예제 #1
def isoMaxMass(isoage, isomh, isodict):
    isoMaxMass - Finds the dependence of max and min mass of isochrones on age and metallicity.

        isoage, isomh: arr of float
            - Ages and metallicities of isochrones in the database
        isodict: dict
            - Dictionary of isochrones

        Mmin_interp, Mmax_interp: RGI
            - Interpolant of min and max mass over age and metallicity space

    # Scaling interpolation
    agemh_scale = []
    for age in isoage:
        for mh in isomh:

            interpname = stringLength(age, mh, isodict)
            isochrone = isodict[interpname]

            # Extract information from isochrones
            Mi = isochrone[:, 2]

            # Madimum mass to be used for scaling functions
            Mmax = np.max(Mi)
            Mmin = np.min(Mi)

            agemh_scale.append([age, mh, Mmax, Mmin])

    agemh_scale = np.array(agemh_scale)
    agemh_scale = pd.DataFrame(agemh_scale,
                               columns=['age', 'mh', 'mmax', 'mmin'])

    agegrid = np.array(agemh_scale.age)
    mhgrid = np.array(agemh_scale.mh)

    agemh_scale.set_index(['age', 'mh'], inplace=True)
    Mmax = np.array(agemh_scale['mmax'].unstack())
    Mmin = np.array(agemh_scale['mmin'].unstack())

    Mmax_interp = RGI((isoage, isomh),
    Mmin_interp = RGI((isoage, isomh),

    return Mmin_interp, Mmax_interp
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, C_F, C_R, m, CoG_X, mu, alpha, CoP_X, C_la, rho, DriveType, gearRatio, tireRadius, fr, Lift2Drag, CarName, Pmax):
        self.C_F = C_F  #Cornering stiffnes front [N/rad]
        self.C_R = C_R  #Cornering stiffnes rear [N/rad]
        self.m = m      #Weight [kg] including driver
        self.CoG_X = CoG_X  #Center of gravity (0 at front axis, 1 at rear axis)
        self.mu = mu        #Friction coefficient between tire gum and street
        self.alpha = alpha  #Slip angle as optimum value [deg]
        self.CoP_X = CoP_X  #Center of pressure
        self.C_la = C_la    #Coefficient (lift coefficient*front area)
        self.rho = rho      #Rho
        self.DriveType = DriveType  #2WD or 4WD
        self.gearRatio = gearRatio
        self.tireRadius = tireRadius
        self.fr = fr        #Friction coefficient
        self.Lift2Drag = Lift2Drag
        self.CarName = CarName
        self.Pmax = Pmax
        self.DrivingRes = None

        # Create GGV Map
        ggVMap = GG_ESB_TwoDim(C_F, C_R, m, CoG_X, mu, alpha, CoP_X, C_la, rho, DriveType, gearRatio, tireRadius, fr, Lift2Drag )
        ax_upper_values, ax_lower_values, ay_values, speed_values = ggVMap.GGV_Map()
        #ggVMap.Plot_ggV(ax_upper_values, ax_lower_values, ay_values, speed_values) # Plot GGV map
        # ax_max, ax_min
        self.x_u = np.asarray(ax_upper_values)
        self.x_l = np.asarray(ax_lower_values)
        # ay
        self.y = np.asarray(ay_values)
        # vehicle speed
        self.v = np.asarray(speed_values)
        # find spot where ay is at it's max
        ymaxind = np.argmax(self.y[0, :])
        # find corresponding ax, ay, v
        self.xmax = self.x_u[:, ymaxind]
        self.ymax = self.y[:, ymaxind]
        self.vmax = self.v[:, ymaxind]

        # find limits when simulating forward and backward
        self.lim_f = RGI([self.v[:, 0], self.y[0, :ymaxind+1]/self.y[0, ymaxind]], self.x_u[:, :ymaxind+1])
        self.lim_r = RGI([self.v[:, 0], self.y[0, :ymaxind+1]/self.y[0, ymaxind]], self.x_l[:, :ymaxind+1])
        # find limit for lateral acceleration based on vehicle parameters
        self.lim_ay = RGI([(self.v[:, ymaxind])], self.y[:, ymaxind])
        self.upper_max_speed = self.vmax.max()
        self.min_curvature = self.y.max() / self.upper_max_speed**2
예제 #3
def shellChgDen(r,chgdat,grid,pVec,a):
    chg = addCHGlayer(chgdat,grid)
    x = np.linspace(0,1,grid[0]+1)
    y = np.linspace(0,1,grid[1]+1)
    z = np.linspace(0,1,grid[2]+1)
    # print(x)
    func = RGI((x,y,z),chg)
    # pts = (1/grid[0]*a[0],0,0)
    # pts = (0,0,0)
    # print(func(pts))
    thGrid = int(r*400)
    if thGrid < 200: thGrid = 200
    shellChgSum = 0
    pointN = 0
    for i in range(thGrid):
        th = math.pi*i/thGrid
        phGrid = int(round(thGrid*2*math.sin(th)))
        for j in range(phGrid):
            ph = 2*math.pi*j/(phGrid)

            x = r * math.sin(th) * math.cos(ph)
            y = r * math.sin(th) * math.sin(ph)
            z = r * math.cos(th)

            vec = [x,y,z]

            # set r center vector
            r1 = [e * 0.5 for e in pVec[0]]
            r2 = [e * 0.5 for e in pVec[1]]
            r3 = [e * 0.5 for e in pVec[2]]
            rcenter = list(map(sum, zip(r1,r2,r3)))

            v_c = list(map(sum, zip(vec,rcenter)))

            M = np.array([[pVec[0][0], pVec[1][0], pVec[2][0]],
                            [pVec[0][1], pVec[1][1], pVec[2][1]],
                            [pVec[0][2], pVec[1][2], pVec[2][2]]])
            inverseM = np.linalg.inv(M)

            r_c = inverseM.dot(v_c)

            # print(M)
            # print(r_c)
            # [i - j for i, j in zip(a, b)]
            # vecFromCenter = list(map(sum, zip(rcenter,vec)))
            # print(vecFromCenter)
            r_c[0] = r_c[0]%1.0
            r_c[1] = r_c[1]%1.0
            r_c[2] = r_c[2]%1.0

            pts = (r_c[0],r_c[1],r_c[2])
            # print(func(pts))
            shellChgSum += func(pts)
            pointN += 1
            # print(ph)
    rho = 0
    print(r, shellChgSum/pointN)
    # print(shellChgSum/pointN)

    return rho
예제 #4
    def interpolate_points(self, x, y, interpolator='rgi',
                           bounds_error=False, **kwargs):
        """Interpolates the current data at the points
            [(x_1,y_1), (x_2,y_2),...].

            x_axis (float): Same es as constructor.
            y_axis (float): Same es as constructor.
            interpolator (string): Specifies the underlying
                interpolation method to be used. Currently available:
                    rgi - RegularGridInterpolator from SciPy
            bounds_error (bool): If True interpolating outside current
                range will result in an error. If False data points
                outside will be filled with np.nan.
            **kwargs: Will be passed to the interpolation
                method, thus pass any arguments the chosen interpolation

            (float): List of data interpolated at the specified points.


        if interpolator == 'rgi':
            points = np.transpose([y, x])
            rgi = RGI((self.y_axis, self.x_axis), self.data,
                      bounds_error=bounds_error, **kwargs)

            intensities = np.array(rgi(points), dtype=np.float64)

            NotImplementedError('Chosen interpolator is unknown')

        return intensities
예제 #5
def get_delay_radar(ztd_file, cos_inc_angle, pts_new):
    """calc single path tropo delay in line-of-sight direction

    Parameters: ztd_file      - str, path of zenith delay file
                cos_inc_angle - 2D np.ndarray in (len, wid) in float32, cos(inc_angle)
                pts_new       - 2D np.ndarray in (len*wid, 2) in float32
    Returns:    delay         - 2D np.ndarray in float32, LOS delay
    # read ztd file
    delay_ztd, atr_ztd = readfile.read(ztd_file)
    # flip to be consistent with the reversed lats
    delay_ztd = np.flipud(delay_ztd)

    # pixel coordinates in ztd file
    lats, lons = ut.get_lat_lon(atr_ztd, dimension=1)
    # set lats in ascending order as required by RGI
    lats = np.flipud(lats)
    pts_ztd = ((lats.flatten(), lons.flatten()))

    # resample in pts_new coordinates
    RGI_func = RGI(pts_ztd,
    delay = RGI_func(pts_new)
    delay = delay.reshape(cos_inc_angle.shape)

    # project from zenith to line-of-sight
    delay /= cos_inc_angle

    # reverse the sign for consistency between different phase correction steps/methods
    delay *= -1

    return delay
예제 #6
def interpolate2d(oldx, oldy, vals, nx=None, ny=None, ret='interpolant', **kwargs):
    """ Interpolate values in a newer and/or finer grid.

    oldx, oldy: 1D array, 1D array
        Values of the old x and y axes.
    vals: 2D array
        Image pixel values associated with the old x and y axes.
    nx, ny: int, int | None, None
        Number of elements in the interpolated axes.
    ret: str | 'interpolant'
        Specification of the return parts.
    **kwargs: keyword arguments
        newx, newy: 1D array, 1D array
            Axes' values after interpolation.

    newx = kwargs.pop('newx', np.linspace(oldx.min(), oldx.max(), nx, endpoint=True))
    newy = kwargs.pop('newy', np.linspace(oldy.min(), oldy.max(), ny, endpoint=True))
    newxymesh = np.meshgrid(newx, newy, indexing='ij')
    newxy = np.stack(newxymesh, axis=-1).reshape((nx*ny, 2))

    vip = RGI((oldx, oldy), vals)
    vals_interp = vip(newxy).reshape((nx, ny))

    if ret == 'interpolant':
        return vals_interp, vip
    elif ret == 'all':
        return vals_interp, vip, newxymesh
예제 #7
파일: srdot.py 프로젝트: rennney/pochoir
def dotprod(pcb_3Dstrips_domain, pcb_domain, pcb_3Dstrips_sol, pcb_drift,
    #get Ew for a quarter if you look along the stripin  it slices through part with hole in the middle and takes right side up to the middle of the side hole

    points_ew = list()
    for num, spacing, origin in zip(pcb_3Dstrips_domain.shape,
        start = origin
        stop = origin + num * spacing
        points_ew.append(numpy.arange(start, stop, spacing))

    points_v = list()
    for num, spacing, origin in zip(pcb_domain.shape, pcb_domain.spacing,
        start = origin
        stop = origin + num * spacing
        points_v.append(numpy.arange(start, stop, spacing))

    ew_interp = [RGI(points_ew, ew_i) for ew_i in pcb_3Dstrips_sol]
    velo_interp = [RGI(points_v, v_i) for v_i in velo]

    #units of charge are unclear
    q = -1
    I = []
    #This is slow, my attempt to make it interpolate for all points in path at once did not work (now it is about 13s per 10000 time ticks on mac)
    for path in pcb_drift:
        I_i = []
        for point in path:
            #V is calcualted in quarter domain as drift is defined
            V = numpy.array([
                velo_interp[0](point)[0], velo_interp[1](point)[0],
            #shift x coord of the point to accomodate for an extra strips for Ew calculation
            shift = pcb_3Dstrips_domain.shape[0] * pcb_3Dstrips_domain.spacing[
                0] / 2.0
            point[0] = point[0] + shift
            E = numpy.array([
                ew_interp[0](point)[0], ew_interp[1](point)[0],
            i = q * numpy.dot(E, V)

    return I
예제 #8
def interpolate_me(histo):
    from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator as RGI
    import numpy as np
    xx  = np.linspace(0, 1, histo.shape[0])
    yy  = np.linspace(0, 1, histo.shape[1])
    zz  = np.linspace(0, 1, histo.shape[2])
    rgi = RGI((xx,yy,zz), histo, method='linear')
    return rgi
예제 #9
def backProjection_old(imageArray, RArray):  ##back projections
    N = imageArray.shape[0]
    #print('Computing imageHat')
    imageHat = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftn(imageArray))
    NRange = np.arange(-(N - 1) / 2, (N - 1) / 2 + 1, dtype=int)
    wxJ, wyJ = np.meshgrid(NRange, NRange)
    imageHat = (((-1)**np.abs(wxJ + wyJ)) / N**2) * imageHat
    imageHat = np.tile(imageHat[..., np.newaxis], [1, 1, N])

    #print("Computing l_j_hat")
    wz_j = NRange
    l_j = N * np.sinc(N * np.pi * wz_j)
    l_j_hat = np.tile(l_j[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, ...], [N, N, 1])

    #print("Creating rotated grid")
    wlx, wly, wlz = np.meshgrid(NRange, NRange, NRange)
    rot_grid = np.zeros((N, N, N, 3))  #this is a 3D 0 array

    for j in range(N):
        for k in range(N):
            for l in range(N):
                point = np.array([wlx[j, k, l], wly[j, k, l],
                                  wlz[j, k, l]]).reshape(3, 1)
                rot_grid[j, k, l] = np.dot(np.transpose(RArray),
                                           point).reshape(1, 3)
                '''point = np.array([wlx[j,k,l], wly[j,k,l], wlz[j,k,l]]) 
																rot_grid[j,k,l] = np.dot(RArray, point)
																print (rot_grid[j,k,l])
																print ('ok')'''
    imageHat_fnc = RGI((NRange, NRange, NRange),
    b_j_hat_fnc = RGI((NRange, NRange, NRange),

    imageHat = imageHat_fnc(rot_grid)
    l_j_hat = imageHat_fnc(rot_grid)

    b_j_hat = imageHat * l_j_hat
    b_j_hat = ((-1)**np.abs(wlx + wly + wlz) * (N**3)) * b_j_hat
    b_j = np.fft.ifftn(np.fft.ifftshift(b_j_hat))

    return np.real(b_j)
예제 #10
def findConsumptionFunction(par, sol, grids, vals):
    diff_cfunc = np.inf
    it = 0
    while diff_cfunc > par.tol_cfunc:

        it += 1
        c_old = sol['c'].copy()
        avg_marg_plus = np.full((par.Na, par.Nu), 0.0)
        for i_uplus in range(par.Nu):

            c_plus_interp = RGI(
                [np.insert(grids['m_mat'][:, i_uplus], 0, 0.0)],
                values=sol['c'][:, i_uplus],
            m_plus = vals['R_eq'] * grids['a_mat'] + vals['y_plus'][i_uplus]
            c_plus = np.reshape(c_plus_interp(m_plus.ravel()), m_plus.shape)
            marg_u_plus = par.marg_util(par, c_plus)
            trans_mat = np.repeat(par.trans_u[:, i_uplus].ravel(),
            avg_marg_plus = avg_marg_plus + par.beta * vals[
                'R_eq'] * np.multiply(trans_mat, marg_u_plus)

        c = par.inv_marg_util(par, avg_marg_plus)
        m = grids['a_mat'] + c

        for i_u in range(par.Nu):
            Gm = np.insert(grids['m'], 0, 0.0)
            M = np.insert(m[:, i_u], 0, 0.0)
            C = np.insert(c[:, i_u], 0, 0.0)
            c_interp = RGI([M],
            sol['c'][:, i_u] = c_interp(Gm)

        diff_cfunc = max(abs(c_old.ravel() - sol['c'].ravel()))

        assert (it < 2000)
    return sol
예제 #11
def plot_surface_dgrid(dgrid_np, data, value, rlpbc, select='all', opacity=1.0, cscale=None, stepsize=2):
    # import h5py
    import numpy as np
    import ase
    from ase.io import read
    import copy 
    dgrid_np_copy = copy.deepcopy(dgrid_np)
    # data = read(path_to_cif)

    A_unit = ase.geometry.complete_cell(data.get_cell()).T

    # hfile         = h5py.File(path_to_h5)
    # grid      = np.array(hfile[gridname])
    # * To select only a few reqions,
    # * Find all the regions that are not in the list, change the distance value to something absurd.

    if select != 'all':
        dgrid_np_copy[np.isin(rlpbc, select, assume_unique=False, invert=True)]=-10

    # * FInd the isosurface
    from skimage.measure import marching_cubes_lewiner as mcl
    verts, faces, normals, values = mcl(dgrid_np_copy, value, step_size=stepsize)#, spacing=[0.2,0.2,0.2])

    if cscale==None:
        # * Make a colorscale if no colorscale is provided
        cvals = np.linspace(0,1, (rlpbc.max()).astype(np.int))
        cscale=[[cvals[i],"rgb("+np.str(np.random.randint(0,256))+','+np.str(np.random.randint(0,256))+','+np.str(np.random.randint(0,256))+')'] for i in range((rlpbc.max()).astype(np.int))]

    #* Find the colour for the vertices
    from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator as RGI
    xx = np.linspace(0, rlpbc.shape[0]-1, rlpbc.shape[0])
    yy = np.linspace(0, rlpbc.shape[1]-1, rlpbc.shape[1])
    zz = np.linspace(0, rlpbc.shape[2]-1, rlpbc.shape[2])
    rl = RGI((xx,yy,zz), rlpbc, method='nearest')
    colours = rl(verts)
    import plotly.graph_objects as go
    #* Find the actual coordinates
    hovertext=["Region: "+str(int(c)) for c in colours]
    true_verts = np.dot(A_unit, (verts/rlpbc.shape).T).T
    data_plot = go.Mesh3d(x=true_verts[:,0],y=true_verts[:,1],z=true_verts[:,2],intensity=colours.astype(np.int), hoverinfo='all', hovertext=hovertext, flatshading=False, colorscale=cscale , i=faces[:,0],j=faces[:,1],k=faces[:,2], opacity =opacity, name='Pores')
    # data_plot.update(               lighting=dict(ambient=0.18,
    #                                             diffuse=1,
    #                                             fresnel=0.1,
    #                                             specular=1,
    #                                             roughness=0.05,
    #                                             facenormalsepsilon=1e-15,
    #                                             vertexnormalsepsilon=1e-15),
    #                                 lightposition=dict(x=10,
    #                                             y=10,
    #                                             z=30
    #                                                 ),showscale=False
    #                 )

    return data_plot
예제 #12
 def __init__(self, domain, vfield):
     The vfield give vector feild on domain.
     points = list()
     for num, spacing, origin in zip(domain.shape, domain.spacing,
         start = origin
         stop = origin + num * spacing
         points.append(np.arange(start, stop, spacing))
     self.interp = [RGI(points, coord) for coord in vfield]
예제 #13
    def __create_potacc_interpolators(self, r, theta, pot):
        """Set up interpolators for potential and acceleration."""
        q = np.log(r)
        self.__f_pot = RGI((q, theta), pot)

        # first derivs via finite differencing
        dpdq = np.diff(pot, axis=0) / np.diff(q)[:, None]
        dpdth = np.diff(pot, axis=1) / np.diff(theta)[None, :]

        # average derivs in 'other' dimension to make appropriate grid shapes
        dpdq = 0.5 * (dpdq[:, 1:] + dpdq[:, :-1])
        dpdth = 0.5 * (dpdth[1:, :] + dpdth[:-1, :])

        # cell centre coordinates
        q_cen = 0.5 * (q[1:] + q[:-1])
        th_cen = 0.5 * (theta[1:] + theta[:-1])
        q_g, theta_g = np.meshgrid(q_cen, th_cen, indexing='ij')
        r_g = np.exp(q_g)

        # convert derivs to cylindrical coords
        sth = np.sin(theta_g)
        cth = np.cos(theta_g)
        dpdR = (dpdq * sth + dpdth * cth) / r_g
        dpdz = (dpdq * cth - dpdth * sth) / r_g

        # on disc plane, set z gradient to zero exactly
        i = th_cen.size // 2
        dpdz[:, i] = 0

        # add values on polar axis
        Nq = q_cen.size
        dpdR_new = np.hstack((np.zeros((Nq, 1)), dpdR, np.zeros((Nq, 1))))
        dpdz_ax = np.sqrt(dpdR[:, 0]**2 + dpdz[:, 0]**2)[:, None]
        dpdz_new = np.hstack((dpdz_ax, dpdz, -dpdz_ax))
        th_cen = np.hstack((0, th_cen, pi))

        # interpolators for cylindrical coords
        self.__f_aR = RGI((q_cen, th_cen), -dpdR_new)
        self.__f_az = RGI((q_cen, th_cen), -dpdz_new)

예제 #14
    def __init__(self, photons, assume_symmetry=[], binning='auto'):
        self.ndim = 1 + photons.ndim - len(assume_symmetry)
        if binning == 'auto':
            binning = np.linspace(
                0.0, 1.0,
                int((len(photons) * photons.n_steps)**(1.0 /
                                                       (self.ndim + 1.0))) + 1)
        if type(binning) == int:
            binning = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, binning)
        t = photons.t.flatten()
        x = photons.x.reshape(-1, photons.ndim)
        r = np.linalg.norm(x, axis=-1)
        vals = [t, r]
        self.bins = [binning * np.max(t), binning * np.max(r)]
        self.signature = 'f(t,r'

        if photons.ndim == 2:
            if 'phi' not in assume_symmetry:
                phi = np.arccos(x[:, 0] / r)
                self.bins.append(binning * 2.0 * np.pi)
                self.signature += ',phi'

        elif photons.ndim == 3:
            if 'theta' not in assume_symmetry:
                theta = np.arccos(x[:, 2] / r)
                self.bins.append(binning * np.pi)
                self.signature += ',theta'

            if 'phi' not in assume_symmetry:
                phi = np.arctan(x[:, 1], x[:, 0])
                self.bins.append(2.0 * np.pi * binning - np.pi)
                self.signature += ',phi'

        self.signature += ')'
        self.H, _ = np.histogramdd(vals, self.bins)
        self.t = [(b[1:] + b[:-1]) * 0.5 for b in self.bins]
        if self.ndim == 2:
            self.interpolator = RBS(*self.t,
                                    np.log(self.H + 1e-8),
                                    bbox=[0.0, np.max(t), 0.0,
            self.interpolator_ = RGI(self.t,
            self.interpolator = lambda *x: self.interpolator_(x)
예제 #15
    def step(self, vals, dt):
        """Passage de l'instant t à t - delta_t, contrôle supposé bang-bang.

        :param vals: Tableau des valeurs
        :type vals: numpy.array (len(self.xs), len(self.ys))
        :param dt: pas de temps
        :type dt: float
        p_libre, p_bang = self.nouveaux_points(dt)
        approx = RGI((self.xs, self.ys), vals)
        v_libre = approx(p_libre)
        v_bang = approx(p_bang)
        return np.minimum(v_libre, v_bang).reshape(len(self.xs), len(self.ys))
예제 #16
def plot_surface_h5(path_to_h5, gridname, t1, value, rlpbc, select='all', opacity=1.0):
    import h5py
    import numpy as np
    from ase.io import read
    data = read(t1.file)
    A_unit = data.get_cell().T

    hfile         = h5py.File(path_to_h5,'r')
    grid      = np.array(hfile[gridname])

    # * To select only a few reqions,
    # * Find all the regions that are not in the list, change the distance value to something absurd.

    if select != 'all':
        grid[np.isin(rlpbc, select, assume_unique=False, invert=True)]=-10
        # faces = faces[np.isin(colours, select, assume_unique=False, invert=False)]
    # * FInd the isosurface
    from skimage.measure import marching_cubes_lewiner as mcl
    verts, faces, normals, values = mcl(grid, value, step_size=1)#, spacing=[0.2,0.2,0.2])

    # * Make a colorscale
    cvals = np.linspace(0,1,32)
    cscale=[[cvals[i],"rgb("+np.str(np.random.randint(0,256))+','+np.str(np.random.randint(0,256))+','+np.str(np.random.randint(0,256))+')'] for i in range(32)]

    #* Find the colour for the vertices
    from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator as RGI
    xx = np.linspace(0, rlpbc.shape[0]-1, rlpbc.shape[0])
    yy = np.linspace(0, rlpbc.shape[1]-1, rlpbc.shape[1])
    zz = np.linspace(0, rlpbc.shape[2]-1, rlpbc.shape[2])
    rl = RGI((xx,yy,zz), rlpbc, method='nearest')
    colours = rl(verts)
    import plotly.graph_objects as go
    #* Find the actual coordinates
    hovertext=["Region: "+str(c) for c in colours]
    true_verts = np.dot(A_unit, (verts/rlpbc.shape).T).T
    data_plot = go.Mesh3d(x=true_verts[:,0],y=true_verts[:,1],z=true_verts[:,2],intensity=colours, hoverinfo='all', hovertext=hovertext, flatshading=False, colorscale=cscale , i=faces[:,0],j=faces[:,1],k=faces[:,2], showscale=False, opacity =opacity, name='Pores')
    # data_plot = go.Mesh3d(x=true_verts[:,0],y=true_verts[:,1],z=true_verts[:,2], alphahull=5, intensity=colours.astype(np.int), hoverinfo='all', hovertext=hovertext, flatshading=False, colorscale=cscale, showscale=False, opacity =opacity, name='Pores')
    data_plot.update(               lighting=dict(ambient=0.18,

    return data_plot
예제 #17
def getPointCHG(point,chgdat,grid,pVec,a):
    chg = addCHGlayer(chgdat,grid)
    x = np.linspace(0,1,grid[0]+1)
    y = np.linspace(0,1,grid[1]+1)
    z = np.linspace(0,1,grid[2]+1)
    # print(x)
    func = RGI((x,y,z),chg)
    # pts = (1/grid[0]*a[0],0,0)
    # pts = (0,0,0)
    # print(func(pts))

    pointCHG = func(point)

    return pointCHG
예제 #18
def getPointsCHG(lis_points,chgdat,grid,pVec,a):
    chg = addCHGlayer(chgdat,grid)
    x = np.linspace(0,1,grid[0]+1)
    y = np.linspace(0,1,grid[1]+1)
    z = np.linspace(0,1,grid[2]+1)
    # print(x)
    func = RGI((x,y,z),chg)
    # pts = (1/grid[0]*a[0],0,0)
    # pts = (0,0,0)
    # print(func(pts))
    lis = []
    for p in lis_points:
        lis.append(pointCHG = func(p))
    return lis
예제 #19
def get_bead_labels(region_labels, shifted_coord, cell, specie_name):
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator as RGI
    chain_length      = {'C7':7,'C8':8,'C9':9,'C10':10,'C11':11,'C12':12,'C13':13,'C14':14,'C15':15,'C16':16}
    xx                = np.linspace(0,cell[0],region_labels.shape[0])
    yy                = np.linspace(0,cell[1],region_labels.shape[1])
    zz                = np.linspace(0,cell[2],region_labels.shape[2])
    rl                = RGI((xx,yy,zz),region_labels, method='nearest')
    bead_labels       = rl(shifted_coord).reshape(-1,chain_length[specie_name])
    number_of_regions = len(np.unique(region_labels))
    molecule_groups   = []
    for i in range(number_of_regions):
    # molecule_groups.pop[0]
    return molecule_groups[1:], bead_labels
예제 #20
    def run_regular_grid_interpolator(self, src_data, interp_method='nearest', fill_value=np.nan, print_msg=True):
        """Interpolate 2D matrix"""
        # prepare interpolation function
        rgi_func = RGI(self.src_pts,

        # prepare output matrix
        geo_data = np.empty((self.length, self.width), src_data.dtype)

        # interpolate output matrix
        geo_data[self.interp_mask] = rgi_func(self.dest_pts)
        return geo_data
예제 #21
def interp(sol2D, arr3D, barr3D, dom2D, dom3D, xcoord):

    points = list()
    for num, spacing, origin in zip(dom2D.shape, dom2D.spacing, dom2D.origin):
        start = origin
        stop = origin + num * spacing
        points.append(numpy.arange(start, stop, spacing))

                     dom3D.origin[1] + (dom3D.shape[1]) * dom3D.spacing[1],

    shape2D_ext = (dom2D.shape[0], dom3D.shape[1], dom2D.shape[1])
    sol2D_ext = numpy.zeros(shape2D_ext)

    for j in range(dom3D.shape[1]):
        sol2D_ext[:, j, :] = sol2D

    func_interp = RGI(points, sol2D_ext)

    barr3D[0, :, :] = 1
    barr3D[-1, :, :] = 1

    points3D_x = numpy.array([
        dom2D.spacing[0] * dom2D.shape[0] / 2 - xcoord,
        dom2D.spacing[0] * dom2D.shape[0] / 2 + xcoord
    points3D_z = numpy.arange(
        dom3D.origin[2], dom3D.origin[2] + (dom3D.shape[2]) * dom3D.spacing[2],
    points3D_y = numpy.arange(
        dom3D.origin[1], dom3D.origin[1] + (dom3D.shape[1]) * dom3D.spacing[1],

    #this part probably can be done faster
    for j in range(dom3D.shape[1]):
        points3D_i = list()
        points3D_f = list()
        for z in points3D_z:
            points3D_i.append(numpy.array([points3D_x[0], points3D_y[j], z]))
            points3D_f.append(numpy.array([points3D_x[1], points3D_y[j], z]))
        arr3D[0, j, :] = func_interp(points3D_i)
        arr3D[-1, j, :] = func_interp(points3D_f)

    return arr3D, barr3D
예제 #22
def simulate(par, sol, sim, vals, a_dist, grids):
    # IN: par, sol, sim, a_dist
    # Out: sim, a_dist
    # 1 predifened values
    sim['L'] = np.full((par.simT), ((1 - par.unemp) * par.lbar))
    sim['K'] = np.full((par.simT), np.nan)
    sim['R'] = np.full((par.simT), vals['R_eq'])
    sim['W'] = np.full((par.simT), vals['W_eq'])
    #2 time loop
    for t in range(par.simT):

        #1 capital
        sim['K'][t] = np.mean(a_dist)

        for i_u in range(par.Nu):

            #a select on h
            Index = sim['h'][:, t] == i_u  #unemployed

            #b. Generate income
            if i_u == 0:
                y = par.mu * sim['W'][t]
                fac = par.unemp / (1 - par.unemp)
                y = (par.lbar - fac * par.mu) * sim['W'][t]

            #c Cash-on-hand
            m = sim['R'][t] * a_dist[Index] + y

            #d consumption
            Gm = np.insert(grids['m'], 0, 0.0)
            c_interp = RGI([Gm],
                           values=sol['c'][:, i_u],
            c = c_interp(m)

            #e End-of-peride assets
            a_dist[Index] = m - c

        #2 Checking for boundaries
        Index = a_dist < par.a_min
        a_dist[Index] = par.a_min
        Index = a_dist > par.a_max
        a_dist[Index] = par.a_max
    return sim, a_dist
예제 #23
def interpolate_data(inData, outShape, interpMethod='linear'):
    """Interpolate input 2D matrix into different shape.
    Used to get full resolution perp baseline from ISCE coarse grid baseline file.
    Parameters: inData : 2D array
                outShape : tuple of 2 int in (length, width)
                interpMethod : string, choose in [nearest, linear, cubic]
    Returns:    outData : 2D array in outShape
    from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator as RGI
    inShape = inData.shape
    inPts = (np.arange(inShape[0]), np.arange(inShape[1]))
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, inShape[1]-1, outShape[1], endpoint=False),
                         np.linspace(0, inShape[0]-1, outShape[0], endpoint=False))
    outPts = np.hstack((yy.reshape(-1, 1), xx.reshape(-1, 1)))
    outData = RGI(inPts, inData, method=interpMethod,
    return outData
예제 #24
파일: cube.py 프로젝트: andersx/qctoolkit
    def interpolate(self, **kwargs):

        if 'method' in kwargs:
            method = kwargs['method']
            method = 'linear'

        xs = self.linepoints(self, 0)
        ys = self.linepoints(self, 1)
        zs = self.linepoints(self, 2)
        interp = RGI((xs, ys, zs),
        self.interp = interp
        return interp
예제 #25
    def __init__(self, domain, vfield):
        The vfield give vector feild on domain.
        shape = domain.shape
        spacing = domain.spacing
        origin = domain.origin
        points = list()

        self.calls = 0

        for dim in range(len(domain.shape)):
            start = origin[dim]
            stop = origin[dim] + shape[dim] * spacing[dim]
            rang = numpy.arange(start, stop, spacing[dim])
            print("interp dim:", dim, rang.shape, vfield[dim].shape)

        self.interp = [RGI(points, component) for component in vfield]
예제 #26
    def path_accumulation(self, field):
        This function performs a line integral of the quantity 'field' along each path
        that has been defined on the grid. In practice this is done by using the values
        of field defined in each cell to interpolate to the value of the field at each
        segment of the path. Once these values are known they can be used, along with
        the actual equations of the path segments themselves, to perform the line

            field : field class instance
                The field to be integrated along each path

        # Build list of coordinates for the interpolator object. This list is comprised
        # of a series of 1D arrays (1 array for each dimension). Each array contains the
        # coordinates of the known points in that dimension (i.e., the first array has all
        # of the x coordinates for the grid points, the second has all the y, etc.). I
        # feel like the first part of this (creating the coordinate arrays) should be
        # moved to the constructor, because having to separate out the coordinates for
        # every field you want to accumulate is dumb, since it's the same thing each time.
        coords = []
        for i in range(self.ndims):
        for c in self.grid:
            for i in range(self.ndims):
        # Now build the data array (must have the same shape as the grid). This can
        # probably be done when assigning the field to each grid cell.
        data = np.zeros(self.grid.shape)
        it = np.nditer(self.grid, flags=['multi_index'])
        while not it.finished:
            data[it.multi_index] = self.grid[it.multi_index][field.name]
        # Instantiate interpolation object (possible issue (?): this presupposes that
        # the cells are accessed in the same order when building the coords list and
        # the data array. MAKE SURE THIS IS TRUE!!!!!)
        interp = RGI(coords, data)
예제 #27
 def __init__(self, x, filter=None, k=.01, spring_type = 'quadratic', projected = True,mapfile = 'final.tif'
     self.x , self.spring_type, self.k, self.projected = x, spring_type, k, projected
     self.mapfile = mapfile
     self.m = x.shape[0]
     self.n = x.shape[1]
     self.solved = False
     self.eps = 1e-5
     self.image = np.array(Image.open(self.mapfile))
     self.original = np.copy(self.image)
     if filter is not None:
         numtaps = 129
         filt = remez(numtaps, [0,filter-.02,filter+.02, .5],desired = [1,1e-4])
         filt = np.outer(filt,filt)
         # plt.imshow(filt)
         # plt.show()
         self.image = oaconvolve(self.image, filt,mode='same')
     self.map = RGI([np.linspace(0,self.image.shape[1]-1,self.image.shape[1]),
예제 #28
def regrid_model(mod, new_x, new_y, new_z):
    x, y, z = (edge2center(arr) for arr in (mod.dx, mod.dy, mod.dz))
    X, Y, Z = (edge2center(arr) for arr in (new_x, new_y, new_z))
    X_grid, Y_grid, Z_grid = np.meshgrid(X, Y, Z)
    X_grid, Y_grid, Z_grid = (np.ravel(arr)
                              for arr in (X_grid, Y_grid, Z_grid))
    # interp = griddata((x_grid, y_grid, z_grid),
    #                   np.ravel(mod.vals),
    #                   (X_grid, Y_grid, Z_grid),
    #                   method='nearest')
    interp = RGI((y, x, z),
                 np.transpose(mod.vals, [1, 0, 2]),
    query_points = np.array((Y_grid, X_grid, Z_grid)).T
    new_vals = interp(query_points)
    new_vals = np.reshape(new_vals, [len(Y), len(X), len(Z)])
    new_vals = np.transpose(new_vals, [1, 0, 2])
    return new_vals
예제 #29
    def generate_transect2D(self):
        if not (self.transect_plot['easting']
                and self.transect_plot['northing']):
        qx, qy = self.interpolate_between_points(
            self.transect_plot['easting'], self.transect_plot['northing'])
        qz = np.array(self.clip_model.dz)
        query_points = np.zeros((len(qx) * len(qz), 3))
        faces = np.zeros(((len(qx) - 1) * (len(qz) - 1), 5))
        cc = 0
        cc2 = 0
        for ix in range(len(qx)):
            for ii, iz in enumerate(qz):
                query_points[cc, :] = np.array((qx[ix], qy[ix], iz))
                if ii < len(qz) - 1 and ix < len(qx) - 1:
                    faces[cc2, 0] = 4
                    faces[cc2, 1] = cc
                    faces[cc2, 2] = cc + 1
                    faces[cc2, 3] = len(qz) + cc + 1
                    faces[cc2, 4] = len(qz) + cc
                    cc2 += 1
                cc += 1

        cell_N, cell_E, cell_z = self.clip_model.cell_centers()
        vals = np.transpose(np.log10(self.clip_model.vals), [1, 0, 2])
        self.interpolator = RGI((cell_E, cell_N, cell_z),
        interp_vals = self.interpolator(query_points)
        # self.map.window['axes'][0].plot(qx, qy, 'k--')
        # self.canvas['2D'].draw()
        # debug_print
        self.interp_vals = np.reshape(interp_vals, [len(qx), len(qz)])
        self.qx = qx
        self.qy = qy
        self.qz = qz
        self.query_points = query_points
        self.faces = faces
예제 #30
def reconstruction(image, R):
    R = np.transpose(R)
    a = R[0]
    b = R[1]

    b_j_hat, l_j_hat = backProjection(image)

    N = image.shape[0]
    NRange = np.arange(-(N - 1) / 2, (N - 1) / 2 + 1, dtype=int)
    # rotated coordinates
    rot_x, rot_y, rot_z = np.meshgrid(
        np.arange(-(N - 1) / 2, (N - 1) / 2 + 1, dtype=int),
        np.arange(-(N - 1) / 2, (N - 1) / 2 + 1, dtype=int),
        np.arange(-(N - 1) / 2, (N - 1) / 2 + 1, dtype=int))

    rot_x = rot_x[..., np.newaxis] * a
    rot_y = rot_y[..., np.newaxis] * b
    rot_z = rot_z[..., np.newaxis] * np.cross(a, b)

    grid = rot_x + rot_y + rot_z

    # standard coordinates
    x = np.arange(-(N - 1) / 2, (N - 1) / 2 + 1)
    y = np.arange(-(N - 1) / 2, (N - 1) / 2 + 1)
    z = np.arange(-(N - 1) / 2, (N - 1) / 2 + 1)

    b_j_hat_f = (RGI(points=[x, y, z],

    interpolated = b_j_hat_f(grid)
    w_x, w_y, w_z = np.meshgrid(
        np.arange(-(N - 1) / 2, (N - 1) / 2 + 1, dtype=int),
        np.arange(-(N - 1) / 2, (N - 1) / 2 + 1, dtype=int),
        np.arange(-(N - 1) / 2, (N - 1) / 2 + 1, dtype=int))
    interpolated = np.exp(-np.pi * 1j *
                          (w_x + w_y + w_z)) / N**3 * interpolated
    return interpolated, l_j_hat