verbose)
        I, b1, b2 = np.eye(collocation_points.size), [], []
        for i in range(collocation_points.size):
        result1.append(( y, w, np.array(b1) ))
        result2.append(( 1-y[::-1], w[::-1], np.array(b2) ))
    return result1 + result2[::-1]
예제 #16
def _gauss6(f, t, y, h):
    """ One step Gauss6 for the autonomous system y'=f(y).

    This is implemented as an Runge-Kutta method.
    See Hairer, Lubich, Wanner, Geometric Numerical Integration, page 30.

        f   the right-hand side
        t   the initial time
        y   can either be a number for the initial value or a function whose
            value at t serves as the inital value and can be used for
            extrapolating initial guesses for the nonliear solver
        h   step size
        yn  the solution function on [t, t + h]
    # Step 0: initialize
    (a, b, c) = _WEIGHTS  # get coefficients
    # Step 1: generate initial guess for stage values
    if hasattr(y, '__call__'):
        # y is a function => rename it to l and take y0=y(t)
        l = y
        y0 = y(t)
        # y is a single number => use the linear interpolant for initial guess
        l = BarycentricInterpolator([t, t + h], [y, y + h * f(y)])
        y0 = y
    # compute initial guess for stage values
    z = array([l(t + ci * h) - y0 for ci in c])

    # Step 2: solve for stage values
    # the nonlinear system associate with the stage values
    def eq(w):
        return h * a.dot(array([f(y0 + wi) for wi in w]))

    # solve using fixed point interation
    z = fixed_point(eq, z, xtol=DOLFIN_SQRT_EPS, maxiter=500000)

    # Step 3: construct the solution as the interpolant
    pts = array([t + ci * h for ci in c])
    return BarycentricInterpolator(pts, y0 + z)
예제 #17
def interpolate(f,n):
    #First we the interpolating polynomial
    x = cheb_points(n)
    #y contains our function's values at the chebyshev points
    y = f(x)
    #Below we get an interpolating polynomial that runs through points in y
    p = BarycentricInterpolator(x, y)
    xnew = np.linspace(-1,1,1000)
    ynew = p(xnew)

    #Below we plotted on (-2,2) using values from our interpolating polynomial
    return y
예제 #18
def test_barcentric_against_runges_function():
    """For n = 2^2, 2^3, ..., 2^8, calculate the error of intepolating Runge's
    function on [-1,1] with n points using SciPy's BarycentricInterpolator
    class, once with equally spaced points and once with the Chebyshev
    extremal points. Plot the absolute error of the interpolation with each
    method on a log-log plot.
    #domain for graph
    d = np.linspace(-1, 1, 400)
    #iterations for testing B interp. point effect
    N = [2**2, 2**3, 2**4, 2**5, 2**6, 2**7, 2**8]
    #function to approximate
    f = np.vectorize(lambda x: 1 / (1 + 25 * x**2))
    #to chevy, extrema
    ch_ext = lambda a, b, n: .5 * (a + b + (b - a) * np.cos(
        (np.arange(0, n) * np.pi) / n))
    #evenly spaced error margins
    e1 = []
    #cheby extram interp error margins
    e2 = []
    for n in N:

        #points to interpolate
        pts = np.linspace(-1, 1, n)
        poly = BarycentricInterpolator(pts)
        #get errror in terms of infinity norm
        e1.append(la.norm(f(d) - poly(d), ord=np.inf))

        #points to interpolate
        pts = ch_ext(-1, 1, n + 1)
        poly = BarycentricInterpolator(pts)
        #get errror in terms of infinity norm
        e2.append(la.norm(f(d) - poly(d), ord=np.inf))

    #graph everything n terms of log base 10
    plt.xscale('log', basex=10)
    plt.yscale('log', basey=10)
    plt.plot(N, e1, label="uniform points")
    plt.plot(N, e2, label="chev. extrema")
    #set graph labels
    plt.xlabel("# of interp. points")
    plt.title("Uniform vs Cheby interp. error")
예제 #19
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: lukastk/PyRitz
def interpolate(alpha, n, ts, collocation_scheme=None):
    # By default, interpolation over the Chebyshev nodes of the second kind is used
    if collocation_scheme is None:
        collocation_scheme = pyritz.interpolation.collocation.chebyshev2

    cts, _ = collocation_scheme(n, [])
    dim = int(len(alpha) / (n + 1))
    alpha_reshaped = alpha.reshape((dim, n + 1))
    xs = np.zeros((dim, len(ts)))

    for i in range(dim):
        xs[i, :] = BarycentricInterpolator(cts, alpha_reshaped[i, :])(ts)

    return xs
예제 #20
 def update_interpolator(self, t):
     i = 0
     for line in range(1, len(self.predictions)):
         if t < self.predictions[i][0] and t > self.predictions[i-1][0]:
         i += 1
     if i < 5:
         raise ValueError("Cannot interpolate: Timestamp too close to start. Try the previous day's CPF file.")
     if i > len(self.predictions)-5:
         raise ValueError("Cannot interpolate: Timestamp too close to end. Try the next day's CPF file.")
     points = self.predictions[i-5 : i+5]
     X = [p[0] for p in points]
     Y = np.array([p[1] for p in points])
     self.interp_start = X[4]
     self.interp_end = X[5]
     self.Interpolator = BarycentricInterpolator(X, Y)
예제 #21
def polynomial(desired_point, model_points, degree):
    idx_points_for_poly_interp = _argsort_height_diffs(
        desired_point, model_points)[:(degree + 1)]

    points_for_poly_interp = \
        [model_points[idx] for idx in idx_points_for_poly_interp]

    heights = [point.height for point in points_for_poly_interp]
    ts_df = pd.concat([
        point._time_series[0]._timeseries for point in points_for_poly_interp

    results = ts_df.T.apply(lambda x: BarycentricInterpolator(
        heights, x.values)(desired_point.height).reshape(1)[0])

    return results
예제 #22
def lagrangeInterpolation():
    sample_rate, sample = wavfile.read('songs/hakuna_matata.wav')
    sample = sample[5000000:5000100]

    sample_rateBAD, sampleBAD = wavfile.read(
    sampleBAD = sampleBAD[5000000:5000100]

    BadSample = sample.copy()

    dz.theEvilMethod(BadSample, 0.7)
    matches = recognize.cheat(sample, BadSample)
    x, y = utils.tovalidxy(BadSample, matches)

    f = BarycentricInterpolator(x, y)
    utils.repair(BadSample, matches, f)

    IwannaSee(sample, BadSample, sampleBAD)
예제 #23
def _explicit_euler(f, t, y, h):
    """ One step of explicit Euler for the autonomous system y'=f(y).

        f   the right-hand side
        t   the initial time
        y   can either be a number for the initial value or a function whose
            value at t serves as the inital value
        h   step size
        yn  the solution function on [t, t + h]
    if hasattr(y, '__call__'):
        # y is a function
        y0 = y(t)
        # y is a single number
        y0 = y
    return BarycentricInterpolator([t, t + h], [y0, y0 + h * f(y0)])
예제 #24
def main():
    mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = [u'Times New Roman']
    mpl.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False

    x = np.random.poisson(lam=5, size=1000)
    pillar = 15

    # 第一个返回值:每个bins点对应的频率值
    # 第二个返回值:每个bin的区间范围
    # 第三个返回值:每个bin里面包含的数据,是一个list
    a = plt.hist(x,
                 range=[0, pillar],
    plt.title(r'$y = \frac{\Lambda^k}{k!}e^{-\Lambda}$')

    rv = poisson(5)
    x1 = a[1]
    y1 = rv.pmf(x1)
    itp = BarycentricInterpolator(x1, y1)  # 重心插值
    x2 = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), 50)
    y2 = itp(x2)
    cs = CubicSpline(x1, y1)  # 三次样条插值

    plt.plot(x2, cs(x2), 'm--', linewidth=5, label='CubicSpine')  # 三次样条插值
    plt.plot(x2, y2, 'g-', linewidth=3,
             label='BarycentricInterpolator')  # 重心插值
    plt.plot(x1, y1, 'r-', linewidth=1, label='Actural Value')  # 原始值
    plt.legend(loc='upper right')
예제 #25
    def test_large_chebyshev(self):
        # The weights for Chebyshev points of the second kind have analytically
        # solvable weights. Naive calculation of barycentric weights will fail
        # for large N because of numerical underflow and overflow. We test
        # correctness for large N against analytical Chebyshev weights.

        # Without capacity scaling or permutation, n=800 fails,
        # With just capacity scaling, n=1097 fails
        # With both capacity scaling and random permutation, n=30000 succeeds
        n = 800
        j = np.arange(n + 1).astype(np.float64)
        x = np.cos(j * np.pi / n)

        # See page 506 of Berrut and Trefethen 2004 for this formula
        w = (-1) ** j
        w[0] *= 0.5
        w[-1] *= 0.5

        P = BarycentricInterpolator(x)

        # It's okay to have a constant scaling factor in the weights because it
        # cancels out in the evaluation of the polynomial.
        factor = P.wi[0]
        assert_almost_equal(P.wi / (2 * factor), w)
예제 #26
 def test_wrapper(self):
     P = BarycentricInterpolator(self.xs, self.ys)
     values = barycentric_interpolate(self.xs, self.ys, self.test_xs)
     assert_almost_equal(P(self.test_xs), values)
예제 #27
 def test_shapes_1d_vectorvalue(self):
     P = BarycentricInterpolator(self.xs, np.outer(self.ys, [1]))
     assert_array_equal(np.shape(P(0)), (1, ))
     assert_array_equal(np.shape(P([0])), (1, 1))
     assert_array_equal(np.shape(P([0, 1])), (2, 1))
예제 #28
 def test_shapes_vectorvalue(self):
     P = BarycentricInterpolator(self.xs, np.outer(self.ys, np.arange(3)))
     assert_array_equal(np.shape(P(0)), (3, ))
     assert_array_equal(np.shape(P([0])), (1, 3))
     assert_array_equal(np.shape(P([0, 1])), (2, 3))
예제 #29
 def test_shapes_scalarvalue(self):
     P = BarycentricInterpolator(self.xs, self.ys)
     assert_array_equal(np.shape(P(0)), ())
     assert_array_equal(np.shape(P(np.array(0))), ())
     assert_array_equal(np.shape(P([0])), (1, ))
     assert_array_equal(np.shape(P([0, 1])), (2, ))
예제 #30
 def test_append(self):
     P = BarycentricInterpolator(self.xs[:3], self.ys[:3])
     P.add_xi(self.xs[3:], self.ys[3:])
     assert_almost_equal(self.true_poly(self.test_xs), P(self.test_xs))
예제 #31
 def test_delayed(self):
     P = BarycentricInterpolator(self.xs)
     assert_almost_equal(self.true_poly(self.test_xs), P(self.test_xs))
예제 #32
 def test_scalar(self):
     P = BarycentricInterpolator(self.xs, self.ys)
     assert_almost_equal(self.true_poly(7), P(7))
     assert_almost_equal(self.true_poly(np.array(7)), P(np.array(7)))

t0_a= 10.8
sigma_t_a= 0.2
sigma= 0.04
active_space_a= np.array(map(lambda x: 1./(1+np.exp((x-L)/sigma)),x))*1./(1+np.exp(t0_a/sigma_t_a))
active_const_a= np.array(map(lambda x: 1.,x))*1./(1+np.exp(t0_a/sigma_t_a))
t0_i= 12.2
sigma_t_i= .8
sigma= 0.04
active_space_i= np.array(map(lambda x: 1./(1+np.exp((x-L)/sigma)),x))*1./(1+np.exp(t0_i/sigma_t_i))
active_const_i= np.array(map(lambda x: 1.,x))*1./(1+np.exp(t0_i/sigma_t_i))

rng= np.linspace(-1,1,1000)
x_step= 2./1000
interpolator= BI(x)
avg_h_blade= []
avg_Q_minus_blade= []
avg_T_minus_blade= []
avg_shear_blade= []

zeta= zeta_h*active_space_a + zeta_b*active_const_a
zetabar= zetabar_h*active_space_i + zetabar_b*active_const_i
lambda2= lambda2_h*active_space_a + lambda2_b*active_const_a
#xi = xi_h*active_space_a + xi_b*active_const_a

n_images= 150
image_step= 200

for i in np.arange(n_images*image_step):
    if i%image_step == 0:
예제 #34
npts = 7
noiseAmp = 0.03
xdata = np.linspace(0.2, 10., npts) + 0.3*np.random.randn(npts)
xdata = np.sort(xdata)
ydata = f(xdata) * (1.0 + noiseAmp * np.random.randn(npts))
np.savetxt('logCurveData9.txt', zip(xdata, ydata), fmt='%10.2f')

# Create x array spanning data set plus 5%
xmin, xmax = frangeAdd(xdata, 0.05)
x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 200)

# Plot data and "fit"
plt.plot(xdata, ydata, 'or', label='data')
plt.plot(x, f(x), 'k-', label='fitting function')

# Create y array from cubic spline
f_cubic = interp1d(xdata, ydata, kind='cubic', bounds_error=False)
plt.plot(x, f_cubic(x), 'k-', label='cubic spline')

# Create y array from univariate spline
f_univar = UnivariateSpline(xdata, ydata, w=None, bbox=[xmin, xmax], k=3)
plt.plot(x, f_univar(x), label='univariate spline')

# Create y array from barycentric interpolation
f_bary = BarycentricInterpolator(xdata, ydata)
plt.plot(x, f_bary.__call__(x), label='barycentric interp')


예제 #35
 def test_delayed(self):
     P = BarycentricInterpolator(self.xs)
예제 #36
 def test_append(self):
     P = BarycentricInterpolator(self.xs[:3],self.ys[:3])
예제 #37
def nonlinear_minimal_area_surface_of_revolution():
	l_bc, r_bc = 1., 7.
	N = 80
	D, x = cheb_vectorized(N)
	M = np.dot(D, D)
	guess = 1. + (x--1.)*((r_bc - l_bc)/2.)
	N2 = 50

	def pseudospectral_ode(y):
		out = np.zeros(y.shape)
		yp, ypp = D.dot(y), M.dot(y)
		out = y*ypp - 1. - yp**2.
		out[0], out[-1] = y[0] - r_bc, y[-1] - l_bc
		return out

	u = root(pseudospectral_ode,guess,method='lm',tol=1e-9)
	num_sol = BarycentricInterpolator(x,u.x)

	# Up to this point we have found the numerical solution
	# using the pseudospectral method. In the code that follows
	# we check that solution with the analytic solution,
	# and graph the results

	def f(x):
		return np.array([ x[1]*np.cosh((-1.+x[0])/x[1])-l_bc,

	parameters = root(f,np.array([1.,1.]),method='lm',tol=1e-9)
	A, B = parameters.x[0], parameters.x[1]
	def analytic_solution(x):
		out = B*np.cosh((x + A)/B)
		return out

	xx = np.linspace(-1, 1, N2)
	uu = num_sol.__call__(xx)
	# print "Max error is ", np.max(np.abs(uu - analytic_solution(xx)))
	plt.plot(xx, uu, '-r')						# Numerical solution via
												# the pseudospectral method
	plt.plot(xx, analytic_solution(xx), '*k')   # Analytic solution
	plt.axis([-1.,1.,l_bc-1.,r_bc +1.])
	# plt.show()

	theta = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,N2)
	X,Theta = np.meshgrid(xx,theta,indexing='ij')
	print "\nxx = \n", xx
	print "\nuu = \n", uu
	F = uu[:,np.newaxis] +np.zeros(uu.shape)
	print "\nX = \n", X
	print "\nTheta = \n", Theta
	print "\nF = \n", F
	Y = F*np.cos(Theta)
	Z = F*np.sin(Theta)

	fig = plt.figure()
	ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
	# X, Y, Z = axes3d.get_test_data(0.05)
	ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1)
	print ax.azim, ax.elev
	ax.azim=-65; ax.elev = 0
	# ax.view_init(elev=-60, azim=30)
	# plt.savefig('minimal_surface.pdf')