def constrained_cubic_integrate_point(y_coarse, ntx, nti, end=130):
    Like :py:function`constrained_cubic_disaggregation_interval`,
    this integrates over an interpolated curve, but this assumes the
    input data is defined pointwise at the start of each interval,
    so it first does a fit, then integrates, then fits, then takes

        y_coarse (np.ndarray): dependent axis, same size as :math:`x`.
            This can have more than one dimension, and the algorithm
            treats all but the last dimension as separate runs.
        x_coarse (DemographicInterval): independent axis
        x_fine (DemographicInterval): new independent axis
        end (float): Where to set the value to zero.

        np.ndarray: dependent values on finer axis
    x = np.hstack([ntx.start, [end]])
    out_shape = list(y_coarse.shape[:-1]) + [len(nti)]
    y_out = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=y_coarse.dtype)
    y = np.zeros((y_coarse.shape[-1] + 1, ))
    y[-1] = 0
    for draw in itertools.product(*[range(x) for x in y_coarse.shape[:-1]]):
        y[:-1] = y_coarse[draw]
        assert x.shape == y.shape
        fit = PchipInterpolator(x, y, extrapolate=True)
        # Last entry is for T_{x+5}
        integrate_once = 1
        integrated = fit.antiderivative(integrate_once)(nti.bound)
        y_out[draw] = np.diff(integrated, 1, axis=-1)
    return y_out
def constrained_cubic_disaggregation(x_coarse, y_coarse, x_fine):
    Given observed values on a coarse domain, estimate their
    values on a finer domain. This uses constrained cubic splines.
    It constructs the cumulative sum of the y, fits the spline,
    interpolates to the finer x, and then takes differences across

        x_coarse (np.ndarray): independent axis
        y_coarse (np.ndarray): dependent axis, same size as :math:`x`
        x_fine (np.ndarray): new independent axis

        np.ndarray: dependent values on finer axis
    fit = PchipInterpolator(x_coarse, y_coarse, extrapolate=True)
    # Last entry is for T_{x+5}
    integrate_once = 1
    integrated = fit.antiderivative(integrate_once)(x_fine)
    return np.diff(integrated, 1, axis=0)
예제 #3
def lx_to_nLx_weeks(lx, ruler, ruler_extended):
    Integrates a fitted lx curve to compute nLx, which would be used to compute
    survivorship downstream.

        lx (np.array): lx with extrapolated values beyond fhs terminal age
            group start.
        ruler (Ruler): ruler for the fhs age groups.  This ruler determines
            #the age group starts that need to be returned2
        ruler_extended (Ruler): ruler that matches lx.  This ruler, along with
            lx, provide the points for interpolation.

        (np.array): nLx, in shape of (sex, age), where age corresponds to
            fhs age group ids.
    assert has_dims(lx, "sex age")
    LOGGER.debug("lx dims {}".format(lx.shape))

    # We need 2 extra data points beyond the terminal age group start to
    # compute its survivorship: terminal_age_start + 1 week, and 110 years.
    x_all_weeks = np.concatenate(
        [ruler.x_ww, [ruler.x_ww[-1] + 1,
                      ruler_extended.x_ww[-1]]])  # all in weeks

    integrated_lx = list()
    for sex in [0, 1]:
        # first interpolate lx over the "extended" fhs age groups (in weeks)
        fit = PchipInterpolator(ruler_extended.x_gw, lx[sex], extrapolate=True)
        # now integrate lx and evaluate over all weeks
        integrate_once = 1
        integrated = fit.antiderivative(integrate_once)(x_all_weeks)
        LOGGER.debug("integrated lx end {}".format(integrated[-5:]))
        traceplot("integrated_lx", x_all_weeks, integrated)
    lx_int_sexed = np.vstack(integrated_lx)
    # Will be one less than number of weeks
    return np.diff(lx_int_sexed, 1, axis=1)
예제 #4
class convergeMe:
    """Adsorption cycle simulation and fast optimization

This routine effectively performs optimization of the dwell times in the
adsorption and desorption steps to maximize cooling capacity. Each cycle in an
adsorber includes:
    Desorption, decompression, adsorption, compression.

Compared to Gupta's original solution method, this solution:

* Adds dwell times for compression and decompression. These are significant
  fractions of total cycle time and should not be neglected. Computing
  them does not require integration.
* Integrates the ODE to find time given temperature, instead of finding
  temperature given a time interval. Temperature is a more universal input
  than cycle time. This applies only for this equilibrium model.
The optimization is a rough, first pass, intended to visualize the solution
space and the relations:
* between independent sets of internal control parameters, namely {adsorber bed
  temperature limits} vs. {dwell times}, and
* between internal control parameters {dwell times} and outputs {Q, COP}.

Numerically, the optimization uses a brute force comparison over the search
space which is a grid of points (q_low, q_high). The dwell times for adsorption
and desorption steps are interpolated from the discrete curves of adsorbed
ratio vs time, precomputed for those processes. Then, the compression and
decompression dwell times are computed at each point, as well as the resulting
time-averaged heat flow rates and COP.
    def __init__(self, ch, q_min=None, q_max=None, refine=False):
        t_cond = ch.ctrl.t_cond
        t_evap = ch.ctrl.t_evap
        t_cool = ch.ctrl.t_cool
        t_exhaust = ch.ctrl.t_exhaust

        # The extreme ranges depend on the heat and cold sources.
        margin_up = 1e-3
        margin_down = 1e-5
        if q_min == None:
            self.q_min = ch.f.Q(t_cond, t_exhaust) + margin_down
            self.q_min = q_min

        if q_max == None:
            self.q_max = ch.f.Q(t_evap, t_cool) - margin_up
            self.q_max = q_max

        self.q_range = linspace(self.q_min, self.q_max)
        # We should start desorption at q_max.
        T_d0 = ch.f.T(t_cond, self.q_max)
        T_d1 = ch.f.T(t_cond, self.q_min)

        T_a0 = ch.f.T(t_evap, self.q_min)
        T_a1 = ch.f.T(t_evap, self.q_max)

        # Collect data for (all) desorption processes
        T_d = linspace(T_d0, T_d1)
        [self.t_d, self.q_d] = ch.desorptionFlip(T_d)

        # Collect data for (all) adsorption processes
        T_a = linspace(T_a0, T_a1)
        [self.t_a, self.q_a] = ch.adsorptionFlip(T_a)

        # Collect data for compression and decompression
        self.deltat_cmp = ch.compress(self.q_range)
        self.deltat_dec = ch.decompress(self.q_range)

        # Spline it.
        # Time functions
        self.ppd = PchipInterpolator(self.q_d[::-1], self.t_d[::-1])
        self.ppa = PchipInterpolator(self.q_a, self.t_a)
        # Compression / decompression is time delta only
        self.pp_comp = PchipInterpolator(self.q_range, self.deltat_cmp)
        self.pp_decomp = PchipInterpolator(self.q_range, self.deltat_dec)
        # Temperature functions
        self.pp_Td = PchipInterpolator(self.q_d[::-1], T_d[::-1])
        self.pp_Ta = PchipInterpolator(self.q_a, T_a)
        # q as function of T, required to integrate for heat input
        self.pp_q_of_T = PchipInterpolator(T_d, self.q_d)
        self.pp_qintegral = self.pp_q_of_T.antiderivative()

    def initPlots(self):

        # Stuff to display for user
        td_splined = self.ppd(self.q_range)
        ta_splined = self.ppa(self.q_range)

        plot(self.t_d, self.q_d, 'ro', label='Desorb')
        plot(self.t_a, self.q_a, 'bs', label='Adsorb')
        plot(self.deltat_cmp, self.q_range, 'pink', label='Compress')
        plot(self.deltat_dec, self.q_range, 'g', label='Decompress')
        plot(td_splined, self.q_range, 'r')
        plot(ta_splined, self.q_range, 'b')
        xlabel('Integration time, $t$ (s)')
        ylabel('Adsorbed mass ratio, $q$ (kg/kg)')
        title('$T_{{\\rm exhaust}}$ = {:g} K'.format(t_exhaust))

    def parametric(self, ch, refine=False):
        """Now do a 'parametric study' over (q_low, q_high) space.
        For each (q_low,q_high), determine the time needed in each step, and
        the other outputs of the system.
        Then, find the index that gives the maximum cooling capacity,
        and return properties at that index.

        if True:
            Ni = 200
            Nj = 250
            self.q_lows = linspace(self.q_min + 0.0001, self.q_max - 0.001, Ni)
            self.q_highs = linspace(self.q_min + 0.0001, self.q_max - 0.001,
            #self.q_lows = linspace(0.02, 0.05, Ni)
            #self.q_highs = linspace(0.07, 0.11, Nj)
            self.q_lows = self.q_d[::2]
            self.q_highs = self.q_a[::2]
            Ni = len(self.q_lows)
            Nj = len(self.q_highs)
        self.t_desorb = zeros((Ni, Nj))
        self.t_decomp = zeros((Ni, Nj))
        self.t_adsorb = zeros((Ni, Nj))
        self.t_compress = zeros((Ni, Nj))

        self.t_cycle = zeros((Ni, Nj))
        self.q_ref = zeros((Ni, Nj))
        self.q_in = zeros((Ni, Nj))
        self.cop = zeros((Ni, Nj))
        mask1 = zeros((Ni, Nj))
        masknan = zeros((Ni, Nj))
        # X is low, Y is high
        [X, Y] = meshgrid(self.q_lows, self.q_highs, indexing='ij')
        for i, q_low in enumerate(self.q_lows):
            self.t_desorb[i, :] += self.ppd(q_low)
            self.t_decomp[i, :] = self.pp_decomp(q_low)
            self.t_adsorb[i, :] += -self.ppa(q_low)
        for j, q_high in enumerate(self.q_highs):
            self.t_desorb[:, j] += -self.ppd(q_high)
            self.t_adsorb[:, j] += self.ppa(q_high)
            self.t_compress[:, j] = self.pp_comp(q_high)

        self.t_cycle = self.t_desorb + self.t_compress + self.t_adsorb + self.t_decomp
        #self.q_ref[i,j], self.q_in[i,j], self.cop[i,j], _ = ch.afterSolve(q_low,q_high,self.t_cycle[i,j])
        # End of desorption: P_cond, q_low
        T_d1 = self.pp_Td(X)
        # Skip decompression ...
        # End of adsorption: P_evap, q_high
        T_a1 = self.pp_Ta(Y)
        # End of compression: P_cond, q_high
        T_c1 = self.pp_Td(Y)

        m_ref = ch.spec.N_beds * (Y - X) * ch.spec.m2 / self.t_cycle
        DeltaH = WaterTQ2H(ch.ctrl.t_evap, 1) - WaterTQ2H(ch.ctrl.t_cond, 0)
        self.q_ref = m_ref * DeltaH
        # Changed: the Y and T_ terms require an integral.
        dead_mass_capacity = (ch.spec.m2 * ch.spec.c2 +
                              ch.spec.m1 * ch.spec.c1)

        Q_dot_in_compress = (ch.spec.N_beds / self.t_cycle) \
            * dead_mass_capacity * (T_c1 - T_a1)
        Q_dot_in_desorb = (m_ref * ch.spec.hads) \
            + (ch.spec.N_beds / self.t_cycle) \
            * (dead_mass_capacity * (T_d1 - T_c1) \
               + ch.spec.m2 * * (self.pp_qintegral(T_d1) - self.pp_qintegral(T_c1)))
        Q_dot_in = Q_dot_in_compress + Q_dot_in_desorb

        self.q_in = Q_dot_in
        self.cop = self.q_ref / self.q_in

        # Do not use this equation, it is wrong:
        #t_cycle = t_desorb + t_adsorb;
        # Desorb step fraction of the total time
        t_fractiond = self.t_desorb / self.t_cycle
        self.mask = logical_and(self.t_desorb >= 0, self.t_adsorb >= 0)
        mask1[self.mask] = 1
        masknan[self.mask] = 1
        # This gives a quick guess at the maximum
        Iflat = (self.q_ref * mask1).argmax()
        I1, I2 = unravel_index(Iflat, self.q_ref.shape)

        t_d_opt = self.t_desorb[I1, I2]
        t_e_opt = self.t_decomp[I1, I2]
        t_a_opt = self.t_adsorb[I1, I2]
        t_c_opt = self.t_compress[I1, I2]
        Q_max = self.q_ref[I1, I2]
        COP_max = self.cop[I1, I2]
        t_total = self.t_cycle[I1, I2]
        q_low = self.q_lows[I1 - 1]
        q_high = self.q_highs[I2 + 1]

        if refine:
            from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
            from scipy.optimize import minimize
            spline = RectBivariateSpline(self.q_lows, self.q_highs, self.q_ref)

            def fun(x):
                return -spline(x[0], x[1])

            opt = minimize(fun, array([[q_low, q_high]]))
            q_low, q_high = opt.x
            Q_max =
            t_d_opt = self.ppd(q_low) - self.ppd(q_high)
            t_e_opt = self.pp_decomp(q_low)
            t_a_opt = self.ppa(q_high) - self.ppa(q_low)
            t_c_opt = self.pp_comp(q_high)
            t_total = t_d_opt + t_e_opt + t_a_opt + t_c_opt
            T_d1_opt = self.pp_Td(q_high)
            T_a1_opt = self.pp_Ta(q_low)
            m_ref_opt = 2 * (q_high - q_low) * ch.spec.m2 / t_total
            q_in_opt = (m_ref_opt * ch.spec.hads) \
                + 2 * (ch.spec.m2 * (ch.spec.c2 + q_high * + ch.spec.m1 * ch.spec.c1) * (T_d1_opt - T_a1_opt) / (t_total)
            COP_max = Q_max / q_in_opt

        if False:
            if not refine:
            #CS = plt.contourf(X,Y,self.t_cycle)
            #clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10)
                           self.t_cycle * masknan,
            xlabel('Low mass ratio, $q_{low}$ (kg/kg)')
            ylabel('High mass ratio, $q_{high}$ (kg/kg)')
            title('Cycle time, $t_{cycle}$ (s)')

            fig = figure(3)
            ax = fig.gca()
            if not refine:
            #CS = plt.contourf(X,Y,t_fractiond*masknan)
            #clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10)
            plt.pcolormesh(X, Y, masknan * t_fractiond, vmin=0, vmax=1)
            xlabel('Low mass ratio, $q_{low}$ (kg/kg)')
            ylabel('High mass ratio, $q_{high}$ (kg/kg)')
            title('Desorption step fraction, $t_{des}/t_{cycle}$')

            fig = figure(4)
            if not refine:
            """ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
            #plot3([t_d_opt t_d_opt], [t_a_opt t_a_opt], [X(I1,I2) Y(I1,I2)], 'ko-')
            #set(gca,'xlim',[0, max(t_desorb(:))])
            #set(gca,'ylim',[0, max(t_adsorb(:))])
            xlabel('Desorb step time, $\Delta t$ (s)')
            ylabel('Adsorb step time, $\Delta t$ (s)')
            ax.set_zlabel('Mass ratio, $q$ (kg/kg)')"""
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
            ax.pcolormesh(X, Y, mask1 * self.q_ref)
            xlabel('Low mass ratio, $q_{low}$ (kg/kg)')
            ylabel('High mass ratio, $q_{high}$ (kg/kg)')
            title('Cooling capacity, $Q_{cool}$ (kW)')

            fig = figure(5)
            if not refine:
            if False:
                ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
                ax.plot_wireframe(self.t_desorb * masknan,
                                  self.t_adsorb * masknan,
                                  self.q_ref * masknan,
                ax.plot([t_d_opt, t_d_opt], [t_a_opt, t_a_opt], [0, Q_max],
                ax.set_zlabel('Cooling capacity, $Q_{cool}$ (kW)')
                #ax.plot_surface(self.t_desorb*masknan, self.t_adsorb*masknan, self.q_ref*masknan)
                ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
                #ax.contour(self.t_desorb*masknan, self.t_adsorb*masknan, self.q_ref*masknan)
                #ax.tripcolor((self.t_desorb*masknan).flat, (self.t_adsorb*masknan).flat, (self.q_ref*masknan).flat)
                # Uncomment this if you want
                tcf = ax.tricontourf(self.t_desorb[self.mask],
                if not refine:
                    ax.set_xlim([0, self.t_desorb.max()])
                    ax.set_ylim([0, self.t_adsorb.max()])
                ax.set_title('Cooling capacity, $Q_{cool}$ (kW)')
            ax.set_xlabel('Desorb step time, $\Delta t$ (s)')
            ax.set_ylabel('Adsorb step time, $\Delta t$ (s)')

        t_opts = (t_d_opt, t_e_opt, t_a_opt, t_c_opt)
        return t_opts, Q_max, COP_max, t_total, q_low, q_high